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1981 hunter 25 sailboat

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1981 hunter 25 sailboat

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1981 hunter 25 sailboat

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1981 hunter 25 sailboat

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1981 hunter 25 sailboat

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1981 hunter 25 sailboat

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1981 hunter 25 sailboat

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1981 hunter 25 sailboat

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1981 hunter 25 sailboat

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1981 hunter 25 sailboat

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1981 hunter 25 sailboat

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1981 hunter 25 sailboat

Dear Readers

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Be sure to check out those boats built between 1978 and 1981—owners think they're the best.

By the mid ’80s, after only ten years in business, Hunter Marine had become one of the two leaders (with Catalina Yachts) in the volume of auxiliary-sized sailboats on the US market. And, like Catalina, the corporate philosophy at Hunter was to mass produce low priced boats with as few changes in tooling, hence design, as possible.

Hunter 25

As a result, Hunter until 1978 had a line basically consisting of three boats: the Hunters 25, 27 and 30, added to thereafter by smaller (20′ and 22′) and larger ( 31, 34′, 36′, 37′ and 54′) while the original three remained in production. Only after nine years production was the 25 replaced in the line (with the 25.5) and, after 10 years, the 27 (by the 28.5).

The basic marketing program of Hunter has remained remarkably consistent since it produced its first boats in 1974. That policy has made price the single most important factor in selling its boats. With the cost savings from mass production and minimum changes in tooling, Hunter has sold by far the highest volume of the lowest priced boats of their size and type on the market for the last 10 years.

Hunter Yachts came into being amid the energy crunch in the early 1970s. Silverton, a large manufacturer of smaller powerboats, expanded to build “energy-conscious” sailboats. It started with three boats, two John Cherubini-designed performance cruisers, the Hunters 27 and 30, and a Robert Seidelmann/J. Cherubini-designed small (MORC) racer, the Hunter 25.

The original Hunter 25 was a racy boat with a wedge-shaped cabin trunk that limited interior space. That space was further restricted by a design parameter for trailering, an 8′ beam.

From the outset Hunter has maintained a policy of selling its boats “fully equipped” so the original boats came with sails, dock lines and fenders, required safety gear, etc. and no factory supplied options except a shoal draft keel (in the fall of 1978 this sales policy got a name, CruisePac). Price of the 25 in 1974 was quoted at less than $8,000 with the boats reportedly being offered to dealers at closer to $6,000 in order to encourage a high sales volume.

By 1975, the desired sales being apparently unattainable with a boat as performance-oriented as the 25, the boat was offered in a so-called “pop-top” version with a more box-like cabin trunk at a price just $150 above the $8,500 tag on the standard version. The hull, rig and interior layout remained essentially the same. The following year the original model was discontinued and a box cabin trunk model without a pop-top became the standard Hunter 25.

At the same time, in keeping with the cruising image and purpose, a Yanmar single-cylinder diesel engine became an option and much was made of the increased headroom (from 5′ 2″ to 5′ 8″). Later still the transom was made more vertical (cockpit space having been at a premium and helping to cure the problem of mounting a outboard motor) and the headroom further increased.

In all over 2,000 25s were built, the exact number an oddly unavailable figure from Hunter Marine. Today they are probably the most universally recognized boat of their size and one of the most ubiquitous both in anchorages and on the used boat market, in brokers’ listings and classified advertising.

A Look at the Boat

Looking critically at a boat with the sales success of the Hunter 25 invites contention, but it does have notable deficiencies as well as notable virtues. Its virtues start with price just as Hunter Marine intends they should. When low price is a chief priority, it buys a lot of boat in a Hunter 25. This axiom applies just as much to the used 25 as it did to the new. For the entry-level sailor or one moving up into a first boat suitable for cruising, the 25 offers good livability (space, berths, enclosed head, and cookable galley), at least average performance and stability, a functional decor and styling, easily maintained (or neglected) cosmetics, and adequate structural strength for semi-protected waters. And all of this is obtainable at a price that competes with typical prices for the smaller, more cramped 23 footers of similar vintage.

On a negative side, the 25 suffers from the original narrowish beam, an unfortunate parameter since the boat never proved practical for trailering. Worse still, the shoal draft version, otherwise a desirable feature in boats of this size and purpose, does not have top-notch performance or stability. The cockpit is short and cramped for daysailing with a crew of more than three or four, and the coaming is too low for back support.

In general the Hunter 25 performs adequately. Under PHRF a fin-keel 25 rates about 222 (shoal draft, 230 or so), letting it sail boat-for-boat with the Catalina 25 and the O’Day 25, two slightly higher priced but otherwise comparable boats in size and type. Windward performance is hurt by shrouds attached at the rail and by the heavy weather helm created as the 25 heels. The shoal version further suffers from excessive leeway.

Perhaps the most serious fault of the Hunter 25 (as well as a lot of other boats of her size) is the inadequacy of an outboard motor as auxiliary power. For a “transition cruiser” auxiliary power is a highly desirable feature. At 4500 pounds with considerable windage the 25 needs engine power unavailable with outboard motors of reasonable horsepower. Add to this problem the tendency of a transom-mounted engine to lift free of the water in pitching conditions as well as the awkwardness of operating engine controls from the end of a tiller in a tight cockpit and you have persuasive arguments in favor of inboard engines in boats of this size even at the considerable additional cost.

Since, with the exception of the short-lived Yanmar option and owner-retrofitted engines (usually Saildrives), Hunter 25s are not available with inboard power, they are probably not a good choice for a buyer wanting a small auxiliary cruising boat.

What To Look For

Anyone in the market for a lower priced boat has to be more aware of possible problems than those prepared to spend more. The reasons are two-fold. In the first place, quality in boats is to a large degree a function of price. Secondly, for the less expensive boat the cost of repairs or replacement becomes a greater proportion of the value of the boat. With this in mind, we suggest looking at the following:

• A number of owners report problems with gelcoat. Crazing, voids, and porosity (pinholes that trap dirt) are commonly cited faults, especially in the deck and cabinhouse. Also, Hunter used a stippled gelcoat non-skid deck surface that deteriorates over the years. This pattern can be restored but it is not an easy task for the average owner unfamiliar with working with gelcoat.

• About half of the Hunter owners (25s and 27s) whose PS Boat Owner’s Questionnaires are in our files report at least “some” bottom blistering. Even if owner-refinished, the cost of ridding the boat of the pox could amount to 10% or more of the resale value of the boat and is unlikely to be more than tokenly recoverable in the sale price.

• Another oft-cited problem with the 25 is deck and cockpit-sole flexing. This flexing, while not a severe structural problem unless delamination has occurred, is unnerving and offends our sense of what a boat should feel like underfoot. To check for delamination (separation of the outer fiberglass laminate from the core material) tap the whole deck lightly with a hard plastic object such as the handle of a screw driver. Voids produce a dull sound.

• Play in the rudder post seems common on the 25s. Of the three we specifically looked at, 1977-1980 vintage, all had a noticeable degree of “slop” between the rudder post and the rudder tube. There is no simple or easy way to cure the ill that is more annoying than dangerous.

• Several readers report—and our findings support-the impression that 25 built between 1978 and 1981 are generally of at least a bit better quality than those built before or since. Note, however, there there can be no similar assurance that boats of that era were better maintained.

In our opinion the Hunter 25 does not recommend itself for any substantive restoration project except as it may help make the boat more enjoyable to own. With the number on the market, the basic functionality of the boat inside and out, and the low cost versus quality, expensive improvements do not produce commensurately higher value for the boat. At the same time, a polyurethane refinishing, bottom fairing (especially the iron keel), some dressing up of the decor (e.g., new berth upholstery), and a good choice of sails can do much to both the appearance and the pleasure of owning a 25.

One owner questionnaire voices the wonder of why Hunter-built boats tend to depreciate in contrast to other less popular boats. The reason is simple: the supply exceeds the demand. With the numbers built there are a lot on the used boat market. Many are also available because they were traded in on new boats, a source on the used boat market that tends to further depress selling price.


Frankly the Hunter 25 is best as a used boat when the most boat for the dollars is the overriding concern and, on a buyer’s market, when a good deal presents itself. Yet even then there are roomier, faster, better finished, and more distinctive boats readily available at comparable prices. One example is the Catalina 25. More importantly we think buyers should think smaller if budget constraints are crucial because they will want better performance with outboard power or they should think inboard at 10-15% higher price if needing 25′ and/or 4000+ pounds of boat.

If still otherwise sold on a Hunter 25, we would opt for a deep draft 25 for her performance and greater stability, and look for one that has had better-than-average maintenance to reduce the chances of serious problems. Whether valid or not, we’d also look for one built between 1978 and 1981—they have impressed owners as better boats.


Looking at trailerable 25’s and read your articles on the Hunter 25 and Catalina 25. Your research and writing style are excellent, and insights greatly appreciated. Planning to buy a basic and clean “grandaddy’s baby” of a ready-to-sail 1982 Hunter 25 deep draft at $2,500 over a nicely outfitted yet 2-year out of water ’87 Catalina 25 pop-top swing-keel with trailer and lots of extras for $10,000 (plus new rudder and 4 new tires plus…?). Two 50-sumthin’ high school sailers looking to get back into sailing and test part-time live-aboard to complement our full-time tiny home lifestyle. Thanks for sharing your perspective. 🙂

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1981 hunter 25 sailboat

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The Hunter 25 is a 25.0ft masthead sloop designed by John Cherubini/Bob Seidelmann and built in fiberglass by Hunter Marine (USA) between 1972 and 1983.

The Hunter 25 is a moderate weight sailboat which is slightly under powered. It is very stable / stiff and has a good righting capability if capsized. It is best suited as a day-boat.

Hunter 25 sailboat under sail

Hunter 25 for sale elsewhere on the web:

1981 hunter 25 sailboat

Main features

Model Hunter 25
Length 25 ft
Beam 8 ft
Draft 3.92 ft
Country United states (North America)
Estimated price $ 0 ??

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1981 hunter 25 sailboat

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Sail area / displ. 15.30
Ballast / displ. 40.91 %
Displ. / length 239.38
Comfort ratio 19.71
Capsize 1.96
Hull type Monohull fin keel with rudder on skeg
Construction Fiberglass
Waterline length 20.17 ft
Maximum draft 3.92 ft
Displacement 4400 lbs
Ballast 1800 lbs
Hull speed 6.02 knots

1981 hunter 25 sailboat

We help you build your own hydraulic steering system - Lecomble & Schmitt

Rigging Masthead Sloop
Sail area (100%) 256 sq.ft
Air draft 34.08 ft
Sail area fore 157.50 sq.ft
Sail area main 99.16 sq.ft
I 30 ft
J 10.50 ft
P 24.79 ft
E 8 ft
Nb engines 1
Total power 0 HP
Fuel capacity 0 gals


Water capacity 0 gals
Headroom 0 ft
Nb of cabins 0
Nb of berths 0
Nb heads 0

Builder data

Builder Hunter Marine (USA)
Designer John Cherubini/Bob Seidelmann
First built 1972
Last built 1983
Number built 0 ??

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1981 hunter 25 sailboat

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1981 Hunter 25

1981 hunter 25 specs.

  • Boat Type : Monohull Sailboats
  • Hull Material : Fiberglass
  • Beam : 8'0"
  • Length : 25'
  • Net Weight : 4400 lbs
  • Looking for the Boat Manual? 1981 Hunter Boats 25 Request Boat Manual Now

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1981 hunter 25 sailboat

1981 25' Hunter 25

  • Description

Seller's Description

1981 Hunter 25 - Sound vessel that has been on the hard for over ten years. Twenty five foot in length with an eight foot beam and a 2 11 draft with a shoal keel, this was a great sail before being laid up by the previous owner. Boat is in good shape but needs work to restore cabin to presentable condition. It was my intent to do so but due to distance and changing circumstances, was only able to start the cabin refurbishment (see cabin closure) and reluctantly am willing to sell it. Included are:

Equipment: Johnson 9.9 Sailmaster long shaft motor with only approximately 100 hours of runtime 28 8 mast and all rigging Interior bench cushions stored separately in dry storage Main sail and genoa jib (also stored separately) Roller furling Cradle

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

This is said to be the first sailboat built by Hunter Marine (USA). Shoal draft version: 2.92’/0.89m

This listing is presented by SailboatListings.com . Visit their website for more information or to contact the seller.

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30-09-2013, 16:00  
Boat: Tartan 37
for the wife and I! We have been spending some time out at Lake Carlyle in Illinois and swung by Boulder Yacht Club since, that’s where the are! We were wandering around (hey, we just like being near the water) and spotted this little on the end of the . It was dirty, without question, had been sitting alone for some time, and needed TLC! The good news was, it was floating! Truly, the boat isn’t as bad as it looks in the pictures.

sign had no number listed on it so we thought we would just stop by the marina office on our way out and ask about it. Before we got too far, the owner had spotted us looking her over and was making his way to us to ask if we would want to take a closer look at her and we took him up on his offer.

and what we see with it. In addition to that, he said he also had extra [jib and spinnaker], top frame and , new panel, new , Magma 14.5" gas with cover and a new . He then added that while he was asking $1,700, he would probably take $1,500, no less.

without a checklist of things to look for when considering a and the tools to perform the mini-survey. The list I used was from another on this site and it is comprehensive. We looked the little boat over for well over an hour checking everything I could get to!

Next Monday my wife, oldest son and I will meet with the seller and the folks at the marina to haul it out of the , pressure wash the bottom and let our son (been working on for a while now) look it over and he give us his opinion on the overall (through holes included).

and the running . The electrical in the craft now is old and brittle and there is no connection that I saw. I plan to go ahead and replace the breaker panel along with all the and receptacles. While I’m at it I’ll go ahead, swap out all the incandescent bulbs with LEDs, wire up some new boxes, and add a .

The standing is solid but the running rigging will need replacing. Thank God it’s a small boat! I’m sure I’ll replace all the and call it good, no reason not to.

For now, however, we are going to clear her out and clean! Top, bottom, port and starboard, nothing will go untouched! We need to get it as clean as we can in order to really see what we have in store for us!

for the and I have a fair amount of cherry in the shop to really do the some justice.

After we looked it all over and got an idea as to what we need to do, we all sat down on another club members boat and shared a , or two, or… After a while I told the seller I’d give him $1,200 cash (contingent on the inspection) for the little boat. He countered with $1,300 and we made the deal.

For sure, more to follow! - Vince Lombardi
30-09-2013, 16:21  
. It was dirty, without question, had been sitting alone for some time, and needed TLC! The good news was, it was floating! Truly, the boat isn’t as bad as it looks in the pictures. The sign had no number listed on it so we thought we would just stop by the marina office on our way out and ask about it. Before we got too far, the owner had spotted us looking her over and was making his way to us to ask if we would want to take a closer look at her and we took him up on his offer. He told us that he was asking $1,700 for the boat as is with a running Tohatsu 9.9 and what we see with it. In addition to that, he said he also had extra [jib and spinnaker], top frame and , new electrical panel, new , Magma 14.5" gas with cover and a new . He then added that while he was asking $1,700, he would probably take $1,500, no less. Now, I do not go to the without a checklist of things to look for when considering a and the tools to perform the mini-survey. The list I used was from another on this site and it is comprehensive. We looked the little boat over for well over an hour checking everything I could get to! Next Monday my wife, oldest son and I will meet with the seller and the folks at the marina to haul it out of the , pressure wash the bottom and let our son (been working on boats for a while now) look it over and he give us his opinion on the overall (through holes included). Some of the big items on the list that I know will need to be addressed are the electrical and the running rigging. The electrical wiring in the craft now is old and brittle and there is no connection that I saw. I plan to go ahead and replace the breaker panel along with all the wiring and receptacles. While I’m at it I’ll go ahead, swap out all the incandescent bulbs with LEDs, wire up some new boxes, and add a . The standing rigging is solid but the running rigging will need replacing. Thank God it’s a small boat! I’m sure I’ll replace all the and call it good, no reason not to. For now, however, we are going to clear her out and clean! Top, bottom, port and starboard, nothing will go untouched! We need to get it as clean as we can in order to really see what we have in store for us! My wife already has some for the and I have a fair amount of cherry in the shop to really do the some justice. After we looked it all over and got an idea as to what we need to do, we all sat down on another club members boat and shared a , or two, or… After a while I told the seller I’d give him $1,200 cash (contingent on the inspection) for the little boat. He countered with $1,300 and we made the deal. For sure, more to follow!
08-10-2013, 12:06  
Boat: Tartan 37
the boat but it rained on us and it rained hard! Still, we did get some done inside the boat.

First off, we also found out that the boat is actually a 1982!

This is pretty much how it looked when we bought her. A lot of stuff everywhere and not a whole lot of by the PO. In all fairness, the PO does have issues and doesn't get around too well.
cushions outside while we cleaned inside. We brought them home for a good machine washing!
- Vince Lombardi
08-10-2013, 12:18  
Boat: Pearson 34-II
and cabintop, you made a very good buy. I believe your boat has the Seidelmann designed hull which is a very fast design and will be very fun to sail. Does it have the shoal or the fin ? Good luck in your and good sailing.
15-10-2013, 18:37  
Boat: Tartan 37
at 2'11" which I like when Carlyle is low (like now). - Vince Lombardi
15-10-2013, 18:39  
Boat: Tartan 37
- Vince Lombardi
15-10-2013, 18:53  
Boat: command yachtsdouglas32
28-10-2013, 06:35  
Boat: Tartan 37
so Chey (Mrs Mac) could have a clean place to sit.

A week from Wednesday we are going to have her hauled out and placed on the and I'll back out with my pressure washer to finish the hull.

work to do in the cockpit as well. - Vince Lombardi
28-10-2013, 15:07  
Boat: Tartan TOCK
28-10-2013, 16:13  
Boat: 1972 Aquarius 23'
17-06-2015, 17:46  
me .. I have your 25 you bought from boulder....Thanks Scott
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Hunter 25, 1981

This boat is a blast to sail, I have sailed in on the Chesapeake since I started college, I'm graduating now and moving so I can't keep the boat.

The boat comes with one jib, one genoa and a mainsail.

The main had a slight tear and was patched about a year ago with no problems.

at [email protected]
or phone 443-834-2297 -->

Hunter 25, 1981 sailboat


  1. Hunter 25, 1981, Essex, Maryland sailboat for sale

    1981 hunter 25 sailboat

  2. Hunter 25, 1981, Essex, Maryland sailboat for sale

    1981 hunter 25 sailboat

  3. Hunter 25, 1981, Essex, Maryland sailboat for sale

    1981 hunter 25 sailboat

  4. 81 Hunter 25 sailboat for sale in New York

    1981 hunter 25 sailboat

  5. 1981 Hunter 25' bid $50 (Long Island NY)

    1981 hunter 25 sailboat

  6. 1981 Hunter 25' bid $50 (Long Island NY)

    1981 hunter 25 sailboat


  1. Unveiling the Hunter Legend Sailboat: A Comprehensive Review, Sailing Adventure Ep261 Lady K Sailing

  2. Yanmar 2GM on 1981 Hunter 33 Sailboat demo

  3. Waterski behind sailingboat

  4. 1986 Hunter 31 For Sale Texas

  5. Hunter 28.5 sailboat

  6. (4) Hunter 30 1980 Refit


  1. HUNTER 25

    Discount Sails-Hunter_25. Electric Yacht. New Rudders. Sail Trailers. SeaWaterPro. SBD App - BR. top 1 ads row1. top 2 ads row2. top 3 ads row2 ... 1997), states that a boat with a BN of less than 1.3 will be slow in light winds. A boat with a BN of 1.6 or greater is a boat that will be reefed often in offshore cruising. Derek Harvey ...

  2. Hunter 25

    Be sure to check out those boats built between 1978 and 1981—owners think they're the best. By. Darrell Nicholson - Published: June 14, 2000 Updated: April 3, 2020. 1. Facebook. ... Frankly the Hunter 25 is best as a used boat when the most boat for the dollars is the overriding concern and, on a buyer's market, when a good deal presents ...

  3. Hunter 25

    The Hunter 25 is a small recreational keelboat, built predominantly of fiberglass. It has a masthead sloop rig, an internally-mounted spade-type rudder and a fixed fin keel. It displaces 4,400 lb (1,996 kg) in the Mark I version and 3,850 lb (1,746 kg) as the Mark II. Both carry 1,800 lb (816 kg) of ballast. [1][2]

  4. Hunter 25 boats for sale

    Find Hunter 25 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Hunter boats to choose from. ... 2007 Hunter 25. US$22,750. ↓ Price Drop. Racine Riverside Marine, Inc. | Racine, Wisconsin. Request Info; Available Soon; 1982 Hunter 25. US$7,900. ↓ Price Drop. Rooke Sails | Memphis, Tennessee.

  5. Hunter 25

    Hunter 25 is a 24′ 10″ / 7.6 m monohull sailboat designed by J. Robert Seidelmann and John Cherubini and built by Hunter Marine between 1972 and 1983. ... The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more. Formula. D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³ D: Displacement of the ...

  6. Hunter 25 boats for sale

    The starting price is $22,750, the most expensive is $22,750, and the average price of $22,750. Related boats include the following models: 33, 356 and 36. Boat Trader works with thousands of boat dealers and brokers to bring you one of the largest collections of Hunter 25 boats on the market. You can also browse boat dealers to find a boat ...

  7. Hunter 25

    The Hunter 25 is a 25.0ft masthead sloop designed by John Cherubini/Bob Seidelmann and built in fiberglass by Hunter Marine (USA) between 1972 and 1983. The Hunter 25 is a moderate weight sailboat which is slightly under powered. It is very stable / stiff and has a good righting capability if capsized. It is best suited as a day-boat.

  8. 1981 Hunter 25 sailboat for sale in Tennessee

    1981 25' Hunter 25 sailboat for sale in Morristown Tennessee. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. ... This Hunter 25 : Added 14-Oct-2011 Hunter Sailboats Hunter 25s Tennessee Hunters. Featured Sailboats: Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats.

  9. 1981 Hunter 25 Boat Specs, Tests and Reviews

    Get the latest 1981 Hunter 25 boat specs, boat tests and reviews featuring specifications, available features, engine information, fuel consumption, price, msrp and information resources.

  10. Hunter 25 sailboat for sale

    Hunter 25, 1981, Banana River near Satellite Beach, Florida, $6,500. ... Go to Sailing Texas classifieds for current sailboats for sale . 1981 Hunter 25 Designer: Luhrs Yachts Years Built 73-83 Displacement: 4400 lbs Ballast-Shoal Keel (Lead) 2000 lbs Draft- 2' 11"

  11. Hunter Marine (USA)

    Warren Luhrs, founder of Hunter Marine began in the boat building business, first with his father and brother at Henry Luhrs Sea Skiffs and then Silverton Sea Skiffs. Both companies were quite successful. Being an avid sailor, Luhrs had the idea of applying production line efficiencies to the sailing industry. In 1973, the first Hunter sailboat was launched. This was the HUNTER 25, designed by ...

  12. Hunter 25, 1981, Longmont, Colorado, sailboat for sale from Sailing Texas

    Go to Sailing Texas classifieds for current sailboats for sale . Hunter 25, 1981 USCG documented Builder: Hunter Marine Engine: 1981 Electric start Evinrude 9.9, controls in cockpit, 3 gallon gas tank (w/ spare tank) Accommodations: Number of single berths: 2 Number of double berths: 1 ...

  13. HUNTER 25-2

    HUNTER 25-2. Save to Favorites . Beta Marine. BOTH. US IMPERIAL. METRIC. Sailboat Specifications Definitions ... 1997), states that a boat with a BN of less than 1.3 will be slow in light winds. A boat with a BN of 1.6 or greater is a boat that will be reefed often in offshore cruising. Derek Harvey, "Multihulls for Cruising and Racing ...

  14. Used 1981 Hunter 25, 08732 Island Heights

    Description. 1981 Hunter 25. 1981 Hunter 27 Cherubini design. Standard Rig, 9'3" beam, 4'3" draft. Pedestal steering with wood wheel, Bimini, upgraded interior cushions. Engine replaced in 2023 with Yanmar 10hp diesel. Slip paid until October 2024.

  15. 1981 25' Hunter 25

    Expired. $1,750 USD. Seller's Description. 1981 Hunter 25 - Sound vessel that has been on the hard for over ten years. Twenty five foot in length with an eight foot beam and a 2 11 draft with a shoal keel, this was a great sail before being laid up by the previous owner. Boat is in good shape but needs work to restore cabin to presentable ...

  16. 1981 Hunter 25

    Images: 8. 1981 Hunter 25. Well, I did it. I finally pulled the trigger on a starter boat for the wife and I! We have been spending some time out at Lake Carlyle in Illinois and swung by Boulder Yacht Club since, that's where the boats are! We were wandering around (hey, we just like being near the water) and spotted this little boat on the ...

  17. Buy 1981 Hunter 25

    The Hunter shipyard designed and constructed this vessel in 1981. Key features 1981 Hunter 25: length 25 feet, beam 8.01 feet and max boat draft 4.99 feet. 1981 Hunter 25 is classified into sailing yachts, sailboats and sailing sloops. Contact the offerer to clarify the price of $6,500 and buy Hunter 25. the offerer can provide more information ...

  18. Hunter 25 boats for sale

    Hunter 25 boats for sale 3 Boats Available. Currency $ - USD - US Dollar Sort Sort Order List View Gallery View Submit. Advertisement. Save This Boat. Hunter 25 . Racine, Wisconsin. 2007. $22,750 Seller Racine Riverside Marine, Inc. 38. Contact. 262-233-2646. ×. Available Soon. Save This Boat. Hunter 25 . Memphis, Tennessee ...

  19. Hunter 25 sailboat for sale

    1981 Hunter 25 The boat is on the water and used for sailing. It was neglected when I purchased in Sept 04. I have restored it to 90% but needs bottom paint. The following is a list of all equipment and restorations accomplish to date. All deck mounted equipment, teak bright work, winches, boom, bimini, motor and mount were removed, inspected ...

  20. 1981 Hunter Marine 25

    1981 Hunter Marine 25 . This Hunter Marine 25 sailboat has a fiberglass hull and an LOA of 25 feet (length over all). The boat has a 80 inch beam. This sailboat is set up to sail as a Sloop. The craft has 256 square feet of sail area. Displacement for the boat is 4400 lbs. The draft of this sailboat is approximately 3'11".

  21. Hunter 25 sailboat for sale

    sleep 5. This an excellent cruising boat, easy to sail for a beginner. You will spend nice overnight week-end in this VERY comfortable and roomy boat and it is trailerable to sail in Florida as well as seaworthy enough to go to Bimini Island (Bahamas) Hunter 25, 1981, Lake Lanier, Atlanta, Georgia, $6950.

  22. 1981 Hunter 25 Sailboat

    Hunter 25. Comes with the mast, boom, standing rigging. No motor, trailer, or sails. ... trailer, or sails. No title, if you can get one for it then you've got yourself a dirt cheap sailboat. 5' 8" headroom in cabin. I... · 1981 Hunter 25 sailboat. $500. Listed 16 hours ago in Saluda, SC ... 1981 Hunter 25 sailboat. $500. Listed 16 hours ago ...

  23. Hunter 25, 1981, Essex, Maryland sailboat for sale

    Hunter 25, 1981 This boat is a blast to sail, I have sailed in on the Chesapeake since I started college, I'm graduating now and moving so I can't keep the boat. The boat comes with one jib, one genoa and a mainsail. The main had a slight tear and was patched about a year ago with no problems. The boat comes with a fire extinguisher, and flares ...