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Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 6 Recap: Don’t Cry Over Buffalo Wings in the Sand

When last we left Below Deck Sailing Yacht , Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher was sobbing in her cabin. Daisy and Junior Stew Madison “Mads” Herrera had been doing their best to take care of the demanding charter guests, while the other junior stew, Lucy Edmunds , was doing “f*** all” at the beach.

In truth, Lucy and Deckhand Alex Propson were setting up a beach picnic for the guests. Hang in there, Daisy! You’ll have time to catch your breath as soon as they all leave on the tender and head to the beach. You’ve dealt with far worse than these guests.

“I am so f***ing frustrated right now that if I didn’t cry, honestly, I think I would set the boat on fire,” Daisy interviewed. I get it, girl! Been there. Guys get angry and punch something. Girls cry. It’s stress relief.

Meanwhile, the guests chose to delay their beach trip by half an hour, while TJ and Lauren finished their breakfast. Having “f*** all” to do at the beach while she was waiting for them to arrive, Lucy decided to do some yoga.

Life’s a beach (picnic)

At last, the guests were ready for First Mate Gary King to tender them over to the beach. Primary guest John decided to take a last-minute pee over the side of the boat, rather than using the day head which was just steps away. His young son Jacob chastised him, “Dad! That’s gross!” I’m surprised John didn’t tell him, “This is how real sailors do it, son.”

After dropping the guests at the beach, Gary headed back to the Parsifal III for the food. In the galley, Chef Ileisha Dell was admitting, “Buffalo wings aren’t really my thing.” Really? I never really thought about it, but I guess buffalo wings are an American thing. What would be the Brit equivalent of a buffalo wing then? Beans on toast? A bacon butty? The latter sounds delish, by the way.

At the beach, the guests were throwing an American football around. When John threw the ball to his son, guest Lauren tried to block him from catching it and got smacked in the back of the head by the ball. Everybody laughed it off, as Lucy commented, “Please, no more [head injuries].”

After delivering the food to the beach, Gary asked Lucy, “Are you coming with me [back to the boat]?” When she shook her head no, Gary said sadly, “No? Dammit. Thought we were gonna have a little romantic cruise in the tender.” He never stops trying, does he?

The guests enjoyed Ileisha’s buffalo wings but had nowhere to dispose of the bones. John complained about having to put the stripped bones back into the bowl with the uneaten wings. Suddenly, Jacob toppled backward in his deck chair, taking the cocktail table of food with him into the sand. “I started falling, [and] by instinct, I put my hand on the table,” he explained.

“This is a f***ing sh** show,” Lucy muttered to herself. Back at the boat, Daisy gasped as she read Lucy’s text, “John has been complaining a lot, and now Jake’s knocked all the food into the sand. It’s f***ing ruined! I don’t think they’re too happy.”

Working together in the galley, Chief Engineer Colin MacRae and Chef Ileisha noticed Daisy’s dismay. “What’s going on?” the chef asked.

“All good?” Colin wondered. “Dais?” She just shook her head.

“F***ing f*** my life!” Daisy texted back to Lucy, telling Colin and Ileisha, “I’m so over this. Oh my God.”

Up on the bridge, Daisy informed Captain Glenn, “Just so you’re prepared, [John]’s complaining a lot.”

“It is what it is,” Glenn said philosophically, as Daisy walked away muttering, “I’m just over it.”

“It’s not that stressful,” Gary chimed from the banquette, where he was comfortably reclining during work hours. “I really thought they were enjoying it. I’m having a good time with them.” How would you even know, Gary? The guests are back at the beach, and you’re relaxing on the bridge sucking up to the captain. Way to be supportive. This is not gonna win you any points with Daisy in the romance department. No wonder she chose Colin .

“I feel like Gary lives in his own world,” Daisy interviewed. “At the end of the day, if there are any complaints coming back, it’s gonna be about the interior [department]. But [Gary] doesn’t give a sh** how I feel.”

“I’m having dinner with them tonight,” Gary told Glenn. “I’ll make it all happen.”

Ileisha cuts a bitch (herself)

Because the food had been dumped in the sand, the guests decided it was time to return to the boat. “You know when you go to a nice resort, and then you leave the resort and go into town, you’re like … uh, let’s get back to the resort,” John said. I guess that meant he was done with the beach. “I think we’re ready to head back if you guys are cool,” he told Lucy.

In the galley, Daisy was saying, “I hate people. I hate life.”

“Why are you always in a grumpy mood these days, Daisy?” Colin asked her. Maybe you can do something about that soon, Colin?

Clearly, Daisy and Lucy weren’t the only ones on the boat feeling the tension. While chopping vegetables for dinner, Ileisha inadvertently sliced the tip of her fingernail off. Captain Glenn just happened to be there, and asked, “You okay? Want something to clean that out?”

“I should know better,” Ileisha interviewed. “I’m no stranger to injuries when I’m rushing. One time in the kitchen, I nearly cut my whole thumb off. I passed out, blood everywhere, white face. I needed to go to the hospital. But you have to suck it up, and shake it off.” Good story, Ileisha. Ewwwww.

Chase and Gary have more drama

In the meantime, deckhand Chase Lemacks had overslept. Having worked the night shift, he was supposed to wake up at 2:30, but he mistakenly thought it was 3:30. Gary went to check on him at 3:15 and found him making his bunk.

“On the page, it’s there,” Gary told him. “I can’t remind you all the time. Do you mind going and helping pack away the swim platform?”

“On my way,” Chase told his boss — to his face. But in an interview, of course he had to push back, per usual. “F***ing Gary. That’s not what he said yesterday … Even when I’m right, I’m f***ing wrong for it.” Even though Gary mistakenly told him 3:30, 2:30 was the time written on the schedule. Check the schedule next time, Chase. The written record always wins.

The Parsifal III goes for a sail

Finally, Glenn radioed the interior, “We’re gonna start putting sails up.” The wind was gusting up to 25 knots (just under 29 mph), so it should be a wild ride. At the same time, Ileisha was preparing dinner in the galley. It must be so much fun to try to prepare an elegant dinner while your kitchen is leaning at a 20° angle. I guess this is the job she signed up for, though.

As the boat heeled over, things went flying off the counter in the galley. “Not the beans!” the chef cried in dismay. “F*** me!” In the salon, Gary and Lucy were having fun body sledding across the sloping wooden floor. Behind the bar, Mads joked, “You know what? I’m sick of being the only one that works here.” All three laughed since they had all been goofing around.

Gary gets his flirt on

Coming across Mads all alone in the laundry, Gary wasted no time. “Hey, my fave!” he said while closing the laundry room door. “Listen, I just want to hang out and get to know you. It’s not easy while we work though.”

When Mads agreed, he added, “You don’t really get the time [to get acquainted]. And then when we go out, everyone’s together.”

“And everyone loves me,” Mads joked.

“We’re just gonna have to stay up and wait in the jacuzzi until everyone goes to bed,” the First Mate continued. “I need affection, girlfriend.”

“I think you’ve got the wrong one,” Mads told him. In an interview, she admitted, “I don’t think Gary gets me at all. I think the affection and love bombing is just so cringy to me. I’m not an affectionate person.”

“Well, we can change that,” Gary offers. I think Mads is more into Alex than Gary. We’ll see what happens on their next night off.

Back in the galley, Daisy told Gary that even though the dinner was to celebrate guest John’s book launch, he was planning to present awards to each of his guests. Gary volunteered to emcee the awards dinner, to which Glenn was also now invited.

Lucy melts the guest’s dinner dress

Attempting to steam the wrinkles out of guest Lauren’s dinner dress, Lucy accidentally melted the material with an iron that was too hot. “Mads!” she shouted for help.

Hearing the cries for help, Colin stuck his head out of his cabin. “What happened?”

“I just burned her dress!” she explained. “Her dress just melted on me. I was steaming it … My mum’s going to be so disappointed in me.”

Waking Daisy from her nap, Mads broke the sad news, “Lucy may have ruined the guest’s dress.”

“We can reimburse her,” Daisy said, as she examined the melted dress. “It says you can iron it, so steam shouldn’t have done that. Give me two minutes,” she was wrapped in a towel, “and I’ll come out and I’ll speak to her, apologize.”

Once again Daisy was concerned about getting negative reviews at the end of the charter. “Having to tell this guest that we have f***ed up so majorly bad and that probably we’re gonna get some more sh**ty feedback from Glenn, my anxiety is sky-high right now,” she said in an interview.

But when she went to tell the guest about the melted dress, despite a lot of OMGs, she really wasn’t angry. Daisy assured her they would reimburse her for the damage, but Lauren was very gracious and said it was okay. She didn’t make the fuss Daisy expected.

Daisy’s a stress case

While setting the table for dinner with Gary and Lucy, Daisy asked them, “What would you do if I walked off [the boat] today?”

“I think we would handle it pretty well,” Gary quipped. “You just create a stress environment, Daisy.”

Daisy thought he was pretty mean, while Lucy interviewed, “All the tension between Daisy and Gary could go one way or the other. And obviously, negative energy can affect crew, so I definitely hope they sort out their sh**.”

“You don’t stress me out at all,” Gary added. “I don’t stress.”

“But I just stress everyone else out,” Daisy responded.

“Everyone else, yeah,” Gary admitted.

When Gary, Glenn and the guests were seated at the table, Daisy complained, “I hate that we have to serve Gary.” This is the second time Gary was invited to eat with the guests since he returned from quarantine. Isn’t this only his second charter back?

One of the guests asked Glenn the meaning behind the boat’s name, Parsifal. “It’s from King Arthur,” he answered. “A German composer wrote an opera about Parsifal. They’ve named the Parsifal after the opera, which is after the knight.”

While trying to distract the guests with small talk, Glenn noticed that there was a long time between courses. The primary’s son Jacob was rubbing his eyes with sleepiness. That’s what happens when you start dinner at 9:00 pm. Who can eat that late? Normally, I’m thinking about bed at that hour.

Dessert and the awards ceremony were to take place upstairs on the flybridge deck. While the crew was waiting to start the presentation, Daisy was irritated that Gary took a cigarette break before coming upstairs and gave him a hard time about it. Even Colin said he’d been waving at Gary to come up.

Though he apologized and said he didn’t hear the radio call, he was annoyed at being called out. “I don’t give a f*** what you say, I’m the chief officer here,” he said in a production interview. “If I want to have a f***ing cigarette, I’m gonna have a cigarette. F***, Colin. I thought you were on my side. What the f*** is going on?” Struck a nerve there, I guess. I thought you never lost your cool, Gary. Not so cool now, huh?

Colin’s a good listener

Looking for a sympathetic shoulder to cry on, Daisy knocked on Colin’s door while Gary was still upstairs emceeing the awards ceremony. Is this the beginning of their relationship ?

“I’m just f***ing tired,” she told him. “Like, it’s [been] a long day. I’m having to manage a lot. To have a girl do service when the guests are off the boat, no matter what they’re doing or drinking. I just feel so much pressure, and … anything that goes wrong, it looks bad on me.”

“I feel like Gary’s so unapproachable,” she continued. “Like, he’s just sick of me saying stuff. I just don’t want to have another conversation about it.”

At least Colin was supportive of Daisy’s feelings and didn’t just brush her off like Gary had. Daisy really appreciated having him see her side. “If it weren’t for Colin, I would feel so alone,” she admitted.

“You’re doing a good job,” Colin said, giving her a big hug. “You’re a great chief stew. I notice how much you do.”

Daisy was feeling a little betrayed by Gary’s attitude about her frustration, especially since she thought they’d gotten close working together. “I feel like I can speak for the entire crew,” she said. “Gary, go f*** yourself.”

As everyone else was off to bed, Chase was once again complaining about having to do the anchor watch. “Cleaning the boat all night, it’s a f***ing sh** job … [but] I’m crushing it.”

As a beautiful purple and orange sunrise rose above the Mediterranean, Chase stood at the end of the swim deck and said, in a Mario voice, “That’s-a very pretty.”

The guests say goodbye and Daisy has a meltdown

I’m going to miss these guests. Though they could be demanding at times, they were actually lovely, kind people, which is rare on this show.

While Ileisha was preparing breakfast in the galley, John was trying to rouse at least one member of his family out of bed to keep him company up on deck. It was their last morning on the Parsifal, and he wanted to savor every minute remaining.

As the boat motored toward the marina, Glenn asked Gary to give the marina a call and let them know they’d be returning to their berth in just a few minutes. The guests finished their packing just as Glenn pulled the boat into her slip. But as he was maneuvering the last few feet, John came up to chat, bless his heart. Not a good idea to distract the captain while he’s trying to safely dock a multi-million dollar vessel.

As he was saying goodbye to the crew, John couldn’t have been more gracious. “You guys are the Greatest of All Time Yacht Crew! Thank you so much!” After handing Glenn a fat tip envelope, he waved goodbye and walked down the dock to join his friends and family.

Back in the galley, Daisy vented to Ileisha about Gary saying it was “one of the best charters ever,” when she had been struggling. She wondered if he said it just to piss her off. “Honestly, I couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or trying to wind me up.”

Ileisha called it a “dick move” for Gary to make that comment when he knew Daisy was having such a hard time. “F***ing Gary. Such a f***ing wanker.” I love that word “wanker.” It’s so British and so proper, while still being a bit cheeky. I need to add that one to my vocabulary.

When he gathered the crew in the “saloon” for the tip meeting, even Glenn admitted, “It wasn’t our easiest charter, but we got through it.” After addressing the safety issues with the water toys, Glenn asked Daisy to address what they can do to improve service. Revealing her stress around this issue, the chief stew asked if they could move on and address it later in private, and Glenn agreed. As the conversation moved on, Daisy was obviously still upset and tearfully excused herself from the meeting.

“Let’s just pause for a minute,” Glenn said, noticing Daisy’s distress as Gary followed her from the room.

“Hey, Dais,” the first mate called after her.

“I’m gonna be fine, I just need five minutes,” she told him. “Honestly, I’m fine. I’m f***ing trying.”

“I know you are,” Gary soothed. “You’re trying your hardest. Don’t let it affect you … The girls are so f***ing grateful for all your help.” And he grabbed her in a bear hug. Finally! She just needed a little understanding, and he showed up for his friend in the end.

This time it was Colin who didn’t understand what Daisy was so upset about. Even though she’d had that conversation with him the night before and expressed her frustration, he said, “I don’t know what she’s crying about.” Come on, Colin. Don’t be a dick.

In a production interview, Gary confessed, “Don’t get me wrong, Daisy annoys the f*** out of me, but I feel very protective over Daisy, and I don’t like seeing her break down like this.”

Glenn followed them down to the crew quarters and told Daisy to “take a moment,” but she assured him she was fine. He told her, “I don’t want you to think I’m picking on you.”

“It’s not you I’m upset with,” Daisy told the captain. “Even though it’s not a personal attack, I’m gonna feel personally responsible.” The pressure just got to her, but she said she was fine now and could return to the meeting. It’s like a pressure cooker. The pressure just builds until it has to be released as steam. Daisy let off some steam, and now she felt better, although a little embarrassed at losing control of her emotions.

“I’m doing the best that I can,” she said, “but I’m human. And there’s only so much f***ing crap I can take.”

Colin stepped in to defend Glenn. “I think it’s important to note that everyone is doing a fantastic job … When [Glenn] gives us constructive criticism, it’s for all of us to improve. He’s not attacking anyone or putting anyone down.” Thank you for that sanctimonious statement, Colin. I think you’re missing the point here.

“You want to talk about frantic?” Colin said in a side interview. “You talk about my first charter [when the engine wasn’t working]. Quite a stressful situation, [but] you didn’t see me crying.” Colin just didn’t understand the pressure Daisy was under.

But what everyone really wanted to hear about was the tip. It was $23,000 US, $2,240 Euros each. (Why does Glenn always say “US dollars” and then switch to Euros? It’s confusing.) A very nice tip. That should turn those frowns upside down.

Following the tip meeting, the guys all went out on deck to hash over what just took place in the tip meeting. Colin didn’t understand why Daisy was being “so defensive.” But then he reopened the issue of Gary going for a cigarette break when the rest of the crew was waiting for him on the flybridge the night before. He called Gary’s making them wait a “bit of a dick move.”

Gary was pissed at Colin chiding him to “lead by example.” And just like that, Gary stalked off muttering, “F*** Colin.” Uh oh. Is their bromance on the rocks? It’s only gonna get worse in the coming weeks.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht continues Mondays at 8/7c on Bravo.


The post Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 6 Recap: Don’t Cry Over Buffalo Wings in the Sand appeared first on Reality Tea .

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  • Barrie & Tony Drewitt Barlow were memorable guests on Below Deck Sailing Yacht due to their fascinating background.
  • Barrie had a romantic relationship with his daughter's ex, causing awkward tension on the yacht.
  • Since their appearance, Barrie is still active on social media while Tony has stepped away from the spotlight.

Barrie and Tony Drewitt Barlow were Below Deck Sailing Yacht charter guests for two seasons, and there's a lot of curiosity regarding their lives outside the show. They have a fascinating background that impacted United Kingdom history but also had awkward drama on one of the best reality TV shows on TV. Thanks to these contrasting elements, these guests were memorable additions to the series. Episodes featuring the Below Deck Sailing Yacht charter guests showed a different sort of trouble in paradise.

Barrie and Tony's kids turned out to be very fussy eaters. Chef Natasha De Bourg , who said she's often underestimated because she is pretty, had trouble serving the large family due to all the requests. This strained her relationship with Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher. It also didn't help that Barrie was in a relationship with his daughter Saffron Drewitt Barlow's ex, Scott, and welcomed another child into their relationship. His marriage with Tony ended as he was having an affair with his daughter's ex. Traveling on a yacht with the family proved to be awkward as Scott was there with them.

Some charter guests have made outrageous demands from the Below Deck crew while on the yacht. One of the guests has even taken their tips back.

Barrie & Tony Were Fascinating Below Deck Sailing Yacht Guests

Barrie and Tony were the first couple officially recognized as gay dads in the U.K.

Barrie and Tony from the Below Deck franchise are a landmark couple. After a law was passed that legitimized LGBTQ+ marriage, they were the first couple officially recognized as gay dads in the U.K . They have five children, and the former reality stars started their parenthood journey by having a set of twins who were conceived with a surrogate mother in Los Angeles. During that time, gay men generally didn't pursue this avenue, and adoption systems had ingrained biases against LGBTQ+ couples. Joining forces with a surrogate mother helped to set a precedent for other people who wanted to go the same route.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht's Tony & Barrie's Family Kept Growing

While the couple from Below Deck Sailing Yacht decided to sail through Croatia on the nautical reality series, they eventually stopped being romantic partners, but their separation was amicable. They maintain that their relationship became friendly rather than romantic. The two chose to focus on being good parents. Barrie is with his daughter's ex, and Saffron has stated that she would rather not know the details of their romance, as Barrie has no filter . Barrie has admitted that it's weird how he has fallen for someone half his age. Nonetheless, they're all maintaining relationships with one another.

Barrie and Scott's youngest, a daughter named Valentina Willow Drewitt-Barlow, was born in October 2020. Tony had throat cancer in the early 2000s. Unfortunately, it returned in 2018. During his treatment, Tony fell for a nurse named Brent, who is significantly younger than him and a very devoted partner. Part of the reason he signed on as a Below Deck Sailing Yacht charter guest was due to Tony wanting to spend every precious moment with his family, including his ex, Barrie.

What Are Barrie & Tony Drewitt Barlow Up To Now?

Since appearing on Below Deck Sailing Yacht , Barrie and Tony have stepped away from the spotlight . Tony has decided to put his Instagram on private, restricting Below Deck fans from viewing his content. However, his profile photo is still an image of him and his partner Brent, who was Tony's nurse when he was diagnosed with cancer many years ago. It seems the couple's relationship is still going strong. Nonetheless, Tony still has a link in his bio, leading to his family website. Even though Tony has stepped away from fame , he still wants to support his family.

@scottroberthutchison our boy is getting big xx

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As for Barrie, he's still enjoying the limelight while he can. Unlike his ex-partner Tony, Barrie is very active on social media, which is evident by his followers. Barrie has over 145,000 followers, while Tony has just over 5,000 . However, despite Tony loving the fame, his social media mainly focuses on his family. His most recent post is from April 28, and it's a carousal of him and his partner Scott's youngest son, who is super adorable. The image before that was from April 21, and it's of Barrie's art along with Scott and his daughter Valentina featured.

He wrote in the caption, " when you walk into an exhibition and you DON'T let your children know that you are one of the featured paintings ." It seems after appearing on Below Deck Sailing Yacht , Barrie has started an art career . His work is very impressive and Barrie seems proud of what he's accomplished.

Barrie also addressed a troll who called out his poor behavior on the show. In an early March post, someone called out Barrie and his behavior on Below Deck Sailing Yacht . Barrie addressed it saying, " It’s a reality show, with 30 cast members all fighting for air-time ." Barrie even revealed that he and Chef Natasha are great friends following the seasons.

Barrie and Tony were one of the most memorable guests on Below Deck Sailing Yacht . While they caused a lot of drama, their family made their three-episode arch entertaining. Since Barrie and Tony's appearance, the Below Deck franchise hasn't seen a more entertaining charter guest. Here's hoping they return for another sail with Captain Glenn Shephard and his crew.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht is now streaming on Peacock.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Not available

Below Deck Sailing Yacht is a spin-off of the Below Deck reality television series. Premiering on Bravo, the show follows the life of a Yacht crew as they attempt to navigate a busy Charter season in which many customers make use of a 177-foot sailing yacht. Over the first three seasons, the yacht has been to Greece, Croatia, and Spain.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4: next episode, cast, trailer and what we know about the Bravo series

Captain Glenn and the crew of the Parsifal III set sail again.

Captain Glenn Shepherd on the Parsifal III on Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4

Captain Glenn and the crew of the Parsifal III are back for another season of Below Deck Sailing Yacht . This time the yacht is setting sail in lovely Sardinia, Italy, and even though it's a beautiful location, don't expect calm seas. This season, anything can happen. 

As the original Below Deck franchise wraps up its tenth season, Below Deck Sailing Yacht cruises into season 4 with the promise of picturesque landscapes and thrilling adventures, but the trailer hints at some trouble on board, and not just with the crew. Although, it looks like the Parsifal III has some challenges this season that puts Captain Glenn and the crew through their paces. 

Here's everything we know about Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4. 

Next episode of Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 

Part two of the Below Deck Sailing Yacht season four reunion   airs Tuesday, July 18, at 8 pm ET/PT on Bravo. Catch the uncensored and extended Below Deck Sailing Yacht reunion part two next day on Peacock.

We don't have a premiere date for the UK, but expect to see new episodes on Hayu once they're available. 

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode guide

Keep track of all the Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episodes here:

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 1: "ParsiFAIL" "Back on board Parsifal III in Sardinia, Italy, Capt. Glenn is poised for his smoothest sail yet -- until he isn't; Daisy comes back ready to prove she knows what she's doing as a chief stew; chief engineer Colin is determined to avoid a boat romance."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 2: "Worst Vacation Ever" "Capt. Glenn is hopeful Colin's plan to fix the engine works; chef Ileisha has problems at dinner; the guests blame Daisy for the lack of service."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 3: "The King is Back" "Capt. Glenn finally wakes up to some good news; the entire crew is invited to join the guests for dinner, and chef Ileisha must change her menu in the last minute."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 4: "Lazy Daisy" "Capt. Glenn remains committed to improving the guest experience by insisting a stew go on all excursions. Daisy is frustrated after learning she’s a stew down while the deck team goofed off on the eFoils. Chef Ileisha’s perfectionism is thrown off when she faces her greatest fear in the galley and enlists Colin’s help. Gary claims his territory as First Mate both with the ladies and on deck as he sets his eyes on Mads knowing his deckhands are interested in the same girl."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 5: "Hate Me Tender" "Daisy is overwhelmed with the high-maintenance guests and struggles to ask for help, so a request from Gary sends her over the edge; when a guest injury occurs on the water toys, Capt. Glenn goes into high alert."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 6: "Clash & Burn" "In an effort to turn the charter around, Capt. Glenn takes the guests on an epic sail. Lucy makes a grave mistake to a charter guest’s garment. After Chef Ileisha continues to leave the guests waiting too long between courses, Capt. Glenn gives her honest feedback in the tip meeting that pushes Daisy's defensive buttons. Colin defends Capt. Glenn’s comments as feedback and not critique, which only heightens Daisy’s frustrations."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 7: "Smoke on the Water" "Another engine issue emerges, forcing Capt. Glenn to modify the plan and keep the returning guests entertained. With all the uncertainty going on in the engine room, Capt. Glenn takes control and points out the crews’ mistakes. Daisy and Colin make up after their fight as their relationship grows stronger. Daisy confronts Gary about Mads and claims he’s playing his usual games. Tired of the drama, Chase plans a night of drunk Twister and hosts a surprising yoga session. "

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 8: "Cheers to Boobies" "After Chase confides in Gary about Alex’s lackluster work ethic, Chase’s trust is broken when Gary tells Alex about their conversation. The crew pull off talent show #2 for the returning guests and surprise themselves with their interesting skills. Chase has a little too much to drink, and he upsets some of the crew, pushing Lucy to lose it and her chair at dinner. Daisy and Colin get closer than ever as they share an unexpected kiss."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 9: "Love Boat" "Glenn dresses up for the guests' theme night; he hopes his participation helps correct a jewelry theft hiccup and is on top of his crew to make sure the women have the best trip of their lives."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 10: "Loose Lips Sink Friendships" "The crew has the day off, and even Capt. Glenn recharges by enjoying Parsifal III all to himself and riding the eFoil; Colin saves the day clearing the clogged toilets, but he gets jammed up when his honest opinion strikes a chord."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 11: "Let Them Eat Cake" "Capt. Glenn notices the standards are slipping on Parsifal lll as the crew is exhausted with the mid-season blues. Distraught that Colin and Gary aren’t speaking, Daisy takes initiative and forces them to hash out their problems. Gary’s confusing behavior has Mads confessing her feelings to Alex. Colin tries to forgive Daisy’s discretions, but she adds insult to injury after she drunkenly confuses him for Gary. On charter, after anchoring in their first destination, Parsifal lll nearly drags into a neighboring boat."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 12: "T-Bone with Stakes" "Capt. Glenn notices the crew is slipping on service when a guest is injured, and interior doesn’t hear the walkie call forcing Capt. Glenn to up the guest maintenance standards onboard. After Alex and Mads confess their feelings from the start, Mads is torn between Alex and Gary. Shaken after a close T-Bone with a nearby boat, Gary is confused when his advances to Mads aren’t being reciprocated."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 13: "Hurricane Bonnie" "Captain Glenn reprimands the crew as recent slip-ups are directly affecting communication and morale; Daisy breaks down when she's proven wrong about the walkies not working; Chef Ileisha is determined to prove she can complete a 10-course dinner."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 14: "Boat Load of Throuples" "Capt. Glenn threatens to kick one of the 'throuple' charter guests off Parsifal during a drunken guest fight. Mads receives a wake-up call that prompts her to dismiss Gary’s apology attempt and more seriously consider Alex leaving Gary with a stomach full of regret. Unhappy with Gary, Alex and Colin decide to follow their hearts instead."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 15: "Man Buns Has it Been Fun": "Proud of his team’s accomplishments during the final sail, Capt. Glenn believes his tough love made them all stronger. The crew celebrates their final night out and Daisy and Colin try to soak up every moment of it. Following tearless goodbyes, Capt. Glenn and Gary stay onboard Parsifal to pick up another charter season."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 cast

Captain Glenn Shepherd returns to helm the Parsifal III. This is his fourth season on the series, but he's no stranger to the ship. He's been helming the Parsifal III for over a decade. 

Captain Glenn will be joined once again by Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher, first mate Gary King and engineer Colin MacRae. 

New to the series are chef Ileisha Dell, stews Lucy Edmunds and Mads Herrera and deckhands Chase Lemacks and Alex Propson. 

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 plot

Bravo offered this synopsis of Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 and it gives you a good sense of what's coming in the new season: 

"Capt. Glenn and his comeback team Daisy Kelliher, Gary King and Colin MacRae resume their responsibilities aboard Parsifal III, along with new, dynamic crew members, as they set sail in Sardinia, Italy. Capt. Glenn realizes that his laid-back leadership style has allowed his crew to become too comfortable and starts taking charge of quality control in the interior department, much to Daisy's dismay. 

"In the galley, Chef Ileisha’s cooking impresses the guests, but her indecisiveness and co-dependency lead to time-management issues between courses, which causes her to self-destruct. On deck, strong personalities collide, and a power struggle results in a near mutiny, as Gary clashes with his new overconfident deckhand, Chase. 

"Two overlapping love triangles further complicate the dynamics on-board, and a shocking hookup puts Colin, Daisy and Gary’s friendship in jeopardy. With a near collision, fire, crew rebellion, gruesome guest injury and two different potentially season-ending engine failures, this is the most captivating and unpredictable season yet of Below Deck Sailing Yacht ."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 trailer

There are some rough seas coming up in Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4. Here's a look at what you can expect:

Get ready to sail into a new season of #BelowDeckSailing on April 10th! ⛵ Here's everything you need to know: https://t.co/rctXBOFI3a pic.twitter.com/nqMaFasQ5f March 15, 2023

How to watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 premieres April 10 on Bravo, with new episodes airing the next day on Peacock . 

If you have cut the cord to traditional cable/satellite television, Bravo is available on live TV streaming services such as Fubo TV , Hulu with Live TV , Sling TV and YouTube TV . 

UK fans can tune into previous seasons of the franchise on Hayu , and once we have a release date for season 4 in the UK we’ll add it here.

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Sarabeth joined the What to Watch team in May 2022. An avid TV and movie fan, her perennial favorites are The Walking Dead, American Horror Story , true crime documentaries on Netflix and anything from Passionflix. You’ve Got Mail , Ocean's Eleven and Signs are movies that she can watch all day long. She's also a huge baseball fan, and hockey is a new favorite.  

When she's not working, Sarabeth hosts the My Nights Are Booked Podcast and a blog dedicated to books and interviews with authors and actors. She also published her first novel, Once Upon an Interview , in 2022. 

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht – Season 4, Episode 6

Clash & burn, where to watch, below deck sailing yacht — season 4, episode 6.

Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht — Season 4, Episode 6 with a subscription on Peacock, or buy it on Fandango at Home, Prime Video, Apple TV.

Cast & Crew

Glenn Shephard

Daisy Kelliher

Colin Macrae

Ileisha Dell

Lucy Edmunds

Episode Info

Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht Online | Peacock

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Watch full episodes of below deck sailing yacht, watch below deck sailing yacht season 4, worst vacation ever, the king is back, hate me tender, clash and burn, smoke on the water, cheers to boobies, loose lips sink friendships, burnt hands and broken hearts, let them eat cake, t-bone with stakes, hurricane bonnie, she loves me not, boat load of throuples, man buns it has been fun, reunion, part 1 (uncensored & extended), reunion, part 2 (uncensored & extended), related clips, you may also like, frequently asked questions.

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: New Boatmance Just Dropped

Below deck sailing yacht.

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 6 guests

Last week marked the start of a Gary/Chase feud, and it shows no signs of slowing down. This episode opens with Gary and Colin still discussing Chase, who remains angry about being told what to do. Colin likes Chase and his “good work ethic,” but Gary’s giant ego won’t allow him to let this go easily. Might I suggest the act of just being up front with one another?

Meanwhile, Daisy has taken Captain Glenn’s “negative feedback” from the previous charter to heart, describing it as a “pain to the core.” To ensure things run smoothly from now on, she says she will “take this opportunity to train the girls as much as I can.” Doesn’t training typically happen at the very beginning of a season?

Since eel was listed on the preference sheets, Ileisha ordered what she thought was eel fillet but turned out to be a whole one that’s still alive. “They’re like the snakes of the ocean, and they freak me out,” she tells us before recalling how a python wrapped around the bathtub when she was a baby and her dad had to chop its head off. “So, yeah, traumatized,” she adds. When Lucy walks in on Colin and Ileisha trying to butcher the eel, she looks horrified and screams. She’s the most relatable person on the boat!

With the guests planning on spending the day doing water sports since there’s no wind for sailing, Daisy takes a break as the stews clean cabins. In the lazarette, Gary realizes that the eFoils aren’t charged, causing a delay. The guests are tired of waiting, so they decide to visit a nearby beach to swim and snorkel. Chase, who is chaperoning, wants a stew to help with drinks on the tender, but Lucy says she’s too busy. This annoys Gary, who complains to Captain Glenn, who then decides to send Lucy to shore, which will surely piss Daisy off once she awakens from her slumber.

Throughout all this, Chase is  still  complaining about Gary. “If I was green and this was my first boat and I was lost and needed to be taught everything, considering Gary’s leadership style, we would be fucked,” he tells us. I feel like this is all being exaggerated because Gary has been on the boat for, like, three days and immediately had to get up to speed.

When she finally wakes up, Daisy heads downstairs to check on the girls and send Lucy on a break, but Mads breaks the news that she’s not on the boat. Daisy says it’s fine but utters, “It’s just that we don’t have time for this shit.” To make matters worse, she spots Gary and Colin playing around on the eFoils, which infuriates her even more because she thinks one of them could’ve gone in Lucy’s place. It’s a classic  Below Deck  scenario we’ve seen play out dozens of times, so when Daisy confronts him later, Gary just nods and smiles because he has learned by now not to make things worse.

On the tender, Chase tells Lucy he thinks “something’s going to happen” with Mads during their upcoming night out, and Lucy later relays this to Mads, who says it’s definitely not happening because, as she tells us, “Chase has no game.” His Southern-gentleman shtick doesn’t work on everyone after all! Meanwhile, the first thing Alex does after waking up is flirt with Mads in the crew mess. “Typically, I date models with daddy issues, and that has not gone extremely well,” he says before adding that he likes Mads because she’s Not Like Other Girls or whatever.

Everyone is aware of Ileisha’s stress-triggered bad time management at this point, but Daisy notes it doesn’t matter because the guests are so nice that they won’t care. That may be true, but it’s a problem that’ll keep plaguing her. Elsewhere, Gary and Chase are still having an unpleasant time working together. Gary tells Chase to go on a break, which Chase disregards because he wants to help with the rope swing, and Gary tells him he’ll regret not taking time to relax, which is probably true.

Following lunch, the guests head up to the deck for rope swinging, which I can’t imagine being a fun activity.  American Idol  season-one runner-up  Justin Guarini  executes it perfectly, but a guest named Kelly ends up belly-flopping into the ocean, which looks painful as hell but makes for a funny moment as Chase tells us she “ate shit.”

It’s time for dinner, which is a “Southern comfort cuisine”–inspired bourbon tasting menu. As everyone enjoys their meal, Kim realizes she forgot to remove their clothes from the bathroom. Later, her husband, Ian, rushes down to the cabin to tell Mads and Lucy that he feels horrible for leaving a “colossal clutter of mess.” What a difference between these lovely guests and the last charter’s disastrous ladies! In the kitchen, Captain Glenn notices Ileisha’s flustered state, so he urges her not to let something like overcooked lamb get to her. It’s solid advice, but I have an inkling that Ileisha’s struggles will only continue to grow, though I applaud her for not allowing her emotions to get the best of her à la Chef Adam.

Alex is on anchor watch again, and a storm hits overnight. “Shit’s about to get weird,” he says after noticing the strong winds. The wind speed reaches 16 knots (and rising), yet Alex doesn’t bat an eye. Captain Glenn and Gary only wake up after hearing the anchor drag, and Alex informs them he had only just noticed the wind getting stronger, which, sure. Gary tells us Alex correctly followed procedure, but I feel like he wouldn’t have felt that way had it been Chase on night watch instead.

The next morning, Gary is unsurprisingly annoyed with Chase, this time for his handling of the ropes before docking. Gary thinks Chase is intentionally trying to make him mad; Chase believes Gary is “looking for a reason to be upset.” Both of these things are probably true at this point. When the guests — who will be dearly missed — depart, Ian expresses how much they enjoyed the trip, and Kim says she was especially blown away by the “kindness” the department heads led with. Cut to a shot of Chase looking annoyed and grunting because he obviously wouldn’t say the same about Gary.

As everyone completes their post-charter tasks, Colin asks Chase and Gary which girls they’re into, and Chase says that since he and Alex like Mads, “the ball is in her court.” Unbeknownst to him, she’s already ruled him out! Gary says he’ll be a “fly on the wall” since everyone is already hooking up, but when has that ever stopped him? Colin’s thoughts: “Gary has had it so easy for the last two seasons. He’s always had the girls fighting over him, and this is the first time he’s got a little more competition.” That’s exactly what makes this season’s boatmances all the more exciting.

At the tip meeting — where we learn that the guests left a fantastic $23,000 tip — Captain Glenn congratulates the crew for a successful charter and praises the interior for finding their “groove.” “I feel fucking elevated,” Daisy says about the good feedback. And with that, Gary announces, “It’s time to get fucked up!”

The crew packs into gender-separated sprinter vans, where they gossip about who they like. Daisy tells the girls she isn’t interested in anyone but thinks Colin is “so hot,” planting the seed for what’s to come later in the season. Ileisha says she just wants “hookups, hookups, hookups.” I think we can all agree on that! Chase asks the guys their predictions for the evening, and Gary says he’s going to “take the straggler” after everyone pairs up. He’s back to his old habits!

After they arrive at the restaurant, Chase tells Gary and Ileisha that he’s crushing on Mads. Moments later, Gary’s flirting with Mads at the table as Chase looks on, visibly fuming. “I know a snake when I see a snake and that Gary is an asshole,” he says. Yeah, dude, Gary doesn’t give a fuck who you or anybody else likes! Later, Gary admits to Daisy that he’s a “bit jealous” over her kissing Alex. “I can’t read Gary,” Daisy shares. “I see the way he behaves with me, and you behave that way with every other single girl. For me, it’s kind of hard to take seriously.”

Once back on the boat, the evening gets worse for Chase. Alex and Mads are in the Jacuzzi drunkenly flirting, which makes Chase seethe with jealousy to the point where he calls it an early night. Soon enough, nearly everyone heads to bed, and we’re left with Gary, Mads, and Alex, who falls asleep as the other two flirt. After Alex leaves, Gary tells Mads that the boys are fighting over her but that he ultimately doesn’t care about stepping on their toes because “fuck them, they’re just deckhands.” Mads and Gary’s jacuzzi hangout escalates to a full-blown make-out session, which will lead to some very interesting developments next week. I, for one, can’t wait.

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea. The sailing yacht brings new challenges to these young, attra... Read all Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea. The sailing yacht brings new challenges to these young, attractive and adventurous yachties. Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea. The sailing yacht brings new challenges to these young, attractive and adventurous yachties.

  • Mark Cronin
  • Doug Henning
  • Rebecca Taylor Henning
  • Glenn Shephard
  • Daisy Kelliher
  • 36 User reviews
  • 3 nominations

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Scarlett Bentley in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

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Glenn Shephard

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  • Trivia Below Deck Sailing Yacht will introduce Parsifal III. The 177-foot yacht sleeps 12 guests at a time and typically has a nine-member crew, according to Yacht Charter Fleet. To charter the yacht, prices start at $195,000 for a week. During high season, though, a week on the yacht is expected to cost around $225,000.
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User reviews 36

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  • May 3, 2021
  • How many seasons does Below Deck Sailing Yacht have? Powered by Alexa
  • February 3, 2020 (United States)
  • 51 Minds Entertainment
  • Little Wooden Boat Productions
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  • Runtime 43 minutes

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episodes

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Reality series about the crew and guests of a luxury sailing yacht cruising the waters of Corf, Greece.

Season 4 Episode Guide

21 Episodes 2023 - 0

Mon, Apr 10, 2023 60 mins

Back on board Parsifal III in Sardinia, Italy, Capt. Glenn is poised for his smoothest sail yet -- until he isn't; Daisy comes back ready to prove she knows what she's doing as a chief stew; chief engineer Colin is determined to avoid a boat romance.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 1 image

Worst Vacation Ever

Mon, Apr 17, 2023 60 mins

Capt. Glenn is hopeful Colin's plan to fix the engine works; Chef Ileisha has problems at dinner; the guest blame Daisy for the lack of service.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 2 image

The King Is Back

Mon, Apr 24, 2023 60 mins

Capt. Glenn finally wakes up to some good news; the entire crew is invited to join the guests for dinner and Chef Ileisha has to change her menu last minute.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 3 image

Mon, May 1, 2023 60 mins

Capt. Glenn insists a stew go on all excursions; Daisy is frustrated after learning she's a stew down while the deck team goofed off on the eFoils; chef Ileisha's perfectionism is thrown off when she faces her greatest fear in the galley.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 4 image

Hate Me Tender

Mon, May 8, 2023 60 mins

Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 5 image

Clash & Burn

Mon, May 15, 2023 60 mins

In an effort to turn the charter around, Capt. Glenn takes the guests on a sail; Lucy makes a mistake to a charter guest's garment; chef Ileisha continues to leave the guests waiting too long between courses; Capt. Glenn gives her honest feedback.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 6 image

Smoke on the Water

Mon, May 22, 2023 60 mins

Another engine issue emerges, forcing Capt. Glenn to modify the plan and keep the returning guests entertained; With all the uncertainty going on in the engine room, Capt. Glenn takes control and points out the crews' mistakes.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 7 image

Cheers to Boobies

Mon, May 29, 2023 60 mins

Chase's trust is broken when Gary tells Alex about their confidential conversation.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 8 image

Mon, Jun 5, 2023 60 mins

Glenn dresses up for the guests' theme night; he hopes his participation helps correct a jewelry theft hiccup and is on top of his crew to make sure the women have the best trip of their lives.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 9 image

Loose Lips Sink Friendships

Mon, Jun 12, 2023 60 mins

The crew has the day off, and even Capt. Glenn recharges by enjoying Parsifal III all to himself and riding the eFoil; Colin saves the day clearing the clogged toilets, but he gets jammed up when his honest opinion strikes a chord.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 10 image

Burnt Hands and Broken Hearts

Tue, Jun 13, 2023 60 mins

Caught in an uncomfortable situation, Daisy doesn't know where she stands with Colin after keeping a massive secret from him; determined to prove Colin wrong, chef Ileisha picks herself up just to be knocked back down.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 11 image

Let Them Eat Cake

Mon, Jun 19, 2023 60 mins

Capt. Glenn notices the standards are slipping on Parsifal lll, as the crew is exhausted with the mid-season blues; distraught that Colin and Gary aren't speaking, Daisy takes initiative and forces them to hash out their problems.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 12 image

T-Bone With Stakes

Capt. Glenn notices the crew is slipping on service when a guest is injured and interior doesn't hear the walkie call; after Alex and Mads confess their feelings from the start, Mads is torn between Alex and Gary.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 13 image

Hurricane Bonnie

Mon, Jun 26, 2023 60 mins

Capt. Glenn reprimands the crew as recent slip-ups are directly affecting communication and morale; Daisy breaks down when she's proven wrong about the walkies not working; chef Ileisha is determined to prove she can complete a 10-course dinner.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 14 image

She Loves Me Not

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 15 image

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 16 image

Man Buns It Has Been Fun

Proud of his team's accomplishments during the final sail, Capt. Glenn believes his tough love made them all stronger; the crew celebrates its final night out, and Daisy and Colin try to soak up every moment of it.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 17 image

Reunion Part 1

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Andy Cohen hosts Part 1 of the Below Deck Sailing Yacht reunion.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 4 Episode 18 image

Reunion Part 2

Tue, Jul 18, 2023 60 mins

Andy Cohen hosts Part 2 of the Below Deck Sailing Yacht reunion.

Never Before Scene 416

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Never Before Scene 417

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 6 guests

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 14 Recap: Maximum Insecurity

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 14 recap

Welcome to the  Below Deck Mediterranean  Season 9, Episode 14 recap! In this week’s episode, called “New Kid on the Dock,” the new stew on board captures Joe’s attention, while simultaneously bringing Ellie’s insecurity to a boil. Bri’s still mixing up everyone’s laundry, but Sandy’s willing to give her one more chance. Joe’s constant “nit-picking” is getting on Gael’s nerves, and she finally loses her cool with him. Here are some of the highlights from Below Deck Med Season 9, Episode 14.

A new stew joins the crew

Carrie O'Neill joins the show in Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 14

Nathan welcomes the new girl , Scottish lassie Carrie O’Neill, aboard. He tells her she’s arrived at the right time since it’s the crew’s night out.

When she meets Sandy, the captain is pleased to see she’s got mixology experience. She’ll be a better choice to tend the bar than Ellie, who struggles.

Aesha is beyond pleased to finally have some experienced help on board. Carrie’s been a chief stew before, so she should fit right in with minimal training. And she’s ready to work wherever she’s needed.

“I don’t mind where you put me,” Carrie interviews. “Third stew, fourth stew, whatever. That doesn’t really bother me.”

Unfortunately, when Ellie comes out dressed up for their night off, Carrie gets off on the wrong foot. Ellie is a bit overdressed with a tiny crop top and super high heels.

Carrie jokes, “We need to get you a stripper pole to go with the stripper heels.” Ellie’s offended. They are pretty high. She can barely walk down the gangway to go to dinner.

Joe’s attention is all on the shiny new girl. Bri jokes he’s going for “number three,” but at least she was “number one.” In the van she tells Jono and Nathan that she’s “done” with Joe. He’s already on to the next new thing.

Nathan tells her, “He’s like a dog with two d*cks. He’ll never seal the deal.”

Ellie sees a rival, and there’s bad news for Nathan from home

Ellie Dubaich in Below Deck Med Season 9

Aesha and Carrie seem to be hitting it off like a house on fire.

“Aesha and Carrie seem to be getting along very quickly,” Ellie interviews. “This might mean some sort of trouble for me. I’ve earned my position on this boat, and if my position should be threatened at all, I’m just not going to back down. That’s just how I operate.”

Later, Nathan gets a text from a friend: “Did you hear Tommy passed away 2 days ago?”

“What the f*ck?!” Nathan says and immediately starts wiping away tears.

Gael notices how quiet he is and asks, “What’s happening? Are you okay?”

Later at the club, Nathan’s hitting the drinks pretty hard. “Are you all right?” she asks again.

In a confessional, Nathan explains, “So I get this text that my friend’s just passed away from cancer. I knew he had cancer, but the night before I came to join the boat, we were out drinking. He seemed like he was okay … I’m just pushing it aside for now.”

On the way back to the boat, Nathan snaps at Gael, and she knows he’s not okay. “What’s going on?” she finally asks. “Why have you cut me off?”

“I have a friend who died yesterday night,” he tearfully admits.

“I’m so sorry,” she says, giving him a hug. “I understand.”

Back in the boys’ cabin, Aesha tells Joe he needs to support his friend. “He’s distraught right now,” she says.

When Nathan returns to their cabin, Joe says, “How are you, lad? … It’s life, you know. We’re just on a little journey.”

As shallow as Joe can be, he’s concerned about Nathan. “He’s a brother, so I’m gonna be there for Nathan. Whatever he needs.”

“I hope you can get some rest,” Joe says, helping Nathan into his upper bunk.

Preparing for the new guests

Joe Bradley - Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 14

The next morning, Aesha has a little meeting with her newly expanded service crew. “On this charter,” she tells them, “[Ellie and Bri] will still be on your same schedules … [Carrie’s] gonna be with me. I just want you to float around and help as needed.”

Aesha just wants to see what Carrie can do, so she knows how to fit her into the schedule.

“[Carrie’s experience] outranks Ellie and Bri,” the chief stew confesses. “But I don’t want to upset anyone. So she’s just, like, my floater. There’s no rank.”

But in an interview, Ellie seems to think she’s still above Carrie, as she’s the second stew. “We’re in a hierarchy for a reason,” she interviews. “So just play your role.” Should be interesting when the new guests come, and we find out how many stripes Aesha gives Carrie. I can’t wait.

Meanwhile, on deck, Joe and Gael are getting things ready for the guests to arrive at 1:00. As Gael squeegees the glass, Joe suggests she use the smaller squeegee, since it works better.

Even though he’s the Lead Deckhand and entitled to give her direction, she thinks he’s being “passive-aggressive.”

“I don’t know if he’s trying to prove himself,” Gael interviews, “but I don’t think this is the way to do it … I know what I’m doing.” His “micromanaging” is driving her crazy.

More laundry mixup

Bri in Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 14

Crew members are still struggling to find their uniforms. How is laundry so hard? You wash it, you dry it, you look at the nametags, and return everything to its rightful owner. Why is Bri so bad at this?

Even though he’s annoyed, Joe’s actually “shutting me mouth,” so Bri doesn’t get fired. Finally, he breaks down and tells Aesha that he’s on his last polo shirt and can she “sort it out” for him?

“I had no idea the crew has been covering up for [Bri],” Aesha interviews. “It just makes me want to explode.”

“I had to separate jobs in the laundry to pander to Bri because she swore [she wasn’t] making the mistakes,” Aesha adds in her confessional. “[But] it was Bri the whole time.”

It’s too late in the season to replace her. And then she’d be down to three stews again. “I really, really want to finish with four,” she adds.

Even so, Aesha tells Captain Sandy that people have been avoiding telling her that they have no clean uniforms, in order to protect Bri.

“I love that the crew [has] each other’s back,” Sandy confesses. “But we need to know … in order to correct it.”

“Just leave it with me,” Sandy says. “I’ll deal with it.”

Getting to the bottom of the laundry problem

Captain Sandy Yawn for Below Deck Med Season 9

When Sandy goes down to the laundry looking for her own clothes, Bri has mixed everything up.

“Why are you moving my clothes?” she asks. “You are still f*cking up with the laundry. What is it? What do you think it is?”

“I just feel like the system isn’t working for me,” Bri says. System? It’s laundry! It shouldn’t be that hard.

“Whatever you need to do your job is what you ask for,” Sandy says.

Bri suggests “little clip-on beads with colors,” cause she thinks she’ll remember better with colors rather than with writing. Why didn’t she bring this up before?

Sandy says, “Just get your head in the game. We’ve got two charters left … I’m gonna get you what you need.”

Failure to communicate

Iain Maclean for Below Deck Med

The new charter guests are on board, and everyone has a drink in hand. It’s time to get going. Iain’s dragging his feet about releasing lines, even though he’s got three people on the stern. Sandy sends Joe back to help.

“We’re on the second to the last charter,” Sandy confesses. “We should be able to un-dock with our eyes closed.”

When Iain ignores Sandy’s radio calls, she tells him to let his crew handle the lines so he can just talk to her. “Iain, you need to communicate,” she radios.

As Ellie sets the table for lunch, the wind knocks over one of the wine glasses. Aesha starts cleaning up the glass. She tells Ellie and Carrie to “stand by in the galley to start running platters.”

Ellie hears “start running platters,” and Carrie follows her lead. They both head up to the table, serving dishes in hand.

When Aesha sees them approaching, she says, “No, I didn’t say ‘come.’ I said ‘stand by.’” She’s still picking up broken glass.

“Jono, we’re just holding cause glass is flying everywhere,” Aesha radios the chef.

Ellie grows more insecure

Elena Dubaich for Below Deck Med Season 9

Carrie attempts to make a suggestion to Ellie at the bar. The Second Stew rebuffs her.

“I don’t know why we need a new person,” Ellie whines in a confessional. “It feels like I’m about to get demoted. If I’m reading this situation correctly, it would make me start resenting Aesha for that decision.”

In contrast, Bri is telling Jono about her “wack” morning while she washes dishes in the galley.

“I appreciate every second chance or … seventh chance that they’ve given me,” she says. “I’m just gonna try my best to do better.”

“Me, too,” he agrees.

Princess with a bite

Gael Cameron in Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 14

The deck crew is grabbing a quick bite in the crew mess. Joe comes in and says they might as well put the water toys away. Gael’s already showered and changed into her polo since Iain told her she could.

“I don’t have any dry wets,” Gael says, meaning the long-sleeve shirt they wear to protect them from the sun and small water creatures, such as jellyfish.

“You’re a princess,” Joe accuses her.

“You’re a pr*ck,” she snaps back.

“At least we both know where we stand,” Joe shrugs.

As Gael stomps off to her cabin, Nathan tells Joe, “You proper pissed her off, man.” Joe says he’ll apologize.

For her part, Gael admits her “blood is boiling.” She thinks the closer she gets to Nathan, the more Joe picks on her. And she’s not going to put up with it.

“I’m no princess, honey,” she interviews. “If he’s trying to get a reaction out of me, I’ll give you one. And then I’ll give you another.”

Ellie questions her boss

Aesha Scott in Below Deck Med

Carrie pops her head into the laundry to see if Bri needs any help. Bri says she’s good, and when she leaves, Bri interviews, “I’m just so happy to have [Carrie] around to get some extra help.”

What a difference between Bri and Moaning Myrtle.

Aesha’s tidying the bar when Ellie stops by. “How nice is this?” Aesha asks. “We’re so on top of things now!”

“So Carrie was on service today, just for training, right?” Ellie asks.

Aesha explains that she had Carrie helping out so she could gauge how much she knows about service. She’ll actually be filling in everywhere.

“I kind of felt like a third wheel,” Ellie says. “Is this how it’s gonna go for the rest of the season?”

“You were here, too, though,” Aesha responds.

“As a third wheel,” Ellie laughs nervously. “As long as I don’t feel like I’m being demoted.”

“At the end of the day, it’s my call,” Aesha says. “I’ll put her where I see fit. I’m not demoting you, I’m just putting her on service.”

“Just checking,” Ellie says, before walking away.

“When I’ve got Carrie around,” Aesha interviews, “I understand why Ellie might be feeling like a third wheel. But she should be grateful that we’ve got an extra set of hands. If you want to be a chief stew, you’ve got to understand that the most important thing is the guest experience. Not my second stew’s insecurity.”

Below Deck Mediterranean  airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.



Just a California girl with an English Lit degree who watches way too much reality television and likes to talk about it. Favorite shows: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, New Jersey, New York, Orange County, Salt Lake City; Vanderpump Rules; all Below Decks; Summer House; Bachelor in Paradise. Reality Tea News/Recap Writer since 2022.

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The Fourth Season of 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Has a Boatload of New Faces — Details

Katherine Stinson - Author

Updated April 10 2023, 6:10 p.m. ET

Craving an Italian vacation without the stress of actually having to pay for it? Just watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 instead! The addictive Bravo reality series is back as the crew of the Parsifal III sail around the beautiful shores of Sardinia, Italy, with a boatload of fresh new faces to boot!

....You know what that means. Plenty of drama . (This is a Bravo show, after all!)

So who is new in the cast for Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4? Where can you find them on Instagram and/or other social media channels?

Here's the scoop on the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 cast and when you can watch new episodes of the show's fourth season.

Alex Propson

Alex Propson is an experienced deckhand who actually also has his own captain's license! You can follow Alex on Instagram @ alexpropson .

Chase Lemacks

Joining Alex as a new deckhand on Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 is Chase Lemacks .

The self-described "King of Side Quests" (we love a good video game reference) can be found on Instagram @ chase_lemacks .

Mads Herrera

Mads Herrera joins the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 cast as a steward. So is she on Insta like Chase and Alex?

She actually has a fun play on her name as an Instagram handle. You can follow Mads on Instagram @ _madhatta .

Lucy Edmunds

No, Lucy and Mads aren't actually sisters!

As Distractify previously reported, Lucy Edmund s hails from Wales and displayed a hardworking spirit at a young age, becoming a club VIP manager at only 19.

You can follow Lucy on Instagram @ lucy_edmunds .

Ileisha Dell

Another newbie for Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 is chef Ileisha Josephine Dell . She describes herself as a "freelance private chef, yacht chef, [and] food lover" in her Instagram bio.

You can follow the Parsifal III chef on Instagram @ ileishadell .

What about the familiar faces on Season 4? Plus: When and where to watch 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht.'

In addition to the new Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 cast members, the fourth outing of the Below Deck spinoff will include familiar faces like Captain Glenn Shepard , first mate Gary King , Daisy Kelliher (the Parsifal III' s chief stew ), and chief engineer Colin MacRae .

As Distractify previously reported, Glenn, Gary, Daisy, and Colin all have Instagrams as well (find out where to follow them here ).

So when do new episodes of Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 air on Bravo?

New episodes of Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 air live on Bravo on Monday nights at 8 p.m. EST, with the Season 4 premiere debuting on April 10, 2023.

You can stream new episodes of Below Deck Sailing Yacht the next day on Peacock .

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Are Daisy Kelliher and Gary King Dating After 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Season 3?

[SPOILER] Quit on 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Season 3 Following a Contentious Crew Day Out

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Meet the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Crew Joining Captain Glenn on Parsifal III

Season 4 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht will find the yachties sailing around Sardinia, Italy. Meet the crew and get a preview of their mess .

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 6 guests

Drama is setting sail this spring when Season 4 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht premieres. This season will follow Captain Glenn Shephard and his team (including a mix of returning yachties and new crew members) as they take on what could be their wildest charter season yet.

How to Watch

Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht on Peacock and the Bravo app . 

So, who is joining Captain Glenn on  Parsifal III as it makes its way around Sardinia, Italy ?  Find out more about the cast from the Season 4 press release and cast bios, below.

When Does  Below Deck Sailing Yacht  Premiere?

Season 4 kicks off on  Monday, April 10 at 8/7c and is available to stream the next day on Peacock.

The Returning Below Deck Sailing Yacht Crew

In addition to Captain Glenn, there will be several familiar yachties on the vessel.  "Captain Glenn and his comeback team, Daisy Kelliher , Gary King , and Colin MacRae , resume their responsibilities aboard Parsifal III , along with new, dynamic crew members, as they set sail in Sardinia, Italy," a press release teases about the upcoming Season 4.  

Find Out What the Returning Yachties Are Up To

Captain glenn shephard.

Per his BravoTV.com bio, "Originally from Montreal, Captain Glenn’s life has always been dictated by the need to see the world. Early on in his travels, he was invited onboard a 50-foot classic sailboat to work as a deckhand and was immediately hooked and has never looked back. With over 22 years in the industry and 13 years as the Captain on Parsifal III , Glenn has hosted hundreds of high-end guests over many busy charter seasons. Glenn knows how to keep his cool while catering to the uber-elite. This laid-back Captain is calm until his limits are pushed. Don’t mess with Captain Glenn!"

Daisy Kelliher, Chief Stew

"Returning chief stew Daisy Kelliher is considered a yachting legacy. Her grandfather was an Olympic sailor for Ireland in 1964, and her parents — and many aunts and uncles — were yachties," according to her BravtoTV.com bio. "Daisy has a lot to live up to when she returns to Parsifal III after a successful last two seasons and can always be counted on to give you a piece of her mind and let her hair down to have a good time."

Gary King, First Mate

"Having captained smaller boats and run the deck on several busy super yachts, Gary’s 13 years of experience is apparent in the way he runs his deck team," according to his BravoTV.com bio. "On one hand, he rules his department with an iron fist but on the other hand, he is never the type to leave a party first. He brims with mischievous charm but his flirtation gets him in hot water on and off deck."

Colin MacRae, Engineer

"Longtime sailor Colin MacRae worked as a Chief Engineer on super yachts for 15 years before joining Parsifal III for his third season. With a big heart and an impish smile, Colin is more than happy to lend a hand anywhere that he might be needed. However, when Colin’s kindness gets mistaken for weakness, fireworks fly," according to his BravoTV.com bio.

Captain Glenn Opens Up on His Relationship with “the Most Amazing Woman I Know”

Meet the new season 4 crew.

The new crew members include Chef Ileisha Dell , stews Lucy Edmunds and Mads Herrera , and deckhands Chase Lemacks and Alex Propson .

The press release notes that all the crew is trying to find their footing: "Captain Glenn realizes that his laid-back leadership style has allowed his crew to become too comfortable and starts taking charge of quality control in the interior department, much to Daisy's dismay. In the galley, Chef Ilesha's cooking impresses the guests, but her indecisiveness and co-dependency lead to time-management issues between courses, which causes her to self-destruct. On deck, strong personalities collide, and a power struggle results in a near mutiny, as Gary clashes with his new overconfident deckhand, Chase."

More on the New Crew

Chef ileisha dell.

"With over 17 years of culinary experience, Chef Ileisha has been living her dream as a yacht chef since 2014, merging her passion of cooking, traveling the world and working and living on the water. Originally from a small beach town on the east coast of Australia, she worked her way into some of Sydney’s most prestigious kitchens as a pastry chef. Chef Ileisha has taken many leaps in her career, working as a prep chef for Matt Moran for his cooking show, working as a private chef for one of Sydney’s most famous households and accompanying another family on their yachts across the Mediterranean for two years ," per Ileisha's BravoTV.com bio. " To stay in tune with her creativity, Chef Ileisha also loves photography, film, interior design, yoga and scouting for vintage glassware."

Lucy Edmunds, Stew

"Originally from Wales, Lucy shines with a bubbly personality and enthusiasm that makes her the perfect fit for the interior team," Lucy's BravoTV.com bio notes. "After feeling stuck at university during the pandemic, Lucy, who has a wide breadth of experience in the hospitality world, set sail and joined the yachting industry. Before getting her start in the Mediterranean, she worked at high-end restaurants and became a club VIP manager at only 19 years old. When she’s not chartering across the globe, Lucy enjoys a more laid-back lifestyle of playing sports and watching rugby."

Mads Herrera, Stew

According to Mads' BravoTVcom bio, "Born and raised in South Florida, Mads spent much of her time in the water and on yachts, so it was only natural she ended up in the maritime industry. With two years of experience, Mads has worked on day charters and boat deliveries and is eager for the new challenges of working on a charter yacht. A true adventurer, Mads lives life in the fast line traveling the world, riding dirt bikes, and sky diving."

Chase Lemacks, Deckhand

"A southern gentleman from South Carolina, Chase knows how to turn on the charm for the demanding guests this season. Chase originally joined the world of yachting with the dream of one day sailing around the world running charters on a sailboat of his own," per Chase's BravoTV.com bio. "Having solely worked on large motor yachts since 2019, it was an exciting challenge and welcome change of pace to come on board a sailing vessel. When he’s not on deck, he loves to get his hands dirty backpacking, hunting, and fixing up old homes."

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 6 guests

Alex Propson, Deckhand

"Originally from Wisconsin, Alex got his jumpstart in yachting while networking in Los Angeles. He moved to South Florida and kept up his career as a deckhand since achieving his captain’s license," according to Alex's BravoTV.com bio. "The career change was influenced by the pandemic after spending eight years in sales. You can always find Alex staying active whether practicing yoga, playing basketball or diving in top destinations around the world."

Will There Be Any Boatmances?

Why, yes there is! "Two overlapping love triangles further complicate the dynamics-on board, and a shocking hookup between department heads threatens to sever Colin, Daisy, and Gary’s friendship forever," adds the press release.

Get Ready for Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 and Below Deck Down Under Season 2

Expect other boat drama in season 4 of below deck sailing yacht.

There is also plenty of other tensions to rock the boat. "With a near collision, fire, crew rebellion, gruesome guest injury, and two different potentially season-ending engine failures, this is the most captivating and unpredictable season yet of Below Deck Sailing Yacht," according to the press release.

Watch  Below Deck Sailing Yacht  on  Peacock  and the  Bravo app .

  • Colin MacRae
  • Daisy Kelliher
  • Glenn Shephard

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

  • Cast And Show News

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Below Deck has shared the beauty and splendor of working on a luxury yacht. At times, it's the perfect life, but it's not always the easiest job. Especially working on deck. Some individuals excel. Others have crashed and burned. Lying on your resume is not going to get you far in the yachting industry. Below Deck had some wild deckhands who just couldn’t do the job. Sometimes, even putting the boat at risk. These are the deckies who are considered the worst of the worst.

With five series within the Below Deck franchise, Below Deck has been one of Bravo's biggest properties since 2013. Showcasing the fun balanced with work life on board the world's most incredible yachts, Below Deck has kept viewers glued to their screens season after season.

10 Danny Zureikat

'below deck mediterranean' season 1.

Some individuals go above and beyond their job description. And that is fine. When it's warranted. For Below Deck Mediterranean 's Danny Zureikat , it was just too much. Everyone on the crew knew Danny was a good kid, he just wasn't meant to work on a megayacht.

Danny was the kind of person who wanted everybody to like him, even an attractive charter guest who miraculously and suddenly fell in love with. When he got a little too close, posing in photos with her and writing her a love note, he was reprimanded. He was warned about boundaries, but he defied those orders from Captain Mark Howard . He had his phone taken away while on charter, and made enemies with his fellow deckhands and Chief Stew Hannah Ferrier . Danny was ultimately let go in quite a tearful goodbye. As much as he meant well, he simply was not cut out for this life.

Below Deck Mediterranean

Not available

9 James Hough

'below deck' season 8.

James Hough was the flirt of Below Deck Season 8. As one of the attractive men aboard My Seanna, he was able to catch the eye of second stew Elizabeth Frankini . The two engaged in a bit of a flirtmance that ultimately distracted her to the point that Captain Lee Rosbach allowed Chief Stew Francesca Rubi to fire her.

Elizabeth blamed almost everyone else, but she might have been right that had it not been for James, she might have lasted until the season ended. James wasn't the most beloved by his fellow deckhands, causing him to think about leaving the season early. James was fine at his job, he just became a problem for everybody else.

8 Dane Jackson

'below deck' season 3.

Dane Jackson used to hold the title of the shortest tenure of a deckhand, but that honor was recently taken from him. Dane was one of the more controversial deckhands on Below Deck . Dane seemed to forget that his job was to remain professional while off the ship, and no matter what, they were still employees and represented the yacht.

Despite being a replacement deckhand, his job security was still at risk. He was a disruption to the crew through his drunken antics in the crew mess. During a crew excursion on an island, Dane continued his drunken antics and became unsafe to be around. Boson Eddie Lucas had to step in to reprimand Dane, which led to Captain Rosbach firing him the next day. Dane was there for a good time, not a long time.

7 Shane Coopersmith

When you earn the nickname Sunshine, normally it wouldn't be a bad thing. For Shane Coopersmith , it was used derogatory due to his positive demeanor. Being outgoing and positive didn't translate to his work onboard My Seanna. The Below Deck deckhand had a nonchalant aura, often found relaxing while the other deckhands were working hard.

While Shane always thrived at implementing the criticism to do better, it just didn't pan out. After sleeping past his alarm, Sunshine was let go by Captain Rosbach and Boson Lucas. They felt it was better to find someone else to take his spot. Shane was a really great person, but he just didn't gel with the rest of the crew.

6 Rhylee Gerber

'below deck' seasons 6 and 7.

With a fiery persona, Rhylee Gerber tried her best to get along with the boys. Unfortunately, that didn't necessarily happen. Some Below Deck fans might consider Rhylee misunderstood, but if you ask her coworkers, she was just a nuisance. Having prior experience as a captain on a fishing boat in Alaska, she was willing to get herself dirty with boys, but the yachting industry unfortunately became much more challenging.

During Season 6, she clashed with the first Boson of the season, Chandler Brooks . She was constantly at odds with Ashton Pienaar . This proved problematic when she was asked back as a replacement deckhand in the middle of the season under the guidance of Boson Ashton Pienaar. Ashton warned his crew about Rhylee, which caused immediate tension and strife. Rhylee may have had a strong work ethic, but her temper always got the best of her.

5 Peter Hunziker

'below deck mediterranean' season 5.

As a deckhand, Peter Hunziker was fine. However, Peter was known for making inappropriate comments towards his female coworkers. Boson Malia White was forced to endure him calling her "sweetheart" constantly. He was told to stop, but he didn't comprehend why it was a problem.

He was uncomfortably flirting with Chief Stew Bugsy Drake . But for Peter Hunziker, his Below Deck Mediterranean experience was shortened not by action on board, but by a social media post during the season. While Season 5 was in the middle of airing, a racist and misogynistic post resurfaced that caused Bravo and the show's production company to immediately fire him. He was edited out of the show, though he could occasionally be seen in the background of some shots.

4 Tom Pearson

'below deck sailing yacht' season 3.

Tom Pearson was really sweet. He wanted to prove his work while on Below Deck Sailing Yacht . Unfortunately, one crucial mistake cost him his job . With a resume that was perfect for the position, Parsifal III was his first time working on a ship of this magnitude.

After partying a bit too hard, Tom didn't have the best first impression. He tried to redeem himself, but after allowing the anchor to drag during an overnight watch, Captain Glenn Shephard had no other choice but to fire him. Tom understood his error and understood why he was let go. Tom may be one of the few individuals on this list that might actually deserve a second chance.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

3 trevor walker, 'below deck' season 4.

Trevor Walker was too big for his britches. The former Paul Mitchell hair model came to Below Deck with an ego and an attitude, putting off all of his coworkers. When he first arrived on the motoryacht Valour, he was hired as the senior deckhand and second engineer. By the end of episode two, Trevor was demoted.

His inability to connect with the rest of the crew made him quite problematic as a worker. The dynamic was turbulent. Following a night out that led to excessive drinking and horrible behavior, the demoted deckhand was let go by Captain Rosbach. With his dismissal, the energy onboard quickly changed for the better.

2 Kyle Dickard

'below deck adventure' season 1.

For whatever reason, Below Deck Adventure never took off compared to the other spin-offs. The series, which was located in the stunning locales of Norway, took the formula of the flagship series but with an entirely new crew. One of whom was hot-headed deckhand Kyle Dickard . Like many others before him, Kyle was focused more on the fun rather than the work .

Having spent much of his time trying to have a fling with stew Kasie Faddah in front of charter guests. During crew nights out, Kyle's disruptive and aggressive behavior irked everyone. With living quarters so tight, Kyle also happened to be a terrible cabinmate. Deckhand Nathan Morley attempted to address the problems, but Kyle threatened to physically attack him. This was the final straw for Captain Kerry Titheridge , who fired Kyle immediately.

Below Deck Adventure

1 andrew sturby, 'below deck' season 2.

Andrew Sturby set a president on Below Deck : don't lie on your resume! Not everyone heeded that advice, but Andrew was the first example of how dangerous being a deckhand can be if you don't know what you're doing. Andrew was a bit of a goofy guy. He wasn't always the most professional, but he seemed like a fun person to be around. That's all well and good, but when you're not performing up the standard of the boat, your integrity as an employee will be called into question.

For Andrew, his poor performance caused Captain Rosbach to have to take a peek at his resume. What was discovered was that his resume had been largely embellished. Captain Lee is a professional but also wants to help individuals learn and grow. He gave Andrew a second chance to redeem himself. He just failed, putting the boat at risk. And thus, he was given the infamous plane ticket home. It's one thing to come in green and learn, but for Andrew, it would essentially be having to learn it all in the big leagues. It became a liability. This was not the place to learn everything.


KEEP READING: The 10 Worst Stews in the Below Deck Franchise, Ranked

Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

The crew host a pirate-themed day for the guests. And the bosun's cool-under-pressure vibe is challenged during a very tight docking.

Captain Sandy embarks on a new charter season on the beautiful waters of the Italian Riviera

Next on TV: Mon 9 Sep, 8pm

Series 8 Episode 1

The Italian Job: Two stews have issues getting to the yacht, and Captain Sandy must make a hard decision

Series 8 Episode 2

Too Many Cooks: A deckhand steps up after a surprise incident, and the crew struggle with seasick guests

Series 8 Episode 3

We've Only Just Begun: Stuck at the dock with bored guests, the interior team scramble to keep everyone happy

Series 8 Episode 4

Take It to the Bridge: A rough docking puts strain on the deck team

Series 8 Episode 5

Max Tension: Past guests arrive with a new energetic baby, keeping the crew on their toes

Series 8 Episode 6

Pirate's Booty Call: The crew host a pirate-themed day. And can the bosun keep cool during a tight docking?

Series 8 Episode 7

Tightly Unwound: Captain Sandy has an accident that could impact the rest of the season

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