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Yachtmaster Offshore: When, Why, and How

In a seafarer’s career, there comes the time when Yachtmaster ticket becomes either a necessity, or the next logical step in professional development. No matter what the reason for the course is, Yachtmaster Offshore requires a thorough preparation and planning as well as some prior knowledge and experience.

  • When am I ready to take the course?

The candidate’s eligibility for Yachtmaster Offshore program is defined by a number of requirements. First and foremost, the logged sea time must show a minimum of 2500 nautical miles, about half of which should be in tidal waters. There is a huge debate as to what tidal waters are, and the RYA leaves it to the Yachtmaster candidate to decide whether the passage they undertook happened in a tidal area. The definition offered by the RYA is as follows:

An area is deemed tidal if published stream, current or tidal range data is available, the influence of which is significant enough to require the effects to be taken into account to plan and execute a safe and efficient passage .

But even if the decision to call experience tidal is the candidate’s, the RYA wisely warns that the final judgement will be made by the examiner and recommends to list only those miles that can be backed up with evidence. The qualifying sea time should be gained on motor vessels if the candidate applies for Yachtmaster Offshore Motor license. Sail miles do not count.

The RYA also sets a requirement as to the number of qualifying passages. As defined by the Association, ‘a passage is a non-stop voyage from a departure port / safe haven to a destination port / safe haven ’. For the Yachtmaster Offshore , there must be a minimum of 5 passages over 60 nm each; 2 of those passages should be overnight and 2 when the candidate acted as a skipper. The skipper, as understood by the RYA , is a person nominated and responsible for the planning and execution of a passage including vessel and watch management . It’s important that throughout the 60-mile passage there occurs no change of skippers; otherwise, the passage cannot be deemed as qualifying.

Proper understanding of the skipper’s role is vital for ticking the box of another requirement – 5 days on board acting as a skipper. A day in this case is a period of 8 consecutive hours, and the majority of them should be at sea . In every 24 hours, Yachtmaster candidate can have only one qualifying day onboard.

Last but not least, the RYA’s Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites put some restrictions as to the tonnage and length: days on board and miles should be gained on vessels up to 500 gt and less than 24 meters LOA.

  • When is the best time to take the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore course?

The full program – RYA Yachtmaster Offshore theory and RYA Yachtmaster Practical – takes 10 days to complete; the exam is usually scheduled right after, and candidates need to allow 2 days for it. With the sea, winds, and weather being unpredictable, to the candidates coming from abroad we advise to add an extra day before taking flights back home. Thus, the course is quite a commitment, and most seafarers take it during low Med season. Our Yachtmaster Offshore course is scheduled every month from December throughout April to give options to potential candidates.

  • Why take the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore?

Yachtmaster is not for beginners. Commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence entitles its holder to master a yacht of up to 200 gt, and that is a big responsibility. That said, one of the reasons to get Yachtmaster is to advance the qualifications from entry to higher level including MCA Officer of the Watch (OOW) or Chief Mate, for which Yachtmaster Offshore CoC is among the required documents. Yachtmaster Offshore Shore-based (theory) certificate is another pre-requisite to apply for the OOW, and it has to be sent along with STCW and other records as a part of the Notice of Eligibility.

 In a scheme of RYA training , Yachtmaster Offshore is preceded by RYA Day Skipper and Coastal Skipper, which allow to navigate 20 and 60 nautical miles offshore accordingly. With Yachtmaster Offshore qualifications, it is possible to skipper a cruising yacht up to 150 miles from harbour, so recreational boaters can have larger areas to explore and longer distances to cover.

  • How to apply for Yachtmaster Offshore Program?

If you believe you are ready and meet the pre-requisites mentioned above and outlined on our website , your first step is to get in touch with us by email, phone, or through contact form . Once we receive your enquiry, we will email to you Sea Time Summary and Self-Evaluation forms to fill out, which we will then forward to our instructor to confirm your eligibility. If you are eligible for the course, we will proceed with course booking and securing your place on the training.

Some important things to remember: the candidates for the training should hold a valid Elementary First Aid certificate . For the STCW EFA , it should be issued within the last 5 years, for the RYA First Aid - within the last 3 years. VHF Marine Radio certificate can be offered as a part of Yachtmaster Offshore package , but if you already hold the certificate, we can offer a 100 euros reduction.

Our next Yachtmaster Offshore session starts on the 6 th of December. Click here for more dates.

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Yachting Monthly cover

How to pass your Yachtmaster exam

  • Chris Beeson
  • September 16, 2015

The global standard of sailing qualifications is achievable for any experienced, competent skipper. Tom Cunliffe explains how to pass your Yachtmaster exam

Pass your Yachtmaster

The only certificates accepted by the authorities are those issued after an at-sea examination. To become a fully-fledged Yachtmaster, the practical test is the only one that counts Credit: Graham Snook/YM

Pass your Yachtmaster

Tom Cunliffe is an RYA Yachtmaster examiner. He has passed and failed hundreds of Yachtmaster candidates over the years

We in the UK are exceedingly fortunate. Just as the English language is the best bet for a world traveller, our very own RYA/MCA Yachtmaster qualification happens to be the global standard for sailing. It’s required for anyone planning to become a professional and, thanks to the continuing efforts of the RYA, Brits who sail for leisure still don’t have to carry any proof of competence in home waters. Despite this blessed lack of regulation, the Yachtmaster certificate remains the logical target of many a self-motivated sailor. It also represents the icing on the cake for those looking for the reassurance of an external assessment.

Courses and exams

Yachtmaster training can take place on a boat or in a classroom. A shore-based course, either at desks in a school or via the increasingly popular Internet distance learning programmes, ends with a Yachtmaster theory exam. Success in this will help a student in subsequent qualification upgrades, but it is not officially recognised. The only certificates accepted by the authorities are those issued after an at-sea examination – the Yachtmaster Practical . To become a fully-fledged Yachtmaster, this practical test is the one that really counts.

Yachtmaster Prep

Pass your Yachtmaster

Meteorology matters: a favourite with examiners is to produce a weather map and invite you to analyse it. Be ready and know your subject

This is a non-RYA course and, as such, has no official status or syllabus. However, it is run successfully by many RYA sailing schools to prepare candidates for an examination which generally follows on at the end. Up to four students spend several days together on the boat in which they will be examined. The benefits are that they get to know one another and their yacht under the guidance of a highly qualified Yachtmaster Instructor. The general feeling is that these tutors can’t teach you much you don’t already know in a week, but that they are very good at coaching the best out of those skills you already have. Prep courses are great for brushing up on how to jump through the various hoops an examiner may set up. What they can’t do is make someone who doesn’t have suitably constructive mileage into the confident skipper examiners are looking for.

Coastal or Offshore – what’s my level?

Recently, the old Coastal Skipper ticket has been superseded by the new ‘Yachtmaster Coastal’ certificate. The qualifying mileage for this MCA-recognised qualification is 800, with passage and night-hour requirements being relaxed in comparison with ‘Yachtmaster Offshore’, which keeps its 2,500-mile entry level. Either is a proper Yachtmaster qualification and can be described as such. Only the often-dropped suffix distinguishes the two. The syllabi are identical, the variant is the rigour of the examination. Apply for ‘coastal’ and the examiner, recognising that you have less sea-time, will be more inclined to cut you a bit of slack.

The RYA has noted that most candidates are really only making ‘coastal-status’ passages. In real terms, this includes an annual trip across the Irish Sea, the North Sea or the Channel in a calculated weather window, which is very different from setting off from Ramsgate towards Norway with five days and potentially serious conditions ahead of you. The implications should be clear: unless you need the Offshore ticket for professional reasons, if in doubt, go for Coastal.

Preparing yourself and the boat

A skipper sitting in a cockpit with a cup of tea

A relaxed candidate with a mug of tea makes a better impression than a harassed-looking one

If you’ve signed on with a sailing school, you’ll be stuck with the boat you’re given. You can be confident that this yacht ticks all the official boxes by being coded for commercial use, but while some are very up-together, others are not. If the boat is generally sloppy and scruffy, you can at least make an effort to stow the mainsheet in a seamanlike manner while you are nominally skipper.

Neatly coiled lines on a yacht

Neatly coiled lines reflect well on the skipper

You can also ensure that fenders are hung at the same level, sharpen up the guardrails and see that things generally look as though somebody knows the difference and cares. Then the examiner won’t hold the ratty lifebuoys and the smelly bilge against you.

A man in a mobile phone wearing a baseball hat

Mind that your dress and demeanour don’t make a bad first impression

Try to be ready in good time so that you aren’t involved in a last-minute kerfuffle. If you’re relaxing in the cockpit with a mug of tea when the examiner arrives, he or she will be more impressed than if you’re frantically working out tidal heights and scuffling through the chart table. Wear sensible kit. Don’t worry if it’s not this season’s fashion. My examiner turned up in an old duffel coat back in 1978 and I think I was wearing a canvas smock and a flat cap, but the smock was freshly laundered and the cap was right way round…

The main thing is that you can sail, but an examiner is always pleased to be freed of any hassle with the paperwork. Most of us are no better with admin than you are, so make our lives easy by producing an up-to-date first aid ticket and all the rest, plus a cheque made out to the RYA – not the examiner, perish the thought!

Passage planning

Pass your Yachtmaster

Your passage plan should be realistic. Keep it simple and be ready to adapt and update as things develop

You may be given the opportunity to produce a passage plan before the examiner arrives. If so, make it realistic. Don’t plot every course to the last degree. After all, you don’t know what speed you’ll make or what the wind will really do. Check tidal gates, distances, viable alternatives and the weather. Look at any hazards, sort out a time to leave and have a plan for updating as things develop. That’s about what you’d do if there were no exam, and that’s what I, at least, want to see.

Examination on your own boat

Fenders on a yacht

A nicely level line of fenders sends a good signal to the examiner

You don’t have to go to a sailing school to be a Yachtmaster. I love it when a candidate asks to be examined without training on his own boat. Don’t worry if she isn’t coded. There’s no legal requirement that she should be. Most of mine haven’t been either, and I couldn’t care less.

As an examiner, I want to see that your priorities are sound and that you’re thinking clearly and for yourself. On the day, the yacht must be clean, tidy and seamanlike. Waterline crisp, sail covers Bristol fashion, not looking like some poor bird with a broken wing, ropes carefully stowed, a comprehensive chart kit for the waters to be sailed, the makings of a meal plus snacks and, of course, everything that counts should be working.

What the examiner is looking for

Feeling relaxed in close quarters

Pass your Yachtmaster

Competent, confident boathandling counts well in your favour

If there’s one thing that will upset an examiner, it isn’t that you forgot to put on your lifejacket, it’s that he feels insecure when you begin manoeuvring in a marina. Take it from me, there’s nothing worse than sitting at the backstay wondering what you’re going to hit. If the boat slides sweetly out of her berth with everyone knowing what’s required and no shouting, then moves away easily with the examiner confident you’re in charge, that you’ve checked the next alleyway for collision risk, that your choice of speed is sensible and efficient and that it never enters his head to feel anxious, you’re well on the way to a pass after five minutes. No course can teach you this. It can only tick the box confirming you’ve managed it once or twice. The rest is up to you and your sea time.

Wind awareness

Pass your Yachtmaster

You should always be aware of the true wind direction and how it will influence any manoeuvres

Here’s another subject you can’t learn on a prep course. Knowing where the wind is and how it relates your position to any impending manoeuvres is critical. I often ask a candidate where the wind is coming from when he’s approaching a situation we both know will involve some sort of gyration under sail. If he looks instinctively at the masthead or, worse still, an instrument set to apparent wind, he’s dropped a bagful of points. At this stage, his mind should be setting up where the boat will best be placed to make her critical turns. Apparent wind isn’t going to help him much. What he should be doing is glancing at the water and noting the tiny ripples to assess what the true wind is actually doing. I’m often amazed at how many folk have never been shown how to do this. Racing sailors can handle it in their sleep, because they need to predict windshifts, but cruisers tend to get lazy, so make sure you can read the wind.

Good sailing

Pass your Yachtmaster

No need for incessant, race-style tweaking, but pay due attention to sail trim while the yacht is under way. If there’s a mainsheet traveller, use it

Pass your Yachtmaster

Ensure that the genoa sheet leads are properly positioned for the point of sail you’re on

Pass your Yachtmaster

Lovely: both mainsail and genoa set up with the right amounts of tension and twist

All examiners hate to see a yacht sloppily sailed on passage. Make sure that your crew are using the traveller, that genoa fairleads are properly positioned, that the main is well set up with kicker and mainsheet tension for twist. Above all, do not sail over-sheeted. It’s a dead giveaway that you just haven’t been out there enough yet.

Pass your Yachtmaster

Too much staring at the plotter screen betrays nervousness

In the days before GPS set navigators free, people used to fail exams by what we called ‘sailing the chart table’ rather than skippering the yacht. Assuming the test to be all about some sort of imagined ‘correct navigational practice’, candidates nailed themselves to the navigatorium when they should have been up on deck directing operations and watching out for the ship coming up astern that was suddenly looking bigger every moment. Well, guess what? Nothing has changed. This remains a big problem with neophyte Yachtmasters.

Pass your Yachtmaster

Sail the boat, not the chart table

The secret is to plan well, then nip below every so often on passage to keep an eye on what’s going on in the chart department and whizz back on deck pronto to carry on skippering the boat. I’ll lay a pound to a penny it’s what you do when there’s no examiner on board, so have the confidence to back your own usual practices. This is particularly important at night in crowded waters. An unsuccessful candidate often fails himself by allowing disorientation to creep in, simply by not keeping the true perspective on events, which can only be found on deck.

Pass your Yachtmaster

The use of electronic nav-aids such as GPS is not ‘cheating’ – it’s an integral part of navigation

All examiners have their own take on use of electronics. Personally, I want to know my candidate is making modern aids to navigation, including a chart plotter if there one, an integral part of his navigational policy. The idea, as one candidate suggested, that use of GPS is somehow ‘cheating’ is incomprehensible to me. I will almost certainly ask at some stage that the yacht be navigated classically, to see how easy my man is with what, for most people, are now backup skills. If I’m unconvinced by his performance, off he goes to think again.

Pass your Yachtmaster

Your chartwork should be fluid and accurate

Skilled chartwork comes with use, and no amount of last-minute swotting can make up for weeks of doing it as a matter of course. Plotting traditional fixes is a good giveaway these days. With GPS all around us, we only do this for real when electronics fail. I’ve seen a person take 15 minutes to select three objects from a background studded with lights, then plot the results. The yacht had moved over two miles in the meantime…

Filling out a log book

It’s absolutely vital that you maintain a decent logbook during the exam

It’s absolutely vital, whether navigating with a giant chart plotter or a Walker log, that you maintain a decent log book. Without this, if GPS fails for any reason at all, you’re lost, Mate, so is your exam, and quite right too!

Take command

One of the most important questions on most examiners’ private lists is how good the candidate is at taking charge. If he’s managing well, we probably won’t even notice that he’s in command, that his crew all know what’s expected of them and that their skipper is quietly checking that they’re doing it. Good leadership is seldom about barking orders, and never about ignoring all on board, yet leadership is what being a Yachtmaster is all about. First, you must be sufficiently comfortable with your own skill levels not to have to worry about little things like picking up a mooring. Only then can you consider what may go wrong for the poor soul on the foredeck in a gale at midnight.

The classic skills

These are what most people imagine success in an exam is based upon. Actually, these basic skills merely help an examiner build up an overall picture of the candidate. It’s generally not a hanging matter if one manoeuvre goes a bit haywire. Even a grounding is often more interesting for what the candidate does about it than for the fact that it has happened. After all, nobody is perfect, especially under the stress of an exam.

Man overboard

Pass your Yachtmaster

An effective, confidently executed man overboard drill speaks volumes about a candidate’s boat-handling ability but it’s not necessarily curtains if the manoeuvre goes a bit haywire

Errors in principle are not popular with examiners. Mistakes under pressure may sometimes be forgiven, and man overboard is a case in point. If the boat sails past the dummy with her mainsail full and the examiner asks, ‘What went wrong?’ It won’t get you much of a score if you reply, ‘I was going too fast.’

‘Candidate’s speciality, stating the bleeding obvious,’ the examiner will note on his pad, and move on, downhearted.

However, if you say, ‘I’m kicking myself because I was too far upwind and couldn’t de-power the main. I tried to get onto a close reach but I misjudged my approach,’ he’s more likely to take a lenient view – especially if you’ve opted for ‘Coastal’.

Securing the yacht alongside

When I was examining instructors regularly, I’d often sail up to Poole Quay (a tidal wall) shortly before closing time. I’d hop off the boat as soon as she touched the piling, saying, ‘You sort her out, skipper, I’m off for a quick pint.’ I’d then do just that. When I returned 10 minutes later, if the yacht was neatly snugged down with four lines ashore, ends on the dock, a fender board in place, sails neatly stowed and all hands below cooking and relaxing, the guy was in good shape for a pass. If I found discussions on deck about whether to ‘hand the end back for a spring’, and people blundering about in the dark, things didn’t look so bright for our hero. Have a system and know how to execute it.

… and don’t forget

Mooring and anchoring

Pass your Yachtmaster

Mooring and anchoring under sail should present no challenge to the aspiring Yachtmaster. When in doubt, drop the mainsail

These are Day Skipper skills that should pose no threat to a Yachtmaster candidate. Under sail, just remember first to assess whether the wind is with or against the tide. If you get lucky and it’s against, drop the main and arrive stemming the stream, spilling under headsail or creeping along under bare poles. If wind and tide are at all ambiguous, never forget the old adage – when in doubt, drop the mainsail.


As forecasting has become more comprehensive and accessible, I’ve noticed a reduction in candidates’ capacity to understand what’s going on and to read a bulletin creatively. Anyone who can’t describe the typical cloud sequence on a North Atlantic depression gets nil points from me, and failure to understand the basics of air masses is going to run up a black mark too. A favourite with examiners is to produce a weather map and invite their Yachtmaster to analyse it. Be ready, and know your subject.

A chart lying in a cockpit of a yacht

Tom sees no reason not to have a chart in the cockpit, but some examiners disapprove of it. Be ready to justify your choice

Many candidates produce excellent pilotage plans for entering a strange harbour. I’m happy with that, and most examiners love it. Personally, I prefer to sketch a few notes on the actual chart and have it in the cockpit held down with a winch handle, yet I’ve met examiners who’d be horrified to see a chart on deck at all. So there you have it. Do what suits you best, then be ready to justify your choice. Actually, this advice is good across the board. The examiner wants to see what you really do, not some fantasy you’ve cooked up because you think he might like it. That is a weak candidate’s policy and it often backfires.

A book on a toilet

No shortcuts here, you just need to know your stuff – and finding the time to learn isn’t difficult

So far as the MCA is concerned, this is the crunch. Examiners are encouraged to demand high standards in this subject, and there’s no reason for a candidate, knowing full well he is to be put on the griddle, not to have the regulations burned into his heart. The best way to be exam-proof is to invest in A Seaman’s Guide to the Rule of the Road, available for modest money from all good chandlers or Bookharbour.com. Place it prominently in the heads some months before the exam and devote five minutes of the shining hour each day to digesting its wondrous contents. The book makes it easy and there’s no excuse for disappointing the Board of Trade!

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60 mile passages for Yachtmaster

60 mile qualifying passages for yachtmaster exam.

Before you take a RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam you will need a minimum of:

  • 5 passages over 60 nautical miles between ports including 2 overnight and 2 as skipper.
  • 50 days seatime
  • 5 days as skipper
  • VHF licence and First aid certificate

60 mile Passage Opportunities with Classic Sailing

Perfect voyages for 60 mile plus qualifying passages for RYA Yachtmaster include Isles of Scilly from Falmouth on Eve, Leader  or Bessie Ellen, Voyages up and down the Irish Sea on Eda Frandsen, Cross Channel hops from Brixham on Leader, Eda Frandsen, Grayhound and Provident or round Ushant on  Bessie Ellen all offer passages over 60 miles and night hours.

Examples of popular passages for Classic Sailing vessels.

Falmouth to Isles of Scilly – approx 60 miles….and 60 miles back of course.

Newlyn to Milford Haven – approx 100 miles

St Mawes to L’Aberwrach – 95 miles

Milford Haven to Dublin 123 miles

Brixham to Guernsey – 70 miles

All of these have much more interesting pilotage in and out of port and tidal gates to catch en route than Brighton Marina to Cherbourg!

The search term to look for in our voyage search is ‘coastal journeys’ . The include A to B voyages along the coast, and some with quite large offshore hops.

Coastal journeys for mile building & pilotage

Best Voyages to gain navigation and watch keeping experience

If you haven’t done a day skipper sailing course, then even if you feel you have more experience than the average day skipper, this is the best intensive training where you have to plan the pilotage and do the navigation for lots of short passages with an experienced instructor on board to sharpen up your skills in a non stressful environment. (see Moosk and Golden Vanity RYA courses).  A RYA Yachtmaster exam prep course is the next step up, but these focus on advanced boat handling and navigating under pressure, so make sure you have done some real pilotage into unfamiliar ports before you commit to a prep course and possible exam.

Any passage making voyage on our smaller boats would give you a chance to be involved in the navigation and have a go as a potential watch leader. Moosk, Golden Vanity, Eda Frandsen and Agnes only have a skipper on board as professional crew so they welcome guest crew who want more responsibility ‘in charge of the deck’ or having a go at pilotage with skipper as back up.  

Sailing Grounds with Advanced Navigation Opportunities

The Isles of Scilly, North Coast of Brittany, Gulf of St Malo, Channel Isles and South and North West Scotland all provide fast tides and plenty of rock plateaux.  On the plus side the cliffs and rocks are often distinctive with plenty of transits and landmarks to use in the daytime. The Scillies and remote areas of Scotland are not ideal playgrounds at night so you might have to resort to the pub ! No point learning to navigate if you can’t enjoy your destination.

Best Classic Sailing voyages to gain lots of miles

If you are in a hurry then a tall ship like Europa on Ocean passages can notch upto 200 miles a day and 4-8 night hours every 24 hours. Classic Sailing probably has the biggest choice of long distance ocean passages on sailing vessels on one website so just put  ocean passages into our search facility. We have Southern Ocean, Round the World, Cape Horn and other great rites of passage for your logbook and cv. 

Ready to Take your Yachtmaster Exam

After you have built up enough experience in terms of sailing grounds, many different weather conditions, night watch keeping and entering unknown ports, and you are confident enough in your boat handing. Then you might be ready a 5-6 day Yachtmaster Prep Course to polish up your skills and leadership….and then have a go at the Yachtmaster Exam at the end of the week.

An external RYA examiner will step onto the boat and your instructor will step off, and it is due to the 3-4 candidates to take over the boat and show the examiner their stuff. Even if you don’t pass the first time your will have gained real command experience during the course and exam.

Yachtmaster Prep Voyages with Exam

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What is the Difference Between Yachtmaster Ocean and Offshore?

First Class Sailing is one of the UK’s leading schools for those seeking to complete their RYA qualifications and certificates. We offer the full ranges of courses, including RYA Yachtmaster Ocean and Yachtmaster Offshore .

We are often asked what the differences are between the two courses, so this short blog posts will explain all you need to know.

The simple difference between the two qualifications, is astronavigation. You should take the Yachtmaster Ocean exam if you want to sail large distances over long periods of time. It will mean you can navigate by the sun and stars, fixing your position with a sextant if your electronic navigation fails.

The difference between Yachtmaster Offshore and Ocean once qualified

Once you hold a qualification, it will make a difference as to what you can do in addition to the astronavigation aspect we discussed. The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore qualification makes you a competent skipper of a yacht of up to 24 metres in length, in waters up to 150 miles from land.

If you are qualified with RYA Yachtmaster Ocean, the difference is you can skipper a vessel of 24 metres in length and up to 200 gross tonnages anywhere around the globe.

Differences between the practical courses

To take the Yachtmaster Offshore course, you must have at least 50 days’ sailing time, with two of those days as the skipper. You also need to have logged 2,500 nautical miles, 5 passages over 60nm including two overnight and two as skipper, all within the last ten years.

Half the qualifying sea time must have been conducted in tidal waters & on a sailing vessel 24 metres or under.

You will also need a VHF radio licence, a First aid certificate and sound knowledge of using a Radar.

To take the Yachtmaster Ocean course, you must first have the Yachtmaster Offshore certificate.

You also need to have completed a qualifying passage that meets the following criteria:

  • The candidate was fully involved in the planning of the passage, including selection of the route, the navigational plan, checking the material condition of the yacht and her equipment, storing the spare gear, water and victual and organizing the watch-keeping routine.
  • During the passage a minimum non-stop distance of 600 miles must have been run by the log, the yacht must have been at sea continuously for at least 96 hours and the yacht must have been more than 50 miles from land while sailing a distance of at least 200 miles.
  • Qualifying passages for Yachtmaster Ocean and Offshore should be non stop by the shortest navigable route with no change of skipper. Passages such as recognised races which may not comply exactly with these requirements may be submitted to the RYA for approval before the voyage.
  • Hold a First Aid qualification, as for Yachtmaster Offshore
  • For Ocean Passages, the following definition will apply: Throughout the passage the candidate must have acted in a responsible capacity either in sole charge of a watch or as a skipper.

Posted by: Heighway

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What is an rya yachtmaster offshore exam.

Patrick Maflin

The RYA Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence is a much sought after qualification for skippers.

This qualification is respected worldwide.

One will be able to acquire the RYA Yachtmaster Certificate if they are able to demonstrate that they have sufficient sea-time, experience and certification in order to sit for an exam.

There are also courses that can help one to be properly prepared for the exam.

Sea Time Experience

Course duration, course content, converting from offshore sail to offshore power, qualifying passages, all my sea time was on superyachts over 24m - is that ok, how to log miles for your rya yachtmaster exam, do i need any first aid qualifications, what about commercial endorsement, stcw basic safety training endorsement, is rya yachtmaster theory required, how do i become a yacht captain, do rya yachtmaster qualified yacht captains make much money, rya yachtmaster offshore course overview.

Yacht Captain During Exam

Sea time experience is one of the most important prerequisites.

You would need to have completed the following within the last ten years:

  • At least 2500 miles logged.
  • Spent 50 days at sea on yachts of up to 500GT.
  • At least half the sea time must have been spent in tidal waters.
  • Have completed five passages of over 60 miles, of which two passages were as a skipper, and two carried out at night.
  • Have at least five days experience working as a skipper.
  • Hold a valid First Aid Certificate. In the case of a STCW Elementary First Aid it needs to have been issued within the last five years, whereas in the case of an RYA First Aid it needs to be issued within the past three years.
  • Be in possession of a GMDSS short-range VHF radio certificate.

The course duration is generally 5 days, including the exam.

The course content will comprise key areas that will allow one to be properly prepared for the exam.

The instructor will focus on areas where one needs to improve.

Notably, night sailing and blind navigation will be practiced.

There will be an overview of the lights, signals and collision regulations, among others.

Since different ports and harbours will be visited, you will be able to get tested in different waters, and your strengths and weaknesses will be better tackled in preparation for the exam.

The Yachtmaster Offshore Exam itself will take anywhere between 8 to 12 hours for a single candidate, or between 10 to 18 hours for two.

Candidates will be met onboard by examiners who will outline what will happen during the test.

Tasks will be set for the candidates to demonstrate their abilities as skippers of offshore cruising yachts.

Candidates should be well prepared as questions on any part of the syllabus can be asked at any stage.

Examiners will be independent assessors who evaluate candidates on behalf of the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency .

yachtmaster qualifying miles

In order to convert from Yachtmaster offshore sail to Offshore Power the following will need to have been completed within the past 10 years:

  • At least 1250 miles on a vessel that was between 7m and 24m in length.
  • Have spent 25 days living onboard.
  • Have spent 3 days as a skipper.
  • Have carried out 3 passages exceeding 60 miles, of which one was as a skipper and one overnight.

There are a number of rules that need to be followed when it comes to passages that can be deemed as qualifying.

An applicant will need to have completed at least five passages which exceed 60 miles.

These five passages must have been completed on a vessel that is less than 24 metres in length.

Two of these passages need to have been overnight passages.

In addition, two of them will need to have been where one acted as a skipper.

It’s important to mention that a 60 mile qualifying passage is one where the voyage has been non-stop from the departure port A to departure port B, where A and B cannot be the same place.

The 60 mile distance has to be measured as a straight line from A to B.

The RYA will accept passages that were on board yachts over 24m in length.

However, only 50% of the qualifying sea time can be derived from such passages.

Thus, not more than 2500 miles in all, and one would need to provide a testimonial or a discharge book to confirm them.

The remaining 50% of the qualifying sea time must have been carried out on vessels which ranged between 7m and 24m.

Since so much importance is placed on passages, it’s crucial to record the miles.

Recording miles can be carried out in a RYA logbook G158, or using an Excel spreadsheet.

It’s also good to have a CV detailing one’s sea time.

When logging miles it’s important to take note of key details, including the dates of the passage or trip, the miles sailed on the various passages, the name and type of vessel, and any night hours.

Yes, you must have a valid first aid qualification in order to sit for the Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore exam.

There are different types of first aid qualifications that are accepted, including:

  • The RYA First Aid
  • The STCW Elementary First Aid
  • Seafish First Aid

It’s common to choose to commercially endorse the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore exam qualification once the exam has been successfully completed.

In this case, besides holding a valid first aid and VHF certificate, one will also need an STCW or RYA Sea Survival certificate, as well as either an ENG1 medical certificate or an ML5 medical certificate .

One will also need to complete the RYA’s online PPR course.

Subsequently, one can apply for commercial endorsement through the RYA.

Following STCW Basic Safety Training , the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore certificate can be endorsed in order to allow the holder to be a skipper both on commercial as well as privately owned vessels.

This includes those exceeding 24m in length.

Yes, in order to become an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore it is highly recommended to know specific aspects of navigation and being able to handle a vessel at sea.

Thus, following a Yachtmaster Offshore Theory course is advisable to improve one’s abilities and competence.

This will inevitably improve one’s chances of successfully achieving the RYA Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence.

Becoming a yacht captain takes several years of training, experience and qualifications.

Like many careers, you’ll need to start life on a vessel working your way up.

From humble beginnings like being a deckhand to a junior crew member, the journey towards becoming a yacht captain takes years of dedication and hard work.

Our guide to becoming a yacht captain explains this process in greater detail.

Yes, the potential to make a very lucrative income is high.

A lesser experienced yacht captain can expect to make in the region of $48,000 to $98,000 per annum, whilst a more seasoned captain can make an impressive $150,000 gross per year.

So the time and effort it takes to become a skipper on a vessel has its rewards.

Furthermore, if your time at sea exceeds 183 days each calendar year, there’s the strong possibility that you could qualify for the seafarers earnings deduction which means you are not obliged to pay any income tax on your earnings.

So the above salary figures could be your final take home.

A good yacht captain will lead the crew, be a good communicator and instil confidence.

Acquiring the RYA Certificate is a demonstration that one has shown such skills along with the necessary experience.

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yachtmaster qualifying miles

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RYA Yachtmaster Qualifying Passages – Mile builders

Gaining experience.

A significant issue faced by RYA Yachtmaster (Power) candidates is gaining the required sea miles and skippering experience prior to attending an RYA Yachtmaster Prep course and exam. Unless you are lucky enough to own or have access to a suitable motor vessel how do you gain the sea miles and navigational experience! Whereas many people are both confident and competent in all aspects of boating they may not have ventured further afield to meet the RYA Yachtmaster requirements.

RYA Yachtmaster (Pre-requisite)

Coastal :  30 days motor cruising, 800 miles logged, 12 night hours, 2 days as skipper (ideally over 60 miles along the rhumb line). If you hold the Coastal Skipper practical course completion certificate this is reduced to 20 days, 400 miles, 12 night hours, 2 days as skipper (ideally over 60 miles along the rhumb line).

Offshore : 50 days, 2,500 miles including at least 5 passages over 60 miles measured along the rhumb line from the port of departure to the destination, acting as skipper for at least two of these passages and including two which have involved overnight passages. 5 days experience as skipper. At least half this mileage and passages must be in tidal waters. All qualifying seatime must be within 10 years prior to the exam. NB. Qualifying seatime in boats over 24m only counts as 50% of the minimum requirement.

Mile Builders – Skippered Passages

What is a mile builder – Skippered Passage? These can be both or either… Some people just need to gain the ‘Skippered Passage’ and or just the sea miles. These trips are always over 60nm by the Rhumb Line (straight line) so inevitably are over 60nm’s from departure point to destination. Anyone on board can claim the total sea miles of the trip but only one person can claim to have skippered each 60nm+ leg. The person wishing to claim the ‘Skippered’ passage must and will be responsible for the planning of that passage.

As Skipper you would prepare a detailed passage, manage victualling, schedule a crew roster, ensure a navigation log is maintained and ensure a safe passage. You would be expected to utilise a range of navigation skills to include traditional paper navigation, position fixing, electronic navigation techniques and the use of RADAR. The passages may include night hours if required. These are expensive courses to run so we expect that you would want to get as much out of it as possible.

Every mile building trip is supervised by an experienced RYA Yachtmaster (Power) who will ensure that the pilotage and passage plans are safe and to the right standard. You will be set some exercises to complete such as running fixes, fixes by RADAR etc.

Our most recent mile builder, skippered passage, was a run to Falmouth via refuel in Torquay and then return. This was a valuable learning experience for someone with many years of boating experience but not quite enough longer, 60+nm passages. I hope to post a post trip report sometime soon.

By their nature, these  cannot be boat handling courses.

Mile Building / Skippered Passages

Paul McCabe - Principal and Director of Mendez Marine, Yachtmaster and Powerboat Instructor, RYSA Shorebased Theory Instructor

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RYA & STCW Courses – Sail, Power, Super-Yacht & Workboat

How to Pass the Yachtmaster Exam

Yachtmaster certificate of competence exam top tips, which yachtmaster.

First we need to be clear which Yachtmaster exam we are talking about. Leaving things like the Yachtmaster Instructor and Examiner Qualifications aside there are no less than 8 separate RYA certificates that are called “Yachtmaster”. This includes the 3 independently examined levels of Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence, (coastal, offshore and ocean).

RYA MCA Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased Course

( Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased for short). This is a 6 day course which includes three written papers. It is assumed knowledge for all of the certificates that follow, so we will assume for the purposes of this article that you have already completed this course.

Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence (power or sail)

This certificate follows the successful completion of a practical exam which is discussed in this article. The exam can be taken on board a sailing yacht or motor boat, (and the qualification is endorsed for the relative type of craft). The Yachtmaster Coastal CoC certifies skippers to operate  up-to 20 miles from a safe haven on board commercial vessels up-to 24m, carrying up-to 12 passengers. It can also be used as an entry requirement for super yacht Officer Training ( OOW 3000 ).

Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence (power or sail)

A higher level practical exam, also discussed in this article. This certifies skippers to operate up-to 150 miles from a safe haven on board commercial vessels up-to 2000 tonnes, (again with up-to 12 passengers). It can also be used as an entry requirement for super yacht officer training and is a requirement to progress onto Yachtmaster Ocean CoC (below) and/or  MCA Master 200 .

RYA MCA Yachtmaster Ocean Shorebased Certificate

aka Ocean Shorebased . This is a 5 day (or 40 hour online) course which includes one written paper. It is assumed knowledge for the oral exam that follows and beyond the scope of this article. You can read all about the Ocean Yachtmaster Course and Exam here .

Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence (power or sail)

An even higher level certificate that qualifies the holder to skipper beyond the 150 mile from a safe haven limit of the Yachtmaster Offshore CoC. The Yachtmaster Ocean exam is an oral exam and one of its pre requisites is the Yachtmaster Offshore CoC (above).The Yachtmaster Ocean Exam is beyond the scope of this article, but by popular request we have written a separate article about it,   MCA Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence .

RYA MCA Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore Certificate of Competence Practical Exam

Getting back on topic this article specifically relates to the two practical exams (Coastal and Offshore), each can be taken onboard a sailing yacht or motor boat.

The exam for the Yachtmaster Coastal CoC and the Yachtmaster Offshore CoC is very similar and in fact different candidates can be examined together even if they are not taking the same level.

Exams are conducted with 1-4 candidates on board the vessel.

You can take the Yachtmaster exam on a sailing yacht or motorboat, and you will become a Sail or Power Yachtmaster as appropriate. This article covers sail and power exams as much of the advice is generic.

The RYA/MCA Yachtmaster qualification is the global standard for sailing and motor boating. The definition of a Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore is: ‘A yachtsman or woman competent to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage that can be completed without the use of astro navigation.’

The RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence remains the logical target of many a self-motivated sailor. It also represents the icing on the cake for those looking for the reassurance of an external assessment.

How long is the Yachtmaster Exam?

There can be up to 4 candidates on the boat with the examiner. A examiner will not conduct more than 4 exams at once and will not plan to examine more than 2 candidates in a 24 hour period. He/she will need to see each candidate skipper the boat underway by night.

Yachtmaster Coastal Exam Duration

  • 1 Candidate – 6 to 10 hours
  • More than one candidate  – 4 to 8 hours each

Yachtmaster Offshore Exam Duration

  • 1 Candidate – 8 to 12 hours
  • More than one candidate  – 5 to 9 hours each

For many candidates this means there will be a pause mid-exam while they and the examiner get some sleep before restarting in the morning. It is not unknown for exams to span two nights if there are 4 candidates (for example Friday evening 1800- Sunday morning 1100)

Listed below are some top tips to help you prepare for your RYA/MCA Yachtmaster exam.

Prepare early for your yachtmaster exam.

Most candidates spend some time with an Instructor, whether this is a 5-day preparation course with a sea school or some bespoke tuition on board their own boat. A half decent Yachtmaster Instructor will take you through many of the exercises that an Examiner will expect you to demonstrate and will put you in the mind-set of an exam candidate.

On the day  of the exam make sure you are ready in good time so that you aren’t involved in a last-minute faff. If you’re relaxing in the cockpit with a cup of tea when the examiner arrives, the examiner will be more impressed than if you’ve put yourself under stress attempting to work out the day’s tidal heights or secondary ports last minute!

When given a navigation task, prepare fully, make notes, prepare pilotage sketches and plan well! Nip below every so often en route to keep an eye on what’s going on in the chart department and whizz back on deck pronto to carry on skippering the boat. Don’t panic and don’t spend all your time sat behind the chart table, taking no notice of what’s going on around you, this is an obvious sign of someone who is ill prepared for the passage they are skippering.


The very first part of the exam will be paperwork. Before the examiner can proceed he/she will;

  • Ask for your completed exam application form, be sure it is completed in advance and details your qualifying sea time.
  • Ask for payment, (the examiner can not proceed if you do not pay up front)
  • Ask for sight of your Short Range Certificate , (or a pass form if you have recently taken the course and exam and are awaiting the actual certificate). Higher level GMDSS certificates are acceptable.
  • Request a passport photo of you (write your name on the back).
  • Chat with you about your yachting background and qualifying sea time
  • Outline what he/she expect from you over the coming day(s).

If you are applying for a commercial endorsement at the same time you will also require as a minimum;

  • PPR Certificate
  • Sea Survival Certificate
  • Seafarers Medical Certificate
  • Commercial endorsement form and payment

You will also need to hold an in date  First Aid Certificate .


First impressions count! Make yourself presentable and ensure you’re looking professional. That’s you and the boat!

Make sure the yacht is clean, tidy and seamanlike. The waterline crisp, sail covers looking ship shape, ropes coiled neatly and carefully stowed and fenders aligned. An experienced skipper once told me, you should know your boat so well that you should be able to find anything you need at any moment in time, including at night during power failure! A tidy boat is a sure sign of a safe boat.



Repetition, repetition, repetition. There is no point in having sailed (or motored) thousands and thousands of nautical miles if you can’t carry out Day Skipper tasks. If you can not confidently demonstrate all boat handling or seamanship skills, such as picking up a mooring buoy or putting a reef in, then you’re not ready for the exam yet!

There is nothing worse than entering or leaving a marina, wondering if you’re going to hit something. Brief your crew, make sure everyone knows what they are doing, and proceed with confidence. If the boat slides smoothly out of her berth with crew briefed and knowing what’s expected you will look good. Your calm manner, and a sensible amount of revs for power handling will immediately put the examiner’s mind at ease and give no reason for concern. If Plan A fails, take a breath, and start over. The examiner understands that mistakes can be made under exam conditions, he/she will be more impressed if you stop, recompose yourself and get the manoeuvre right, rather than continue to try and complete a bodged first attempt. There is no such things as a perfect exam, every candidate will make small mistakes, the stronger candidates will spot them, themselves and do something about them.

Without a doubt, you will be quizzed on COLREGS . There’s no reason for a candidate, not to have these regulations engrained into their brain. A good way of ensuring you have these nailed, is to study ‘A Seaman’s Guide to the Rule of the Road.’


There is no need to learn the collision regulation parrot fashion but you should have a working knowledge of every rule and you should be able to;

  • Identify any vessel at night by lights
  • Describe the day shape for any vessel
  • Describe the fog signal for any vessel
  • Explain any rule
  • Apply the collision regulations practically through the exam
  • Explain what actions you would take in fog if you have detected another vessel by radar alone.

Candidates who forget a particular rule such as “ what does a vessel constrained by night display at night? ” MAY still pass if they know the rest of the rules and are otherwise strong, however a candidate who fails to apply the rules correctly when he/she is skippering will fail. If a large vessel sounds 5 horns at you during your exam you are going to have to work very hard to recover! Do not put yourself in a position where this might occur.


Be ready, know your subject.

You can be quizzed on anything within the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased Course,  you will also be expected to put the navigation, IRPCS, passage planning and forecast skills from this course into practice. If you don’t have this knowledge then you are waisting your exam fee as you will fail. You will also be tested on a basic understanding of Radar and Diesel engines . I am a strong believer that all Yachtmaster candidates as well as having passed the Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased course should also have attended the following courses before taking their practical exam as you can be tested on any and all of these areas.

  • RYA Short Range Certificate , it is likely you will each be quizzed on VHF procedures, distress alerting, the mayday call or other calls during the exam. You may also need to make a routine call to a marina or harbour during the exam.
  • RYA Sea Survival . The safety brief that you deliver will include lots of content from this course, (i.e flares, EPIRB, life raft and life jackets), you can expect to be questioned on more detail on these and other areas.
  • RYA Diesel . Typically candidates will be examined on engine checks and they will also be given a part of the engine to talk about or a common problem to solve, for example, “ Can you talk me through how you would bleed the full system on this engine ,” or “ Show me the components of the cooling system and explain which part of it may need servicing at sea if the system has run dry for a brief period’ “
  • RYA Radar.  If the vessel is fitted with a radar you will be tested on its basic set up and use. You should be able to fix position by radar, find a spot on the chart by radar and identify when a risk of collision exists by radar. If there is not a radar set on board, any of this can be tested theoretically. All candidates should be tested on radar and motor candidate tend to be pushed a little further on this area, (while they escape the sailing part of the assessment).
  • RYA First Aid . While you are required to hold a First Aid Certificate, Yachtmaster examiners will not test First Aid beyond the treatment for hypothermia, the effects of cold shock, calling for medical assistance and discussing evacuation by helicopter.


One of the key things an examiner is looking for, is to see how good the candidates are at taking charge. This is more than just a sailing (or motoring) exam it is a skippering exam. Can you manage your boat? Can you manage your crew? Clear, decisive and safe briefings followed by ongoing directions to the crew are required.

Good leadership and seamanship alike, do not involve barking orders, it is about being in control in a calm, effective and efficient manner while showing you can skipper (lead). Demonstrate your organisational and methodical thinking.

Play to your strengths. There is no definitive way to be a skipper, so don’t change your tried and tested methods to try and impress. Stick with what you know and carry them out smoothly and confidently. Don’t rush and panic. “Go slow like a pro.”


It is almost a, “dead cert,” that each candidate will be asked to demonstrate a MOB drill at some point during the exam. This is typically done using a fender or similar attached to a small weight, (never a real person). There is a myth that Yachtmaster Examiners expect the drill to be carried out by the “RYA method,” and this is true, what is not true however is the various myths of what constitutes the RYA method!

Yachtmaster Exam – Man Overboard RYA Method

Your examiner will expect you to a take charge, not to loose sight of the MOB (fender), to get back to it safely without endangering other crew and to get the boat stopped alongside the casualty with the casualty somewhere safe (i.e near the leeward shroud on a sail boat and not too close to the props on a motor exam), ready for pick up back on board.

Man Overboard Exam Tips

If you are training with other candidates agree a method that works for all of you. When you are the skipper under assessment you want your crew to react and know what is expected of them. If each candidate on the same boat opts for a different MOB method it can lead to confusion.

Along the way you should simulate/say everything relevant to the casualties survival (mention throwing the MOB gear overboard, appoint a spotter, press the MOB function on the GPS, tell the examiner you would assign a crew members to issue a distress alert and Mayday call).

Man Overboard Exam Tips (for sail candidates)

In addition to the tick list in the above paragraph, use the engine! The exact drill of how you reach/tack, slow down, speed up etc. will vary from candidate to candidate and boat to boat. The important thing is that the method you opt to use works and is safe. I advise against gybing during your MOB drill in medium and stronger winds.

A sail candidate who opts to approach the casualty from upwind (where the mainsail will be filled as you sail or motor downwind) would be demonstrating a gross misunderstanding of how to control speed and how to stop a sailing yacht.

Man Overboard Exam Tips (for power candidates)

In addition to the tick list two paragraphs above be mindful of the rest of the crew. If at high speed when the MOB occurs, don’t turn suddenly, instead slow the boat down and ensure crew know if you intend to make a sharp turn. We don’t want  a crew ember (or the examiner) to fall over or worse overboard! On many boats in light and moderate conditions you can turn the boat and follow your wake to return to the MOB, in rougher sea states this might not work. There are basically three steps.

  • Dont loose the MOB’s position
  • Get back to the MOB
  • Get alongside the MOB for pick up, without running him over

On many motor boats having got the boat back to the vicinity of the MOB, it pays to orientate yourself beam onto the wind and upwind of the MOB and allow the vessel to be blown sideways towards the MOB, this protects him/her from the risk of the bow and engine and is often referred to as the drift down method. As with sailing there are lost of variations on this method and what is important is the method that you use is safe and that it works.


It is likely that you will be asked to either sail onto or sail off a swinging mooring (mooring bouy), an anchor or a pontoon. Make sure you are comfortable and competent at all before your exam. By way of example I will focus here on the mooring buoy. In non tidal waters the boat will lie on the mooring head to wind so the approach will be on a close reach under mainsail. In tidal waters certain combination of wind against tide may dictate an approach under headsail on a different point of sail.

The examiner will expect to see you;

  • Brief the crew on how the manoeuvre will be performed
  • Helm throughout the manoeuvre
  • Prepare the boat for the manoeuvre (using the crew)
  • Select the correct direction and angle of approach
  • Select the correct sail combination for this approach
  • Control the boat speed on the approach bringing the boat to a stop in a controlled manner
  • Picking up and secure to the mooring bouy safely

If at any point the manoeuvre is not working the examiner will expect you to make the decision to bail-out and to have an escape plan in mind. Remember it will be your call to bail out not his.


During the exam you will have to demonstrate some boat handling under power. This may be a natural part of a passage you are skippering (i.e. at the start and end of the passage) or may be a specific boat handling session. Most candidates will demonstrate they can moor up, depart a berth and turn the boat in a confined space. You may be asked to demonstrate more than one berth so the examiner can see how you respond to different states of wind and tide. Some times an examiner will be specific (for example ask you to berth starboard side to, stern first on pontoon XYZ), other times he will leave some of the decision making to you and simply say berth on pontoon ABC. In the second  example he will expect to see you make a sensible decision as to whether to moor bow or stern first and from where to approach. If you are asked to repeat a manoeuvre performed by another candidate do not make the mistake of blindly copying the last candidate, take a minute to consider if they did it well or if an alternative approach would work better. Every boat manouvers differently but there are some givens for close quarter handling;

  • Slow is Pro!
  • Approaching down forces i.e. down tide (or down wind if no tide) is poor seamanship if you have the option not to
  • Using excessive engine revs in confined space demonstrates a lack of experience and control
  • Turning against prop walk should be avoided if possible.
  • Using wind, tide, pivot points, momentum and prop walk to assist you will all make your manoeuvring easier and, “score you points” in the examiner’s mind.

If the manoeuvre is not working, bailing out safely is far better than perceiving trying to a make the best of a bad job. I can assure you that if you are half way through a manoeuvre and suddenly realise you have selected the wrong approach the examiner has spotted this several minutes earlier. He/she will be quietly hoping you opt to rectify the error rather than compounding it by continuing. Don’t disappoint him by continuing an approach that is clearly too fast or not going to work.

Just like the sailing manoeuvres described above you need to helm the boat through these manoeuvres, brief the crew and perform the manoeuvre well. You should not rely on crew jumping ashore with lines to stop the boat, you as helm should stop the boat so that crew can step ashore safely. If a spring line is appropriate to depart a berth then use it, but don’t over complicate things. It is quite embarrassing when a candidate opts to “spring off” a “wind off” berth when they could have simply just let the lines go. If manoeuvring in close quarters still phases you then you are not ready for the Yachtmaster exam and need some more boat handling practice first.


There are many more components to the exam (pilotage, blind pilotage, voyage planning etc.) and the above is just a taster. If I have not scared you off yet, you have your own boat and require bespoke training (power or sail) I can be contacted through this site.

Yachtmaster Instructor

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Yachtmaster Milebuilder and Qualifying Passages


Our Yachtmaster Milebuilders provide the opportunity to log sea miles and qualifying passages in preparation for the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate assessment. You will take part in a series of extended offshore passages by day and night, operating a watch system on board.

  • $4,990.00 incl. GST


Milebuilder and qualifying passages

Our mile builder passages provide a fantastic opportunity to develop offshore sailing skills and experience and to log sea miles and Yachtmaster qualifying passages.

Sailing programme 

The mile builder is broken into a series of coastal and offshore passages of 60 nautical miles or more, designed to meet the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore qualifying criteria. 

The crew will operate in a watch system by day and night and take turns acting as Skipper, Watchleader, and Navigator for a passage.

We aim to sail more than 1,500 miles in the time frame. This target's success depends mainly on the crew's ability to plan the passages to take advantage of the prevailing wind, weather, and currents.

Some nights, you will spend sailing continuously, some will be spent at anchor or on a mooring buoy, and others in the comfort of a marina where you will be able to clean up, re-victual, wash clothes, and have a hot shower.  


You will be allocated a crew berth in shared cabin accommodation for the duration. You will be hot bunking while on passage and in a watch system. 

On a more extended layover (typically two nights), you may like to book a local hotel or guest house for a bit of R and R. 

All vessels have an enclosed bathroom on board. 

Course content

  • Preparation for sea and safety equipment audit.
  • Safety procedures and drills, shake down sailing exercises
  • Pilotage and passage planning
  • Offshore log-keeping and navigation
  • Seamanship skills offshore, including helming, sail trimming, reefing, headsail changes, poling out, etc 
  • Preparing for heavy weather
  • Man overboard procedures and other emergency procedures
  • Watchkeeping/night passages
  • Crew Management and the Role of the Skipper / Watchleader
  • Skipper experience

Location and sailing conditions 

We will cruise up and down the East coast of Australia, visiting ports like Coffs Harbour and Port Stephens to the North and Jervis Bay, Eden, or perhaps Tasmania to the South. 

The scenery and anchorages are magnificent, and the weather is generally excellent for sailing.

You can expect to see dolphins and whales at certain times of the year and, of course, Flying Fish!

The yacht and the instructor 

This course will be run on board one of our training yachts by an experienced and accredited RYA instructor.

You live on board with your fellow students and participate in all aspects of running the boat. 

What's included

  • Tuition, logbook, pre-course reading.
  • Life jackets and safety harnesses are provided and we can loan you wet weather clothing if required.
  • Shared cabin accommodation on board. 
  • All vessels have an enclosed bathroom on board.
  • We provide all meals on board from lunch on the first day to lunch on the last day.
  • You should expect to eat, at your own cost ashore, for 2 - 3 nights.  

Qualifications and experience

  • Approx 1500 sea miles / 16 days  
  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster qualifying passages 
  • RYA Watchleader certificate

Before you start

  • No formal qualifications are required but your sailing and navigation skills should be at Day Skipper level or equivalent.
  • We also recommend you hold a Safety and Sea Survival certificate.
  • At the end of the course, your instructor will give you feedback on your sailing skills and your ability as a skipper, making recommendations for your future training and experience.
  • Plot your course to Yachtmaster certification.

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yachtmaster qualifying miles

Middle Harbour Yacht Club, Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman, NSW 2088.

yachtmaster qualifying miles

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yachtmaster qualifying miles

RYA Yachtmaster Coastal & Offshore Exam Preparation Training

yachtmaster qualifying miles

At Falmouth School of Sailing, we offer exam preparation courses which help you hone your practical skills to prepare for taking the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal and RYA Yachtmaster Offshore examinations.

At this stage, you will have already completed the qualifying miles needed for each qualification, so the focus of our preparation weeks are to make sure that you are confident and fully prepared in each area of the syllabus. Your instructor will work closely with you and your fellow students to ensure that your individual areas of concern and revision are covered.

Our courses are usually run over five days typically beginning at 17.00 on Sunday, with the examination stage starting on Friday afternoon, and finishing on Saturday.

All of Falmouth School of Sailing’s RYA Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore preparation weeks and exams take place in Falmouth, Cornwall. The range of sheltered cruising waters of the Carrick Roads and the Fal Estuary provide a perfect training and testing area.

Your practical examination will be taken by an independent local RYA examiner who will test you on boat handling, man overboard procedures, passage planning, crew handling, blind pilotage and knowledge of lights and signals amongst other things.

The RYA Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore qualifications will unlock the door to bare-boat charter worldwide, provide an entrance into the yacht industry, if commercially endorsed and give you a wealth of experience as a skipper.

Accommodation is provided on board the yacht during the course and lunch will be provided every day throughout the course duration. Evening meals will be provided for all but 1 of the nights. This allows one night for you to dine out with your fellow crew members (this meal will be at your own expense). Dinner is always an important meal after a busy day on the water. We encourage the cooking roles to be shared out equally amongst the boat, making it a team effort. We will always try our best to cater for individual dietary requirements wherever possible, however, at times offerings may be limited due to catering for multiple dietary requirements in a confined space.

Yachtmaster Coastal Pre-Examination Requirements

Documented minimum sea time completed on a seagoing or sailing motor yacht (as appropriate) in the last 10 years:

  • 30 days at sea on a vessel less than 24m LOA, which may be reduced to 12 days at sea on vessels less that 24m LOA, or substituted with 30 days at sea on yachts under 500gt if an RYA Coastal Skipper Practical course completion certificate or an RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence is held.
  • Two days as skipper on a vessel less than 24m LOA.
  • 800 miles, which can be reduced to 400 miles on vessels less than 24m LOA or substituted with 800 miles at sea on yachts under 500gt is an RYA Coastal Skipper practical course completion certificate or an RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence is held.
  • 12 night hours.

For information on qualifying passages please visit www.rya.org.uk/training/certificates-of-competence/qualifying-passages

Minimum Exam duration: 6-10 hours for one candidate. 8-14 hours for two candidates.

Minimum Age : 17 at the time of exam.

Yachtmaster Offshore Pre-Examination Requirements

Documented minimum sea time completed on a seagoing sailing or motor yacht (as appropriate) in the last 10 years:

  • 50 days at sea on yachts up to 500gt which may be reduced to 25 days if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.
  • Five days as skipper on vessels less than 24m LOA, which may be reduced to three days if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.
  • 2,5000 miles on yachts up to 500gt, which may be reduced to 1,250 miles if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.
  • Five passages over 60 miles long, which must include two overnight passages and two as skipper, which may be reduced to three passages including one overnight and one as a skipper if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.

For information on qualifying passages, please visit: www.rya.org.uk/training/certificates-of-competence/qualifying-passages .

Minimum Exam duration:  8-12hours for one candidate. 10-18 hours for two candidates. No more than two candidates can be examined in 24 hours and no more than four candidates can be examined in one two-day session.

Minimum Age : 18 at the time of exam.

For both the levels of examination, candidates will also need:

  • A passport sized photo
  • A VHF/DSC certificate
  • A recognised First Aid certificate
  • The appropriate exam fee payable to the RYA

Costs & Dates

Per Person
Price *£950 per berth

*Exam fee is not included please see fees below.

Duration: 5 Days plus examination (7 days)

From: Sunday 1700 – Sunday 12:00

RYA Exam Fees: 

Yachtmaster Coastal £223

Yachtmaster Offshore £256

2024 Course Dates:

Please contact the office to discuss dates and availability.

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Privacy Overview

  • Certificates of Competence
  • Yachtmaster conversions

Converting between sail and power

Holders of the RYA Yachtmaster® Coastal or Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence in a particular discipline (sail or power) are eligible for a “discount” in terms of the mileage and sea time that is required for the exam in the other discipline.

The exam that will be undertaken by the candidate is a full exam, however the fact that the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence in one discipline, means that we can accepted a reduced amount of mileage and sea time in the discipline for which they will now be examined.

The seatime shown below must be in the discipline in which you are to be examined (sail or power). All qualifying seatime must be within 10 years prior to the exam.

Yachtmaster Coastal

  • Minimum of 400 miles
  • 12 days living on board
  • 2 days as skipper
  • 12 night hours

Yachtmaster Offshore

  • Minimum of 1250 miles
  • 25 days living on board
  • 3 days as skipper
  • 3 passages over 60 miles including 1 overnight and 1 as skipper

It is essential that candidates for any exam be fully conversant with the entire syllabus relating to the relevant type of vessel (sail or motor) and that they have adequate experience to be confident in the capacity of skipper of that type of craft. 

Note: As of 1st July 2021 shortened conversion exams from sail to power and power to sail are no longer available.


  1. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam

    RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites. 5 passages over 60 miles long, which must include 2 overnight passages and 2 as skipper, which may be reduced to 3 passages including 1 overnight and 1 as skipper if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence 3. 1 At least half the qualifying sea time should be ...

  2. Requirements for the Yachtmaster offshore exam

    But, all my sea miles has been on a vessel OVER 24m…. Good news! The RYA accepts 50% (1,250) of your qualifying sea miles gained on a vessel over 24m. It's crucial to provide a Testimonial or Discharge book as proof of your 1,250 sea miles. The other 50% (1,250 miles) must be from vessels between 7m and 24m in length.

  3. How Much Mileage Do You Need for Yachtmaster Coastal & Offshore?

    What are the qualifying miles for RYA Yachtmaster Coastal? The minimum pre-exam experience and mileage you need for RYA Yachtmaster Coastal is to have first logged 800 nautical miles within 10 years prior to taking the exam. You will also need to have spent at least thirty days at sea, with two of those days as skipper, and 12 night hours. ...

  4. Yachtmaster Offshore: When, Why, and How

    The qualifying sea time should be gained on motor vessels if the candidate applies for Yachtmaster Offshore Motor license. Sail miles do not count. ... , Yachtmaster Offshore is preceded by RYA Day Skipper and Coastal Skipper, which allow to navigate 20 and 60 nautical miles offshore accordingly. With Yachtmaster Offshore qualifications, it is ...

  5. How to pass your Yachtmaster exam

    The qualifying mileage for this MCA-recognised qualification is 800, with passage and night-hour requirements being relaxed in comparison with 'Yachtmaster Offshore', which keeps its 2,500-mile entry level. Either is a proper Yachtmaster qualification and can be described as such. Only the often-dropped suffix distinguishes the two.

  6. Yachtmaster

    The gold standard. The RYA Yachtmaster® Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. Unlike other qualifications in the cruising programme, there is no formal training course to become an RYA Yachtmaster.

  7. 60 mile passages for Yachtmaster

    60 mile Qualifying Passages for Yachtmaster Exam. Before you take a RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam you will need a minimum of: 5 passages over 60 nautical miles between ports including 2 overnight and 2 as skipper. 50 days seatime. 5 days as skipper. 2500 miles.

  8. Qualifying passages

    During RYA exams candidates will be questioned extensively about their qualifying passages, mileage and sea time. Additional for RYA Yachtmaster Ocean: Candidates on Ocean qualifying passages must have acted in a capacity of either mate or skipper throughout the entire passage. If circumstances prevent astro sights being taken on the ocean ...

  9. RYA Yachtmaster Ocean & Qualifying Passages

    Have completed a qualifying passage on board a sailing or motor yacht up to 500gt 1 which meets the following criteria:600M including at least 200M more than 50 miles from land or charted objects capable of being used for navigation;Duration of at least 96 hours;The candidate must have taken a full part in the planning and preparation of the ...

  10. 600-Mile Qualifying Passage Criteria for RYA Yachtmaster Ocean

    Specific Criteria. Distance: The passage must be a non-stop journey of at least 600 nautical miles. Offshore Distance: At least 250 miles of the passage must be more than 50 nautical miles offshore. This requirement is designed to ensure that the passage includes a significant amount of open ocean sailing, testing navigational skills away from ...

  11. RYA Certificates of Competence, Part 5

    The RYA Yachtmaster Ocean is the highest certification level at RYA. The holder of a Yachtmaster Ocean qualification should be competent to skipper a yacht of up to 24 metres LOA (up to 200gt) anywhere in the World (Category 0 waters - unlimited). The assessment is done by oral interrogation (~1.5 hours).

  12. The Difference Between Yachtmaster Ocean & Offshore Explained

    Half the qualifying sea time must have been conducted in tidal waters & on a sailing vessel 24 metres or under. ... at least 96 hours and the yacht must have been more than 50 miles from land while sailing a distance of at least 200 miles. Qualifying passages for Yachtmaster Ocean and Offshore should be non stop by the shortest navigable route ...

  13. What is an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Exam?

    The remaining 50% of the qualifying sea time must have been carried out on vessels which ranged between 7m and 24m. How to Log Miles for Your RYA Yachtmaster Exam. Since so much importance is placed on passages, it's crucial to record the miles. Recording miles can be carried out in a RYA logbook G158, or using an Excel spreadsheet.

  14. RYA Yachtmaster Qualifying Passages

    RYA Yachtmaster (Pre-requisite) Coastal : 30 days motor cruising, 800 miles logged, 12 night hours, 2 days as skipper (ideally over 60 miles along the rhumb line). If you hold the Coastal Skipper practical course completion certificate this is reduced to 20 days, 400 miles, 12 night hours, 2 days as skipper (ideally over 60 miles along the ...

  15. RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Exam

    The RYA Yachtmaster® Ocean is experienced and competent to skipper a yacht on passages of any length in all parts of the world. ... 600M including at least 200M more than 50 miles from land or charted objects capable of being used for navigation; ... The minimum qualifying passage must have been accrued within 10 years of the examination date.

  16. How to Pass the Yachtmaster Exam

    The Yachtmaster Coastal CoC certifies skippers to operate up-to 20 miles from a safe haven on board commercial vessels up-to 24m, carrying up-to 12 passengers. It can also be used as an entry requirement for super yacht Officer Training . Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence (power or sail)

  17. Yachtmaster

    Half the qualifying seamiles must have been conducted in tidal waters, and all qualifying sea miles must be within 10 years prior to the exam. ... Previous certification - Hold an RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence. Minimum seatime - Have completed, as skipper or mate of watch, a qualifying ocean passage. The candidate must ...

  18. PDF RYA Yachtmaster Personal Logbook

    The RYA/MCA state that at least half of the minimum qualifying sea time (1,250 miles) MUST have been completed on a vessel between 7m and 24m in length. The remaining 1,250 miles logged onboard a Superyacht can be counted towards the RYA Yachtmaster offshore exam. Such sea time must be supported by sea service testimonials or a Discharge book.

  19. PDF Yachtmaster Offshore personal log

    The RYA/MCA state that at least half of the minimum qualifying sea time (1,250 miles) MUST have been completed on a vessel between 7m and 24m in length. The remaining 1,250 miles logged onboard a Superyacht can be counted towards the RYA Yachtmaster offshore exam. Such sea time must be supported by sea service testimonials or a Discharge book.

  20. Yachtmaster Milebuilder and Qualifying Passages

    The mile builder is broken into a series of coastal and offshore passages of 60 nautical miles or more, designed to meet the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore qualifying criteria. The crew will operate in a watch system by day and night and take turns acting as Skipper, Watchleader, and Navigator for a passage. We aim to sail more than 1,500 miles ...

  21. RYA Yachtmaster Coastal & Offshore Exam Preparation Training

    At this stage, you will have already completed the qualifying miles needed for each qualification, so the focus of our preparation weeks are to make sure that you are confident and fully prepared in each area of the syllabus. ... The RYA Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore qualifications will unlock the door to bare-boat charter worldwide, provide ...

  22. RYA Yachtmaster conversion exams

    All qualifying seatime must be within 10 years prior to the exam. Yachtmaster Coastal . Minimum of 400 miles ; 12 days living on board ; 2 days as skipper ; 12 night hours ; Yachtmaster Offshore . Minimum of 1250 miles ; 25 days living on board ; 3 days as skipper ; 3 passages over 60 miles including 1 overnight and 1 as skipper