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Pontoon Boat vs Catamaran: What’s the Difference?

pontoon boat vs catamaran

There are many types of boats. Despite sharing many similarities, some boats are better than others for a specific use, and after scouring every source of information, maybe you still can’t find the right guide regarding the topic of a pontoon boat vs catamaran.

Well, say no more, because this is the one you’re looking for.

We’ll take a look at which is which and what the better choice is for a potential buyer. So let’s get down to the basics first.

What makes a pontoon boat a pontoon boat, and what makes a catamaran a catamaran.

Pontoon Boat

A pontoon boat is a type of boat focused on recreation. It's easily identifiable by its unique hull structure, and large deck area. The boat itself does not float on water but rather sits on top of a set of floatation devices called pontoons hence its name.

These pontoons are filled with air inside and are air-tight like a balloon. Also they are practically unsinkable due to their design and they work amazingly well even when in shallow waters .

The pontoons themselves have high carrying capacity and give a sense of security to the owner knowing that he/she can carry a lot of passengers and gear. For reference, military-grade pontoons can even carry fully loaded armored tanks, so yeah pontoons are amazing.

Pontoon boat manufacturers just add a deck , a roof, and other amenities and accessories on top of these pontoons. Think of a living room stacked on top of a set of hotdog-shaped lifebuoys, add an engine to that and that’s pretty much what a pontoon is.

A catamaran is a type of boat that is also easily identifiable due to its unusual hull design. Unlike a common yacht or fishing boat that has a v-shaped hull, a catamaran takes this one step further by having two v-shaped hulls, one on either side and connected by a bridge deck.

This has several benefits including increased stability, a larger deck space, can be used on shallower water, and has better fuel efficiency since less of the boat is in contact with the water.

Imagine two boats side to side, with a living room connecting both of them, and that’s pretty much what a catamaran is.

Pontoons vs Catamarans

difference between pontoons and catamarans

Both have unique hull designs, both are stable and both have massive deck sizes. So they’re practically the same boat right?

Well, no. Despite being similar in many aspects, they are designed with different purposes in mind, and thus are better in their respective roles.

But before we head down to what makes a pontoon boat better than a catamaran or vice versa, let’s focus on the differences between them in each criterion the average boater should have knowledge of.

Pontoon boats are great for relaxation and cruising. They have a wide-open deck that is well suited for these types of activities. If you love feeling the wind in your face as you move through the water at a relaxing pace, then a pontoon boat is perfect for you.

Catamarans are designed with sailing and open water cruising and thus have a more luxurious indoor setup, but also have a high visibility upper viewing deck for sightseeing. If you’d like to bring an entire house with all the amenities on those marine adventures, catamarans are one of the best options for this.

Hulls and Deck Access

Earlier we’ve introduced that pontoon boats do not have a hull of their own but rather a set of pontoons, commonly two of them with a special case being tritoons which as the name suggests have three pontoons keeping the deck afloat.

Pontoon boats have a high amount of buoyancy due to their design and are capable of shallow water travel, high carrying capacity, due to the increased surface area in contact with the water.

The moment you step onto a pontoon boat, you’re already on the deck. As these boats are known for their wide-open and flat deck, climbing on top of one is easy enough as the deck itself is just a few inches above the waterline. Pontoon boats also have multiple access points which are easy enough to maneuver through.

A catamaran, on the other hand, uses the standard v-shaped hull but has two of them side by side and is connected in the middle by the bridge deck. Using a v-shaped hull means that a catamaran can travel at speed, and since it has two of them, the increased buoyancy allows it to travel on shallow waters and have reduced hydrodynamic friction leading to more speed, stability, and a better fuel economy.

Deck access on a catamaran is a bit more difficult compared to that of a pontoon, as it requires you to use a series of steps and ladders to reach the upper deck because it lies a few feet above the waterline in stark contrast to the few inches a pontoon decks height rests at.

Catamarans have rooms and thus larger doors which may be uncomfortable to fit through for some, but it does have luxury and security in mind and has a limited amount of access points compared to a pontoon boat.

Pontoon boats are recreational by design, and thus they are of a smaller size. They lie somewhere around 15-50 feet, which is plenty of room for whatever short-term activity you have in store for it.

Catamarans in comparison to pontoon boats have massive berths because they are designed for luxury cruising and can handle a wider variety of weather conditions. You can’t take a pontoon boat out on the open water, but a catamaran can handle both open and shallow water. These vessels range from around 40 to even 145 feet in length.

Intended Use

Pontoon boats are great for short-term social gatherings, fishing , and watersports like skiing and tubing . They are intended to be used as recreational vessels and they are absolutely outstanding in that regard.

Catamarans are meant for travel while being at the highest tier of the luxury and performance side of things. Thus if you’d like to have everything on your boat, because you travel from one place to another, yet want to maintain comfort, speed and then some, then catamarans are for you.

Propulsion is the method by which a boat moves forward, thus we’re going to be comparing the catamaran and the pontoon boat in this aspect. But before that, we need to understand that the catamaran and pontoon boat are designed differently and there will be a clear winner in each category.

Catamarans are mostly powered by sails. High-end catamaran boats do have engines, but they use these sparingly and only in emergencies. Being powered by sails, engine noise is not an issue for catamarans.

Pontoons, on the other hand, can be mounted with multiple engines of varying horsepowers, and a solar-powered version can even come with an electric engine if you prefer a more silent ride.

Sails rely on wind and can be powerful when used correctly, unfortunately, there will be some use cases where there are no winds, and using the catamaran’s engine just doesn’t cut it. That said for long-distance travel out in the open water, nothing beats the efficiency of being able to move your boat for free.

As pontoons have their own dedicated engines, power is constant and can be delivered on cue. If you want power at any given time rather than over a period of time, pontoons have this in the bag.

Pontoons can travel at around 15-25 miles an hour, which is more than enough speed for your average watersports enthusiast and can cruise slow enough for more relaxing boating trips. For more details see our guide: Pontoon Boat Speeds

Catamarans can travel around 11-17 miles an hour and are roughly a third faster than their monohull counterparts. As previously discussed, catamarans rely on the wind thus their speed varies greatly, however for long-distance trips over a comparably long span of time where high speed isn’t really a necessity, catamarans win easily.


Pontoons can carry a relatively sizeable number of passengers during a single trip and are capable of pulling inflatables or nets when needed as pontoons tend to be quite powerful despite their compact size.

Catamarans can do almost everything that a pontoon can do and more. It has viewing decks, living quarters, bathrooms, and a fully functioning kitchen. However, it isn’t entirely perfect since it can’t produce power on cue due to its reliance on wind power, thus although it can be used for watersports, it can be very unstable in that respect.

Catamarans generally are the more expensive type of boat, as they are practically floating hotels, with a living room, sleeping quarters, bathrooms, and a fully furnished kitchen. They cost roughly around a few tens of thousands to a few million dollars depending on the size, capabilities, and luxuries included.

Do take into account the fact that a catamaran is basically a floating hotel, and by comparing the cost of staying in different luxurious hotels over a long period of time vs the cost of owning and maintaining a catamaran, the catamaran is a more practical choice.

The most expensive pontoons out there can rival the lower tier catamarans in terms of price, but do take this comparison with a grain of salt as this is an apple to oranges kind of thing.

Pontoons do come with a lower price, but they are focused purely on the recreational types of activities and are severely limited compared to the versatility of a catamaran.


A pontoon boat requires regular hull and deck cleaning as well as engine maintenance. Interior and hull detailing is required for salt, or wax buildup as well as regular upkeep of the upholstery. The upholstery on a pontoon boat can be a big problem when not properly maintained as they are constantly exposed to the elements thus a good pontoon boat cover when not using the boat is advised.

A catamaran is designed to face the weather 24/7 and has no engine for the most part thus requires significantly less maintenance compared to a pontoon. The interior is affected less by the weather and more by passenger use, but it still needs to be checked every now and then. Do expect an estimate of around 10% of the catamaran’s price for the cost of maintenance each year.

Resale Value

For catamarans expect a depreciation rate of around 5% on average every year, and maybe more if the boat is not properly taken care of. Some catamarans that are built and ordered abroad will have their resale value affected by currency fluctuations, so if you’re lucky enough you could sell it for the price you bought it, after currency conversions.

As for pontoons, the depreciation rate is somewhere around 8-9% per year over the course of a 10 year period, but this rate can drop down to 4% per year for the largest of pontoons. Pontoon boats are easier to acquire thus you will always sell them for a loss. We have written extensively on pontoon boat depreciation so check that guide out for more details.

What a Catamaran is Best For


The experienced boater. For those who are skilled and capable and want to go on marine voyages for extended periods of time. That said even though the passenger numbers are limited it can go further and through a variety of weather conditions, in complete luxury and safety.

  • Long voyages
  • Open water and shallow water cruising
  • Luxury accommodations
  • Living spaces
  • Not reliant on fuel
  • Cannot have power on demand

What a Pontoon is Best For

The weekend warrior. Pontoon boats work best during day trips and through a plethora of water-based activities and can be versatile due to their simplistic design. The capability of bringing a relatively large number of passengers and equipment for its size, make it an ideal workboat for transport if that be the case.

  • Short trips
  • Water sports
  • Social gatherings
  • Power on demand
  • More affordable
  • Shallow water cruising only
  • Passengers exposed to the elements
  • The deck is the only utilizable space

In summary, pontoon boats are focused on short-term recreational trips and are generally cheaper in cost and maintenance. Catamarans on the other hand are luxurious and designed for longer trips out on the open water, accompanying these capabilities are equally more expensive price and cost of upkeep.

Given that it is necessary that in order to make an informed decision, one must consider each factor regarding what use case scenario the boat will be involved in so you yourself won’t have any problems when on the topic of a pontoon boat vs catamaran.

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Catamaran vs. Pontoon Boat: The Differences Explained

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If you’ve taken an interest in yachting, you have heard of either pontoons or catamarans. That is because modern engineering allows for affordable luxury yachts to be built in either form at a fraction of a monohull’s cost. But to know which one is right for your sailing adventures, you must know the difference between them.

Catamaran and Pontoon boats use slightly different methods to stay afloat: A catamaran has two hulls that displace water, while pontoons use airtight tubes with reserve buoyancy. Catamarans are usually more expensive but can travel offshore.

In this article, you will learn about both types of vessels and discover the benefits of each. We will also discuss their drawbacks, so you have the complete picture before deciding whether to buy or rent one.

Table of Contents

Catamarans: A Brief Overview

“Catamaran” is a term evolved from an Indian indigenous language where the term kattumaram was used to describe two logs tied together by rope. The word also describes the vessel physically as it roughly means “two tied logs.” 

However, Catamaran boats are not engineered to float by the same principle as tied logs. In fact, a pontoon is significantly closer to the tied-logs vessel of ancient India.

While Catamarans borrow the name because they have two hulls, these vessels’ buoyancy principle relies on water displacement. Just like a monohull boat, a catamaran’s hull penetrates the water and, by pushing down, causes an upward reaction thanks to the action-reaction principle.

However, instead of having one hull penetrate too deep, it has two hulls that penetrate the water at a shorter depth but a broad area between the two hulls. This broad area creates stability without the need for deep and heavy keels.

Boats and ships with a single hull (monohull) rely on being heavy and massive to cause the right amount of downward force that leads to sufficient buoyancy. This makes them very expensive to build. They are also differently engineered as a larger vessel requires more technical attention to stay balanced.

Catamarans are a scalable design that can go from a simple jet-ski to a massive yacht. And at almost every level (boat, yacht, and ship), the catamaran alternative is cheaper than a monohull. Tourist destinations with a lot of open-water activities have become a profitable place for non-sailing buyers of catamarans.

A secondary leisure-renting industry has popped up in Bali, for example. Companies are buying and holding Catamarans as non-taxable investments while renting them for a fraction of the value. This means people with a one-off interest in sailing can rent a catamaran without spending a fortune and incurring the upkeep and maintenance costs.

Pros of Owning a Catamarans

While we have just covered background information about the vessel while briefly going over its advantages, let’s dive deeper and look at what makes the Catamaran the ideal boat/yacht for its buyers. 

You Have the Prestige of a Catamaran Owner

Let’s face it: you are probably not going to live in your Catamaran (unless you’re sailing around the world). And renting these boats is cheaper than owning one.

But those who invest in Catamarans aren’t as interested in how far they will sail as they are in having an asset that can enhance their life experiences. There is no feeling like knowing that you can invite your friends over for an open-water adventure whenever you want.

You Have the Reliability of Sailing Deeper Waters

While sailing close to land and dining with friends is nice, you may be an adventurer looking to create memories or spend time in solitude. There is no place like open waters to be with yourself. The calm blue ocean can have a positive, relaxing impact. 

While Catamarans may not be ideal for very shallow waters, they allow you to sail further than pontoons. Deeper hulls allow better stability, and depending on design and size, certain Catamarans will allow open-ocean cross-country sailing.

You Have More Options When Customizing

Whenever you order something of significant value, it is advisable to consider the opportunity costs. Catamarans are better than pontoons in terms of variety in designs and scale. Whether you’re purchasing a second-hand vessel or ordering a customized vehicle, you have more options to choose from. This means you get to decide on the boat that matches your social circle, activities on-deck, and the amenities onboard.

Hulls Can Be Used for Space

Unlike pontoons, a catamaran has more room aside from the deck and whatever it supports. The hulls are hollow and will house berths, head(a sailing term for toilet), and luggage. As they are submerged in water, having a window allows you to look at the fish and what lies underwater.

Cons of Owning a Catamaran

While there are considerable advantages to having a catamaran, we must remember that no vessel comes without its drawbacks. In this section, we go over the disadvantages of being a Catamaran owner.

You Own a Depreciating Asset

Although Catamarans don’t lose value as fast as cars or jet-skis, they lose value to wear-and-tear. Because these vessels are significantly better-designed than pontoons, people purchase them for more superficial reasons. As a result, any visible damage, usage-signs, etc. Create significant depreciation as potential buyers are turned off.

How to fight this drawback: You can use this apparent disadvantage to your benefit by buying your Catamaran from a current owner. Listings on Yachtworld.com include prices, pictures, and often the time a vessel was used. This lets someone else bear most of the depreciation because it gets reduced most significantly immediately after the first purchase.

Maintenance and Upkeep Costs

While all boats incur up-keep and maintenance costs, catamarans require more than pontoons. That is because they’re more sophisticated, and even the smallest amount of damage matters. Alternatively, any parts requiring replacement means you have to choose from fewer providers. In fact, most catamaran owners find themselves tied to the manufacturer as no one else wants to provide “spare” parts for a Bali or a Lagoon.

How to fight this drawback: You have two options. The first is to rent a Catamaran, so the upkeep isn’t on your balance sheet. And the second is to purchase your Catamaran from a smaller workshop than a massive brand. Given that you can trust the smaller provider, you’ll receive new parts, replacements, and upgrades at a smaller cost.

Pontoon Boats: A Brief Overview

Pontoons emerged as a DIY project of Ambrose Weeres, a Minnesota Farmer who crafted his first motorboat back in 1951. He welded together columns of steel barrels to produce a floating pontoon on top of while a wooden deck could be placed with reliable stability. 

Eventually, he started selling his creations and built a pontoon manufacturing company. You can think of him as the Elon Musk of Pontoons because he created a successful commercial model, which led to enough competitors joining the market that a separate category of products came into lasting consumer awareness.

If you take a swimming pool float and superglue some plywood on top, you’ve built a pontoon. However, it goes without saying that you cannot host a party over its “deck.” That’s because the swimming pool float doesn’t have enough reserve buoyancy to support a lot of weight.

That is why modern pontoons have come a long way from Weeres’s steel barrels. The floats underneath a pontoon boat are also called pontoons. These are hollow and airtight and have enough tube-surface that they can support medium-sized yacht decks. 

You can learn about a pontoon’s working principle and even build one using only glue, plywood, and afloat signifies the simplicity of engineering one. This makes them more cost-effective, but let’s take a more in-depth look at the pros and cons of owning one.

Pros of Owning a Pontoon Boat

As mentioned above, you must learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of owning a pontoon before committing to your purchase. Here are the benefits you have as a pontoon owner.

You Have More Buying Options

While pontoons might not be as customizable as catamarans, their simplicity allows many manufacturers to enter the market. As a result, a variety of options are available to you. Sizes, brands, and price-points are all available in a relatively wider variety. Whether you’re looking for a pontoon boat to go fishing on or a vessel to host a weekend party, you will find the right pontoon.

Pontoon Boats Are Generally Cheaper Than Catamarans

If you wish to have your sailing adventures without breaking the bank, a pontoon is the right choice because it will likely be available at a lower price. Many hobbyists might assume that lower cost reflects the lower quality. 

But that is a myth as costs reflect competition . As mentioned earlier, Catamarans aren’t easy to manufacture. And while pontoons require precision and expertise, more businesses can start manufacturing them without being too specialized. The competition cited in the previous advantage also plays a role in bringing the retail price of pontoons down.

Can Float on Shallow Waters

Pontoons do not have deep hulls that would get stuck on bank or beach sand. That is why pontoons fare better than catamarans in shallow waters. Many buyers opt for catamarans over monohull boats because they can tread into shallower waters. Pontoons take this advantage further, allowing you to get as close to land as possible, given there aren’t sharp rocks around.

Cons of Owning a Pontoon

While they are available at lucrative prices and in a large variety, pontoons are far from a universally ideal vessel. There are several reasons why Catamarans aren’t disrupted by pontoon boats. Here are some of them.

Pontoons Aren’t Excellent for Deep Open Seas

One of the most significant drawbacks of owning a pontoon is that there is a strict limit to how far you can go into the water before putting your vessel and yourself at risk. Even disturbances in shallow waters can interfere with a pontoon’s stability because it isn’t anchored into the water to any degree. 

Just like it is easy to flip over a swimming pool float, a strong enough wave can do the same to a pontoon. While no vessel is entirely immune to rough swells, hulled-vessels have some “root” in water as the hull is submerged.

Make sure to purchase a pontoon only if you wish to sail it in calm waters and close to the shore. If you want to venture out a little farther, opt for a catamaran. And if you wish to sail the open seas, get a mono-hulled boat. In this hierarchy, pontoon boats are the least capable.

Pontoon Tubes Are More Vulnerable Than Catamaran Hulls

One of the results of using different mechanisms to keep afloat is the difference in the vessels’ sturdiness. A pontoon relies on the airtight tube to stay afloat. Any damage to the tube can render the boat unusable. On the other hand, a Catamaran uses its hulls as weights. That means any damage done to the sturdy hull can be offset by a simply filling-job.

It is worth noting that pontoons now come with multiple-compartmentalized sections . This allows the vessel to damage one area while retaining buoyancy in the remainder of the pontoon. If you’re purchasing a pontoon boat, ask the manufacturer whether each tube is a continuous column or there are sections that can hedge against breakage.

There Is an Upper-Limit to Pontoon Size

While one can theoretically build a pontoon the size of titanic, it becomes functionally inefficient to manufacture pontoons behind a specific size. You have a lot of pontoon-purchase options in the lower range, especially among solo-use vessels. 

But as you move up the use and size ladder, you notice fewer options. As mentioned earlier, pontoons are attractive to manufacturers because they’re easy to design and build. And as manufacturing, marketing, and selling larger vessels becomes harder, pontoon manufacturers mostly opt not to build at such a scale.

Which One Should You Buy?

Now that you know the pros and cons of each, you’re in a better position to make your buying decision. Let’s go over these differences from the perspective of usage so you can gain further clarity.

You should buy a pontoon if you wish to hang out in shallow waters with one or two friends. This will be significantly cheaper. In contrast, if you want to cruise open waters and bring along crowds, a catamaran is a better option. Just keep in mind that you’ll not be able to take the boat into shallow waters depending on the hull length. To help you categorize your purchase by use, below are the different uses of each vessel.

Catamarans Can Be Used for Fishing

If you are even remotely interested in angling, leaning towards catamarans is a better choice than pontoons because you get to venture into deep enough waters to drop the line and catch interesting fish. Pontoons do not provide much leverage and may give you only as much advantage as a local pier for fishing.

Catamarans Are Great for Filming

Whether you are shooting a travel video for social media or filming a scene in the ocean, a catamaran is the better choice. If you have a social media presence and haven’t even thought about shooting travel vlogs, you should still lean towards buying Catamaran over pontoons because the choice gives you room to create exciting content if you wish.

Catamarans Are Great if You’re a Party-Person

Regardless of whether you host parties or not, if you enjoy hanging out with large groups of people, a catamaran gives you enough room not to exclude your friends when you’re throwing your yacht party. Pontoons allow this to some degree as well but aren’t specialized in this area because of size limitations.

Pontoon Boats Are Amazing for Family-Men

If you don’t throw extravagant parties and enjoy time with your family, a pontoon can be a blessing. While not great for rough waters, the vessel becomes insurance against risky behavior. You’re more likely to stay in safer waters with your family if you’re all on a pontoon. Moreover, calmer waters mean a more tranquil sailing experience. Your next family dinner could be on a pontoon yacht.

Pontoon Boats Are Ideal When the Bank Is More Interesting Than the Water

For lakes with interesting scenery, pontoons are the perfect vessel. Floating through the calm waters and taking in beautiful scenery can have a therapeutic effect. If you live in a place with tourist-attraction lakes, there is an exciting income opportunity in offering paid rides.

You Can Lend Your Boat to Friends if It Is a Pontoon

Catamaran expenses and sophistication means you’ll need to trust someone’s expertise a lot before lending the one you own to someone. You have to be sure he can take care of her. However, a pontoon is more comfortable to lend because it is cheaper, easier to sail, and, most importantly, great for beginners.

Final Thoughts

Both catamarans and pontoon boats are (usually) cheaper alternatives to monohull boats. However, pontoons are more affordable and most suited for shallow waters, while catamarans allow you to go a little deeper at the cost of a significant price-point increase. You should buy a catamaran for fishing or yacht parties, while pontoon boats must be your choice for cruising calm lakes and hosting small dinners.

Owner of CatamaranFreedom.com. A minimalist that has lived in a caravan in Sweden, 35ft Monohull in the Bahamas, and right now in his self-built Van. He just started the next adventure, to circumnavigate the world on a Catamaran!

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Catamaran Vs Pontoon Boat? 12 Important Facts (When Choosing)

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A catamaran and a pontoon boat both have many similarities.  However, they also have many differences, and there are reasons you might want to choose one over the other.

In this post, we’ll compare catamarans and pontoon boats so that you can decide for yourself which type of boat will work best for you and your needs.

Table of Contents

is pontoon boat a catamaran

The Deck Space Area

Pontoon boats consist of a deck that sits over the top of a set of pontoons.  This can be two or more pontoons depending on the size of the pontoon boat.  These pontoons are usually made from aluminum, and the only purpose they serve is to support the deck.

Because of this, the deck sits completely over the pontoons as the pontoons will never be accessed from the deck.  With catamarans, this is completely different.

A catamaran has a set of hulls that serve the same purpose in that they support the deck.  However, they can also be used for storage and for living quarters.

Because of this, the hulls of a catamaran need to be accessed from the deck.  This cuts down on deck space when compared to a pontoon boat that does not need to create access points for hulls.

On top of this, most catamarans will have an enclosed space that the captain can use to pilot the boat.  This enclosed space can be inside the Salon area or even overtop of it.

Pontoon boats usually have a windshield and a bimini top to protect the driver.  The exception would be in a pontoon houseboat where the captain might be within close quarters.

As a result of all of this, a person with a pontoon boat will have more deck space than a person with a similarly sized catamaran.  However, this doesn’t take into account that often-times, catamarans are larger and wider than standard pontoon boats.  This means that if you want a large amount of deck space, you could go with a larger catamaran versus a smaller pontoon boat, as the larger boat will still end up with more deck space.

The Hull Space Size

As we said earlier, a pontoon boat covers its pontoons with the deck.  A catamaran also sits its deck on the pontoons, but it still provides access to the hulls.

Catamarans will often have berths and heads inside the hulls.  In fact, larger catamarans may have multiple berths and heads located inside of the hulls.

Slightly smaller catamarans that lack the space for a kitchen on deck may even have a small galley kitchen inside one of the hulls.  Go even smaller, and the catamaran may not have room for any living arrangements within the hull, but it will still provide access to the hulls for storage.

A pontoon boat does not offer any of these benefits.  With a pontoon boat, the pontoons do not serve any additional purposes other than to keep the boat afloat.  This can be good as it cuts down on weight, but it is limiting as far as space goes.  It’s also limiting as far as living space goes as well.

Sailing Capabilities

If you want to go sailing, you’ll need to stick to buying a catamaran.

Sailing catamarans can be found in the form of small sailing crafts, and they can be found in the form of large ocean cruising sailing catamarans.

Some people prefer sailing catamarans over standard monohull sailboats because these boats don’t heel like traditional sailboats.  Others prefer monohull sailboats because they do heel.

Some people also feel that monohull sailboats are easier to learn to sail on as catamarans do not provide instant feedback like a monohull sailboat might.

For more information on the differences between catamaran sailboats and monohull sailboats, please read my post titled, Catamaran Vs.  Monohull Boat Facts .

You won’t find sailing pontoon boats at all.  In fact, you’ll really only find two types of pontoon boats.  The first type is the recreational type with lots of deck space.  The second type is the house-boat type that you might find on lakes, rivers, and protected bays.

Do You Want To Race?

is pontoon boat a catamaran

As we just mentioned, you won’t find any standard pontoon boats with sails on them.  For this reason, you won’t find any pontoon boats in sailboat races.

However, you can and will see sailing catamarans raced. 

These boats may not be as thrilling as monohull sailboats for racing, but they can be raced recreationally, just like any other type of sailboat.  This is especially true with the smaller models known as Hobie catamarans.

The motor versions of both of these boats could technically be used for racing, but this isn’t something I’ve ever seen or even heard of.  These boats sit on the top of the water so they can pick up decent speeds on calm waters, but they really aren’t designed for serious racing like a racing motorboat.

Recreational Use?

There are many recreation opportunities with both of these types of boats.

The recreational opportunities that exist will vary based on the features of the boats and the types of boats within each category.

Some of these different types include:

  • Pontoon houseboats.
  • Standard pontoon boats.
  • Pickup truck fishing pontoon boats.
  • Hobie sailing catamarans.
  • Ocean cruising catamarans.

1) Pontoon Houseboats

A  pontoon houseboat might have water slides and diving boards connected to it.  These boats can also have large recreational areas both within and above the housing areas.

Pontoon houseboats are perfect for people looking to have large parties or for those looking to spend a weekend out on a large lake or river.  In fact, these types of houseboats can often be found for rent on some of the larger lakes and rivers throughout the country.

2) Standard Pontoon Boats

A smaller pontoon boat might have built-in grills for barbecues and built-in stereo systems for cruising.  These boats can be great for people looking to spend a day out on a small island.  I’ve done this myself on South Carolina’s Lake Murray, and it was a lot of fun.  Because the pontoon boat can penetrate into shallow waters, we were able to run it right up to the island that we wanted to swim from.

These smaller pontoon boats can also be used to pull water skiers, kneeboarders, and tubers.  They are great for this because they are straightforward to get in and out of the water with.  These boats are usually low enough in the water that a ladder won’t even be needed.

3) Pickup Truck Fishing Pontoon Boats

You can fish off of any pontoon boat, but the ones that can be loaded into a pickup truck are even more convenient to fish with.  These boats have decks that slide in so that the pontoon boat can be reduced in width.

Once the boat is collapsed in on itself, it can easily be wheeled into the back of the truck.  When the person is ready to fish with the boat again, he needs to wheel the pontoon boat out of the truck and to the water.  Once at the water, he can make the deck wide again.

4) Hobie Sailing Catamarans

Hobie sailing catamarans are small catamarans that are built just for recreational sailing.  These boats can be used for high-performance sailing as well as for cruising.

The nice part about these types of sailing catamarans is that they are often small enough that they can be put on a trailer. 

This makes them great for recreational sailors that do not have a place to dock their boat.  In fact, some of these boats are so small that you can place them on top of your vehicle.

5) Ocean Cruising Catamarans

is pontoon boat a catamaran

We’ll talk about this more in the next section, but needless to say, many catamarans are large enough that they can be taken across the ocean.

In fact, many people who wish to sail the ocean via the island countries will choose catamarans because their shallow draft gives them the ability to get close to land without having to worry about hitting bottom and causing a hull breach.

Also, a large sailing catamaran’s additional stability can make sitting at an ocean dock more pleasant.  This is because a catamaran will not rock back and forth as much as a typical boat might.

6) Recreational Advantages

Neither type of boat has an overall recreational advantage over the other.  Catamarans are a more seaworthy design for rough weather and big waves.  Pontoon boats are great for lots of room and cruising on a calm lake.

Certain types of catamarans will meet some people’s recreational needs, while certain types of pontoon boats will meet other people’s recreational needs.

Ocean Faring Is Best Done With Catamarans

As we said earlier, a catamaran is capable of cruising across the oceans while a pontoon boat is not.

This is mostly because of the way the two boats are built.

Catamarans are often built to category A status so that they can sail out into the ocean.

Also, catamarans are often built with sails, while pontoon boats are not.  People looking to do long ocean voyages will usually choose a sailboat so that they are not restricted by how much fuel they can carry.  As a result, even if a pontoon boat were built strongly enough to navigate rough ocean waters, it would also need a sail added to it.  Do both of these things to a standard pontoon boat, and you have basically converted your pontoon boat into a catamaran, but with much worse performance.

Pontoon Boats Are Smaller Than Catamarans

One of the reasons why catamarans can go into the ocean and pontoon boats cannot is that catamarans are often built to large sizes.  It is easy to find a catamaran that is over 40 feet long, but you won’t find a lot of pontoon boats that are built to these lengths.

The exception to this is with pontoon houseboats, but these boats are usually not built strongly enough to traverse the ocean.

According to Pontoonopedia , the most popular pontoon boat size is about 22 feet in length.  Sailing catamarans, on the other hand, often range from 35 – 50 feet long.

Catamarans Can Be Costly

If you’ve read my post on Boat Price Comparison (a great read to get a basic understanding of different boat types), you’ll know that catamarans typically start off at a price of $10,000.00.

But they can go all the way up over a million dollars depending on the type of catamaran that you buy.

However, you can get some smaller Hobie catamarans for less than $10,000.00.

Pontoon boats typically cost between $15,000.00 to $50,000.00.   However, this assumes that you’re buying a standard pontoon boat that ranges between 20 to 30 feet in length.  If you buy a small pontoon boat for the back of your pickup truck, you could spend less than $5,000.00.  If you decide to buy a large house pontoon boat, you could still end up spending hundreds of thousands of dollars.

As you can see, it is hard to do a price comparison on these boats as they are so different from each other.  When making a financial decision, you’re better off deciding on what type of boat you need and then deciding between buying a new one versus a used one.  This will help reduce costs when needed while still providing you with the type of boat you actually want for your particular use.

Maintenance Issues To Consider

The maintenance on a catamaran is usually more entailed than it is on a pontoon boat.  There are many reasons for this.  For starters, motor catamarans will always have two motors.

A pontoon boat is narrow enough that it can have a single outboard motor built onto the back of it.

Secondly, a pontoon boat cannot be a sailboat, while a catamaran can.  Sailboats often come with more maintenance because the sails need to be examined and cleaned off each and every time you use them.  This is especially true for people heading out into the ocean on a sailing catamaran.  One ripped sail or damaged piece of hardware, and the person could be stranded at sea in their catamaran.

Another reason that catamarans require more maintenance is that they are made from fiberglass, while pontoon boats are usually made from aluminum.  Aluminum boats can become dented, but it takes a lot to put a hole in them.

Fiberglass boats, on the other hand, can easily become scratched, and holes can form in them.

The additional space of a catamaran can also lead to more maintenance.  A pontoon boat does not have living quarters inside of the hulls to maintain.  Maintaining living quarters within the hulls is a bit more work than maintaining houseboat living quarters that are all built above the deck.

Resale Value And Depreciation

Typical pontoon boats seem to go down in value quickly.  In fact, it is usually better to buy them after they are already a few years old as you’ll lose a lot of value through depreciation over the first three years of ownership.  After this, the depreciation tends to level off, and the boats depreciate in a similar manner to most other boats.

The resale value of a catamaran is usually pretty high. 

Catamarans are more difficult to find, so there is less competition in the used market.  This is great for people trying to sell their catamaran on the used market but not so great for people looking to buy a used catamaran.

With a pontoon boat, I’d always recommend that you consider buying a used boat.  With a catamaran, you might want to shop around before deciding between buying a new or used boat.

If you are the least concerned about the resale value of your boat, you need to read our complete guide to boat depreciation . We did an extensive study on a ton of data to give you a clear picture of exactly what to expect from each boat type.

DIY Enthusiasts? Look Here

I haven’t seen a lot of DIY catamarans in recent years.  These boats are a bit more complicated to build when compared to both monohull boats and standard pontoon boats.

On the other hand, I’ve seen a lot of DIY pontoon boats. 

Some people take standard pontoon boats and build houses on top of them.  These people save a lot of money by doing this as they usually buy a used pontoon boat for less than $10,000.00 and are able to build a cabin on it for only a few thousand dollars.

I’ve even seen some people make temporary tent houses out of their pontoon boats, which is an even more economical way to make a DIY houseboat.  This isn’t something you see with a catamaran.  A catamaran is either built with an interior, or it is not.

DIY enthusiasts often build smaller pontoon boats from scratch as well.  People will use 55-gallon drums, barrels, and even large pieces of PVC pipe to create their own little DIY pontoon boats.  A small sailing catamaran can potentially be built in the same way, but the larger versions certainly cannot.  A few pieces of PVC pipe just isn’t going to seem seaworthy to any sane person.

Other Boat Types To Consider

People considering a pontoon boat will often look at deck boats, airboats, and even Jon boats.

This is because these types of boats meet the same needs that a typical pontoon boat meets.

When a person considers buying a catamaran, they are usually comparing it to a monohull sailboat, a yacht, or a large cabin cruiser.  This is because these boats match the needs that a catamaran owner is usually trying to meet.

Final Thoughts

Catamarans and pontoon boats both have their own unique uses.

If you’re thinking about buying one of these boats, consider how you might use the boat and go from there.

It’s impossible to say which boat is right for you as everybody has different needs and priorities. But it would help if you had a clear understanding of the differences between pontoons and catamarans after reading this article.

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My Cruiser Life Magazine

Catamaran vs Pontoon — Facts Buyers Should Know

Boating is often a hobby associated with particular words and unique sailing jargon. Catamaran and pontoon boat are two terms that newcomers often get mixed up.

Let’s take a look at these two very different types of boats!

pontoon vs catamaran

Table of Contents

Catamaran vs pontoon boat, similarities and differences of the two boats, pros and cons of each, pontoon boats, types of pontoon boats.

  • Power Catamarans 

Sailing Catamarans

Which is best for what, is the pontoon or catamaran right for you, catamaran vs pontoon faqs.

Before we get into detail, here’s a summary of the two boats:

FeatureCatamaranPontoon Boat
Construction MaterialUsually fiberglassMostly aluminum pontoons with aluminum frames and a deck (plywood or aluminum)
Hull DesignTwo hulls, offering stability and space for cabins, heads, or storageTwo or three aluminum tubes (pontoons) providing buoyancy
PropulsionCan be sail or power-driven, with designs for racing, cruising, or fishingAlways power-driven, typically with outboard motors
Use CasesRanging from small fishing boats to large yachts for cruising long distances. Can handle open seasDesigned for sheltered waters like lakes, bays, rivers. Ideal for day trips, fishing, or lounging
DeckBridgedeck connecting the two hulls, integrated into the boat’s structureOpen deck, can be customized with furniture for various purposes
AccommodationsCan include cabins, heads, and extensive storage. Larger models offer luxurious living spacesSmaller models are open; larger can include amenities like bathrooms. Houseboats can be built on larger pontoons
Stability & HandlingDesigned to handle rougher seas, more stable due to two-hull designBest kept to protected, calm waters due to smaller pontoons and less stability in large waves
CostGenerally more expensive due to construction and materialsRelatively inexpensive, especially when compared to fiberglass boats
VariationsWide range, including power and sailing options, from small to yacht-sizedLess variation, mostly differ in luxury, performance, and size. Some have three pontoons (tri-toons) for more stability

Here’s a table that compares catamarans and pontoon boats based on various common points:

Twin hulls that reduce drag and improve stability. Often made of fiberglass or composite materials.Consists of two or more aluminum tubes (pontoons) supporting a flat deck. Generally made of aluminum.
High stability due to wide beam. Good maneuverability, especially in open waters.Very stable at rest and at low speeds due to the wide platform, but less maneuverable in tight spaces.
Generally faster and designed for higher performance, especially in sailing catamarans.Designed for leisurely cruising; slower compared to catamarans.
Range from small day sailers to large liveaboard vessels.Typically smaller than catamarans; mainly used for day trips and entertaining a small group.
Suitable for both coastal cruising and open ocean passages.Best suited for lakes, rivers, and coastal waters with minimal wave action.
Requires more skill to sail, especially larger models. Power catamarans are easier for motor boating.Generally easier to operate, making them popular among beginners and casual boaters.
Generally more expensive due to their size, design, and materials.More affordable, with pricing that appeals to a wide range of budgets.
Can be higher, especially for sailing catamarans, due to rigging and marine systems.Typically lower maintenance, especially with aluminum hulls that resist corrosion.
Often retains value well, especially well-maintained models from reputable brands.Depreciates faster but can hold reasonable value if well-maintained and in demand.
Can be less accessible due to size and docking requirements; larger models may require specialized marinas.Highly accessible due to their versatility, size, and ease of docking in various locations.
DIY repairs and upgrades can be complex due to advanced systems and construction materials.More conducive to DIY repairs and upgrades due to simpler design and construction.
Designed for a range of purposes from racing, cruising, to living aboard.Primarily used for leisure activities, including fishing, swimming, and entertaining.

Of course, your actual experience with either type of boat can vary depending on specific models, manufacturers, and individual preferences. This is just a general comparison.

– High stability due to wide beam and twin hulls
– Good performance and speed, especially for sailing models
– Spacious living quarters, suitable for long voyages
– Reduced drag and efficient fuel consumption for power catamarans
– Excellent maneuverability in open waters
– Often have a shallow draft, allowing closer access to shorelines
– Generally more expensive to buy and maintain
– Requires more skill to operate, especially sailing models
– Larger size can limit docking options
– Can be more complex to handle in tight marina spaces
– Very stable at low speeds and when stationary, making them great for socializing
– Generally more affordable and cost-effective
– Easy to operate, making them ideal for beginners
– Versatile for various activities (fishing, sunbathing, entertaining
– Shallow draft allows access to a wide range of waterways
– Typically lower maintenance costs.
– Lower performance and speed compared to catamarans
– Not designed for rough waters; best suited for calm lakes and rivers
– Can be less maneuverable, especially in tight spaces
– Less suitable for long-distance or open ocean voyages
– Aluminum pontoons can be susceptible to damage from impacts or corrosion if not well-maintained

Boat Definitions

Before we look at the types of each, let’s first think about exactly what we’re talking about when we describe these types of vessels. When you look at them and describe them, they appear similar. However, there are some differences, and they are very different types of boats!

Pontoon boats are small, open-deck boats built on aluminum pontoons. They are always power-driven (usually with outboard motors) and typically small enough to fit on a trailer. Designed for sheltered waters like lakes, bays, rivers, or coves, they’re usually designed for day trips.

These are fiberglass (usually) boats with two hulls. They may be power or sail and might be set up for racing or cruising. They might be small saltwater fishing boats or huge yachts designed to cruise long distances.

What Is a Pontoon Boat?

The most common style of pontoon is mostly found on inland lakes and rivers. They have two simple aluminum tubes connected by a plywood deck platform. The tubes, or pontoons, provide nothing but buoyancy to keep the deck afloat. 

Usually, most pontoon boats are outfitted for fishing or general hanging out on the water . Because of their small pontoons and lack of stability should a large wave come over the deck, pontoons are best kept to protected and mostly calm waters .

This is why they’re perfect on lakes or bays where a moderate chop is the roughest thing you’d ever encounter.

Of course, there is some variation in the basic design and construction. Some are “tri-toons” with three pontoons, the center providing more stability and a better ride. There are fiberglass pontoon boats. Some have a completely open deck with lounges and chairs, while others have an enclosed area. Sometimes custom houseboats are built on pontoon boat frames, or at least with the same general construction.

If there’s one thing that differentiates pontoon boats from catamarans, it’s that there’s no such thing as a sailing pontoon boat . 

We started with the pontoon boat because that is the vessel that most people are more familiar with.

pontoon boats

There’s a little less variation in the world of pontoon boats. Nearly all manufacturers make boats that look very similar to one another. The pontoon tubes are nearly all aluminum, and the flat boat’s deck that connect them are nearly always aluminum frames with an open, carpeted deck. Then, furniture is put on the platform to customize it for various purposes. 

Standard pontoon boats are a common sight on lakes and rivers where there’s no need for a more expensive “bluewater” boat. One of the biggest advantages of the pontoon boat is that they are relatively inexpensive—at least when compared to fiberglass boats. 

Like anything, there are variations in the basic pontoon design . Some are built to be more luxurious, with better seating and accommodations. Some, like the new Manitous, use fiberglass hulls and decks to improve the fit and finish and add a premium feel. Some are built for maximum performance, with high-powered, multi-engine outboard setups. 

  • Party pontoons – These pontoons are designed for entertaining large groups of people. They have lots of open space, cup holders, and often feature amenities like sound systems, bars, and waterslides.
  • Fishing pontoons – Fishing pontoons are optimized for fishing with features like livewells for keeping bait and catch alive, mounting points for fishing gear, casting decks, and storage for tackle.
  • Performance pontoons – Performance pontoons sacrifice some space for speed. They have narrower diameter logs and may have specialty lifting strakes or strakes to allow them to go faster while still maintaining stability.
  • Tritoons – Tritoons have three logs instead of the standard two seen on most pontoons. The extra log provides even more stability at anchor or at low speeds.
  • Luxury pontoons – Luxury pontoon boats focus on comfort features. They have plush seating, upscale sound systems and entertainment centers, added storage and capacity for supplies needed for extended trips, and premium fit and finish.

And, of course, you can build pretty much anything on the flat deck of a pontoon. Smaller models are usually left open, with seating and lounges fore and aft. Fishing models include swivel chairs and an open casting area. A pontoon boat with bathroom might have a pop-up privacy curtain or a small changing area and toilet built into the console.

Larger pontoons are used to frame up houseboats. Many houseboat manufacturers custom-build their vessels to suit the area where they are used. Pontoons are a common method of production.

What Are Catamarans?

Now let’s look at catamarans. Catamaran boats can be sail or powered and range from small to 100-plus-foot yachts.

Instead of being built of separate parts, most catamarans are built from a single-piece, molded fiberglass shell . This shell is shaped to have two hulls, one on each side. Each hull looks like a typical boat hull, only smaller and narrower. The deck that connects the two hulls is integrated and is called the bridgedeck.

Unlike a pontoon, the hulls are open in a catamaran. Depending on its size, they might have cabins, heads (bathrooms), or general storage. On large cats, a person can walk around one hull, up some stairs, through the main salon, and down some more stairs into the other hull. 

small catamaran

Types of Catamarans

There is a huge variation in the types of catamarans, or “cats.” You can roughly differentiate them into power cats and sail cats.

Power Catamarans

If you compare power cats to pontoon boats, the closest approximation is the offshore saltwater fishing catamaran. Like the World Cat and Glacier Bay, these boats are outboard fiberglass boats designed for coastal day trips and can handle some rough seas. They’re usually built for fishing but can also be used for diving or cruising. Most are center console, dual console, or cuddy cabin layouts. 

These boats are built to handle offshore conditions and are much safer in waves and chop than a pontoon boat is. You’ll generally see them in coastal waters where fishing boats are the go-to for long days on the water. Here’s a great discussion about these boats and how hull design matters.

There are also cruising power cats of every size and description. These boats have two hulls, each with staterooms and heads. The salon is built on the center bridgedeck. There is usually an aft cockpit for entertaining and an upper fly bridge area for relaxing and driving in the sun. 

Power cruising cats, like the Leopard or the Fountaine Pajot power series, are generally based on sail catamaran designs that have been converted to power. These boats cruise around 18 knots and offer more accommodations and a more stable ride than a monohull cruising boat of similar length. The smallest models are usually about 30 feet long, while the largest can be big enough to be classified as a yacht. The Lagoon Seventy8 is a good example of a power catamaran yacht.

The original catamarans were built by the Polynesian cultures many centuries ago. These seafarers crossed great distances on traditional wood rafts built on simple floats make from two logs. Modern multihulls take their designs from these early vessels, but modern materials and production mean they are marvels of modern engineering.

The most basic example of a sailing small catamaran is the ubiquitous beach cat you’d see at an island resort. These fun machines are nothing more than two fiberglass hulls connected with a wing structure and nets. Since they have very little hull under the water, they can get going very fast.   The beach cats built by Hobie are the most common examples. Many examples of larger racing catamarans have been built to show just how good a cat’s sailing capabilities can be when it comes to speed.

Cruising cats are larger and heavier. Instead of being built for speed, they’re usually built to carry passengers comfortably and safely in open seas. They’re still faster than monohull sailboats of similar lengths, however.

They have big hulls that house the living quarters—the staterooms, heads, and all the storage a cruiser needs. They are very popular with charter companies since one small catamaran can comfortably accommodate several couples and provide private staterooms for everyone on board. 

Their comfort is notable for several reasons, especially if you compare them to monohull sailboats. They have much more storage space and much more comfortable living space. The salon is on the bridgedeck and usually features large windows providing light and ventilation. They have huge cockpits that are great for gathering with your friends for sundowners. They don’t heel like a monohull does when sailing, which makes living aboard long-term much more comfortable. Catamarans have become immensely popular with folks who live onboard their boats full-time and cruise long distances. 

Other types are:

  • Racing Catamarans – Performance is the focus. They have lightweight, high-tech hulls and rigs and often use carbon fiber composites. Well-known brands are Gunboat and Catana.
  • Folding & Trailerable Catamarans – Smaller cats that can be trailed by a car and feature folding amas (outer hulls) for towing and storage. Common brands are Dragonfly and Schionning.
  • Multihull Sailing Yachts – High-performance cruising cats from companies like Sunreef that blur the lines between chartering and racing oriented designs.
  • Houseboats – These „floating cottage“ designs focus on maximum onboard living space over performance.

large cruising catamaran

  • Pontoon Boats are the best choice for leisure activities, day trips, fishing, and watersports, especially if you’re seeking a budget-friendly option that’s easy to use.
  • Catamarans excel in sailing, cruising, long voyages, and the liveaboard lifestyle, offering greater performance, stability, and living space, ideal for those with a higher budget and sailing experience.
– Pontoons are ideal for leisure activities like sunbathing, entertaining, and swimming.Good – Catamarans offer spacious decks and comfortable lounging areas but are typically more expensive.
– Their stable platform and open deck space make them excellent for fishing.Good – Depending on the design, some catamarans can be well-equipped for fishing but might be overkill.
Less suited – Pontoons are not designed for sailing. – Catamarans are specifically designed for sailing and long cruises, offering speed and comfort.
– Ideal for calm water sports like tubing and water skiing due to stability.Good – Catamarans can also be used, especially power catamarans, but are generally more expensive.
– Perfect for short, leisurely day trips with family and friends.Good – Catamarans are also suitable but might be more than needed for simple day trips.
Less suited – Not designed for long or open sea voyages. – Catamarans are excellent for long voyages, offering ample living space and stability.
– Their shallow draft allows access to shallow areas without risk of grounding.Good – Many catamarans also have a shallow draft, allowing them to explore near shorelines.
Less suited – While possible, pontoons offer limited space and amenities for long-term living. – Catamarans are often designed with liveaboard amenities, providing comfort and space.
– Generally more affordable in purchase price and maintenance.Less suited – Catamarans are usually more expensive to purchase and maintain.
– Simple to operate, making them great for beginners.Good – Catamarans require more skill, especially sailing models, but power versions are quite user-friendly.

Hopefully we were able to clarify these two sailing terms .

Picking the right boat is always a challenging endeavor. But pontoon boats and catamarans are very different, and chances are you have a pretty good idea of which camp you’re in.

In the end, remember—every boat is built to serve a purpose. Figure out your purpose and how you want to use your boat. Then find the boat that fills the need. 

Are catamarans good in rough water?

It depends on the catamaran in question. Catamarans are more comfortable in a chop than most other boats because they rock side to side less. They still pound into waves and sometimes produce an uncomfortable, jarring motion as the two hulls get bashed separately by each wave. Some people prefer the motion of catamarans at sea, while others prefer the motion of standard monohulls. 

Regarding safety, most catamarans are built with large safety factors that make capsizing unlikely. The difference, however, is that once a catamaran capsizes, it cannot right itself and will remain upside down. A sailing monohull, on the other hand, will self-right.

Is a catamaran more stable than a boat?

There are different types of stability. Catamarans have very high initial stability, meaning it takes great force to get them to heel or roll. Monohulls have less of this type of stability, so they tend to roll from side to side more. 

However, nothing keeps the catamaran upright once a cat rolls too far. A monohull sailboat’s low-hung, heavy keel will force it to return upright, even if the boat is completely knocked down. A catamaran will capsize and remain upside down in the water. This is uncommon on modern cruising catamarans, which are built for maximum stability. But it does happen and probably happens more than many sailors realize. 

Why catamarans are better?

Catamarans are popular choices with boaters because they provide a more stable ride. Whereas monohull boats tend to roll back and force, a catamaran remains more upright and experiences less of that roll. Cats also provide more space and better accommodations than a similar-length monohull. 

What are the disadvantages of catamaran?

Catamarans are larger and more complex than similar-sized monohull boats and, therefore, more expensive. Two engines mean that catamarans require more maintenance, as well. And, depending on where you boat, it can also be hard to find marina slips and maintenance facilities that can handle a large catamaran. Their wide beam means you’ll need special boat lifts and side-tie slips—things that are sometimes hard to find. 

is pontoon boat a catamaran

Matt has been boating around Florida for over 25 years in everything from small powerboats to large cruising catamarans. He currently lives aboard a 38-foot Cabo Rico sailboat with his wife Lucy and adventure dog Chelsea. Together, they cruise between winters in The Bahamas and summers in the Chesapeake Bay.

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What’s The Difference Between Catamaran and Pontoon? (The Ultimate Guide)

is pontoon boat a catamaran

Are you considering buying a boat but don’t know which one is best for you? Catamarans and Pontoon boats are two of the most popular boat types today.

But what’s the difference between the two? In this ultimate guide, we will explore the key features and differences between Catamarans and Pontoon Boats, including their advantages, popular activities, and a comparison of the two.

By the end of this guide, you will have all the information you need to decide which boat is best for you.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Catamarans are a type of boat that has two hulls, while pontoon boats are a type of boat with a flat, usually rectangular, deck that is mounted atop two or more cylindrical tubes filled with air.

Catamarans are generally faster than pontoon boats due to their two hulls, while pontoon boats are more stable and provide a larger surface area for passengers.

Catamarans also typically have more storage space than pontoon boats, and they can be used for a variety of recreational activities such as sailing, fishing, and watersports.

Overview of Catamarans

Catamarans are a type of recreational boat typically made of two or more hulls that are connected together.

They are designed to be lightweight and highly maneuverable, making them perfect for a variety of activities such as fishing, cruising, and water sports.

Catamarans are typically made of fiberglass or aluminum, and are typically powered by an outboard motor or a sail.

They range in size from small, one-person boats to large, luxurious vessels capable of carrying up to twelve passengers.

Catamarans are known for their speed and agility, making them perfect for racing or leisurely cruising.

They are also more stable than traditional monohulls, which makes them great for fishing and general water activities.

Catamarans also tend to have more interior space than other types of boats, allowing for more people and gear to be carried onboard.

Additionally, catamarans typically have more room for amenities such as bathrooms, kitchens, and sleeping quarters.

Overall, catamarans are a great choice for anyone looking for a boat that offers speed, agility, and stability.

They are perfect for a variety of activities, from racing to fishing, and even just leisurely cruising.

With their extra space and amenities, they are also great for larger groups or long trips.

Overview of Pontoon Boats

is pontoon boat a catamaran

Pontoon boats are large, flat-bottomed boats that are ideal for recreational activities such as fishing, cruising, and water sports.

They are characterized by their flat bottom which makes them more stable than other types of boats.

Pontoon boats are made of aluminum or fiberglass and are usually powered by an outboard motor.

The flat bottom provides enough buoyancy for the boat to remain afloat in calm waters, and the pontoon design allows for easy access to the water.

Pontoon boats typically have two or three pontoons that are connected to each other and the deck, giving the boat its unique shape.

The pontoons provide the boat with stability, and the deck provides extra space for passengers and equipment.

Pontoon boats typically come equipped with seating, a livewell, storage, and other amenities that make them suitable for any type of recreational activity.

Advantages of Catamarans

Catamarans offer a number of advantages that make them an attractive choice for recreational boaters.

One of the biggest advantages of catamarans is their lightweight design, which makes them easier to maneuver than other boats.

This makes them ideal for activities such as sailing, fishing, or cruising in shallow waters.

Additionally, since they have two hulls, they provide more stability than other boats, making them a great choice for watersports.

Catamarans are also more fuel-efficient than other boats, meaning they can be used for longer trips without having to refuel.

Finally, catamarans offer more living space than other boats, providing plenty of room for passengers and their gear.

Advantages of Pontoon Boats

is pontoon boat a catamaran

Pontoon boats are an increasingly popular choice for recreational boaters, and for good reason.

Not only are they roomy and comfortable, but they also offer a number of advantages over other types of boats.

For starters, pontoon boats have a flat-bottomed hull, making them more stable than catamarans, which can be more prone to rocking and rolling in choppy waters.

This makes them perfect for activities such as fishing, as they provide a more stable platform for anglers.

Pontoon boats also tend to be larger than catamarans, providing more interior space for passengers and gear.

In addition, pontoon boats are generally slower and less maneuverable than catamarans, but this is a trade-off that many are willing to make in order to benefit from the extra room and stability.

Furthermore, pontoon boats can also be used to tow water toys, such as jet skis and wakeboards, making them an excellent choice for those looking to have some fun on the water.

Popular Activities for Catamarans

Catamarans are popular for many activities, particularly water sports.

They can be used for sailing, fishing, and cruising, as well as a variety of other water sports.

Their lightweight structure and high maneuverability make them ideal for activities such as wakeboarding, water skiing, and surfing.

Catamarans also have the advantage of being able to sail in shallow waters, making them perfect for activities such as snorkeling and spearfishing.

The stability of a catamaran also makes it an ideal choice for fishing trips, as it allows you to stay in one spot for a longer period of time without rocking too much.

Finally, catamarans are perfect for social gatherings, as their spacious interiors can easily accommodate a large group of people.

Popular Activities for Pontoon Boats

is pontoon boat a catamaran

Pontoon boats are a great choice for recreational activities such as fishing, cruising, and watersports.

They are typically larger and more stable than catamarans, making them great for leisurely activities and family outings.

Pontoon boats can be used to access areas of the lake or river that may be difficult to reach with other types of boats, and they offer plenty of interior space for up to 12 passengers.

Fishing is a popular activity on pontoon boats, as they provide plenty of room to relax and move around without having to worry about rocking and tipping.

Their flat-bottomed hulls also make them great for shallow water fishing, as they can easily maneuver in and out of tight spaces.

Pontoon boats are also excellent for cruising, as they are slower and more comfortable than many other types of boats.

Watersports such as tubing, wakeboarding, and kneeboarding are also popular activities for pontoon boats, as they provide plenty of room for riders and observers.

Pontoon boats are also great for exploring the shoreline and remote areas of the lake or river, as they can easily maneuver in and out of tight spaces.

Additionally, pontoon boats are often equipped with amenities such as grills, coolers, and tables, making them great for entertaining and hosting large groups.

No matter what activities you plan on doing, pontoon boats are a great choice for recreational activities.

Their large size and stability provide plenty of room and comfort for passengers, and their flat-bottomed hulls make them great for shallow water activities.

Whether you plan on fishing, cruising, exploring, or watersports, pontoon boats are an excellent choice.

Comparison of Catamarans and Pontoon Boats

When it comes to comparing the two types of boats, there are a few key differences to consider.

Catamarans are generally lighter, faster, and more maneuverable than pontoon boats, making them better suited for activities like racing or watersports.

They also have a more shallow draft, meaning they can navigate shallow waters with ease.

On the other hand, pontoon boats tend to be larger and more stable than catamarans, with a deeper draft that allows them to better handle choppy waters.

Additionally, pontoon boats have more interior space, making them ideal for larger groups of passengers.

Both types of boats can be used for recreational activities such as fishing and cruising, but they are best suited to different types of activities.

Catamarans are great for speed and agility, while pontoon boats are great for larger groups and leisurely cruising.

Final Thoughts

It’s clear that catamarans and pontoon boats both have their own advantages and disadvantages, and are best suited to different types of activities.

While catamarans are lightweight and highly maneuverable, pontoon boats are larger and more stable, and offer more interior space and the ability to carry more passengers.

With the information provided in this ultimate guide, you should be able to choose the right boat for your needs.

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and find the perfect boat for you!

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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Pontoon Boat vs Catamaran: A Comprehensive Showdown

In the matchup between pontoon boats and catamarans, it’s a clash of comfort against versatility. But which emerges as the top choice? After a detailed comparison across various aspects, catamarans take the lead with a score of 4-2 , while two categories end in a tie.

This article provides a straightforward point-by-point comparison to guide your decision. Whether you’re after leisure or adventure, read on to find out how we determined the score and discover which boat best suits your water-bound endeavors.

Table of Contents

Boat Design and Aesthetics

Pontoon Boats: Offering a flat and spacious deck, pontoon boats are designed for leisure and comfort. Their design prioritizes stability and space, making them ideal for calm waters and social gatherings.

Catamarans: Sporting a sleek, twin-hull design, catamarans are the embodiment of speed and elegance. Their design, optimized for performance and stability, appeals to those seeking a dynamic and luxurious boating experience.

Winner: Catamaran. While pontoon boats excel in providing a spacious platform for leisure, catamarans captivate with their sporty aesthetics and agile performance, making them ideal for those with a thirst for adventure.

FeaturePontoon BoatCatamaran
DesignFlat, spacious deckSleek, twin-hull design
AestheticsComfortable, leisure-focusedSporty, performance-oriented

Comfort & Space

Pontoon Boats: The epitome of comfort, pontoon boats boast spacious decks with plenty of seating and room for amenities, perfect for relaxation and social events.

Catamarans: While also spacious, catamarans offer a different kind of comfort. Their larger decks and multiple levels provide ample space for lounging, sunbathing, and even luxury accommodations.

Winner: Pontoon Boat. For sheer comfort and space, especially in a stationary setting, pontoon boats are unbeatable, offering a floating lounge experience.

FeaturePontoon BoatCatamaran
Seating CapacitySpacious and customizableSpacious but fixed
Storage SpaceAmple, versatileAmple, structured

Performance & Speed

Pontoon Boats: Designed for calm and leisurely cruises, pontoon boats offer moderate speed and excellent stability in calm waters.

Catamarans: Built for performance, catamarans excel in speed and agility. Their dual-hull design allows for faster sailing and better handling, even in rougher waters.

Winner: Catamaran. When it comes to performance and speed, catamarans are the clear frontrunners, offering an exhilarating experience on the water.

FeaturePontoon BoatCatamaran
Engine PowerModerate, sufficientHigh, powerful
Top SpeedLeisurelyThrilling

Safety Features

Pontoon Boats: With their stable design and enclosed decks, pontoon boats are a safe choice for families and casual boating.

Catamarans: The wide stance and dual-hull design of catamarans provide exceptional stability and safety, even in unpredictable conditions.

Winner: Tie. Both pontoon boats and catamarans offer excellent safety features, making them both a reliable choice for various water activities.

FeaturePontoon BoatCatamaran
Safety EquipmentAdequate, standardAdvanced, extensive
Build QualityDurable, reliableRobust, high-grade

Pontoon Boats: Known for their stability and safety, pontoon boats are a popular choice for family outings, offering a secure environment with minimal risk of capsizing.

Catamarans: With their wide stance and twin-hull design, catamarans provide superior stability and safety features, making them suitable for a wider range of sea conditions, including rougher waters.

Winner: Catamaran. While both boat types are safe, the catamaran’s design offers enhanced stability and safety in a variety of water conditions, giving it the edge in this category.

FeaturePontoon BoatCatamaran
Safety EquipmentStandard, sufficientAdvanced, extensive
Build QualitySturdy, reliableRobust, high-grade

Fuel Efficiency & Maintenance

Pontoon Boats: Typically feature lower fuel consumption at cruising speed and are known for their ease of maintenance, making them a cost-effective option.

Catamarans: While sailing catamarans are incredibly fuel-efficient (wind-powered), motorized catamarans may consume more fuel but offer greater speed and range. Maintenance can be more complex due to the larger size and advanced systems.

Winner: Pontoon Boat. For its lower fuel consumption and easier maintenance, the pontoon boat is the more economical choice for those looking to maximize efficiency and minimize upkeep.

FeaturePontoon BoatCatamaran
Fuel EfficiencyHigher due to lower speedsVaries, wind-powered catamarans excel
MaintenanceSimpler, less frequentMore complex, potentially more frequent

Versatility & Activities

Pontoon Boats: Offer a versatile platform for various leisure activities such as fishing, swimming, and lounging. They are well-suited for calm waters and family-friendly activities.

Catamarans: Shine in versatility, excelling in a wide range of activities including sailing, long-distance cruising, and water sports. Their stability and speed make them ideal for adventure and exploration.

Winner: Catamaran. For its adaptability to different water conditions and suitability for a diverse range of activities, the catamaran is the clear choice for those seeking versatility.

FeaturePontoon BoatCatamaran
Activities SuitableLeisure-focusedWide range, adventure-ready
Water ConditionsCalm, near-shoreVaried, including open seas

Cost & Resale Value

Pontoon Boats: Generally more affordable with a decent resale value. The cost-effectiveness makes them a popular choice for casual boaters and families.

Catamarans: Typically have a higher initial cost, but they also tend to maintain a strong resale value, especially in the luxury and long-distance cruising markets.

Winner: Tie. Pontoon boats are more accessible and budget-friendly, while catamarans offer a higher-end experience with a good return on investment in the resale market.

FeaturePontoon BoatCatamaran
Initial CostMore affordableHigher, premium features
Resale ValueDecent, depends on conditionStrong, especially for well-maintained models

Navigating through the differences between pontoon boats and catamarans reveals that each has its own unique advantages and ideal use cases. Pontoon boats are the go-to for comfort, ease of use, and leisurely days on calm waters.

On the other hand, catamarans stand out for their speed, versatility, and performance, suitable for adventurous spirits and those seeking luxury on the open seas. Ultimately, the choice hinges on your personal preferences, the type of activities you’re interested in, and the conditions in which you’ll be boating.

Hi, I'm Goran - a passionate boat enthusiast with extensive knowledge and experience in the boating industry. I'm here to offer guidance and advice to make your boating experience as safe and enjoyable as possible, whether you're a first-time buyer or a seasoned sailor. Let me share my love for boats with you by providing helpful tips on maintenance and operation.

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Cruising Sea

Catamaran Vs. Pontoon Boat: Ultimate Showdown for Water Fun!

Catamaran vs pontoon boat

If you’ve ever considered purchasing a boat, you’ve likely encountered the exciting and sometimes challenging decision between a catamaran and a pontoon boat. Both options offer a unique set of advantages and can enhance your on-the-water experience in their own ways.

Catamarans stand out as sleek, fast vessels designed for thrilling experiences and offshore adventures. On the other hand, pontoon boats embody the spirit of leisure and relaxation, ideal for enjoying calm waters and laid-back fishing trips.

As you consider your boating needs and preferences, understanding the differences between these two types of boats will help you make an informed choice for your venture into the world of aquatic exploration.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Catamarans are designed for speed and offshore capability, while pontoons cater to leisure and relaxation on calmer waters.
  • Consider your boating priorities, personal preferences, and budget when deciding between a catamaran and a pontoon boat.
  • Keep in mind factors such as safety concerns and costs when comparing these two types of boats.

The Thrill of Catamarans

Speed and performance.

You’re in for an exciting ride when you take the helm of a catamaran! These sleek vessels are designed for speed and performance, with  two hulls  slicing through the water with ease. Unlike traditional mono-hull boats, catamarans are less affected by drag, which means you’ll zip along at impressive speeds. Whether you’re racing against fellow sailors or simply cruising on open water, you’ll love the adrenaline rush that comes with piloting a catamaran!

Stability and Comfort

Don’t let the thrill of high-speed sailing fool you—catamarans offer plenty of stability and comfort, too! Thanks to their  wide beam  and dual-hull design, catamarans provide a steady, level platform that’s perfect for soaking up the sun or enjoying a meal on deck. You’ll appreciate the reduced motion while underway, making for a smoother, more enjoyable ride. So go ahead, kick back, and relax, knowing that your catamaran will keep you safe and steady as you explore the open seas.

Pleasures of Pontoon Boats

Family-friendly features.

Your family will love spending time on a pontoon boat, as it offers multiple lounge areas and sun pads, perfect for relaxation. With its spacious deck, everyone can enjoy their own personal space while participating in fun activities. Pontoon boats provide a safe and stable environment for children of all ages, making it the perfect choice for families who want to bond on the water.

Versatility and Utility

You’ll be excited to discover the various uses for your pontoon boat. They’re great for fishing, water sports, or simply cruising down the river with loved ones. Customize your pontoon to suit your needs with different seating arrangements, storage, and even a built-in barbecue grill! Thanks to the pontoon’s flat design, you can effortlessly transform the boat into your personal floating paradise, offering countless opportunities for enjoyment on the water.

Comparing Costs

Initial Purchase Price

When in the market for a boat, it’s essential to consider the initial purchase price. The price difference between a pontoon boat and a catamaran can be significant. Pontoon boats typically cost between $15,000 to $50,000, with smaller models possibly costing less than $5,000. On the other hand, catamarans have a higher starting price, around $50,000.

  • Pontoon boat:  $15,000 to $50,000 (or less than $5,000 for small models)
  • Catamaran:  Starting at $50,000

Maintenance and Ownership Costs

Boat ownership comes with maintenance and upkeep expenses, regardless of the vessel type. However, some boats require more attention than others, impacting their total ownership costs. Speaking of maintenance, catamarans demand higher and more costly care than pontoon boats.

As for transporting your boat, trailering a pontoon boat is usually a more straightforward process. Most pontoon boats can be moved on a standard boat trailer, making them easier to store and transport. Larger pontoon boats might need a custom trailer, but generally, they tend to be more manageable than trailering a catamaran.

So, when you’re comparing costs between these two incredible types of boats, don’t forget to factor in not only the initial purchase price but also the ongoing maintenance and ownership costs, as these can contribute substantially to your overall boating experience. Happy boating!

Safety Concerns

When comparing catamaran and pontoon boats, it’s essential to consider their safety features! Both types have unique aspects catering to various boating activities, but let’s dive in and explore how they measure up in terms of safety.

One of the most crucial factors when deciding between a catamaran and a pontoon is stability. Lucky for you, both vessels boast impressive stability!

A catamaran’s dual-hull design offers excellent balance, making it less prone to capsizing.

Similarly, pontoon boats, with their buoyant tubes, provide an easily maneuverable and stable experience on the water. So, whichever you choose, you’re in for a reliable ride!

Choppy waters might make you wonder if one boat type outperforms the other. Here’s the deal: catamarans hold the upper hand in handling rough seas.

Their design allows them to run smoothly through waves, reducing the risk of getting soaked or feeling queasy.

Pontoons, on the other hand, are best suited for calmer lakes and rivers, where they can show off their excellent stability and comfort in those conditions.

Safety Gear

Don’t forget about onboard safety features! Catamarans often come equipped with essential equipment like life jackets , fire extinguishers , and navigational tools.

Additionally, their higher decks and rails help keep passengers secure. Pontoon boats, known for their focus on comfort and leisure, might prioritize features like seating, shade, and entertainment options. However, they should also offer basic safety gear like life vests and throwable flotation devices.

In summary, the safety concerns for catamaran and pontoon boats are generally minimal due to their inherent stability and essential onboard gear.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: what are the key differences in performance between catamarans and pontoons.

You’ll notice that catamarans tend to have higher speeds due to their unique twin-hull design, making them better suited for traveling long distances. Pontoons, on the other hand, focus on providing a comfortable, stable ride for leisurely activities. Both boats serve different purposes, so the choice depends on your specific needs.

Q: How do catamarans and pontoons compare in terms of comfort?

When it comes to comfort, both catamarans and pontoons excel in their own ways. Catamarans boast more storage space, thanks to the hulls that can also serve as living quarters. However, pontoons have more deck space and don’t need to create access points for hulls. Choose based on your preferences for storage and deck space.

Q: Which is more stable in rough water: a catamaran or a pontoon boat?

In rough water conditions, you’ll find that catamarans offer more stability due to their twin-hull design. They’re able to handle choppier waters without a significant impact on performance, whereas pontoons are generally better suited for calmer waters.

Q: What are the price differences between catamarans and pontoon boats?

As you compare prices, know that pontoon boats are typically more affordable than catamarans. You can find pontoons for as low as $10,000, while the lowest price for a catamaran is usually around $50,000. Keep this in mind as you plan your budget.

Q: How do catamarans and pontoons fare in terms of ease of maintenance?

Maintenance is an important aspect of boat ownership. Generally, pontoon boats require less maintenance than catamarans, meaning lower long-term costs. Catamarans tend to have higher maintenance costs due to their more complex structure and materials.

Q: Which is better suited for sailing adventures: a catamaran or a pontoon boat?

For sailing adventures, catamarans have the upper hand. They’re designed for longer distances and can reach higher speeds, making them perfect for exciting journeys. Pontoons, while excellent for leisurely activities, aren’t quite the high-speed, adventure-seeking boat you might be looking for in this case.

Final Thoughts: Catamaran or Pontoon

In the end, it’s all about weighing the pros and cons based on your needs, preferences, and budget. Both catamarans and pontoon boats have their unique qualities, so go with the one that best suits your boating lifestyle. Now, get ready to set sail and make some unforgettable memories!

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Picture of Daniella

Daniella has been passionate about travel, the sea, and nature for many years. As a child, she frequently traveled throughout the Mediterranean and continued with her journeys throughout her adult life.

Her experiences have created the desire within her to share her love for traveling with other passionate and adventurers who want to discover beautiful horizons and new cultures.

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Pontoon Catamarans: Exploring the Best of Both Worlds

Pontoon catamarans, often referred to as pontoon cats, are a fascinating blend of two popular boat designs: the pontoon boat and the catamaran. These vessels offer a unique combination of stability, space, and versatility, making them a popular choice for a variety of boating activities. Whether you’re considering purchasing a pontoon catamaran or simply curious about what they have to offer, this in-depth guide will cover all aspects of these innovative boats.

What is a Pontoon Catamaran?

Definition and design.

A pontoon catamaran combines the flat, spacious deck of a pontoon boat with the dual-hull design of a catamaran. This hybrid design offers several benefits, including enhanced stability, increased deck space, and improved performance.

Key Features

  • Dual Hulls : Unlike traditional pontoon boats with cylindrical pontoons, pontoon catamarans feature two hulls that are typically wider and more buoyant.
  • Flat Deck : The wide, flat deck provides ample space for passengers, gear, and amenities.
  • Shallow Draft : The design allows for navigation in shallow waters, making it ideal for coastal and inland waterway exploration.
  • Enhanced Stability : The dual-hull design offers superior stability, even in choppy waters.

Benefits of Pontoon Catamarans

Stability and performance.

  • Reduced Rolling : The wide stance of the dual hulls minimizes rolling, providing a smoother ride.
  • Improved Handling : Pontoon catamarans handle better at higher speeds and in rougher waters compared to traditional pontoons.
  • Fuel Efficiency : The streamlined hull design can lead to better fuel efficiency, making long trips more economical.

Space and Comfort

  • Spacious Deck : The flat deck layout offers plenty of room for seating, sunbathing, and moving around.
  • Customizable Layout : Many pontoon catamarans offer flexible layouts, allowing for customization to suit different needs, whether for fishing, entertaining, or cruising.
  • Ample Storage : Dual hulls often provide additional storage space, keeping the deck clutter-free.


  • Multiple Uses : Suitable for fishing, watersports, family outings, and parties.
  • Accessibility : The wide, stable platform makes it easier to board and disembark, especially for children and elderly passengers.
  • Shallow Waters : Ideal for exploring shallow bays, rivers, and coastal areas where deeper-draft boats cannot venture.

Types of Pontoon Catamarans

Fishing pontoon catamarans.

  • Equipped with fishing amenities such as rod holders, live wells, and tackle storage.
  • Often feature a layout optimized for both casting and trolling.

Leisure and Party Pontoon Catamarans

  • Designed with comfortable seating, sun loungers, and entertainment systems.
  • Often include features like built-in grills, wet bars, and expansive decks for socializing.

Luxury Pontoon Catamarans

  • High-end finishes, plush seating, and advanced navigation systems.
  • May include cabins, bathrooms, and other luxury amenities for extended trips.

Performance Pontoon Catamarans

  • Built for speed and agility with powerful engines and sleek designs.
  • Ideal for watersports such as skiing, wakeboarding, and tubing.

Choosing the Right Pontoon Catamaran

Size and capacity.

  • Length : Pontoon catamarans range from small, compact models to large vessels exceeding 30 feet.
  • Passenger Capacity : Consider how many people you typically plan to have on board. Larger models can comfortably accommodate 12 or more passengers.

Engine and Power

  • Outboard Engines : Most pontoon catamarans are powered by outboard engines, which offer easy maintenance and good performance.
  • Horsepower : Depending on your intended use, you may need more horsepower for activities like watersports or high-speed cruising.

Features and Amenities

  • Seating and Layout : Choose a layout that fits your primary activities, whether it’s fishing, entertaining, or cruising.
  • Additional Features : Look for features like bimini tops for shade, advanced sound systems, GPS navigation, and safety equipment.
  • Initial Cost : Prices can vary widely based on size, features, and brand. Determine your budget and compare options within your price range.
  • Maintenance and Operating Costs : Factor in ongoing costs such as fuel, maintenance, storage, and insurance.

Maintenance and Care

Regular cleaning.

  • Hull and Deck : Regularly clean the hull and deck to prevent buildup of dirt, algae, and salt.
  • Upholstery and Fixtures : Clean and protect upholstery and fixtures to maintain their appearance and longevity.

Engine Maintenance

  • Routine Checks : Follow the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule for oil changes, filter replacements, and other routine checks.
  • Winterization : If you live in a region with cold winters, properly winterize your engine to prevent damage.

Electrical Systems

  • Battery Maintenance : Keep batteries charged and check connections regularly.
  • Wiring and Electronics : Inspect wiring and electronic components for signs of wear or corrosion.
  • Dry Storage : Whenever possible, store your pontoon catamaran in a dry, covered area to protect it from the elements.
  • Covers and Shrink Wrap : Use covers or shrink wrap to protect your boat when not in use.

Popular Brands and Models

Popular brands.

  • Sun Tracker : Known for their affordable and family-friendly models.
  • Bennington : Offers luxury and performance pontoon catamarans with high-end finishes.
  • Harris : Known for their innovative designs and robust construction.
  • Manitou : Specializes in performance pontoon catamarans with a focus on speed and handling.

Notable Models

  • Bennington 25QX Sport : A luxury model with high-performance features and elegant design.
  • Sun Tracker Party Barge : An affordable, family-friendly option with ample seating and storage.
  • Harris Grand Mariner : Combines luxury and performance, ideal for entertaining and watersports.
  • Manitou XT : Known for its speed and agility, perfect for thrill-seekers and watersports enthusiasts.

Pontoon catamarans offer a unique boating experience that combines the best features of pontoons and catamarans. Whether you’re looking for a versatile family boat, a luxurious party platform, or a high-performance watersports vessel, there’s a pontoon catamaran to meet your needs. By understanding the benefits, types, and key considerations of these boats, you can make an informed decision and enjoy many years of enjoyable and safe boating adventures.

Happy Boating!

Share  Pontoon Catamarans: Exploring the Best of Both Worlds with your friends and leave a comment below with your thoughts.

Read 4 Best Pontoon Boats with Yamaha Motors: Guide until we meet in the next article. 

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Catamaran Sailboat Vs Pontoon

Catamaran Sailboat Vs Pontoon | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

August 30, 2022

Catamarans and pontoons have various differences and similarities that stand out. The debate between a catamaran sailboat vs pontoon continues to grow.

For some individuals, one is better than the other based on their needs of getting on the water. So what are some key differences between a catamaran and pontoon?

Catamarans generally have more deck space, you can access the hulls, and are used in sailing. For pontoons, the deck sits on hulls that you cannot access, are not used in sailing, and are much cheaper than a catamaran. While they both show similarities, these boats are easy to tell apart.

To the untrained eye, these boats are sometimes mistaken for one another. Once you learn the key differences, they are easy to tell apart.

According to experts in sailing, catamarans are similar in a few ways to pontoons. However, a catamaran is the one you want when sailing.

Table of contents

‍ Key Differences Between Catamarans and Pontoons

If you are in the market to buy a new boat, you have to ask yourself where you will be spending a lot of your time on the water. If you are in shallow but calm waters like a lake, a pontoon could be worth it. For ocean sailing, a catamaran is best.

A catamaran has independent hulls that are joined by a wing structure. If the space between that is filled with a deck, then you have a pontoon.

Size of Deck

Pontoon boats have a deck that is on top of a pair of pontoons, which could be two or more if the pontoon boat is quite large. While they are generally made from aluminum, their sole purpose is to support the deck.

Since the decks completely cover the pontoons, you cannot access them. As for catamarans, this is not the case.

Catamarans have a pair of hulls that support the deck, but they can be accessed for storage or living sections. Since they can be accessed, it cuts down on the total deck space.

In addition, a lot of catamarans will have an area on the deck enclosed for the captain to sail the boat. This takes up space on the deck too.

Depending on the size of each boat, it can make a difference on the deck size. Generally, pontoons have more deck space because they lack other features found in catamarans.

Size of Hull

As mentioned, pontoon boats do not have hulls you can access. For catamarans, this is a win if you are trying to live on your boat.

Catamarans often have many options in the hulls to live or provide storage. The larger the boat is, the more living space and features are available in the hulls.

Even if you find the smallest catamaran out there, they still have access to the hulls. The living space might not be comfortable, but you can still make it work.

Where to Sail

If you are wanting a boat that has sailing capabilities, the catamaran is the only option out of the two. Pontoons are not meant for the ocean, as they are built for lakes, rivers, or bays.

Pontoons are generally used for recreational purposes and found in two forms. These are standard pontoons and house boats.

Catamarans can even be used in races against other catamarans. While these are not like racing cars, you can still have fun trying to race another.

Due to their size, catamarans can handle tougher conditions that the ocean or storms might bring. As for pontoons, they are designed for you to have a relaxed time.

Ease of Use

When looking at ease of use, the pontoon is one of the easiest boats to learn how to operate since you simply drive it on the water. With catamarans, you need to know how to sail in order to successfully operate the boat.

If you have never operated a pontoon boat, it will likely take you a few minutes to get the basics down. If you have never sailed before, you are going to be on a major learning curve trying to do it alone on a catamaran.

The experience levels are nowhere near the same to operate both boats. It is recommended that you have some experience sailing a catamaran before heading out to sea with one.

Looking at standard pontoon boats, they can reach up to 30 miles an hour. Some luxury brands might go faster, but likely not too much.

Catamarans have mixed results on speed depending on the size and wind. They can reach up to 50 miles an hour in the right conditions.

While a pontoon boat has the potential to go fast, it is recommended that you do not race them. These boats are not meant to cut through waves or wakes, which could potentially damage or flip your boat.

Catamarans are some of the most stable sailboats you can have. If one is ever flipped over in rough conditions, they will still float. You could potentially hold onto the hull at that point, but hopefully you never have to experience this.

As for pontoons, they are also fairly stable. If one of these are flipped, it will likely not sink either. Keep in mind that you should be handling either one properly, but their stability makes it easy to do so.

Size of Boat

Pontoons are typically anywhere between 15 to 50 feet depending on the type of boat it is. As for catamarans, they average between 40 to 50 feet with some being smaller and some are as long as 145 feet.

When docking either boat, you will likely have to pay more for the catamaran. Depending on the size, you might be charged twice for taking up two spots at a marina.

The size of the boat makes a huge difference with your adventure goals. If you want to have a handful of people in calmer waters, the pontoon is a great option.

If you want to sail on the ocean but also have plenty of people on board, the catamaran is the way to go. The size of the boat greatly affects deck space, living quarters, and storage.

Price Differences

Since both boats are designed for different purposes, the price points are greatly different. For a pontoon , these can range between $10,000 to $140,000 depending on size, brand, and features.

For a catamaran , you are looking anywhere between $30,000 to several million dollars. Factors that influence the price are the brand, size of boat, additional features, and how luxurious the boat is.

If you are planning on spending recreational time on the water for the weekend with your family, it makes sense to buy a pontoon. If you want to potentially live on your boat for long periods of time, a catamaran makes sense to purchase.


Catamarans often have two motors, which means double the maintenance cost for this. Pontoons can rely on one motor since they are narrow enough to fit just one.

Since catamarans are designed for the ocean, they are equipped with sails. These need to be regularly inspected and maintained in order to function properly.

If one of the sails are ripped or damaged, these need to be replaced or you risk potentially damaging your boat. Without proper sails, the boat becomes hard to steer.

Catamarans are also made out of different materials, such as fiberglass. Pontoons are generally made out of aluminum.

With that being said, fiberglass is delicate and can potentially get a hole when scratched. As for aluminum, it can handle a beating before it takes on water.

Since catamarans have living spaces and storage in the hulls, this is another maintenance cost to consider. Pontoon boats simply have the deck, motor, and pontoons to worry about when trying to maintain the boat.

Value of Boat

Pontoon boats fall in value quite quickly after they are purchased new. Depending on the size and brand, you could potentially hold some value.

It is usually better to buy a pontoon boat around three years after the date it was made. As for catamarans, the resale value is fairly high.

Catamarans are not as commonly made as pontoons are, meaning you can name your price on the used market. While this is good for the seller, it makes it harder for the consumer to find one at a great price.

Perfect for Your Situation

Both pontoons and catamarans can help you reach your goals of getting out on the water. While there are major differences in where you can take either boat, they do offer different options.

For the ocean, it is a no-brainer to take the catamaran. For calmer bodies of water and a relaxed time, take the pontoon. If you are worried about price, then a pontoon might be the way to go.

There are a ton of possibilities to consider, and they will only be relevant to your situation. Narrow down your goals to get on a body of water and see what works best for you.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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Small catamaran vs. Pontoon Boats

Ding, Ding, Ding: Small Catamarans vs. Pontoon Boats

is pontoon boat a catamaran

Table of Contents

Last Updated on October 25, 2023 by Boatsetter Team

Both small power catamarans and pontoon boats are often called multihulls, but, depending on the day on the water you have planned for yourself, one will ultimately be better than the other. Pontoons typically have two hulls (those with three hulls are called a tritoon ). These hulls are joined together with a grid and topped by a plywood deck . The ancient pontoon was a slow moving boat, however,  today with larger engines (up to twin 450-hp outboards), they can go in excess of 60 mph.

Small power catamarans (under 32 feet), also known as a dinghy catamaran, have twin hulls connected by a crossbeam. They’re generally built of fiberglass but what sets them apart from pontoons is that they’re a sailboat. Now that you know what they’re made of, we’ll take a look at the pros and cons of each boat type.

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Pros of boating with a pontoon

Small Catamaran vs. Pontoon Boat

Stability- Pontoon boats have a wide stance and good buoyancy, and they’re very stable on the water, so they’re good for older boaters, pets, and families with kids.

Deck space- Speaking of bringing your pet, family, or friend group on a boating trip, pontoons are perfect for medium to large groups. Their spacious deck typically seats for 8-12 people.

Versatility- Today’s pontoons with their larger engines can go fishing , towing, or entertaining. Some even have refrigerators and sinks so they take entertainment to a new level.

Shallow draft- Pontoons are great for lakes, estuaries, and rivers where the waters are shallow and where other boats can’t venture. Pro tip : Thinking about venturing into the deep blue sea? Read this first: Can a Pontoon Go Into the Ocean?

Propulsion- Pontoons use outboard engines for power, and some carry more than one for higher speeds and more torque.

Options- Modern pontoon boats can be optioned out with diving boards, boarding ladders, navigation electronics, premium sound systems, towing pylons, electric Biminis, premium lighting and galleys.

Trailering- Pontoons can be towed from lake to lake and may be stored on a trailer which is generally cheaper than keeping a boat in a slip.

Approachability- Pontoons are incredibly user friendly. Their simple design makes them an easy choice of novice boaters, or anyone without previous boating experience, to get behind the helm . Most people that have rented a pontoon and operated it themselves say they feel confident that they will be able to operate a simple pontoon boat quickly.

Although top models with multiple large outboards can cost in excess of $300,000, pontoon boats are among the most affordable family boats available, often starting under $40,000 for a new model.

Cons of boating with a pontoon 

No interior- Pontoon boats generally have no interior accommodations and the hulls have little to no stowage space.

Saltwater applications- Since the hulls are made of unpainted aluminum, pontoons aren’t appropriate for extended saltwater use due to corrosion issues.

Maneuvering- With twin outboards, pontoon boats are relatively easy to maneuver but with a single outboard, they can be tricky to dock.

Aesthetics- Not everyone likes the look of pontoon boats with their aluminum fencing and rectangular shapes.

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Pros of boating with a small powercat

small catamaran vs pontoon boats

Stability- Like pontoons, powercats are wide and stable on the water and they induce less seasickness than monohulls even in ocean swells.

Versatility- Some powercats are designed for cruising while others may have a center console so they’re good for fishing . Either way, they induce less fatigue since twin hulls offer better comfort than one.

Space- Powercats have more deck space than monohulls but usually less than pontoon boats because they often have an interior for sleeping accommodations, lounging and cooking.

Propulsion- Powercats can have either outboard or inboard engines. With inboards, they’re usually more fuel efficient but a bit slower at the top end and generally aren’t used for watersports towing. (This may not be the case with outboard motors.)

Maneuvering- With twin engines (one in/on each hull ) set wide apart, powercats are fairly easy to drive and dock even without side thrusters.

Seaworthiness- Powercats are fiberglass and are often outfitted for distance cruising or ocean fishing so they can go just about anywhere.

Options- Powercats offer plenty of options to customize your boat from engine size to electronics, finishes and more.

Cons of boating with a small powercat

Trailering- Some powercats under 30 feet may be trailered but most will be stored in a wet slip which will add to their mooring cost.

Intimidation factor- New boaters are often intimidated by the size (length and width) of a powercat and its complex systems. For whatever reason, boaters aren’t as confident in taking on a powercat rather than a pontoon although the latter may be easier to drive.

Price- Even small powercats can be expensive so unless you have ocean or distance travel in mind, you may not need to stretch your budget to a powercat.

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The winner… by unanimous decision… is…

Small powercats from builders like Aspen , TwinVee , and Aquila have grown very popular with monohull converts. They’re versatile travelers with long legs and excellent comfort.

Pontoons meanwhile, have grown stronger, larger and faster in recent years and they continue to be the fastest growing segment of boating. Models from builders like Bennington and Godfrey have high top speeds and plenty of power for watersports. To know which boat type is the winner of this match, then ask yourself this: 

  • Which boating and on-water activities am I interested in? 
  • How much money are you working with? Pro tip : Pontoons and power catamarans are available to be rented for half-day or full-day trips. 
  • What route do you plan to take? Inshore or offshore? 
  • Do you plan on riding solo or going out with a group?

Based on what you learned here and your answers, you know who it is. 

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Zuzana Prochazka is an award-winning freelance journalist and photographer with regular contributions to more than a dozen sailing and powerboating magazines and online publications including Southern Boating, SEA, Latitudes & Attitudes and SAIL. She is SAIL magazines Charter Editor and the Executive Director of Boating Writers International. Zuzana serves as judge for SAIL’s Best Boats awards and for Europe’s Best of Boats in Berlin. 

A USCG 100 Ton Master, Zuzana founded and manages a flotilla charter organization called Zescapes that takes guests adventure sailing at destinations worldwide. 

Zuzana has lived in Europe, Africa and the United States and has traveled extensively in South America, the islands of the South Pacific and Mexico. 

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Catamaran Hulls- Everything You Need To Know

  • Post Written By: Boater Jer
  • Published: July 17, 2022
  • Updated: July 19, 2022

Catamaran Hulls- Everything you need to know at Boating.Guide.

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Catamaran hulls are not like normal boats but provide increased stability. Let’s take a look at these incredible boats and how their hulls create one of the most versatile watercraft available today.

The Tamil Cholas used catamarans to ferry their troops to invade Malaysia, Indonesia, and Burma. The early paravars or fishing communities in the southern part of Tamil Nadu used two-hulled boats to fish. Polynesian seafarers were also early users of the catamaran, utilizing the watercraft to get to hard-to-reach islands. ( source )

Although the catamaran hull concept is a relatively new introduction to modern boat design , the boat has been in use since the 5th century. It was used for fishing, traveling, and transporting people and supplies. 

Parts Of A Catamaran

Here are the basic parts of the modern sailing catamaran:

  • Hulls are what sets this boat apart from the rest. The catamaran has two hulls, while the monohull, as the name suggests, has only one hull. Most of the advantages of this boat are hinged on these two hulls. 
  • The bridge deck connects the two catamaran hulls. 
  • On top of the catamaran hulls and the bridge deck is the deck . It is where owners attach most of the equipment in a boat. 
  • You can locate the berth, the galley, and other living amenities in the cabin . 
  • The cockpit is where you find the navigation equipment of the boat . It is where you control the catamaran’s rudder, sails, and engine. 

Types Of Catamaran

Types of catamarans are explained on Boating.guide

The modern catamaran is far more different than its crude ancestor. Instead of tree cutouts, catamarans are now carbon fiber or fiberglass. Here are the different types of catamarans: 

Based On function

Pontoons are usually present on rivers and lakes and sometimes even on oceans, but they only travel near the shore.

In a catamaran pontoon-type boat, the pontoons serve as storage areas, where you will find the onboard motors. They are useful for water leisure activities such as short water trips, tubing, wakeboarding, and water skiing. 

Some pontoons may also serve as houseboats. They provide a broader, more stable platform ideal for a floating house. Plus, the space is bigger, and most of it is above water. It offers a better viewing option than a monohull. ( Source )

Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull is a catamaran-type boat that the United States Navy initially used for military purposes. They provide the water stability that is necessary when transporting heavy military equipment. 

One example of a military SWATH catamaran is the Spearhead class EPF. It is as long as a World War II escort destroyer, yet it is twice as fast at 43 knots. It can reach that speed because of its two separate hulls.

Because of their innate speed, SWATH catamarans can become patrol boats in lakes and rivers. They can easily outrun and outmaneuver standard watercraft.  

Nowadays, there are SWATH cruise ships and other non-military variations. ( Source )

Based On Design

  • Sailing Catamaran

The smaller sailing catamarans do not have auxiliary engines, so the owner can propel the boat by harnessing the wind using the sails. It’s a popular choice for people with very little or no sailing experience because they are light and easy to use. 

The larger sailing catamarans are for group charters and long-distance cruising. They have become so popular lately that they now outnumber monohulls in tropical locations all over the world. They have a last, a headsail, and a mainsail. And the twin hulls have one engine each. 

  • Power Catamaran

Unlike their sailing cousins, the powered catamarans do not have sails. They have massive engines which provide high speed. Their twin hulls are stronger and can carry and protect the large motors. 

The smaller “powercats” are used mainly for fishing. The bigger ones are rented out for charters and cruises. 

Catamaran Hulls Performance 

Thanks to the catamaran hulls, the boat offers many advantages over other boat types. 

  • Because its dual-hull design provides a broader base, it offers more water stability than monohull boats. It makes the cat (catamaran) a popular choice for fishing expeditions and cruises.
  • Riding a catamaran is ideal for people who feel seasick whenever they ride boats. The twin hulls prevent the boat from moving from side to side. The hulls allow the boat to travel smoothly, even on moderately choppy waters.
  • The catamaran is the best choice when storing provisions and other household items with less heeling and bobbing. 
  • The twin hulls’ stability is ideal for many activities such as cooking and partying. 
  • Cats offer more moving space because of their broader base, thanks to dual hulls.
  • With a catamaran, you have two great options on where to hang out. You can do it on the spacious deck or below the galley. 
  • Compared to a monohull of the same size, the catamaran can accommodate more equipment and people.
  • The living area in a catamaran is above the water line. This feature provides more natural light, a greater view of the outside, and better air circulation. 
  • Since catamarans do not have keels, they can anchor on shallow waters, something that most monohulls will not be able to do. This ability of catamaran boats is impressive, especially if you are going around areas with many reefs and small islands.
  • Catamaran hulls allow the boat to cut through the waves easier and faster. It means they require less engine power than their monohull counterparts.
  • Because it has two engines and two rudders, the catamaran can easily maneuver in very tight spaces. 
  • Because they do not carry heavy keels, catamarans can sail faster than monohulls. 
  • The catamaran’s stability, speed, and weight make it a safer option than the monohull. It can sail in shallow waters, make a 360 degrees maneuver effortlessly, and carry more provisions. 

Disadvantages Of A Catamaran

Like any other boat type, the catamaran also has drawbacks and limitations. Here are some of them:

  • The catamaran hulls prevent the boat from sailing as fast as the monohull upwind. The two hulls cause drag, and this slows the boat considerably. 
  • Because of its bigger size, looking for a docking site can be more difficult and costlier than a monohull. 
  • For hardcore sailing fans, the experience of sailing with a catamaran will never be able to match that of sailing with a monohull. To them, the challenge of true sailing is just not there with a catamaran.

What Are The Hulls Of The Catamaran Called?

According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the Tamil word கட்டுமரம், which is pronounced as kattumaran, is where the word catamaran takes its name. The word means “pieces of logs tied together”. Through the years, the term has evolved into what is now a catamaran in English. 

What Are The Characteristics Of A Catamaran Hull?

  • Both hulls of a catamaran complement each other to achieve very minimum water resistance. 
  • Because of this, it takes less energy to propel a catamaran, whether via an engine or sails. 
  • The catamaran hulls provide stability to the boat. The twin-hull significantly reduces bobbing. 
  • The catamaran’s ability to keep steady on the water makes it an ideal vessel for cooking, dining, and storing provisions. 

Are Catamarans Good In Rough Water?

Catamarans are amazingly stable in rough water. The catamaran’s design and build, which provides stability, are factors why it is one of the best boats to use when the waters are choppy. 

Yes, catamarans are relatively more expensive than monohulls. Nevertheless, since single-hull boats are less expensive, their resale value is also cheap. 

If you add all the advantages that a catamaran offers – safety, comfort, and speed- it does not come out expensive. 


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Cruising the Seas in Splendor: Unveiling the Majesty of Catamaran Boats

Catamaran boats have been gaining popularity in recent years due to their unique design and numerous benefits. These boats are built with two hulls instead of one, which provides a more stable and comfortable ride.

They are also faster and more fuel-efficient than traditional monohull boats, making them a popular choice for both recreational and commercial use.

One of the biggest advantages of catamaran boats is their stability. The two hulls provide a wider base, which makes them less likely to tip over in rough waters. This stability also makes them a great choice for those who are prone to seasickness or who want to enjoy a more comfortable ride.

Sailing catamaran in harbor

Additionally, the shallow draft of catamarans allows them to access shallow waters that are off-limits to larger boats, making them ideal for exploring secluded coves and beaches.

Overall, catamaran boats are a great choice for anyone looking for a stable, comfortable, and efficient vessel for both recreational and commercial use.

With their unique design and numerous benefits, it’s no wonder that they have become increasingly popular in recent years. Whether you’re looking to sail the open seas or explore secluded coves, a catamaran boat may be the perfect choice for your next adventure on the water. Now let’s take a more in-depth look at this type of leisure craft.

What is a catamaran boat?

A catamaran boat is a type of watercraft that features two parallel hulls connected by a deck or platform. This design provides stability, speed, and efficiency on the water, making it a popular choice for various purposes such as leisure cruising, racing, fishing, or even luxury yachting.

Catamarans have been around for centuries but have gained significant popularity in recent years due to their unique advantages over traditional monohull boats. One key characteristic of catamaran boats is their wide beam or width compared to monohulls.

This attribute allows for excellent stability and better weight distribution, providing passengers with a smoother ride even in rough waters. The wider deck layout of catamarans also offers more space for recreational activities and amenities such as sunbathing areas, dining spaces, and storage compartments.

Whether it’s a power catamaran designed for speed and efficiency or a pontoon-like sailing catamaran built for comfort and relaxation, these boats provide ample room for both functionality and comfort. Catamarans are available in various types to cater to different boating preferences.

Power Catamarans are known for their ability to navigate through the water swiftly while maintaining stability. Their twin-hull design reduces drag and allows them to maintain higher speeds with less fuel consumption compared to traditional powerboats.

On the other hand, Sailing Catamarans focus on harnessing wind power efficiently with their multiple sails and rigging systems . When considering purchasing or renting a catamaran boat, it’s important to know that different brands offer different features tailored to specific needs.

Sailing catamaran boat

Luxury catamarans often come equipped with high-end amenities like spacious cabins, swimming pools, gourmet kitchens, and luxurious interiors designed for an extravagant experience on the water. Some popular luxury catamaran brands include Lagoon Catamarans and Leopard Catamarans.

For those looking at smaller options suitable for day trips or weekend getaways, there are various small catamaran brands to explore. These compact vessels often prioritize efficiency and ease of handling while providing enough space for a small group of people.

They are perfect for exploring coastal areas, shallow waters, or inland waterways. Catamaran boats offer a unique and versatile boating experience with their twin-hull design, wide deck layouts, and various types tailored to specific needs.

They provide stability, speed, and ample space for recreational activities or luxurious amenities. Whether it’s the power and efficiency of a racing catamaran or the comfort and relaxation of a luxury catamaran, these vessels have become increasingly popular in the boating world as they redefine the way we navigate through water.

Design and Structure of Catamaran Boats

Catamaran boats are fascinating watercraft known for their unique design and structure. The foundation of their design lies in the arrangement of two hulls, parallel to each other, connected by a platform or bridge-like structure. This configuration sets them apart from traditional monohull boats and brings forth a range of advantages that I will explore later in this article.

The design and structure of catamaran boats allow for superior stability on the water. With two hulls instead of one, catamarans have a wider beam, providing excellent balance and reducing the chances of capsizing.

This stability makes them an ideal choice for those who prefer smooth sailing experiences without sacrificing safety. Furthermore, the wide beam also contributes to maximizing living space on board.

Catamarans often boast spacious interiors that can accommodate more passengers comfortably, making them popular choices for luxury cruises or large groups seeking adventure on the open seas. Small catamaran brands often focus on enhancing space utilization while maintaining efficiency.

The deck layout of catamaran boats is carefully designed to ensure efficient movement and ease of handling. Whether it’s Power Catamarans used for leisurely activities or Racing Catamarans built for exhilarating competitions, their respective deck layouts are tailored to meet specific needs.

Another integral component is the rigging system utilized by catamarans equipped with sails. These systems consist of masts, booms, and ropes designed to optimize sail control.

The aerodynamic shape of catamaran sails contributes to increased speed and maneuverability when compared to other types of sailboats . Luxury Catamarans often incorporate innovative features such as spacious sun decks, swimming platforms, jacuzzis, or even onboard movie theaters.

These enhancements provide an indulgent experience for those seeking high-end yachting adventures. It is worth mentioning Pontoon Boats as they share some characteristics with catamaran designs due to their multihull configuration.

However, it is important to note that pontoon boats are generally used for calmer inland waters, while catamarans excel in open ocean conditions. The design and structure of catamaran boats are a testament to their engineering ingenuity.

The parallel hulls, coupled with the carefully designed deck layouts and rigging systems, contribute to their stability, speed, and spaciousness. As a result, catamaran boats have become popular choices for those seeking comfortable and exhilarating sailing experiences on both leisurely excursions and competitive races.

Types of Catamaran Boats

When it comes to catamaran boats, there exists a wide range of types catering to diverse needs and preferences.

These vessels are designed and built with specific purposes in mind, allowing enthusiasts to choose one that suits their desired activities on the water. From sailing catamarans to luxury powerhouses, there is a catamaran for every taste.

Sailing Catamarans

Sailing Catamarans are perhaps the most iconic among all types. These boats utilize the power of the wind with specialized catamaran sails to propel themselves through the water.

Sailing catamarans are known for their stability, speed, and comfortable sailing experience. They often feature spacious deck layouts with ample seating areas and come equipped with advanced rigging systems for efficient control.

Power Catamarans

On the other end of the spectrum are Power Catamarans. These boats prioritize speed and maneuverability over wind propulsion.

Powered by engines instead of sails, these vessels offer a thrilling experience on the water. Power catamarans often have sleek designs and can reach impressive speeds while maintaining stability due to their dual-hull configuration.

Offshore Powerboat Class 1 Stepped Hull racing catamaran

Racing catamarans

For those seeking high-performance vessels built for racing, Racing Catamarans fit the bill perfectly. These lightweight and agile boats are designed specifically for competitive sailing events where speed is paramount.

Racing catamarans feature aerodynamic hulls, advanced rigging systems, and optimized sail plans that allow them to glide effortlessly through the water at incredible speeds.

Luxury Catamarans

Luxury Catamarans cater to those who seek premium comfort and opulence on their seafaring adventures.

These high-end vessels combine exquisite interior design with top-of-the-line amenities such as spacious cabins, luxurious lounges, gourmet kitchens, and even lavish entertainment systems. Luxury catamaran brands focus on providing an unparalleled level of luxury while still ensuring superior performance on the open water.

Small Catamaran Brands offer compact options that are suitable for various recreational activities such as fishing or cruising on smaller bodies of water. These catamarans often feature simpler deck layouts with ample seating for a few passengers.

Smaller catamaran brands typically focus on affordability and versatility, making these vessels accessible to a wider range of boating enthusiasts. The types of catamaran boats available cater to a diverse range of preferences and activities.

Whether one seeks the thrill of sailing, the power of engines, the excitement of racing, or the luxury of opulent interiors, there is a perfect catamaran waiting to be discovered. From sailing catamarans with advanced rigging systems to luxury powerhouses and racing machines, these vessels offer an unforgettable experience on the water for enthusiasts of all kinds.

Advantages of Catamaran Boats

Catamaran boats offer a multitude of advantages that make them a desirable choice for boating enthusiasts. From stability to comfort, these vessels have proven themselves to be a worthwhile investment.

One prominent advantage of catamaran boats is their exceptional stability on the water. The dual-hulled design provides a wide beam, ensuring superior balance and reducing the risk of capsizing, even in rough seas .

This stability factor makes catamarans an excellent choice for those prone to motion sickness or seeking a smooth sailing experience. Another advantage lies in the generous living space and comfort offered by catamaran boats.

With two hulls instead of one, there is ample room for cabins, lounges, and other amenities. Luxury catamarans are particularly renowned for their spaciousness and lavish interiors, providing an unparalleled level of comfort during extended trips or liveaboard experiences.

Catamarans also shine when it comes to fuel efficiency. Compared to other types of vessels like powerboats or pontoon boats , catamarans generally require less horsepower to achieve similar speeds due to their lightweight construction and reduced drag in the water.

This efficiency translates into lower fuel consumption, making them an environmentally friendly option as well as more cost-effective over time. Furthermore, catamaran boats boast impressive sailing performance due to their unique rigging system and deck layout.

The wide beam allows for greater sail area compared to monohull sailboats while maintaining excellent stability. Sailing catamarans can harness the wind more efficiently with larger sails that propel them forward swiftly and gracefully through the water.

Racing enthusiasts are particularly drawn to the advantages offered by racing catamarans. These specialized vessels are designed with cutting-edge technology and aerodynamics that result in exceptional speed on the water.

The multi-hull structure allows racing catamarans to skim across waves with minimal drag while maintaining superb maneuverability. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that catamarans are available in a wide range of sizes and configurations, catering to diverse preferences and needs.

From small catamaran brands that focus on affordability and simplicity, to high-end luxury catamarans designed for opulent cruising, there is a vessel suited for every boating enthusiast. The advantages of catamaran boats are truly remarkable.

Their stability, spaciousness, fuel efficiency, sailing performance, and diverse range of options make them an attractive choice for both leisurely cruising and competitive sailing. Whether you are a seasoned sailor or a recreational boater looking for comfort on the water, exploring the offerings from various catamaran brands is sure to reveal the perfect vessel to suit your desires.

Disadvantages of Catamaran Boats

While catamaran boats offer numerous advantages, it is important to acknowledge that they also come with a fair share of disadvantages. These drawbacks, although not deal-breakers, should be considered when making a decision about purchasing or sailing a catamaran.

Firstly, one notable disadvantage of catamaran boats is their wide beam . Due to their dual-hull design, catamarans tend to have a larger width compared to monohull vessels.

While this provides stability and ample space for accommodation and deck layout, it can present challenges in terms of docking and maneuvering in tight spaces. The wider beam requires special attention when navigating marinas or crowded anchorages as it may limit access to certain berths or docking areas.

Secondly, the increased windage caused by the wider beam makes catamarans more susceptible to being affected by strong winds . The larger surface area exposed to wind can result in greater resistance and difficulties in steering during adverse weather conditions.

While modern catamaran designs have addressed this issue through improved hull profiles and efficient rigging systems, it remains an inherent characteristic that requires careful consideration. Another disadvantage lies in the potential limitations of shallow draft capabilities.

Although some catamarans are designed with retractable keels or daggerboards that enhance their ability to navigate shallow waters more effectively than monohulls, there are still limitations depending on the specific model and size of the boat. This can restrict access to certain anchorages or require cautious navigation in areas with potentially shallow shoals.

Additionally, compared to monohulls, catamarans may be perceived as less suitable for racing purposes due to their increased weight and form drag caused by their wider beam. While high-performance racing catamarans exist within specialized classes such as Formula 18 or A-Class Catamarans, they are not as widely available as monohull racing sailboats.

Therefore, those seeking competitive racing experiences may need to explore other options outside the realm of catamaran sailing. Cost can be a significant disadvantage for those considering purchasing a catamaran.

Catamarans, especially when compared to smaller monohull or pontoon boat options, tend to be more expensive due to their larger size and increased construction materials. Luxury catamarans with high-end fittings and finishes can command even higher prices.

Additionally, maintenance costs for catamarans may be higher than for monohulls due to the dual-hull structure and the complexity of certain systems such as rigging and sails. While catamaran boats offer numerous advantages such as stability, spaciousness, and efficient sailing capabilities, they also come with several disadvantages that should not be overlooked.

The wider beam affecting maneuverability and wind resistance, potential limitations in shallow draft capabilities, reduced availability of racing options compared to monohulls, and the higher overall cost are aspects one must consider when evaluating whether a catamaran is the right vessel for their needs. Understanding these drawbacks will enable potential owners or sailors to make informed decisions regarding this unique style of boat.

The Cost of Catamaran Boats

The Cost of Catamaran Boats When considering the purchase of a catamaran boat, it is crucial to delve into the cost aspect. Catamaran boats come in various sizes, designs, and configurations, leading to a wide range of prices.

The price of a catamaran boat can be influenced by factors such as brand reputation, size, construction materials, added features, and market demand. Whether you are looking for small catamarans brands or luxury catamarans capable of crossing oceans in style, there is a price range to accommodate every buyer’s preferences and budget.

Small catamaran brands usually offer more affordable options for those starting their journey into the world of multi-hull sailing. These compact vessels often range from 20 to 35 feet in length and are designed for day trips or weekend cruising.

With simpler deck layouts and fewer amenities compared to larger models, these smaller catamarans typically have lower price tags starting from around $50,000 for used boats and reaching up to $300,000 for newer models. On the other end of the spectrum lie luxury catamarans tailored for discerning buyers seeking opulent accommodations and top-of-the-line features.

These floating wonders can stretch up to 80 feet or more in length and boast sophisticated interiors that rival five-star hotels. With high-end amenities such as multiple en-suite cabins with private bathrooms, spacious lounges outfitted with modern entertainment systems, gourmet kitchens with high-quality appliances, and expansive deck spaces perfect for hosting extravagant parties or sunbathing sessions; it’s no wonder these luxurious vessels command hefty price tags ranging from several million dollars upwards.

For those interested in racing catamarans built specifically for performance-oriented sailing competitions; prices vary depending on the level of customization desired. Racing catamarans prioritize lightweight materials like carbon fiber constructions which contribute to enhanced speed capabilities on water surfaces.

Buyers should expect prices upwards of several hundred thousand dollars for professionally designed racing catamarans that incorporate cutting-edge rigging systems, advanced catamaran sails, and specialized hull shapes to maximize speed and maneuverability. Power catamarans, while sharing the multihull design with their sailing counterparts, offer an entirely different boating experience.

These motorized vessels combine stability and fuel efficiency to provide an enjoyable cruising experience for those who prefer to explore the open waterways without relying on wind power. The cost of power catamarans can vary widely depending on factors such as size, engine specifications, interior amenities, and brand reputation.

Entry-level power catamarans start around $200,000 and can reach multi-million-dollar price tags for larger models equipped with luxurious features. Ultimately, when it comes to the cost of catamaran boats; buyers need to consider their specific requirements and desired features.

It is advisable to thoroughly research different brands in order to find a vessel that best fits both budget constraints and individual preferences. Whether one seeks a small-budget adventure on a compact pontoon boat or a grandiose voyage aboard a high-end luxury catamaran ; the market offers ample choices catering to every taste and financial capacity.

Popular Brands of Catamaran Boats

When it comes to popular brands of catamaran boats, the market offers a wide range of options to suit various preferences and needs. From small catamaran brands specializing in sailing catamarans to well-established manufacturers producing luxurious power catamarans, there is something for everyone.

This section will delve into some of the renowned catamaran brands, each with its unique features and offerings. One notable brand in the world of catamaran boats is Lagoon .

Catamaran Boat Lagoon 51

Known for their exceptional sailing catamarans, Lagoon has been at the forefront of innovative design and functionality. Their vessels are renowned for providing excellent stability on the water, spacious deck layouts, and top-quality rigging systems.

With models catering to both cruising and racing enthusiasts, Lagoon offers versatility that appeals to a wide range of sailors. Another prominent player in the industry is Leopard Catamarans.

Specializing in both sailing and power catamarans, Leopard has gained a reputation for its sleek designs and exceptional performance on the water. Their sailing models boast efficient hull shapes optimized for speed while maintaining comfort onboard.

On the other hand, their power catamarans offer remarkable fuel efficiency without compromising luxury. For those seeking luxury beyond measure, Sunreef Yachts is a brand that stands out from the crowd.

Sunreef specializes in building custom-made luxury catamarans that redefine opulence on water. With meticulous attention to detail, these floating mansions offer spacious living areas, stunning interiors adorned with high-end finishes, and an array of indulgent amenities such as Jacuzzis and private lounges.

Whether it’s for private use or charter purposes, Sunreef Yachts elevates the concept of luxury cruising. Privilege Marine has also made its mark on the industry by producing high-performance cruising catamarans loved by sailors worldwide.

Their vessels prioritize speed without compromising comfort or safety. Privilege Marine prides itself on incorporating innovative design features such as a central helm station, allowing for excellent visibility and control.

These sailing catamarans are meticulously crafted with high-quality materials, providing a luxurious experience on the water. We have Fountaine Pajot , a longstanding name in the catamaran world.

With a wide range of models available, Fountaine Pajot caters to various boating preferences and budgets. Their sailing catamarans are known for their excellent maneuverability and stability, making them popular among both seasoned sailors and novices.

Fountaine Pajot also offers power catamarans that combine performance with comfort, ensuring an enjoyable cruising experience. The world of catamaran boats is enriched by several popular brands that cater to different needs and desires.

Whether it’s small catamaran brands focusing on sailing catamarans or larger manufacturers specializing in power vessels or luxury yachts, each brand brings its unique touch to the market. From racing enthusiasts seeking high-performance vessels to those looking for opulent cruising experiences, there is a wide array of options available from renowned brands such as Lagoon, Leopard Catamarans , Sunreef Yachts, Privilege Marine, and Fountaine-Pajot.

Catamaran Boats offer a wide range of benefits and options for boating enthusiasts. The unique design and structure of catamarans provide stability, speed, and spaciousness that are unrivaled by other types of boats.

Whether you are looking for a racing catamaran to satisfy your need for speed or a luxury catamaran to indulge in the ultimate comfort and leisure on the water, there is a catamaran boat to suit your preferences. The advantages of catamaran boats cannot be overstated.

Their wide deck layout ensures ample space for socializing, sunbathing, or even hosting parties onboard. The stability offered by the twin hulls allows for easy movement on the boat without the constant swaying experienced on monohulls or pontoon boats.

Additionally, with their efficient rigging system and aerodynamic design, catamarans can harness the power of wind or motor engines to achieve impressive speeds. When it comes to catamaran brands, there are several well-established names in the market that have gained recognition for their quality craftsmanship and innovative designs.

Some popular brands include Lagoon Catamarans, Leopard Catamarans, Fountaine Pajot Catamarans, and Sunreef Yachts. These brands offer a range of options from small catamarans suitable for day trips to larger power catamarans designed for long-distance cruising.

While there are numerous advantages to owning a catamaran boat, it is important to consider some potential disadvantages as well. Due to their size and complexity, maintenance costs may be higher compared to other types of boats.

Additionally, docking restrictions may apply due to their wider beam compared to monohull vessels. However, despite these potential drawbacks, the overall appeal and popularity of catamaran boats continue to grow in recent years.

With advancements in technology and design techniques aimed at enhancing performance efficiency while maintaining comfort levels onboard, sailing enthusiasts have even more reasons to choose catamarans. Catamaran boats offer a thrilling and luxurious boating experience suitable for various purposes.

Whether you are an avid sailor seeking the excitement of racing catamarans, or a leisurely cruiser in search of comfort and style on power catamarans, the market offers an array of choices to fulfill your desires. With their exceptional stability, ample deck space, and impressive speed capabilities, catamaran boats provide an unmatched experience on the water.

So why wait? Embark on your next adventure aboard a magnificent catamaran and let the winds carry you towards an unforgettable journey filled with joy, relaxation, and breathtaking vistas.

Catamaran Boats FAQ

What are some popular brands of catamaran boats.

There are several popular brands of catamaran boats, including Lagoon, Leopard, Fountaine Pajot, and Nautitech. Each brand has its own unique features and designs, so it is important to research and compare different brands before making a purchase.

Where can I find cheap used catamarans for sale?

There are several websites where you can find cheap used catamarans for sale, such as Boat Trader, YachtWorld, and Sailboat Listings. It is important to thoroughly inspect any used boat before making a purchase to ensure that it is in good condition.

What is the difference between a catamaran and a sailboat?

A catamaran is a type of sailboat that has two parallel hulls instead of one. This design provides greater stability and speed, as well as more living space. In contrast, a traditional sailboat has a single hull and is typically slower and less stable than a catamaran .

Are catamarans safer than sailboats?

Catamarans are generally considered to be safer than traditional sailboats because of their stability and buoyancy. They are less likely to capsize or sink in rough seas, and their dual hulls provide redundancy in case of damage to one hull. However, proper maintenance and safety precautions are still necessary to ensure safe sailing.

What is the average cost of a catamaran boat?

The cost of a catamaran boat can vary widely depending on factors such as size, age, and brand. On average, a new catamaran boat can cost anywhere from $150,000 to $1 million or more. Used catamarans can be found for significantly less, but it is important to factor in the cost of any necessary repairs or upgrades.

Can catamarans be used for fishing?

Yes, catamarans can be used for fishing. Their stability and spacious decks make them well-suited for fishing, and many catamarans are designed specifically for this purpose. However, it is important to ensure that the catamaran is equipped with the necessary fishing equipment and safety features before setting out to sea.

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About the author

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I worked as an officer in the deck department on various types of vessels, including oil and chemical tankers, LPG carriers, and even reefer and TSHD in the early years. Currently employed as Marine Surveyor carrying cargo, draft, bunker, and warranty survey.

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Comparing Inflatable vs. Traditional Sailing Catamarans

Dec 07, 2021

Comparing Inflatable vs. Traditional Sailing Catamarans

Inflatable sail catamarans offer stability and smooth sailing due to the wide beam and double-hulled tubes on either side. They range in size from 8 to 16+ feet. You can propel inflatable boats using sails, an outboard engine, or a pair of oars.

Similar in design to a pontoon boat, an inflatable sailboat can accommodate from 1 to 4 people depending on size. Below, we do a side-by-side comparison of an inflatable sailing catamaran versus a traditional cat so that you see why an inflatable may be your best choice.

Price Points

When comparing any products, price point or affordability shouldn't be the main item to consider. Furthermore, it is more important to look at the value of a vessel instead of its cost. However, you may not have the budget - or even the need - for a high-end, hard-hull catamaran, but you still want to experience the joy of taking one on the water.

Brand new traditional sailing catamarans rarely sell for less than $10,000 even a barebones beachcat. The average selling price based on the current market is around $350,000, including the big boys. On the high end, a new cruising catamaran, depending on the length, can sell for up to $1,000,000, while the average beach cat will run $20,000+!

If you are thinking to yourself, "There is no way I want to spend that much on a boat," that is where an inflatable catamaran may be a more practical option. Inflatable beachcats typically run between $3,000 and $10,000, depending on the size of the boat and selected trim and accessories. A lower price combined with a performance comparable to a traditional cat makes an inflatable sailboat a great value, with the added benefit of being more affordable.

Sail Area-Displacement Ratio

In the simplest terms, the Sail Area-Displacement ratio (SA/D) is a calculation used to express how much sail a boat carries relative to its weight. A catamaran having a sail area-displacement ratio under 15 would be considered under-canvased. Values above 15 would indicate reasonably good performance. Any vessel above 18 to 20 suggests relatively high performance, provided the boat has sufficient stability and a low enough displacement-length ratio to take advantage of its sail area.

A practical way to apply the SA/D ratio is to think about three key characteristics.


In most cases, you can find any of those two combinations. However, it isn't easy to get all three and have a balanced Sail Area-Displacement ratio. With that in mind, you are more likely to balance affordability, comfort, and speed in an inflatable catamaran than you are with a traditional catamaran. For instance, if you want both comfort and speed, you will pay for it with a traditional catamaran. You may not get the level of comfort and speed you want with an inflatable catamaran, but you'll save thousands of dollars. Fortunately, you can get pretty darn close, as inflatable boats have impressive SA/Ds.

Racing Classes

The clear winner here (pun intended) is the traditional catamaran. It is because rigid hull users have established racing classes, the most notable being the A-Class. The A-Class catamaran is the fastest single-handed racing catamaran in the world. Upwind, the A-Class catamaran can cruise at 10 knots. Downwind, it can really rip at over 20 knots of speed!

Unfortunately, there are no racing classes for inflatable catamarans. However, racing classes are in the works as organizations create classes, set professional competitions guidelines, and host regattas in metropolitan areas. As inflatables become more popular in the North America there is an increasing demand for organized racing classes and the manufacturers are ready to support these classes in any way they can!. t will be interesting to see how the classes get established and grow in the coming months to years.

General Recreational Use

While it is generally true that rigid-hull catamarans can outperform inflatable catamarans - mainly because rigid-hull cats are designed with speed as a primary factor - the tradeoff is that they are not ideal for general recreational use. It is comparable to using a Nascar to take the family on a weekend trip. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it also presents numerous safety risks.

The only time you can take children or inexperienced passengers out on the water in a Nacra or Hobie 16 is when the weather conditions are calm, and the waves are low. In more demanding conditions, you would want to avoid taking children and newbies out on the water. Inflatable sailboats are capable of thrilling speeds and maneuvers. However, you can tame them at will due to the weight of the passengers compared to the weight of the boat. You can still take the family out for an excursion in less-than-ideal weather conditions and maintain full control of the boat.


As a rule, you must transport a hard hull boat or larger catamaran using a trailer. Transporting the boat takes a crew, a lot of equipment, and, in some cases, expertise. Traditional catamarans are not easy to get in and out of the water. In many cases, they must be docked and stored off-season at a shipyard. It can add up to thousands of dollars in transportation and storage costs.

Unlike hard hull fiberglass boats, which take up space on your property or cost you a lot of money to dock, you can deflate inflatable boats and store them in smaller spaces on your property. Additionally, you don't need to move them in large trailers. Most inflatable boats can fit in compact spaces in your car, SUV, or RV. Plus, you can use a pump to inflate or deflate the boat quickly.

Since inflatable catamarans are buoyant, they are far more stable in severe weather conditions than traditional catamarans. They are less likely to capsize or pitchpole because they ride flat on the water's surface and have a very low center of gravity. Since the air chambers are separate, your boat will stay afloat if one of the chambers loses air. Tubes are easy to repair on-site, making inflatable boats an incredibly safe option for all your boating needs.

Inflatable sailboats have hulls made of EPDM Rubber, a vulcanized natural rubber compound identical to car tires, and PVC, a durable and inexpensive material commonly used in inflatable boatbuilding. These materials are perfectly within their expected use to hit rocks, sticks, other boats and docks without expecting damage. Traditional boats require fenders that protect the boat's outer surface from getting scratched or damaged as well as extra care needed when beaching.

Loading Capacity

Although inflatable catamarans are lighter than traditional boats, their buoyancy allows them to handle heavier cargo and provide a stable ride. That means they can hold multiple passengers, all accessories, and your gear. Balance the load across the large deck area and take off. Even smaller boats have surprisingly high loading capacities compared to traditional vessels.

For instance, If you want to go camping for the weekend with the family, you can expect your inflatable catamaran sailboat to easily accommodate all of your gear and passengers without worrying about overloading. An inflatable boat carries almost double the load of a hard hull boat. When you consider this fact, an inflatable is a more practical choice that allows you to engage in more water activities no matter where you go. It is the right boat that gives you more options.

Unique Boating Features

An inflatable boat has many of the same structural features as a traditional vessel. However, although some of the features are the same, they may operate differently on an inflatable boat. Other features are unique to inflatable boats. Some of the most useful features include:

Multiple Propulsion Methods

You can operate inflatable catamarans with outboard engines, sails, or oars. The type of propulsion you use depends on your purpose for buying the boat or the type of excursions you go on.

Heat-Welded EPDM Rubber Seams

Heat welding ensures a sturdy, durable, water-resistant seam that can stand up to salt water, fresh water, and high heat. The high heat factor comes into play if you store your inflatable boat for long periods in high-heat areas such as garages or attics. The Grabner EPDM hulls are welded then filled with a natural rubber before being vulcanized, this process guarantees that seams are air tight and can withstand decades of use and abuse.

Glued PVC Seams

Glued PVC Seams are the most debated seam in the inflatable world. Just blindly launching our opinion into this heavily debated topic: Properly glued seams with quality processes and materials is preferred over welded seams. Because glues vary wildly in quality and properties, glued seams get a bad rap. Glued seams are immortal, using the proper repair techniques and quality materials, glued seams can be "un-done" repaired and fixed indefinitely. As long as the PVC material still has life, which modern PVC fabric stands up way better than the PVC fabric of the 80's and 90's, you can repair glued seams if any issues arise.

Welded seams are not repairable. You can patch them, but once the fabric is welded, attempting to separate those sections, even to try and repair a leak, will destroy the fabric. Welding seams is typically done on boats that will be inflated once and never un-inflated save for repair work or a puncture. The welding process makes the seam slightly brittle and, after multiple folding cycles, will eventually develop leaks at those crease points.

The bottoms of inflatable catamarans (known as the hull) consist of durable PVC, which helps prevent tension and tearing during a boating trip. This feature is especially useful in larger boats. PVC hulls typically have an additional wear strip glued to the underside to further protect the hulls when beaching.

Like a traditional catamaran, wide beams make your inflatable boat suitable for one or multiple passengers, whether you are swimming, scuba diving, fishing, or just cruising around the lake. A wide beam are paramount to a stable platform for fun!


Because inflatable catamarans sit  on  the water instead of  in  the water like their rigid-hull counterparts, inflatables are much more maneuverable. Tacking an inflatable sailboat happens much faster in every wind condition, you will never have to experience the awful shame of a failed tack or being stuck in irons on an inflatable catamaran a situation that is all too common on all traditional cats such as the Hobie Wave and nearly every other catamaran without deep daggerboards and/or foiling. 

In Conclusion...

While it is true that traditional catamarans have some advantages - namely speed and organized racing opportunities - there are several glaring benefits of inflatable catamarans. When it comes to small sailboats, inflatable sailing catamarans give you exceptional performance at a fraction of the price of a traditional sailboats both in initial costs as well as continued cost of ownership.

Check out or full line of inflatable sailboats here!

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is pontoon boat a catamaran

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Pontoon or Catamaran

Discussion in ' Boat Design ' started by 67-LS1 , Oct 18, 2021 .


67-LS1 Senior Member

I would venture a guess that all pontoons are technically catamarans (or trimarans) but that doesn’t mean all catamarans are pontoons. So what’s the difference? Are pontoons only cylindrical? Is it more to do with the deck type or useable space in the hulls? Or ? Just curious as to what the industry says.  


bajansailor Marine Surveyor

Maybe it is simply a case of semantics? I am thinking that pontoons do not necessarily have to be cylindrical - they can be square or rectangular in cross section, and still work well as a pontoon The term 'pontoon boat' seems to have become a generic name for any type of aluminium catamaran (or trimaran) that has cylindrical pontoon hulls.  

Mr Efficiency

Mr Efficiency Senior Member

I'd say the pontoon is the "sealed" bouyancy compartments, and the rest of the structure is more like a sieve, can't keep water in or out. So a discontinuity in the structure where daylight can be seen. No reason why one is better than the other, unless the pontoons lack reserve volume for the total weight to be carried. Then they are a lesser proposition.  


kapnD Senior Member

I wouldn’t sweat the nomenclature a lot, the way I see it is that something called a pontoon boat is simply a cobby combination of floaty things with a deck, while a catamaran is engineered as a unit to be specifically effective at it’s given task.  
It is a lot easier to swap "pontoons" than drastically change a catamaran hull of a unitary nature. That has its attractions when you think about it.  
Mr Efficiency said: ↑ It is a lot easier to swap "pontoons" than drastically change a catamaran hull of a unitary nature. That has its attractions when you think about it. Click to expand...


DogCavalry Senior Member

kapnD said: ↑ Why would you want to swap the pontoons? Is this like rotating the tyres on a car? Click to expand...
OK, not that big a deal I guess. Interesting about the “sealed” buoyancy compartments. That’s something I would definitely associate with a typical pontoon boat and not necessarily a hull type catamaran.  


Iridian Junior Member

I would think of a pontoon as more like a party barge whereas a catamaran is a bit more performance oriented.  


hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

The word "pontoon" seems to have strayed away from its original meaning. https://www.etymonline.com/word/pontoon The same has happened to the word "catamaran". https://www.etymonline.com/word/catamaran#etymonline_v_5471  
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Iridian said: ↑ I would think of a pontoon as more like a party barge whereas a catamaran is a bit more performance oriented. Click to expand...


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Looking to build a pontoon type boat with catamaran hulls

  • Thread starter griggsmars
  • Start date Jan 11, 2011

Petty Officer 3rd Class

  • Jan 11, 2011

I am looking to build a pontoon type boat approx 24' to 30', with a small outboard. It will be used mostly as a floating island, from which you can launch jet skiis, hang out in the sun, swim, etc. The boat will be kept in Shark River bay most of the time, but I would like to be able to bring it out into the ocean when it's not too rough. I have been navigating and surfing these waters for 30+ years so I am well aware of the rapidly changing conditions. Here comes the question- would using catamaran style hulls as opposed to pontoons give the boat more stability, and better handling in choppy water? I have no problem with a deeper draft to gain these things. Thanks, MIke  


Re: Looking to build a pontoon type boat with catamaran hulls A pontoon is essentially a catamaran hull, just that it's constructed out of aluminum verses fiberglass. For choppy water, The handling characteristics of a true catamaran fiberglass hull are usually not realized until you reach a speed where it's trapping enough air to provide a sort of cushion to ride on. My cat starts riding like a caddy at 60. Anything below that it's a coin toss based on the conditions.  

Petty Officer 1st Class

Re: Looking to build a pontoon type boat with catamaran hulls The biggest difference will be that most pontoon hulls are just round tubes, meaning that once they are submerged by more than halfway, they have decreasing reserve buoyancy. Not a big deal in most situations, but could be if you run heavily loaded. Personally, I think the aft end of a pontoon hull should be shaped like an upside-down T - that would give you a planing surface if you had the power to do so, and a tapering hull at displacement speeds to give better efficiency. However, it would cost a little more to manufacture, which is why I think you don't see it put into practice.  

Re: Looking to build a pontoon type boat with catamaran hulls p.s. - there are regs out there that specify what your boat needs equipment-wise depending on size. 26' is the magic number - go over that and you will need more/better safety equipment, depending on where you live. Check your local regs...  

Re: Looking to build a pontoon type boat with catamaran hulls I'm not sure if there is enough information to provide a reasonable answer. In my opinion the Max. Load of the vessel is probably the most accurate number. It sounds like it's going to be used as a 'mothership' of sorts for surfing and jetskiing. The Hobie 16 (for example) has a Max Load of 800Lbs. A Sun Tracker 18 has a Max. Load of 1700lbs. Without really being able to compare apples to oranges it's difficult to say.  

Supreme Mariner

Re: Looking to build a pontoon type boat with catamaran hulls The answer is yes, PowerCat-type hulls will give a better ride than pontoon hulls. The deeper vee of a cat will cut the water better and ride better. Cat hulls will also increase freeboard which is a good thing. However, it will make launching a jet ski a challenge. You will need a V4 outboard(twin OBs will be much better) to have any decent performance and it will be better to fight the currents by the bridges.  



Lieutenant junior grade.

  • Jan 12, 2011

Re: Looking to build a pontoon type boat with catamaran hulls Heed Chris's advice. When I was younger, my boss lived on the river. One summer, we decided to build a floating platform to swim from. He had access to pontoons, so we put 3 pontoons under a 16' x 20' platform. It worked great, we pushed it out into a cove, anchored it down, and swam/hung out on it after work many days. One day, my boss gets to tinkering, and in a few minutes, he has an aluminum plate fabbed up on the back of the platform to mount one of the rental boat motors (merc 9.9's). We figure load up a cooler, and take it out to the mouth of the river (about 1/2 mile down from his house) and hang out at the sand bar. Going out was no problem. Getting back was. The 9.9 would not move it one inch forward against the current. We ended up calling his wife to come out with their Penn Yann and tow us back. We still made the same trip several more times, but planned ahead for a tow home. All and all, it was great fun. I think he's still using it and that was 15 years ago.  


  • Jan 13, 2011

Re: Looking to build a pontoon type boat with catamaran hulls Thank you, everyone has great advise, I will probably go with that 26' number, I hope to be able to hold at least 10 people plus seating, coolers etc. I would also up the engine size to gain more power, ( at least 150hp or maybe 2 smaller motors) as it is true getting in and out of the inlet can be difficult. The problem is, I don't think a standard pontoon boat is going to be able to handle what I'm asking of it. Now the question is- will I gain enough in performance, and stability in the ocean by using the catamaran hulls to make this venture worth while. Also, will I have the necessary bouyancy? I would rather spend more money and greater effort to end up with a vessel that will have more versatility, and the ability to venture into the ocean. Then, where do I get these hulls, or do I have to build them? Thanks again, Mike  

Re: Looking to build a pontoon type boat with catamaran hulls http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NEW-...0589687837?pt=Other_Boats&hash=item27b7f0101d even comes with a cooler, It's 28', don't know how it would fair in the swells, but it's an awesome looking shell. Or if budget is real bid you could get this http://dvice.com/archives/2009/10/for-sale-31-man.php  

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The NEW 2025 Sea-Doo Switch Fish Pontoon Boat

Eugene L.    08.29.24

The NEW 2025 Sea-Doo Switch Fish Pontoon Boat

Sea-Doo has brought out another addition to the award-winning Switch family of pontoon boats with the new 2025 Switch Fish .  This is the most accessible and adaptable model of pontoon boats that Sea-Doo offers, capable of being either a dedicated fishing machine or a family pleasure boat with just a few steps.  These are going to be available in two lengths, 18′ or 21′, with both being powered by the Rotax 1630 ACE – 230 hp engine (18’ also available with 170 hp Rotax). The Sea-Doo Switch Fish comes from the factory loaded with with a ton of features. Starting with four corner doors that give easy access to the water in both the front and back of the boat. For electronics, the Switch Fish comes with two Garmin 7″ touchscreen graphs, and an 80lb thrust Garmin Force Kraken trolling motor. This trolling motor comes with integrated wiring to keep things neat up front, as well as a secure storage locker for the motor when not in use. Additionally, the Switch Fish comes with two adjustable pedestal seats at the front of the boat, a quick attach 18-gallon cooler/livewell, and LinQ rod holders that can attach anywhere on the railing of the boat. All of these features can also be easily removed as well. So if your plans don’t include fishing for the day, the modular design of the Switch Fish lets you change that fishing space into a family fun space.

The NEW 2025 Sea-Doo Switch Fish Pontoon Boat

The new 2025 Sea-Doo Switch Fish has an MSRP that starts at $44,299 and should start being available to order this Fall.

2025 Sea-Doo Switch Fish Key Features

  • Trolling package – Garmin Force Kraken 24V, 80-lbs thrust, 57 in shaft trolling motor with GT56UHD-TR transducer
  • Garmin 7″ touchscreen GPS and Fish Finder at the console and at the bow
  • Bow screen mount kit
  • 2 lead-acid batteries, lead/AGM/gel/lithium battery charger
  • 2 Fishing pedestal seats
  • Quick-Attach 18 US gal (68 L) Cooler and Livewell
  •  Washdown and spray nozzle
  • Quick-Access rod storage and LinQ Lite rail rod holders
  • Trolling motor storage
  • Swim platform with LinQ attachment points
  • Storage compartment lock
  • BRP Audio System
  • Quick-adjust handlebar
  • Swim platform carpet
  • 4 corner doors
  • Unique coloration – Wilderness Green
  • Three Models – 18′-170, 18′-230, and 21′-230
  • Max Person Capacity – 8 people for the 18′ and 10 people for the 21′
  • Max Load Capacity – 1,155lbs for the 18′ and 1,485lbs for the 21′
  • Hull – Tri-Hull made from Polytec
  • Estimated Net Weight – 2,548lbs, 2,557lbs, and 2,889lbs
  • Length – 17.4′ and 20.4′
  • Width/Beam – 93.5″
  • Height – 81.1″
  • Available – Fall
  • MSRP – Starts at $44,299

The NEW 2025 Sea-Doo Switch Fish Pontoon Boat

Eugene L. is currently a writer for OutdoorHub who has chosen not to write a short bio at this time.

is pontoon boat a catamaran

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Paris hilton defends son phoenix, 1, not wearing life jacket on catamaran after backlash: ‘it’s a big boat’.

Paris Hilton

That’s not hot.

Paris Hilton sparked backlash for posting a video of her 19-month-old son Phoenix on a catamaran without wearing a life jacket.

In the TikTok shared Wednesday, Hilton’s baby boy adorably crawled and walked around the boat in a cute burgundy outfit while being filmed by his famous mom.

Paris Hilton's son Phoenix

However, critics in the comments section were more focused on the fact that Hilton didn’t put a life jacket on Phoenix.

“Momma, please have him wear a life jacket always on a boat!!” someone wrote. “Stuff happens. That’s why they’re called accidents.”

“My anxiety not seeing him in a life jacket!! Can never be too safe on the water!” another person wrote.

Paris Hilton's son Phoenix

“Walking on the net over the open water terrified me,” a different fan said.

A fourth person wrote, “It makes me nervous. He needs a life jacket on. I worry so much about him.”

Another comment called Hilton’s video of Phoenix “crazy scary,” while someone else said their “heart palpitated” seeing the 1-year-old without a life jacket on.

Paris Hilton with her son Phoenix

Hilton eventually responded to the concerns in a comment on the video.

“Hey Mamma’s, thank you for the advice & always caring about my #CutesieCrew,” she wrote.

“It’s a big boat & my husband and I are following him around everywhere & watching like hawks,” Hilton continued. “My babies are my world.”

Paris Hilton

The famous socialite shares Phoenix with her husband, Carter Reum. They welcomed Phoenix via surrogate in January 2023.

The couple also share 9-month-old daughter London . She was born via surrogate in November 2023.

Hilton gushed over Phoenix while sharing the 1-minute-long boat video that was played to Ed Sheeran’s song “Photograph.”

“Watching Phoenix explore the world has been so special to me. I am so grateful to be a #SlivingMom,” Hilton’s caption read.

Paris Hilton and Carter Reum with their two children

After Phoenix was born, Hilton had to speak out against haters who were making fun of the newborn’s head.

“There are some sick people in this world,” she commented on a video of her son in October 2023. “My angel is perfectly healthy.”

Paris Hilton with her son Phoenix

She added: “And yes, of course, he has been to a doctor, he just has a large brain.”

In a lengthier message on her Instagram Story, the “Simple Life” alum said that the comments about Phoenix were “unacceptable” but sadly “inevitable” being that she’s in the public eye.

“This hurts my heart more deeply than words can describe,” Hilton wrote.

Paris Hilton with her son and daughter

While Hilton loves being a mom of two, she’s made it clear that she wouldn’t mind having another child — specifically another daughter.

“I would love a sister for London because my sister and I have such a close relationship,” Hilton told E! News in April, referring to her older sister Nicky Hilton, 40.

“I don’t know, I’m just enjoying them both so much right now. But that would be really amazing,” she added.

Paris Hilton's son Phoenix


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How Energy Observer Set Sail with a Toyota Fuel Cell

How Energy Observer Set Sail with a Toyota Fuel Cell

What an Around-the-World Experimental Ocean Voyage Taught the World About Hydrogen

Five years ago, Toyota answered a call inquiring about its hydrogen-powered fuel cell technology from Energy Observer, an experimental ocean-going catamaran with a mission to circle the globe using only renewable energy. Thoughtfully built as the first hydrogen-powered, zero-emission vessel to be self-sufficient in energy, Energy Observer’s mission was to advocate and serve as a laboratory to raise awareness of renewable energy technologies available now for society’s ecological transition.

Though Energy Observer had used a hydrogen fuel cell stack from the onset, the captain, Victorien Erussard, was interested in technology upgrades as they became available. He learned that Toyota was offering a commercially available hydrogen-powered fuel-cell stack. Erussard thought that Toyota, with its reputation for making reliable and affordable cars, might have a product that could withstand the roughest conditions of the ocean. He placed a call and soon found an audience with Toyota Motor Europe (TME), kicking off discussions.

Toyota has long been exploring carbon-reducing and carbon-neutrality mobility solutions, and hydrogen-powered fuel cells are a part of its multi-pathway strategy. Toyota introduced the world to its first mass-produced hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric vehicle, the Mirai, in 2014, and the company had been discussing applications of the technology beyond cars. For Toyota, Energy Observer was an exciting opportunity to demonstrate the scalability of the fuel-cell stacks Toyota developed for the Mirai, said Luc Vercauteren, a powertrain project leader at Toyota Motor Europe.

“I was immediately struck by the adventure of it,” Vercauteren said. “Toyota has ambitions to get to zero emissions. The fact that this ship was going to tour the world was a great way to get that point across.”

Already, the versatile technology had been scaled and used globally in commercial vehicles, such as trucks and buses, and even in non-automotive applications, such as stationary power units – and now, with the help of Energy Observer, Toyota went to sea.

Not that there weren’t challenges.

is pontoon boat a catamaran

As a literal floating test bed of different technologies that includes solar and wind energy capture, hydroelectric generation, and hydrogen fuel cell technology, space is at a premium on Energy Observer.

OVERCOMING OBSTACLES The Energy Observer vessel began life as a sail-powered racing catamaran. It has a cabin suspended between two large pontoon-like hulls. Different parts of the boat are connected by netting that the crew walks on to get around. It’s an extremely lightweight and efficient design ideal to use a minimum amount of energy. But it doesn’t leave a lot of extra space for equipment.

When the Toyota team went to see the space for the fuel-cell stack, they found a tiny compartment inside one of the ship’s racing hulls that was housing a washing machine. The hull wasn’t strong enough to hold a stack weighing more than 500 pounds. Systems that were originally designed to be spread around the Mirai passenger vehicle’s frame had to be repackaged into a cube-like shape fit to the exact specifications of the space. Even after that, there was no way to squeeze the stack through a tiny cargo door.

Soon, the fuel-cell stack was retrofitted by TME’s Technical Center Europe team and repackaged to withstand the challenges of an ocean environment — protected from the ravages of salty air and seawater. To install it, the boat crew had to cut a hole into the hull and would later have to patch it back together after the system was installed and working.

is pontoon boat a catamaran

It’s a tight fit for the Toyota fuel cell system underneath the deck of Energy Observer. Toyota Motor Europe engineers needed to reconfigure the fuel cell system to fit in the small space allotted.

To get fresh water and air needed for the fuel cells to generate electricity, Energy Observer used other key onboard components. Fresh water was provided through a reverse-osmosis desalination system. An electrolyzer produced pure hydrogen from the fresh water using electrolysis, based on electricity provided by the other renewable energy sources, including solar and wind. For the pure air needed to power the fuel cell, they needed a filter as well.

“They made sure the space was pressurized,” Vercauteren said. “The unit needs air to operate. Air comes through a desalination filter. The salt is separated from the air and filtered after that. Then the module can breathe.”

is pontoon boat a catamaran

All energy sources collectively worked together to make all of the Energy Observer’s systems operate at any given time. Aside from the solar energy provided by the panels (top), the battery and hydrogen storage (bottom) could be used at any given time, especially in instances such as nighttime when solar power isn’t available.

Toyota’s fuel cells worked in tandem with the Energy Observer’s other energy sources. The produced hydrogen is stored in pressurized tanks during the daytime when there is excess electricity from solar and wind. According to Energy Observer’s website , the double storage of batteries and hydrogen complement each other. The batteries provide short term immediate power, while the hydrogen provides long-term autonomy. At night or in poor weather conditions, the hydrogen could feed the fuel cells to provide the electricity needed to operate the vessel.

Once the system installation and testing were complete, Energy Observer, equipped with the Toyota fuel cell stack, set off again in February 2020 to continue its mission and circle the globe – more than once!

is pontoon boat a catamaran

After 7 years and 68,000 nautical miles of adventure, Energy Observer made it back to its home port in Saint-Malo, France.

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED Energy Observer recently made it back to its home port in Saint-Malo, France, after sailing for seven years, and a total of 68,000 nautical miles . The floating energy lab is anchored in Paris for the summer. The Energy Observer team will continue its work there, providing opportunities to share their experiences by talking about the lessons they learned from circumnavigating the world with hydrogen, solar and wind power with the expected crowds.

Through its voyages, Energy Observer demonstrated the immense advantage that hydrogen can have over batteries, especially in applications where weight is a factor. The on-board lithium-ion battery set weights 1,400-kg (approx. 3,085 lbs.) for 112-kWh of electricity, while the hydrogen storage and fuel cell together weigh a total of 1,700-kg (approx. 3,745 lbs.) for 1,000-kWh. Translated, this means that 1-kWh weighs 12.5-kg when stored in batteries vs only 1.7-kg when stored as hydrogen. In other words, for equal weight, the hydrogen storage contains 7.35 times more power than the on-board lithium-ion batteries, a considerable advantage for mobility, especially in a maritime application.

Based on their experience with this and other applications, both Toyota and Energy Observer agree that fuel cell technology should be applied to help make environmental progress in places that makes sense across society, since it is a proven way to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to climate change.

“When I joined Energy Observer, I was curious to know how those high technologies would age at sea,” said Beatrice Cordiano, a scientist and crew member. “I was surprised to see after seven years of the project how well those technologies worked as they faced challenges across the seas all around the world.”

is pontoon boat a catamaran

Fuel cells weren’t the only technology being tested in the harsh ocean-going conditions. Solar panels cover almost the entire top deck of Energy Observer.

Energy Observer had set out on a mission to prove that solar, wind and hydrogen could power an ocean-going vessel in a harsh environment – and it worked. The boat, covered in solar panels, was also a testing platform for unique high-tech sail, called Oceanwings, which are now being adopted by numerous long-distance ships.

Now that Energy Observer has proven the technologies can stand up to the rigors of open-ocean travel, the team is setting its sights on larger ambitions. They recently announced plans for Energy Observer 2, what they claim as the world’s first cargo ship powered by liquid hydrogen set to launch in 2029. The plans call for a vessel 160 meters long weighing 1,100 metric tons. Its goal is to operate for 25 years, hauling containers along the Atlantic on 14-day, 1,600-mile cycles. It would demonstrate a solution for the U.N. International Maritime Organization’s goal of halving greenhouse-gas emissions from ocean-faring cargo ships by 2050. These ships currently consume an estimated 250 million to 300 million tons of diesel-based fuel a year, with an annual 1.1 billion tons of CO2 emissions.

Toyota remains in discussions with Energy Observer on future projects, but the collaboration thus far has proven that fuel cell technology has untapped potential in maritime applications. Toyota continues to have discussions with other maritime operators about hydrogen ocean vessels and will continue to explore ways in which fuel cell technology can support carbon emission reduction in various industries.

“Toyota is about much more than cars now,” Vercauteren said. “Hydrogen fits very well into our mobility mission. It allows us to diversify into many different low-carbon applications.”

– Story by Jeff Plungis

Originally published August 27, 2024

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    Pontoon Boats: Pontoon boats are typically powered by outboard motors, providing sufficient power for cruising and watersports. However, due to their larger size and shape, they are not designed for high speeds or aggressive performance. ... In the pontoon versus catamaran debate, both types of boats offer unique advantages based on individual ...

  5. Catamaran Vs Pontoon Boat? 12 Important Facts (When Choosing)

    People considering a pontoon boat will often look at deck boats, airboats, and even Jon boats. This is because these types of boats meet the same needs that a typical pontoon boat meets. When a person considers buying a catamaran, they are usually comparing it to a monohull sailboat, a yacht, or a large cabin cruiser.

  6. Catamaran vs Pontoon

    Standard pontoon boats are a common sight on lakes and rivers where there's no need for a more expensive "bluewater" boat. One of the biggest advantages of the pontoon boat is that they are relatively inexpensive—at least when compared to fiberglass boats. Like anything, there are variations in the basic pontoon design. Some are built ...

  7. What's The Difference Between Catamaran and Pontoon? (The Ultimate

    Catamarans are a type of boat that has two hulls, while pontoon boats are a type of boat with a flat, usually rectangular, deck that is mounted atop two or more cylindrical tubes filled with air. Catamarans are generally faster than pontoon boats due to their two hulls, while pontoon boats are more stable and provide a larger surface area for ...

  8. Pontoon Boat vs Catamaran: A Comprehensive Showdown

    Safety Features. Pontoon Boats: With their stable design and enclosed decks, pontoon boats are a safe choice for families and casual boating. Catamarans: The wide stance and dual-hull design of catamarans provide exceptional stability and safety, even in unpredictable conditions. Winner: Tie. Both pontoon boats and catamarans offer excellent safety features, making them both a reliable choice ...

  9. What Are The Differences Between A Catamaran And Pontoon Boat?

    A pontoon boat can attain a speed of about 26 miles per hour while a catamaran was designed to move faster, up to about 50 miles per hour. A buyer who is interested in getting a pontoon can purchase one between $12,000 to about $75,000 while a catamaran can go for a price ranging from $60,000 to above $2 million.

  10. Catamaran Vs. Pontoon Boat: Ultimate Showdown for Water Fun!

    The price difference between a pontoon boat and a catamaran can be significant. Pontoon boats typically cost between $15,000 to $50,000, with smaller models possibly costing less than $5,000. On the other hand, catamarans have a higher starting price, around $50,000. Pontoon boat: $15,000 to $50,000 (or less than $5,000 for small models)

  11. Differences Between a Catamaran and Pontoon Boat

    The upkeep of a catamaran is typically more expensive than that of a pontoon because of the parts included. A catamaran has two engines compared to the pontoon's one. Additionally, you typically see a catamaran used in coastal saltwater conditions and pontoon boats are mostly seen in inland freshwater lakes.

  12. Pontoon Catamarans: Exploring the Best of Both Worlds

    Pontoon catamarans, often referred to as pontoon cats, are a fascinating blend of two popular boat designs: the pontoon boat and the catamaran. These vessels offer a unique combination of stability, space, and versatility, making them a popular choice for a variety of boating activities. Whether you're considering purchasing a pontoon ...

  13. Catamaran Sailboat Vs Pontoon

    A catamaran has independent hulls that are joined by a wing structure. If the space between that is filled with a deck, then you have a pontoon. Size of Deck . Pontoon boats have a deck that is on top of a pair of pontoons, which could be two or more if the pontoon boat is quite large. While they are generally made from aluminum, their sole ...

  14. Small Catamarans vs. Pontoon Boats (Comparison Guide)

    Last Updated on October 25, 2023 by Boatsetter Team. Both small power catamarans and pontoon boats are often called multihulls, but, depending on the day on the water you have planned for yourself, one will ultimately be better than the other. Pontoons typically have two hulls (those with three hulls are called a tritoon).These hulls are joined together with a grid and topped by a plywood deck.

  15. Pontoon boat

    Common pontoon boat designs are a catamaran with two hulls, or a trimaran with three hulls. Boats with three hulls are sometimes called tri-toons. [4]Pontoon boat designs have changed significantly since the early 2000s, with boats now featuring larger tubes, increased engine horsepower, and cuddy cabins. [4]Pontoon boats are used for pleasure on lakes and rivers, and in some cases on oceans ...

  16. The Ultimate Guide to Pontoon Boats

    What is a Pontoon Boat. A pontoon boat is a vessel with a large, flat deck mounted on two or more metal tubes called pontoons. Boats that have three pontoons are sometimes called "tri-toons.". These pontoons — or "tubes" for short — hold reserve buoyancy and allow designers to create massive deck plans with accommodations like ...

  17. What is the difference between a Pontoon boat and a Catamaran?

    Pontoon boats excel in providing comfort, relaxation, and ample space for leisurely activities, making them perfect for casual cruising and entertaining guests. On the other hand, catamarans offer speed, manoeuvrability, and thrilling sailing experiences, appealing to those seeking adrenaline-fuelled adventures on the water.

  18. Catamarans Guide: The ABCs of Multihull Boats

    A boat with one hull is a monohull and a boat with three hulls is a trimaran. Pontoon boats can be either catamarans or trimarans (sometimes called tri-toons), but can be differentiated from most other multihulls in that their hulls, or pontoons, are appendages attached to a deck (as opposed to the hulls and the structure bridging them being ...

  19. Catamaran Hulls- Everything You Need To Know

    In a catamaran pontoon-type boat, the pontoons serve as storage areas, where you will find the onboard motors. They are useful for water leisure activities such as short water trips, tubing, wakeboarding, and water skiing. Some pontoons may also serve as houseboats. They provide a broader, more stable platform ideal for a floating house.

  20. Guide To Catamaran Boats: Cruising The Seas In Splendor!

    A catamaran boat is a type of watercraft that features two parallel hulls connected by a deck or platform. This design provides stability, speed, and efficiency on the water, making it a popular choice for various purposes such as leisure cruising, racing, fishing, or even luxury yachting. Catamarans have been around for centuries but have ...

  21. Pontoon vs. Catamaran: Which Boat is Best for Smooth Sailing?

    Inflatable sail catamarans offer stability and smooth sailing due to the wide beam and double-hulled tubes on either side. They range in size from 8 to 16+ feet. You can propel inflatable boats using sails, an outboard engine, or a pair of oars. Similar in design to a pontoon boat, an inflatable sailboat can accommodate from 1 to 4 people ...

  22. Pontoon or Catamaran

    Iridian said: ↑. I would think of a pontoon as more like a party barge whereas a catamaran is a bit more performance oriented. Makes sense but you can buy new 50mph pontoon boats and the fastest modified pontoons are over 100 mph so maybe it's getting blurred some. 67-LS1, Oct 24, 2021.

  23. Looking to build a pontoon type boat with catamaran hulls

    Jan 11, 2011. #6. Re: Looking to build a pontoon type boat with catamaran hulls. The answer is yes, PowerCat-type hulls will give a better ride than pontoon hulls. The deeper vee of a cat will cut the water better and ride better. Cat hulls will also increase freeboard which is a good thing.

  24. The NEW 2025 Sea-Doo Switch Fish Pontoon Boat

    This is the most accessible and adaptable model of pontoon boats that Sea-Doo offers, capable of being either a dedicated fishing machine or a family pleasure boat with just a few steps.

  25. Paris Hilton slammed for son Phoenix not wearing life jacket on boat

    Paris Hilton sparked backlash for posting a video of her 19-month-old son Phoenix on a catamaran without wearing a life jacket. In the TikTok shared Wednesday, Hilton's baby boy adorably crawled ...

  26. How Energy Observer Set Sail with a Toyota Fuel Cell

    The Energy Observer vessel began life as a sail-powered racing catamaran. It has a cabin suspended between two large pontoon-like hulls. Different parts of the boat are connected by netting that the crew walks on to get around. It's an extremely lightweight and efficient design ideal to use a minimum amount of energy.

  27. Lake of the Ozarks Shootout boat races set for this weekend

    Racers go one at a time on a three-quarter mile course to see who has the fastest boat. Competing vessels will include personal watercrafts and pontoon boats, electric boats, and high-performance ...