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J.P. Morgan's Corsair IV

When J.P. Morgan Junior took delivery of the Corsair IV   in 1930, she was the largest and most luxurious private yacht ever built in the USA. Morgan used her for a decade, mainly on the East Coast and in the Caribbean, before gifting her to the British Admiralty to help with the war effort.

After WWII she re-entered service as a cruise ship, plying routes in Alaska and from Long Beach California down to Mexico. The photo below shows her in Vancouver, 1948. Less than a year later she struck a rock and sank in shallow waters off Acapulco.

JP Morgan's Corsair IV

The story began in 1882 when J.P. Morgan Senior, one of the world's richest men and an avid yachtsman, bought the 185-foot steamship Corsair . He then commissioned the bigger, faster and more luxurious Corsair II   (which the US Navy conscripted into service as a gunboat during the Spanish-American War) and the 304-foot Corsair III ,  a superyacht that featured a full-beam library, cases of wine and brandy, and humidors stocked with Cuban cigars.

Each of these three yachts generated great publicity, but media attention was particularly intense when the Corsair III was launched in 1898. It was at this time that Morgan made one of the most famous comments ever recorded. When a journalist asked him how much it would cost to operate a yacht of this size, Morgan replied:

Sir, if you have to ask that question, you can't afford it.

J.P. Morgan Senior

The Corsair IV

The Corsair IV was commissioned by J.P. Morgan Junior and built at Bath Iron Works, Maine. When she was launched in April 1930 she measured 343 feet in length and was the largest private yacht ever constructed in the USA. Nicknamed the "Princess of the Sea", she was an object of beauty with her black hull, clipper bow and elegant teak interiors. Morgan adored her, and reveled in the privacy she afforded him. One of his annual guests while cruising in Europe was the UK's Archbishop of Canterbury, and on one memorable occasion the two of them sailed across the Mediterranean to the Holy Land.

Following the outbreak of WWII and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, most privately-owned yachts in America were requisitioned by the US Maritime Commission and converted for use as gunships or patrol boats. For reasons which aren't entirely clear, Morgan gave the Corsair IV not to the US Navy but to the British Admiralty. Based in Bermuda, she served out the war as a patrol ship in the Western Atlantic.

Life as a Cruise Ship

After the war there was a dearth of cruise ships on America's West Coast. Many of the great Canadian Pacific and Japanese liners that serviced this coastline in the 1920s and 1930s had been lost in sea battles or fallen victim to mines. To plug this gap, the Pacific Cruise Lines company was formed in 1946 and promptly snapped up J.P. Morgan's Corsair IV . The yacht was re-named Corsair and taken to Canada to be converted to a luxury cruise liner.

With accommodation for 82 passengers and a crew of 76, the new Corsair exuded luxury. Staterooms were not only bigger and better equipped than rival ships, they were fitted with carpets and air-conditioning (almost unheard of at the time), and included furnishings made from the finest materials. The Corsair debuted in September 1947, offering two-week cruises from California to Acapulco. Ticket prices were high, but in booming post-war America, so was the demand.

SS Corsair Cruise Ship

The Corsair was a great success. Her cruises sold out well in advance and her popularity exceeded anything her new owners had imagined. Before long she switched from Mexico to Alaska and became the first ship to offer luxury cruises to the Inside Passage. Soon after she reverted to Mexico, the Panama Canal and across the Caribbean to Havana. And then tragedy struck: in November 1949 the Corsair hit a rock off the coast of Acapulco and sank. Fortunately none of her 55 passengers or crew were harmed.

Made in China: the Nero

In the early years of this century, British entrepreneur Neil Taylor began hunting for a classic yacht to restore and re-model along the lines of the Corsair IV . When he couldn't find what he wanted, Taylor set up his own company, Corsair Yachts, and commissioned a near replica of J.P. Morgan's yacht from Yantai Raffles Shipyard in China. Launched in 2008, the sleek, black-hulled superyacht was christened Nero . The following year she triumphed in the "Best Motor Yacht Over 75 Metres" category at the ShowBoats Design Awards.

Nero Yacht

In 2014 the Nero was bought by Irish billionaire Denis O'Brien. Two years later he had her refurbished in Spain, requesting that she be brought up to European standards and given a classic, contemporary elegance. The Nero is now available for summer charters in the Mediterranean and winter service in the Caribbean & Bahamas. Since her introduction to the charter circuit she has won praise for her fusion of old-world charm and tasteful styling, with many clients commenting positively on her spacious interiors, Ralph Lauren decor and relaxed living environments.

Nero Yacht Interior

Pinnacle Marine New Zealand

We have years of practical experience dealing with luxury yachts and are supported by a network of contacts throughout the industry. If you would like more information about luxury yachts, or anything else connected to the world of yachting, please feel free to contact us.

Grace, Michael (2008), The Tragic Life of the Corsair IV , New York Social Diary

Merl, Risa (2017), Nero: Inside the 90m Modern Classic Superyacht's MB92 Refit , Boat International

Viju, Mathew (2016), Eight Ways J.P. Morgan Defined the Good Life , Robb Report

Wisner, Bill (1975), The Golden Age of Yachts , Motor Boating and Sailing

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At Auction: Nautical Curiosities from J.P. Morgan’s Corsair

corsair yacht jp morgan

The second in a series of enormous steam yachts named Corsair was built for J.P. Morgan in 1890 by Neafie & Levy of Philadelphia, replacing an earlier craft used by the financier as a ferry between his Hudson River estate and office on Wall St. In 1897 the 241-ft. Corsair II became the flagship of the famed New York Yacht Club when Morgan was elected Commodore; in 1898 it was bought by the government and renamed the USS Gloucester , serving as a gunship in the Spanish-American War. Morgan, who commissioned an even larger Corsair to replace it, entertained great men of the day from Teddy Roosevelt and Thomas Edison to Mark Twain aboard the floating mansions fitted with every possible luxury.

Corsair with a Flagship banner. Some 220 pieces of it will be included in an historic sale of nautical curiosities from the various Corsairs and more at Boston Harbor Auctions on May 1. Other items from Morgan’s collection include a silver Tiffany & Co. cigar cutter designed in the Corsair ‘s crescent and star motif; his mahogany poker set complete with ivory chips; Boston-made brass ship’s clocks; embroidered table linens; specially bottled Scotch whisky and engraved tumblers; canvas covered wicker provisions trunks; and even a classic wooden launch from the Corsair III (pictured below in front of the NYYC in Newport). Not a bad haul….

Jared Paul Stern is the editor of Driven .

corsair yacht jp morgan

All photos courtesy Boston Harbor Auctions.

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Comments on “ at auction: nautical curiosities from j.p. morgan’s corsair ”.

Cute house.

Amazing. The interior is a wonder, I’m sure. I’ve been on Victorian Yachts at the Museum in Newport. Pianos, red velvet sofas. I can only imagine what’s in there.

Very cool. Great find MW.

Sweet! Bit of fun: the on-line catalog of the Morgan Library is called “Corsair.”

Jamie Dimon should buy it all.

I love the simplicity of the poker chips.

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Personal items revealing j.p. morgan's opulent life at sea to be sold.

  • Artifacts to be sold from J.P. Morgan's yacht reveal high life of 19th-century American elite
  • Items include silver sculpted lamp, ivory poker chips and hundreds of pieces of rare china
  • Auction organizer says items show personal side of man known for exquisite taste
  • Morgan commissioned the 241-foot yacht "Corsair II" in 1890

(CNN) -- Artifacts from the megayacht of 19th-century financier J.P. Morgan are to be sold this weekend at an auction set to reveal how one of America's most influential men enjoyed life aboard his second home on the high seas.

Commissioned by Morgan in 1890, the 241-foot yacht "Corsair II" played host to many of the era's richest and most prominent figures, including U.S. presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William Taft, billionaire tycoons John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, as well as light-bulb inventor Thomas Edison.

Although the "Corsair II" has been long-since scrapped for parts, intimate items from the elegant, wood-paneled yacht will be auctioned Sunday in Boston -- with some lots expected to achieve bids in excess of $200,000.

The hundreds of artifacts for sale range from hand-crafted bone china bearing the Morgan family crest, to specially designed Tiffany cigar-cutters, to a vast and intricate silver lamp carved in the shape of a mythological dolphin and -- most luxurious of all -- a fully restored 30-foot launch boat.

But for Larry Lannan, owner of Boston Harbor Auctions , who will be handling the sale, the standout item is stored in a velvet-lined box with the "Corsair" flag embossed in silver: Morgan's set of ivory poker chips.

"The man loved poker and was known to play high stakes with all the heavyweight industrialists, financiers and politicians of the day," said Lannan.

"Imagine the hands that have touched these chips -- the likes of Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford. Just imagine all the late-night cigar-fueled drama in the middle of the sea, the fortunes won and lost!"

John Pierpont Morgan dominated the world of corporate finance throughout the late 1800s until his death at the turn of the century, but was also renowned for his passion of and investment in the arts, once stating: "No price is too great for a work of unquestioned beauty and known authenticity."

While Morgan filled rooms with masterpieces of fine art and collections of expensive gems, "most of it he never touched," said Lannan. "What we have here is a selection of very personal belongings that he and his closest circle would have handled on a daily basis -- his whiskey tumblers, tea cups, his chess table."

But, though prosaic, they are no less refined. The 220 pieces of china on auction were specifically tailored to Morgan's demands by English firm Mintons -- who at the time supplied crockery to the royal family.

"The blue trim with the gold accents and the Morgan signature flag of a crescent moon and star alongside the New York Yacht Club burgee -- all this would have been to Morgan's specific wishes," Lannan revealed. "He was certainly a man of highly particular tastes."

And for those who'd like to know what success really tasted like in the 19th century, then the auction also contains a rare bottle of J & G Stewart Scotch whiskey direct from Morgan's cellar.

"I'm not sure that it'll actually taste very nice," conceded Lannan. "So I hope whoever buys it won't be doing so for the flavor!"

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Old Long Island

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

J.p. morgan jr.'s corsair.

corsair yacht jp morgan


Glamorous photo. As Morgan Sr. once said, "if you have to ask, you probably can't afford it"

Incidentally, Corsair was built at the Bath Shipyard here in Maine. We look at it in this photo and we're moved both by its graceful lines, and its tasteful opulence. What isn't entirely clear is its size: At 343 feet, it was likely around 150 feet and more LONGER than the Morgan house at Matinecock Point. Think about it.

Aaargh, I didn't mean to comment three times, but forgot to include this link to a good article about Corsair:

I don't own a hardcopy of this photo but it was among a number that sold at auction a few months ago that were part of a larger collection of Morgan family yachting possessions. Also sold was this beautiful trophy from J.P. and E.D. Morgan's racing yacht 'Columbia' (an America's Cup Defender):

Today's word verification, "prime", is so appropriate for the subject of today's post. Also, great commuter yachton right of photo. My dad often told us about how he and his friends used to canoe under the bow of this magnificent yacht (while it was at anchor, of course). If any of you ever get to visit the Model Room of the New York Yacht Club, there is a large scale model of the Corsair (once the NYYC flagship)on display that is incredible. It features "cutaways" in the hull that allow you to peak into stateroom, head, coal bin, etc. Memorable, to say the least. OFLI

OFLI, I have indeed seen the model of Corsair at NYYC. Just extraordinary---as are so many of the models in that equally extraordinary room. There is also a magnificent model of the Corsair at the Maine Maritime Museum in Bath. It was made for the lobby of the Bath Ironworks, where Corsair was built. The fittings on that model are of gold to imitate the brass ones on the actual boat. Also on file at the Museum are the plans for Corsair. The various Corsairs plied Maine waters often---Mrs. Morgan Sr. and two of Morgan's Jr.s sisters all summered there (as did Morgan Sr.'s mistress), and the local Society columns of the day are full of tales of dinners held aboard the yacht, with sparkling guest lists, and tales of launches back and forth to shore. In his memoirs, Louis Auchincloss tells a marvelous tale of one Bar Harbor summer when his parents were summoned to dinner (his father sometime represented some of the Morgan interests). His mother, already invited to another party, made a social lie to her hostess of the sort that we're encouraged not to make as children, thus enabling them to go to the Morgan party. When called up by her children for the hypocrisy, she said that someday they would understand the necessity.

JP Morgan Chase owns a collection of dinnerware from the Corsair- terribly chic and elegant, emblazoned with the Corsair's flags (I think there's a nautical term for those triangular flags, but it escapes me) and comprising all sorts of items that no self respecting plutocrat would set to sea without: bouillon cups, oyster plates, celery dishes and the like.

DED, I'v driven past the Bath Iron works, but unfortunately, did not get a chance to stop in. I spent a few days at Small Point, Beautiful, but as one cruising book put it "... has mosquitos the size of sea gulls". Magnus, The small triangular flag you're referring to might be a burgee. For those of you interested in steam yachts, I would recommend the coffee table book, "The Steam Yachts: An Era of Elegance", by Erik Hoffman. Very nice book. In addition to the Ocean going yachts, it also features fast commuters, also owned by many of the North Shore's finest (such as the one pictured near the Corsair). On a nice day, it sure beatsa private train car or limo. OFLI

Magnus, love the details about the Corsair service. Quite remarkable, given the generally more casual air about even high end yachting nowadays, to think of the Morgans and their guests properly dressed for dinner, sitting down to delicate cups of consomme. The last time I was on a big yacht, a few months ago, it was ketchup bottles all the way. On the other hand, my great-grandfather, who was not particularly fancy in the big scheme of things, never went sailing without a tie, right into the 1960's. That era is very gone. OFLI, I have personally never seen a mosquito bigger than a sparrow up here, but I have heard of larger. I remember a summer evening many years ago, much too warm. I went down to the yacht club with the idea that I'd row a dinghy out to the center of the harbor and enjoy the still evening twilight. You'd think I'd know better in Maine at dusk in the summer. I lasted less than five minutes. I still remember the sound, like a million little dive bombers. It was like a scene in a horror movie---think 'The Birds' recast with mosquitoes.

I'm never clear on Morgan, Morgan Jr. - who owned "Matinecock Point"? Did Sr. first have property, then Jr. inherited? If I read the upside-down date(1894) stamped on copy I have - this yacht is Corsair II. Corsair I was a 185-foot purchase(1882) from Charles J. Osborn(Jay Gould's private banker}. Corsair II was 241-feet, commissioned after his father died around 1890. Designed by J. Frederick Tams and John Beavor-Webb. Corsair III was 304 feet built in 1899 by T. S. Marvel of Newburgh, NY. Corsair IV built at the Bath Works in 1929 was 343 feet. Link to captain's log on a early voyage -

Half & Half, Morgan Sr.'s country estate was on the west bank of the Hudson River. As far as I know he never owned Matinecock.

O(F)LI: Burgee- yes. Thank you

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With Reuben Goossens

Maritime Historian, Author, Cruise‘n’Ship Reviewer and Maritime Lecturer

Please Note : All ssMaritime and other related maritime & cruise sites are 100% non-commercial and privately owned. Be assured that I am NOT associated with any shipping or cruise companies or travel or cruise agencies, etc! Although having been in the passenger shipping industry since 1960, I am now retired but having completed features on well over 700 Classic Liners and Cargo-Passengers Ships, I trust these will continue to provide you the classic ship enthusiast the information you are seeking, but above all a great deal of pleasure!  

SS Corsair IV

We see the ship here as the 1947 Pacific Cruise Lines SS Corsair having been sold

and completely renovated into a passenger ship from a private luxury yacht – Corsair IV

For many years the author had a folder somewhere in the system containing the ships details as well as a series of photographs of this remarkable small classic vessel. She certainly was not one of the great liners of the world, for she was built and designed to be a luxury yacht that would later become a deluxe cruise ship. Many of my regular readers may say that this ship does not fit the profile of, however, I believe that this delightful ship has a special place in maritime history, for sadly so little has been written about her! It was only due to an email received from a reader with an enquiry regarding this ship, which prompted me to write and compile this story, and I trust that it will be greatly enjoyed by those who read it, although the Corsair did have a tragic end!

Background to her building:

The story starts with the famed Business tycoon J. Pierpont Morgan and his son, Jack Morgan who had built three fine yachts in their days. All of them had been named Corsair & Corsair II & III . Like any great man of wealth and power each yacht be bigger, faster and even more luxurious than the previous one. Because of this, the family created massive media attention each time a new yacht was launched and when the last ship was launched a rather famous quote became a byword for many in the world of the rich. For when asked “Sir how much will it cost to operate a boat of this size” Mr. Morgan’s response was, “Sir, if you have to ask that question, you can’t afford it.”

J. P. Morgan Snr

Mr Morgan senior boarding the first SS Corsair

In 1927 the Morgan’s were already thinking of a new addition, the Corsair IV, which would be constructed at the Maine Shipyards. She cost US$2.5 million, being the equivalent of around 60 million plus in today’s terms. This new ship would be the Morgan’s largest yacht ever, but also the largest yacht to have been built in the U.S.A. She had an overall length of 104.55m / 343ft, although her official registered length was 91.4 m / 300ft. She was listed as: 2,142 GRT (Gross Registered Tons).

The Morgan’s had a love for the traditional yachts and even a touch of the pirate look in the designs. This was obvious in the Corsair IV, as she was a long, sleek looking, dark and heavy below, with a stylised superstructure that was lighter and to be envied!

Her Launching:

When she was ready for launching in 1930, Jack Morgan Junior hired three private railway cars which were filled with family and friends, and transported them all the Bath Iron Works Maine shipyards for the grand occasion. The launching was a great event and was covered by all the media of the day, considering the Great Depression had already begun.

The sleek looking motor yacht Corsair IV slips into the water  with a multitude of onlookers

 The SS Corsair is seen being fitted out beside her builders at Bath Maine

Photograph is owned and was provided by Mr. Mark Pennington

Mr. Mark Pennington wrote the author and stated: “My grandfather Ferdinand G. Dumais (Bud) worked at the Bath Iron Works during the construction of the SS Corsair and I have included two images he has left to me for your viewing and use. I only recently became aware of the identity of the ship and its owner through conversation with Mr. Nathan R. Lipfert, who is the Senior Curator of the “ Maine Maritime Museum ” in Bath Maine .”

A water colour image of the SS Corsair just after her completion

Image is owned and was provided by Mr. Mark Pennington

The author is most grateful to Mr. Pennington for providing these rare images and advising us about his Grandfather’s involvement in her building.


The Corsair Story:

SS Corsair IV served the Morgan family faithfully for the ten years, sailing along the East Coast of the USA as well in the Caribbean and she took part for trans-Atlantic record-breaking crossings. However in 1940 the Corsair IV was handed over to British Admiralty to be used for the war effort. After the war was over she was laid up as the Morgan’s had no further plans for her.

  Here we see the SS Corsair IV completed and at sea looking simply splendid!

After World War II suddenly cruising had seemed to have become extremely popular amongst Americans who seemed to have money to spend on cruises, especially in the luxury end of the market. However at the time there were not any all first class ships that specialised in cruising, as most were liners that had two or three classed and operated on seasonal cruising. In addition, around half of the passenger ships had been sunk and those that had survived the war required extensive refurbishing and were needed on line voyages, and then even they would take several years before they would be back in service or new ships built. Well known North American Companies, such as American President Lines, Matson and Canadian Pacific Lines all took their time to get back to service. It took American President Lines three years to re-establish liner service to the Orient and it wasn’t until 1948 when Matson Line’s famous Lurline recommenced her Hawaii service.  Canadian Pacific also took their time, but they all sailed again in due time! But, none of these would be ready to operate cruises.

There were some business men in the shipping industry who had a good head on them and they had a good idea about the luxury cruise market, and thus the Skinner and Eddy Corporation who owned the Alaska Steamship Company in 1946 decided to form a new branch the Pacific Cruise Lines. They went looking for a ship and soon found the perfect ship for their needs, the Corsair IV. The former super luxury Morgan yacht was purchased reregistered Panamanian flag.

She was officially renamed Corsair , with the IV being dropped, was taken to the Todd Shipyards in New York where she received some minor repairs required at the time as well as an overhaul in the engine room.

SS Corsair’s engine room  – like the rest of the ship, it was spotless!

When these were completed she sailed to the Victoria Machinery Depot in Victoria , Canada , where a comprehensive conversion took place making her into a genuine luxury passenger cruise ship. Some of the most famous designers took part in her interiors, such as William F. Schorn & Associates of New York , who also worked on the famous liners SS Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay of McCormick Line. Every part of the ship, for now she was much more than just a yacht, but a glamorous ship, was redone in detail, but retaining the elegance befitting the luxury of the Corsair, but modernised with sublimely elegant surroundings for the ships passengers! When Skinner and Eddy Corporation of Pacific Cruise Lines planned a new ship, their plan was to offer to their cruise passenger one of the most luxurious cruise ship’s on the seas, and apparently they succeeded as the future booking would soon prove.

SS Corsair’s facilities:

Facilities on the new and glamorous SS Corsair were second to none . She had just 42 staterooms accommodating 82 passengers. Each of her staterooms was much larger and more luxurious than on almost any other ship afloat. Obviously there was no expense spared in furnishing and decorating them, with the finest materials, and all done with the best workmanship that was available in the USA . Each of the Corsair staterooms and suites featured luxury beds, as there were no passenger berths on her. In addition every stateroom and suite had a private bathroom.

The bedroom of a double bedded suite

The bedroom of a twin bedded stateroom

  Then lounge area of a twin bedded stateroom

SS Corsair had just over 40 stewards on board; however she did have a total of 76 crew members that is almost one per passenger, which is unheard of these days! Each passenger received individual attention and nothing was ever too much. Catering on board was the ultimate as some of the very top European chefs were hired to dish up their finest cuisine, and her food was lauded by everyone long after they had left the ship!

Stewards line up out on deck for inspection

One of the ships chefs ensuring the detail is perfect!

A gleaming galley

Her public rooms such as the Main Lounge, forward Observation Lounge, Cocktail Lounge, Restaurant and other on board venues were all luxuriously carpeted and fully air-conditioned as were all of her accommodations, bedrooms, sitting rooms and suites. The Morgan’s would have been very proud of her!

The Main Lounge

Forward Observation Lounge

Cocktail Lounge and Bar

The Thunderbird Restaurant

SS Corsair is ready to set sail:

Pacific Cruise Lines placed full-page advertisements for cruising on this super luxurious all first class SS Corsair in a popular Holiday magazine and the response was simply amazing. Suddenly bookings rolled in and before Pacific Cruise Lines knew it, they had a big waitlist on their hands. All was going well for their new ship! 

SS Corsair looking like a luxury cruise ship in her new all white livery

Note her hull enclosures and aft deck extensions

SS Corsair made her maiden voyage on September 29, 1947 as she departed on a two-week cruise from Long Beach , to Acapulco , via a variety of ports. The fare started from $600 per person, which was expensive for those days and it equalled, it is said “more than a quarter of the 1947 typical American family income” at that time. But this was a luxury cruise line and was aimed at the rich and her cruises were selling out well in advance. Her popularity as a luxury cruise ship was even bigger than her owners could have imagined, as countless letters proved from her passengers during the first twelve months of operation. The super luxury cruise ship, SS Corsair was a massive success, and she was to have a profitable long future ahead of her!

Above and below : The 1948/49 Acapulco  cruise brochure

Her Long Beach to Mexico cruises continued, however in the summer of 1948 Pacific Cruise Lines switched the Corsair to Alaska service, sailing out of Vancouver, British Columbia where she was the very first ship ever to provide a deluxe two-week cruise to the Inside Passage. In addition, there was another first for the Corsair Alaska cruises for they also had am especially chartered train transporting passengers from Whittier to famed McKinley National Park , which is now the norm with most cruise lines, but the Corsair was the forerunner of this operation!  

Above and below : The 1949 Alaska brochure

This season was followed by a series of cruises to Mexico and Havana , where she cruised the Gulf of California and the Panama Canalthis schedule was completed in the spring of 1949. She then returned to Alaska for a series of summer cruises, which was again repeated by a season of cruises to Mexico from Long Beach beginning in October 1949.

SS Corsair seen at Long Beach California

Passengers enjoying the cruising life on SS Corsair:

Passengers enjoying a drink aft of the ship on the “big bed”

An intimate moment on the aft “big bed” – still has that feel of a yacht!

Having fun up on deck

Tragedy struck the SS Corsair on November 12, 1949:

Then suddenly on November 12, 1949 whilst on a Mexican Riviera cruise, SS Corsair struck a rock and being in danger of sinking, she was beached at Acapulco . Her crew and all 55 passengers took to her lifeboats and went safely ashore.

Tragedy has struck as we see the Corsair on the rocks

This photograph is the property of “Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society”

Thus, thankfully there was no loss of life. The Corsair soon listed onto her starboard side, and her promenade deck was soon under water. She was examined by her marine experts and owners, however it was determined that the luxury cruise ship was a total loss, and thus she was abandoned to “Davy Jones’ locker.” Today divers go down and look at this once great lady of the sea and they can only imagine her grandeur that once was.

As we think of the countless ships that I have written on over the years, we must admit that this small luxury yacht come cruise ship is very special indeed. There have been very few ships that compare to this magnificent super luxury cruising yacht in these modern days, for they build massive ships well over 223,000 GRT that simply look more like hideous Condos, and square boxes with a hull under it. But 1. you will cruise with a crowd, and 2. None will any of those ship come even close   to equal the sublime elegance of the former J.P. Morgan yacht SS Corsair IV!

  Sadly the storm clouds says it all, her days are over!

The end to P. J. Morgan’s dream

Remembering the SS Corsair IV


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Launching of the yacht CORSAIR (IV) at Bath Iron Works, 1930

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Launching of the yacht CORSAIR (IV) at Bath Iron Works, 1930

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The steel-hulled, turbo-electric-powered CORSAIR was the fourth yacht by that name owned by J. P. Morgan and his family. CORSAIR (IV) was built by Bath Iron Works in Bath and was the largest yacht ever built in the U.S. She measured 2,142 gross tons, register length 300 feet, length over all 343 feet. Morgan used her for 10 years, mostly on the East Coast and in the West Indies. She was given to the British Royal Navy during World War II, and then was a luxury cruise ship on the West Coast until being wrecked near Acapulco in 1949.

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About This Item

  • Title: Launching of the yacht CORSAIR (IV) at Bath Iron Works, 1930
  • Creator: Perry Thompson
  • Creation Date: 1930-04-10
  • Subject Date: 1930-04-10
  • Location: Kennebec River, Bath, Sagadahoc County, ME
  • Media: Photographic print
  • Dimensions: 19 cm x 24 cm
  • Local Code: Neg. No. 03548
  • Collection: Photographic Reference Collection, PC-3
  • Object Type: Image

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To escape the often tempestuous financial scene, J.P. Morgan found solace on the sea and owned a series of yachts during the course of his lifetime. It is Morgan who, when asked the expense in maintaining such a vessel, is credited as saying the now cliché approximation of, “if you have to ask how much […]

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©The Morgan Library & Museum, Archives Collection

Corsair III in Vencie 1902

©The Morgan Library & Museum, Archives Collection

corsair yacht jp morgan

To escape the often tempestuous financial scene, J.P. Morgan found solace on the sea and owned a series of yachts during the course of his lifetime. It is Morgan who, when asked the expense in maintaining such a vessel, is credited as saying the now cliché approximation of, “if you have to ask how much it costs, you can’t afford it.”

Commodore of the New York Yacht Club from 1897 to 1899, Morgan purchased his first luxury craft in 1881, a 185-foot steam sailor christened Corsair . Just nine years later, Morgan commissioned the 241-foot Corsair II (designed by John Beaver-Webb and built by Neafie & Leavy out of Philadelphia), which included a 30-foot tender.

A haven from the public eye, the yacht was a pelagic playground for an elite few. Included among the onboard opulence was handmade bone china by Minton, Tiffany cigar-cutters, and a set of poker chips carved from ivory. The latter sold for $66,000 at auction in 2011.

In 1898, the Corsair II was conscripted into service by the United States Navy and became the USS Gloucester , a gunboat used during the Spanish-American War. This naturally necessitated that Morgan have a replacement, so the 304-foot Corsair III was constructed the same year by T.S. Marvel Shipbuilding. Amidst the yacht’s lavish layout were found a library that extended across the beam, a player piano, cases of wine and brandy, humidors stocked with Cuban cigars, and a comprehensive collection of dining accessories, including pearl-handled fruit knives, julep strainers, finger bowls and, of course, asparagus tongs. After Morgan’s death, the third iteration of Corsair saw action as a patrol ship in WWI and as a survey ship in the Pacific theater during WWII.

Sharing his father’s nautical nature, J.P. Morgan Jr. carried on the tradition by having the 343-foot Corsair IV completed in 1930. The largest yacht built in the United States at the time, it came at a cost of $60 million by today’s standards.

corsair yacht jp morgan

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corsair yacht jp morgan

corsair yacht jp morgan

CORSAIR yacht       J. P. Morgan's yacht      

corsair yacht jp morgan

To escape the often tempestuous financial scene, J.P. Morgan found solace on the sea and owned a series of yachts during the course of his lifetime. He purchased his first luxury vessel in 1881, a 185-foot steamer christened Corsair. Nine years later, Morgan commissioned his first yacht -- the 241-foot Corsair (II). The Corsair yacht employed both sail and steam for propulsion. It was with the Corsair yacht that Morgan became commodore of the New York Yacht Club from 1897 to 1899.

A haven from the public eye, the yacht Corsair was a pelagic playground for an elite few. Included among the onboard opulence was handmade bone china by Minton, Tiffany cigar-cutters, and a set of poker chips carved from ivory.

The Corsair yacht served eight years for J.P. Morgan before she was purchased for $225,000 by the US Navy for service in the Spanish-American War.  She was renamed USS Gloucester. The last commander of the famous USS Maine, Lt. Richard Wainright, commanded her.

corsair yacht jp morgan

"I thought the work was exceptional and the model beautiful. The only feedback I would provide is that the Corsair yatch flag is missing and we couldn't find reference to the name or which version of the Corsair this model represents. I think it's the second one, but not sure.  Other than that, it was really great! Many thanks again. Warm regards, Jean Elliott Director, Corporate History Program JPMorgan Chase Bank July, 2011 "  

corsair yacht jp morgan

corsair yacht jp morgan


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corsair yacht jp morgan

Welcome to the Golden Age of Superyachting

NERO evokes the spirit of 20th Century yachting glamour and successfully combines this with all the luxuries offered on a modern-day superyacht.  Inspired by J. P. Morgan’s fourth imagining of his Corsair yachts, the last of which was launched in 1930, NERO honours a classic lineage.

Pairing classic style with contemporary sophistication, NERO’s aesthetic is unique in modern superyachting.  There’s no mistaking the source of inspiration for NERO’s majestic lines and handsome profile.  From clipper bow to counter stern, NERO’s proportions are beautifully balanced between her masts with a classic yellow stack top adding the final touch to her signature look. More than just a nod to the golden age of yachting.

Nero Yacht


Step aboard NERO to experience the ultimate in quiet luxury.  By balancing her refined early 20th Century interior style with modern day comfort levels, the result is an idyllic setting for guests to enjoy.  NERO can accommodate up to 12 guests in the most exceptional comfort. There are exquisite interior and exterior lounge areas, a choice of formal and casual dining locations, a cinema, fully equipped gym and beauty salon, and an art deco cocktail lounge where a gin rickey can be savoured while contemplating this vessel’s inspiring stature.


Guest and entertainment areas onboard NERO include her expansive sun deck with its Jacuzzi tub and 5.7m resistance pool, multiple alfresco dining and relaxing options as well as the formal dining room, spacious lounges, a cinema room, beauty salon and a state-of-the-art gym.

If staying connected is important whilst onboard, NERO has the latest AV/IT systems installed. NERO is a hub like no other.

Nero Yacht Dinng1


NERO has an experienced and dedicated crew of 20 providing unrivalled hospitality to all her guests. Carefully selected for their qualifications and knowhow, the crew share a unique passion for yachting and are focused on delivering an unforgettable and first class guest experience.

NERO’s 20 strong crew includes a Michelin level culinary team, masseuse, beautician, fitness coach and water sports instructors.

Dining on Nero


Not exactly what J.P.Morgan would have found on his Corsair yacht, but NERO sits firmly in the 21st Century with her enormous array of water sports equipment. There is something for guests of all ages, from a huge inflatable slide that will send you speeding from the sun deck into the sea, to a fleet of Jet Skis, SeaBobs, kayaks and even a flyboard to entertain even the most adventurous of your group.

NERO is served by three tenders. Her bespoke 9.5m Corsair limousine tender calls to mind the East Coast commuter boats of the 1920s and 1930s. There is also a 7.4m Zeta Elle tender and a 5.2m Nautica RIB.


A spectacular duplex master suite with separate lounge, study, and his-and-hers bathrooms is the highlight of NERO’s accommodation.  The master suite is located on the main deck and enjoys direct access to the observation lounge and pool.

A stylish VIP suite is located on the lower deck, with a spacious bedroom, a private lounge space, a large bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub, his-and-hers sinks, and a separate shower.

The guest suites comprise four further doubles, with two that are convertible between twin and double arrangements.

NERO Yacht master suite with bed-facing flat screen

Copyright Nero Yacht 2024

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Introducing Limited Edition Residences on Greenwich Harbor

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The Corsair is the realization of a grand vision achieved with some of the world’s best architects and designers to create a signature waterfront community on a rare stretch of Greenwich Harbor that was settled more than 300 years ago.

The Corsair showcases timeless stone and shingle architecture with classic materials to create a place that seems to have been here forever. Beneath its traditional design, The Corsair has integrated environmentally sustainable infrastructure and technology to offer state-of-the-art living spaces.

Most spectacularly, every home has breathtaking views that connect one directly to the water and break down the barriers between indoor and outdoor living.

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Residences masterfully designed, by visionary, robert a. m. stern.

The selection of Robert Stern as architect was based on the firm’s international acclaim for their visionary residential projects including 15 Central Park West and 30 Park Place in New York City as well as high-end buildings in London, Paris, Los Angeles and Charleston. Robert Stern specializes in designing luxury waterfront properties including many beautiful Hamptons beach homes. In addition, from 1998 to 2016, he was the Dean of the Yale School of Architecture


  • Outdoor swimming pool
  • Expansive landscaped lawns & gardens
  • Private storage units
  • Parking garage
  • Private dock
  • Panoramic views of Greenwich Harbor
  • Walking distance to Greenwich Train Station, 45-minute express to Grand Central
  • Walking distance to Greenwich Avenue, boutique shopping, cafes and restaurants
  • Adjacent to Indian Harbor Yacht Club


Timeless modern luxury.

The Corsair is located directly on Greenwich Harbor and within walking distance of Greenwich Avenue, the heart of the Town, which offers high-end retailers, luxury boutiques and chic eateries. The Corsair is further improved by a short walk to the Greenwich Train Station, where one can catch a 45-minute express directly into Grand Central. Located in one of the most affluent communities in the United States, Greenwich offers excellent schools, gorgeous beaches and parks, art and cultural institutions including the Bruce Museum and extensive recreational facilities including golf, sailing and rowing clubs.

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The residences, every home has breathtaking views that connect one directly to the water.

These seven remarkable condominium residences feature single-level living with seamless indoor-outdoor layouts and nautical-style wooden finish.

The residences connect contemporary lifestyles to traditional American aesthetics, evoking a sense of graceful timelessness.


  • All residences have private porches/balconies
  • Kolbe™ Mahogany windows & doors
  • Prefinished solid oak, wide plank flooring
  • Detailed base, crown molding & custom paneling
  • Gas fireplace
  • Smart Home thermostat system
  • Oversized solid-core doors with solid brass hardware
  • Pre-wired for blinds/shades
  • Front-loading HE™ Washer & Dryer
  • Designer Kitchen
  • Master Spa Bathroom


The details.

The close attention that has been paid to the custom design and luxurious finishes, both inside and out, prove that luxury is indeed in the details.

corsair yacht jp morgan

waterfront VIEWS

From every residence.

Overlooking Belle Haven and the Long Island Sound, all homes at The Corsair are accentuated with generous terraces and expansive windows that allow natural light into every corner of the home. Complete with its own private dock and outdoor swimming pool, The Corsair offers true waterfront living.

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Sarah Stillpass

Global Investment Strategist

Sarah Stillpass, in partnership with asset class leaders, the Chief Investment Officer and team, is responsible for developing and communicating the firm’s economic and market views as well as investment strategies to advisors and clients. Sarah is also a regular author of Top Market Takeaways , a flagship weekly note that delivers a rundown of market, political and economic events to all advisors and clients.

Sarah has spent her entire career at J.P. Morgan. Before joining the Global Investment Strategy Team, she was a member of the Chicago Private Bank Financial Sponsors Group, where she advised private equity principals and founders on formulating holistic wealth management approaches for their personal assets and, in many cases, their funds’ assets. Sarah also spent time in the Private Bank Lending Advisory practice, where she advised clients on structuring capital sourcing solutions via illiquid assets such as art collections, aircraft, yachts and commercial real estate.

Sarah graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a Bachelor of Arts in Art History and a minor in Economics.

Outside of work, Sarah serves on the junior board for the Iron Horse Party, is a Professional Mentor for Braven, a lacrosse coach for True, and enjoys live music, traveling and tennis.

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Tech tycoon, defense attorney, and morgan stanley banker among those missing in freak yacht sinking, italy boaters missing.

LONDON (AP) — A superyacht that sank Monday off the Sicilian coast during a storm left at least six people dead and one passenger missing. Among that list is British tech kingpin Mike Lynch and some of his inner circle, who were gathered to celebrate his victory in a long-running legal trial.

Lynch was acquitted in June in a U.S. fraud case and was apparently aboard the Bayesian with some of the people who stood by him throughout the ordeal. Another member of Lynch's legal team who wasn't aboard, Reid Weingarten, said the outing was intended in part as a celebration of the acquittal.

Here's a look at the people who are dead or missing, as well as details on the recent death of an associate of Lynch who was not on the yacht.

Software entrepreneur Mike Lynch , along with his daughter, Hannah, are among those that police divers are searching for after the yacht was struck by a waterspout off of Porticello, near Palermo.

A spokesperson for Lynch said there were no updates Tuesday.

Lynch had been trying to move past a Silicon Valley debacle that had tarnished his legacy as an icon of British ingenuity.

A Cambridge-educated mathematician, Lynch made his mark with Autonomy, which made a search engine that could pore through emails and other internal business documents to help companies find vital information more quickly. Autonomy’s steady growth in its first decade resulted in Lynch being dubbed Britain’s Bill Gates and earning him one of the U.K’s highest honors, the Office of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 2006.

Lynch, 59, sold Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion in 2011 . But the deal quickly turned sour after he was accused of cooking the books to make the sale.

The fraud allegations resulting in Lynch being fired by HP’s then-CEO Meg Whitman and a decade-long legal battle. It culminated with him being extradited from the U.K. to face criminal charges of masterminding a multibillion-dollar fraud.

Lynch steadfastly denied any wrongdoing, asserting that he was being made a scapegoat for HP’s own bungling — a position he maintained while testifying before a jury during a 2 1/2 month trial in San Francisco earlier this year. U.S. Justice Department prosecutors called more than 30 witnesses in an attempt to prove their allegations against Lynch.

Lynch was vindicated at trial in June after being cleared of all charges. Lynch pledged to return to the U.K. and explore new ways to innovate.

Although he avoided a possible prison sentence, Lynch still faced a potentially huge bill stemming from a civil cased in London that HP mostly won in 2022. Damages haven’t been determined in that case, but HP is seeking $4 billion. Lynch made more than $800 million from the Autonomy sale.

Lynch later went on to set up technology investment firm Invoke Capital.

Christopher Morvillo

One of Lynch’s U.S. lawyers, Christopher Morvillo of the firm Clifford Chance, and his wife Neda were also on the yacht and are among those unaccounted for.

Morvillo is regarded as an elite defense attorney specializing in fraud and corruption cases. He was previously a federal prosecutor in New York who worked on the criminal investigation of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. His father, Robert Morvillo, was also a lawyer who represented high-profile clients, including Martha Stewart.

In a LinkedIn post soon after Lynch's acquittal, Morvillo paid tribute to the team of lawyers who worked on the case and also his wife and two daughters.

“None of this would have been possible without your love and support. I am so glad to be home,” he wrote. The post ended with the words: “And they all lived happily ever after….”

In a legal podcast released last week, Morvillo recounted his involvement with Lynch's case, starting from when his firm was hired in November 2012.

He flew to London to meet Lynch on Thanksgiving weekend that year and assumed he would be gone for a week, Morvillo told the For the Defense podcast. Instead, Morvillo said he “spent a significant portion of the rest of my life bouncing back and forth between London and New York.”

The case has “covered one third of my career,” he said. “It has been a constant presence in my life for the last 12 years.”

Clifford Chance said it was “in shock and deeply saddened by this tragic incident” and that its thoughts are with Morvillo and his wife. “Our utmost priority is providing support to the family,” the firm said.

Jonathan Bloomer

The chairman of Morgan Stanley's London-based investment banking subsidiary, Jonathan Bloomer, and his wife, Judy, were also among the yacht's missing.

Bloomer is non-executive chairman of both Morgan Stanley International, which covers markets outside the U.S., and the Hiscox Group, an insurer that does business on the Lloyd’s of London insurance marketplace.

Lynch appointed Bloomer to Autonomy’s board of directors in 2010, where he served as chairman of the audit committee at the time of the HP deal. Bloomer testified for the defense at Lynch’s trial.

Both Morgan Stanley and Hiscox said they were “deeply shocked and saddened" by the tragedy.

“Our thoughts are with all those affected, in particular the Bloomer family, as we all wait for further news from this terrible situation," the bank said.

Aki Hussain, the group chief executive of Hiscox, said "our thoughts are with all those affected, in particular our chair, Jonathan Bloomer, and his wife Judy, who are among the missing, and with their family as they await further news from this terrible situation.”

Stephen Chamberlain

In a strange coincidence, another former Autonomy executive who was acquitted alongside Lynch of the fraud charges died days before the sinking of the Bayesian.

Stephen Chamberlain “was fatally struck by a car on Saturday while out running,” his lawyer Gary Lincenberg said in a statement.

Chamberlain, formerly a vice-president of finance at the company, was accused of artificially inflating Autonomy’s revenues and making false and misleading statements to auditors, analysts and regulators.

He stood trial with Lynch, and was also found not guilty.

“He was a courageous man with unparalleled integrity. We deeply miss him," Lincenberg said. “Steve fought successfully to clear his good name at trial earlier this year, and his good name now lives on through his wonderful family.”

Chamberlain “was a much-loved husband, father, son, brother and friend," his family said in statement released through Cambridgeshire Police. “He was an amazing individual whose only goal in life was to help others in any way possible."

Police said the driver, a 49-year-old woman, remained at the scene in the village of Stretham, England, and was assisting with the investigation.

Recaldo Thomas

The chef with Antiguan roots was the first confirmed death from the accident. Cooking for Lynch was supposed to be one of his last jobs before retiring, his cousin, David Isaac, told The Associated Press.

Thomas was born in Canada but he would visit his parents’ homeland of Antigua as a child, moving permanently to the tiny eastern Caribbean island in his early 20s.

“He was a free spirit,” Isaac recalled. “Nothing rattled him. I’ve never seen him upset.”

Upon moving to Antigua, Thomas, best known as “Rick,” started working as a bartender in Jolly Harbor so he could be close to the sea, his second love after cooking, Isaac said.

Thomas also picked up jobs on small boats and eventually went to culinary school and started working on bigger ships.

Isaac recalled how Thomas would be gone for several months at a time and then unexpectedly show up in Antigua between jobs.

“This particular incident was hard,” Isaac said. “He was just ready to tie up the end of his journey in his career."

Isaac recalled Thomas’ “big, infectious” laugh and said he found some solace in that “Rick did exactly what he was meant to do and what he loved doing.”

AP writers Eric Tucker in Washington and Anika Kentish in St. John's, Antigua, contributed to this report.

This version has corrected a date to 2001 sted 2002.

Superyacht sinking: Jonathan and Judy Bloomer 'inspiration to many', says family after couple confirmed dead

The Morgan Stanley International bank chairman, and his wife were confirmed dead after five bodies were found by divers after the luxury yacht sank off the coast of Sicily.

Thursday 22 August 2024 21:11, UK

Judy and Jonathan Bloomer

The family of Jonathan and Judy Bloomer have described them as "incredible people and an inspiration to many" following their deaths in the sinking of a luxury yacht in Sicily.

The Morgan Stanley International bank chairman, 70, and his wife were confirmed dead after five bodies were found by divers on Wednesday - taking the number of confirmed dead to six.

The pair were on the trip with British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch to celebrate his court victory back in June .

"We are grieving for our loved ones and all of those affected by the tragedy. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the emergency services and everyone who helped tirelessly in this rescue operation," the family said in a statement on Thursday.

Superyacht sinks latest: Five bodies identified

"Our parents were incredible people and an inspiration to many, but first and foremost they were focused on and loved their family and spending time with their new grandchildren. Together for five decades, our only comfort is that they are still together now.

"This is an unimaginable grief to shoulder. Our only ask is that our family's privacy is respected at this time."

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Pic: Reuters

Mr Bloomer was serving as chairman of both Morgan Stanley and insurance group Hiscox at the point of his death.

The City veteran was said to have interests in sailing, rugby and music, and was also a member of the finance committee of UK children's charity NSPCC.

He was married to Ms Bloomer, a trustee and long-time supporter of gynaecological cancer research charity the Eve Appeal.

Chris and Neda Morvillo's death an 'enormous loss'

A statement from the families of Chris and Neda Morvillo, who also died in the sinking of the yacht, described them as "devoted, loving parents" whose death had been an "enormous loss".

"We are completely devastated by the passing of Chris and Neda, and our collective hearts go out to all the families who have also been affected by this senseless tragedy," the statement said.

Christopher Morvillo Pic: Clifford Chance handout

While they were "widely respected for their professional successes", their "true talents" were "that of mother and father, son and daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt and dear friends to so many.

"Neda and Chris lived their lives as devoted, loving parents who always put their daughters and families first.

"Their passing is a tremendous loss for our family and for the countless people who knew and loved them both.

"We extend our deepest gratitude to the Italian rescue services for their unwavering dedication and to Clifford Chance for all the support they have provided."

A partner at the law firm Clifford Chance, Mr Morvillo had been part of Mr Lynch's legal team.

'Friend and mentor to many'

Ted Pick, chief executive of Morgan Stanley, paid tribute to Mr Bloomer and sent his "deepest condolences" to all those affected by the tragedy.

"Jonathan's leadership and experience helped the firm manage a period of complex change for our international businesses," Mr Pick said.

"He has been a friend and mentor to many and we will all greatly miss his wise counsel and spirit of kindness."

Pic: Danny Wheelz

Aki Hussain, chief executive of insurance group Hiscox, added: "It was a privilege to have known Jonathan and to have benefited from his generosity and wisdom over the last year in his role as chair of Hiscox.

"His deep experience across our industry and in the broader business arena, combined with his personal values, made him both an excellent chair and a person I was proud to know and work with.

Meanwhile, Investment platform Hargreaves Lansdown - where Mr Bloomer was a former board director - described him as a "giant in financial services".

Read more: Why search of superyacht wreck has been so difficult The 'alarming' potential cause of superyacht disaster

Jonathan Bloomer is the chairman of Morgan Stanley Pic: Hiscox/ Linkedin

"His advice and support were immensely valuable to me, and he will be dearly missed."

The yacht - known as the Bayesian - sank early Monday morning after a storm hit the region.

The wreckage is now on the seabed at a depth of around 50m (164ft) off Porticello near Palermo, where it had been anchored.

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Mr Lynch, 59, was also among the dead , but his 18-year-old daughter Hannah remains missing.

Twenty-two people were on board the vessel, 15 of whom were rescued - including Mr Lynch's wife Angela Bacares and Briton Charlotte Golunski and her one-year-old daughter Sofia.

The yacht sank in a freak storm off the coast of Sicily earlier this week.

Speaking to Sky News , one of Mr Lynch's neighbours has described him as "generous, humble and full of integrity".

Ruth Leigh lived next door to Mr Lynch and his wife in Suffolk for 15 years.

She described them as "fantastic neighbours" and said the tech tycoon "never played on his position" and was "very friendly and down-to-earth" despite his fortune.

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1115: Bronze signal cannon from the yacht "Colonia" c.1

Possessions of JP Morgan from Corsair 1890

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Early 20th century yacht binnacle.: Highly polished mushroom top yacht binnacle with large oval viewing port, dry card gimbaled compass by Ritchie of Boston, brass clinometer marked W. E. Tribble, New York, brass arms supporting iron

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Lynch Yacht Sinking Off Sicily Proves as Baffling as It Is Tragic

As bodies were recovered, the authorities and experts wondered how a $40 million, stable and secure vessel could have sunk so quickly.

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A diver in an orange jumpsuit suit and crews in gray shirts and red trousers hoist remains in a blue body bag onto a boat, as others in reflector uniforms stand nearby.

By Emma Bubola and Michael J. de la Merced

Emma Bubola reported from Porticello, Italy, and Michael J. de la Merced from London.

Two months after being cleared in a bruising legal battle over fraud charges, the British tech mogul Mike Lynch celebrated his freedom with a cruise. He invited his family, friends and part of his legal team on board his luxury sailing yacht, a majestic 180-foot vessel named Bayesian after the mathematical theorem around which he had built his empire.

On Sunday night, after a tour of the Gulf of Naples, including Capri, and volcanic islands in the Eolian archipelago, the boat anchored half a mile off the Sicilian coast in Porticello, Italy. It chose a stretch of water favored by the Phoenicians thousands of years ago for its protection from the mistral wind and, in more recent times, by the yachts of tech billionaires. The boat was lit “like a Christmas tree,” local residents said, standing out against the full moon.

But about 4 a.m., calamity unfolded. A violent and fast storm hit the area with some of the strongest winds locals said they had ever felt. Fabio Cefalù, a fisherman, said he saw a flare pierce the darkness shortly after 4.

Minutes later, the yacht was underwater. Only dozens of cushions from the boat’s deck and a gigantic radar from its mast floated on the surface of the sea, fishermen said.

In all, 22 people were on board, 15 of whom were rescued. Six bodies — five passengers and the ship’s cook — had been recovered by Thursday afternoon, including that of Mr. Lynch, an Italian government official said, adding that the search was continuing for his daughter.

It was a tragic and mystifying turn of events for Mr. Lynch, 59, who had spent years seeking to clear his name and was finally inaugurating a new chapter in his life. Experts wondered how a $40 million yacht, so robust and stable could have been sunk by a storm near a port within minutes.

“It drives me insane,” said Giovanni Costantino, the chief executive of the Italian Sea Group, which in 2022 bought the company, Perini, that made the Bayesian. “Following all the proper procedures, that boat is unsinkable.”

The aura of misfortune only deepened when it emerged that Stephen Chamberlain, 52, a former vice president of finance for Mr. Lynch’s former company and a co-defendant in the fraud case, was killed two days earlier, when he was hit by a car while jogging near his house in England.

Since June, the two men had been in a jubilant mood. A jury in San Francisco had acquitted both on fraud charges that could have sent them to prison for two decades. There were hugs and tears, and they and their legal teams went for a celebratory dinner party at a restaurant in the city, said Gary S. Lincenberg, a lawyer for Mr. Chamberlain.

The sea excursion was meant as a thank-you by Mr. Lynch to those who had helped him in his legal travails. Among the guests was Christopher J. Morvillo, 59, a scion of a prominent New York family of lawyers who had represented Mr. Lynch for 12 years. He and his wife, Neda, 57, were among the missing.

So, too, was Jonathan Bloomer, 70, a veteran British insurance executive who chaired Morgan Stanley International and the insurer Hiscox.

The body of the ship’s cook, Recaldo Thomas, was recovered. All the other crew members survived. Among them was Leo Eppel, 19, of South Africa, who was on his first yacht voyage working as a deck steward, said a friend, who asked not to be identified.

Since the sinking, the recovery effort and investigation have turned the tiny port town of Porticello, a quiet enclave where older men sit bare-chested on balconies, into what feels like the set of a movie.

Helicopters have flown overhead. Ambulances have sped by with the sirens blaring. The Coast Guard has patrolled the waters off shore, within sight of a cordoned-off dock that had been turned into an emergency headquarters.

On Wednesday afternoon, a church bell tolled after the first body bag was loaded into an ambulance, a crowd watching in silence.

The survivors were sheltering in a sprawling resort near Porticello, with a view of the shipwreck spot, and had so far declined to comment.

Attilio Di Diodato, director of the Italian Air Force’s Center for Aerospace Meteorology and Climatology, said that the yacht had most likely been hit by a fierce “down burst” — when air generated within a thunderstorm descends rapidly — or by a waterspout , similar to a tornado over water.

He added that his agency had put out rough-sea warnings the previous evening, alerting sailors about storms and strong winds. Locals said the winds “felt like an earthquake.”

Mr. Costantino, the boat executive, said the yacht had been specifically designed for having a tall mast — the second-tallest aluminum mast in the world. He said the Bayesian was an extremely safe and secure boat that could list even to 75 degrees without capsizing.

But he said that if some of the hatches on the side and in the stern, or some of the deck doors, had been open, the boat could have taken on water and sunk. Standard procedure in such storms, he said, is to switch on the engine, lift the anchor and turn the boat into the wind, lowering the keel for extra stability, closing doors and gathering the guests in the main hall inside the deck.

corsair yacht jp morgan

12 guests occupied the yacht’s six cabins. There were also 10 crew members.

Open hatches, doors and cabin windows could have let in water during a storm, according to the manufacturer.

corsair yacht jp morgan

Open hatches, doors and

cabin windows could

have let in water

during a storm,

according to the


Source: Superyacht Times, YachtCharterFleet, MarineTraffic

By Veronica Penney

The New York Times attempted to reach the captain, James Cutfield, who had survived, for comment through social media, his brother and the management company of the yacht (which did not hire the crew), but did not make contact.

So far none of the surviving crew members have made a public statement about what happened that night.

Fabio Genco, the director of Palermo’s emergency services, who treated some of the survivors, said that the victims had recounted feeling as if the boat was being lifted, then suddenly dropped, with objects from the cabins falling on them.

The Italian Coast Guard said it had deployed a remotely operated vehicle that can prowl underwater for up to seven hours at a depth of more than 980 feet and record videos and images that they hoped would help them reconstruct the dynamics of the sinking. Such devices were used during the search and rescue operations of the Titan vessel that is believed to have imploded last summer near the wreckage of the Titanic.

After rescuers broke inside the yacht, they struggled to navigate the ropes and many pieces of furniture cluttering the vessel, said Luca Cari, a spokesman for Italy’s national firefighter corps.

Finally, as of Thursday morning, they had managed to retrieve all but one of the missing bodies, and hopes of finding the missing person alive were thin. “Can a human being be underwater for two days?” Mr. Cari asked.

What was certain was that Mr. Lynch’s death was yet another cruel twist of fate for a man who had spent years seeking to clear his name.

He earned a fortune in technology and was nicknamed Britain’s Bill Gates. But for more than a decade, he had been treated as anything but a respected tech leader.

He was accused by Hewlett-Packard, the American technological pioneer that had bought his software company, Autonomy, for $11 billion, of misleading it about his company’s worth. (Hewlett-Packard wrote down the value of the transaction by about $8.8 billion, and critics called it one of the worst deals of all time .) He had been increasingly shunned by the British establishment that he sought to break into after growing up working-class outside London.

He was extradited to San Francisco to face criminal charges, and confined to house arrest and 24-hour surveillance on his dime. In a townhouse in the Pacific Heights neighborhood — with security people he jokingly told associates were his “roommates” — he spent his mornings talking with researchers whom he funded personally on new applications for artificial intelligence. Afterward, he devoted hours to discussing legal strategy with his team.

Despite his persistent claims of innocence, even those close to Mr. Lynch had believed his odds of victory were slim. Autonomy’s chief financial officer, Sushovan Hussain, was convicted in 2018 of similar fraud charges and spent five years in prison.

During Mr. Lynch’s house arrest, his brother and mother died. His wife, Angela Bacares, frequently flew over from England, and she became a constant presence in the San Francisco courtroom during the trial.

After he was finally acquitted, Mr. Lynch had his eye on the future. “I am looking forward to returning to the U.K. and getting back to what I love most: my family and innovating in my field,” he said.

Elisabetta Povoledo contributed reporting from Pallanza, Italy.

Emma Bubola is a Times reporter based in Rome. More about Emma Bubola

Michael J. de la Merced has covered global business and finance news for The Times since 2006. More about Michael J. de la Merced

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Bank boss among missing in Sicily yacht disaster

corsair yacht jp morgan

Morgan Stanley International bank chairman Jonathan Bloomer and Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo are among the six people missing after a luxury yacht sank in a storm off Sicily on Monday, Sicily's Civil Protection told the BBC.

UK tech tycoon Mike Lynch, 59, and his daughter Hannah, 18, were earlier also reported unaccounted for after the incident about 700m (2,300ft) from the Mediterranean island's shore.

The 56m Bayesian was carrying 22 people including Brits, Americans and Canadians. Fifteen people were rescued, including a one-year-old British girl. Sicily's Civil Protection also confirmed that the body of the ship's cook was recovered.

A search operation resumed early on Tuesday morning, according to Italian media.

The British-flagged yacht with 10 crew and 12 passengers sank near the port of Porticello, just east of Sicily's capital Palermo, on Monday.

The yacht capsized at about 5:00 local time after a heavy storm caused waterspouts, or rotating columns of air and mist.

Witnesses told Italian news agency Ansa that the Bayesian’s anchor was down when the storm struck, causing the mast to break and the ship to lose its balance and sink.

On Monday, specialist fire and rescue divers, trained to work in tight spaces, flew in from Rome and Sardinia, but a first search of the wreck some 50 metres below the sea surface failed.

"Access was limited only to the bridge, with difficulty due to the presence of furniture obstructing passage," the Italian fire department posted on social media.

PA Media Mike Lynch. File photo

Mike Lynch, one of the missing passengers, is known by some as "the British Bill Gates".

He co-founded software company Autonomy, before selling it to American computing giant Hewlett-Packard (HP) in 2011 for $11bn (£8.6bn).

But an intense legal battle following the high-profile acquisition loomed over Mr Lynch for over a decade. He was acquitted in the US in June on multiple fraud charges, for which he had been facing two decades in jail.

There are reports that Mr Lynch had invited members of his legal team onto the yacht to celebrate his acquittal.

The sinking of the yacht came on the same day that Mr Lynch's co-defendant in the fraud case, Stephen Chamberlain, was confirmed by his lawyer as having died after being hit by a car in Cambridgeshire on Saturday.

Getty Images Chris Morvillo pictured with his wife Nada in New York in 2018

Lawyer Chris Morvillo has also been listed among the missing.

Mr Morvillo has worked on high profile corruption cases, including Mr Lynch's recent trial.

He also worked on the criminal investigation surrounding the 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, as an assistant US attorney for the southern district of New York from 1999 to 2005.

Morgan Stanley International chairman Jonathan Bloomer is also one of the six people who remain missing.

The 70-year-old Briton is also chair of insurance company Hiscox.

Linkedin Jonathan Bloomer

How sinking of luxury yacht off Sicily unfolded

Sicily yacht sinking: who is missing and who survived, who is british tech tycoon mike lynch.

The Bayesian's registered owner is listed as Revtom Ltd. The superyacht can accommodate up to 12 guests in six suites.

The yacht's name is understood to be based on the Bayesian theory, which Mr Lynch's PhD thesis was based on.

Mr Lynch's wife Angela Bacares is named as the sole legal owner of Revtom, which is registered in the Isle of Man. Ms Bacares was one of the 15 people rescued.

A British mother and her one-year-old daughter also survived.

The mother, named locally as Charlotte Golunski, later described how she was holding her baby above the surface of the sea to save her from drowning.

She told Italian newspaper La Repubblica her family survived because they were on deck when the yacht sank.

She said they were woken by “thunder, lightning and waves that made our boat dance”, and it felt like "the end of the world" before they were thrown into the water.

“For two seconds I lost my daughter in the sea then quickly hugged her amid the fury of the waves,” the paper quoted her as saying.

Survivors said the trip was organised by Mr Lynch for his work colleagues.

In the initial aftermath, a nearby Dutch-flagged vessel rescued survivors from the waves, tending to them until emergency services arrived.

After the storm had passed, Captain Karsten Borner said his crew noticed the yacht that had been behind them had disappeared.

"We saw a red flare, so my first mate and I went to the position, and we found this life raft drifting," he told Reuters.

That life raft was carrying 15 survivors, three of whom were "heavily injured", he said.

Eight of those rescued are receiving treatment in hospital, the Italian coastguard said.

The UK Foreign Office said it is supporting a number of British nationals and their families following an incident in Sicily. Britain's Marine Accident Investigation Branch is also sending a team of inspectors to conduct a "preliminary assessment" into the sinking of the UK registered-boat.

Nautical Antiques | Lannan Ship Model Gallery – Lannan Gallery

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Corsair Steam Yacht Of JP Morgan - Lannan Gallery

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Corsair Steam Yacht Of JP Morgan

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Monumental model of JP Morgan's private steam yacht Corsair. The model has mahogany cabins with raised panels, countless skylights fitted with protective brass bars, planked decks, brass fittings including searchlights, bridge telegraphs, binnacle, anchor winch, davits etc. Five lifeboats and launches with ribs and floorboards hand form davits. Hull is painted black above the waterline and green below. Mounted on two brass pedestals into a mahogany display case with table. 

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  2. J.P. Morgan's Corsair IV Yacht

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  7. j. p. morgan, ss corsair

    Corsair IV was constructed in Maine at the beginning of the Great Depression for $2.5 million (or about $60 million in today's currency). Measuring 2,142 gross tons, with a registered length of 300 feet and overall length of 343 feet, the Corsair IV was the largest yacht ever built in the U.S. Designed in the traditional piratical look of Morgan yachts, CorsairIV was long, dark, heavy ...

  8. J.P. Morgan Jr.'s Corsair

    Corsair I was a 185-foot purchase (1882) from Charles J. Osborn (Jay Gould's private banker}. Corsair II was 241-feet, commissioned after his father died around 1890. Designed by J. Frederick Tams and John Beavor-Webb. Corsair III was 304 feet built in 1899 by T. S. Marvel of Newburgh, NY.

  9. SS Corsair IV

    J. P. Morgan Snr . Mr Morgan senior boarding the first SS Corsair. In 1927 the Morgan's were already thinking of a new addition, the Corsair IV, which would be constructed at the Maine Shipyards. She cost US$2.5 million, being the equivalent of around 60 million plus in today's terms.

  10. A Model Of The Steam Yacht CORSAIR (IV)

    The model is flying the New York Yacht Club burgee, J.P. Morgan's house flag, a name pennant and an American flag. The model is displayed in a mahogany framed glass case with a band of inlay around the edge of the case on a mahogany case. 56 x 16¼ x 57 in.(142.3 x 41.2 x 144.8 cm.) cased dimensions on stand.

  11. Launching of the yacht CORSAIR (IV) at Bath Iron Works, 1930

    The steel-hulled, turbo-electric-powered CORSAIR was the fourth yacht by that name owned by J. P. Morgan and his family. CORSAIR (IV) was built by Bath Iron Works in Bath and was the largest yacht ever built in the U.S. She measured 2,142 gross tons, register length 300 feet, length over all 343 feet. Morgan used her for 10 years, mostly on the East Coast and in the West Indies. She was given ...

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    JP Morgan "Corsair" Private Yacht Model Museum-quality ship model of JP Morgan's private steam yacht, the "Corsair" of 1930 built at Bath Iron Works. Equipped with built up mahogany cabins, planked deck, etc. Raked masts have standing and r

  13. Yachts

    Commodore of the New York Yacht Club from 1897 to 1899, Morgan purchased his first luxury craft in 1881, a 185-foot steam sailor christened Corsair. Just nine years later, Morgan ... J.P. Morgan ...

  14. Corsair

    A magnificent model of the American Steam Yacht Corsair, 1890. With masts and booms, standing and running rigging, anchors, anchor davits, winch, deck lights, paneled deck houses, with doors and windows, deck rails, companionways, deck lights, open bridge with telegraphs, binnacle and helm, ventilators, stayed funnel, with safety valve, extension rails and pins, paneled bulwarks, aft helm and ...

  15. Model of JP Morgan's "Corsair IV", 1930

    From $631.36/mo with. Check your purchasing power. See plans. Quantity. Add to cart. Exceptional, museum quality model of Corsair IV, JP Morgan's private steam yacht. This model is outfitted with raised paneled mahogany cabins, planked deck, turned brass fittings, rigged masts and etc. Detailed longboats and launches hang from davits.

  16. JP Morgan's yacht Corsair

    Nine years later, Morgan commissioned his first yacht -- the 241-foot Corsair (II). The Corsair yacht employed both sail and steam for propulsion. It was with the Corsair yacht that Morgan became commodore of the New York Yacht Club from 1897 to 1899. A haven from the public eye, the yacht Corsair was a pelagic playground for an elite few.

  17. Model of JP Morgan's "Corsair IV", 1930

    Description. Exceptional, museum quality model of Corsair IV, JP Morgan's private steam yacht. This model is outfitted with raised paneled mahogany cabins, planked deck, turned brass fittings, rigged masts and etc. Detailed longboats and launches hang from davits. The vessel flies the New York Yacht Club burgee and the Morgan house flag.

  18. An exhibition standard model of J.P. Morgan's steam yacht Corsair (II

    An exhibition standard model of J.P. Morgan's steam yacht Corsair (II) W. Hitchcock a solid hull with painted red bottom, black topsides with inset portholes, black waist, planked and pegged decks fitted with numerous details including: jackstaff, anchor davit, anchors, anchor windlass, bollards, skylights, cabin structures, search lights, deck railings, ship's wheel, binnacles, engine ...

  19. NERO Yacht

    NERO evokes the spirit of 20th Century yachting glamour and successfully combines this with all the luxuries offered on a modern-day superyacht. Inspired by J. P. Morgan's fourth imagining of his Corsair yachts, the last of which was launched in 1930, NERO honours a classic lineage. Pairing classic style with contemporary sophistication, NERO ...

  20. The Corsair

    inspired by the luxurious corsair flagship yacht of the golden age. ... these limited edition residences are named for j. p. morgan's 1930 corsair iv, a 300-ft luxury yacht. robert a. m. stern is a world-renowned, new york-based architect, educator, and author. residences masterfully designed

  21. Sarah Stillpass

    Meet Sarah Stillpass, Global Investment Strategist, J.P. Morgan Private Bank. Our specialists are dedicated to providing expert wealth management advice and crafting a view on what solutions are right for you. ... yachts and commercial real estate. Sarah graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a Bachelor of Arts in Art History and a ...

  22. Tech tycoon, defense attorney, and Morgan Stanley banker among those

    Bloomer is non-executive chairman of both Morgan Stanley International, which covers markets outside the U.S., and the Hiscox Group, an insurer that does business on the Lloyd's of London ...

  23. 8-Foot Model of JP Morgan's "Corsair IV"

    Dimensions: 108" L x 24" W x 78" H (with raised panel table) Weight: over 200lbs. Exceptional, museum quality model of "Corsair II", JP Morgan's private steam yacht. This model is outfitted with raised paneled mahogany cabins, planked deck, turned brass fittings, rigged masts and etc. Detailed longboats and launches hang from davits.

  24. Superyacht sinking: Jonathan and Judy Bloomer 'inspiration to many

    The Morgan Stanley International bank chairman, and his wife were confirmed dead after five bodies were found by divers after the luxury yacht sank off the coast of Sicily. Thursday 22 August 2024 ...

  25. Possessions of JP Morgan from Corsair 1890

    220 pieces of Mintons china owned by JP Morgan for use on his 1890 yacht Corsair. Each piece has the Mintons stamp of a red circle with a crown which represents the manufacturing period of 1873 - 1912. This china was used to entertain guests and friends such as Mark Twain, Thomas Edison,Theodore Roosevelt, William Randolph Hearst, Joseph ...

  26. Lynch Yacht Sinking Off Sicily Proves as Baffling as It Is Tragic

    So, too, was Jonathan Bloomer, 70, a veteran British insurance executive who chaired Morgan Stanley International and the insurer Hiscox. The body of the ship's cook, Recaldo Thomas, was ...

  27. Sicily yacht sinking: Morgan Stanley boss Jonathan Bloomer among ...

    The yacht capsized at about 5:00 local time after a heavy storm caused waterspouts, or rotating columns of air and mist. ... Morgan Stanley International chairman Jonathan Bloomer is also one of ...

  28. Corsair Steam Yacht Of JP Morgan

    Monumental model of JP Morgan's private steam yacht Corsair. The model has mahogany cabins with raised panels, countless skylights fitted with protective brass bars, planked decks, brass fittings including searchlights, bridge telegraphs, binnacle, anchor winch, davits etc. Five lifeboats and launches with ribs and floorboards hand form davits.