Forgotten Trek

Designing the Next Generation Enterprise

When it came time to design a new Starship Enterprise , history did not repeat itself. Where Matt Jefferies had produced hundreds of sketches to come up with the design of the first Enterprise , Andrew Probert had a basic formula in mind before he was even hired for the job.

After working on The Motion Picture in 1978, and before a second Star Trek television series was even announced, Probert had painted a future starship strictly for his own enjoyment. When he interviewed for the position of senior illustrator on the new show in 1985, Probert said he was “so pumped up” that he started making more drawings as soon as he came home.

Knowing that the second series would be set about a century after the first, Probert felt the new Enterprise should be faster and probably sleeker. “At least it should be more elegant.”

Enterprise-D painting

Filling in details

When Probert was hired, it was to design the new Enterprise ’s bridge and other sets. The task of designing the ship itself fell to him by happenstance. Probert brought that painting of a future starship with him to his Paramount office. One day, Story Editor David Gerrold walked in, saw the design and took it to Gene Roddenberry, who approved it on the spot.

All that remained was filling in the details.

Enterprise-D concept art

“The saucer had, since its inception, been the main section,” Probert explained, “so I made it larger in proportion to the secondary or engineering hull.”

In previous designs the warp nacelles were always to the rear but above the saucer rim, which visually seemed to give them equal importance and physically placed them above the ship’s center of mass. Both of these seemed to be negative points, which I hoped to remedy by lowering them to a position between the two hull sections. This would place them closer to the ship’s center of mass.

Enterprise size comparison

Also the struts holding the saucer and warp engines were slanted in opposite directions; the saucer is going forward, engines going back. That wasn’t bad, but it created a slight visual conflict, so I slanted them all forward to unify their direction and give the overall design a feeling of aggressive forward movement, like a lunging cat. The view from the front of the old ship produced a variety of shapes. I took my design theme from the saucer and started sketching every component as a compressed oval.

Gene Roddenberry's changes

Probert’s final design had relatively short nacelles to suggest that warp technology had become more powerful. Roddenberry didn’t like it: “He was so used to those huge warp engines from The Original Series that this seemed underpowered to him.”

My whole intent on this ship was to unify all of those shapes; I wanted to give it a forward lunge for the saucer and a forward lunge for the engines, but Gene still wanted the engines to extend out the back as well.

Roddenberry’s only other change was to put the bridge back on top of the saucer. Given the size of the new ship, this only added a small bump. But it gave the viewers a sense of scale.

Enterprise-D painting

On the underside of the saucer, Probert inserted a captain’s yacht. Although the Enterprise -D’s was never seen on screen, it became a staple of Starfleet design. Rick Sternbach included a captain’s yacht in his design of Voyager and the Enterprise -E’s captain’s yacht was revealed in Insurrection .

Industrial Light and Magic built two miniatures for the first season: a large 6-foot model and a smaller, less detailed 2-foot model. Both were capable of saucer separation.


Greg Jein built a new, 4-foot miniature for Season 3. It had more pronounced hull plating and a thicker saucer rim to match the new Ten Forward set. Probert — who by then had left the show — had designed the saucer to be one deck in height .

Jein’s model largely replaced the other two, but stock footage from the first two seasons continued to be used, creating a visual discrepancy. The 6-footer was refurbished for Star Trek Generations , when a computer-generated version and a special 12-foot-wide saucer (for the crash) were also made.

Enterprise-D model

I have the original artwork featured in the header!
A friend has a, presumably, cropped edition, 18 in. by 24 in., of the poster dated ’87 with the artists names on the bottom but not signed. Looks like it was folded a one time with a couple of small creases which do not detract immensely from the poster. In one of those plastic bordered frames. Do you think this has any value worth pursuing for sale?
I would love to see a fleshed out, maybe 3-D rendered version of the top artwork. Honestly, I think that design would’ve worked well in the Kelvin universe NuTrek.
Great article. Wish it were longer! To me the 1701-D will always be the most beautiful of all Trek ships, including the E.

Submit comments by email .

and other starships are used for the captain's personal use, normally diplomatic missions. The yacht measures 18 meters long, 10 meters wide, and 8 meters high, with a mass of 95 metric tons. It's located in the center on the ventral side of the saucer, directly below the bridge.

The Enterprise's yacht was made of tritanium and duranium. It was designed to serve as a self contained, multipurpose vessel, but was used almost exclusively to transport personnel and visiting dignitaries when transporters were inoperable or inappropriate. The interior of the yacht consisted of a flight deck, two staterooms, accommodation for the flight crew, and a galley. Hatches allowed access to the engineering area and the impulse engines, which surround the habitat area. The ship was normally crewed by two pilots and a service representative who tended to and assisted any diplomatic guests. The yacht was equipped with a deflector grid, impulse engines, aerodyne flight motors which were used when it entered a planet's atmosphere. In space, the yacht was capable of achieving a maximum velocity of 0.65c; in a class-m atmosphere it has a cruise velocity of Mach 6, and can reach up to Mach 20.

Unlike shuttles, if necessary the yacht could be launched at speeds as high as warp 7. Once it has separated from the main vessel, the yacht safely decelerates until it reaches sublight operating speeds.

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

Calypso (USS Enterprise-E)

In 2378 , shortly after the Enterprise entered the Rashanar Battle Site , Captain Picard , Data , and Geordi La Forge , took the Calypso to investigate the wreckage of the USS Asgard . While the team were surveying the wreckage, two Androssi salvage scouts attempted to steal the Calypso . Their attempt was thwarted, but only one, a female named Ghissel was restrained. While Data and La Forge pursued the other, a man named Boenmar , Picard held Ghissel aboard the Calypso in restraints.

Ghissel was able to overcome Picard with a muscle toxin and took control of the Calypso and proceeded to rendezvous with the Androssi salvage fleet. Now under Androssi control, Ghissel and Boenmar outfitted the Calypso with a crude photon torpedo launcher, and set off with the Androssi fleet to secure the D'Deridex -class warbird , IRW Rom'drex . The attempt was stopped by the Enterprise , the USS Juno and the Ontailians , but the Calypso managed to escape by attacking and disabling the Juno .

Their reprieve was short lived, as the Calypso was soon being pursued by the shuttlecraft Hudson . The chase forced Boenmar to take the Calypso nearer to the gravity sink at the center of the " boneyard ". It was here that the Calypso was disabled by the " demon flyer ", then absorbed and copied. The original Calypso was then destroyed. ( ST - A Time to... novel : A Time to Be Born )

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Ships named
: ( -class) • ( -class) • ( -class)
: (NCC-1701-D yacht) • (NCC-1701-E yacht)
-E auxiliary craft
• • • • • • • • • • (II) • • (I) • (II) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 Constitution class
  • 3 Odyssey class


Bayesian superyacht leaked autopsy reveals disturbing detail of final struggle

Seven people onboard the £30million Bayesian superyacht tragically lost their lives when it sank off the coast of Italy during a violent thunderstorm last month

Bayesian yacht

  • 12:48, 5 Sep 2024

Autopsies carried out on victims of the Bayesian superyacht tragedy have revealed an insight into their tragic final moments.

The £30million luxury boat was carrying 22 people when it sank off the coast of Italy during a freak storm in the early hours of Monday, August 18. Fifteen people were initially rescued, with chef Recaldo Thomas tragically pronounced dead. Six people were missing until their bodies were pulled from the water days later.

Experts have said the yacht could have sunk in as little as 60 seconds after being unmoored in what witnesses described as a waterspout tornado . Technology tycoon Mike Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter Hannah were among those killed, alongside couples Jonathan and Judith Bloomer and Christopher and Neda Morvillo.

It has now emerged that four of the victims are feared to have suffocated to death in air pockets that filled with carbon dioxide as the vessel sank. According to Italian news outlet La Republica, autopsies carried out at Palermo's Policlinico hospital have so far revealed the two couples, the Bloomers and Morvillos, had no water in their lungs.

It is claimed that Morgan Stanley International chairman Jonathan, 70, and his wife Judy were 'not full of water and neither were their stomachs or trachea'. The publication reports that the married couple may have been conscious, desperately trying to reach the air, as the yacht sank and they 'suffocated'.

New York lawyer Chris and his partner Neda reportedly also had no signs of injuries in post-mortem examinations. The leaked report adds that the air bubble would not have lasted long as it would have been 'small and quickly filled with rising levels of toxic carbon dioxide', Mail Online reports.

Autopsies on Mr Lynch, Hannah and Mr Thomas are expected to be carried out on Friday. Meanwhile, prosecutors are investigating the captain and two crew members for possible responsibility in connection with the sinking. The 56-metre yacht sank during what appears to have been a sudden downburst or localised powerful wind.

Prosecutors said raising the Bayesian and examining the yacht for evidence would provide key elements to the investigation. No timeline has been determined.

It comes as Hewlett Packard Enterprise said on Monday it won't drop its UK claim for damages against the estate of Mr Lynch. In 2022, Britain's High Court ruled mostly in favour of the US technology company which accused Lynch and his former finance director of fraud over its $11billion takeover of his software company, Autonomy.

Hewlett Packard is seeking up to $4 billion in damages and the judge is expected to issue a decision on the final sum soon. Mr Lynch's widow, Angela Bacares, could now be liable for the damages. Months before the sinking, Lynch was acquitted in a separate US criminal trial of fraud and conspiracy charges in the deal.

Hewlett Packard initially celebrated the costly acquisition of Lynch's company in 2011 but quickly came to regret it. The company said in a statement Monday that it had "substantially succeeded" in its civil fraud claims against Lynch and Sushovan Hussain, the former finance director.

MORE ON Bayesian yacht Jonathan Bloomer Mike Lynch Hospitals

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Mike Lynch's estate faces £3bn HP claim despite tragic death in yacht disaster

Hewlett packard has said that it will continue its £3 billion claim against mike lynch, the british tech mogul who died in the bayesian superyacht tragedy..

Mike Lynch

Just over two weeks after billionaire Mike Lynch tragically lost his life in the Bayesian superyacht disaster, US tech behemoth Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) has confirmed its intention to press on with its £3 billion legal claim against the mogul. The body of the British tech tycoon was recovered a little over two weeks ago, following the catastrophic event that claimed seven lives.

Lynch, 59, was marking his triumph over the tech giant in the US criminal courts aboard his £30 million superyacht 'Bayesian', when disaster struck off the Sicilian coast in the early hours of August 19. The precise cause of the 184ft yacht's capsizing is still under investigation, but extreme weather conditions are suspected to have been a factor.

However, despite the celebrations, the beleaguered tycoon was still facing a civil case in the UK High Court over fraud allegations linked to the £8.3 billion sale of his firm, Autonomy, in 2011.

HPE has stated it plans to continue its civil claim against the late tycoon's estate and "follow the proceedings through to their conclusion."

photo of Hannah and Mike Lynch

This could potentially leave Lynch's widow Angela Bacares, who survived the yacht tragedy, liable for the £3 billion in damages. However, according to the  Independent,  judges have already decreed any damages will be "substantially less" than this staggering amount.

The legal battle between Mike Lynch and Hewlett Packard has been ongoing for much of the past decade, with the tech giant claiming to have been oversold on the value of Autonomy when they purchased it for over £8 billion. This escalated in 2021, when Lynch lost a fight against extradition to the United States for criminal fraud charges.

And yet, in a surprising victory in June this year, Lynch beat the potential 20-year prison sentence and was found not guilty on all charges by a California jury. But despite beating decades in a US prison, an expensive civil trial in the UK High Court still hung over him.

HPE said in a statement: “In 2022, an English High Court judge ruled that HPE had substantially succeeded in its civil fraud claims against Dr Lynch and Mr Hussain."

Diving crews off the coast of Sicily

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The statement continued: “A damages hearing was held in February 2024 and the judge’s decision regarding damages due to HPE will arrive in due course. It is HPE’s intention to follow the proceedings through to their conclusion.”

The Bayesian yacht tragedy also claimed the lives of Lynch's 18-year-old daughter Hannah, Morgan Stanley International chairman Jonathan Bloomer and wife Judy, Lynch's lawyer Chris Morvillo and wife Neda, and the yacht's chef Recaldo Thomas. The first post-mortems on Chris and Neda Morvillo found the cause of death to be drowning, AP reports.

Fifteen individuals miraculously escaped the rapidly sinking yacht, with crewmate Matthew Griffiths recalling the harrowing ordeal this week: "I woke up the captain when the wind was at 20 knots (23 mph). He gave orders to wake everyone else. The ship tilted and we were thrown into the water.

"Then we managed to get back up and tried to rescue those we could."

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Hewlett Packard won't drop its UK claim against tech mogul Mike Lynch, who died when his yacht sank

Hewlett Packard Enterprise says it won’t drop its U.K. claim for damages against the estate of British tech mogul Mike Lynch

LONDON -- Hewlett Packard Enterprise said Monday it won't drop its U.K. claim for damages against the estate of British tech mogul Mike Lynch , who was killed when his superyacht sank last month.

Britain's High Court in 2022 ruled mostly in favor of the U.S. technology company, which accused Lynch and his former finance director of fraud over its $11 billion takeover of his software company Autonomy. Hewlett Packard is seeking up to $4 billion in damages and the judge is expected to issue a decision on the final sum soon.

Lynch died when his yacht, the Bayesian, sank in a storm off Sicily on Aug. 19. His widow, Angela Bacares, could now be liable for the damages.

Months before the sinking, Lynch was acquitted in a separate U.S. criminal trial of fraud and conspiracy charges in the deal.

Hewlett Packard initially celebrated the costly acquisition of Lynch’s company in 2011 but quickly came to regret it. The company said in a statement Monday that it had “substantially succeeded” in its civil fraud claims against Lynch and Sushovan Hussain, the former finance director.

“It is HPE’s intention to follow the proceedings through to their conclusion.”

However, the judge in the U.K. civil case has already ruled that the amount payable in damages would be “substantially less” than the company is seeking.

A spokesperson for Lynch's family declined to comment.

Lynch and his daughter Hannah were among six passengers who died when 56-meter (184-foot) luxury yacht went down. One crew member, the boat's chef, also died, while 15 people survived the disaster. They had gathered on the yacht to celebrate Lynch's acquittal.

Officials initially said the yacht was struck by a tornado over the water, known as a waterspout, but the weather phenomenon was re-identified as a downburst. Prosecutors in Italy are investigating the captain on possible charges including manslaughter.

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Memory Alpha

The Calypso was a Federation captain's yacht that was in service with Starfleet in the mid- 24th century , attached to Galaxy -class starships , among others the USS Enterprise -D . ( Star Trek: The Next Generation ) In 2371 , it scraped on the surface of the planet Veridian III , where the ship's saucer section had been forced to crash land . ( Star Trek Generations )

Shuttles of the USS (NCC-1701-D)
Shuttlecraft: • • Shuttlecraft 03 ( , , , ) • • Shuttlecraft 05 ( , ) • • Shuttlecraft 07 ( (Type 6), (Type 7) • • • • • Shuttlecraft 15 ( , , , ) • • • • • (2367) •
Shuttlepods: • • • Shuttlepod 05 ( , ) • • • Shuttlepod 09 ( , ) • • Shuttlepod 12 ( , ) • • • • •
Captain's yacht:

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Background information [ ].

Galaxy class captain's yacht design

Probert's take on the captain's yacht

Calypso was the name for the yacht in the notes to the captain's yacht entry of the Star Trek Encyclopedia , 3rd ed., p. 83. With the latest edition of the Star Trek Encyclopedia , 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 117, the name was changed to Cousteau .

The captain's yacht was the brainchild of Andrew Probert when he beefed out the details of his Galaxy -class design. Probert postulated, " In the original show the dome on the bottom of the ship was a sensor array . What I did was move the sensor array to more of a surrounding detail, leaving the dome on the bottom free. That's where I put the captain's yacht , which is a private vessel for dignitaries and captains of ships to use as personal shuttles . That was never used in the show. At one point there was a script where Picard was returning to the ship and the dialogue was, "The captain's shuttle is on the way back. Crew members, man your stations." Then the captain comes aboard. We never ever have a visual, so I suggested mentioning the yacht, but they decided against it. " ( Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 1, Issue 16 , p. 55)

Captain's yachts did not become part of Trek canon until the debut of the USS Enterprise -E 's Cousteau in Star Trek: Insurrection .

Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual [ ]

Galaxy-class captain's yacht Calypso by Impel No

Calypso particulars

Galaxy-class captain's yacht Calypso by Impel No

Calypso explored

The Calypso was never seen in use or mentioned in dialogue, but its name came from the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual and the Star Trek Encyclopedia , 3rd ed., p. 83. It was named for Jacques-Yves Cousteau 's ship Calypso by Patrick Stewart . Production staff wanted to use the yacht in episodes such as TNG : " The Neutral Zone " and " Samaritan Snare ", but budget restrictions prohibited building a miniature and sets.

Authors Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda delved somewhat deeper into the specifics of the Calypso when upgrading their writings for the much (color) enhanced 1992 Impel trading cards set, Star Trek: The Next Generation - Inaugural Edition (card 111).

Apocrypha [ ]

The reference work Star Trek: Starship Spotter categorized the Calypso as a Mark I Captain's Yacht.

External link [ ]

  • Calypso at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 2 Obi Ndefo
  • 3 Gabriel Bell
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Hewlett Packard to Pursue $4 Billion Claim Against Mike Lynch’s Estate

The money is tied to a lawsuit in Britain by the tech services giant over its acquisition of Autonomy, the software firm Mr. Lynch founded. He died last month.

captain's yacht enterprise

By Michael J. de la Merced

Reporting from London

Hewlett Packard Enterprise will continue to pursue civil fraud damages of up to $4 billion from the estate of Mike Lynch , the British software mogul who died last month when his yacht sank.

The damages, which are tied to a nine-year-old lawsuit filed in Britain, represent the last legal fight that Mr. Lynch faced related to the $11 billion sale of his software company, Autonomy, to Hewlett-Packard in 2011. He was acquitted in June of criminal charges in the United States over the deal.

Soon after buying Autonomy, Hewlett-Packard accused Autonomy senior executives of lying about the state of the business. It also wrote down the value of Autonomy by $8.8 billion. A period of turmoil followed, with executive turnover and, eventually, a breakup of the company, into the services-focused Hewlett Packard Enterprise and the hardware specialist HP Inc.

In 2015, the company sued Mr. Lynch and Autonomy’s former chief financial officer, Sushovan Hussain, in London, seeking 5 billion pounds ($6.5 billion) in damages. Both men denied the allegations, and the two sides fought in court for years, in what the presiding judge, Robert Hildyard, called “amongst the longest and most complex in English legal history.”

In 2022, Judge Hildyard ruled largely in the company’s favor. In February, lawyers for Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Mr. Lynch argued in court about the amount of the damages. Mr. Lynch had planned to appeal the case.

Judge Hildyard, who has said he expected the damages to be “substantially” less than what HP had sought, is expected to issue a ruling in the coming months.

“The judge’s decision regarding damages due to HPE will arrive in due course,” Hewlett Packard Enterprise said Monday in a statement. “It is HPE’s intention to follow the proceedings through to their conclusion.”

Salamander Davoudi, a spokeswoman for the Lynch family, declined to comment.

Mr. Lynch and six others — including his 18-year-old daughter, Hannah; one of his longtime lawyers, Christopher J. Morvillo ; and the ship’s cook, Recaldo Thomas — died on Aug. 19 when his family yacht capsized in bad weather off the coast of Sicily. The software executive had invited friends and associates on the boating trip to celebrate his acquittal.

Fifteen passengers and crew survived, including Mr. Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares.

Investigations into the yacht’s sinking are underway, with the captain, James Cutfield, facing a manslaughter inquiry over his actions.

Michael J. de la Merced has covered global business and finance news for The Times since 2006. More about Michael J. de la Merced


  1. Captain's yacht

    The captain's yacht was a large support craft built into the design of several Federation starship classes, including the Galaxy-class, Sovereign-class, and California-class starships. It was docked to the underside of the saucer section. On the USS Enterprise-D, the name of the captain's yacht was the Calypso. On the USS Enterprise-E, the name of the captain's yacht was the Cousteau. In 2375 ...

  2. star trek

    12. When you look over the Star Trek the Next Generation Technical Manual's schematics of the USS Enterprise, one interesting thing indicated on the underside of the saucer section is the presence of the captain's yacht. It was a flying saucer looking ship that seemed to be a miniature of the Enterprise's saucer section.

  3. Is the Captain's Yacht from Enterprise-D (the Calypso) warp-capable?

    Apparently, no. The Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual (considered, if not entirely canon, at least a quasi-official authoritative source), gives the following description of the Captain's Yacht:. The yacht is capable of sustained sublight velocities approaching 0.65c. The impulse propulsion system (IPS) consists of six sequential beam-fusion reaction chambers feeding a central ...

  4. Cousteau (yacht)

    The Cousteau was a Federation captain's yacht that was in service with Starfleet in the late 24th century, attached to USS Enterprise-E. Cousteau was a large auxiliary craft which normally docked on the ventral side of the saucer section, opposite the bridge, and immediately below the saucer torpedo launcher.When connected to the Enterprise, only the bottom side of the yacht was exposed to ...

  5. Captain's yacht

    The captain's yacht was a type of auxiliary vessel installed aboard several classes of Federation starships in the 24th century, including the Galaxy-class and Sovereign-classes. On both designs, the yacht is launched from the underside of the saucer section and was used by the ship's captain to travel alone or to host visiting dignitaries. While Captain Jean-Luc Picard commanded the USS ...

  6. Starship Enterprise

    The captain's yacht is a large auxiliary starship built into the design of several Federation starship designs including the Galaxy-class and Sovereign-class. It was docked to the underside of the saucer section. On USS Enterprise-E, the name of the captain's yacht is the Cousteau. In 2375, ...

  7. The Unseen Enterprise-D

    Captain's yacht Painting of the Enterprise-D captain's yacht for the 2007 Ships of the Line calendar by Andrew Probert. Probert included a "captain's yacht" in the bottom of the saucer, which Picard could presumably use for personal missions.

  8. Designing the Next Generation Enterprise

    Rick Sternbach included a captain's yacht in his design of Voyager and the Enterprise-E's captain's yacht was revealed in Insurrection. Miniatures. Industrial Light and Magic built two miniatures for the first season: a large 6-foot model and a smaller, less detailed 2-foot model. Both were capable of saucer separation.

  9. star trek

    That's where I put the captain's yacht, which is a private vessel for dignitaries and captains of ships to use as personal shuttles. That was never used in the show. At one point there was a script where Picard was returning to the ship and the dialogue was, "The captain's shuttle is on the way back. Crew members, man your stations."

  10. FSD: Starfleet Shuttlecraft

    The captain's yacht carried onboard the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D and other Galaxy-class starships are used for the captain's personal use, normally diplomatic missions. The yacht measures 18 meters long, 10 meters wide, and 8 meters high, with a mass of 95 metric tons. It's located in the center on the ventral side of the saucer, directly below the bridge.

  11. Sovereign class

    In addition to shuttlecraft, the Sovereign class also featured a captain's yacht, designed for special diplomatic missions. The yacht on board the Enterprise-E was named the Cousteau. (Star Trek: Insurrection) Escape pods [] The Sovereign-class starship carried a number of escape pods. In the event of a catastrophic emergency, these pods served ...

  12. Any One Else Disappointed The Captain's Yacht Was Never Used ...

    My best friend Matt - His wife and I all sat down and watched Innsurection in Bluray the other day and he mentioned this same notion - it really was a shame -- i think there is a card from the TNG "baseball" card set that shows a blue print of the Unused 1701-D Yacht. I lament the fact it was never used too.

  13. Calypso (USS Enterprise-E)

    The Calypso was a Sovereign-class captain's yacht assigned to the USS Enterprise-E in 2376, as a replacement for the Cousteau.. In 2378, shortly after the Enterprise entered the Rashanar Battle Site, Captain Picard, Data, and Geordi La Forge, took the Calypso to investigate the wreckage of the USS Asgard.While the team were surveying the wreckage, two Androssi salvage scouts attempted to steal ...

  14. Class specifications

    The Sovereign class Captain's yacht was introduced in the late 24th century together with the first Sovereign class vessel. This small ship, sometimes referred to as the "ship's boat," fits perfectly into the lower surface of the saucer section. ... USS Enterprise-E History . 2372 : The Captain's yacht of the Sovereign class is introduced ...

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    The £30million luxury boat was carrying 22 people when it sank off the coast of Italy during a freak storm in the early hours of Monday, August 18. Fifteen people were initially rescued, with ...

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    2 Answers. The "Gig" is in fact the small vessel (known as the "Captain's yacht") docked underneath the ship's saucer section on the Enterprises D and E. The one on the Enterprise-D (The ' Calypso ') was never used or even referred to in the TV show, with descriptions existing solely in the various technical manuals and trading cards:

  20. Mike Lynch's estate faces £3bn HP claim despite tragic death in yacht

    Fifteen individuals miraculously escaped the rapidly sinking yacht, with crewmate Matthew Griffiths recalling the harrowing ordeal this week: "I woke up the captain when the wind was at 20 knots ...

  21. Hewlett Packard won't drop its UK claim against tech mogul Mike Lynch

    Hewlett Packard Enterprise says it won't drop its U.K. claim for damages against the estate of British tech mogul Mike Lynch ... (184-foot) luxury yacht went down. One crew member, the boat's ...

  22. Calypso

    The Calypso was a Federation captain's yacht that was in service with Starfleet in the mid-24th century, attached to Galaxy-class starships, among others the USS Enterprise-D. (Star Trek: The Next Generation) In 2371, it scraped on the surface of the planet Veridian III, where the ship's saucer section had been forced to crash land. (Star Trek Generations) Calypso was the name for the yacht in ...

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    Sverdlovsk Oblast. Sverdlovsk Oblast (Russian: Свердловская область, Sverdlovskaya oblast) is a federal subject (an oblast) of Russia. Its administrative center is the city of Yekaterinburg, formerly known as Sverdlovsk. In 2010, 4,297,747 people lived in the oblast. [1]

  25. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Yekaterinburg (UPDATED 2024)

    5. Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts. 225. Art Museums. The Museum of Fine Arts, Ekaterinburg is the largest art museum in the Urals. The Museum was founded in 1936, but its collection dates back to the last quarter of the 19th century and is connected…. 6. Sevastyanov's House. 260.

  26. Yekaterinburg

    Yekaterinburg [a] is a city and the administrative centre of Sverdlovsk Oblast and the Ural Federal District, Russia.The city is located on the Iset River between the Volga-Ural region and Siberia, with a population of roughly 1.5 million residents, [14] up to 2.2 million residents in the urban agglomeration. Yekaterinburg is the fourth-largest city in Russia, the largest city in the Ural ...

  27. Hewlett Packard to Pursue $4 Billion Claim Against Mike Lynch's Estate

    Hewlett Packard Enterprise will continue to pursue civil fraud damages of up to $4 billion from the estate of Mike Lynch, the British software mogul who died last month when his yacht sank.. The ...