• Yachts a moteur

Voiliers de luxe

  • Destinations

Location de yachts

Sunseeker 86

52 000 € HT / semaine

Absolute Navetta 73

42 000 € HT / semaine

Sanlorenzo SX 88

60 000 $ HT / jour


36 000 € HT / semaine


200 000 € HT / semaine

Frauscher 1414 Demon Air

3 500 € TTC / jour

40 000 € HT / semaine

Spécialiste de la location de Yachts et de voiliers de luxe

Référence dans la location de yacht, nous demeurons depuis une décennie synonyme de confiance, d'intégrité et de discrétion.

Nous ne cessons de répondre aux attentes d'une clientèle aussi bien française qu'internationale en proposant à la location, des yachts d'exception, tout en assurant une gamme de services personnalisés.

Entièrement dédiées à votre confort et vos envies, et dans le respect de votre budget, nos équipes Location-Yacht vous proposent de louer un yacht adapté à vos rêves : nombre de cabines, nationalité de l’équipage, design et confort, services à la carte, toys nautiques…

Pour une escapade d’un jour, d’une semaine et plus, ou une soirée privée, notre large flotte de yachts de luxe et de voiliers d’exception saura répondre à vos désirs. Avec la précision d’un orfèvre, Location-Yacht façonne votre croisière en mer pour que rien ne soit laissé au hasard afin de vous assurer les meilleures sensations de liberté, de confort et de sécurité.

Vous souhaitez prendre les voiles ? Nous proposons également une large flotte de voiliers de luxe disponibles à la location avec équipage.

Notre équipe prête attention aux moindres détails et personnalise votre croisière en vous offrant les voiliers les plus exclusifs sur tous les océans du monde et un service sur mesure.

Alloy Yachts 35M

60 000 € HT / semaine

24 000 € HT / semaine

Nautor's Swan CALLISTO

22 000 € HT / semaine

70 000 € HT / semaine



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Location de Yacht

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location yacht france

Notre équipe d'experts de renommée mondiale est inégalée dans sa connaissance du yachting, des équipages et des destinations. Nous nous engageons à organiser pour vous le voyage de vos rêves. Chaque détail est minutieusement planifié à la perfection. Que vous rêviez de détente, de divertissement ou que vous souhaitiez commémorer des occasions spéciales, nous apportons toujours une touche supplémentaire. C'est précisément la raison pour laquelle nombre de nos clients confient leurs voyages à Windward Yachts année après année et nous recommandent régulièrement à leurs amis.

Notre meilleure sélection

Kingfisher v, infinity pacific, carpe diem 7, explorer les régions de navigation de plaisance.

Location de yacht de luxe Mediterranee

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Explorer des horizons nouveaux à bord d’un yacht à louer est une aventure à nulle autre pareille. Elle vous promet une expérience inoubliable, jalonnée de moments souverains. CSO Yachts, broker depuis plus de 60 ans et reconnu mondialement pour la vente, l’achat , la gestion et la location de yachts de luxe, met tout en œuvre pour que votre croisière soit parfaite. Vous mettez le cap vers une sérénité totale.

location yacht france


D’une façon générale, le yacht est un navire de plaisance dont la longueur excède dix mètres et qui propose un confort haut de gamme. CSO Yachts est spécialisé dans le courtage et la location des superyachts ou encore des mégayachts, c’est-à-dire des yachts à louer supérieurs à 24 mètres et pouvant approcher les 100 mètres.

Avec un tel potentiel, vous montez à bord d’un paradis sur l’eau, doté de services d’exception. Cabines vastes et équipements sophistiqués, salles de bains privatives, salons, salles de réception, bar, piscine, le niveau de prestation de ce type de navires reste sans égal. Votre croisière se déroule dans un environnement au design luxueux et riche d’un confort maximal. Quel que soit votre choix, la location de votre yacht vous garantit de naviguer vers des vacances aussi féériques qu’inoubliables.


Notre équipe charter vous accompagne pour que la location de votre yacht constitue une expérience unique parfaitement adaptée à vos attentes. En fonction du contexte dans lequel vous organisez votre croisière, qu’il soit professionnel, familial, amical, et bien entendu du nombre de passagers qui embarqueront, le dimensionnement et la configuration du navire diffèrent.

Selon vos affinités, il peut s’agir d’un yacht à voile tel que le fameux Maltese Falcon, d’un yacht à louer motorisé, ou encore d’un catamaran. Nos brokers vous assistent dans votre sélection, tout comme ils vous guident avec précision sur ce qui fait la particularité d’une location de yacht de luxe par rapport à une autre : composition de l’équipage, type d’agencement et de design intérieur, équipements extérieurs.

Kokonut's Wally Salon


La location d’un yacht peut avoir lieu quasiment dans tous les sites légendaires du globe (Océan Indien, Pacifique, Méditerranée …) à bord de bijoux flottants tels qu’Alfa Nero, l’Utopia ou le Titania .

CSO Yachts vous conseille pour une découverte des meilleures destinations au monde dans des conditions optimales : saisonnalité, planification des itinéraires. Nous facilitons vos futures activités et nous assurons les réservations ou billetteries qui vous intéressent : concert, visites, restaurant, night-club, plage, réservation d’hélicoptère, chauffeur privé. Un équipage complet est d’autre part mis à votre disposition : capitaine, marins et personnel hôtelier. C’est un chef cuisinier qui satisfait la restauration, adaptée en amont à vos goûts ou à vos restrictions alimentaires. Vous pourrez donc organiser lunchs, cocktails, repas pour des occasions privées ou professionnelles.

Pour chaque location d’un yacht de luxe, nos brokers entretiennent en outre des relations suivies avec les équipages. Un gage de confiance, qui vous garantit de bénéficier exactement des caractéristiques que vous attendez. Nous vous assistons bien entendu dans l’ensemble des formalités. Vous avez l’esprit zen, vous profitez de vacances sensationnelles en toute tranquillité.

Suivre l’actualité de CSO Yachts grâce à notre Newsletter.


Besoin de renseignements ? Notre équipe se tient à votre écoute pour répondre à toutes vos questions !

  • Location de yacht au meilleur prix
  • Location bateau

Location Yacht à moteur Mangusta 80 Cannes

Overmarine Mangusta 80 - Stealth One  (2011)

À partir de 5 000 € par jour.

Location Yacht à moteur Jeanneau Prestige 680 Fly Antibes

Jeanneau Prestige 680  (2019)

Location Yacht à moteur Jeanneau PRESTIGE FLY 680 Saint-Tropez

PRESTIGE FLY 680  (2019)

Location Yacht à moteur Vanquish 58’ T-top Saint-Tropez

Vanquish 58’ T-top. Neuf. Port de Saint Tropez  (2023)

À partir de 5 600 € par jour.

Location Yacht à moteur Princess Yachts Princess S66 Saint-Raphaël

Yacht de luxe sur la Côte d'Azur  (2020)

Location Yacht à moteur prestige 680 Fly Cannes

Yacht à moteur prestige 680 Fly 900cv  (2020)

À partir de 5 500 € par jour.

Location Yacht à moteur Princess V62S Saint-Tropez

Princess V62S  (2015)

À partir de 5 950 € par jour.

Location Yacht à moteur Prestige 520 Nice

Prestige 520  (2018)

À partir de 3 950 € par jour.

Location Yacht à moteur Rossato 130 Cannes

Jojo  (2001)

À partir de 7 000 € par jour.

Location Yacht à moteur Navetta Absolute Nice

Yacht à moteur TRINITY 1800 CV (2018)  (2018)

À partir de 3 900 € par jour.

Location Yacht à moteur Fjord 52 Hyères

Fjord 52  (2022)

À partir de 3 500 € par jour.

Location Yacht à moteur Aicon 64 Fly Saint-Tropez

Aicon 64 Fly  (2008)

Location Yacht à moteur Mangusta 92 Cannes

Mangusta 92  (2010)

À partir de 4 900 € par jour.

Location Yacht à moteur LEOPARD - Chantier arno 23 hardtop sport Saint-Tropez

Leopard 23 Hardtop  (2000)

À partir de 4 600 € par jour.

Location Yacht à moteur chantiers de l 'Esterel. Cannes motor yacht Nice


À partir de 3 571 € par jour.

Location Yacht à moteur Rizzardi INC45 Villeneuve-Loubet

RIZZARDI INC45  (2007)

À partir de 2 500 € par jour.

Location Yacht à moteur MondoMarine 30 M Cannes

MondoMarine 30M ICON  (1997)

À partir de 8 000 € par jour.

Location Yacht à moteur Wajer 55 S Cannes

Wajer 55 S  (2022)

À partir de 6 500 € par jour, louez un yacht pour vivre des moments d'exception.

Haut de gamme, ultra confortable et majestueux, le yacht fait tout de suite entrer votre navigation dans une autre dimension. Les derniers modèles se surpassent pour ce qui est de l’habitabilité, des fonctionnalités associées et des possibilités pour la détente, les sports nautiques, les repas à bord et les événements marquants. Vous pourrez les célébrer avec une coupe de champagne à la main pendant que le skipper professionnel, son équipage et l’hôtesse (voir les) veilleront activement à ce que votre expérience soit la plus agréable possible.

La location de yacht concrétise votre ambition de vivre une croisière de luxe idyllique et sur mesure, depuis Marseille , la Côte d'Azur , la Corse , les Baléares et bien sûr les autres spots incontournables de la Méditerranée et du monde entier. 

Trouvez le yacht idéal

Click&Boat vous permet d'accéder à plus de 6 000 yachts en ligne. Que vous préfériez la polyvalence d'un Azimut, le confort moderne d'un Sunseeker, ou le style british d'un Princess, nous avons ce qu'il vous faut.

ChantierNombre de bateaux  
Total6 331
Sea Ray160

Y'a-t-il des suppléments et prestations en option ?

Le skipper, la coque nue et l'assurance sont inclus, ainsi que l'équipage. Des membres additionnels, du matériel sportif et la prise en charge des repas, entre autres, sont a valider avec le loueur. Il en va de même pour l'essence.

Quel est le prix de la location d'un yacht ?

Sur Click&Boat, vous retrouverez de nombreux yachts disponibles à la location, de l’embarcation la plus « modeste » au bateau le plus luxueux.

• Les prix de la location de yacht en France varient, selon la taille du yacht, le type de yacht, la capacité à bord ainsi que les prestations choisies. Le prix d’une journée en yacht oscille entre 800 € et 32 500 € pour les embarcations les plus luxueuses.

• Pour l’Espagne, vous pourrez louer un yacht, pour une journée, entre 700 € et 9 300 € pour la Costa Brava. Et entre 1 100 € et 10 500 € pour la Costa del Sol. Ces prix varient également selon les équipements, le type et la taille du yacht ainsi que sa capacité à bord.

Quelles sont les meilleures destinations pour louer un Yacht ?

Nos destinations préférées pour louer un yacht en France :

  • Louer un yacht à Monaco
  • Louer un yacht à Saint-Tropez
  • Louer un yacht à Cannes
  • Louer un yacht à Nice
  • Louer un yacht à Antibes

Nos destinations préférées pour louer un yacht en Espagne :

  • Location de yacht à Ibiza
  • Location de yacht à Barcelone
  • Location de yacht à Marbella  

Où naviguer en yacht ?

La Baie des Milliardaires à Antibes est un repaire où les yachts sont comme à la parade. Ils ont la force du nombre, mais surtout une grande popularité, car la région Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur s'avère elle aussi idéale à choisir lorsqu'on souhaite débuter une croisière. Cannes, Monaco, Nice, Menton, Fréjus, Saint-Tropez, Sainte-Maxime, Porquerolles : la région PACA attire des locataires de yachts en provenance de la France, de l'Italie et sa Riviera Ligure et aussi... du reste du globe. Marseille est également une destination privilégiée, notamment pour descendre vers la Corse ou pour rallier les Baléares.

La grande star reste la Méditerranée. Louez un superbe yacht en Espagne sur la Costa Brava ou la Costa del Sol ou bien en Italie en Grèce ou en Crète. Vous allez vous offrir un service luxueux vous laissant tout le temps de profiter des criques, des couchers de soleil, des mouillages les plus réputés et de la détente sur l'eau.

La Floride, bien que plus loin, est également une destination parfaite à visiter en yacht. Que vous souhaitiez découvrir ou re découvrir la Floride, vous serez émerveillés par ses innombrables plages et son eau turquoise. Vous pourrez également, si vous avez de la chance, naviguer avec le spectacle de dauphins attirés par le bateau.

Vous pourrez trouver la location de yacht dans la destination de votre choix. À Monaco et Andorre, vous retrouverez, par exemple, plusieurs yachts disponibles. Il en est de même pour la Nouvelle-Zélande et pour bien d’autres destinations !

Articles en lien avec la plaisance à bord d'un yacht 

  • Vos vacances sur un yacht en Méditerranée
  • Location de yachts : Click&Boat vous déroule le tapis rouge !
  • Click & Yacht, la nouvelle plateforme de location de yachts en ligne

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location yacht france

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113  Crewed Luxury Yachts for Charter in the South of France

South of France Yacht Charters

The summertime home of the JetSet and one of the world’s most established yacht charter destinations, the South of France remains the place to see and be seen in during the warmer months. From sipping cocktails at the iconic Club 55 on Pampelonne Beach in St Tropez, to rubbing shoulders with the A-list at the Cannes Film Festival , this part of the world is all about chic glamour and doing things in style.

Luxury yacht charters in the south of France

From the glamorous surroundings of St Tropez popularized by Brigitte Bardot in the 1960s, to the more laid back atmosphere of Porquerolles , the south of France offers something for every type of visitor. Encompassing the entirety of the French Riviera - more formally known as the Cote d’Azur - this part of the world also boasts the likes of Antibes and Cannes , two outstanding destinations renowned for their large superyacht port and iconic film festival respectively. Ultimately, no matter what kind of experience you’re pursuing, you can be sure to find it during a yacht charter in the south of France. Perfect for both motor yachts and sailing yachts, charter guests can choose to cruise around elegant coastal destinations or take life slower around the waters of the Iles de Lerins, Bandol, and Cassis.

South of France yacht charter guide

In order to access the hotspots found around the south of France, charter guests will typically fly into Nice and then take a short transfer to a nearby port in order to embark their chosen superyacht. From here, it’s possible to cruise south to Cannes and Antibes, or simply enjoy the waters which surround the cosmopolitan capital of the Cote d’Azur. It’s also possible to visit the nearby island of Corsica when chartering a yacht in the south of France. Defined by cool and chic surroundings, the South of France affords visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the very best that the Mediterranean has to offer. From the exclusive setting of Club 55 in St Tropez, to the grand casinos of Cannes, discerning travellers are sure to feel at home in this part of the West Mediterranean. Events such as Cannes Lions and MIPIM are also particularly popular amongst the SuperyachtSet and provide an excellent opportunity for businesses to enjoy an event charter in the Mediterranean . Furthermore, the mild and inviting climate of the South of France means that each and every kind of visitor will fall under the charm of the destination.

Yacht charter itineraries in the south of France

Due to its size and variety of destinations, the itinerary possibilities around the South of France are all but endless. Indeed, there is the option to visit a number of iconic destinations across a short period of time as well as the opportunity to spend a large amount of time getting to know a single hotspot. What’s more, due to its proximity to Monaco , it is possible to attend the iconic Monaco Grand Prix , or simply explore the glamorous principality before cruising down to Cannes, the quaint town popularised by Coco Chanel, or St Tropez, the birthplace of Brigitte Bardot, for some rest and relaxation. Ideal for both brief and extended vacations, the South of France can be enjoyed over the course of a few days or up to a month and more. Indeed, with such a rich array of destinations to enjoy, and with countless attractions to check out, guests can easily get lost in this remarkable part of the world for as long as they desire. For those looking to enjoy a quick getaway, it’s even possible to plan a three day charter which begins in the South of France and proceeds along destinations lining the Italian Riviera .

Planning a yacht charter in the south of France

As one of the most popular parts of the Mediterranean, the South of France attracts a large and varied number of superyachts throughout the year. In addition to this, a number of well-positioned ports are located around the region, making it possible to conveniently access the complete range of hotspots without having to undergo lengthy transfers. In order to discover the superyachts for rental  and attractions which best meet your particular requirements, have a browse of those below and get in touch with your preferred yacht charter broker once you have an idea of your preferences. They will be able to best advice you about the most appropriate choices, as well as the best places and times to visit.

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Crewed Charter Yachts in the South of France

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Virginian Yacht Charter in South of France

62m   Feadship

from $272,000 p/week ♦︎

Joia The Crown Jewel Yacht Charter in South of France

Joia The Crown Jewel

Zazou Yacht Charter in South of France

Black Pearl 14

105m Oceanco

105m   2018

Aquarius Yacht Charter in South of France

Aquarius 12

92m Feadship

from $1,500,000 p/w eek

Grand Ocean Yacht Charter in South of France

Grand Ocean 12

85m Blohm + Voss

85m   1990/2019

from $703,136 p/w eek

Coral Ocean Yacht Charter in South of France

Coral Ocean 12

73m Lurssen

73m   1994/2022

from $724,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Triple Seven Yacht Charter in South of France

Triple Seven 10

68m Nobiskrug

68m   2006/2022

from $588,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Global Yacht Charter in South of France

67m Shadow Marine

67m   2007/2008

from $120,000 p/w eek

Joia The Crown Jewel Yacht Charter in South of France

Joia The Crown Jewel 12

65m Codecasa

65m   2010/2023

from $556,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Zazou Yacht Charter in South of France

65m Benetti

from $645,000 p/w eek

Shemara Yacht Charter in South of France

65m Vosper Thornycroft

65m   1938/2014

Virginian Yacht Charter in South of France

Virginian 12

62m Feadship

62m   1990/2024

from $272,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Sarah Yacht Charter in South of France

62m   2002/2016

from $361,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Satemi Yacht Charter in South of France

Burrasca 12

56m Perini Navi

56m   2003/2024

from $239,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Harmony V Yacht Charter in South of France

Harmony V 49

55m Piraeus

Purpose Yacht Charter in South of France

55m Trinity Yachts

55m   2006/2023

from $289,000 p/w eek ♦︎

O'Neiro Yacht Charter in South of France

53m Golden Yachts

from $166,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Alunya Yacht Charter in South of France

50m Benetti

Amantis Yacht Charter in South of France

Eternal Spark 12

50m Bilgin Yachts

from $389,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Platinum Yacht Charter in South of France

Platinum 12

50m   2009/2016

from $210,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Solinda Yacht Charter in South of France

50m Feadship

50m   1990/2023

from $206,000 p/w eek ♦︎

My Bro Yacht Charter in South of France

48m Dunya Yachts

from $334,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Roxane Yacht Charter in South of France

47m SuMarine Denizcilik

47m   2010/2014

from $89,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Mistress Yacht Charter in South of France

Mistress 11

46m Benetti

46m   1990/2022

from $95,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Dione Star Yacht Charter in South of France

Dione Star 12

44m Scheepswerf Friesland

44m   1991/2013

from $78,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Mystere Yacht Charter in South of France

43m Vitters

43m   2006/2009

from $111,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Tiamat Yacht Charter in South of France

43m Baglietto

43m   2009/2020

from $153,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Lalibela Yacht Charter in South of France

Lalibela 12

42m Benetti

42m   1972/2013

from $80,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Lady in Blue Yacht Charter in South of France

Lady in Blue 10

41m   1999/2024

Legenda Yacht Charter in South of France

41m Mondo Marine

41m   2009/2016

from $150,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Okko Yacht Charter in South of France

from $106,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Barbara Anne Yacht Charter in South of France

Barbara Anne 11

41m Baglietto

from $250,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Cosmico Yacht Charter in South of France

41m Benetti

from $233,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Seven S Yacht Charter in South of France

41m   2010/2014

from $139,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Asteri Yacht Charter in South of France

40m Sanlorenzo

40m   2011/2020

from $156,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Number Nine Yacht Charter in South of France

Number Nine 11

40m Carp Navi

40m   1990/2020

from $83,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Cheetah Moon Yacht Charter in South of France

Cheetah Moon 10

39m Cantieri Navali Nicolini

39m   1986/2015

from $72,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Lumière Yacht Charter in South of France

from $179,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Angra Too Yacht Charter in South of France

Angra Too 10

38m Castagnola

38m   2015/2021

from $122,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Safe Haven Yacht Charter in South of France

Safe Haven 11

37m Tecnomar

37m   2015/2019

from $133,000 p/w eek

Alluria Yacht Charter in South of France

37m Benetti

from $160,000 p/w eek

Legend Yacht Charter in South of France

from $172,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Natural 9 Yacht Charter in South of France

Natural 9 10

37m Sunseeker

37m   2009/2023

from $128,000 p/w eek ♦︎

The Palm Yacht Charter in South of France

The Palm 10

37m Canados

YCM 120 Yacht Charter in South of France

37m   2006/2019

from $109,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Raph Seven Yacht Charter in South of France

Raph Seven 10

37m Sanlorenzo

Tiziana Yacht Charter in South of France

36m Abeking & Rasmussen

36m   1963/2015

Unique S Yacht Charter in South of France

Unique S 10

36m Sanlorenzo

from $144,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Ocean One Yacht Charter in South of France

Ocean One 12

from $178,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Joan's Beach Yacht Charter in South of France

Joan's Beach 10

35m Mengi-Yay

from $54,000 p/w eek ♦︎

On Time Yacht Charter in South of France

34m Sanlorenzo

from $133,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Mizar Yacht Charter in South of France

32m Benetti

32m   1973/2008

from $44,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Moonbeam IV Yacht Charter in South of France

Moonbeam IV 7

32m William Fife & Sons

32m   1914/2022

from $53,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Nemesis Yacht Charter in South of France

from $134,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Raja Laut Yacht Charter in South of France

Raja Laut 12

31m Georges E.K. Carraz

31m   2005/2010

from $24,500 p/w eek

John Yacht Charter in South of France

31m Sanlorenzo

31m   2011/2011

from $39,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Onyx Yacht Charter in South of France

30m Nautor's Swan

30m   2005/2015

from $94,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Libertus Yacht Charter in South of France

30m Benetti

30m   1975/2015

from $33,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Raph Seven II Yacht Charter in South of France

Raph Seven II 10

Centurion Yacht Charter in South of France

Centurion 6

30m   2007/2015

from $29,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Virginia Mia Yacht Charter in South of France

Virginia Mia 8

29m Astondoa

29m   2001/2008

from $16,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Daddy's Dream 2 Yacht Charter in South of France

Daddy's Dream 2 10

29m Ferretti Yachts

from $74,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Memories Yacht Charter in South of France

from $90,000 p/w eek

Rare Gem Yacht Charter in South of France

Rare Gem 11

29m Custom Line

from $100,000 p/w eek ♦︎

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2062 boats available for bareboat or crewed charter

Yachts from professional fleet operators in France

Free cancellation of reservation without obligations within 4 days

Most popular boats For rent in FRANCE


MEDLINE 6.60 (2016)



Main image -

Pogo 36 (2017)


Bali 4.5 - 4 + 2 cab. (2016)


Dufour 405 GL (2010)


RM 890 Biquille (2019)

C155 -

StandardContinentale (1986)

1120R (6) -

Pénichette Terrasse1120 R


Top destinations in France for boat rental

Inland waters of France


1262 boats for charter

from ₽16,830 per week

Southern coast of France


369 boats for charter

from ₽28,620 per week

Atlantic Coast of France


329 boats for charter

from ₽39,240 per week


116 boats for charter

from ₽73,350 per week

Types of boats available for rent in France

Power boat charter

1117 powerboats available in France for rent, starting from ₽16,290 per week. Bareboat or crewed options available for sailing vacations.

Power boat charter

Sailboat charter

There are 468 sailboats available for charter in France, prices start from ₽27,720 per week. Most budget friendly option for a vacation.

Sailboat charter

Catamaran charter

249 catamarans available for rent in France, form ₽91,890 for 1 week charter. Ideal option for group of friends or family vacation.

Catamaran charter

Houseboat charter

199 houseboats available for rent in France, from ₽40,860 for one week. Perfect for relaxed vacation on lakes and rivers with comfort of a floating home.

Houseboat charter

Trimaran charter

27 trimarans available for rent in France, with prices from ₽162,000 per week. Great option for skippers looking for performance boats.

Trimaran charter

Gulets charter

Currently not available for charter in this country. Check other boat types.

Gulets charter

Yacht charter types available in France

Bareboat charter, crewed yachts, by the cabin charter, skippered boats, france sailing itineraries.

Corsica 7 days sailing itinerary

Corsica 7 days sailing itinerary

French Riviera 7 days sailing itinerary

French Riviera 7 days sailing itinerary

Cost of boat rental in france.

Average yacht charter cost in France starts from ₽191,430 per week. Graphic below represents fluctuation of charter prices in France during the year, based on a sample of 50 boats ranging from 40 to 50-foot. This graphic shows months with lowest prices during the year as well high season when prices are above average. Before booking the boat at lowest rate, please check sailing conditions as usually best prices are during off season.

Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec












France Yacht Charter Reviews with 12knots

Thierry Saive

“Très bonne expérience”

Très bonne expérience pour notre première location. Professionnelle, disponible et efficace!

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“My first experience with 12 Knots”

My first experience with 12 Knots, very good services, very good communication skills, prompt reaction and easy procedure for booking. I highly recommend their services. Clearly, not everybody could be satisfied, but personally I did not find any wea…

United Kingdom

“Very positive experience with 12 knots”

Very positive experience with 12 knots. Even when we had an issued regarding the boat Helene and her team were very helpful in getting to a resolution working with the base manager. Would definitely use 12 knots again. Thanks Helene in particular.

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France Yacht Charters

France Yacht Charters

Travelling to France is on the bucket list for millions of  people across the globe. From the fine cuisine to the pinnacle cities of  love, history and fashion, France is a country with rich culture and  glorious landscapes. For those that have the opportunity to charter a  yacht in France, there are so many places to see and experiences to  have. While most visit the landlocked Paris on their first trip,  seasoned travelers and those seeking greater adventure may opt to visit  one of the coastal towns for a one-of-a-kind vacation.

12 Knots Yachting Club offers bareboat yacht charters, sailing  catamarans, and bareboat rentals all across the French coastline. With  12 Knots, you can rest assured that your French sailing vacation will be  well worth the wait. We provide crew assistance, unique itineraries and  excursions, and the opportunity to venture into open waters on your own  in a fine sailboat. If you are a novice, you can enroll in our sailing  school for classes on all things needed to know before your yacht  charter. If you are experienced, reserve a bareboat rental and take the  journey at your own pace. When you choose 12 Knots, you absolutely  cannot go wrong.

Fun Facts about France

Many people know of the beauty, architecture, and fine arts of  France. The country is well known for fine wine and high fashion, rich  culture and complicated history, but with so much to learn it’s hard to  know everything you need before your yacht charter vacation. These are  just a few details that may give you an even greater appreciation for  this beautiful nation

Over 75 million people speak French worldwide

French is a romance language, derived closely from classical  Latin. It is also one of the most popular languages worldwide. It is the  second most taught foreign language, after English, and the only other  language to be taught in every country across the globe. The French  language is beautiful to hear, and while many French natives also speak  English, it doesn’t hurt to know a few words and phrases before  travelling.

France is the most visited country in the world

Over 75 million tourists travel these lands annually, and it’s no  surprise. France is home to magnificent cathedrals, museums,  restaurants, and landscape. Even if you don’t make it to Paris, you are  guaranteed to have a great time during your yacht charter to France.  While you may be one of millions, choosing a boat rental  for your  vacation will certainly be more unique, and provide you a more “local”  experience of the French countryside.

France is comparable to Texas in land size, yet has twice the population of California

It is a surprise to many travelers how small European countries  can be. France only has 3,427 km (2,129 miles) of coastline, yet it is  home to more than 65 million people. Not only is France a very popular  country for people to move, its small cottages and shorter commutes  between areas and cities allow for a much denser population.

Neither French toast nor French fries are authentic French foods

France is given credit for having some of the finest cuisine in  Europe. It is famous for desserts and pastries, and unique savory foods.  However the beloved French toast recipe is not a classic staple in  France; neither are French fries. However, this isn’t much of a  disappointment. You will have the opportunity to have unique and  delectable foods no matter where you stop on your yacht charter to  France.

All champagne is produced in France

All champagne is produced in France

France is known for fine wine, and produces several signature  wines that can only be found in their region of France, and champagne is  one of them. One small area in northern France produces all the world’s  champagne. Any similar wine is not considered champagne, but simply  sparkling wine. All champagne is made from either Chardonnay, Pinot  Noir, and Pinot Meunier, and is fermented in a closed environment to  trap CO2 to make it sparkling.

What to Know Before Planning a Yacht Charter to France

As with any new country visited, it is best to learn a little  about the French culture and lifestyle before travelling. Because France  has such a large pool of tourists, most locals will be patient and  willing to help you learn. These are some of the social norms you may  want to be aware of before planning your sailing vacation in France:

Be gracious

It is common courtesy to always greet people when walking into a  store, and to compliment or greet people warmly when first meeting them.  Many shops are also homes for the owners; when you shop you are likely  being invited into a very intimate setting and point of pride for the  shop owner. Be kind, say hello and goodbye, and always act especially  friendly when interacting with French locals.

Learn to speak as much French as you can before your trip

France is the most visited country in the world, which means  locals must interact with many visitors who do not speak their language  at all. It can get tedious for them, and any French person will greatly  appreciate if you attempt to honor their culture and speak their  language first. Even learning a few key phrases such as “Parlez-vous  anglais,” (Do you speak English?) will help you tremendously.

Keep your personal items close by

France is a very safe country; however, petty theft and  pickpocketing happen more than in other countries because it has so many  tourists year round. When you venture off the sailboat and into the  streets, pack lightly and always keep your wits about you. The more  densely populated the city, the more careful you should be.

Don’t rush things

During your yacht charter in France, you may be surprised at how  casual an attitude is carried by most of the locals. Foreign sailors are  used to a fast pace; however, in France it is expected and encouraged  that you take your time. In restaurants, enjoy the meal without asking  for the check. And don’t be too demanding to sales or service people.  Many French stores also take significant time off, so don’t be surprised  if some shops and restaurants are closed the entire time you’re  vacationing. Most local shops are closed for at least a month during the  year, as the French value quality of life as much as career  achievement. Be patient as well as kind, and you’ll fare well in France.

Sailing Catamarans in France

France is a perfect place to start a Mediterranean yacht  charter. 12 Knots offers a variety of catamaran, luxury yacht and  bareboat rentals in six different areas of France. You can find 12 Knots  Yachting Club in the Riviera, Saint-Tropez, Grimaud Toulon, and Hyeres.  We recommend Mediterranean yacht charters in the late summer when winds  are calmer. From April to October, temperatures hover around 65°F  (18°C) to 75°F (23°C). However, the sun is bright for only eight hours a  day during this season. In the fall and winter you can expect heavier  rainfall and winds, yet longer days on the open ocean. 

Choose 12 Knots Yachting Club for your Mediterranean sailing  vacation. With so many places to see and things to do, you won’t want to  miss anything during your trip to France. 12 Knots offers a variety of  unique itineraries, reliable sailing yachts, and crewed sailing trips  for beginner and experienced sailors alike. Choose a bareboat charter if  you want to test your skills, or sign up for one of our sailing classes  if you are still gaining your sea legs. We guarantee you’ll have a  once-in-a-lifetime experience on the water.

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yacht image

Life's Better on a Yacht: Find Your Perfect Escape in France !

France, with its enchanting yacht charter destinations of the French Riviera and Corsica, promises a voyage of unparalleled elegance and beauty. Glide along the azure waters of the French Riviera, a playground for the world's elite, where luxury yachts grace the harbours of glamorous coastal towns like Cannes, Saint-Tropez, and Nice. Here, world-class cuisine, upscale boutiques, and vibrant nightlife coexist with serene Mediterranean landscapes and sun-soaked beaches. Further, off the coast, the rugged allure of Corsica awaits. This island paradise combines the charm of quaint fishing villages with dramatic mountainscapes and hidden coves of translucent waters. Whether you're basking in the cosmopolitan splendour of the Riviera or exploring the diverse natural wonders of Corsica, a yacht charter in France is a dance with the Mediterranean's finest symphony.

Top Rated Ports In France

Unveil the gems of the French maritime as we spotlight France's elite yacht charter destinations. From the glitz and glamour of Cannes and Saint-Tropez to the captivating natural allure of Corsica, these hotspots offer an intoxicating mix of luxury, culture, and stunning Mediterranean vistas.

port image

Nice, a radiant jewel of the French Riviera, offers a splendid yacht charter port with its cosmopolitan appeal, azure waters, and Mediterranean charm. The Port of Nice is well-equipped, providing an ideal base for setting sail along the Côte d'A

port image

Cannes, the glamorous star of the French Riviera, is a prestigious yacht charter port that offers a blend of luxury, beauty, and maritime adventure. Port Pierre Canto and the Old Port of Cannes provide top-tier facilities and serve as perfect de

port image

Antibes, nestled between Nice and Cannes on the French Riviera, is a prestigious yacht charter port renowned for its luxury marina, Port Vauban. The marina, one of the largest in the Mediterranean, provides a superb base for exploring the glitzy



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Yacht Cloud Ltd. is registered in England & Wales with CRN (Company Registration Number) 13602232. Registered Office Address: 1010 Cambourne Business Centre, Cambridge, England, CB23 6DP. Licensed Activities: Yacht Cloud Ltd is licensed to carry out the following activities: Nature of Business (SIC) 50100: Sea and coastal passenger water transport. Nature of Business (SIC) 79909: Other reservation service activities not elsewhere classified. [email protected] | +44 330 001 08 14


The World Of Yachting

Yachts for charter.




Whether you are the happy owner or ready to purchase a superb yacht, you will be quickly confronted with the issues of the yacht’s supervision. Yacht management can place you in a complicated labyrinth in which only an expert can get you out of embarrassing and sometimes costly situations. Whether you are the happy owner or ready to purchase a superb yacht, you will be quickly confronted with the issues of the yacht’s supervision. Yacht management can place you in a complicated labyrinth in which only an expert can get you out of embarrassing and sometimes costly situations. Whether you are the happy owner or ready to purchase a superb yacht, you will be quickly confronted with the issues of the yacht’s supervision. Yacht management can place you in a complicated labyrinth in which only an expert can get you out of embarrassing and sometimes costly situations.

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Manifesto 234, A Friendly Giant

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Yachting in South of France

Yachting in South of France

Embark on a yachting adventure along the stunning South of France, where the brilliant azure waters embrace the shores of the French Riviera. Famous for its coastal retreats, immaculate beaches, and elite marinas, the South of France invites discerning guests to delve into its Mediterranean wonders. Discover the elegance of Saint-Tropez, the sophistication of Nice, and the celebrated charm of Cannes. Each stop offers a distinctive mix of opulence, culture, and picturesque allure. Enjoy a luxurious journey through the radiant landscapes, chic harbors, and secret havens that define the essence of yachting in the South of France, ensuring an unmatched experience of maritime refinement.

38 Beneteau luxury charter yacht - Juan-les-Pins, Antibes, France

38' Beneteau

39 Jeanneau luxury charter yacht - Juan-les-Pins, Antibes, France

39' Prestige

33 Riva luxury charter yacht - Monaco Hercules harbour, Monaco

33' Aquariva

48 Sunseeker luxury charter yacht - Golfe-Juan, Vallauris, France

48' Sunseeker

38 Mazu luxury charter yacht - Cap-d'Ail, France

38' Mazu

42 Mazu luxury charter yacht - Monaco

42' Mazu

43 Fairline luxury charter yacht - Saint-Tropez, France

43' Sealine

36 Pardo luxury charter yacht - Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, France

38' Pardo

46 Jeanneau luxury charter yacht - Golfe-Juan, Vallauris, France

46' Leader

42 Prestige luxury charter yacht - Cannes, France

42' Prestige

43 Jeanneau luxury charter yacht - Villeneuve-Loubet, France

43' DB

40 VanDutch luxury charter yacht - Cap Ferrat, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, France

40' VanDutch

50 Sunseeker luxury charter yacht - Antibes Marina, Port Vauban, Antibes Juan les Pins, France

50' Sunseeker

42  De Antonio luxury charter yacht - Cannes, France

42' De Antonio

43 Pardo luxury charter yacht - Saint-Tropez, France

43' Pardo

50 Fairline luxury charter yacht - Beaulieu-sur-Mer, France

50' Targa GT

56 Princess luxury charter yacht - Juan-les-Pins, Antibes, France

56' Princess

52 Jeanneau luxury charter yacht - St-Laurent-du-Var, France

52' Prestige Fly

Why charter a yacht in south of france, st. tropez, south of france, cannes, south of france, the captivating seaside city - state of monaco, .css-1uazooj{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;width:100%;outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:2px;transition-property:var(--chakra-transition-property-common);transition-duration:var(--chakra-transition-duration-normal);font-size:1rem;-webkit-padding-start:var(--chakra-space-4);padding-inline-start:var(--chakra-space-4);-webkit-padding-end:var(--chakra-space-4);padding-inline-end:var(--chakra-space-4);padding-top:var(--chakra-space-2);padding-bottom:var(--chakra-space-2);padding:10px 16px;}.css-1uazooj:focus-visible,.css-1uazooj[data-focus-visible]{box-shadow:var(--chakra-shadows-outline);}.css-1uazooj:hover,.css-1uazooj[data-hover]{background:var(--chakra-colors-blackalpha-50);}.css-1uazooj[disabled],.css-1uazooj[aria-disabled=true],.css-1uazooj[data-disabled]{opacity:0.4;cursor:not-allowed;} .css-1pkhz46{font-size:var(--chakra-fontsizes-sm);font-weight:600;-webkit-flex:1;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-align:left;} how do i book a yacht on yachtlife .css-g5ledl{width:1em;height:1em;display:inline-block;line-height:1em;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;color:currentcolor;vertical-align:middle;font-size:8px;}, when is my payment collected is it refundable.

Once you confirm your reservation, your broker will process your payment.

  • If you are booking for a single day and your reservation is confirmed more than 7 days in advance, a deposit of either $1,000 USD or 50% of the total cost of the reservation (whichever is greater) is processed immediately in order to hold the yacht. Once your embarkation date is 7 days away, the remainder of the amount due is processed.
  • If you are booking for a single day and your reservation is made 7 days or less in advance, the total price of your reservation is processed immediately.
  • If you are booking for a multi-day charter and your reservation is confirmed more than 30 days in advance, a deposit of 50% of the cost of the yacht is processed immediately in order to hold the yacht. Once your embarkation date is 30 days away, the other 50% is collected for the price of the yacht, plus the APA, plus the taxes due.

Terms of refunds are dictated by the Charter Agreement. Generally, once a payment is collected, it is non-refundable. In certain circumstances, as dictated by the Charter Agreement, credits can be provided so you will be able to enjoy your yacht charter at a future date that is convenient for you.

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Are my payment details saved on the app, what if your servers get hacked is my payment information really safe.

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Princess Charter Yachts Princess Charter Yachts

Bring joy to life., yacht charter destinations.

Monaco Yacht Charters

Luxury Yacht Rentals on the French Riviera

Charter a luxury yacht on the french riviera, indulge in the luxurious lifestyle of the mediterranean on board your luxury yacht rental where a team of crew members will be at your service to ensure you have the ultimate yacht charter experience throughout the french riviera including monaco, cannes, st. tropez, antibes, & nice, france. princess charter yachts has been delivering superior charter yacht experiences to our clients in the south of france, monaco, sardinia, corsica, ibiza, italy, greece and turkey for over 17 years and is constantly improving our charter yacht services in order to ensure each of our guests who choose to sail with us has the very best and most luxurious experience onboard their chosen yacht charter with us..

yacht charter

Charter a Yacht and experience the pinnacle of Luxury

Why princess charter yachts, princess charter yachts has been delivering high quality yacht charter experiences on the french riviera (monaco, st tropez, cannes, antibes, nice) and throughout the mediterranean for over 17 years. our crew members are trained to the very highest of standards to ensure each one of our guests are always catered to and has the absolute best time on our motor yachts, boat rentals, sailing yachts, catamarans, and super yachts on the french riviera and throughout the mediterranean (sardinia, corsica, ibiza, italy, greece, turkey). here, at princess charter yachts we will cater to you every step of the way, making sure all your expectations are exceeded by our staff and each of your guests is attended to at the highest levels of luxury and professionalism..

Yacht Charter in Cannes

featured destination:

Cannes | France

Hiring a Yacht Charter in Cannes, France is truly a luxurious experience filled with serenity and picturesque views of the stunning landscapes the French Riviera has to offer its guests.

Discover Yacht Charters in the Mediterranean

Chartering a yacht in the mediterranean is a truly luxurious experience filled with serenity and picturesque views of the stunning landscapes. the crystal clear blue waters of the mediterranean welcome guests from all across the world sailing its lovely landmarks on mega yacht charters, many of which are operated by princess charter yachts one of the industry's leading yacht charter operations with many years of experience in the mediterranean. whether you choose to charter a yacht on the french riviera, monaco, corsica, sardinia, ibiza, italy, greece, or turkey, inquire with us today and we will assist you to make your dream yacht charter come true..

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MALTESE FALCON | From EUR€ 490,000/wk

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Cannes Yacht Charters on the French Riviera

Below: view a selection of charter yachts in cannes | browse the full list of local yacht charters here | read about yacht charters in france | browse all the france yacht specials.

Witness some of the largest luxury superyacht charter boats jostle for position in the famous bay of Cannes, France. Cannes is certainly one of the more famous private luxury yacht destinations in France, let alone the world.

A Cannes yacht charter vacation brings you into the very heart of the French Riviera and this famous luxury destination has all the features that a glamorous seaside resort town should have. Golden sand beaches fringe the promenades and the harbour is filled with superyachts at its two main marinas. World-class hotels and restaurants further enhance the prestige of this location, which annually hosts the Cannes Film Festival among its packed calendar of events.

Each May the restaurants, bars, hotels, beaches, and promenades fill up with the rich and famous from the movie industry, making a Mediterranean luxury yacht charter in Cannes the perfect base at the heart of the action. For those looking for a quick escape from the glitz and glamour the Iles de Lerins are mostly covered in pine forests with secretive beaches to the south for tranquil relaxation or fun with the water toys.

From Cannes, sailing yachts and motor yachts have access to other impressive cultural or natural destinations such as Antibes, Nice, Monaco and St. Tropez. The 200+ beaches of Corsica lie just beyond the sea and Sardinia is also a bio-diverse wonder catering to all aspects of the luxury yachting lifestyle at Porto Cervo.

Cannes is relatively tranquil for most of the year and conveys the relaxed feel of a beach resort. Cannes is positioned quite centrally along the French Riviera with easy access to Antibes, Nice and Monaco in the north and St. Tropez in the south. A power yacht could almost explore all of these ports, in a couple of days.

concours elegance cannes yachting festival

The Cost to Charter a Private Boat in Cannes:

Cannes yacht charter prices begin at around 15,000 Euro, all-inclusive and go up to over 1,000,000 Euro plus expenses. There are thousands of charter yachts available in Cannes at prices between these figures. Here is the full list of yachts available in Cannes this year. 

5 quick reasons to visit Cannes:

The Cannes Film Festival and other international festivals held throughout the year, sensational cuisine, fantastic shopping, world-class museums and beautiful gardens.

Cannes Yacht Charter Experiences

In the Old Quarter beside the marina, take in the artistry that was poured into the Church of Our Lady of Esperance and continue your journey through a different era with the Musée de la Castre just a short walk away. The Villa Rothschild & Gardens are now a public library and well worth a visit on a stroll through the Cannes streets, while back at the marina the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès de Cannes is an unmistakable modern building that hosts not only the Cannes Film Festival but the Fireworks Festival, Dance Festival and International Games Festival throughout the year.

Shopping opportunities abound in Cannes, where big brand names such as Louis Vuitton and Burberry line the streets along with one of a kind art galleries and boutiques for that bespoke piece for the home or wardrobe.

As one of the better known yacht charter ports in France and indeed the Mediterranean, Cannes offers all the main types of yacht charters such as motor, sailing, skippered, crewed yachts, catamarans, power boats, luxury yachts and off-course the ever increasing superyacht charter.

What characterises the Mediterranean is its myriad architectural styles spanning an incredible and tumultuous history, magnificent beaches that stretch for miles or are hidden in forested coves, clear blue seas and an abundance of ports and yachting facilities for superyachts of all shapes and sizes.

The Western Mediterranean is one of the world’s premier yacht charter locations – and Cannes is positioned strategically to experience the best of what the region has to offer.

More about this part of France

The Cannes luxury yacht charter location is part of a larger region known as the South of France, the Cote d'Azur or the French Riviera. There is no fixed definition for the French Riviera, however the Calanques National Park to the west and Monaco to the east are generally considered its boundaries.

Pack your week-long holiday with vineyard tours, beaches and grottoes, with satisfying snorkelling and Scuba diving sites for all ages and abilities up and down the coast. Festivals, concerts and other events are on regularly throughout the year. This culturally rich region has been influenced by the Greeks and Romans, aristocratic Russians, poets, writers, artists and musicians throughout the centuries, leaving behind a bounty of castles, fortresses, flavoursome recipes and works of art that will characterise your holiday.

Lürssen Motor Yacht Capri, Cannes, France

Things to Consider:

Yachting Seasons & Climate: Cannes in the summer has a comfortable average temperature of 27°C/81°F, whereas a luxury yacht charter in December and the New Year will experience temperatures around 7°C/44°F. October tends to be the wettest month with June through to August the driest period.

Clothing to Pack for Your Charter: From the sensational beaches to the centre of Cannes, your wardrobe will be varied to match the occasion: Pack smart wear for attending galas and casinos, light layers for the summer months and a jacket for the cooler evenings. If visiting religious sites, clothing should cover shoulders and thighs.

Main Ports and Marinas: Le Vieux Port, Port Pierre-Canto, Port Pointe Croisette

Famous Restaurants & Clubs: La Palme d'Or restaurant, Da Boutta - Auberge Provençale restaurant, Le Park 45 restaurant, Le Bar à Vin, Chrystie Bar, Le Bar L'Amiral, Martinez Bar

A Must See Attraction: Cannes Film Festival, Dance Festival, Fireworks Festival, International Games Festival

Best beaches to visit in your yacht:

Bijou Plage, Plage de la Croisette, Plage de la Bocca, Plage du Midi, Petite Plage Sainte Marguerite, Plage des Pierres Hautes

Local Yacht Events: Cannes Film Festival, Cannes Yachting Festival

Best time to go: From May until the end of September the Mediterranean is bursting with regattas, beach parties and music festivals. To have land-based locations and popular beaches to yourselves, avoid visiting in July and August when the school summer holidays take place. The Mediterranean is also a great winter destination, offering a warmer climate to the east and an atmospheric holiday experience among Belle Epoch architecture along the French Riviera.

Further Charter Information

Yacht Rentals Available: Go here for the current list of yacht rentals in Cannes.

Full France Yacht Charter Guide: Go here for the essential France yacht charter guide.

Cannes Itineraries: Here is a selection of broker itineraries for Cannes.

News: Read the latest superyacht news about Cannes.

  • France: A Fact File
  • France Charter Reviews
  • South France Yacht Itinerary
  • Cote d’Azur Itinerary
  • Top France Charter Spots
  • Cap d’Antibes
  • Ile de Porquerolles
  • Île Sainte-Marguerite
  • Iles D'hyeres
  • Nice Yacht Charters France
  • Ville Franche
  • Saint Laurent du Var
  • St Jean Cap Ferrat
  • Current France Charter Special Prices
  • Browse Cannes Charter Yachts
  • Luxury Motor Yachts for Charter in Cannes
  • Luxury Sailing Yachts for Charter in Cannes
  • Luxury Catamarans for Charter in Cannes
  • Cannes Yachting News

Cannes Yacht Charter Enquiry

The cruise was fantastic and the "Impulse" is a truly comfortable and luxurious yacht and we all enjoyed our team there very much. Everything was perfectly prepared when we arrived and the crew was amazing --- Jolande is a fantastic and creative chef who created the most delicious food always wonderfully presented (I very much enjoyed joining her early morning in St. Tropez on her shopping tour to the fish market and other lovely butchers, bakeries and cheese shop where we found the most delicious ingredients for her magical cooking), Bernadette took care of us in the most friendly and attentive way and last but not least Tim, a very helpful and insightful skipper who showed us the most beautiful places. The "Impulse" is a wonderful yacht but the crew made us feel right away at "home" amongst friends. To make a long story short, the cruise was a wonderful and most enjoyable experience and I'm sure it was not the last time I spend time on the "Impulse". A.B from Thailand chartered IMPULSE in St Tropez , Cannes, Monaco in Sept

Yachting Destinations close to Cannes

Explore Location Guides for great destinations near Cannes .

Yacht Off Monaco


Nice france

Saint Raphael

Yachts for charter in cannes, whisper | from eur€ 1,200,000/wk.

Superyacht Kismet

SUNRAYS | From EUR€ 1,150,000/wk

Profile Of The Superyacht By Oceanco

QUEEN MIRI | From EUR€ 1,125,000/wk


O'PARI | From EUR€ 1,000,000/wk

Motor Yacht O'Pari

GOLDEN HORIZON | From EUR€ 910,000/wk


74m CRN 131 | From US$ 870,000/wk

74m yacht by CRN

KENSHO | From EUR€ 850,000/wk

Superyacht KENSHO

HBC | From US$ 850,000/wk

Aft View

AALTO | From EUR€ 775,000/wk

Superyacht AALTO

TATIANA | From EUR€ 775,000/wk

Jetski Running Next To The Superyacht

HUNTRESS | From US$ 725,000/wk

Luxury Charter Yacht HUNTRESS

EMIR | From EUR€ 700,000/wk

Luxury Superyacht EMIR

France Yachting News

76m superyacht CORAL OCEAN offering charter special in the West Mediterranean

76m superyacht CORAL OCEAN offering ...

Brand-new 34m luxury yacht ON TIME joins yacht charter market in the Mediterranean

Brand-new 34m luxury yacht ON TIME ...

Luxury charters in the Western Mediterranean on board 27m motor yacht GLASAX

Luxury charters in the Western ...

37m Gulf Craft Majesty superyacht OPTIMISM available for charter on both sides of the Atlantic

37m Gulf Craft Majesty superyacht ...

French riviera yacht charter specials, special offer location: west mediterranean.

Motor Yacht KAR

KAR | From EUR€ 50,000.00/wk

Superyacht THUMPER. Photo credit Sunseeker Yachts

THUMPER | From EUR€ 160,000.00/wk

10% discount location: france.

Running Shot

CYAN | From EUR€ 157,500.00/wk

10% discount location: west mediterranean.


LATITUDE | From EUR€ 148,500.00/wk

9 nights for the price of 7 location: france.

Motor Yacht ESPINOLA

ESPINOLA | From EUR€ 55,000.00/wk

Special discounted rate location: croatia & montenegro / west mediterranean.

Serenity II  -  Main

Super Yacht Serenity II | From EUR€ 100,000.00/wk

10% discount location: italy / france.

Exterior Profile

SILVER WIND | From EUR€ 166,500.00/wk


SENSEI | From EUR€ 115,000.00/wk

Charter yacht disclaimer.

This document is not contractual. The yacht charters and their particulars displayed in the results above are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed. CharterWorld Limited does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. All information is subject to change without notice and is without warrantee. A professional CharterWorld yacht charter consultant will discuss each charter during your charter selection process. Starting prices are shown in a range of currencies for a one-week charter, unless otherwise marked. Exact pricing and other details will be confirmed on the particular charter contract. Just follow the "reserve this yacht charter" link for your chosen yacht charter or contact us and someone from the CharterWorld team will be in touch shortly.


Yacht charter : excellence on the seine with paris yacht marina.

Are you looking for a yacht rental on the Seine in the heart of Paris? If so, then discover the Clipper Paris ; a 54 meter luxury location yacht de luxe docked at the port of Grenelle (15th arrondissement). The Clipper Paris is of recent construction (Chantiers de l'Atlantique in Saint-Nazaire) but is inspired by clippers of the early 20th century which boasted slender lines and elegance.

For your luxury yacht charter, let yourself be seduced by the salon of the Clipper Paris : 200 m2 furnished in lounge style, sofas, armchairs, coffee tables and a ship shaped bar. A sumptuous, refined and warm environment to welcome your guests in the best way. On the upper deck is the same, with a 170 m2 space arranged in a lounge style to enjoy the view and the bridges of Paris. The Clipper Paris also offers private lounges.

Your luxury yacht charter - Exceptional cruise and docks

You can rent your luxury yacht with great flexibility of use, dockside, cruise, day or night. Navigate from the port of Grenelle to the Louvre, the François Mitterrand library or to the Parc de Saint-Cloud and Seguin Island. On the quay, you can enjoy the prestigious environment of the Marina : facing the Isle aux Cygnes and in the vicinity of a superb mahogany sailboat, the Monte Carlo Marine and offshore of the marina.

You can also combine the rental of your location yacht luxe with that of an additional reception area, located just opposite : the Atelier du France. It is a loft of 250 m2 decorated on the theme of the liner France. In combination with the Clipper Paris it will allow you many areas for your guests.

The Paris Yacht Marina services in addition to your yacht charter

In 25 years of activity, the Paris Yacht Marina has established numerous partnerships with professionals who have demonstrated excellence and mastery in their respective fields: gastronomy, artistic performances, floral decoration, lighting, photo and video reports. Contact us to find out more, our teams will respond to your requests and be make suggestions to make your luxury location de yacht an exceptional moment.

Gastronomy options from the Paris Yacht Marina

Paris Yacht Marina offers partners to ensure high quality cocktail dinners during your location yacht rental to provide tailor-made services and offers innovative gastronomic formulas in the spirit of Yachting.

The Traiteur de la Marina is a specialist in traditional French cuisine and world cuisine. Each of them know how to create perfection about the quality of their dishes.

Paris Yacht Marina also assists to ensure the perfect reception and the best service by professionals who know how to combine rigor, attention and discretion.

You may also decide on a professional who will take care of your gourmet preparations if you wish. Our teams will welcome them and make available to them the kitchens and equipment of the Clipper Paris.

Contact us for your yacht charter in Paris, and after assessing your needs and ideas, we will establish your quote as soon as possible.


Atelier du france, yess 100% electric.

location yacht france

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Yacht Charter France

From the stunning coastlines of the Cote d'Azur and French Riviera in the south of France to the island of Corsica or the feisty Atlantic coast, this is a diverse and beautiful country to charter a yacht and have the sailing holiday of a lifetime. Though everywhere you sail is distinctively French the country's culture is as different from end to end as Norman calvados and fine champagne.

DREAM - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in Riviera, Cors, Sard, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, Greece 2

  • Build year : 1997
  • Guests : 36
  • Berths : 36
  • Cabins : 22
  • Length : 349 ft
  • Boat type : Motor Yacht

CORAL OCEAN - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, Greece, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Croatia, Northern Europe, Caribbean Virgin Islands (US/BVI), Bahamas, Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards, Caribbean Virgin Islands (US), Caribbean Virgin Islands (BVI) 2


  • Build year : 1994
  • Guests : 12
  • Berths : 12
  • Length : 239 ft

Variety Voyager - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, Greece, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., Turkey, Croatia | Winter: Caribbean Virgin Islands (US/BVI), Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards 2

Variety Voyager

  • Build year : 2012
  • Guests : 71
  • Berths : 71
  • Cabins : 36
  • Length : 223 ft

atlantic - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in Fr. Riviera & Tyrrhenian Sea 2

  • Build year : 2010
  • Length : 211 ft
  • Boat type : Sailing Yacht

GALAXY - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, Greece, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., Turkey, Croatia | Winter: Caribbean Virgin Islands (US/BVI), Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards 2

  • Build year : 2005
  • Length : 183 ft

Harmony V - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in Summer: W. Med -Naples/Sicily, Greece, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., Turkey, W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Croatia | Winter: Indian Ocean and SE Asia, Red Sea, United Arab Emirates 2

  • Build year : 2009
  • Guests : 49
  • Berths : 49
  • Cabins : 25
  • Length : 180 ft

Build your own unique trip!

MIRAGE - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in Fr. Riviera & Tyrrhenian Sea 2

  • Build year : 1979
  • Length : 173 ft

JASALI  II - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in Fr. Riviera & Tyrrhenian Sea 2

  • Build year : 1998
  • Guests : 10
  • Berths : 10

WIND OF FORTUNE - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in Summer: W. Med -Naples/Sicily, Greece, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., Turkey, W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Croatia | Winter: Indian Ocean and SE Asia, Red Sea, United Arab Emirates 2


  • Build year : 1981
  • Guests : 16
  • Berths : 16
  • Length : 170 ft

ALMYRA II - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, Greece, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Croatia, Northern Europe, Caribbean Virgin Islands (US/BVI), Bahamas, Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards, Caribbean Virgin Islands (US), Caribbean Virgin Islands (BVI) 2

  • Build year : 2000
  • Length : 163 ft

Trinakria - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in Fr. Riviera & Tyrrhenian Sea 2

  • Build year : 1927
  • Length : 160 ft

aslec 4 - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in Fr. Riviera & Tyrrhenian Sea 2

  • Length : 157 ft

ANDIAMO - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in Fr. Riviera, Corsica & Sardinia 2

  • Build year : 2017
  • Length : 156 ft

HYPERION - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., W. Med - Spain/Balearics 2

  • Length : 155 ft

ALALYA - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in Riviera, Cors, Sard, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, Greece 2

  • Build year : 2006
  • Length : 154 ft

SOMETHING COOL - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in Summer: W. Med -Naples/Sicily, Greece, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., Turkey, W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Croatia | Winter: Indian Ocean and SE Asia, Red Sea, United Arab Emirates 2


  • Length : 149 ft

MY LITTLE VIOLET - Yacht Charter France & Boat hire in Riviera, Cors, Sard, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, Greece 2


Whether the cool and busy seaways of Biscay and la Manche or the warm and comfortable Mediterranean you will be spoiled for choice as to what you could want from sailing France's seas. A famed and tough seafaring nation in its own right, the country lionises and dominates the world of extreme solo sailing. Crowds at least as big as those watching the Tour de France see off and welcome its heroes on races like the Golden Globe and Vendee Globe.

You will find some ports extremely crowded at certain times of year but can soon find somewhere to hide away from the babbling rabble thanks to the nature of the country's vast and wonderful coastline. So what are you waiting for? Get a yacht charter in France with Borrow A Boat today!

Hiring A Yacht In France

With most European and many international sailing qualifications accepted by France yacht charter companies, you can organise a boat rental easily through Borrow A Boat. You will need insurance or a security deposit before you go but that isn't different to the rest of the world.

Many people choose to have a skippered or fully crewed charter yacht to sail aboard - effectively letting go of all responsibilities to focus on rest and relaxation. Whether on a superyacht or a smaller affair you are on a mini-cruise ship and can just enjoy being in the moment wherever you go. There are stretches of coastline with a few hours of travel required between ports but you can find plenty of opportunities to wander around markets, drink the local alcohol and enjoy the world-renowned food that might come from a Michelin-starred restaurant or a small bistro. There is so much to explore and enjoy in France that many never tire of it.

Best Areas To Charter A Yacht In France

There are three broad areas in which to charter a yacht in France - Southern France, Corsica; and Biscay and the Channel.

Southern France

A French Riviera yacht charter has to be on the bucket list of everyone who enjoys luxury yacht charter regularly. Whether Cannes, Nice or the principality of Monaco on the Cote d'Azur you will be beguiled by the great sailing conditions and the fun to be had ashore on the sandy beaches, the Mediterranean Coast and in the bars, restaurants and casinos ashore. This is one of those Departments of France that is both French and uniquely it's own in culture. Not far off the south of France are Les Iles d'Or, small paradise islands just offshore near Cap d'Antibes. The slightly larger island Porquerolles is close too - a worthy pause on an island and coastal hopping boat rental in France.

The Mediterranean island of Corsica is also very much of its own kind in terms of culture. Mountainous, rocky Corsica is the birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte who led the country in wars around Europe in the late 18th and early 19th Century. Pop across the sea to Italian Sardinia too! Being in EU waters you will only need your passport to land there.

The Bay of Biscay and the Channel

The Bay of Biscay and the coastline of La Manche (Brits call it the Channel) shouldn't be ignored either thanks to their challenging sailing conditions and very different vibe to that of southern France. Don't forget the wines of the Loire or the exquisite Norman calvados apple brandy!

Best Towns To Charter A Yacht In France

At the ultra-luxury yacht charter end of the scale, you can get a superyacht from Cannes or Monaco on the Mediterranean Coast. These come with full crews and often tenders and toys that will keep you entertained away from the stress of life ashore. Eat, drink and party to your heart's content and only see those you want around you.

Out of Cannes, you will find a range of yacht rentals available from 50 metre plus mammoths to modest 40ft plus sailing yachts that will still be comfortable for you and your group.

Marseilles, Nice and Toulon are among many other yacht rental centres on the Mediterranean coastline.

In Corsica you have Calvi and Maccinagio.

Northern France

Biscay France has Les Sables d'Olonne, Brest, Bordeaux and la Rochelle amongst others. On the coast of La Manche you have Cherbourg, Le Havre and Caen as well as Calais, Dieppe and of course the nearby Channel Islands that are far closer to France than their owner, the UK!

Getting there

Whether flying or driving, you can be in most French yacht charter locations in just a day from the UK.

Travelling to Southern France

There are regular flights to Nice Airport from the UK. You can then take a train, taxi or bus to your yacht charter destination.

For those in less of a hurry and who want to start their journey without all the pressure and bureaucracy of flying, you can jump on a Eurostar to Paris and then take a connecting train to your destination. The 180mph TGVs cross large distances in very little time, and with all the security checks and shoe X-rays of flying can be competitive in the actual time of home to boat.

For those who want to get there in their own time, you can take a ferry and then drive on the Autoroute network across France to your yacht charter. Do be aware that the tolls will cost about £100 there and back and the fuel is a little more expensive than in the UK. That said it could be cheaper and more convenient, especially with the autoroute speed limit being about 80mph - on a good run you can chew up the miles very quickly.

In summer there are flights directly from the UK to Ajaccio and Bastia. As a cheaper alternative, you can fly via Paris to these two airports as well as Calvi and Figari.

Northern France and inland waterways

It can make a lot of sense for shorter hops to take a car ferry and then drive to your yacht rental. You can get from Southern England to Les Sables d'Olonne in about 15 hours via Portsmouth and Caen, perhaps having a beer and asleep on the ferry overnight. Do be aware of the tolls that can set you back an additional £70 for a return trip on a run to Biscay.

The train network is efficient though for smaller destinations can be slow, taking a similar time to Biscay France as by car on the commuter train network. TGVs don't go everywhere!

Types Of Yachts To Hire In France

There are a wide variety of yachts to charter in France according to your wants, budget and needs. Let's have a look at a few types and discuss them.

Motor Yacht

Ranging from fully crewed luxury 70-metre superyacht giants to smaller yachts a family of four can handle on their own, a motor cruiser could be your choice. You're not limited by the wind, though you will pay for the fuel to get you everywhere. At speed, they can be thrilling and you can sit inside should the weather change and still, get where you're going!

Motor catamaran

Often better appointed with luxuries than their monohull equivalents of the same size, motor catamarans have shallower drafts and more space for entertaining aboard. Thanks to their draft you can explore shallower waterways too.

Sailing catamaran

Unless you go for a fully crewed larger vessel, sailing catamarans are the height of luxury you and your group of sailing types can enjoy. Many will have en-suite showers and heads in every stateroom and of course plenty of entertaining space in the saloon.

Thanks to often having two engines these are far maneuverable in port, but having shallow drafts and greater leeway these charter yachts are more suited to the constant winds of the Mediterranean than the changeable conditions of Biscay and the Channel.

Monohull sailing yacht

The workhorse of yachting charters these are good in most sailing conditions from beating into a Biscay gale to blasting downwind on the Mistral. You can pay for something extremely comfortable and spacious but a family of four on a smaller budget can enjoy a week or two for a fee that competes with an all-inclusive holiday in the Balearics.


Built to get under bridges, though a lot more spacious and comfortable than British narrowboats, these crafts are great for exploring France's extensive inland waterway network. The Loire and Seine are two rivers that are navigable for hundreds of miles inland and allow you to see parts of France that you never could either by car or on a yacht.

Skippered or Bareboat Yacht Charter in France

What do you want from a dream yacht charter in France? Just to relax and have every need catered to? Or to go on a self-supported holiday where you are in charge of your own adventure?

Skippered yacht charter

For an extra fee on top of that for the yacht charter itself you can have a skipper sailing the boat for you. You need no sailing experience or qualifications and the skipper will know the best places to take you. You just focus on having fun and relaxing in luxury.

If you want to learn seamanship and sailing while you're at it you can participate as much or as little in getting from A to B as you want.

You will have to pay for the skipper, their food and a tip at the end of the boat rental period.

Bareboat charter

If you just want to cut loose and have the sailing qualifications to do it then a bareboat yacht charter may be your best bet. You will decide where to go and what to do. You will navigate, sail and run the vessel.

You also get privacy with your friends and loved ones - and don't have to pay for the skipper or their meals!

Crewed barge rental

Lie back and chill out with everything is taken care of from food to getting about France's inland waterways. This is a fantastic way to tune the modern world out and relax while everything is taken care of, watching the world go by as someone else sets about giving you time without responsibility!

Self-driving boat hire

Unlike chartering a yacht on the sea, you don't need any boating qualifications to set sail with your friends and or family on a trip like this. All you need is an idea where you're going! Inland waterway self-drive boat hire is one of the best ways to explore France and its extensive network of canals and rivers.

Do you need a licence to hire a Yacht in France?

For a bareboat charter, you need the appropriate sailing qualifications required to take charge of a vessel.

This can be the International Certificate of Competence (ICC)

All yacht charter companies recognise RYA qualifications from the Day Skipper and up.

Many yacht charter companies also recognise national qualifications from outside Europe such as the ASA 104 Bareboat certificate.

If you have a CEVNI qualification then it will be very easy to do a self-drive inland waterway boat hire and you will be able to explore more of the waterways involved. However, you will be shown the rules of navigating French waterways and issued with a Carte de Plaisance if not.

If you are on a skippered charter however you don't need any license.

Best Times To Hire A Yacht In France

The summer school holiday season is the most popular time of year to hire a yacht in France but isn't always the best. Come July and August it can be fiercely hot on the French Riviera but there again you could always sail in more northern climes at that time of year.

It is quieter outside of school holidays and a lot cheaper too. Try May or September in Corsica or Mediterranean France where the weather is cooler and the crowds aren't so intense.

Sailing Weather In France

Mediterranean France is often placid and warm in the summer months - expect temperatures in the 30s and nice sea breezes at times. The Atlantic and Channel coasts are very pleasant most of the time too. Expect cooler temperatures (the high 20s and low 30s) and a steady northerly or easterly in cyclonic conditions that tend to mark the summer months in this region.

It isn't all gin-clear days and calms though! The NW Mistral wind that blasts down the Rhone Valley can build to quite dangerous levels throughout the summer, with the strong and steady wind blowing along the French Rivieraremorselessly for days on end. That said in summer you can expect a calmer and gentler wind most of the time. As ever when sailing, keep an eye on the weather for the next 24 hours every day.

Atlantic westerlies thrash through the Channel and barrel through the Bay of Biscay throughout the year - this does mean you need to keep an eye on the weather. In mid-summer, it can be almost flat calm and so gentle as to be frustrating depending on the location of the Azores High.

How much does it cost to hire Yachts in France?

What's your budget? A charter fee of €2000 for a group of up to six adults sailing on a bareboat arrangement will get you a comfortable 12-metre sailing yacht for a week. Expect to pay €2000 a day for a luxury sailing catamaran in peak season. You can pay €20,000 a day and up for no-holds-barred luxury!

Remember you will have to pay either a non-refundable damage insurance premium or leave a refundable security deposit from your credit card with the yacht charter broker before you cast off.

You will also need a budget for food, fuel and nights out. You don't always have to moor in a marina (€20 a night and up) but can drop the hook and anchor in a secluded anchorage. In some places, you may pay a fee to moor on a buoy though these are more secure than anchoring in unfamiliar waters.

Explore France By Renting A Yacht

France in all its glory and eccentricities is a country that families never tire of, visiting time and again to taste, feel, hear, see and smell this wonderful country in all its ways. Whether the beautiful beaches of the south of France or the mountainous coastline of Corsica, the challenging sailing of Biscay or the Raz du Seine, or playful luxury of Monaco you will get everything you could possibly want from a French yacht charter.

Take time to explore the markets and perhaps challenge yourself with the local cuisine - the French eat every bit of most animals except their squeaks! The wines and beverages are different in every region and often have Appellation Controlee status, be it Calvados in Normandy or Champagne in the Champagne region. The country is justifiably proud of its rich and varied culture and in exploring it you will find delights at every turn.

So what are you waiting for? Find a yacht to rent on Borrow A Boat today!

Frequently asked questions

Yacht hire in France is legal as long as the provider meets all the regulations and legal framework put in place by the French and EU governments.

You can hire almost any kid of yacht from a giant superyacht to a small speedboat. It largely depends on your budget and needs for your time on the water.

Your budget is the first thing. You should consider where and when you wish to hire a yacht in France. You should consider your skills and qualifications and whether you want a skipper to help you on your journey.

The most popular time is school summer holidays. If you don't have children, May and September may be better as it is quieter and cheaper on French waters.

You will have to pay up to 50% upfront on booking the yacht hire. Upon arrival you will also pay either a security deposit on your credit card or can buy insurance to cover that.

If you are in immediate danger at sea then call MAYDAY on VHF Channel 16. If you can get to safety under your own steam or the breakdown occurs while in port you should phone the yacht charter company for advice.

Who's coming with you? Kids or older adults will influence your decision. Where do you want to go? What's your budget? Have you the appropriate sailing qualifications? Will you need a professional skipper?

If you are from an EU country, Switzerland, Iceland or Norway then you will not. If you are from the US, Australia, New Zealand or Canada or parts of Africa then you will be OK as long as you stay no more than 90 days. All other nationalities should check with the French Consul or Embassy in your country.


  • Yachts for charter
  • Yacht for sale

Yacht Rental French Riviera

  • Cannes Lions
  • MIPIM Cannes
  • MIPTV Cannes
  • MAPIC Cannes
  • MIPCOM Cannes
  • TFWA Cannes
  • ILTM Cannes
  • Cannes Film Festival
  • Grand Prix de Monaco
  • Transfer and taxi-boat
  • Maxi-Catamaran charter

Follow-up nautical event

  • Luxury Yachts for Sale
  • Yacht rental in Nice

Book your next yacht charter in Nice with Arthaud Yachting

M/Y MR. M | Arthaud Yachting

Charter a yacht with Arthaud Yachting

Rent a yacht in nice and visit the french riviera in style., let’s organise together your yacht rental in nice.

Depart from Nice on a yacht, a splendid and famous city of the French Riviera where life is sweet, the weather favourable all year long, and where you can stroll on the infamous Promenade des Anglais, or better yet bask in the sun on one of the private beaches whilst admiring the yachts at sea.

The relaxing and gentle feeling you experience whilst on holiday in Nice will only make you want to take advantage of this wellbeing, so why not experience it whilst discovering Nice differently, out at sea. Embark from one of our yacht rental locations in Nice and set off for a seaborne excursion which will offer you a magnificent view of the French Riviera, in a beautiful and luxurious setting.

Our team will help you create your very own personalised Nice yacht rental escapade , and will advise you in regards to the different possibilities available to you. From a trip out at sea to a magical evening on-board, without forgetting a challenging sporty day out, you will detain various possibilities to organise and experience, and to immerse your guests in an unforgettable occasion.

Yacht rental in Nice | Arthaud Yachting

Surrounding yourself with the best, guarantees the best event! Rent a yacht in Nice with Arthaud Yachting!

Our involvement and love for the yachting industry will be your allies in the process of renting your yacht in Nice, and it will be our pleasure to welcome you and help you plan your seaborne escapade in the French Riviera.

If you would like to know more about our yacht rental services in Nice, please get in touch with us directly today.

Testimonials yacht charter Nice

A wonderful cruising experience in the bay of Cannes for my US guests. Arthaud Yachting provided an exclusive MY and delivered excellent services during the day, making sure everything was ok. Thanks a million to the lovely & caring crew and its captain for making this day such a good experience!

Once again the best service from Arthaud Yachting for the Summer of 2018. We booked several charters with them this summer and each one was managed perfectly. They provide an excellent professional service and go above and beyond the rest ! I honestly couldn’t rate them highly enough and wouldn’t think of using any other company. Thanks Hugo and see you next year !!

A fantastic vacation with a crew just as fantastic ! The Executive Committee thanks you for the excellent service provided during this cruise.

Hi Caroline,

Thank you, we had a fantastic experience at sea with Winner and all my guests where very impressed with the arrangements. Yann and Joanna where professional, helpful and a nice crew. The boat really was perfect for our occasion!

Thanks again!

Best regards

A very professional team in the organization and realization of events. Very successful. To recommend.

Amazing service ! Hugo fully understood our needs for our cruise, and everything was well executed !! Everything was perfect to the small of details ! we will be back next year ! Thank you

Best broker in South of France ! Highly recommended

I highly recommend Arthaud Yachting – great selection of yachts, great service, always fast in response. Special thanks to Jeff and Hugo for doing an amazing job!

If service were an art, Arthaud Yachting would be the artist. These guys are not only swift with their responses, friendly and professional, they go above and beyond the call of duty to meet your needs. […] And they were very competitively priced. […] You need not hesitate to book with Arthaud Yachting; you won’t be anything other than 100 per cent satisfied. I will certainly look for a reason to use them again – they will have my business for many years to come. Thank you Arthaud Yachting!

Yacht charter French Riviera

  • Crewed Yacht Charters

Yacht rental in Monaco

  • Yacht rental in Cannes

Yacht charter in Antibes

Yacht rental in saint tropez, yacht charter in marseille, yacht rental in corsica, yacht charter in sardinia, boat rental french riviera, yacht charter in the mediterranean, yacht charter for private events.

  • Luxury yacht charter

Yacht charter for a birthday

Yacht charter for an evening party, organize your wedding on a yacht, they trust us.

Yacht rental in Nice | Arthaud Yachting

Our yacht charter strengths

Flexibility, rent a yacht in nice: a world of possibilities at your disposal.

Have a meal on-board whilst taking advantage of the view on the coastline followed by a nap in the sun, experience an underwater fishing trip or fish from your boat; for one day or more, you can decide whatever you want.

For those a little sportier who wish to experience an adrenaline rush, a large choice of nautical activities are available on-board such as seabobs, towable inflatables, jet skis and much more.

Celebrate a birthday, or a unique wedding – what better way than to rent a yacht in Nice to treat yourself, or someone else to a luxurious and magical moment that will forever remain engraved in everyone’s memory.

Transform your events into magical and unbeatable experiences including:

  • Yacht rental
  • Catamaran hire
  • Sailboat hire

With your family, your friends, in a small or large group – up to 200 people, no matter the time of the year, we will guide you and advise you with your choice and the organisation of the event you wish to host in Nice. Your yacht is chosen to enable you to imagine all the possibilities and activities that you could want, everything is customizable and adaptable to your needs and wants. By stepping onto your yacht chosen with Arthaud Yachting, you are guaranteed to embark on an experience of a lifetime.

Comfort, sophistication and discretion are all at the rendez-vous for this magical moment you will experience.

A professional team by your side when you rent a yacht in Nice

On-board you will benefit a high class service from our professional crew who will attend to your every need and do everything in their power to ensure that your escapade at sea aboard your yacht is enjoyable and memorable.

A large range of yachts are available in Nice for you to choose from and we will do our best to direct you towards the boat that will best fulfil your needs and a 100% personalised package.

Our experience and attention to detail allow us to propose luxurious yacht charters for a huge range of purposes. We combine sophistication and comfort for your special events by organising them aboard a yacht, whether you are planning a professional or personal experience. Our advisors will follow you and assist you before you depart, and our crew on-board will accompany you throughout your journey on your yacht.

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Yacht rental in Nice | Arthaud Yachting

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Other nautical services.

Classic yacht charter | Arthaud Yachting

Classic yacht charter

Yacht Rental For French Riviera Events

  • Yacht events

Yacht Rental | Arthaud Yachting

Yacht Rental

cruising sailboat or yacht Mediterranean

  • Regatta organisation

Arthaud Yachting | Transfert

  • Experience offshore sailing

Arthaud Yachting | Yacht Rental & Charter in Nice

Your partner for your charter and nautical events in Nice.


  • Crewed Yacht Charter
  • Quayside boat rental
  • Sailing yacht charter
  • Authentic Classic Sailboats
  • Cruising Mediterranean sea
  • Sailing incentive
  • Sailing Team building
  • Nautical seminar
  • Water rally

Articles Yachting


Where can you sail in France?

22 July 2024


1 July 2024


25 June 2024


23 June 2024

Yacht charters

  • Rent a yacht in the French Riviera

Congresses & Trade Shows in Cannes

  • Cannes 2024 congress calendar
  • Yacht Charter Cannes Film Festival
  • Yacht charter Grand Prix Monaco
  • Cannes Lions – Yacht Charter
  • MAPIC Cannes – Yacht charter
  • MIPCOM Cannes – Yacht charter
  • MIPTV Cannes – Yacht charter
  • MIPIM Cannes – Yacht charter
  • TFWA Cannes – Yacht charter
  • ILTM Cannes – Yacht charter

Featured boats

  • Catamaran charter S/Y HUTIANE
  • Yacht charter M/Y LUISA
  • Yacht charter M/Y MILLESIME
  • Yacht charter M/Y ANTISAN
  • Yacht charter VanDutch
  • Yacht charter OMEGA 47

Arthaud Yachting Membre MYBA

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Dream Yachting

Recognized for its professionalism and expertise in the yachting world,  Dream Yachting  has become a reference when it comes to yacht rental on the Cote d’Azur. Our team is made up of experts with over 15 years of experience and has selected a fleet of the highest quality especially for you. Here at Dream Yachting we pride ourselves in the effort that is put into elaborating the most exclusive tours and packages.

location yacht france

Choosing Dream Yachting is choosing the values that have made us who we are

  • availability

location yacht france


Thanks to its experience and constant availability to its clients, our team has created these tours and packages in order to provide you with an opportunity to share unforgettable moments aboard exquisite yachts.Most of these tours are the product of careful examination and close collaboration with some of the region’s finest service providers. Whether it be a half day or a two week cruise, we have something to suit everyone Let loose and select the tour that best suits your desires… Please try our page ‘CREATE YOUR OWN TOUR’, unique in the world. You can settle your own itinerary and calculate the fuel consumption for the tour created !

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Quick access.

  • Yacht Charter Antibes
  • Yacht Charter Cannes
  • Yacht Charter Golfe Juan
  • Yacht Charter Mandelieu
  • Yacht Charter Monaco
  • Yacht Charter Nice
  • Yacht Charter St-Tropez
  • Yacht Charter Villefrance-sur-Mer

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  • Terms and Conditions of Use

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47 Boulevard Edouard Baudoin, 06160 Antibes - Juan les Pins

Member of ecpy.

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Dream Yachting

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Motor yachts · Sailing yachts · Catamarans

Jfa yachts – shipyard, “since 1993, jfa yachts has been building and renovating both sailing and motor yachts; we pride ourselves on listening attentively to our clients’ needs, using discretion and developing trusted relationships. the savoir-faire of our team has caused jfa yachts to be considered one of the most well respected shipyards in the world, reputed for their outstanding ability to produce yachts of ‘bespoke quality’. our yachts, timeless and elegant, can be recognised by the quality of workmanship as well as their technical refinement. in 2016 jfa yachts was chosen to receive one of the most highly acclaimed awards in france and was branded a ‘company of living heritage’ “. frédéric jaouen – ceo.

JFA Yachts - chantier naval

Motor yachts, Sailing yachts, Catamarans…

Jfa yachts joins forces with a selection of naval architects and interior designers to deliver custom limited edition projects; luxury yachts destined for the most discerning clients., new projects.

MY 135′ Explorer

MY 135′ Explorer

SY 82′ Adventure

SY 82′ Adventure

MY 124′ Classic commuter

MY 124′ Classic commuter

Refit – repair, jfa yachts – shipyard, concarneau – france.

The shipyard can accommodate yachts from 18 meters to 65 meters for refit and maintenance.

JFA Yachts is situated in a strategic position on the Atlantic coast, ideal for yachts crossing from the Atlantic, the Caribbean and the Mediterranean en route for Northern Europe.

Thus JFA Yachts is located half way between popular sailing grounds and ship building hubs of the continent.

The infrastructure at the port of Concarneau can accommodate units up to 115m in length, round the clock.

What’s new at JFA Yachts?

Jfa yachts will participate in boot düsseldorf from 20th to 28th january 2024, jfa yachts will be present at cannes yachting festival and monaco yachts show , jfa yachts celebrates its 30 years and ensures its continuity in concarneau, new motor boat for the lighthouses service, jfa yachts will participate in boot düsseldorf from 21st to 29th january 2023.

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This collected data is intended for the use of the company JFA Yachts, In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties, you have the right to access, rectify, oppose and delete data concerning you. To know more about it

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Naufrage en Sicile : comment le yacht de Mike Lynch a-t-il pu sombrer aussi vite ?

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DÉCRYPTAGE - Trombe marine, quille du voilier partiellement surélevée... Les enquêteurs doivent déterminer si le naufrage du Bayesian est dû à un simple événement météorologique exceptionnel ou à une erreur humaine.

La trombe marine, un phénomène ultra-localisé 

  • Une éventuelle erreur humaine ? 

Le bateau, long de 56 mètres,  a sombré en l’espace de quelques minutes . C’est en tous cas ce que démontrent des images de vidéosurveillance qui ont capturé le moment tragique. Alors qu’il était au mouillage à environ 500 mètres de la côte de Porticello, Le Bayesian s’est retrouvé piégé dans une trombe marine vers 5 heures du matin. 15 personnes ont été secourues,  six corps ont été retrouvés  et une personne est encore actuellement recherchée.  

En parallèle des recherches du dernier potentiel survivant, une équipe d’enquêteurs a été envoyée sur place pour déterminer les causes du naufrage du navire. Pour cela, ils travaillent en étroite collaboration avec les Italiens. La principale interrogation : comment a-t-il pu couler aussi rapidement alors que les bateaux aux alentours n’ont pas été touchés ? Pour cela, ils interrogent le capitaine du yacht et  les personnes qui ont été secourues , afin de reconstituer les faits minute par minute. 

La première…

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  • Objets, poche d’air, plongée limitée : les difficiles recherches des disparus du naufrage en Sicile
  • Mike Lynch, sa fille, son avocat, un associé... Qui sont les victimes du naufrage du Bayesian en Sicile ?
  • «Rien ne pouvait être fait pour ce bateau» : de la soirée festive au naufrage, la nuit où tout a basculé pour Mike Lynch et ses invités

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le 24/08/2024 à 09:34

Dangereux finalement une Trump marine.

le 23/08/2024 à 22:37

Rappelez vous du naufrage du zeebruges qui a coulé suite justement à une voie d'eau.....Portes laissées ouvetes a l'avant....A mon avis le bateau du milliardaire a subit le même sort ....Arrière laissé ouvert au niveau des jet ski?


le 23/08/2024 à 17:49

Et un sous marin qui remontait et ne la pas vu !?

Algérie : en affirmant à propos de Gaza que «l'armée est prête», le président Tebboune déclenche un tollé

Les mots prononcés dimanche par le chef de l'État algérien, candidat à sa propre succession, font polémique. En réalité, Abdelmadjid Tebboune ne plaide pas pour une possible intervention militaire, mais pour la construction d’hôpitaux à Gaza.

«Pardon»: l’ancien chef du renseignement militaire israélien, en larmes, s’excuse de n’avoir pas vu venir l’attaque du 7 octobre

VIDÉO - L’armée israélienne a diffusé les excuses du chef sortant du renseignement militaire, démis de ses fonctions quelques mois après l’assaut sans précédent du Hamas contre l’État hébreu.

Au Brésil, une trentaine de pilotes d’avion affirment avoir vu des ovnis

Des rapports publiés par les archives nationales brésiliennes font état d'objets volants non identifiés repérés par des pilotes de ligne qui ont même dû procéder parfois à des «manœuvres d’évitement».

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Sicile : un cinquième corps retrouvé après le naufrage d'un yacht

Cinq corps ont pour l'instant été retrouvés après le naufrage du yacht de luxe Bayesian, happé par une trombe marine. Ceux de Mike Lynch, propriétaire du yacht, et de sa fille Hannah, âgée de 18 ans, ont été identifiés.

Des cops sortis de l'eau et ramenés un à un sur la terre ferme, dans le port de Porticello (Italie). Ce mercredi 21 août, cinq personnes ont été retrouvées mortes dans l'épave du yacht Bayesian, qui gît intact au fond de la Méditerranée. Pour l'heure, elles n'ont pas été identifiées. Lundi, un corps avait été repêché, celui du cuisinier du navire. Le bilan grimpe à six morts et une personne toujours disparue. Parmi les victimes, Mike Lynch , milliardaire et propriétaire du yacht.

Le yacht pris dans une trombe marine

Dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi, le voilier, stationné à 700 mètres des côtes, avait été pris dans une trombe marine, une violente tempête au large de la Sicile. À son bord, 10 membres d'équipage et 12 passagers venus fêter la   relaxe  de Mike Lynch. Il avait été jugé en juin aux États-Unis pour fraude. En l'espace de quelques minutes, le navire s'était renversé et avait coulé.

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