
Schratzenweg  4, 83209 Prien am Chiemsee
Fon: +49 89 99020-380, Fax: +49 89 99020-382


Yacht-Club Urfahrn

Der Yacht-Club Urfahrn wurde 1964 von einer verschworenen Gemeinschaft, den "Urfahrner Seglern" gegründet. Bereits nach einem Jahr konnte der Urfahrner Hafen durch den tatkräftigen Einsatz der Mitglieder fertiggestellt werden. Weitsichtige Clubmitglieder haben 1964 das Kleppergrundstück in Prien Osternach gekauft. Dem Yachtclub Urfahrn wurde nämlich im Jubiläumsjahr 2014 von der Besitzerfamilie des Urfahrner Hafens das Mietverhältnis gekündigt. Somit mußten sämtliche Aktionen des Vereins mit viel Elan nach Osternach verlegt werden.

Der YCU stellt sich vor

Bei uns ist jeder herzlich willkommen, ganz besonders auch Jugendliche und deren Eltern/Großeltern, die das Segeln ausüben und erlernen möchten und die Lust mitbringen, sich auch zu engagieren. Wir finden, ein Verein lebt durch seine Mitglieder, deren Freude am Segelsport, am Regatta- und Freizeitsegeln, an der Gemeinschaft und am Engagement für ihren Verein.

Als Teil der Chiemseemeisterschaft richten wir in jedem Jahr den Auftakt dieser größten Regattaserie Süddeutschlands mit unserer „Chiemsee Rund" aus. Der Yacht-Club Urfahrn veranstaltet traditionell jährlich weitere Regatten, die es sonst in dieser Form am See nicht gibt. Dazu gehören unsere „Einhand-Regatta", der „Weiberl Cup" sowie die „Känguru-Regatta".



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Yacht-Club Urfahrn

Address : Schratzenweg 8a
City : Prien
Postcode : 86512
Country : Germany
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Phone : 08662-665002
2019 06/06 - 07/06
2019 12/06
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The provided publication information apply to all content published on by Yacht-Club Urfahrn.

Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 

Club Name Yacht-Club Urfahrn
Associated Club Deutscher Segler-Verband
Authorized Representatives Irene Lust
Executive Committee Members Martin Schall Peter Muthard
Registration Court Rosenheim
Registration Number 112233445566
Responsible for the content as per section 55(2) Rundfunkstaatsvertrag Irene Lust
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Yaroslavl: What to see in the Golden Ring 'capital'

yacht club urfahrn e.v

How to get there: from Moscow (Yaroslavsky railway station): 3.5-5.5 hours, depending on the train

On a picturesque spit at the confluence of the Volga and Kotorosl rivers lies the ancient heart of Yaroslavl, now a UNESCO World Heritage site. At the very tip of the spit, there stands a monument dedicated to the millennial anniversary of Yaroslavl. Few Russian cities boast such a venerable age.

'Strelka' park

'Strelka' park

To-do list:

  • Find out who the city was founded by and named after
  • Learn to pronounce “Kotorosl” correctly, the name of the other river
  • Stroll along the Volga embankment and take a selfie in the rotunda
  • Find at least one bear-with-ax figure, the symbol of the city
  • Visit the Yaroslavl Museum Reserve, and see the city’s main places of worship
  • Go to the Church of Elijah the Prophet (the city was founded on Elijah’s Day) 

Yaroslavl is the largest city on the Golden Ring. It was founded in 1010 by Prince Yaroslav the Wise, one of Russia’s most venerated rulers, and is the second oldest city on the Golden Ring after Rostov Veliky (Vladimir could also lay a claim, but its founding year is not known exactly).

Furthermore, Yaroslavl was the first Russian city to be sited on the Volga. What about Kazan, you ask, that was founded five years before Yaroslavl! Yes, but it became part of Russia only under Ivan the Terrible in the mid-16th century, and so does not qualify as a city of Old Rus. 

Why was Yaroslav considered wise?

The man in whose honor the city is named deserves a special mention. Yaroslav was the son of Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus. Under Yaroslav, many churches were built and society and culture blossomed. He drafted the first legal code in Russia, and established relations with Byzantium and many European states as well.

Park on the spit dedicated to the millennial anniversary of Yaroslavl

Park on the spit dedicated to the millennial anniversary of Yaroslavl

His biography reads like that of a high-flying top manager. He began with North-East Rus (north-east with reference to Kiev), the capital of which was Rostov Veliky. Hence, this period is known as the “Rostov reign,” during which he founded Yaroslavl (about 60 km from Rostov). Later, his father granted Yaroslav the title of prince of the Novgorod lands, which were far richer – ancient Novgorod was a large trading city, and even part of the Hanseatic League.

Yaroslavl, 1878

Yaroslavl, 1878

On learning that his father wanted to appoint Yaroslavl’s younger brother as heir to the throne in Kiev, the wise prince was displeased (he considered his own CV to be stronger) and rebelled against his father (though the latter died before he had time to act). After a long struggle with his brother, Yaroslav became the prince of Kiev, and hence the main ruler in all of Rus. There in Kiev, he built the famous St. Sophia Cathedral, and also liberated the country from the marauding Pechenegs, a semi-nomadic people of Turkic origin.

Monument to Yaroslav the Wise

Monument to Yaroslav the Wise

The city of Yaroslavl is featured on the 1,000 ruble banknote

The city of Yaroslavl is featured on the 1,000 ruble banknote

Incidentally, Yaroslav was married to the daughter of the Swedish king, and his own daughter, Anna Yaroslavna , married Henry I and became queen of France! 

Yaroslavl Museum Reserve

As in any old Russian city, Yaroslavl contains a huge number of churches and several monasteries. You can try to visit all of them, of course, but be warned that even enthusiasts risk culture fatigue.

The one place you definitely need to visit in Yaroslavl is the museum reserve. This high-walled fortress on a steep bank of the river may look like a kremlin, but no, it is the former Transfiguration Monastery of 13th-century vintage. It was turned into a museum in 1865, when the cloister shut up shop.

The former Transfiguration Monastery is not the Yaroslavl Museum Reserve (often called Yaroslavl kremlin)

The former Transfiguration Monastery is not the Yaroslavl Museum Reserve (often called Yaroslavl kremlin)

Enter through the Holy Gates, and make sure to go to the main Transfiguation Cathedral, built in the 16th century and the oldest edifice in Yaroslavl to have survived intact to this day. A large collection of icons is on display in the chambers, and there is also an exposition dedicated to the history of the region and the main work of ancient Russian literature,  The Tale of Igor’s Campaign .

Also on the territory is an enclosure where the real-life city symbol, Masha the bear, lives and receives visitors. 

The Church of Elijah the Prophet

Besides the fortress, we recommend a visit to the Church of Elijah the Prophet. According to legend, it was here that Yaroslav the Wise founded the first church in honor of Elijah the Prophet, since that particular day was a church holiday in memory of this saint. In the Orthodox tradition, it is now celebrated on Aug. 2.

The Church of Elijah the Prophet

The present church was built much later, in the 17th century, and is a striking example of the church architecture of that time and the dominant trend – the Yaroslavl school. A distinctive feature is the tall conical bell tower and the high basement level on which the church itself stands. 

The Assumption Cathedral

Today, this building is the city’s metropolitan cathedral, yet it is a replica, built to mark the 1,000th anniversary of Yaroslavl in 2010. But it was on this site that the first stone church in Yaroslavl was founded back in 1215. The entire surrounding territory, which resembles a triangle, is known as Rubleny Gorod (Chopped Town), and was originally the administrative center of the city.

The Assumption Cathedral

Over the centuries, the cathedral burned down and was rebuilt several times. During the Soviet era, it was even demolished to make way for a park. 

In Yaroslavl ended the competition on ski races among customs officers in the Central region

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In Yaroslavl ended the championship of the Central customs administration in skiing. This event is one of the stages of the Spartakiad of the customs authorities and held in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945. The championship was held at the center of skiing “Demino” (Yaroslavl oblast) from 11 to 14 February. The fight for the medals were 56 athletes representing 14 teams from customs of the Central Federal district. “Such a tournament is a great honor and responsibility for us. We are pleased to welcome all athletes on the hospitable land of Yaroslavl. I am sure that our competition will be a real feast, serve to strengthen the friendly relations between customs and will contribute to popularization of sport and healthy lifestyle. I wish all the participants good luck, success, good team spirit, fair play and high results!”, addressed the participants at the opening of the championship, acting head of the Yaroslavl customs Sergey Komissarov. The program of the Championship included two competition days: the first day of the ski race was held in free style among men in the individual championship in 5 km, women 3 km. on the second day of the championship held a mixed ski relay race. Women overcame the free first and second stage of the race and the men ran the third and fourth stage. As noted by the chief judge of competitions Svetlana Smirnova: “Despite the fact that in the days of the tournament is warm weather, the track is prepared good includes not challenging workers climbs and not steep slopes. We have tried to develop a distance so that the athletes did not reduce speed in the course of its overcoming and showed his best result.” This year’s team-the mistress of tournament the Yaroslavl customs for prize-winning places fought: Venir a Rufov, Anton Ignatov, Elena Pyatova, Lesya Gromova and in the individual championship Alexey Gordeev. On the first day of the competition places in the individual standings were as follows: in the women’s race on 3 km freestyle first place was taken by Olga Bogdanova from the Tula customs, the second – Palina Lazarenkova from Smolensk and closes the top three winners of the first competition day among women – Anna Kulbakina of Bryansk customs. In the men’s race 5 km freestyle first to the finish came the representative of the Bryansk customs Roman Timokhin, the second place of the podium was occupied by Maxim Ippolitov from Smolensk, third place – Alexey Mukhortova from the Kursk customs. The second day of competition – perhaps the most spectacular day of the Championship. Because this day determined the winners of the mixed relay and team championship. The main struggle was for second place between Tula and Bryansk customs. During the three stages of the Tula customs was ahead, but in the final stage of the Bryansk customs snatched victory. With the team result, 40 minutes and 10 seconds faster than all the distance relays overcame four skiers from Smolensk customs in the composition of Pliny Lazarenkova, Tatiana Braccini, Denis and Maxim Nahaeva Ippolitov. In the second place, the representatives of the Bryansk customs – Irina Motina Anna Kulbakina, Mikhail Motorin and Roman Timohin. “Bronze” – four from the Tula customs – Olga Bogdanova, Tatyana Stanovova, Ilyas Hidersine and Valentine Hinderance. Fourth to finish came the hosts of the event and the athletes from the Yaroslavl customs. In the team standings, at the end of two days of competition, the winner of the championship of the Central customs administration in ski racing was the team of the Smolensk customs, second place – skiers Bryansk customs, third place went to the team of Tula customs. Fourth place went to the team of the Yaroslavl customs. At the end of last championship of the winners of the Championship will be formed team of the Central customs administration, which will act in competitions on ski races held in the framework of the Federal customs service of Russia.

Phillip Kushnarev, press Secretary of the Yaroslavl customs

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Yacht-Club Urfahrn e.V. Schratzenweg 4a 83209 Prien am Chiemsee


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Yacht-Club Gode Wind e.V.

Address : Schützenwall 65
City : Kiel
Postcode : 24044
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2024 14/06 - 16/06
2024 07/09
2024 14/09
Publication information

The provided publication information apply to all content published on by Yacht-Club Gode Wind e.V..

Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 

Club Name Yacht-Club Gode Wind e.V.
Associated Club Deutscher Segler-Verband e.V.
Authorized Representatives 1. Vorsitzender Nils Bretschneider 2. Vorsitzender Felix Kreißler
Registration Court Amtsgericht Kiel
Registration Number VR 1784 KI
Responsible for the content as per section 55(2) Rundfunkstaatsvertrag Dietrich A. Popkowitz c/o Schützenwall 65 24114 Kiel


URECAT - UFO Related Entities Catalog

URECAT is a formal catalog of UFO related entities sightings reports with the goal of providing quality information for accurate studies of the topic. Additional information, corrections and reviews are welcome at [email protected], please state if you wish to be credited for your contribution or not. The main page of the URECAT catalog is here .


Brief summary of the event and follow-up:.

Russian ufology sources say that in West Yaroslavl Province, Russia, in the Winter of 1939, in the evening, a local grandmother named Maria Barabashova was eating in her wooded house located in an isolated area on the banks of the lake, when suddenly a stranger entered her house.

He was of small height with a dark face, gray clothing, and pants that stretched down to the floor. Frightened, the old woman started crossing herself was amazed to see that the stranger also crossed himself while facing the icon hanging on the wall, he then greeted her and asked permission to stay and rest. Maria welcomed him and offered him food and tea. Her guest was very strange and unusual. He refused to eat any food and only drank tea, pouring some strange powder into it before drinking it. When he ate he hid his legs under the chair apparently in order to conceal the fact that his feet were hoofed.

During conversation, he mentioned his name, which was very unusual and very long, and the old woman could only remember it had an Indian word like "rama" in it. Suddenly, the stranger took out a cigar-case device from his pocket that possessed sharp corners, pushed a button on it and pulled a wire from it. "What is that and what is it for?" The stranger smiled and said, "I must not be late to my craft, it had some technical problem". He added that he was not worry since it was being repaired as they spoke and he was confident that he would fly out in time. Maria thought that the stranger was speaking nonsense.

Soon after that Maria felt very sleepy and excused herself going immediately to sleep. When she awakened she went outside and noticed strange non-human footprints on the snow, as if made by someone walking on high heels. She tried to follow them but it was fruitless so she returned home.

Basic information table:

Case number: URECAT-000963
Date of event: Winter 1939
Earliest report of event: Not known. 2004?
Delay of report: Decades?
Witness reported via: Not known.
First alleged record by: Local ufologists.
First certain record by: Ufology catalogue Rosales.
First alleged record type: Local ufologists.
First certain record type: Ufology catalogue.
This file created on: August 17, 2009
This file last updated on: August 17, 2009
Country of event: Russia
State/Department: Yaroslavl Oblast
Type of location: Inside the house.
Lighting conditions: Inside house.
UFO observed: No
UFO arrival observed: No
UFO departure observed: No
UFO/Entity Relation: Uncertain
Witnesses numbers: 1
Witnesses ages: Not reported. Aged.
Witnesses types: Not reported. Female. Grandmother.
Photograph(s): No.
Witnesses drawing: No.
Witnesses-approved drawing: No.
Number of entities: 1
Type of entities: Humanoid
Entities height: Small
Entities outfit type: Pants stretching down to the floor.
Entities outfit color: Grey.
Entities skin color: Dark.
Entities body: Not reported.
Entities head: Not reported.
Entities eyes: Not reported.
Entities mouth: Not reported.
Entities nose: Not reported.
Entities feet: Round.
Entities arms: Not reported.
Entities fingers: Not reported.
Entities fingers number: Not reported.
Entities hair: Not reported.
Entities voice: Speaks witness language.
Entities actions: Appears in house, has conversation, rests, says waiting for UFO to self-repair.
Entities/witness interactions: None.
Witness(es) reactions: Observed, went to bed while entity was in the house.
Witness(es) feelings: Not frightened.
Witness(es) interpretation: Not reported.
Explanation category: Possible invention.
Explanation certainty: Medium.


[ Ref. ar1: ] ALBERT ROSALES:

Albert Rosales indicates in his catalogue that in West Yaroslavl Province, Russia, in the Winter of 1939, in the evening, a local grandmother named Maria Barabashova was eating in her wooded house located in an isolated area on the banks of the lake when suddenly a stranger entered her house. He was of small height with a dark face, gray clothing, and pants that stretched down to the floor. Frightened, the old woman started crossing herself was amazed to see that the stranger also crossed himself while facing the icon hanging on the wall, he then greeted her and asked permission to stay and rest. Maria welcomed him and offered him food and tea. Her guest was very strange and unusual. He refused to eat any food and only drank tea, pouring some strange powder into it before drinking it. When he ate he hid his legs under the chair apparently in order to conceal the fact that his feet were hoofed. During conversation he mentioned his name, which was very unusual and very long, and the witness could only remember in had an Indian word like "rama" in it. Suddenly the strange took out a strange cigar-case device from his pocket that possessed sharp corners, pushed a button on it and pulled a wire from it. "What is that and what is it for?" The stranger smiled and said, "I must not be late to my craft, it had some technical problem". He added that he was not worry since it was being repaired as they spoke and he was confident that he would fly out in time. Maria thought that the stranger was speaking nonsense. Soon after that Maria felt very sleepy and excused herself going immediately to sleep. When she awakened she went outside and noticed strange non-human footprints on the snow, as if made by someone walking on high heels. She tried to follow them but it was fruitless so she returned home. The visitor was apparently a human-alien hybrid.

The source is indicated as "Valeriy A Kukushkin, Yaroslavl UFO Group "Chimeras of The X Location", Anton Anfalov".

Points to consider:

The problem, as often with the reports coming from Russia, is the unknown credibility. Here, no circumstance of the reporting detailed, the story could have come straight out of the one of many Russian magazines on the "paranormal" in which such stories are quite simply invented at each issue.

List of issues:

Id: Topic: Severity: Date noted: Raised by: Noted by: Description: Proposal: Status:
1 Data Severe August 17, 2009 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Missing primary source, not sufficiently referenced. Help needed. Opened.
2 Ufology Severe August 17, 2009 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross Nature and origin of story unknown. Help needed. Opened.
3 Ufology Severe August 17, 2009 Patrick Gross Patrick Gross No sign of corroboration, verification or investigation; story only. Help needed. Opened.


Possible invention.

Sources references:

* = Source I checked. ? = Source I am told about but could not check yet. Help appreciated.

  • [---] ? Valeriy A. Kukushkin, Yaroslavl UFO Group Chimeras of The X Location .
  • [---] ? Anton Anfalov, Ukrain.
  • [ar1] * " 1935 - 1939 Humanoid Reports ", compiled by Albert Rosales, circa 2004, at

Document history:

Main Author: Patrick Gross
Contributors: None
Reviewers: None
Editor: Patrick Gross

Changes history

Version: Created/Changed By: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross August 17, 2009 Creation, [ar1].
1.0 Patrick Gross August 17, 2009 First published.

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  1. Yacht-Club Urfahrn

    Sie befinden sich auf der offiziellen Website des Yacht-Club Urfahrn e.V., Schratzenweg 4a, 83209 Prien am Chiemsee. ... Unser Segelclub - der Yacht-Club Urfahrn (YCU) - ist in Prien-Osternach beheimatet. Wir halten - wie viele andere Clubs am See - die lange Tradition des Segelsports am Chiemsee aktiv und lebendig. Neben Freizeitsegeln ...

  2. Yacht-Club Urfahrn e.V. (YCU)

    Club Name: Yacht-Club Urfahrn e.V. (YCU) Associated Club: Deutscher Segler-Verband e.V. Authorized Representatives: Andreas Forster, Vorsitzender / Martin Schall, 2.

  3. Wir über uns

    Der Yacht-Club Urfahrn (YCU) besteht seit 55 Jahren und hat sich im Juli 1964 aus einer Handvoll Gleichgesinnter zu einem Segelclub mit rund 150 Mitgliedern jeder Altersgruppe entwickelt. Namensgebung Die Halbinsel Urfahrn am Nordwestufer des Chiemsees war Namensgeber für den Yacht-Club Urfahrn, der von Beginn an auf der Ostseite der Halbinsel beheimatet war - direkt neben dem

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    Update zur Fahrtensegelausfahrt am 27.07. 23. Juli 2024. Am 27.7. erwarten wir Sonne, Mücken und abendliches Grillen. 4. Lauf der Chiemseemeisterschaft beim SCPC. 22. Juli 2024. Gelungene Regatta bei genügend Wind.

  5. Yacht-Club Urfahrn

    Yacht-Club Urfahrn e.V. Schratzenweg 4, 83209 Prien am Chiemsee Fon: +49 89 99020-380, Fax: +49 89 99020-382 Mail: [email protected] . Yacht-Club Urfahrn . Der Yacht-Club Urfahrn wurde 1964 von einer verschworenen Gemeinschaft, den "Urfahrner Seglern" gegründet. Bereits nach einem Jahr konnte der Urfahrner Hafen durch den tatkräftigen Einsatz der ...

  6. Yacht-Club Urfahrn e.V. (YCU) manage2sail

    Club Name: Yacht-Club Urfahrn e.V. (YCU) Asociētais klubs: Deutscher Segler-Verband e.V. Pilvarotie pārstāvji: Andreas Forster, Vorsitzender / Martin Schall, 2.

  7. Yacht-Club Urfahrn manage2sail

    Club Name: Yacht-Club Urfahrn: Associated Club: Deutscher Segler-Verband: Authorized Representatives: Irene Lust: Executive Committee Members: Martin Schall Peter Muthard: Registration Court: Rosenheim: Registration Number: 112233445566: Responsible for the content as per section 55(2) Rundfunkstaatsvertrag:

  8. Yacht-Club Urfahrn E.V.

    Yacht-Club Urfahrn e.V. is a Sailing club located at Schratzenweg 4a, Osternach, Prien am Chiemsee, 83209, DE. The establishment is listed under sailing club category. It has received 10 reviews with an average rating of 5 stars.

  9. Yacht-Club Urfahrn e.V. in 83209 Prien a.Chiemsee

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  10. Chiemsee Rund

    Diese vom Yacht-Club Urfahrn ausgerichtete Regatta führte ursprünglich auf einem großen Rundkurs auf die Weitsee hinaus, auf dem die Segler an allen Highlights des Segelreviers vorbei kommen. ... Yacht-Club Urfahrn e.V. Veranstalter-Website anzeigen. Veranstaltungsort Yacht-Club Urfahrn e.V. Schratzenweg 4a Prien am Chiemsee, 83209 ...

  11. Regatten 2021

    Chiemsee Rund 2021 (YCU) 19. Juni 2021. Die Auftakt-Regatta der insgesamt sieben Regatten der Chiemsee-Meisterschaft wird traditionell vom Yacht-Club Urfahrn ausgetragen. Freuen wir uns auf eine spannende Meisterschafts-Saison 2021! Die Regatta findet weitestgehend kontaktfrei statt. Ausschreibung Meldung Ergebnis Bilder.

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  14. Yaroslavl: What to see in the Golden Ring 'capital'

    Find at least one bear-with-ax figure, the symbol of the city. Visit the Yaroslavl Museum Reserve, and see the city's main places of worship. Go to the Church of Elijah the Prophet (the city was ...

  15. Yacht-Club Hemmenhofen Untersee e.V. manage2sail

    Club Name: Yacht-Club Hemmenhofen Untersee e.V. Associated Club: Deutscher Segler-Verband e.V. Authorized Representatives: Der Vorstand im Sinne des § 26 BGB besteht aus dem 1. Vorsitzenden, dem 2. Vorsitzenden und dem Schatzmeister. Es besteht für den 1. Vorsitzenden Einzelvertretungsbefugnis, der 2. Vorsitzende und der Schatzmeister ...

  16. Unser Revier

    Der Chiemsee Der Chiemsee, auch bayerisches Meer genannt, ist mit einer Fläche von 79,9 km² der größte See in Bayern und nach dem Bodensee und der Müritz der drittgrößte See in Deutschland. Der Chiemsee enthält 2,048 km³ Wasser und hat eine 63,96 km lange Uferlinie; zusammen mit der Uferlänge der Inseln sind es.

  17. Yaroslavl Oblast Live Webcams, Russia

    Yaroslavl Oblast (Яросла́вскаяо́бласть,) is a federal subject of Russia situated in western Russia, bordering Moscow to the southwest. Because of ...

  18. Yacht-Club Laboe e.V. manage2sail

    The provided publication information apply to all content published on by Yacht-Club Laboe e.V.. Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag

  19. In Yaroslavl ended the competition on ski races among customs officers

    In Yaroslavl ended the championship of the Central customs administration in skiing. This event is one of the stages of the Spartakiad of the customs authorities and held in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945.

  20. Kontakt

    Kontakt. Yacht-Club Urfahrn e.V. Schratzenweg 4a. 83209 Prien am Chiemsee. E-Mail-Adresse*. Nachricht. Ihre E-Mail-Adresse wird zur Bearbeitung Ihres Anliegens gespeichert. Weitere Informationen zur Speicherung und Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung. Wenn Sie Google Maps laden möchten, klicken Sie auf "Akzeptieren".

  21. Yacht-Club Gode Wind e.V. manage2sail

    Club Name: Yacht-Club Gode Wind e.V. Associated Club: Deutscher Segler-Verband e.V. Authorized Representatives: 1. Vorsitzender Nils Bretschneider 2. Vorsitzender Felix Kreißler: Registration Court: Amtsgericht Kiel: Registration Number: VR 1784 KI: Responsible for the content as per section 55(2) Rundfunkstaatsvertrag:

  22. ufo

    WINTER 1939, YAROSLAVL WEST PROVINCE, RUSSIA, MARIA BARABASHOVA: Brief summary of the event and follow-up: Russian ufology sources say that in West Yaroslavl Province, Russia, in the Winter of 1939, in the evening, a local grandmother named Maria Barabashova was eating in her wooded house located in an isolated area on the banks of the lake, when suddenly a stranger entered her house.