
Red Dead Redemption 2 A Fine Night of Debauchery Walkthrough

November 4, 2018 by Jack McBastard 5 Comments

A Fine Night of Debauchery  is the 51st main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of  A Fine Night of Debauchery Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion.

A Fine Night of Debauchery  is unlocked after completing The Gilded Cage.

Quest Giver: Trelawny Chapter: 4 Region: Lemoyne

Gold Medal Requirements:

  • Win the game of Poker without Strauss’s help
  • After your cover is blown, escape the boat in under 35 seconds
  • Get 5 headshots
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

Starting Location: Saint Denis, Lemoyne

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Talk to Trelawny

Meet up with Trelawny in Saint Denis to run a con job on a riverboat casino, but first he thinks your outfit needs some work.

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Follow Trelawny to the tailor, and buy the fine three-piece town  suit, called ‘The Wittemore’. Luckily there will be no cost to you.

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Next, follow Trelawny to the barber to get your hair cut and a proper shave, so that you don’t look like a vagrant.

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Properly cleaned up, follow Trelawny to a carriage that will take you to the docks in style.

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Unfortunately, you will have to leave your weapons behind, so be on your best behavior.

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Trelawny lets you know that the dealer is in on the game, and Strauss will be giving you signals about how to bid, but in order to fulfill the gold medal requirements, you won’t be taking his directions. Keep walking with Trelawny until you sit down at the poker table.

  • GOLD MEDAL: Win the game of Poker without Strauss’s help


Most of the players will leave at this point, leaving you alone with Desmond Blythe. For this hand and every hand that follows, just keep going all-in until Blythe busts.

riverboat casino rdr2

After he busts, he’ll bet his watch from the safe upstairs, and again go all in.

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After you win again, follow the pit boss upstairs to get the watch. Conveniently, Javier will be posing as a guard and join the pit boss as an escort.

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The pit boss will utter some casual racism while waving a gun around, greatly diminishing any remorse you might feel for his upcoming beating.

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Wait for the pit boss to open the safe.

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Javier will clock the other guard in the face, while you dissuade the pit boss from doing anything stupid.

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Looks like the pit boss had two guns. I can’t say that I’m sorry things went this way.

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Finish looting the safe, then follow Javier. Be sure to holster your gun out of view. He will lead you down two flights of stairs.

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Keep following Javier into the main room, where Trelawny is having an argument at the bar with Blythe.

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Just as you’re trying to defuse the situation, all hell breaks loose.

  • GOLD MEDAL: After your cover is blown, escape the boat in under 35 seconds
  • GOLD MEDAL: Get 5 headshots
  • GOLD MEDAL: Complete the mission without taking any health items

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This time limit is ridiculously tight. Immediately go into Dead Eye and try to get as many headshots as you can. There should be enough guards visible in the room to immediately get at least three on your first pass.

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Get out of cover and immediately start moving towards the stairs. Go into Dead Eye and shoot the two guards coming down the stairs to complete your five headshots.

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Ignore everything else, and sprint for the door to the right of the stairs, and turn left.

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Follow Javier and Trelawny off the edge of the riverboat and into the river.

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Another flawless Trelawny plan. Mission complete!

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This finishes  A Fine Night of Debauchery main mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. Now the next quest  Horsemen, Apocalypse starts.

Next Up: Horsemen, Apocalypse

For more Walkthroughs with all gold medals, check out the complete  Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Walkthrough .

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November 6, 2018 at 6:17 am

How to get the suit back? Can’t find it anywhere. Is it mission only?

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November 14, 2018 at 9:39 am

Mr. Pinto, thank you for asking that because my bot found it and I think it is only mission specific. From research and and my own exp, I found that although the suit had disappeared at the end of the mission I had gained the shade of blue for my Opulent vest.

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December 15, 2018 at 2:35 pm

Like stated in the guide the time limit is ridiculous. I had to retry it multiple times, going through all the early slow-paced BS again just because the escape point refused to trigger even though I had already killed (and headshot) 5 guards, forcing me to go back and kill one more…

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February 4, 2019 at 5:37 pm

The key to getting the time limit is not using dead eye because the kill cutscenes take too much time. When you’re behind the bar, get 3 or 4 headshots without deadeye and then start running towards the exit on the right side. I killed two more on the stairs in deadeye while i was going to the exit and then made a dash for the water.

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August 8, 2019 at 9:37 pm

I had the same thing happen to me like 3 times, I’d get all 5 headshots immediately, run up, and nobody would follow me until after my timer started beeping, at which point I’d just let myself be killed to try again. I don’t understand, you have to stay right next to them until a certain time, or until a certain number of guards are dead? Or you just can’t get ahead of the rest?

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A Fine Night of Debauchery

Cleaning up

High roller, cleaning house, swimming with gators.

  • There is no overall time objective so take it easy before the final gunfight.
  • You really do not need help from Strauss. As long as you play, Desmond will go all-in. The outcomes are always the same.
  • If you want to save time with the poker table: Fold, all-in, all-in. Even if you go all-in during the first hand you will still have money to keep playing.
  • The pit boss is an easy headshot.
  • Once the gunfight starts, take out a few close guards from the bar and then start moving to the exit at the far right. Take out more as you move along.
  • Use Dead Eye bursts to conserve it. Aim for headshots.
  • There is no accuracy objective but you'll want to take out the guards quickly since there are many of them.
  • Do not wait for the others. Get to the water as soon as possible.
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A Fine Night of Debauchery Red Dead Redemption 2 Mission

Group: Chapter 4 - Saint Denis

Category: Story Mission

You will be able to start this mission after completing The Gilded Cage mission. To do this, talk to Trelawny , who you will find next to the tailor's shop in Saint Denis.

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Trelawny will inform Arthur that in order to get to the river boat where the poker game will take place, he will have to take care of his appearance first.

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While at the Mayor's party, the gang learned of a card tournament being held on the Grand Korrigan riverboat. Strauss and Trelawny fix a game so Arthur can win big on the tables.

Gold Medal Checklist

  • Win the game of Poker without Strauss's help
  • After your cover is blown, escape the boat in under 35 seconds
  • Get 5 headshots
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

Related points of interest

Icon of Tailor

Prior missions

To begin A Fine Night of Debauchery you must first complete The Gilded Cage .

Objectives of A Fine Night of Debauchery

1. follow trelawny into the tailors / buy the fine three-piece town suit from the tailor.

Follow Trelawny into the tailor and purchase a three-piece suit. It's free.

Follow Trelawny into the tailors / Buy the Fine Three-Piece Town Suit from the tailor

2. Follow Trelawny to the barbers / Style your hair or beard at the barbers

Then Trelawny will take you to the barbershop.

Follow Trelawny to the barbers / Style your hair or beard at the barbers

3. Get in the coach / Follow Trelawny to the docks

Get in the coach that's waiting in the street. Along the way, Trelawny will explain the details of the plan to you.

Get in the coach / Follow Trelawny to the docks

When you arrive at the docks, you'll have to leave your weapons in the coach.

Get in the coach / Follow Trelawny to the docks

Then come to the riverboat where Strauss and Javier are waiting for you.

Get in the coach / Follow Trelawny to the docks

4. Board the riverboat / Sit at the poker table

Board the riverboat and when the evening comes, go with Trelawny to the poker room.

Board the riverboat / Sit at the poker table

Sit down at a poker table with a seat available.

Board the riverboat / Sit at the poker table

5. Play poker / Cause Desmond to go bust in poker / Win the Reutlinger pocket watch in poker

If you want to earn the gold medal, then you have to win without Strauss' help.

On the first hand fold, because it is a lost game. After this hand, the only players left in the game are you and Desmond Blythe.

Play poker / Cause Desmond to go bust in poker / Win the Reutlinger pocket watch in poker

Next, you have to make Blythe lose all his money. For this hand just keep calling until Blythe busts.

Play poker / Cause Desmond to go bust in poker / Win the Reutlinger pocket watch in poker

After that, he will propose another game in which he will bet a valuable watch, which he keeps in the safe.

Play poker / Cause Desmond to go bust in poker / Win the Reutlinger pocket watch in poker

Win another hand (go all-in) and you will own a valuable watch.

Play poker / Cause Desmond to go bust in poker / Win the Reutlinger pocket watch in poker

To collect the watch, you must go with the Pit boss to the room where the safe is located.

6. Follow the Pit boss to the safe room

After you win, follow the Pit boss upstairs to collect the watch from the safe. Javier, dressed as a guard, will join you as an escort.

Follow the Pit boss to the safe room

On your way to the safe room you will find out, among other things, that the Pit boss is armed.

Follow the Pit boss to the safe room

When you get there and the Pit boss opens the safe, Javier knocks out the other guard, points his gun at the Pit boss and asks you to disarm him.

Follow the Pit boss to the safe room

7. Disarm the Pit boss / Loot the safe

Take the gun from the Pit boss and take care of the contents of the safe.

Disarm the Pit boss / Loot the safe

Unfortunately, after a while it will turn out that he had a second revolver. Fortunately, you are not defenceless anymore, so shoot him before he kills you.

Disarm the Pit boss / Loot the safe

Finish looting the safe.

Disarm the Pit boss / Loot the safe

8. Follow Javier / Go to Trelawny

Come with Javier back to the poker room and go to the bar where Trelawny sits.

Follow Javier / Go to Trelawny

Eventually, the guard who's clothes were taken by Javier appears, and a gunfight starts.

Follow Javier / Go to Trelawny

9. Take out the guards / Escape the riverboat

If you want to get the gold medal, then you have only 35 seconds to get five headshots and escape from the boat.

Activate Dead Eye and try to get as many headshots as you can.

Take out the guards / Escape the riverboat

Then start moving forward towards the stairs. On your way, try to get the missing headshots.

Take out the guards / Escape the riverboat

Go through the door to the right of the stairs and then turn left.

Take out the guards / Escape the riverboat

Follow Javier and Trelawny, jump into the water and swim.

Take out the guards / Escape the riverboat

When you go ashore, you'll share your money and the mission will end. Your share will be $750. Arthur will also keep the watch for himself.

Take out the guards / Escape the riverboat

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Red Dead Wiki

Riverboat Grand Korrigan

Riverboat Grand Korrigan is one of the newspaper articles found in Red Dead Redemption 2.


High rollers, debutantes and card sharks will be welcomed on board the Grand Korrigan Riverboat is a series of high stakes gambling nights, arranged to stimulate the tourist industry in town. Moored in Saint Denis , the Grand Korrigan is said to be the most opulent riverboat of its kind still in operation, and those who have spent days of travel aboard said they scarcely wanted to disembark once reaching their destination.

The staff are famously attentive and impeccable. The cuisine is some of the finest ever experienced outside of France. The linens and millinery are all imported from Italy. The high stakes gambling nights became something of a legend, with some of the biggest and richest men of industry meeting to raise, bluff and bet incredible sums, some said to exceed the cost of a team of horses, the stable they reside in and the mansion next door.

The Grand Korrigan has resumed the famed gambling evenings now that it is moored in the area for a few weeks of preparation of resuming luxury travel service.

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riverboat casino rdr2

Bally’s begins demolition of Freedom Center to make way for permanent Chicago casino

T he first chunk of the Freedom Center printing plant came tumbling down Tuesday morning during a ceremonial demolition event, paving the way for the planned $1.7 billion Bally’s Chicago Casino along the banks of the Chicago River.

Bally’s Chairman Soo Kim and city officials were on hand as an excavator smashed an awning over a truck bay of what was once the largest newspaper printing plant in North America, now a hulking empty shell still emblazoned with the familiar Chicago Tribune sign on its southern wall.

“It’s very gratifying,” said Kim, after the demolition ceremony. “It will be even more exciting when the first bricks start coming up.”

More symbolic than substantial, it took seconds to tear down a small piece of history after more than four decades as the publishing engine of the Chicago newspaper industry. The demolition took place on a sweltering summer day amid a theatrical red smoke cannon, piped-in music, festive balloons and a crowd of invited onlookers, who cheered the first smash of what will be a lengthy process.

The rest of the 940,000-square-foot plant is expected to be reduced to rubble over the next three to five months, Kim said, as Bally’s clears the 30-acre River West site for a dramatic repurposing as an entertainment mecca.

In 2022, Rhode Island-based Bally’s won a heated competition to build Chicago’s first casino. The proposal includes an exhibition hall, a 500-room hotel, a 3,000-seat theater, 10 restaurants and 4,000 gaming positions, making it the largest casino in the state.

Bally’s Chicago launched a temporary facility at Medinah Temple last fall, with plans to open the permanent casino by September 2026.

It has been an eventful summer for Bally’s, which owns and operates 15 casinos across 10 states, and the future site of its flagship casino.

Last month, Bally’s announced a $2 billion financing deal with Gaming and Leisure Properties, a Pennsylvania-based real estate investment trust, including $940 million to fund the construction of the permanent Chicago casino, allaying concerns it didn’t have the wherewithal to complete the project.

Bally’s also finalized redesign of its planned 500-room hotel tower, which was shifted from north of the casino to the south to avoid damaging city water pipes along the Chicago River, pending approval from the city’s planning department.

Kim’s New York-based hedge fund, Standard General, which owns about 26% of Bally’s, reached an agreement with the board on July 25 to buy out the rest of the stockholders at $18.25 per share, valuing the casino company at $975 million. The deal to take the company private is expected to close during the first half of 2025, pending shareholder and regulatory approval.

Meanwhile, after 43 years and countless millions of newspapers, the Freedom Center printed its last Chicago Tribune in May, shifting production to the northwest suburban Daily Herald plant, a smaller but newer facility that Tribune Publishing purchased last year for an undisclosed price.

Designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, the Freedom Center was built in 1981, a massive plant with 10 new Goss Metroliner offset presses capable of printing 75,000, 144-page newspapers an hour. At its peak, it ran 24/7, churning out newspapers for the Tribune, as well as longtime clients such as the Chicago Sun-Times, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.

But the rise of digital media in the new millennium precipitated a rapid erosion in print circulation, slowing production at the Freedom Center and making the facility and its prime North Side real estate expendable.

Last year, Bally’s, which bought and then executed a sale-leaseback on the property, agreed to pay Tribune Publishing $150 million to vacate the Freedom Center by July 5 to break ground on the casino complex.

In May, Tribune completed an auction for everything from printing equipment, dump trucks and forklifts to historical newspapers and press plates in a Freedom Center final liquidation. In addition, Preservation Chicago assembled a substantial collection of historical material culled from the facility.

There were no buyers, however, for the two giant Chicago Tribune exterior signs on the north and south sides of the building.

After taking possession of the property, Bally’s removed the sign on the north side of the building and put it in storage. The southern sign, long a landmark for drivers on the Kennedy Expressway feeder ramp at Ohio and Ontario streets, remained up in the air as demolition begins.

Kim said Tuesday he plans to remove the southern sign as well, and hopes to incorporate it into the new casino complex, in much the same way developers kept the Tribune Tower sign on the newspaper’s century-old neo-Gothic landmark, which was sold in 2016 and converted to condos.

“We have to coordinate with the paper, but we’d love to give it a place of honor,” Kim said. “So we might see the sign in the lobby somewhere.”

©2024 Chicago Tribune. Visit at chicagotribune.com. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Bally’ s Chairman Soo Kim, center, swings a sledgehammer with others outside the former Chicago Tribune Freedom Center at a demolition event on Aug. 27, 2024, in Chicago.

NBC Chicago

Demolition to begin Tuesday for new Bally's Casino in River West

In late july, bally's revealed it entered into a $940 million agreement with gaming and leisure properties to provide funding for the project as it unveiled an "improved site plan.", published august 26, 2024 • updated on august 26, 2024 at 3:22 pm.

Demolition is poised to begin Tuesday for the new Bally's casino and hotel complex at the former Tribune publishing site in the city's River West neighborhood.

An event marking the start of demolition is planned for Tuesday morning, officials said.

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In late July, Bally's revealed it entered into a $940 million agreement with Gaming and Leisure Properties to provide funding for the project as it unveiled an "improved site plan."

The project consists of a 34-story, the 500-room hotel tower, 3,000-seat theater and a 2-acre public park. Within the casino itself, will be six restaurants, cafes, a food hall and space for 3,300 slots, 173 table games and VIP gaming areas.

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The 30-acre property will feature a hotel tower, including a large pool spa, fitness center and rooftop restaurant, on the southern end of the development closest to Ohio Street.

In mid-June, a spokesperson for Bally’s said  plans were still on track despite comments by Mayor Brandon Johnson.  In an interview, the Chicago Sun-Times editorial board asked the mayor if he believes the permanent casino will ultimately be built. Johnson was noncommittal, saying that was "still to be determined."

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In Sept. 2023, a temporary casino opened inside the Medinah Temple building in River North. The company said that May marked the most successful month yet for the casino, with the highest revenue ($13.8 million) and admissions (more than 118,000 people) since opening last fall.

The permanent casino is still scheduled to open to the public in September 2026 as planned.

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Leningrad Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Leningrad oblast: Saint Petersburg .

Leningrad Oblast - Overview

Leningrad Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the northwest of the European part of the country, part of the North-West Federal District. The regional authorities are located in St. Petersburg (from 1924 to 1991 - Leningrad, hence the name of the region).

The population of Leningrad Oblast is about 1,911,600 (2022), the area - 83,908 sq. km.

Leningrad oblast flag

Leningrad oblast coat of arms.

Leningrad oblast coat of arms

Leningrad oblast map, Russia

Leningrad oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

9 September, 2021 / Entertainment near St. Petersburg .

3 June, 2021 / Vyborg Castle - a unique architectural monument for Russia .

2 February, 2021 / Ivangorod Fortress - the western outpost of medieval Russia .

17 October, 2017 / Picturesque views of Vyborg .

22 March, 2017 / Vyborg - the only historic town in the Leningrad region .

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History of Leningrad Oblast

The first settlements on the territory of the present Leningrad region appeared in the 9th-8th millennium BC, after the retreat of the glacier. By the middle of the 1st millennium AD, the Finno-Ugric tribes engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, hunting, and fishing lived here. In the 8th century, the Slavic tribes came to the region.

In the 750s, Ladoga appeared (since the 18th century - Staraya (Old) Ladoga) - the most ancient Russian settlement. In the 9th-10th centuries, Ladoga became an important political and economic center of the ancient Russian state. At the end of the 10th century, Lagoda lost this role. Novgorod became the new center.

In the 12th century, Novgorod gained political independence, and the lands on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, Luga, Neva, Ladoga, Volkhov became part of the Novgorod Republic. In the 13th-14th centuries, this region became an arena of struggle of Novgorod and Pskov Republics against the Livonian knights and Swedish feudal lords.

More historical facts…

In 1240, the famous Battle of the Neva took place in which the Novgorod troops headed by Prince Alexander Yaroslavich defeated the Swedish troops. After the battle, Alexander Yaroslavich received an honorary nickname of “Nevsky” and became known simply as Alexander Nevsky.

In the 13th-14th centuries, for the protection of the north-western borders, several new fortresses were founded: Yam, Koporje, Oreshek, Korela, Tiversky town. In January, 1478, the Novgorod Republic was conquered by the Moscow principality. The region became part of the united Russian state.

In the early 17th century, during the Time of Troubles, Russia was cut off from the Baltic Sea. The north-east of the country was captured by the Swedes. In the early 18th century, during the Northern War, Russia regained control of the region and Saint Petersburg, a new capital of the state, was founded here.

In 1708, the Ingermanland region was formed. In 1710, it was renamed into Saint Petersburg, in 1914 - Petrograd, in 1924 - Leningrad oblast. During the Second World War, a large part of the territory was occupied by the Germans and the Finns and suffered greatly. In January 1945, the population of the region was 483,000. The population before the war was 1,258,000.

In the postwar period, the regional economy was restored, a number of new towns and villages appeared. In 1973, the Leningrad nuclear power plant was opened in Sosnovy Bor.

Nature of Leningrad Oblast

Leningrad Oblast landscape

Leningrad Oblast landscape

Author: Roman Rozanov

Leningrad Oblast nature

Leningrad Oblast nature

Author: Igor Los

Field in the Leningrad region

Field in the Leningrad region

Author: Vitaliy Karputkin

Leningrad Oblast - Features

St. Petersburg is not part of the Leningrad region. It is an independent subject of the Russian Federation, a city of federal significance. Leningrad Oblast is the only federal subject of Russia the authorities of which are located entirely on the territory of another federal subject.

Leningrad Oblast, located on the East European (Russian) Plain, stretches from west to east for 500 km, from north to south - 320 km. The region borders with the European Union: in the west - with Estonia, in the north-west - with Finland.

The climate is continental. Marine air masses cause relatively mild winter with frequent thaws and moderately warm, sometimes cool summer. The average temperature in January is in the range of minus 8-11 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 16-18 degrees Celsius.

Leningrad Oblast is rich in water resources - rivers and lakes. There are about 1,800 lakes including Ladoga Lake - the largest lake in Europe. Much of the region is occupied by marshes.

Industry is the backbone of the local economy. Such industries as food industry, transport equipment, oil product, pulp and paper industry prevail. Part of the Nord Stream gas pipeline passes through the territory of the region.

Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant is situated in the town of Sosnovy Bor. Machine-building plants are situated in different towns of the province. Ford Automobile Plant is situated in Vsevolozhsk, Caterpillar - in Tosno.

The transport network is well developed in the region. Saint Petersburg is one of the largest transport hubs of Russia.

The largest towns of Leningrad Oblast are Murino (89,600), Gatchina (87,600), Vsevolozhsk (76,600), Vyborg (73,000), Sosnovy Bor (66,000), Sertolovo (61,200), Tikhvin (56,700), Kudrovo (54,500), Kirishi (49,600), Kingisepp (43,900) Volkhov (43,300).

Attractions of Leningrad Oblast

In 1990, a number of monuments of history and culture of Leningrad Oblast were included into the list of UNESCO World Heritage:

  • The fortifications on the shore of the Gulf of Finland: “Seraya Loshad” (Grey Horse) and “Krasnaya Gorka” (Red Hill),
  • The historical part of the town of Shlisselburg,
  • The fortress “Oreshek”,
  • The palace and park ensembles in Ropsha, Gostilitsy, Taytsy,
  • The palace and park ensemble and the historical center of Gatchina,
  • Sologubovka War Memorial - the largest German military cemetery.

Other places of interest:

  • Staraya (Old) Ladoga - the ancient capital of northern Russia,
  • Vyborg Castle,
  • Assumption Monastery, the house-memorial of Rimsky-Korsakov in Tikhvin,
  • Ivangorod Fortress,
  • “Korela” fortress in Priozyorsk,
  • Koporye fortress in Lomonosov district,
  • “Priyutino” museum estate in Vsevolozhsk,
  • Konevsky Monastery on Konevets Island,
  • Wooden churches of Svir (“Golden Ring of Leningrad oblast”) in Podporozhsky district,
  • Tervenichesky Convent,
  • Zelenetskii Trinity Monastery,
  • Lisino - the buildings designed by N.L.Benua,
  • Museum estate of N.K. Roerich in Izvara,
  • Museum “Stationmaster House” in Vyra.

Leningrad oblast of Russia photos

Leningrad Oblast scenery

Abandoned wooden church in Leningrad Oblast

Abandoned wooden church in Leningrad Oblast

Author: Sergei Baranov

Leningrad Oblast scenery

Village of Leningrad Oblast

Author: Mikhail Petrov

Pictures of Leningrad Oblast

Classical Russian dacha in the Leningrad region

Classical Russian dacha in the Leningrad region

Author: Moskaluk Vitaliy

Wooden village house in Leningrad Oblast

Wooden village house in Leningrad Oblast

Author: Zhelne Yuri

Winter in Leningrad Oblast

Winter in Leningrad Oblast

Author: Stanislav Kostin

Leningrad Oblast views

Railway bridge in Leningrad Oblast

Railway bridge in Leningrad Oblast

Author: Antonio Racter

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Chicago Tribune Freedom Center Demolition Begins, Paving Way For Bally’s Casino

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RIVER WEST — Demolition of the Chicago Tribune’s Freedom Center began Tuesday to make way for the new Bally’s casino and hotel complex.

In 2022, Bally’s Casino secured the city’s approval to build a casino at Tribune Publishing, 700 W. Chicago Ave. The casino, meant to beef up funding for the city’s police and fire pensions, is slated to include 3,300 slots, 173 table games, 500 hotel rooms, a 3,000-seat entertainment venue, 2-acre public park, six restaurants, a food hall and three bars.

In May, after 43 years in operation,  the Freedom Center printed its last issue of the Tribune. The newspaper company vacated the building in July.

The Freedom Center demolition could take five months with crews working 12 hours a day, seven days a week, city officials said at a community meeting in June.

No explosives will be used for the demolition. Excavators will be used for most of the site, while other areas will require hand excavation.

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Additional dust mitigation efforts include keeping the site wet so debris is contained on the ground. On-site vehicles will be limited to a speed limit of 10 mph to limit debris kicked into the air, officials previously said.

Every day during demolition, the health department will dispatch dust monitors to the site who will have the power to stop operations if dust is not contained.

Demolition is scheduled 8 a.m.-8 p.m. daily, in compliance with the Chicago Noise Ordinance. 

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Bally's Chicago casino project takes step forward as demolition begins on River West site

Bally’s chairman soo kim said his hedge fund’s $4.6 billion merger deal to buy out shareholders is “an indicator of how optimistic we are” about the revenue potential for the massive casino being built at 777 w. chicago ave..

Heavy machinery starts the demolition process outside the former Freedom Center at 777 W. Chicago Ave in West Town, Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2024. Bally’s is standing up a casino at the site of the Freedom Center.

Heavy machinery starts the demolition process for Bally’s Chicago casino at the former Freedom Center on Tuesday.

Anthony Vazquez/Sun-Times

As excavators make way for Chicago’s future mega-casino, the leader of the corporation behind the River West development believes Bally’s is poised to start “eating a lot of people’s lunches” in an Illinois gambling market already saturated with numerous casinos and video gaming options.

Bally’s chairman Soo Kim made that confident declaration after a whirlwind summer for Bally’s was capped Tuesday with crews beginning demolition of the former Chicago Tribune printing plant at 777 W. Chicago Ave. The site is slated to be transformed into a casino by September 2026.

Kim brushed aside critics — including some from City Hall — who have questioned whether Rhode Island-based Bally’s could complete the $1.34 billion casino project, let alone compete in a region that already has more places to gamble than Las Vegas.

“I think this is probably why they spend so much time pooh-poohing our stuff, because let me tell you: We’re going to be eating a lot of people’s lunches. Most importantly, Indiana,” Kim said during a meeting with the Chicago Sun-Times Editorial Board. “It’s not great for Illinois that all that [gambling] money goes to Indiana.”

“The amenities that we’ll have, like a 500-room hotel tower, at four-star level or better,” Kim said. “It won’t even be close. It’ll be like one thing, and then everything else. We’re looking forward to that.”

Behind red and white smoke bombs and a blaring soundtrack of Queen’s “We Will Rock You,” the claw of an excavator slammed into a facade of the printing plant Tuesday morning to put an exclamation mark on Bally’s behind-the-scenes wheeling and dealing.

Last month, Bally’s announced it had secured financing to cover an $800 million funding gap for construction. It also released a new site plan that places the hotel tower on the south end of the 30-acre gaming campus, a redesign made necessary when planners realized the original placement along the Chicago River could damage a city water main.

  • With Chicago casino on the horizon, Bally’s accepts $4.6 billion buyout, merger

Those accomplishments should bolster confidence in the project, according to Kim, as should his own investment portfolio.

His hedge fund, Standard General, reached a $4.6 billion merger deal last month to buy out Bally’s shareholders in an agreement that would keep the company publicly traded, pending federal review.

“It’s just an indicator of how optimistic we are,” Kim said.

Bally's chairman Soo Kim readies for a groundbreaking ceremony at the former Freedom Center at 777 W. Chicago Ave.

Bally’s chairman Soo Kim readies for a groundbreaking ceremony at the former Freedom Center at 777 W. Chicago Ave.

Mayor Brandon Johnson didn’t attend the demolition kickoff, but seems to have changed his tune from earlier this year, when he seemed skeptical , telling the Sun-Times in June that Bally’s viability to complete the project was “still to be determined, to be perfectly frank with you.”

In a statement provided by Bally’s on Tuesday, Johnson called the future casino “one of the largest economic investments in Chicago” that “will have an incredible impact on our city as a job creator, hospitality destination and revenue generator.”

“Like all Chicagoans, I will be watching eagerly as Bally’s rises along the river,” Johnson was quoted as saying.

Bally’s temporary casino at the historic Medinah Temple, 600 N. Wabash Ave., has fallen far short of city budget projections since opening last September.

Johnson has banked on $35 million this year in city casino tax revenue, earmarked for underfunded police and firefighter pensions. The city’s cut so far this year adds up to only about $8.2 million, according to Illinois Gaming Board records.

Kim told the editorial board they’re “still ramping” at the Medinah operation, and that projections of $200 million per year for the city from the permanent casino remain feasible.

“This is the temporary. Are we light in the temporary, and does that mean that, ipso facto, you’re gonna be light on the permanent? That’s not the way I would read that. That’s not even close,” Kim said. “We haven’t seen anything in this market that says we’re not as excited as we can be.”

  • Bally’s landlord at Medinah Temple hits $20 million jackpot with temporary casino

Kim said he’s “had nothing but a great relationship” with Johnson, and has “no doubt that we have nothing but support, that everyone’s behind us succeeding.”

“There are no winners in the city or state if we do not succeed,” said Kim, who suggested he has an open mind when it comes to the possibility of allowing video gaming at bars and restaurants in the city, a revenue option Johnson’s administration is exploring.

“I think under the right circumstances, it’s possible,” Kim said, noting a city video gaming ordinance would reopen negotiations on Bally’s host community agreement.

As for another controversial segment of the casino plan, Kim said Bally’s could install slot machines at Midway Airport within a year, as allowed under the state gambling expansion law passed in 2019 that authorized a Chicago casino.

“That one would be nice, as a way of introducing Chicago to our brand,” Kim said. “It’s not like it’s gonna make a ton of money, but it’s a nice little project.”


A rendering of the finished product was on display Tuesday as demolition of the Freedom Center began in River West. Bally’s plans to build a casino, hotel and other amenities at that site, 777 W. Chicago Ave.

  • READ: More Sun-Times coverage of the Illinois gaming industry

Children cool down at River Park, 5100 N. Francisco Ave. in Lincoln Square as temperatures in Chicago broke a heat record at 98 degrees on Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2024.


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  ,   ,
, , , , , , , , ,
RUB: USD: /m² EUR: /m²
USD: /ft²GBP: /ft² CHF: /m²
CNY: /m²JPY: /m²
Change of cost per square foot in per week (USD):
Change of average apartment cost in rubles per week,
66 apartments$1.85 million3.56 thousand m²
38.3 thousand ft²
average apartment cost per square foot/meter
1 bedroom apartments
2 bedroom apartments
3 bedroom apartments
multi-bedroom apartments
flats/apartments cost on 06.01.2020
1 bedroom flat36.3 m²391.0 ft²
2 bedroom flat48.6 m²522.8 ft²
3 bedroom flat62.7 m²674.5 ft²
4+ bedroom flat77.1 m²829.9 ft²
| | |
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The city of Kingisepp was founded as the Yam Fortress in 1384; it was later know as Yamburg before being given its current name in honour of the Estonian revolutionary Viktor Kingisepp. This small city can be easily visited along with Ivangorod and from here it is possible to get to the impressive ruins of the Koporye Fortress. 

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