My Crew Kit

How to Become a Superyacht Steward(ess)

All you need to know about starting a career a steward(ess) on a yacht

Steps to Get a Job as a Yacht Steward/Stewardess:

  • Understand the role of a Steward/Stewardess onboard a yacht
  • Complete Steward/Stewardess training courses
  • Obtain an ENG1 or ENG1 Equivalent Medical Certificate
  • Select the correct time to travel and look for work
  • Obtain visas & documentation
  • Create a superyacht CV
  • Apply for jobs
  • Gain additional/transferable skills
  • Keep up to date with the latest Steward/Stewardess jobs
  • Mentally prepare yourself

Stewardess Badge

1.Understand the Role & Duties of a Yacht Steward/Stewardess

The structure of the interior department varies depending on the size of the yacht. The duties of a steward or stewardess change accordingly.

Small yachts require diverse interior staff who can help with service, laundry, food preparations and at times help on with deck operations. Large yachts have a more segmented approach with roles focused on specific areas of service or housekeeping.

It is advisable to understand what the position entails so that you have realistic expectations of the job at hand.

2.Yacht Steward/Stewardess Training Courses

All superyacht crew need to hold both mandatory and department specific qualifications. All interior crew need to hold an STCW Basic Training Certification , including Proficiency in Security Awareness or Proficiency in Designated Security Duties , a Food and Hygiene Level 2 Certificate as well as other courses depending on your desired role and vessel type.

Although training courses are not cheap, it is important to invest in yourself and your employability. At the end of the day, it comes down to your budget and career goals.

Find Out More About Steward / Stewardess Training Courses

Super yacht stewardess serving guests at training school

3.Complete The Essential Requirements For All Crew

Now that you have a good understanding of what being a stewardess is about and you have completed the necessary training, it is time to take action. All crew need to hold an ENG1 medical certificate which will certify you as fit to work at sea. Visas are required in order to travel to super yachting locations to attend interviews. You need to register with crew agents and ensure that you are applying for jobs wherever possible. Building a positive reputation together with a strong network of individuals involved in the industry is key.

Complete The Steps To Start Working On A Superyacht.

4. Gain Additional Steward/Stewardess Skills:

In addition to the above mentioned steps, there are many other transferrable skills that will benefit your chances of being employed as a successful stew. These include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Table Service or Silver Service
  • Bartending/Cocktail Mixing
  • Flower Arranging
  • Table Setting
  • Boat Driving Experience
  • Childcare & Teaching

Yacht Stewardess Pouring Wine

5. Apply For Steward/Stewardess Jobs

In order to find the right job as a Steward/Stewardess, it is essential to stay up to date with the latest yacht and superyacht positions.

You can do this on My Crew Kit's easy to use job aggregator board! Make sure to sign up so that you can save all of the jobs you are interested in, in your account.

View Available Stewardess Jobs

Yacht Steward/Stewardess Career Assistance

In order to become a successful yacht steward or stewardess you should be an energetic, enthusiastic and presentable individual who possesses a strong work ethic with a passion for hospitality.

Becoming a stew onboard the superyachts is not for the faint hearted as the job requires a lot of hard work. With hard work comes great benefits such as travelling the world, days off in spectacular destinations, a thriving social life, great holidays and good pay.

If you have any questions, it is best to speak to a superyacht Steward/Stewardess training expert.

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Peter Pan Traveler

How To Become A Yacht Stewardess: 11 steps you NEED to take

So you want to join the wide and crazy world of yachting? It is a great opportunity to travel the world, save money and meet interesting people from all over the world, but where do you begin?

I’m sure you are asking yourself, how do I become a yacht stewardess? What do I need to do to land my dream job?

That is what I am here for, to teach you from experience, how exactly you become a stewardess on a super yacht.

As long as you follow this step-by-step guide, I can almost ensure you that you will land a job as a stewardess on a yacht.

I know from first-hand experience everything you need to do to land your first job. So if you are ready to get your first yachting job, let’s dive in.

How To Become A Yacht Stewardess?

Getting a stewardess job on board a yacht is not hard, all it takes is a few courses that can be done in a week, and you will be set and certified to get your first job.

Step 1: Decide to Go for it

Deciding to make the plunge into yachting, is probably the hardest part.

Once you are mentally prepared and excited to join yachting the rest will come easy and natural. I think the hardest part is actually making the decision to do so. So if you are reading this, most likely you are already there.

Step 2: Get Everything in Order

You are going to want to be prepared as possible before you leave to try and get a job on a superyacht, this means that you are going to want to have enough money saved.

It could be a month or two before you land your first job, so you are going to want to have enough money to support yourself during this time.

You will also need money to get all the certificates and training you will need before you leave.

Besides this, you are most likely going to want to get rid of most of your expenses back home. This means packing up your apartment so you won’t have to pay rent while you are gone.

You might even want to think about selling your car or storing it somewhere it will be safe.

Also, you need to be prepared to pack only your basic belongings. You don’t want to show up to the boat with suitcases full of useless stuff.

Minimizing everything is key.

, it has changed the way I travel

Step 3: Get Your STCW 95 and ENG 1

To start with you are going to need to get your STCW 95 this is your basic training course that everyone needs to work on a boat, cruise, super yacht, sailboat, or any vessel that goes to sea.

It is basic sea survival, first aid, fire fighting, and sea knowledge all packed into a one-week course. This is the course breakdown

1. Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (Basic Firefighting) 2. Personal Survival Techniques (PST) 3. Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (PSSR) 4. First Aid / CPR (Basic First Aid) 5. Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA)

It is impossible to get a job on a yacht unless you have this. The course can cost anywhere from $800 – $1500 depending on where you do it. This might seem like a lot of money, but you will make it back so fast once you get your first job.

The next bare minimum thing you will need before you step foot on a yacht is your ENG 1.

This is a medical exam that proves you are fit to go to sea. Yachts go to off-the-beaten-path places, and you can spend several weeks doing a crossing where you will not see or touch land.

Before you are employed, your employer is going to want to ensure that you don’t have any medical conditions that might jeopardize your health if you are unable to get immediate medical attention.


After these any other courses, you can find online can help you obtain your first job, but no course will compare to first-hand experience.

Being a female and going for your first yacht stewardess job is easy, you will find work fairly fast as long as you are in a yachty hub and actively looking for work.

Step 4: Get Yourself to a Yachty Hub

I highly suggest doing your STCW 95 in a hot location and trying to pick up work from there. Starting off it is almost impossible to get a job on a yacht unless you are where the yachts are.

These are the top spots you want to be in to get a job on a superyacht

  • Fort Lauderdale, FL
  • Antibes, France
  • Palma de Mallorca, Spain

These are going to be the best spots for you to find your first job. After you have some experience you can be almost anywhere in the world and if a boat wants you they will fly you to the boat, but not for your first job.

Step 5: Make a Kick-Ass CV

After you have the basic training you are going to want to create a kick-ass cv/resume. You are going to want to list any jobs that you have had in the past that is going to related to a yacht stewardess job. Some examples are

  • Anything in the Service/Hospitality Industry
  • Yoga Instructor
  • Massage Therapist
  • Hair Dresser

Also, very important to note that your yacht CV is going to have to have your picture on it. Take a clear shot of your face, wearing a white polo shirt.

Not only that you have to list your age, nationality, and driving record. Plus, all the yachting courses you have taken. It is also a good idea to list your interests. This is a key element to help you stand out from the others.

For more information on How to get a job on a superyacht.

Step 6: Network

Also starting off you are going to want to network, network, network. This is going to be how you will find your first job.

First, you will want to join all the Facebook groups there are to search for jobs. Here are some ones to get you started

  • Yacht Stewardess Jobs
  • Antibes Yacht Crew
  • Fort Lauderdale Yachties
  • Yacht Crew Wanted

Besides these Facebook groups, there are other websites that are great for looking for jobs.

  • Crewseekers

In the early stages of your career, it is so important to network. When you take your STCW 95 network with everyone in your class and go to the hot yachting bars to network and meet people. This is how you are going to get your first job.

Also, when you are looking for work or taking your STCW 95 you are going to want to stay in a crew house.

This is a temporary house that the yacht crew uses when they are looking for work or in between jobs. Usually, who you decide to take your course with will recommend some crew houses that are near their facility.

I highly recommend staying in a crew house, it is great for networking.

Step 7: Apply, Apply Apply

A lot of yachting especially in the early years is all about being in the right place at the right time. You are most likely going to apply for 20 + jobs before you get a callback. Don’t get discouraged. Stick with it, and keep applying to as many jobs as you can every day until you get one.

Yachting is a weird industry, because not only do you need to hire someone that has the right skillset.

You need to hire someone that is going to fit in with the crew. Be the right nationality. Be the right age and have the same interests as the other crew. Don’t let rejection get you down, the right boat is out there for you.

Step 8: Prepare for the Interview

So you landed your first interview with a boat. Congratulations, but how do you prepare? Most likely the interview is going to be on the boat or at least in person, so you are going to want to dress the part.

You are going to want to wear that white polo that you wore in your CV to the interview along with a nice skort, shorts or skirt that isn’t too short.

They are going to want to see you presented in what you will look like in uniform, so dress accordingly. Have your hair neat and pulled back, and don’t wear heavy make-up.

Be sure to wear flip-flops or shoes that are easy to take off before you board the boat.

Step 9: Ask Questions

The best life advice I can give anyone is ask questions at the interview. This shows that you are interested in the job and that you have done your research. When captains are looking for new crew for the boat, they not only want to make sure you are the right fit for the boat but that you are going to be happy as well.

Captains want crew that are going to stick it out for the long haul and not leave the boat straight away.

Here are some great questions to ask during your interview .

Step 10: Celebrate Your New Job

Now that you have aced your interview it is most likely that you have landed your first job on a yacht. Time to celebrate. They will be asking you to move on board in no time. Enjoy your last few days off the boat.

Soon you will be working as a yacht stewardess. You will most likely be working demanding hours, learning all sorts of new things to do with cleaning, laundry, guest services, and of course looking after the crew.

I know it’s hard to think about, but enjoy your last few nights in the crew house and celebrate with all the friends you have made so far. Your dreams are about to come true.

Step 11: Move Onboard and Start Your New Life

Now that you have celebrated your new job. It is time to move on board and get serious. Time to work out, meet your new boat family, and get to know your roommate.

Congratulations you made it as a yacht stewardess.

But what exactly do you do now.

What does a yacht stewardess do?

Now that we have talked about how to get a job as a yacht stewardess, we should probably discuss what your job will actually entail.

For the most part and first starting off in the industry you are mainly going to be doing laundry, cleaning guest cabins, maintaining the crew mess, and whatever else you are needed for.

You will most likely be doing so much laundry, that you will be a pro in no time.

When you are first starting off, you need to learn the ins and outs of the industry and you will be stuck with the worst jobs, but stick it out and you will work your way up the ranks in no time.

Before you know it you will be a chief stew on a yacht managing 3 girls below you missing your days in the laundry room.

Also, besides the common jobs, you will be assigned it is also your job as a yacht stewardess to be a good crew member and to keep morale high within the crew.

Plan fun nights out for the crew, organize bday parties and gifts, and keep the boys align.

How Much Does a Yacht Stewardess Earn?

Starting off as a junior stewardess you can expect to earn around $3,000, this is your wage and before tips, if you happen to be lucky enough to get a job on a charter boat.

This might not sound like a lot of money, but when you no longer have to pay rent, food, or any other expenses you are able to save almost 100% of this besides your entertainment money.

Also, this number will increase dramatically the longer you stay in the industry. If you become a chief stewardess on a larger boat 200 + feet you will most likely be on $8,500 or more a month and could very much be on rotation, meaning working 2 months and having 2 months off paid.

Not a bad salary for only working half the year.

What Are The Benefits Of Becoming A Yacht Stewardess

Yachting is an incredible industry. You are able to travel the world, meet people from all over the world, earn a ridiculous salary and save a ton of money all without a college degree.

It is a great job to do as a gap year or two if you want to save money for college, or if you just want to travel the world. Yachting has given me so many opportunities and experiences that were beyond my wildest dreams.

I was able to ride in a submarine, attend Monaco Grand Prix, shopping sprees in Gucci and so much more. Yachting is the door to a world you never could imagine.

Not only is it a fun and exciting job, but it offers so many benefits.

Conclusions On Becoming A Yacht Stewardess

Yacht stewardess is not a job for everybody. You have to be social, and ok with sharing your space. As you will be sharing a cabin and most likely there is always someone around.

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Seaworthy Secrets

How to Become a Yacht Stewardess / Steward: An Experienced Insiders Guide

If you’re wondering how to become a yacht stewardess / steward, you’ve found the perfect starting point.

I’ve personally reaped the rewards of 10 magnificent years in the industry, where I started out as a yacht stewardess and worked my way up to Chief Stewardess. This has motivated me to help people like you that are wondering how to become a yachtie .

My goal here is to equip you with the best resources and knowledge for how to become a stewardess on a yacht. Make sure you follow these steps to ensure you successfully land your first job.

yacht stewardess setting dinner table with an Asian theme

Table of Contents

Yacht Steward / Yacht Stewardess Job Description

As a Yacht Stewardess or Steward, you are responsible for all the interior operations of the vessel. This will include tasks such as housekeeping, laundry and high-end food and beverage service.

Interior Tasks Include:

  • 5 star food and beverage service
  • Flower arranging
  • Table scaping
  • Laundry Care
  • Interior housekeeping
  • Updating interior inventories
  • Accounting and budgeting
  • Liaising with guests and co-ordinating activities

how to become a yacht stewardess

1. What Qualifications Do You Need to be a Yacht Stewardess or Steward?

In order to become a stewardess on a yacht, you will need to have an STCW Certification and pass an ENG1 medical.

The STCW (Standards of Training and Certification of Watch keeping) is an internationally mandated course and a minimum requirement for anyone who wishes to work on a yacht.

Throughout the training, crew members will acquire the necessary skills to handle emergency situations and ensure the safety of all onboard. They will also learn safe working practices to ensure the safety of themselves and their fellow crew members.

In 2010 the STCW convention added a new module requirement to the basic safety training, so ensure that you do the additional Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA) module which takes one extra day.

This STCW course is comprised of 4 modules, takes 5 days to complete, and is valid for 5 years. The modules include:

  • Personal Survival Techniques (PST)
  • Fire Fighting and prevention (FFP)
  • Elementary First Aid (EFA)
  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (PSSR)

If you aim to work on vessels of +50m in size you may also need to hold the PDSD (Proficiency in Designated Security duties) course. This is a one-day online course for anyone who may be involved in security duties such as being a watch keeper.

To work on a yacht, you must undergo a basic medical examination called an ENG1. This assessment is performed by a doctor certified by the Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA) to ensure that you are healthy enough to work on a yacht.

A list of MCA-approved doctors can be found  here .

4 yacht stewardesses wearing emersion suits

2. Recommended Courses if You want to Become a Yacht Stewardess / Steward

In order to become a Yacht Stewardess or Steward you do not necessarily need to hold any other courses or certifications. The courses you choose to do would be more so to boost your confidence and gain better insight into being a stewardess on a yacht.

Hood Hygiene and Safety Level 2

Although this course is not mandatory, I highly recommend you do it as most vessels require anyone handling food (Stews included) to hold this certification. There are a few variations of the course so just ensure that the one you do is MCA approved.

The purpose of this certification is to equip crew members with the skills to assume personal accountability for food safety. This involves understanding the importance of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in both personal work areas and food preparation.

Introductory Yacht Steward/ Yacht Stewardess Training

These courses are generally held over 5 days, and include everything you need to know about how to get into yachting as a Stewardess or Steward, as well as what your job will entail.

You will learn all the basic elements of housekeeping, laundry, service, floristry, wine knowledge, and onboard living etiquette.

These courses are not essential, but extremely helpful in having you better understand what will be required of you if you want to become a Yacht Stew.

the master cabin of a super yacht. a big room with a bed

3. Create the Perfect Yacht CV

If you are wondering how become a Yacht Stewardess with no experience, you are going to need to make sure your Yacht CV stands out from the rest.

Besides a well-laid out resume, you also need to highlight why you are the best candidate for this specific job that you are applying for. Be sure to highlight ANY transferable skills you may have to offer the industry. This could be hospitality experience, floristry, baby-sitting, yoga, or maybe you are a masseuse.

Resumes on a desk next to glasses, a pen, and a plant

4. Apply for your Visa if Necessary

To work as a stewardess on a Super Yacht, you will need to look into your personal situation and passport to identify which visa you need.

B1/B2 VISA – Needed to enter the United States and surrounding waters

Shengen Visa – Needed to enter Europe for the Mediterranean season

5. Locate Yourself in the Right Place at the Right Time

Once you are ready to head over to a yachting hub, you need to consider the time of year you are going. Ideally, you want to arrive a few weeks before the season starts. There are 2 seasons in yachting:

The United States and Caribbean Winter Season (November/December to March/April)

The biggest hub for yachting in America is Fort Lauderdale, and in the Caribbean, it is Antigua and St Maarten.

Please note that if you are not a green card holder or US citizen, I do not recommend flying into America and actively seeking work. This is illegal and could get you into trouble.

The Mediterranean Summer Season (April/May to September/October)

If you’re looking for the ideal spot in the Mediterranean, consider Antibes in the South of France. It’s a top yachting hub with plenty of crew houses and yacht agents. Plus, you’re within easy reach of other sought-after destinations like Monaco and Nice.

Palma, located on the island of Mallorca, is also a major hub for yachting. It boasts numerous marinas, agents, and crew housing facilities.

aerial view of large marina with yachts

6. Day Working and Dock Walking for a Yacht Stewardess / Steward

“Daywork” is when you get hired on a day-to-day basis, earning cash and assisting boats as they need extra help onboard.

Daywork is a great way to get experience as a Yacht Stewardess or Steward. If you make a good impression on the Captain and Crew, this could lead to a permanent position onboard or a referral to another boat.

“ Dock Walking ” is when you walk the docks of marina’s handing out your CV in the hopes of being hired for day work.

7. Sign up with Yacht Crew Agencies

You will want to sign up with as many yacht crew agencies as possible. Here are some popular agencies you should sign up with to get started: Luxury Yacht Group, Blue Water Yachting, The Crew Network, Cotton Crews, Yot Spot, Northrop and Johnson, HR Crew and Burgess.

To stay updated on job postings, it’s important to check social media platforms like Facebook. Join various yachting Facebook groups such as Fort Lauderdale Yacht Crew, Palma Yacht Crew, and Antibes Yacht Crew. You want to keep checking these groups regularly to stay informed.

Yacht Steward / Yacht Stewardess Salary

As with everything in the industry, your salary is largely dependent on the size of the vessel, your experience in the industry, as well as your qualifications.

A starting salary for a Yacht Stewardess or Steward can range from $2500-$3500. From there you can expect to see annual salary increments as you spend more time in the industry.

If you want to set some goals, a Chief Stewardess’s salary can be upwards of $5000 – $9000. Possibly even more depending on the size of the vessel!

On top of these very attractive salaries , you may also have opportunities to earn more money in the form of charter tips and annual bonuses.

tropical table setting with fruits and flowers

Roles and Responsibilities of a Yacht Stewardess or Steward

The housekeeping stew.

The role of a Housekeeping Stew is to clean and maintain all aspects of the interior of the vessel . Guest cabins and common areas need to be meticulously cleaned with a lot of care and attention to detail. They will also be cleaning crew areas such as the crew mess and bridge.

Cleaning the vessel is not as simple as it seems. You will be vacuuming, dusting, polishing, tooth-picking grooves, ear budding ledges, and working with delicate surfaces.

The Laundry Stew

The Laundry Stew is responsible for laundering, stain treating, ironing, and maintaining laundry for the entire vessel. This includes crew uniform, crew personal clothing, guest clothing, beach towels, bath towels, table linens, rags, and kitchen tea towels.

The job of a Laundry Stewardess is in fact a very meticulous one, as you will be dealing with a number of different fabrics and colors. A simple mistake could cost the boss a very expensive dress.

The Service Stew

The role of the Service Stewardess is to ensure that every want and need of the guests is met. As far as service goes, you will be serving 3 meals a day, afternoon canapes, sunset cocktails, and all the other beverages and snacks in between.

You may also be required to head over to the beach to do service if there is a beach set up, or go for a cruise on the tender to serve drinks and snacks. A fun part of the role is also of course the tablescaping, which is usually most Stewardesses’ favorite aspect of the job.

yacht stewardess ironing in the laundry room

At-home Tasks for Your Personal Growth

There are a number of things you can do to boost your confidence as a Yacht Stewardess or Steward before joining the industry. I can assure you that personal skills and experience come preferred over certifications.

Take your time to do research, link up to the social media accounts of established stewardesses and get involved with any work or transferable skills that will boost your resume.

All of these tasks, to list a few, can be practiced at home and will impress your future employer.

  • Napkin folding
  • Table setting
  • Cocktail making
  • Making beds
  • Toilet paper folds

4 yacht stewardesses standing together in uniform

Final Thoughts on Becoming a Yacht Stewardess / Steward

Some of you may find it easy to become a Yacht Stewardess or steward, and some of you may bump into some hurdles along the way.

Either way, my advice to you is to keep your head up and stay positive.

Work hard, put in extra effort wherever possible, keep smiling, and be a positive energy bubble in your work environment. Your efforts will pay off and soon you will be reveling in the world of Yachting. I hope to see you out there!

If you need any more advice I would be more than happy to assist you personally. Please pop me an email in the contact section.

how to become a yacht stewardess

Hi, my name is Lisa, a Chief Stewardess in the yachting industry with 10 years of experience, as well as 8 years of hospitality experience prior to that. Being in the yachting industry has been a whirlwind of adventure, growth, challenges and some of the best experiences of my life, and I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with all of you.

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Fort lauderdale crew houses: 21 of the best crew accommodations, 3 thoughts on “how to become a yacht stewardess / steward: an experienced insiders guide”.

Thank you for such helpful content!

Hi I’m interested in a position to be a Stewardess and to work in the bar or a restaurant on the boat . I would love to apply for a position in the mediterranean, I’m not sure where to start or if I have to do a course .

Hello Chelsea. When you are starting out in the Super Yachting Industry (not cruise ships) your role is more likely to include housekeeping and laundry. With more years of experience, your role will become more diverse and include bar tending and service. If you are looking to better understand the role of a Stewardess before joining the industry, then I have a great post on a Day in the Life of a Yacht Stewardess. If you are interested in joining the industry, then this article lists out everything you need to do to find your first job. Good Luck!

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Everything You Need to Know About Becoming a Yacht Stewardess

Last Updated: June 18, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Finn Kobler . Finn Kobler graduated from USC in 2022 with a BFA in Writing for Screen/Television. He is a two-time California State Champion and record holder in Original Prose/Poetry, a 2018 finalist for the Los Angeles Youth Poet Laureate, and he's written micro-budget films that have been screened in over 150 theaters nationwide. Growing up, Finn spent every summer helping his family's nonprofit arts program, Showdown Stage Company, empower people through accessible media. He hopes to continue that mission with his writing at wikiHow. There are 19 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 6,375 times.

If you’re social and love to travel, yacht stewarding might be the perfect career for you! Spending months at a time exploring exotic locations, helping out on the boat, meeting and working with lifelong friends all day long. It’s a job as rewarding as it is exciting. Keep reading and we’ll teach you everything you need to know about becoming a yacht stewardess.

Yacht Stewardess Job Requirements

Step 1 Complete your STCW Basic Safety Training.

  • SCTW certificates are valid for up to five years. After five years, you must take a fire fighting and sea survival refresher course.
  • Make sure your course is certified by a national maritime organization in the country where you complete it.

Step 2 Get your ENG1 Medical Certificate.

  • Medical conditions that may inhibit you from receiving your ENG1 include, but are not limited to: epilepsy, heart disease, kidney failure, color-blindness, and history of drug/alcohol addiction. [3] X Research source
  • If you are working on a small boat operating 60 miles from shore or less, an ML5 will suffice as a substitute for an ENG1.

Step 3 Ensure your travel documents are up to date.

How to Find a Job as a Yacht Stewardess

Step 1 Travel to a yachting hub.

  • Living near a yacht hub between jobs can be expensive. Look into a crew house - a privately-owned, budget-friendly accommodation where yachties and former yachties live - to stay while you network, complete your training and look for work. [5] X Research source

Step 2 Network with other yachties.

  • Make sure you look presentable while you network. Yacht stewardesses are extremely clean and well-groomed. Dress for the part you want by wearing deck shoes and an appropriate yacht shirt.

Step 3 Work through a recruitment agency.

  • Jobs like bartending, nannying, customer service, and cleaning all look good as these types of duties will be performed on the yacht.
  • Look into doing free day work on boats to help build your sea legs and make connections with captains and crew.

Step 5 Create a memorable CV.

  • All yacht CV’s list certifications, work history, nationality, spoken languages, body modifications, references, and relevant skills. Some are even more in-depth with details like smoking habits and overall objective. [9] X Research source
  • There are several free yacht CV templates online to help ensure yours fits the industry norm.
  • Don’t be afraid to play around with the formatting. Your CV should be professional but also as unique as possible.

Step 6 Deliver a good interview.

  • Most interviewers are also looking for excellent presentation, leadership, and communication. Make sure to highlight these attributes when you answer their questions. [11] X Research source

You’d Make a Good Yacht Stewardess If…

Step 1 You’re comfortable being away from home.

Benefits of Being a Yacht Stewardess

Step 1 It gives you a chance to see the world.

A Day in the Life of a Yacht Stewardess

Step 1 You’ll have lots of different jobs day-to-day.

Yacht Stewardess Pay

Yacht stewardesses are paid well.

  • Yacht stewardesses also have no living expenses since food, housing, electricity, water, even toiletries are provided on the ship. [22] X Research source
  • Depending on the countries you sail out of, this can sometimes be tax-free!
  • Tips are usually divided evenly among the crew.

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How to Become a Yacht Stewardess: Everything You Need to Know About the Job

Posted on: 11/26/2018


The annual salary for a yacht stewardess starts at  around $40,000  plus tips. While that may not seem like a lot to some, while you are living on the ship all of your expenses will be covered by the charter guest.

Being a yacht stewardess is a great way to see the world, meet incredible people, be fed every meal by a great chef, and live a more present lifestyle free of cell phones and constant connection. Away from your family and friends on the open water, you will find peace and adventure.

Read on to learn how to become a yacht stewardess and begin your dream career today. 

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How to Become a Yacht Stewardess: The Education Requirements

If you want to land a job as a stewardess, you will need to take some short courses that ensure safety and good service on the yacht. 

If you are looking for an entry-level position, then you will take the most standard courses, while those looking to become a chief stewardess will have to go back to school for further certifications. 

When you are first getting started in the yachting industry, you will need to complete an  STCW certification course   at an academy like the Maritime Professional Training Academy in Fort Lauderdale.

This  course costs   around a thousand dollars and is typically completed over about a week-long time range. 

How Hard is it to Get Hired as a Stewardess?

Getting hired as a stewardess aboard a yacht is generally not considered to be difficult. Once you have your STCW certification, you will be legally qualified to take a position.

In order to get a job, you should move to a major port city. In the United States, nine times out of ten that is going to mean Fort Lauderdale. Your other option is Newport in Rhode Island. While there are other cities in the country where you may be able to find a position, these hotspots are the best place for those new to the industry to scoop up work.

Once you land in the city, you can hit the docks with your resume looking for people who need to fill positions. In this industry, when you need someone, you need them now, so be prepared to start as soon as the next day.

If you have any hospitality experience such as bartending or entertaining guests, this is helpful to list on your resume.

What Time of Year Do They Hire in Fort Lauderdale?

To get hired as a stewardess, you should head to Fort Lauderdale in between seasons. This is where you will find the most stationary yachts giving you the best chance of landing a position.

There are two primary yachting seasons - summer and winter. To get hired for the summer season, you will need to be in Fort Lauderdale between April and June. For the winter season, you should arrive between September and mid-December.

These down-times are when yachts are in port preparing for the next season and you will be able to set up interviews with many different ship captains or owners at one time. 

Those are also the months that you would have off once you become part of a crew while the yachts are repaired and maintained for the next season.

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What Do I Do if I Don't Get Hired There?

When you are new to the yachting industry (the term is "green"), you may find it difficult to secure a position. When you begin asking around for advice, many experienced crew members will tell you to head to St. Martin to look for work. 

St. Martin is where many of the yachts head and make a port out of for the season. If you are there you can often find positions that crop up from other stewardesses who didn't work out or were unable to fulfill their obligation.

In order to do this, you will need to purchase a round-trip ticket in order to get through customs. You can cancel your returning flight at a later date if you find a position.

If you choose this route, be cautious when you talk to customs people at the airport. Don't tell them that you are coming to look for work. It can raise a lot of questions and prevent your entry in some cases. Just like how people coming to America aren't able to work, there are similar visa requirements for the island.

However, since you will be hired aboard an international vessel, those laws won't apply to you. But trying to explain all of that to an ornery customs agent isn't the best way to spend your first twelve hours in the city.

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Consider Registering with a Crew Agency

One of the best ways to find open positions aboard yachts is by registering with a crew agency. They will be able to pair you up with openings and act as an advocate on your behalf.

Before you hit the agency, make sure you spruce up your resume. You need to sell your abilities and talents to potential captains.

These agencies typically don't require any fee from you to join, so you might as well give it a shot. The agencies are paid by the ship captains once they agree to your placement.

If you go with an agency, you will still need to attend individual interviews and secure the position in the same way you would if you found it on your own. It's just a great way to aggregate leads and provides a lot of exposure for your resume bringing you more potential opportunities.

To stay on an agencies books, you will need to check in with them weekly while you are in between gigs. This is so that they can ensure that you are still available. Once you find placement, you will be required to check out.

Make sure you follow through with doing this or you may find it difficult to work with the same agent when you are in need of work again.

Networking Tips

Once you move to town, you will need to begin by walking the docks and meeting people. Dress professionally and make friends, this is a social industry where the right recommendation can go a long way.

Be proactive and positive while you network. You need to be confident in yourself and your ability to find a job if you want anyone else to believe in you.

Useful Skills to Have

While anyone can find a home aboard a yacht with the right attitude and certifications, there are certain skills that will move you up the hiring list. 

Those that have basic cooking skills, experience babysitting, formal service training, experience working in a bar or food service, mechanical experience, carpentry skills, and diving experience will all find it much easier to find work and they can also help you command more pay.

How to Secure the Most Pay

When you are first starting out as a crew member, your salary is usually a baseline. Over time, as you gain experience, you will be able to command a higher salary. 

Other factors that impact your wage include the size of the boat, the number of responsibilities that you will have, whether the vessel is chartered or for private use, and your ability to make a commitment to being on board long term.

Jobs that offer other benefits like medical and vacation time may offer lower pay as a trade-off, so decide what is important to you before you decide what vessels to head to look for work.

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A Note on Commitment

When you step aboard a yacht as a crew member for the first time, you will be very excited and eager to get started. But over time with subsequent charters, you may begin to lose your excitement, especially if your charter guests are particularly difficult or if you get into an argument with another crew member. 

While cruising around the world is a dream come true for many, you have to remember that it isn't a vacation. You will be expected to work hospitality hours, which are long and hard and often go late into the night. 

You will also have to contend with the personalities of the other crew members and try not to step on anyone's toes, both while you're staying in Fort Lauderdale   and on your ship. If you don't have an easy-going personality type, then this may not be the position for you. 

Once you take a job on a yacht, you need to make sure that you finish out your contract if you want to find employment anywhere else. Don't allow gossip,  bad etiquette  and drama to ruin your potential career.

Where to Stay While Finding a Position

Having learned how to become a yacht stewardess, you know your next step needs to be certification and moving to Fort Lauderdale to find a position.

Check out these great listings for a safe, affordable  place to stay .

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Stewardess , All guides

Stewardess on a superyacht -10 steps to find your first job.

  • July 13, 2021

How to become a Yacht Stewardess ?

Step 1 – Get Qualified Step 2 – Get the right skills and training Step 3 – Get the perfect Yachting CV Step 4 – Location – Plan your journey with your mentor Step 5 – Daywork and experience

Step 6 – Get the right Yachtie Network and Contacts

Step 7 – Get a Strong Superyacht Reference Step 8 – Start applying for our Superyacht jobs Step 9 – Ace your job interviews with your coach Step 10 – Get a job, bank account and sign contract Claim your Yachtie Careers Deckhand and Stewardess offer

Step 1 – Get Qualified as a Stewardess

Despite what you will hear…. To start working on a Superyacht there are only 3 Basic Documents required to make you qualified, and in order to start as a Stewardess you need:

  • Passport (Valid 12 months)
  • Basic Safety STCW Training
  • Medical Certificate (Valid 6 months at least)

Step 2 – Get the right skills and stewardess training

To get an edge over other crew, some yachts require additional certificates to be held by a minimum amount of crew on board. This is called safe manning certification . If you are a Stewardess starting you should consider these:

  • Food and Hygiene Level 2
  • Crowd and Crisis Management

This is included in Yachtiecareers Stewardess Superyacht Course

Step 3 – Get the perfect Yachting CV

You will need to write a perfect Superyacht Stewardess CV. The sections of your CV should include:

  • Contact Information
  • Personal Information
  • Skills and Qualifications
  • Certificates
  • Education & Languages

With Yachtiecareers we write the CV for you , in order to make you avoid make the mistakes of other crew and give you an edge over the competition to get your first job.

  • We make sure your strengths are highlighted
  • We work with graphic designers to make the lay-out appeal to Captains and recruiters
  • We write it so that the overall message is selling your persona
  • We structure the information correctly.
  • We use industry expert writers for sentencing, paragraphing to make your CV stand out
  • Most importantly you get a personal CV and can avoid using a CV-template looking like the other 20 CVs in the pile.

Step 4 – Location – Plan your journey with your Personal guide

Are you in Europe or in the US ?  Depending on your location, you can use our guides and knowledge to maximise your chances to get daywork in each city.

The best places to start Yachting, in order to succeed are the following:

  • Fort Lauderdale
  • US West Coast

To become a Yacht Stewardess those are location hubs for Superyachts, offering you most chances to secure a job, furthermore it will connect you with people in the Yachting Industry, in addition to the Yachtiecareers network.

  • Antibes, France
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Palme de Mallorca, Spain
  • Split, Croatia
  • Genoa, Italy

That is the top-list , recommended to find daywork with no experience by Yachtiecareers, moreover it will enable you to travel and see some of the most beautiful places in Europe.

Step 5 – Daywork and experience

The best way to find daywork is to speak with your Yachtiecareers Instructor and network in the location you are currently in. You need to be flexible and ready to work and step in at short notice.

When I was starting Yachting , I spent one day day working in Portofino in Italy , the next one in Monaco and 2 days later I was in Cannes in France.

Towards the end of the week I was doing a crossing on a 50m yacht from Antibes, France to Venice, Italy. 

You need to be flexible and ready to work and step in at short notice, in order to get the right opportunities.

  • Network in your Location
  • Use Yachtiecareers Partner Daywork App to find daywork with one click
  • Let your Instructor find daywork for you
  • Have your phone ready at all times
  • Have your CV and business cards ready 
  • Use your crew house contacts
  • Join relevant Facebook groups (this is not always a good idea)

We can assist you finding daywork, just text your Instructor on WhatsApp.

Step 7 – Get a Strong Superyacht Reference

Just like any other profession, network is everything. When you complete our training we are confident in your abilities and are happy to provide you with a reference.

If I am looking for a Stewardess on board and I get a recommendation from a friend or someone I know, because I will choose your CV over 10 other CVs with stronger experience. That is just reality.

So build references and network using YachtieCareers, your Instructors, people you meet in Yachting hubs and ask during your Daywork.

Step 8 – Start applying for our Superyacht jobs

The way to find Superyacht jobs as a Stewardess with no experience can be hard. By all means you can register, on regular crew agencies, crew databases and apply for jobs daily.

However you will be competing with thousands of other crew, the chances that I will even read your CV are very slim.  And if I do get your CV it will be in a pile with 20 other CVs. At this point it is very important your CV has the perfect lay-out and structure.

At Yachtiecareers  we have created a Superyacht recruitment platform where we focus only on junior crew.   In addition to that the yachts we work with only contact us with junior crew requests and with the help of your personal Instructor you can get connected to people in the industry making it easier to land that first job. 

Other ways is to network and daywork. Do nor apply for hundreds (100) of online jobs without having the perfect CV and experience, it will just be a waste of time, moreover you should spend your time more wisely.

Step 9 – Ace your job interviews with your coach

At this point, you are very close to securing your first job, since you have completed the right training and used our step by step guide to secure your first job interview, because the CV they have received has displayed your key strengths.

Stewardess Yacht training qualifications Instructor Stewardess skills

Before the interview, your Chief Stewardess Instructor will prepare you for the questions you might face before starting, remember that 90% of the questions will be about your CV, so know your own CV inside out before the interview to explain your past experiences.

As long as you appear willing to start the job, humble and showing a happy attitude it will get you on board if you follow the interview guide from your Instructor, as result you will secure your first Superyacht job.

Step 10 – Get a stewardess job, bank account and sign your contract

Great, because you followed our guide it has led to you securing your first Superyacht  Stewardess job.

Now the fun starts. It is time to pack, to sign your contract and to get a Bank account. 

We will go through your contract with you, moreover we will make sure it is either MLC compliant or giving you the basic rights as yacht crew. If you have got the interview by using the Yachtiecareers network, the Yacht will be compliant.

  • We help you with your Bank Account, to get the right currency and setting it up online
  • Make sure to bring your Medical Certificate, Passport and STCW certificates originals.
  • Get your flight tickets
  • Sign the contract
  • Pack your personal belonging, you might be away a long time, therefor there is limited space on board, so you have to get it all in to one suitcase !

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2024 Dates full.   Book Final  4 spot for October date with payment plan “paylater50”

Get free yacht cv and yacht job offers


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