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Erweitere deinen Horizont beim CCS und erlange deine Freiheit auf den Weltmeeren!


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Der CCS ist ein führendes und international anerkanntes Schweizerisches Kompetenzzentrum für den Hochseeyachtsport mit eigener Schweizer Flagge.

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Der CCS stellt den international anerkannten Hochseeausweis aus. Erfahre hier mehr.

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Unsere Segel- und Motoryachten  stehen allen CCS-Mitgliedern währen der Saison für tolle  Törns  zur Verfügung.

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Die Austauschplattform für Yachtowner des CCS.

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Hier geht's zu Moodle, der Lern- und Kommunikationsplattform des CCS

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Alles zum Thema "Safety First"

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Törnausschreibung 2025

Die dritte Phase der Törnausschreibung (freie Einschreibung) 2025 beginnt am 23.09.2024 .

Skipperkurs in Murten

01. - 03.11.2024

70. Generalversammlung und Skipperforum in Lausanne


yacht clubs in zurich


Alternativen zu CCS-Kadertörns

Aufgrund der begrenzten Auswahl an Kadertörns in der nächsten Saison bieten wir dir die Möglichkeit, dich für einen Törn unter der Leitung eines CCS-Instruktors anzumelden und dennoch die Qualifikation für den Kadertörn zu erhalten. Mehr Infos...

Mitgliederangebot "Helsana"

Die Krankenversicherungsprämien steigen, doch CCS-Mitglieder erhalten bis zu 10% Rabatt auf Zusatzversicherungen bei Helsana, auch bei bestehender Versicherung. Dies kann für eine 4-köpfige Familie mehrere Hundert Franken jährlich sparen. Melde dich bei uns und fordere jetzt eine unverbindliche Offerte an. Details...

Törnprogramm 2025

Das neue Törnprogramm ist online! CCS-Skipper und Skipper-2 haben in dieser Phase bereits die Möglichkeit, sich für ihren bevorzugten Törn anzumelden. Auch Crewmitglieder können sich ab sofort für die verfügbaren Plätze registrieren. Ab dem 23.09.2024 beginnt die freie Einschreibung. Weitere Infos...

yacht clubs in zurich


Blogbeitrag "Portsmouth nach St. Malo"

Blogbeitrag von Bernard Scheidegger zum Törn auf der Rolling Swiss II von Portsmouth nach St. Malo im Juli 2024.

yacht clubs in zurich

yacht clubs in zurich

Club zum Rennweg

yacht clubs in zurich

The Club is located in the middle of the vibrant city of Zurich, just two minutes of walk from the Bahnhofstrasse.

The club offers on weekdays for lunch and dinner a quaint dining and lounge infrastructure.

A reservation in advance by the home club or through IAC is required due to seating being limited.

yacht clubs in zurich

The Club zum Rennweg combines elegance and excellent quality to offer to its members the following facilities: Restaurant and bar. In summertime we also offer a rooftop terrace and a patio. The restaurant is open Monday to Friday, from 11:30am to 14:00pm, and from 18:00pm to 10:00pm.

Opening Hours

Monday 11:30am – 11:00pm
Tuesday 11:30am – 11:00pm
Wednesday 11:30am – 11:00pm
Thursday 11:30am – 11:00pm
Friday 11:30am – 11:00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

More Information

Additional Charges 15% Service Charge added to all bills. Accounts must be settled prior to departure, by cash or credit card.

Parking No own parking, public car park available (Urania-Parking)

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yacht clubs in zurich

European Vintage Star Regatta

August 18 - 19, 2018, district: 9, event website, event information.


The Zürcher Yacht Club (ZYC) on Lake Zurich, Switzerland, hosts the „Old Fashion Race“, an annual classic boat race every August together with the local Oldtime Boat Club (OBCZ). There is a long tradition of Starboat racing on the lake since 1946, and of competitive boat building like Portier (ex Portier & Suter) and Steinmayer.

ZYC offers an own class rating for wooden starboats and supports a gathering of theses classics with great enthousiam.

Come to Zurich on August 18 and 19!

Entitled for participation are all boats with wooden hulls built to ISCYRA specifications

For the first time in Europe, vintage starboats meet for racing on August 18 and 19 at Zurich Yacht Club, on the occasion of the Old Fashion Race together with the Oldtime Boat Club Zurichsee. Boats have entered from 4 nations already, and more participants are highly welcome! Traditional and modernised boats are eligible alike, hulls must be built from wood to star class specifications. The unique setting of a floating boathouse, looking out on the swiss alps, provides a sociable atmosphere before and after races.

Vintage Starboats in Zurich, Switzerland

On August 18th and 19th, a promising begin was made with the first ever Vintage Star event on European waters. Zürcher Yacht Club and the Oldtime Boat Club Zürichsee honoured their invitation to be fabulous hosts. The location: a floating boathouse and large pond settings in front of the city lake front, looking out on the swiss alps. The event was part of the “Old Fashion Race” hosted every year for classic and modern boats. From a group of 8 vintage boats from 4 European countries which had registered for the Zürich Vintage Star race, 3 had to retire on short notice for various reasons. The remaining 5 however nicely represented the variety of styles that appeal to aficionados of the wooden boat tradition. Painted or varnished, all sported wooden hulls built to ISCYRA specifications. Equipped to various levels of technology, the outfit ranged from original 60’s layout and rigging to modern style performance.

Oldest entrant, also travelled the longest distance from Helmond, Netherlands, was Star 1294 “Bem II”. A real celebrity: built by Caesar Fuhlendorff, won a Bronze Medal at the 1936 Kiel Olympics, participated in the infamous 1939 Kiel Worlds shortly before the outbreak of WWII as well as the 1952 Helsinki Olympics. The current owner Harm Adriaans saved it from a sure death at the scrapyard and extensively rebuilt the hull over a period of 5 years before it’s first re-appearance – in Zürich! On the other end of the spectrum: Star 6904 “Rainbow”, built beautifully from Western Red Cedar by master shipwright Wilhelm Wagner from Lake Constance. He sailed the boat again - and fast! - after many years in the shed. Starboat tradition on the lake was represented by another Master of starboat building, Josef Steinmayer with 4677 “Monique-Anne II”. Initiators Raoul Laimberger on 4440 “Trilla” and Christoph Kempermann on 4929 “Thetis” made up the pack with their 1960’s originals.

Sadly, the wind failed during the entire weekend so sailing was limited to individual matches while waiting for conditions stable enough to allow a race to go through. That didn’t work out and the entire event had to be cancelled by Sunday afternoon without rankings.

On the upside, this left more time for network talks, discussions about the best ways to tune wooden masts and plans for future events. Everyone said they’d like to return. Most importantly, spread the idea to other boat owners and to clubs throughout Europe who would like to host such an event. Together with the Vintage Gold Cup which evolves in the US, the entrants and initiators hope that a new tradition begins that honors the past and leads the Vintage future!

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Sail-Clubs Logo

Sailing / Yacht Clubs in Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland

Zürcher Yacht Club

Zürcher Yacht Club

Zürcher Segel Club

Zürcher Segel Club

Zurich Yacht Club

A welcome refuge from Zurich’s hustle and bustle and the arctic chill voutside, I didn’t exactly expect a female DJ when I first checked into the cool, calm and collected La Réserve Eden Au Lac. No big logos or signs announce the imaginary yacht club entirely designed by Philippe Starck. In the designer’s own words, ‘This hotel is like rock ‘n’ rolling with the Queen of England; everything is traditional yet resolutely unconventional.’ I was immediately intrigued to find out more.

Swiss Deluxe Hotels Stories Winter 2022 Zurich Yacht Club 04 La Muna La Reserve Zurich 1 Ecirgb

Welcome to ‘sobe’!

Swiss Deluxe Hotels Stories Winter 2022 Zurich Yacht Club 02 Zurich Lake @Gregoiregardette 2 Sw Ecirgb

‘Benvenuta!’ calls out the concierge in my mother tongue before I even utter my name at check-in. ‘Since you’ll be writing about our hotel, I have taken the liberty of organising a quick site inspection for you in two hours’ time.’

I was ready to begin immediately, but before I could reply, she smiled and said: ‘Oh no, no, no! First, you must relax and settle into the hotel’s vibe; otherwise, how will you be able to describe it? And after all, there’s life after work.

Let’s meet up again a little later.’

Yep, there’s definitively a life here, a welcoming cup of tea, and a soothing bath before work. My spacious Lake View room features a bathroom that appeared sculpted out of a block of naturally striped marble, a sleek bathtub overlooking the turquoise lake and the sky, exposed red bricks contrasting with a matt metallic radiator, and elegant tan leather details reminiscent of a transatlantic luxury liner stateroom fit for a movie. I almost forgot I only had two hours.

Surrendering to my curious mind, I found myself exploring some quirky objects dotted around the room, trying to guess what they were. A peppermill on the bedside table? Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be an international adaptor. A glossy metal elephant attached to a plate? Possibly a jewellery holder.

Everything custom-made

After some tea and a bath, it was showtime. As I join my guide downstairs, I am greeted with some insider knowledge: ‘Welcome to SoBe! Did you know that the South of Bellevue is the place to be? It’s the Soho of Zurich!’ Then he pressed a hidden button and an invisible door opened into the Cigar Lounge. ‘Every single piece you’ll find here is custom-made.’

Even a self-confessed health freak like myself couldn’t help but be fascinated by this hidden gem of a smoking room, designed using a clever mix of a variety of metals and woods and decorated with ‘70s images of sensual lips and swirling smoke.

Swiss Deluxe Hotels Stories Winter 2022 Zurich Yacht Club 06 Eden Kitchen Bar La Reserve Zurich 19 Bearb Ecirgb

Piéce de résistance

As we head to the top floor, I find the hotel’s pièce de résistance: a majestic century-old dome with wooden objects hanging from it, thick ropes, nautical lamps and wooden panelling featuring an open kitchen – a veritable treasure chest. Outside, a 360-degree panoramic view of the city, the lake and the Alps beyond.

Following a sneak peek into the sleek wood-panelled gym and into what is probably the chicest public lavatory in town (featuring mirrors that make you appear ten years youn-ger and an ambience that feels less like a restroom and more like a catwalk), we head downstairs to find Ilona, one of the Angels of La Réserve Zurich, one of three resident DJs spinning a contemporary mix of deep and subdued electronic tracks.

A few steps further, I was briefly introduced to Chef Marco Ortolani – a larger-than-life personality with a stellar career path and who just earned a Michelin star. I would get to know better later – until I could finally sit down to enjoy a drink.

Swiss Deluxe Hotels Stories Winter 2022 Zurich Yacht Club 05 Image004 Sw Ecirgb

Delicious dinner

Following an inspiring art-fuelled afternoon, I was looking forward to dinner at the Eden Kitchen and Bar, headed by Chef Marco and his uber-cool crew. The food is fantastic, but you could almost be forgiven for getting distracted from the culinary delights by the good-looking, chatty, tattoo-sporting staff interacting in a highly choreographed and interactive manner in the boldly coloured open kitchen. As I enjoyed my meal, taking it all in, Chef Marco took time to check if everything was alright.

‘Who does the shopping?’ I asked. ‘I do, twice a week right after the gym, on the bus 32 and then onward by bike! – How do you like the risotto?’ he replied, switching the conversation back to my meal. After assuring him that I was positively impressed, I asked about his background. Before joining La Réserve, he had worked at the Armani restaurant in Milano, Alain Ducasse at the Dorchester in London, and Andana in Tuscany. He had received many offers to work in Paris and other well-known restaurants, but visiting the so-called Soho of Zurich finally convinced him to move here.

Stars shining above

As the evening drew to a close, it was time for bed. I was delighted to collapse on the soft bed and its luxurious linens, but before surrendering to a good night’s sleep, I opened the French windows for a moment and admired the lake, with its water jet and the stars shining above.

Words Beatrice Lessi

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Interiors created by Philippe Starck like onshore sailors’ cabins

La Réserve Eden au Lac Zurich

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Lago – Zurich’s Nautical Center

Lago: boat rental and lounge on Lake Zurich

The Lago is located at Utoquai, not far from Zurich Opera House. On sunny days, you can rent a pedalboat or motorboat and leave the bustling lakeside promenade far behind you. On some of the smaller motorboats, you can skipper your own vessel without requiring a boat license. Alternatively, you can hire a yacht complete with skipper – with options ranging from the classic sport yacht to a Dutch wooden boat made from teak and mahogany. After your boat trip, you can relax in the lakeside lounge under a huge shade sail and enjoy a refreshing drink.

The Lago is also a training center for people wanting to gain a motorboat or sailing license for inland lakes or the high seas.

Opening Hours

Open on these days.

Boat rental Daily 10.00am – 8.00pm

Lakeside lounge Daily 12.00pm – 11.00pm

Distance Travel time
Zürich Main Station 1.6 km 5 min
Zürich Airport 9.9 km 20 min


In the Vicinity



yacht clubs in zurich

Max & Otto

Restaurant Zurich, Conti

Yachtclub Zurich

Types of moorings.

Aucun type d'amarrage n'a été renseigné.

Services and equipments

Harbour office.

Pas d'horaires renseignés.

Cette information n'est pas disponible.

The community's opinion

Below are the reviews added by Navily users on the marina Yachtclub Zurich. Download our free application on your smartphone to share your own experience with the community.

Rent a boat in Zürich with or without a licence

Charter Motorboat Sulzer Vintage Salon Cruiser Zürich

Vintage Salon Cruiser (1929)

From  €3,240 / day

Charter Motorboat Cantiere Motonautico Veneziano Zürich

Venetian Limousine Boat (1974)

From  €1,760 / day.

Charter RIB 3d Tender X Pro 535 Zürich

Motorboat, fuel, equipment + skipper (2020)

From  €1,199 / day

Charter Motorboat Azimut AZ34 Zürich

Luxurious Motoryacht AZ 34 (2016)

From  €4,900 / day

Charter Sailboat Dufour Dufour 2800 Horgen

Sailing on the lake Zürich (1980)

From  €450 / day

Charter Motorboat Giluliano Portofino 565 Open Pfäffikon District

Pfäffikon District

Giluliano Portofino 565 Open (1992)

From  €390 / day

Charter Boat without licence  Ocean Master 470 WA Stäfa

Boat without licence Ocean Master 470 WA 8hp (2023)

From  €380 / day

Charter Houseboat Eventfloss Zürichsee Richterswil


Houseboat Eventfloss Zürichsee (2017)

Charter Motorboat VBoat V46 Lake Zurich

Lake Zurich

VBoat Motorboat for Rent with fun equipment (2022)

Charter Motorboat Quicksilver 435 C Lake Zurich

Motorboat Quicksilver 435 C 25hp (1995)

Charter Motor yacht Bayliner 45 Fly Rapperswil-Jona


Motor yacht Bayliner 45 Fly 500hp (2004)

From  €2,800 / day.

Charter Motorboat Larson SEI 186 Lachen

Larson SEi 186 (90 hp) (2000)

From  €590 / day.

Charter Motorboat Bayliner Element M17 Lake Lucerne

Lake Lucerne

Motorboat Bayliner Element M17 100hp (2023)

Charter Motor yacht Sea Ray 240DA Gersau

Sea Ray 240DA (1996)

From  €870 / day.

Charter Motorboat Pedrazzini Cavallino de Luxe Lucerne

Pedrazzini Cavallino De Luxe from 1967 (1967)

From  €1,600 / day.

Charter Motorboat Chris Craft 19 feet Runabout Lucerne

Classic Chris Craft 1939 (120 hp) (1939)

From  €1,450 / day.

Charter Motorboat Corsiva 475 Hemmenhofen


Motorboat Corsiva 475 30hp (2022)

From  €290 / day.

Charter Motorboat Corsiva Corsiva 565 Hemmenhofen

Motorboat Corsiva Corsiva 565 60hp (2023)

From  €430 / day, boat rental in zurich with click&boat.

Zurich, a city nestled in the heart of Switzerland, offers the perfect setting for sailing vacations. Situated on the northern shores of Lake Zurich, the city is surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, combining a vibrant metropolis with the serenity of nature. This unique blend makes Zurich an ideal destination for those seeking a unique charter vacation.

Lake Zurich provides an ideal playground for sailing enthusiasts of all levels. Its crystal-clear waters, framed by lush greenery and the distant peaks of the Swiss Alps, create a truly picturesque setting. Beyond the lake, you can explore the Limmat River, which winds its way through the city center. With a sailing vacation in Zurich, you can immerse yourself in a world of natural beauty, cultural treasures, and exhilarating adventures.

To ensure an effortless and memorable sailing vacation in Zurich, look no further than Click&Boat. As a leading online boat rental platform, Click&Boat connects you with a diverse fleet of charter boats, ranging from sleek motor yachts to cozy sailboats, tailored to suit your preferences. Our user-friendly website allows you to easily browse boat listings, compare prices, and find the ideal yacht for your adventure.

How much does it cost to rent a boat in Zurich?

The price of a boat rental in Zurich will vary from boat to boat. The type of boat, time of year, and charter experience you desire will affect the price.

On average, you can expect to pay between €400 and €1,200 per day for a Zurich boat charter. A luxury yacht charter will come at a higher price.

There may be additional fees not included in the final rental price, such as fuel. You can reach out to the boat owner directly through Click&Boat to ask about the price details.

When is the best time to go?

The best time for sailing in Zurich is from late spring to early fall. From May to September, Zurich experiences a mild climate, making it an ideal destination for water activities. During these months, the city has comfortable temperatures, with highs ranging from 70°F to 80°F and lows between 50°F to 60°F.

Late spring and early fall offer the added advantage of fewer crowds, allowing you to enjoy a more serene and intimate sailing experience. The months of June and July are especially popular for sailing, with longer daylight hours providing ample time to explore the stunning lake and its surroundings.

Where to sail to in Zurich

There are so many destinations to sail to from Zurich. From the waters of Lake Zurich to the charming corners of the Limmat River, there's a myriad of places to discover. Whether you seek a leisurely cruise or an adrenaline-filled escapade, Zurich's sailing routes cater to all tastes. Here are a few of our favorite spots:

Rent with or without a skipper

With Click&Boat, you have the option to rent your boat with or without a skipper. If you have the necessary sailing licenses and experience, you can choose a bareboat charter. You will be the captain on board and have the freedom to navigate to wherever you choose.

If you do not have sailing experience or want a more relaxed vacation, rent with a skipper. Our professional skippers are locals and can show you all the hidden gems. They will take charge of navigating, allowing you to relax and enjoy your sailing charter.

The harbors in Zurich

There are several harbors and marinas along the shores of Lake Zurich and the Limmat River. These harbors provide a perfect starting point to explore the beauty of Switzerland or make stops to explore the cities along the way. Here are a few of the most popular harbors and marinas:

What can you see and do in Zurich?

Frequently asked questions about zürich, how much does it cost to rent a boat in zürich for a day.

The average cost of renting a boat in Zürich is around €2,800 per day. Various factors can influence the cost of a boat charter, such as the season, the year the boat was built, and the equipment. The prices can vary between €200 and €7,350 per day.

How much does a skipper cost per day in Zürich?

The price of a skipper varies depending on the destination and the owner of the boat. In Zürich, you can expect to pay an average of €700 per day for a skipper.

What is the average length of a boat in Zürich?

The average length of a boat in Zürich is 13 meters.

Is fuel included in the cost of a boat charter in Zürich?

For most boats, fuel is not included in the rental cost. In Zürich fuel is included in the price for 2 boats.

Can I add equipment like snorkel gear, SUP boards or a wakeboard to my boat rental in Zürich?

Many owners offer various extras that you can add to your booking in Zürich. This can be for example Fridge, Heating or 220V socket.

Good to know

Number of boats:20 boats available
Types of boats:Motorboat, RIB, Catamaran
Average price: €2,800 per day
Minimum price: €200 per day
Maximum price: €7,350 per day
Manufacturers:Beneteau, Azimut, and more

Charter a boat near Zürich

In Zürich, privately owned yachts are available for charter. See other yachts in the area.

Luxury Club Switzerland

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Portrait of Adriane Quinlan

On a Tuesday morning in September, a six-foot-long plastic model of a boat sat on the second floor of the Explorers Club, looking a little like a beached Orca, sleek and out of place in the tweedy boardroom. The tiny yacht had traveled to East 70th Street from Los Angeles and, before that, made stops in Monaco and Zurich, Cannes, and West Palm Beach — a prop to entice buyers who can spend $10 million on a cabin in the world’s biggest yacht. If it gets made. The boat will be called the Ulyssia and it’s the passion project of Frank Binder, a billionaire from the Merck clan with a thing for boats (he once owned a shipyard in Monaco). Lenny Kravitz, his friend, is onboard to help design interiors. (“He’s a genius.”)

Binder has been doing a world tour to find other buyers — who might be hard to meet. Maintenance hovers around 3 percent a year, or $300,000 for that $10 million one-bedroom. It’s a big ask, especially for a boat that, if he does get recruits, won’t launch until 2028. To help, Binder brought on two former executives from the World , the luxury liner that was the first — and only — to prove rich people want to live … at sea, all year. (It launched in 2002, is still sold out, and has yet to snag on an iceberg or go bankrupt.)

Renato Chizzola , a senior vice-president for the Ulyssia who worked as the general manager of the World for five years, spoke to Curbed about the terrors of elephant seals and why he once hired Israeli snipers to come onboard.

This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity. 

What did your job on the World look like?? 

I was in charge of lifestyle, expedition, everything — even the kitchen. You have a captain who’s the master of the vessel, and he ultimately will have the last word on safety, security, where we go, where we can’t go. But then you also need to have somebody who has grown up in a galley carrying luggage. I’m 60 in October. When I was 27, I said, “Okay, how can I see the world without having money?” So in 1993, I was hired on the Queen Elizabeth II , then went to hotels, cruises, and in 46 years I traveled to 186 countries. I was allowed to live onboard and basically extend any service, any dream that a resident had.

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What’s the difference between this superyacht and the World ? 

The World is now 23 years old. She was created in the late ’80s. She looks like a cruise ship. And the  Ulyssia is a yacht — the designer says this is his masterpiece.

We never had many amenities on the World . Here, we have a deli. We have a library with a card and games room. We have a table-tennis room. We have two paddle-tennis courts all inside, a multipurpose sports deck up there where the helicopters are, two hangers, two submarines to go down to the ocean, seven restaurants.

Then, we have this inflatable marina off the back of the boat. Imagine we’re near Bermuda. It’s a beautiful day. The sea is calm. We stop and we inflate this — it takes an hour — and we have tenders. You can go diving right there off the ship. The sea is yours. This marina is something the World could never ever have done, because there’s no space in the boat to keep that. The World was more elderly, a bit elderly retired. This is way younger. Why? Because we have so many amenities and offer adventure. Here, we are offering fewer apartments with more space. The balconies are huge. Luxury, for them, means space, time and getting whatever they wish, whenever, wherever. Freedom.

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Freedom , in a contained location — 

Yes, and in a safe environment, completely protected against any danger. If a resident says, “I want to bring my family there, I want to be safe, I want to have no worries,” safety needs to be core to us. They want the freedom to do what they do at home — to run around with suits, jewelry. And if they are smart enough to say, “I want to go and see real scenarios, not luxury hotels,” they can go places where there’s no luxury and see how the world really works. That’s what this community wants.

Sounds like a security nightmare. 

We will hire ex-Mossad physically, to be on the ship. On the World , we partnered with Marine Guard, one of the world’s best safety and security companies . It provides technical and physical support. And whenever we went to critical places — for example, when we went through the Gulf of Aden, I brought in Israeli snipers to come on the boat. Nobody, no pirate on earth can come in past them. Then on shore excursions, we have every form of security that you can imagine. Satellite images. Images underwater, over water. When we went to Antarctica, to the Northwest Passage — meeting with the Inuits, the Aborigines — you need people who know them. You need people who safeguard you. In the Antarctic, you are only allowed to go with Zodiacs to the beaches. You need people who know that, who know the sea lions, the penguins. We bring them onboard — 20 or 25 people who know everything about every area. And when we do expeditions, we bring on EYOS, one of the greatest expedition leaders in the world, which goes to places like the Titanic .

Is this, like the Titanic , experimental in any way?

No, there are similar yachts. But in four years, when she will hopefully leave port, she will be the greenest yacht of this size ever built. And at that time, we may build for whatever is available in terms of fuel, whether it’s methanol or nuclear. There are vessels already going nuclear, military vessels.

But isn’t this all risky? 

It’s the opposite. You will see more and more environments like this at sea. Why? Because you can escape anything! If there’s an outbreak in New York, a big virus, you just won’t go there. If there’s a war there, you just don’t go there. If there’s a storm, you don’t go there.

So this will be a way for the global elite, basically, to pay to avoid any problem.

Is it going to be a one percent community? Yes, obviously, but they need to do good around the world, otherwise they cannot come to the community.

Imagine the following. We will have a medical center onboard. We have MRI machines. We have a dentistry. Our doctors, when we go to the west coast of Africa, to Senegal, we can have our doctors go out and help. And as we go around the world, we will help to map the ocean floor. We’ll have tools available to measure and send these to oceanic institutions that then take this data. So we are helping to make the world a better place. And that’s the legacy.

How are you going to gauge whether the people who want to live here also want to do good? 

There’s a very tough background check before being allowed to buy. So can it be that a Colombian drug lord or a Russian weapons dealer comes and says, “Oh, I’m going to take ten?” No, that can’t happen. We’re not a community for people from mainland China who don’t speak English and want to spit around. Or aggressive Russians. We are not a community for sheikhs from any Arab countries. And I have nothing against the Chinese and Russians. I love everybody. I’ve been everywhere. But they just don’t fit here, and they won’t come. We want like-minded golf players, tennis players, joggers, bikers, F1 drivers.

We will have roughly 30 to 35 percent Europeans, 30 to 35 percent North Americans, including from Canada, possibly a few from Mexico City, a few from São Paulo. Then we have about 20 percent from Australia, South Africa, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan. Then we expect to have about 10 percent of people from all over, we don’t know where. It could be anywhere.

They’ll need a certain amount of money to get into this boat and I assume, therefore, that you can’t be that picky. 

No, we can’t. But we try to be. It’s a balance. We meet them three, four, five, six times. We invite them, show them something, then they say, “Oh, I trust these people. I believe in them.” It’s a slow process.

Can a buyer get kicked off?

Oh, absolutely.

What’s the justice system?

There’s a board that’s voted in and we have our chairman on the board. Almost all of the members are people who have either been on yachts, have their own yacht, or have led organizations.

If people have their own yachts, why would they sign up for this? 

They might have a beautiful yacht of a hundred meters, but they can’t hire all these education guides, explorers all the time. We have 22 guest suites. Imagine we’re coming to Japan. Blossom season. We bring an ex Japanese prime minister onboard, maybe a three-star Michelin chef. We bring them on, let’s say, three weeks before. And they lecture. We can have experts speak about anything. Volcanoes, health and wellness, food and beverage, politics, archeology.

And they have you, who’s been to 186 countries. 

Exactly. So when I do speak to people who want to buy and invite them for lunch or a coffee, they listen because they know, Oh, this guy has been there. You don’t need to tell them something that you think can happen. You can actually tell them a story. When I went to Antarctica the last time, in 2009, on the way back to the Zodiac, I am walking and these big elephant seals — those are the big guys, like three tons and ten feet long — and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, there’s a big sound like MWUGHOWUGH and a big one came up, out of the sand. I stood there frozen. These are moments when you think, Is this really happening to me? How fortunate, how lucky am I to be able to experience moments like this? And all the wealthy people say the same.

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