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CEC WUD-500 Star Yacht

Category: Yacht

Silhouette: 4

Handling: -1

Model: WUD-500

Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation


Navicomputer: true

Encumbrance: 65

Passengers: 6

Price: 98,500

Additional Rules:

Index: Fly Casual :55

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Corellian Engineering Corporation

  • Edit source

' Corellian' Engineering Corporation , abbreviated CEC and originally called Corellian Engineering Corps , was one of the three largest starship manufacturers . This corporation was widely considered the most prolific starship manufacturer in the galaxy .

  • 1 History[1]Edit
  • 2.1 Transports[3]Edit
  • 2.2 Capital ships[5]Edit
  • 2.3 Starfighters and small combatants[6]Edit
  • 2.4 Escape Units[8]Edit
  • 2.5 Retrofit Suites[9]Edit
  • 3 Space Stations[10]Edit
  • 4.1 Vehicular Weapons[12]Edit
  • 4.2 Starship Weapons[13]Edit
  • 5 Appearances[14]Edit
  • 6 Sources[16]Edit
  • 7 Note and references[25]Edit

History [1] Edit [ ]

CEC, whose shipyards were located in the Corellian system , owed much of its success to the abnormally high numbers of skilled designers, engineers, and shipwrights the system produced. The shipyards were well known for their modular freighters which could be upgraded for combat with both legal and illegal after-market kits. These popular freighters ranged from the YG series first made centuries before the Battle of Yavin to the VCX series produced shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong War .

Unlike the company's main competitors ( Kuat Drive Yards and Sienar Fleet Systems ), CEC relied almost solely on civilian sales rather than military contracts. Even so, they were known to have constructed large warships for the Imperial Navy , as the smuggler Han Solo boasted of having outrun Corellian ships larger than bulk cruisers , and they also constructed vessels for the Alliance to Restore the Republic .

In the centuries before the Clone Wars , the Corellian Sector was guarded by warships bigger than Acclamator -class assault ships . These were presumably also homemade designs rather than imports from other notable shipwrights, like Kuat Drive Yards or Rendili Star Drive .

CEC also teamed up with Loronar Corporation to jointly fund The Nerfworks , a radical think tank responsible for a number of starship designs, including some droid starships.

Products [2] Edit [ ]

Transports [3] edit [ ].

[4] A CEC advertisement. Based on its pro-Rebel content, it was presumably published well after the height of the Galactic Empire .

  • Action II transport
  • Action IV transport
  • Action V transport
  • Action VI transport ( Wild Karrde ) [2 ]
  • Action-Keynne XII transport
  • Aganto -class medium freightliner
  • Barloz -class freighter
  • BD-27 transport
  • Boarding skiff
  • CE-2 light freighter
  • Class VI freighter
  • Consular -class space cruiser ( Radiant VII )
  • Corellian heavy lifter
  • Corellian Star Shuttle
  • CR20 troop carrier
  • CR25 troop carrier
  • CR70 corvette
  • CR90 corvette
  • Desslin -class personal starship
  • Drunk Dancer
  • FA-504s transport
  • G9 Rigger freighter
  • Garman -class mining vessel
  • Grek -class troop shuttle
  • HT-2200 medium freighter
  • JumpMaster 5000 [3 ]
  • Kleeque -class transport
  • KR-TB "Doomtreader"
  • KS-500 Spaceways Transport light freighter
  • MT dropship [4 ]
  • OreSeeker Mining Survey Ship
  • Queen of Empire
  • Raven's Claw
  • Scavenger 3
  • SS-19 Cargo Transport
  • Star of Empire
  • StarHauler 131-SX2
  • StarHauler 131-T3
  • Starrunner -class starship
  • SuperLift ore hauler
  • VCX-350 light freighter [5 ]
  • VCX-700 heavy courier
  • VCX-820 escort freighter
  • WUD-500 star yacht
  • XS stock light freighter
  • XS-800 light freighter
  • YB-300 light freighter
  • YG-4210 light freighter
  • YG-4400 light freighter
  • YG-5000 light freighter
  • YL-2200 light freighter
  • YT-450a freighter
  • YT-700 freighter
  • YT-1000 freighter ( XR808g )
  • YT-1150 freighter
  • YT-1200 freighter
  • YT-1210 freighter
  • YT-1250 freighter
  • YT-1300f freighter ( Millennium Falcon ) [2 ]
  • YT-1300p freighter
  • YT-1500 freighter
  • YT-1760 freighter
  • YT-1930 freighter
  • YT-2000 freighter ( Otana )
  • YT-2400 freighter ( Outrider ) [2 ]
  • YT-2550 freighter
  • YT-5100 Shriek-class bomber
  • YU-410 light freighter
  • YU-1300 light freighter
  • YV-100 light freighter
  • YV-260 light freighter
  • YV-330 light freighter
  • YV-545 light freighter
  • YV-664 light freighter
  • YV-666 light freighter ( Hound's Tooth ) [2 ]
  • YV-888 light freighter
  • YV-929 armed freighter
  • YX-1980 space transport [4 ]
  • YZ-900 freighter
  • YZ-2500 heavy transport [4 ]
  • Y-8 Mining Vessel
  • Ycaqt -class Droid Transport (with Loronar Corporation )
  • ZD-9000 Luxury Liner

Capital ships [5] Edit [ ]

  • Assassin -class corvette
  • Corellian Buccaneer
  • Detainer CC-2200 interdictor cruiser
  • CC-7700 frigate
  • CC-7700/E interdiction cruiser
  • CC-9600 frigate
  • CEC light cruiser
  • Corellian battleship
  • Corellian Frigate (Robot Ramship)
  • DP20 frigate
  • CR90 corvet te [2 ]
  • Crusader -class XX-777 droid frigate (with Loronar Corporation )
  • Proficient -class cruiser
  • Strident -class Star Defender

Starfighters and small combatants [6] Edit [ ]

[7] Wookieepedia has 61 images related to Corellian Engineering Corporation .* Crix -class armored shuttle (with Mon Calamari Shipyards )

  • HLAF-500 Starfighter
  • INT-66 transport
  • LAF-250 Starfighter
  • Lancet starfighter
  • Mynock -class assault boat
  • Nemesis -class patrol ship [4 ]
  • PB-950 patrol boat
  • S-100 Stinger -class starfighter
  • S-250 Chela -class starfighter
  • Vanguard -class heavy gunship
  • YQ-400 Monitor droid patrol ship (with Loronar Corporation )
  • YT-5100 Shriek -class bomber

Escape Units [8] Edit [ ]

  • Class-6 Escape Pod [2 ]
  • Escape Pod Deluxe
  • Republic escape pod
  • Survivor Lifeboat

Retrofit Suites [9] Edit [ ]

  • Charger c70 retrofit
  • Vanguard c20 retrofit suite

Space Stations [10] Edit [ ]

  • Corellian Space Dock

Weapons [11] Edit [ ]

Vehicular weapons [12] edit [ ].

  • Ap/11 double laser cannon
  • Gi/9 antipersonnel laser cannon
  • ME/7 double laser cannon

Starship Weapons [13] Edit [ ]

  • AG-1G laser cannons
  • AG-2G laser cannons

Appearances [14] Edit [ ]

  • Darth Maul: Saboteur (Mentioned only)
  • Rogue Planet
  • Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 15:2:22 (Mentioned only)
  • Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 15:3:02
  • MedStar I: Battle Surgeons (Mentioned only)
  • Labyrinth of Evil (Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (Mentioned only)
  • Talnar's Rescue
  • Allegiance (Mentioned only)
  • [15] Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Galactic Hunters (Dark Side scenario campaign)
  • Imperial Double-Cross (Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (novel) (Mentioned only)
  • Queen of the Empire (Mentioned only)
  • Tatooine Ghost (Mentioned only)
  • Planet of Twili ' ght (Mentioned only)
  • Star by Star (Mentioned only)
  • Destiny's Way (Mentioned only)
  • Force Heretic II: Refugee (Mentioned only)
  • Tempest (Mentioned only)
  • Millennium Falcon
  • Backlash (Mentioned only)

Sources [16] Edit [ ]

  • Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire toy line
  • Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition
  • The Essential Gui ' de to Vehicles and Vessels
  • Rebel Alliance So urcebook , Second Edition
  • Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
  • Star Wars Gamemaster Screen, Revised
  • [17] " The Unseen Planets of Star Wars "— Star Wars Insider 36
  • Episode I: Incredible Cro ' ss-Sections
  • Attack of the Clones: Incredible Cross Sections
  • Star Wars: Incredible Cross-Sections
  • The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  • Power of the Jedi Sourcebook
  • [18] Star Wars Customizable Card Game – Special Edition Limited (Card: Corellian Egineering Corporation)
  • [19] Star Wars Customizable Card Game – Dagobah Limited (Card: Punishing One )
  • [20] " A Legacy of Starships "— Star Wars Gamer 2
  • [21] " Ships of the Smuggler's Alliance "— Star Wars Gamer 4
  • [22] " Guid ' e to the Grand Army of the Republic "— Star Wars Insider 84
  • The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide
  • The Complete Star ' Wars Encyclopedia
  • [23] " Han Solo: The Early Years "— Star Wars Insider 106
  • Legacy Era Campaign Guide
  • Rebellion Era Campaign Guide
  • The Written Word
  • [24] Message to Spac ers 10 on Wizards.com ( original article link , backup links 1 2 on Archive.org )


Note and references [25] Edit [ ]

  • ↑ The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Th ' e Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  • ↑ The Unknown Regions
  • ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Legacy Era Campaign Guide
  • ↑ Threats of the Galaxy
  • 1 The Imperial Senate

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cec wud 500 star yacht

Ship pictures/blueprints

Discussion in ' Archive: Games: RPG & Miniatures ' started by Jedi_Padawan_Trex , Jan 10, 2004 .


Jedi_Padawan_Trex Jedi Youngling

I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find a picture of the Corellian WUD-500 star yacht. It's in Gamer #4 as Jaxxon's ship, the Rabbit's Foot. Also wondering if there are any blueprints/deck plans for the Corellian YT-2400 on the net. Any pics of the inside of the cockpit of this ship? I know its obscure, but any help would be greatly appreciated.  


Koohii Jedi Master

Deck plans can be found in Stock Ships by WEG. There likely is a place where you can just look it up, but I don't know where. Check the various posts for "Does anyone have stats for ____" Many of the sites have info on multiple topics.  


JediLeeora Jedi Youngling

Umm...I also need some blueprints. They are of a space liner or something even remotely related to it. Any ideas for where to find them?  


Magellan_the_Cat Jedi Padawan

Zahn trilogy sourcebook has a luxury liner/casino ship. for other stats, there's Pirates & Privateers. Alternatively, check out Dungeons & Dragons "SpellJammer" box sets & books for deck plans. You should be able to find them cheap on that famous on-line auction site. (OK, forget about the rules, just look at the deck plans.) Someone might have posted them on-line somewhere.  


Reaper63 Jedi Master

Here is a page I put together on the OutRider. Can't say how standard the YT-2400s were on the interanls but It contains the best floor plan I have ever seen of the outrider. Much better then the one WEG put together, since they never included the entery Ramp. lol http://www.geocities.com/ed_oconnell/outrider.html Can't help you witht he other ship though, sorry.  

Ender Sai

Ender Sai Chosen One

Are those Frank Bonura deckplans, 'cause they look like his style. Otherwise, good page! E_S  
I do believe they are. I admit to saving that and the ones for the Falcon on my harddrive, and when I got around to doing the Ship Reference website for a couple of Online RPs I do, I didn't have the creator's name to give him credit. The main page for all the ships I've uploaded so far is this: http://www.geocities.com/ed_oconnell/Shipyard.html Alot of the ships are ones I have designed over the years, and then some favorites from the Usualy scources. I've included a few character pics for those ships that are being used in current RPs. Enjoy.  
Do any of you know of a specific book that has bluprints or at least pictures of ships? I need one desperatly!  
Pirates&Privateers by West End Games. (pictures & stats) Stock Ships by WEG (pictures, deck plans, & stats)  


Tramp Jedi Padawan

I did a set of Deck plans for the CEC YZ-900 and the custom YZ-900 the Jedi Star , the ship of my charater, Korath Lorren. I did it as a double-decker to account for the exceedingly large cargo-capacity, as well as being aboe to accomedate 14 passengers comfortably.  
Try Chris West's site ; he's also doing maps for the Minis game that's coming out. E_S  
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WUD-500 Star Yacht

WUD-500 Star Yacht Craft : Modified WUD-500 Star Yacht Affiliation : General Era : Rise of the Empire Source : Gamer Magazine Issue 4 Type : Star yacht Scale : Starfighters Length : 18.5 meters Skill : Space transports: WUD-500 Crew : 1 Crew Skill : Varies widely Passengers : 7 Cargo Capacity : 10 metric tons Consumables : 4 months Cost : 185,000 (mew), 92,500 (used) Hyperdrive Multiplier : x1 Hyperdrive Backup : x8 Nav Computer : Yes Maneuverability : 2D Space : 7 Atmosphere : 350; 1,000 kmh Hull : 3D+2 Shields : 1D Sensors :

  • Passive: 20/1D
  • Scan: 40/2D
  • Search: 60/3D
  • Focus: 3/3D+2
  • 2 Laser Cannons (fire-linked)

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WUD-500 Star Yacht

The WUD-500 Star Yacht is a ship made by Corellian Engineering Corporation that is highly modifiable but has weak combat capabilities.

CEC WUD-500 Star Yacht

  • Edit source

This luxury craft was designed to complement the YT-series of light freighters, built in a similar aesthetic. However, it was unpopular despite the ability to further customize the vessel and its speed, due to an inability to compete with the built-to-order luxury vessels produced by SoroSuub and KDY.




Hull Trauma


System Strain


4 4 -1 18 15










1 - - 1 1

Hyperdrive:  Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 8.

Navicomputer: Yes.

Sensor Range:  Short.

Ship's Complement:  1 Pilot, 1 Co-Pilot/Navigator.

Encumbrance Capacity:  65

Passenger Capacity:  6

Consumables:  4 Months.




98500 6 5


  • Forward-mounted Twin Blaster Cannons

Fire Arc





Forward 4 4 Close Linked 1

Which is your favorites starter ship and why?

By DangerShine Designs, 2018-02-01 03:27:13+00:00 in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

As the title says - 3 PC’s are starting a new campaign (your typical “gypsies, tramps and thieves” types meets the A-Team) and none of us are interested in the Yt-1300 and all have different ideas but I’m very curious as to which ships you and your groups all love and; more importantly, why?

Thanks in advance!

Wayfarer-Class Medium Transport is great for larger groups or for a band of smugglers with its large cargo space.

For a smaller group like yours, the Loronar E-9 Explorer Scout is good.

If you're a more militaristic group, the Gat-12 Skipray Blastboat.

Wayfarer, more room for fun onboard.

Biggest thing is what you want to do with your ship.

Your party is fairly small so there are a lot of great ships for their size.

I personally love a number of ships that our parties don't have... And some we do.

One of the best for a small ship / party is a hwk-290 or even better is the 1000.

Lots of hard points for versatility and great speed / handling. Not so much room for cargo or visitors and no space for a workshop or training...

As for larger ships... c-roc, maurader class corvette, minstrel class, and an interceptor 4...

Great for lots of room for cargo or small 'landing / escape craft', good weapons and survivability and most other stats are decent as well.

Tbh there are lots of great ships filling their particular role... what you really need to ask yourelf is what do we need from our ship

So what does your group want to do with their ship or ships? Want a group of fighters and a mothership for running the trade routes? A long range explorer ship? Are you going to run afoul of imperials or pirates? Fight or flee?


Ghtroc 720, always and forever. Huge cargo space, small crew, roomy passenger compartments, and armor 5. For a group of trouble causing, galaxy wandering PCs, it's just about perfect.

I'm fond of the Suwantek TL-1200, but it might not fit every group's story.

I was fond of the Poe/Finn ship at start, as they just had such good onscreen chemistry with each other, and I found myself genuinely grinning with their banter. But now I find myself liking the Finn/Rose ship, though I think it's moving a bit faster than might be natural, but it's movies, and they tend to fast forward romances.......though a 3-ship of all of them would be most amusing in my mind.....

....oh, you meant another kind of ship. Nvm.

2 hours ago, KungFuFerret said: I was fond of the Poe/Finn ship at start, as they just had such good onscreen chemistry with each other, and I found myself genuinely grinning with their banter. But now I find myself liking the Finn/Rose ship, though I think it's moving a bit faster than might be natural, but it's movies, and they tend to fast forward romances.......though a 3-ship of all of them would be most amusing in my mind..... ....oh, you meant another kind of ship. Nvm.

Poe/Finn ship all the way. I mean, did you see how confused Finn looked when Rose kissed him? Clearly not into it.

1 hour ago, Underachiever599 said: Poe/Finn ship all the way. I mean, did you see how confused Finn looked when Rose kissed him? Clearly not into it.


And I apologize for derailing the thread, not my intent, just couldn't resist the joke there. Return to your discussions of metal thingies that fly around!

4 minutes ago, KungFuFerret said: Yeah, but as someone who has been made aware of someone having a thing for them, and it coming out of nowhere, I can relate. It doesn't mean he didn't have feelings for her, just sort of a mental "Oh wait, things are going that way? Oh, huh, ok have to rethink things now....oh crap she's bleeding out!" That and my wife is named Rose, and is half-Korean, so seeing an Asian woman named Rose in Star Wars, with a very similar, and dorky personality to my wife, just fills me with giggles. So I kind of want her to get the guy simply because I find the actress/character personally amusing/enjoyable. But yeah, I still have a ticket for the Poe/Finn ship to sail And I apologize for derailing the thread, not my intent, just couldn't resist the joke there. Return to your discussions of metal thingies that fly around!

Fair enough!

Back the the matter at hand, I'm a fan of the Wayfarer. Though, my party started really unconventional, with an ARC-170 that had been heavily modified. All the advanced sensor equipment taking up so much space in the nose of the ship was stripped out for more cargo space for smuggling. However, I did end up giving the party a Wayfarer by the fourth game so they'd have a proper ship instead of just a single fighter to fly around in.

No. I want to go back to the Stormpilot ship discussion. I find it most amusing.

I was a fan of Poe/Finn/Rey. Now I went ahead and just added Rose to the mix, with Finn as the clear middle point of it all.

As a RAW starting ship (120,000 credits or less) the hwk-1000 is hard to beat, especially since it's practically impossible to buy a hwk-1000 in game.

On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 9:35 PM, GroggyGolem said: Wayfarer-Class Medium Transport is great for larger groups or for a band of smugglers with its large cargo space. For a smaller group like yours, the Loronar E-9 Explorer Scout is good. If you're a more militaristic group, the Gat-12 Skipray Blastboat.

thank you very much!

On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 10:55 PM, Richardbuxton said: Wayfarer, more room for fun onboard.

agreed, great choice.

On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 1:29 AM, jayc007 said: One of the best for a small ship / party is a hwk-290 or even better is the 1000. So what does your group want to do with their ship or ships? Want a group of fighters and a mothership for running the trade routes? A long range explorer ship? Are you going to run afoul of imperials or pirates? Fight or flee?

have been thinking of the HWK too.

the 3 of us are starting a new criminal syndicate after being left high and dry by our old boss who "found religion" and joined the Rebellion.

On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 3:49 AM, OddballE8 said: I nearly always give my groups a beat-up old G9 rigger as their first proper (ie. owned by them) ship. IMHO, giving the players a **** first ship builds character

This is actually where we currently are. We want to start with as little as possible so the wins feel worthwhile. We are talking about even starting with a Selonian Coneship (to keep the first adventures local) or a Vangaard Pathfinder Scout Ship that is broken down.

On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 7:39 AM, JRRP said: Ghtroc 720, always and forever. Huge cargo space, small crew, roomy passenger compartments, and armor 5. For a group of trouble causing, galaxy wandering PCs, it's just about perfect.
On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 7:46 AM, themensch said: I'm fond of the Suwantek TL-1200, but it might not fit every group's story.

What do you like about it and why do you think it might not work?

21 hours ago, Vestij Jai Galaar said: yt 1200

A consideration!

11 hours ago, EliasWindrider said: As a RAW starting ship (120,000 credits or less) the hwk-1000 is hard to beat, especially since it's practically impossible to buy a hwk-1000 in game.

Why is it hard to buy a HWK-1000 in game, the rarity?

As mentioned above, I think we are going to go with the crappiest and least useful ship possible and make getting an upgrade a priority.

Thanks for all the replies, truly love this community!

19 minutes ago, DangerShine Designs said: Why is it hard to buy a HWK-1000 in game, the rarity?

The rarity reflects the lore, that they were a small project that never officially was released of like a few hundred models. So having one kinda puts a target on you, makes you stand out.

2 hours ago, GroggyGolem said: The rarity reflects the lore, that they were a small project that never officially was released of like a few hundred models. So having one kinda puts a target on you, makes you stand out.

A hwk-1000 would be confused with a hwk-290 by most of the galaxy. But given that there are only a several hundred of them that's why they're virtually impossible to get as anything other than a starting ship.

I would describe a hwk-1000 as a silhouette 4 xwing minus the weapons that can haul 100 enc of cargo and move a number of people that is at least 4 (didn't look it up) with 5 hard points to do whatever you want with.

My personal philosophy is never get a ship with a base speed less than 4 so you can add high output ion turbines to get the speed to 5. That puts you on even footing with a tie fighter in terms of speed.

Don't TIE Fighters have a speed of 6 though?

2 hours ago, DangerShine Designs said: What do you like about it and why do you think it might not work?

Well, it's big and slow for a freighter, which is both why I like it and why I think it might not work for some groups. This one became a favorite for me for my PCs to "borrow" to recover their stolen ship, which was of course tricked out and as fancy as any ship a 500+XP group might have. The Silhouette 5 issue it probably the only real show-stopper, and that's really only for groups that prefer to fly the spaceways in smaller craft....

2 hours ago, GroggyGolem said: Don't TIE Fighters have a speed of 6 though?

Interceptors have speed 6

Regular tie LN has speed 5.

5 hours ago, GroggyGolem said: Don't TIE Fighters have a speed of 6 though?
2 hours ago, EliasWindrider said: Interceptors have speed 6 Regular tie LN has speed 5.

Elias is correct on this. The standard TIE/Ln is speed 5.

So if you are looking for cheap and a little crappy with potential for more look at the ad-1s modular fighter in special modifications.

25000 credits... all the upgrades included bring it to about 55000. As the base model it doesn' do hyperspace travel. It comes with no weapons or shields but 8 hard points. And if / when you get a bigger ship (sil5+) you can just put it in the hanger. And it can take up to 4 cargo pods at 50 encumberance each for up to 200 encumberance (or 24 pax when fully modded)

After you'e made a name for yourself the I'd go with an interceptor 4 or the minstrel class or the c-roc. Lots of cargo room decent weapons and lots of armour / hull = great ships for a crime syndicate for smuggling or pirating. The interceptor and c-roc are even rather affordable at 300 and 200... the ubirikkian minstrel... Not so much... 1.75 million... but it does come with a built in hanger and a number of ships if I recall.

I have an experienced group that I've been rotating GM'ing with for 3 years now. For the next campaign, I'm going to institute a collective Obligation called "Ship Debt" that will pool a portion of each PC's individual Obligation. The group can decide to take on more or less "Ship Debt" Obligation in choosing their ship from a few options. I kept it to ships under 140,000 and rarity 6 or less. They also have the ability to take on more "Ship Debt" Obligation to get a budget to purchase upgrades at a rate of +2 Obligation per 1,000 credits, up to 10,000. This is a budget, not actual credits, so they can't keep what's left over. To keep the game balance, the total starting Obligation, including all PCs and the Ship Debt, will be 60, so they will have to choose between themselves (XP and credits) and the ship.

Barloz-class Medium Freighter




G9 Rigger Light Freighter




Wander-Class Jump Freighter




YT-1000 Light Freighter




ND-47 Stalwart Bulk Freighter




Starlight-class Light Freighter




YT-1300 Light Freighter




YT-1760 Small Transport




CorelliSpace Gymsnor-3 Light Freighter




CorelliSpace Gymsnor-4 Light Freighter




GX1 Short Hauler








YT-1200 Light Freighter




CEC WUD-500 Star Yacht




Wayfarer-Class Medium Freighter




YT-1210 Light Freighter




YT-2400 Light Freighter




ZH-25 Questor Light Freighter








SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Space Yacht




YKL-37R Nova Courier









For me the VCX-100 qualifies as starter ship. It's cheap enough and with the ability to install a hangar super awesome for groups with several pilots.

On 2/1/2018 at 9:39 AM, JRRP said: Ghtroc 720, always and forever. Huge cargo space, small crew, roomy passenger compartments, and armor 5. For a group of trouble causing, galaxy wandering PCs, it's just about perfect.

You forgo the best part about the Ghtroc... it looks like a giant space turtle. Its my favourite ship, and my go-to for any starting party.


Tag: WUD-500 Star Yacht

cec wud 500 star yacht

The Rabbit’s Foot

The Rabbit's Foot was a modified WUD-500 (also known as an N-class freighter), owned by the Lepi smuggler Jaxxon. The ship was refitted with a pair of quad laser cannons and two ion cannons for weaponry, along with improved hull plating and shields.

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Crash of an Antonov AN-22A in Tver: 33 killed

cec wud 500 star yacht


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Talk: WUD-500 star yacht

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Thank you people for adding the sources & such. Im still very much new to wookieepedia's page editing and i just thought that WUD-500 needs some love too.

Many thanks.

— Unsigned comment by CEC fan man ( talk  •  contribs ).


  1. Th WUD-500 star yacht and the Gladiator-class assault fighter

    cec wud 500 star yacht

  2. WUD-500 star yacht

    cec wud 500 star yacht

  3. Yacht spatial WUD-500

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  4. Flickriver: Most interesting photos tagged with staryacht

    cec wud 500 star yacht

  5. Sparrow

    cec wud 500 star yacht

  6. The Rabbit’s Foot

    cec wud 500 star yacht


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  1. WUD-500 star yacht

    The WUD-500 was an outdated CEC star yacht design, with features similar to the freighters of the YT-series. It was also called an N-class freighter. The Corporation intended to bring up a popular luxury craft besides their popular freighter designs. They, however, could never gain as much acceptance on the luxury market as the more famous-for-luxury corporation SoroSuub. It measured 18.5 ...

  2. CEC WUD-500 Star Yacht

    CEC WUD-500 Star Yacht is a Starship from Fly Casual. The Outer Rim. Books; Equipment. Gear Weapons Armor Attachments Qualities. Transportation. Vehicles Starships Weapons Attachments Additional Rules. Characters. Skills Talents Abilities Species. Adversaries. Adversaries Gear Weapons Armor.

  3. SW Ships Light Starships

    CEC WUD-500 Star Yacht. 98,500 credits • Rarity 6: Hyperdrive: ... Weapons: Forward-mounted twin blaster cannons A luxury yacht by Corellian Engineering, the WUD-500 proved unpopular outside of the Crellian sector and could not compete with the better-known SoroSuub and Kuat Drive Yards luxury vessels. It was discontinued, although they ...

  4. RPGGamer.org (Starships D6 / Corellian Engineering Corporation WUD-500

    Description: The WUD-500 was an outdated CEC star yacht design, with features similar to the freighters of the YT-series. It was also called an N-class freighter. The Corporation intended to bring up a popular luxury craft besides their popular freighter designs. They, however, could never gain as much acceptance on the luxury market as the ...

  5. Corellian Engineering Corporation

    A CEC ship will keep going until it hits something." ―Han Solo[src] 'Corellian' Engineering Corporation, abbreviated CEC and originally called Corellian Engineering Corps, was one of the three largest starship manufacturers. ... WUD-500 star yacht; XS stock light freighter; XS-800 light freighter; Y-series. YB series. YB-300 light freighter ...

  6. Ship pictures/blueprints

    Registered: Oct 6, 2003. I did a set of Deck plans for the CEC YZ-900 and the custom YZ-900 the Jedi Star, the ship of my charater, Korath Lorren. I did it as a double-decker to account for the exceedingly large cargo-capacity, as well as being aboe to accomedate 14 passengers comfortably. Tramp, Jul 4, 2004. #10.

  7. WUD-500 Star Yacht

    WUD-500 Star Yacht Craft: Modified WUD-500 Star Yacht Affiliation: General Era: Rise of the Empire Source: Gamer Magazine Issue 4 Type: Star yacht Scale: Starfighters Length: 18.5 meters Skill: Space transports: WUD-500 Crew: 1 Crew Skill: Varies widely Passengers: 7 Cargo Capacity: 10 metric tons Consumables: 4 months Cost: 185,000 (mew), 92,500 (used) ...

  8. RPGGamer.org (Starships D6 / Rabbits Foot)

    Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.5km/2.5km. Damage: 5D. Description: The Rabbit's Foot was a modified WUD-500 (also known as an N-class freighter), owned by the Lepi smuggler Jaxxon. The ship was refitted with a pair of quad laser cannons and two ion cannons for weaponry, along with improved hull plating and shields.

  9. WUD-500 Star Yacht

    The WUD-500 Star Yacht is a ship made by Corellian Engineering Corporation that is highly modifiable but has weak combat capabilities. Categories Categories: Ship; Silhouette 4 Ship; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Advertisement. Explore properties. Fandom

  10. The Rabbit's Foot

    Name: The Rabbit's Foot Type: Corellian Engineering Corporation WUD-500 Star Yacht Scale: Starfighter Length: 18.5 meters Crew: 1 Crew Skill: Space Transports 5D+1 Starship Gunnery 5D, Starship Shields 5D Passengers: 7 Cargo Capacity: 3 metric tons Consumables: 4 months Cost: 185,000 credits (new), 92,500 credits (used) Maneuverability: 2D Space: 6 Atmosphere: 250;850kmh

  11. Common starship types used by civilians, criminals, and ...

    A subReddit dedicated to in-depth discussion of the Star Wars franchise. Named after Grand Moff Tarkin's secret Imperial Research Center, from Legends, where the Death Star was designed, MawInstallation is for in-depth discussion of all Star Wars lore, as well as examining it as a work of fiction. ... CEC WUD 500 Star Yacht Buado Star Yacht ...

  12. WUD-500 star yacht

    The WUD-500 star yacht was a model of star yacht in the galaxy. The Rabbit's Foot was a WUD-500 owned by the smuggler Jaxxon.[1] The WUD-500 was first seen in the Star Wars Legends continuity, featured in Marvel's issue Star Wars (1977) 16 "The Lost Eggs of Livorno" — Star Wars Adventures Annual 2018 (First appearance) "Rabbit Hunt" — Star Wars Adventures Annual 2020 "Hare-Brained Heist ...

  13. Starting Starships for Edge of the Empire : r/swrpg

    Reactive Couplings: Any despair rolls a 50/50 to, for two rounds, increase speed by 3 (even if already at max) or decrease 3 (to start heading in reverse at speed 1 if it goes below 0). Moderate difficulty mechanics to fix. Here's a site with the full list of items, ships, etc. in sortable lists. https://theouterrim.co.

  14. Category:Yacht classes

    This category is for classes of yacht. Star Wars Outlaws has released and spoilers from it will begin to appear on the wiki per our Spoilers policy. If making any edits concerning the game please be sure to add Template:Spoiler to the top of the page to warn others.. To remove ads, create an account. Join Wookieepedia today!

  15. CEC WUD-500 Star Yacht

    CEC WUD-500 Star Yacht. This luxury craft was designed to complement the YT-series of light freighters, built in a similar aesthetic. However, it was unpopular despite the ability to further customize the vessel and its speed, due to an inability to compete with the built-to-order luxury vessels produced by SoroSuub and KDY.

  16. Th WUD-500 star yacht and the Gladiator-class assault fighter

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  17. FFG Forum Archive

    That and my wife is named Rose, and is half-Korean, so seeing an Asian woman named Rose in Star Wars, with a very similar, and dorky personality to my wife, just fills me with giggles. ... CEC WUD-500 Star Yacht 98,500/6 +5 FC:55 Wayfarer-Class Medium Freighter 120,000/5 +5 E-CRB:264 YT-1210 Light Freighter 120,000/5 +5 SoF:112 ...

  18. WUD-500 Star Yacht

    WUD-500 Star Yacht Space Transports. PT White February 26, 2021 February 26, ... The Rabbit's Foot was a modified WUD-500 (also known as an N-class freighter), owned by the Lepi smuggler Jaxxon. The ship was refitted with a pair of quad laser cannons and two ion cannons for weaponry, along with improved hull plating and shields. Read More.

  19. Crash of an Antonov AN-22A in Tver: 33 killed

    The Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Archives (B3A) was established in Geneva in 1990 for the purpose to deal with all information related to aviation accidentology.

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  21. Talk:WUD-500 star yacht

    Thank you people for adding the sources & such. Im still very much new to wookieepedia's page editing and i just thought that WUD-500 needs some love too. Many thanks. -Jere —Unsigned comment by...

  22. Administrative divisions of Tver Oblast

    1,411. Administratively, Tver Oblast is divided into two urban-type settlements under the federal government management, five cities and towns of oblast significance, and thirty-six districts . In terms of the population, the biggest administrative district is Konakovsky District (87,125 in 2010), the smallest one is Molokovsky District (5,235 ...

  23. Tver Oblast Map

    Tver Oblast is a region in Central Russia, which borders Smolensk Oblast to the southwest, Pskov Oblast to the west, Novgorod Oblast to the north, Vologda Oblast to the northeast, Yaroslavl Oblast to the east, and Moscow Oblast to the southeast. Photo: Belliy, CC BY-SA 4.0. Photo: Florstein, CC BY-SA 3.0.