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  • Yachtline Arredomare 1618
SedeToscana - Pisa - Bientina
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Yachtline is a leading player at global level in the segment of turn-key high-standing furniture for mega-yachts. Being active for more than 30 years, it employs over 200 technicians and experienced craftsmen, allowing for the development of complementary activities such as yacht refitting and property renovation. The business model is based on the in house pre-fitting of the furniture, so to reduce time consumption and on-board processing, ensuring high quality and final customer satisfaction

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Roberto Lottini on what Makes Italians such Great Craftsmen

Roberto Lottini

Two giants in the yacht interior industry – Genesis and Yachtline – merged in 2001, and the manufacturing company has been a force to be reckoned with ever since, having worked on more than 100 yachts. In this time, they have spurred innovative techniques and diversified their business.

From the start, Pisa-based Genesis Yachtline built full-scale mock-ups of interiors for clients to review and to ensure quick installation. In 2005, the company developed a fit-lock wall and panelling system that makes the yacht more manageable and easier to maintain. In 2010, they began using barcodes to identify every component installed, making installation and replacement simpler still.

Roberto Lottini, one of three owners, has been there from the beginning. Having grown up in Viareggio, he started Genesis in 1994 and continued on after the merger – moving to Florida to manage the local showroom and shop. Even through the economic downturn, Genesis Yachtline has been able to stay busy and even expand its operations.

Lottini sat down with OnboardOnline to speak about his company’s success, how it’s managed to continue to grow and why it is that Italians make such great craftsmen.

OnboardOnline: What did you hope to do by merging Genesis and Yachtline back in 2001?

Roberto Lottini: “When we started this company, we wanted to change the way the interiors for yachts are built. And the most difficult part, which is the most time-consuming – and also the most difficult part because it’s when you need to achieve quality and timely delivery – is the installation on board the yacht…And a yacht is not like a house. There are systems – the shape of the hull and regulations you must follow. So, we decided – and we were like pioneers at that time – to expand our technical office and invest money in the engineering of this project, bringing it to a level that we started building a full-scale mock-up in our factory of each interior that we do.”


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Yachtline 1618 cresce con gli arredi di lusso

24 giugno 2024

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D agli arredi per yacht di lusso è passata a fare (anche) mobili per ville da mille e una notte, situate in città come Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Lugano, Miami, Montecarlo, spesso di proprietà degli stessi armatori che posseggono le barche. Ora la Yachtline 1618 di Bientina (Pisa), che fa capo a Fiorenzo Bandecchi e Enrico Ciacchini, fa un altro passo avanti nella diversificazione: l’azienda (nata nel 1924 come falegnameria) ha allestito una carrozza speciale, progettata dall’artista francese JR, dello storico treno Venice-Simplon Orient Express, famoso per comfort e lusso e oggi parte del gruppo Belmond-Lvmh, che presto si aggiungerà al resto del convoglio per arricchire gli itinerari di viaggio in Europa e oltre.

Il nuovo vagone, battezzato “L’Observatoire”, si ispira agli osservatori astronomici e ospita una suite di 60 metri quadrati con camera da letto matrimoniale, bagno, lounge con poltrona reclinabile, biblioteca e sala da tè segreta, nascosta dietro una libreria, con camino e lucernario a forma di occhio da cui ammirare il cielo. Il livello di dettagli è fuori dal comune: da centinaia di lamelle in legno fatte a mano che rivestono le pareti, agli intagli dei rivestimenti e dei decori, fino agli elementi di design creati dai maestri artigiani della Yachtline. Il vagone è stato esposto alla Biennale di Venezia e tra poche settimane sarà presentato a Parigi per le Olimpiadi.

Il progetto ha aggiunto linfa al fatturato dell’azienda pisana, che nel 2023 ha raggiunto 76,7 milioni di euro con un margine operativo lordo (ebitda) di 14,4 milioni. Quest’anno il budget indica 85 milioni di euro, con l’export che supererà il 50% grazie agli arredi per le ville – come quella da settemila metri quadrati in via di allestimento ad Abu Dhabi o come le 190 residenze di lusso del progetto Mareterra firmato da Renzo Piano a Montecarlo - e agli interni degli yacht per i grandi cantieri tedeschi e olandesi. Yachtline è infatti una delle poche aziende italiane che, oltre a lavorare per i grandi cantieri tricolore, ha conquistato commesse dal gotha dei produttori nordeuropei come Lürssen, Feadship, Nobiskrug, grazie a soluzioni tecnologiche innovative unite a know how artigianale. Per Lürssen, in particolare, Yachtline sta realizzando gli interni di quattro yacht di lunghezza superiore ai 100 metri ciascuno. «Il nostro portafoglio ordini al momento è di oltre 200 milioni – spiega Bandecchi – per il 60% legato agli yacht e per il 40% alle dimore di lusso. Abbiamo appena investito 15 milioni nell’ampliamento della produzione, con l’aggiunta di 20mila metri quadrati coperti frutto del recupero di un ex magazzino Piaggio a Lugnano di Vicopisano, che è diventato il nostro terzo stabilimento».

Ora l’attenzione è al consolidamento della filiera produttiva. Negli ultimi anni Yachtline ha conquistato la maggioranza di diversi fornitori, dai pannelli compositi (Skinvento) al design delle consolle delle timoniere (Lambda), fino agli arredi e tappezzeria (Duemme, Nieri, Philomastro). «Ora stiamo trattando altre due acquisizioni di filiera che dovrebbero chiudersi entro breve», spiega Bandecchi. Con le dimensioni che crescono (prima della pandemia, nel 2019, Yachtline fatturava 56 milioni di euro) e le commesse che si allargano nel mondo, è d’obbligo progettare il futuro. La quotazione in Borsa? «Si potrebbe valutare, non escludo nulla», lascia la porta aperta Bandecchi.

  • Yachtline 1618

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By Dario Schiavo 14 Jun 2024

Creating a new nautical code

Pietro angelini, general director of navigo, on his proposal to introduce a new nautical code in italy….

What’s the exact size of the market for yachts over 30 metres in Italy – and specifically for the Tuscan district stretching from Livorno to La Spezia? It may sound a strange question, but even in 2024, it is still difficult, if not impossible, to quantify.

Addressing this issue is Pietro Angelini, general director of Navigo, who recently presented the data for 2023 and the prospects for 2024 collected by the “Osservatorio Regionale della Nautica”. This data underline Italy’s position as the world’s largest player in the nautical industry, highlighting that 80 per cent of the national product and 35 per cent of the world’s yacht production is concentrated in the area stretching from Livorno to La Spezia.

According to Angelini, the data would be far more abundant if Italy had a code aimed exclusively at the nautical sector. Currently, there is only a generic code called Ateco, the classification of economic activities in Italy. Angelini is calling for a Nace code (Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community) along with the introduction of a new second-level code to prioritise operations in the nautical sector.

“When companies that work for the yachting industry deliver their balance sheets to their respective chambers of commerce, they should have the option of entering a code dedicated to boating. Otherwise, many companies that work for and with the boating industry are not correctly identified,” says Angelini. “Someone needs to start changing this by creating a nautical code that identifies all the companies that work for the nautical sector, even if they are active in other sectors. I am referring to carpenters, plumbers, electricians and all the different suppliers that contribute to the construction of a yacht but also work for the civil sector. How can you ascertain that they are also involved in the yachting industry? It is currently impossible.”

Angelini further explains that “in attempting to quantify the market scope of the Tuscan district, and more broadly that of Italy, they discovered a significant misconception: only 10 out of 70 codes are typically considered in national-level data.” He points out a case like Mobilart, a company with a turnover of around 50 million euros and 300 employees, which does not appear in lists of national nautical suppliers but is categorised solely under carpentry.

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Pietro Angelini, general director, Navigo

Navigo is prepared to furnish a comprehensive list of shipyard suppliers “essential for accurately identifying those operating in the boating industry and thereby assessing the true scale of the Italian boating market,” Angelini explains. “This will enable a clearer understanding of the framework for making informed decisions and taking necessary actions, whether during sectoral crises or periods of robust performance.”

As for the state of health of the industry for yachts over 30 metres, the data presented by Navigo still indicates growth in the market, albeit more modestly compared to 2021/2022 when there was a peak in orders and production. “For the next few years, we expect limited growth, also because it’s challenging to gauge the dynamics of speculative builds without confirmed customer orders,” says Angelini. “This reflects shipyards’ cautious approach towards risk, which appears to be restrained at present. The speculative nature, a longstanding issue in interpreting sector data over the past 20 years, complicates determining whether there is an actual downturn or if speculation merely extends the positive cycle of the market. During this favourable period, finding clients doesn’t seem to be problematic, as emphasised by reports from brokers and major yachting groups.”

The analysis presented by Navigo focuses on the sector’s numerical data and its scale, rather than on turnover or the market itself. The macro-data of the sector are based on orders and contracts recorded by yacht manufacturers spanning the region from La Spezia to Livorno.

“In our three-year project, our aim is to implement geolocation of orders to track where yachts over 30 metres are being constructed, enabling precise mapping of production,” explains Angelini. “Our focus is on assessing the number of companies operating in the Tuscan area to determine the market scope and its associated economic impact in our region. This reinforces the understanding that these companies not only serve the local district but also contribute to foreign shipyards. For instance, Yachtline of Pisa, a global leader in producing fittings for mega and gigayachts, supplies not only local shipyards but also major international players like Lürssen. Similarly, Gianneschi Pumps and Blowers, a key market player in the global marine industry, provides pumps and blowers for luxury yachts, workboats and small military vessels ranging from 12 to 120 metres.”

“The data we analyse encompasses signed orders, vessels under construction in Tuscan shipyards and supplier interviews to ascertain their current projects,” continues Angelini. “This involves cross-referencing data from shipyards, industry surveys and our independent supplier research. From our first year's analysis, it’s evident that suppliers are operating on a scale exceeding local builder demands in the Tuscan district. This underscores their substantial export levels, with German and Dutch yacht builders notably sourcing from the Tuscan district.”

Angelini’s quest to develop a new nautical code is an example of how innovation can manifest itself through a simplification of bureaucracy. With the provision of more reliable data, the economic contribution of the yachting industry can be presented more accurately and illustrates how action can be taken promote its optimal development.

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Yachtline Arredomare 1618 SpA

  • Punta Molo Vecchio 16128 - Genoa (Italy)
  • +39 010 8568591
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Yachtline 1618 is the world leading company in the production of luxury interiors for mega yachts and is the right partner for any owner who is wishing to renovate and refurbish his yacht and or fit-out an entirely new vessel.

Yachtline 1618 proven records allow for the planning and build of new interiors or the refit of existing vessels, for small or major modifications, within a known management procedure. We utilize the joinery facility on the dock in Genoa with our own berths, manufacturing, storage and pre-assembly areas in addition to our other facilities in Tuscany where we have more than 30.000 square meters, set up for interior production and pre-assembly.

Yachtline 1618 will make your dream come true.

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Marina di Pisa: beaches, what to see, how to get there

Guide to visiting Marina di Pisa

Marina di Pisa is one of the main seaside resorts in the province of Pisa. Together with the nearby Tirrenia it is considered by the Pisans to be the seaside destination par excellence. From an administrative point of view, Marina di Pisa is part of the Municipality of Pisa. The city is located about 10 kilometers away from the capital, near the Bocca d’Arno, which is the point where the river mouth is located.

Right at the mouth of the Arno there is also the Port of Pisa which, unlike that of Livorno, is a tourist port where yachts and small to medium sized boats dock. Many other boats are moored along the left bank of the river, in the final stretch before reaching the sea.

The bulk of the tourists who visit Marina di Pisa during the summer holidays come from the city of Pisa and its province. However, considering the proximity of the city and the airport, Marina di Pisa could also be a destination for those coming from outside the region and want to take a holiday of culture and sea.

The official foundation of Marina di Pisa dates back to 1872 and in fact, until a few years before, nothing existed here. An interesting detail is that until 1606 the area in which the city stands did not exist. In that year, the Grand Duke of Tuscany Ferdinand I decided to move the mouth of the Arno which was 1500 meters further south than where it is now.

The birth of the town, as mentioned, dates back to the second half of the nineteenth century. A first impulse in this sense was given by Gaetano Ceccherini who in fact is considered the founder of Marina di Pisa. It was he who built the first bathhouse in what was then called Boccadarno. His son Baldassarre continued the work and was also credited with bringing some famous people to Marina di Pisa. Between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century there was a notable tourist and urban development culminating in the construction of numerous Art Nouveau villas.

Starting from the twenties of the twentieth century, Marina di Pisa also experienced an industrial development linked to the construction of seaplanes and other types of aircraft. After the Second World War the industrial plant was converted to the production of railway cars and buses, remaining in business until 1988.

Unfortunately, during the twentieth century, Marina di Pisa experienced the problem of erosion which risked erasing its sandy shores. To address this problem, the municipal administration has built a series of breakwater barriers that protect the coast from storm surges.

Marina di Pisa Tuscany

What to do and what to see in Marina di Pisa

Today Marina di Pisa remains a destination for summer tourism linked to the sea and beaches. The city is full of hotels and accommodation facilities of all kinds. There is no shortage of bathrooms as well as restaurants where to eat by the sea. The main attractions include the tourist port of Bocca d’Arno and the promenade.

Sea and beaches in Marina di Pisa

What to see in marina di pisa, what to see around marina di pisa, how to get to marina di pisa, where to stay in marina di pisa.

Marina di Pisa occupies a long stretch of coast, usually characterized by a sandy beach. The beach of Marina di Pisa can be divided into two parts: the first, further north, which coincides with the city, and the second which is located south of the town. Contrary to what happens in other seaside resorts in Tuscany, there are more bathing establishments along the beach outside the city than in that town.

The city beach of Marina Pisa extends from the tourist port to the end of the inhabited center. Thanks to the presence of breakwater cliffs that serve to counteract erosion, this beach is characterized by a calm sea almost always devoid of considerable waves. The beach is mostly made of gravel and pebbles; in recent years there has also been a reconstruction of the beach by the municipality. Most of this beach is free; there are a few bathing establishments, one of which is at Piazza Gorgona, in the northernmost part, and others in the final southern section.

South Coast Beach

Moving further south than the inhabited center you reach a long sandy beach divided into many small beaches. Each of these small beaches has an equipped bathing establishment. The beach on the south coast of Marina di Pisa is also protected by a series of barriers. Only in the final stretch, the one towards Tirrenia, does one return to see the open sea. The water is shallow and the seabed is sandy, so this beach is suitable for families with children. Behind the beach there is a thick pine forest inside which hides a large campsite and some clubs.

At the turn of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, several villas and cottages were built that still embellish the center of Marina di Pisa today. Some of these villas are in Art Nouveau style while others represent interesting examples of eclecticism. One of these villas, Villa Bondi which is located in Piazza delle Balearic, has been included in the “Historic Houses of Italy” circuit. The neo-Gothic Villa Albites and Palazzo Carovigno which is located in Piazza Gorgona are also of great interest.

One of the things to do in Marina di Pisa is the typical promenade that can be done either on foot or by bicycle. When you reach the north end of the city, you will find the marina where many boats and yachts are moored. In the harbor area you will also find several restaurants for a seafood lunch or dinner.

From Marina di Pisa you can quickly reach both Pisa and Livorno . In the immediate vicinity there are Tirrenia , further south, and the Migliarino, San Rossore, Massaciuccoli Regional Park which extends along the coastal strip north of the Bocca d’Arno. In the Pisan hinterland, I recommend that you visit the magnificent Certosa di Calci and Vicopisano where there is a beautiful medieval castle. In Pontedera , on the other hand, you can visit the Piaggio Museum which is largely dedicated to the Vespa, a true icon of Made in Italy.

Marina di Pisa is located about 10 km away from Pisa and 12 km from Livorno.

You can easily reach Marina di Pisa both by car and by bus but not by train. If you leave from Pisa, a 20-minute journey by car or half an hour by bus (line 10) awaits you.

The closest train station is Pisa Centrale, nearby, in the square Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, there is the departure of the bus that goes to Marina di Pisa.

By car you must reach Pisa, for example with the FI-PI-Li if you come from Florence, and then continue on the SP224 provincial road following the signs for Marina di Pisa. The same provincial road also connects Livorno and Tirrenia to Marina di Pisa.

Near the Bocca d’Arno, not far from the port, there is the camper parking area of Marina di Pisa which is directly accessible from the provincial road SP224.

The hotels in Marina di Pisa are almost all located a stone’s throw from the sea, and this will allow you to reach the beach comfortably on foot without having to take the car. In the area there are also some bed and breakfasts, campsites and farmhouses. In the city you can also find apartments for rent and holiday homes.

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Italian Yacht-Building Experience

Ready to sail the seas, new project.

M/Y Genesis 130′ Bahamas

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Superyacht Genesis 130’ Bahamas is a new concept from Genesis Yachts that draws inspiration from the exotic colors and soothing seascapes of The Bahamas islands.

The yacht’s exterior and interior styling is clean and modern. On-deck spaces for relaxing and entertaining include an aft deck lounge with large infinity pool and access to the ocean through wide submersible steps.

The interior features beautiful custom cabinetry hand-crafted by Italian artisans, blended with the finest interior joinery finished in subtle tones.

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Genesis Yachts

With over 25 years of experience as a luxury interior manufacturer, Viareggio-based shipyard Genesis Yachts is your premier choice for new yacht construction, professional yacht fitting-out, refitting and custom yacht interiors.

From classic to contemporary to the purely imaginative, we can make your vision a reality

Yacht fitting out

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This New 157-Foot Superyacht Blends Long-Range Exploration With 5-Star Luxury

The polaris 48 is the first in cantieri di pisa's new line of steel and aluminum superyachts., rachel cormack.

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Polaris 48 Superyacht

Cantieri di Pisa became famous during the 1960s for a line of yachts named after the stars of the Eridanus constellation. The Italian yard is now paying homage to another ball of gas with a new series of superyachts.

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“The new line features different types of boats and materials compared to the brand’s past production, but with immediately recognizable lines that tap into its traditional values,” Luxardo said in a statement.

Polaris 48 Superyacht

This first model, the Polaris 48, measures 157 feet from bow to stern and has a beam of roughly 29 feet. The inaugural voyager offers the range of an explorer but showcases the versatile exteriors and sophisticated interiors of a superyacht , according to Luxardo. The designer adds that the liveability of the upper and main decks is a major drawcard.

Designed by Parisotto + Formenton, the light-filled interiors are decked out in various subtle shades of brown and white. Paying tribute to the yard’s old Akhir line , the Milanese firm outfitted the living quarters with classic materials such as pickled teak, carbon fiber, bronze, glass, and brass. The color palette and furnishings create a nautical aesthetic, while the extensive glazing ensures natural light and prime views.

In terms of layout, the main deck features a lounge of roughly 540 square feet, the owner’s suite, and a VIP stateroom. To the aft, a giant outdoor deck of more than 1,600 square feet is fitted with two large interconnecting terraces that create a seamless connection to the sea and a striking Jacuzzi that overlooks the stern. The aft deck can also hold three tenders or a rescue boat and two Jet Skis if needed. The gunwale opens out to make it easier to haul up the tender, too.

Powered by two 1,650 hp V-12 MAN engines, the Polaris 48 has a top speed of 16 knots and a range of around 4,000 miles at 10 knots. The Eco High Power Hull (EHPH) hull is meant to reduce fuel consumption, but the yard is also looking at hybrid propulsion to further lower emissions.

The Polaris 48 will be followed by Polaris 38 and Super Polaris 60. Stay tuned.

Rachel Cormack is a digital editor at Robb Report. She cut her teeth writing for HuffPost, Concrete Playground, and several other online publications in Australia, before moving to New York at the…

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Yachtline 1618

  • M/Y Moon Sand (Lürssen Shipyard)   56 m.   Bannenberg & Rowell   GERMANY   2021
  • M/Y FB 601 (Benetti “Hawa”)   52 m.   RWD   ITALY   2021
  • M/Y Oras (Sanlorenzo)   52 m.   Tiziana Vercellesi   ITALY   2021
  • M/Y Cloud 9 (Sanlorenzo)   62 m.   Francesco Paszkowski   ITALY   2021
  • M/Y FB 273 (Benetti “Alkhor”)   70 m.   Shipyard   ITALY   2020
  • M/Y FB 270 (Benetti “Triumph” )   70 m.   Green-Mingarelli   ITALY   2020
  • M/Y Lars (Sanlorenzo )   47 m.   Shipyard   ITALY   2020
  • M/Y FB 275 (Benetti “Ije”)   108 m.   Redman Whiteley Dixon   ITALY   2019
  • M/Y FB 277 (Benetti “Lana”)   107 m.   Mauro Izzo   ITALY   2019
  • M/Y FB 272 (Benetti “Luminosity” )   107 m.   Zaniz Design   ITALY   2019
  • M/Y Atomic (VSY )   64 m.   Frank Darnet Design   ITALY   2019
  • M/Y Attila (Sanlorenzo )   64 m.   Francesco Paszkowski   ITALY   2019
  • M/Y FB 276 (Benetti “Metis” )   63 m.   Bannenberg & Rowell   ITALY   2019
  • M/Y Eco-tender (Perini Navi)   25 m.   Perini Navy   ITALY   2019
  • Custom Loose furniture (Lürssen)   140 m.   Francois Zuretti   GERMANY   2018
  • M/Y Dream   108 m.   CQS   GREECE   2018
  • M/Y FB 269 (Benetti)   69 m.   Shipyard   ITALY   2018
  • M/Y FB 271 (Benetti “Vector”)   57 m.   Luca Dini   ITALY   2018
  • M/Y FB 268 (Benetti ”Seasense”)   67 m.   Shipyard   ITALY   2017
  • S/Y Seven   60 m.   Shipyard   ITALY   2017
  • M/Y 295′ (Confidential Project)   90 m.   Riccardo del Chiaro   USA   2016
  • M/Y FB 262 (Benetti “Lionheart”)   93 m.   Green & Mingarelli Design   ITALY   2016
  • S/Y C2227 (Perini “Sybaris”)   72 m.   PH. DESIGN   ITALY   2016
  • M/Y FB 802 (Benetti)   46 m.   Benetti   ITALY   2016
  • M/Y FB 264 (Benetti “Waku”)   65 m.   F. M. Architect   ITALY   2015
  • M/Y FB 265 (Benetti “11/11″)   65 m.   Benetti   ITALY   2015
  • M/Y FB 255 (Benetti “Formosa”)   63 m.   Sinot   ITALY   2015
  • M/Y Imagine (Trinity Yachts T062) – 190´   59 m.   Sylvie Charest   USA   2015
  • M/Y FB 266 (Benetti “Genesis”)   55 m.   Benetti   ITALY   2015
  • M/Y Pick Up (San Lorenzo)   48 m.   S. Lorenzo   ITALY   2015
  • SL 122 (M/Y Shellest)   46m   S. Lorenzo   ITALY   2015
  • M/Y Only One (Baglietto)   46 m.   F. Paszkowski   ITALY   2015
  • FB 140 (Benetti)   45 m.   RWD   ITALY   2015
  • M/Y 35M011 (Princess Yachts)   35 m.   François Zuretti   UK   2015
  • M/Y 400´ (Confidential Project)   120 m.   Jonny Horsfield   GREECE   2014
  • M/Y FB 257 (Benetti “Illusion”)   58 m.   P. Mingarelli   ITALY   2014
  • FB 503 (Benetti)   45 m.   Shipyard   ITALY   2014
  • M/Y FB 263 (Benetti “Ocean Paradise”)   56 m.   Mauro Izzo   ITALY   2013
  • M/Y FB 260 (Benetti “Lady Candy”)   56 m.   Central Yacht   ITALY   2013
  • M/Y FB 258 (Benetti “Lady Michelle”)   54 m.   François Zuretti   ITALY   2013
  • M/Y FB 253 (Benetti “Diamonds Are Forever”)   64 m.   Evan K. Marshall   ITALY   2012
  • M/Y Amy 2 (Mariotti)   54 m.   Luca Dini   ITALY   2012
  • M/Y FB 254 (Benetti “Seanna”)   65 m.   Redman Whiteley Dixon   ITALY   2011
  • M/Y FB 252 (Benetti “Nataly”)   65 m.   Redman Whiteley Dixon   ITALY   2011
  • M/Y FB 247 (Benetti “Silver Angel”)   65 m.   Stefano Natucci   ITALY   2010
  • M/Y FB 244 (Benetti “Bistango”)   62 m.   A. Massari   ITALY   2010
  • M/Y FB 249 (Benetti “Adora”)   62 m.   Claude Missir   ITALY   2010
  • M/Y FB 248 (Benetti “Lyana”)   60 m.   Shipyard   ITALY   2010
  • M/Y FB 251 (Benetti “Ulysses”)   56 m.   D. Gavagnin   ITALY   2010
  • M/Y Imagine (Trinity Yachts T053 160´)   50 m.   Sylvie Charest   ITALY   2010
  • M/Y FB 246 (Benetti “Lady Illusion”)   46 m.   Green & Mingarelli Design   ITALY   2010
  • M/Y FB 243 (Benetti “Lady Lara”)   60 m.   A. Massari   ITALY   2009
  • M/Y FB 241 (Benetti “Dinasty”)   60 m.   A. Massari   ITALY   2008
  • M/Y FB 242 (Benetti “Meamina”)   60 m.   A. Massari   ITALY   2008
  • M/Y FB 239 (Benetti “Xanadu”)   60 m.   Andrew Winch   ITALY   2008
  • M/Y FB 237 (Benetti “Latinou”)   56 m.   Mauro Izzo   ITALY   2008
  • M/Y Broward 125   38 m.   Evan K. Marshall   USA   2008
  • M/Y Serque (Broward 122´)   38 m.   Pavilk Design   ITALY   2008
  • M/Y BC 111 (Benetti “Beverly2″)   37 m.   François Zuretti   FRANCE   2008
  • M/Y BC 112 (Benetti “Quest”)   37 m.   François Zuretti   DENMARK   2008
  • M/Y Akir 110′ (Cantieri di Pisa “Feligo 5”)   33,5 m.   F. Paszkowski   ITALY   2008
  • M/Y FB 240 (Benetti “Wind”)   60 m.   A. Massari   ITALY   2007
  • M/Y FB 234 (Benetti “Anna Eva”)   56 m.   François Zuretti   ITALY   2007
  • M/Y Couach Yacht   37 m.   Shipyard   FRANCE   2007
  • M/Y Broward 120´/2   36 m.   Evan K Marshall   USA   2007
  • M/Y Tuscan Sun (Izar)   45 m.   Luiz De Basto   SPAIN   2006
  • M/Y Broward 120´/1   36 m.   Evan K Marshall   ITALY   2006
  • M/Y Day-Boat (Danish Yacht “Moon Goodes”)   35 m.   François Zuretti   DENMARK   2006
  • M/Y Tradition 10 (Benetti)   30 m.   François Zuretti   ITALY   2006
  • M/Y Tradition 12 (Benetti)   30 m.   François Zuretti   ITALY   2006
  • M/Y Tradition 15 (Benetti)   30 m.   François Zuretti   ITALY   2006
  • M/Y FB 232 (Benetti “Galaxy”)   55 m.   Stefano Natucci   SPAIN   2005
  • M/Y Insigna (ex Hanse)   55 m.   Luiz De Basto   ITALY   2005
  • M/Y Lighea (Fipa Maiora)   42 m.   Roberto Del Re   ITALY   2005
  • M/Y Akir 125′ (Cantieri di Pisa “Kintaro”)   42 m.   Geroges Vafiadis   ITALY   2005
  • M/Y Adler   41,5 m.   Luiz de Basto   DUBAI   2005
  • M/Y Tradition 6 (Benetti)   30 m.   François Zuretti   ITALY   2005
  • M/Y Tradition 7 (Benetti)   30 m.   François Zuretti   ITALY   2005
  • M/Y Tradition 8 (Benetti)   30 m.   François Zuretti   ITALY   2005
  • M/Y Tradition 9 (Benetti)   30 m.   François Zuretti   ITALY   2005
  • M/Y Maiora (Fipa Maiora)   38 m.   Roberto Del Re   USA   2004
  • M/Y Tradition 3 (Benetti)   30 m.   François Zuretti   ITALY   2004
  • M/Y Tradition 4 (Benetti)   30 m.   François Zuretti   ITALY   2004
  • M/Y Tradition 5 (Benetti)   30 m.   François Zuretti   ITALY   2004
  • M/Y BV 02 (Benetti “More”)   45 m.   François Zuretti   SPAIN   2003
  • M/Y Tradition 1 (Benetti)   30 m.   François Zuretti   ITALY   2003
  • M/Y Tradition 2 (Benetti)   30 m.   François Zuretti   ITALY   2003
  • M/Y Genesis 153´   46,5 m.   Luiz De Basto   ITALY   2002
  • M/Y BV 01 (Benetti “Patricia”)   45 m.   François Zuretti   ITALY   2002
  • M/Y 72 C08 (Alalunga)   24 m.   Shipyard   ITALY   2002
  • M/Y Falcon 1 (Port of Dubai)   40 m.   Owner   ITALY   2001
  • M/Y 72 C07 (Alalunga)   24 m.   Shipyard   ITALY   2001
  • M/Y Amnesia (Benetti)   50 m.   Stefano Natucci   USA   2000
  • M/Y Reverie (Benetti)   70 m.   John Munford   ITALY   1999
  • M/Y Lionheart (Benetti)   50 m.   Stefano Natucci   ITALY   1999
  • M/Y Destiny 94´   28,5 m.   Evan K. Marshal   ITALY   1998
  • S/Y Mayreau 112′ (Valdettaro)   34 m.   Laurent Giles   ITALY   1996
  • S/Y Baliceaux 112′ (Valdettaro)   34 m.   Laurent Giles   ITALY   1995
  • S/Y Sarabande 112′ (Valdettaro)   34 m.   Laurent Giles   ITALY   1995
  • M/Y Series of 35 yachts in the US & Italy   various sizes   Chris Craft, Azimut   ITALY/USA   1995/97
  • M/Y 42 mt (Baglietto)   42 m.   Anselmi Boretti   ITALY   1994
  • S/Y Serenade 110′ (Valdettaro)   33 m.   Laurent Giles   ITALY   1994
  • S/Y Parsifal 110′ (Valdettaro)   33 m.   Laurent Giles   ITALY   1992
  • M/Y Morgan (Baglietto)   30 m.   Anselmi Boretti   USA   1992
  • S/Y Chorus 110′ (Valdettaro)   33 m.   Laurent Giles   ITALY   1991
  • M/Y Barbarossa (San Germani)   30 m.   Anselmi Boretti   ITALY   1991
  • M/Y Secondo Pensiero (San Germani)   30 m.   Anselmi Boretti   ITALY   1990
  • M/Y Altair   59 m.     ITALY   2018
  • M/Y Galaxy   56 m.     ITALY   2018
  • M/Y Renegade   50 m.     ITALY   2018
  • M/Y Hana   43 m.     ITALY   2018
  • M/Y Chopi Chopi   80 m.     ITALY   2018
  • S/Y Taouey   58 m.     ITALY   2017
  • M/Y Brave Love One   43 m.     ITALY   2017
  • M/Y Harmony   52 m.     ITALY   2017
  • M/Y Lioness V   64 m.     ITALY   2017
  • M/Y Andreas L   60 m.     ITALY   2017
  • M/Y Albatros (Delta Yachts)   72 m.   François Zuretti   ITALY   2016
  • M/Y Azteca (CRN)   72 m.   Genesis   ITALY   2016
  • M/Y Essence (San Lorenzo 104′)   32 m.   Edwin Berrios   ITALY   2016
  • M/Y Highlander (Feadship Yacht)   49 m.   JDG   ITALY   2016
  • M/Y Mustang Sally (Trinity Yachts 161´)   49 m.   Genesis   ITALY   2015
  • M/Y MAG III (145´)   44,2 m.   Genesis   USA   2014
  • M/Y Rima   46 m.   New Cruise   ITALY   2012
  • M/Y Audacia (Feadship-Ex Confidante)   46 m.   Genesis   ITALY   2008
  • M/Y Impulsive (Norship 116´)   36 m.   Paola Smith   USA   2008
  • M/Y White Star (Trinity Yachts 155´)   47 m.   Shipyard   ITALY   2007
  • M/Y Paradigm (Benetti Classic 115´)   35 m.   Genesis   USA   2007
  • M/Y Giant I (245´) Refit/Interior   70 m.   Shipyard   ITALY   2004
  • M/Y Jana (Magnum 70´) Refit/Interior   21 m.   Luiz De Basto   GREECE   2004
  • M/Y Intrigue (V/N Esterel 120´)   36 m.   Paola Smith   USA   1997
  • M/Y Istranka (Valdettaro)   45 m.   Shipyard   ITALY   1993


  • Private Villa       New Project   MOSCOW   2021
  • Private Villa       Studio Tecnico Yachtline   MOSCOW   2021
  • Private apartment       Mauro Izzo   MOSCOW   2020
  • Private Villa       New Project   MOSCOW   2019
  • Reception – Swire Properties       Tom Sloan   HONG KONG   2019
  • Law Firm Office       Green & Mingarelli Design   MONTECARLO   2018
  • Restaurant in London       Del Chiaro Riccardo   UK   2017
  • Hyde Park, London       Owner   UK   2016
  • Villa in Sarteano, Tuscany       Florencia Costa   ITALY   2015
  • Manhattan, New York       Owner   USA   2015
  • Montecarlo, MC       Yachtline1618   MC   2014
  • Villa in Singapore       Mauro Izzo   SINGAPORE   2014
  • French | fr
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  • Italian | it
  • Spanish | es
  • English | en
  • Zodiac Nautic

Access to the inaccessible is possible. The Yachtline 440 will be your best friend for exploring coves and idyllic spots that are difficult to reach with a large boat. Its maximum power of 60 HP will delight those who love racing!

  • 14'5" Length
  • 602 lbs Weight
  • 60 HP Max Power
  • 15 gal Fuel Tank
  • 6 Persons Max

Standard equipment

  • Removable Tube
  • 1 Battery switch
  • 1 GRP Bow Roller
  • 1 GRP Bow Roller w/ Navigation Lights
  • 1 Pressure Gauge
  • 57L Built-in Fuel Tank + Fuel Gauge
  • Automatic bilge pump
  • Battery box
  • Boarding Ladder
  • Double Pilot/Co-pilot Seat
  • Easy Push valves
  • Extinguisher Recess
  • Interior Fabric Handles
  • Manual Pump
  • Mechanical Steering System
  • Navigation Lights
  • Passenger Seats w/ Removable Upholstered Cushion
  • Console with Wheel
  • V-shaped Fiberglass Hull w/ Built-in Flaps
  • Non-Skid Moulded Deck
  • Mooring Compartment
  • Large Rubbing Strake
  • Lateral Locker
  • 1 Bow D Ring
  • 2 Aft Tie-down Points
  • 1 Self-Bailer
  • 1 Bow Cleat
  • 2 Inox Aft Cleats
  • EVA kit on bow roller and wings
  • 3 Lifting Points
  • Stainless Steel Handrail on Console (360/400/440)

Options & accessories

Manuals & documents, other models in the range yachtline.


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  1. Homepage

    Teak, rovere, titanio e pelle danno vita ad uno stile inimitabile, armonizzato dalla luce e dalla freschezza del mare. L' attività si concentra in una parola unica: Interiors. Yachtline 1618 è leader nella produzione di arredi per mega yachts e nella costruzione d'interni per ville esclusive.

  2. Homepage

    Yachtline Arredomare 1618 spa - P.I. IT01298310507 REA MI-2623672 - Cap. soc. 15.000.000€ ...

  3. Facilities

    Bientina is the company headquarters; heart and mind of Yachtline 1618. Located in Tuscany, only 30 minutes from Pisa airport, and between Florence and Viareggio, it sits on a land rich in history, traditions and craftsmanship, in the cradle of the Tuscan savoir faire. The spaces are knowledgeably set out to favour and optimise the production ...

  4. How Italian Artisans and Furniture Makers Give Yachts an Interior Life

    Yachtline 1618. The interiors firm Yachtline 1618 has two production sites on the outskirts of Pisa, both of which you are welcome to visit via helicopter. "Our factories are equipped with ...

  5. New beginnings for Genesis Yachtline

    As a result, contracts have continued to be signed, and underway at the new Pisa facility, is an interior for a 58m Trinity superyacht, a 103m fully SOLAS-compliant superyacht and a 122m superyacht; all big projects aided by the scale of the 9,295sqm factory. The new Genesis Yachtline Pisa facility. "The new facility is a state-of-the-art design.

  6. Yachtline Arredomare 1618

    Yachtline Arredomare 1618; Info. Settore: Furniture: Sede: Toscana - Pisa - Bientina: Sito web: Rassegna stampa: leggi : Descrizione. Yachtline is a leading player at global level in the segment of turn-key high-standing furniture for mega-yachts. Being active for more than 30 years, it employs over 200 technicians and ...

  7. Yachtline 1618 SpA

    Yachtline 1618 SpA. 633 likes. YACHTLINE1618 is a world-leading producer of furnishings for mega and giga yachts and creator of int

  8. Roberto Lottini on what Makes Italians such Great Craftsmen

    From the start, Pisa-based Genesis Yachtline built full-scale mock-ups of interiors for clients to review and to ensure quick installation. In 2005, the company developed a fit-lock wall and panelling system that makes the yacht more manageable and easier to maintain. In 2010, they began using barcodes to identify every component installed ...

  9. Yachtline 1618 cresce con gli arredi di lusso

    Ora la Yachtline 1618 di Bientina (Pisa), che fa capo a Fiorenzo Bandecchi e Enrico Ciacchini, fa un altro passo avanti nella diversificazione: l'azienda (nata nel 1924 come falegnameria) ha ...

  10. Informazioni

    Pisa - Italy +39 0587 755931 [email protected]. La proprietà offre anche pista elicottero Lat. 43° 43′ 39,68″ N. Lon. 10° 38′ 07,29″ E. SITO MOCK-UP. Via Matteotti, 21 56010 Vicopisano Fraz Lugnano - Pisa - Italy. ... Yachtline Arredomare 1618 spa - P.I. IT01298310507


    For instance, Yachtline of Pisa, a global leader in producing fittings for mega and gigayachts, supplies not only local shipyards but also major international players like Lürssen. Similarly, Gianneschi Pumps and Blowers, a key market player in the global marine industry, provides pumps and blowers for luxury yachts, workboats and small ...

  12. Yachtline Arredomare 1618

    Yachtline Arredomare 1618 SpA. Yachtline 1618 is the world leading company in the production of luxury interiors for mega yachts and is the right partner for any owner who is wishing to renovate and refurbish his yacht and or fit-out an entirely new vessel. Yachtline 1618 proven records allow for the planning and build of new interiors or the ...

  13. Yachtline 1618 Spa in Vicopisano, Province of Pisa

    Yachtline 1618 Spa is a Furniture manufacturer located at Via Giacomo Matteotti, 21, Vicopisano, Province of Pisa 56010, IT. It is listed under Furniture manufacturer category. It has received 0 reviews with an average rating of stars.

  14. Marina di Pisa: beaches, what to see, how to get there

    Marina di Pisa is one of the main seaside resorts in the province of Pisa. Together with the nearby Tirrenia it is considered by the Pisans to be the seaside destination par excellence. From an administrative point of view, Marina di Pisa is part of the Municipality of Pisa. The city is located about 10 kilometers away from the capital, near ...

  15. Homepage

    With over 25 years of experience as a luxury interior manufacturer, Viareggio-based shipyard Genesis Yachts is your premier choice for new yacht construction, professional yacht fitting-out, refitting and custom yacht interiors.

  16. References yachts

    Yachtline Arredomare 1618 spa - P.I. IT01298310507 REA MI-2623672 - Cap. soc. 15.000.000€

  17. Cantieri di Pisa Just Unveiled the First Yacht in the New Polaris Line

    The Polaris 48 is the first in Cantieri di Pisa's new line of steel and aluminum superyachts. Published on May 31, 2024. By Rachel Cormack. Cantieri di Pisa. Cantieri di Pisa became famous during ...

  18. Gamme Zodiac Yachtline

    YACHTLINE 490. The biggest. At 4.90m and 90 HP, it can be used as a main boat for up to 9 people. It can also tow water-skiers or wakeboarders. Discover. Go back to all the ranges. Diving boats and RIBs. Get on board your diving boat and go exploring the seabed. The….

  19. References

    Yachtline Arredomare 1618 spa - P.I. IT01298310507 REA MI-2623672 - Cap. soc. 15.000.000€

  20. YACHTLINE 440

    YACHTLINE 440. YACHTLINE 440. Access to the inaccessible is possible. The Yachtline 440 will be your best friend for exploring coves and idyllic spots that are difficult to reach with a large boat. Its maximum power of 60 HP will delight those who love racing! 14'5" Length. 6'1" Beam. 602 lbs Weight. 60 HP Max Power.