

yacht master offshore italia


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Napoli Sailing Academy è il Training Center RYA di Velaviaconme ASD. I nostri istruttori hanno anni di esperienza di insegnamento RYA alle spalle e la nostra didattica è conosciuta per qualità e professionalità. La nostra base è Napoli, al Borgo Marinari.

Il RYA   (Royal Yachting Association) è un Ente inglese abilitato a emettere vari certificati utili per la navigazione, fino a quelli professionali. I corsi forniti tramite questa rete ( in lingua inglese ) sono perfetti sia per gli appassionati che per chi vuole fare di questa passione un lavoro e si aggiungono alle nostre abituali attività in barca (corsi, crociere didattiche, traversate, vacanze sportive) per garantire ai nostri Iscritti  sempre maggiore qualità e varietà di insegnamento della vela.

Napoli Sailing Academy è lo Shore Based Training Center perfetto per imparare la teoria di tutti i livelli previsti dal RYA, da quello base a quello di navigazione astronomica.  Forniamo la pratica attraverso altri Training Centers RYA con i quali abbiamo accordi preferenziali. Ciò non implica alcun obbligo per il candidato che può scegliere TC differenti per completare la pratica. Tutte le teorie possono essere anche insegnate online.

A questi link puoi comprendere la progressione dei corsi RYA (clicca sulle voci del menu corsi e verrai reindirizzato alle pagine del SITO UFFICIALE RYA):

Da neofiti a intermedio.

RYA Essencial Navigation:  Corso esclusivamente Teorico.

RYA Start Yachting:    Corso Pratico.

RYA Competent crew:  Corso pratico.


RYA Day Skipper :  Corso sia teorico che pratico. La teoria è propedeutica alla pratica.

RYA Coastal Skipper:   Corso sia Teorico che pratico. La teoria è propedeutica alla pratica.





I Certificates of Competence ne rispecchiano  le diverse abilitazioni e relative limitazioni   di stazza e distanza dalla costa che è sempre utile conoscere.


CALENDARIO 2024-2025

NB: Potete scegliere date di teoria e pratica dello Yachtmaster  distanti nel tempo .

Con l’esperienza ci siamo resi conto che esistono diversi tipi di allievi. Alcuni prediligono “tuffarsi” e fare tutto il lavoro in 15gg di full immersion quasi non stop. Altri preferiscono spezzare le due settimane per avere più tempo di approfondire la teoria e ripassare i concetti necessari alla preparazione del passage planning e al sostenimento dell’esame pratico. 

Le sessioni pratiche SAIL & POWER in calendario sono fornite in collaborazione con il Centro RYA autorizzato:

Just sailing  (chiavari – ge), chiavari è facilmente raggiungibile in treno da tutta italia o in aereo con atterraggio su genova., lo yachtmaster in dettaglio.


Di tutte le possibilità formative offerte dal RYA, il RYA Yachtmaster™  Certificate of Competence (che sia Coastal, Offshore o Ocean) è quello che ad oggi ci viene più richiesto ed è riconosciuto MCA (UK Maritime Coastguard Agency).

Questo Certificato, quando seguito da Commercial Endorsement, abilita alla conduzione commerciale  (secondo le abilitazioni ottenute) di imbarcazioni che battono bandiera inglese , del Commonwealth e degli altri stati che riconoscono il titolo. Allo stato è l’unico titolo conseguibile in tempi relativamente brevi, che consente una crescita professionale rapida nello Yacht System Internazionale, Vela come Motore.

Per chi vuole ottenere un titolo professionale  spendibile anche in Italia, si segnala che il certificato RYA Yachtmaster™, sia esso  Offshore o Ocean  endorsato , è il prerequisito di accesso al Master 200 GT MCA (Maritime Coastguard Agency – UK), titolo riconosciuto dalle autorità marittime Italiane dopo una validazione in Ambasciata italiana a Londra.  Con il Master 200 GT MCA in tasca, si può accedere ai titoli marittimi IMO (International Maritime Organization) di livello superiore (GT 500; GT 3000).

Per il diportista non interessato al titolo professionalizzante , lo Yachtmaster™ resta un certificato di prestigio che attesta il livello di navigazione posseduto da esibire come un fiore all’occhiello.

Il RYA Yachtmaster™  si compone di una parte teorica (corso in aula con esame finale) e di una parte pratica (corso in mare con esame finale).

Il sistema RYA svincola i due corsi permettendo di sostenere i relativi esami in due momenti diversi (e anche in due Training Centers differenti). Per la parte pratica collaboriamo con un Centro RYA in particolare, ma ciò non costituisce obbligo per lo studente che può scegliere, se crede, diversamente.

La Teoria  si tiene presso la nostra sede di Napoli mentre la  Pratica (sia SAIL che POWER) si svolge  a Chiavari (GE) presso Just Sailing , Training Center partner con il quale garantiamo  qualità e costi finali competitivi allo studente.

TEORIA (Napoli- Borgo Marinari)

La teoria dello Yachtmaster™ è la medesima sia per il livello YM Coastal che il livello YM Offshore,  ed è la stessa sia per il Sail che per il Power.   NB:  la teoria dello Yachtmaster è inoltre obbligatoria anche per il livello Coastal Skipper (da non confondere con i due livelli Yachtmaster).

La parte teorica è funzionale alla parte pratica; durante l’esame di pratica l’esaminatore pone domande e valuta i candidati anche sulle conoscenze acquisite durate il corso teorico. La teoria è comunque obbligatoria per tutti coloro che vorranno successivamente accedere al Master 200 MCA o allo Yachtmaster™ Ocean.

Requisiti per accedere al corso di Teoria RYA Yachtmaster™

  • Dayskipper Theory  completata o livello di conoscenza equivalente. (Calcolo di deviazione e declinazione, carteggio, punto nave, navigazione stimata, problemi delle correnti e relativo calcolo, calcolo altezze di marea, COG, SOG, GPS, NIPAM, calcolo ETA, meteorologia base, etc etc).
  • Inglese superiore allo scolastico. 

Svolgimento Teoria

Corso Residenziale 6/7 giorni full immersion in aula, con esame finale. (Orari: 9.00 – 17.30) Lingua: Inglese Numero di allievi al corso: 3 – 8 (min/max) In aula avrete sempre un istruttore bilingue (italiano – inglese). Questo certamente aiuterà con le criticità dovute alla lingua.

Argomenti: Quelli richiesti come requisiti di accesso, ma trattati in maniera estensiva ed approfondita.


Su richiesta di almeno 3 allievi, organizziamo un refresh intensivo della teoria di base IN LINGUA ITALIANA che si  svolge nei due gg precedenti alla teoria Yachtmaster). (Orari: 9.00 – 17.30) Numero di allievi al corso: 3 – 8 (min /max)

Argomenti: I contenuti del refresh sono quelli del corso RYA ma i concetti fondamentali verranno trattati in lingua italiana prima di tuffarsi nel corso ufficiale. Dopo anni di formazione, ci è chiaro che una buona revisione di teoria evita molte delle difficoltà che incontrerete nel vostro corso RYA, riduce notevolmente il livello di stress e aumenta le chances di passare l’esame. Il Refresh NON sostituisce il corso RYA.

IMPORTANTE: Prima di venire in aula per la teoria dello Y achtmaster,   consigliamo vivamente a TUTTI di completare la teoria Day Skipper online. Farlo consente di iniziare ad imparare concetti nuovi e terminologia in lingua inglese, riducendo notevolmente lo stress dell’aula e dell’esame pratico. Per chi lo preferisse, è possibile anche fare l’intera teoria Yachtmaster online . Sarà poi necessario esame in aula se in futuro si desiderasse accedere allo Yachtmaster Ocean o al Master 200. 

Costi 2024-2025

Rya yachtmaster™ classroom theory 680 euro  (6 gg + 1) (crew discount 10%– se ci si iscrive al corso in due), refresh teoria di base  in italiano – quando richiesto 230 euro (2 gg), studio online (day skipper o yachtmaster) 350 euro piattaforma rya+eventuale coaching online  , il costo comprende.

  • materiale didattico base (libro di testo, training charts, libro di esercizi, Plotter Portland, Training Almanac).

Il costo non comprende

  • Compasso (generalmente personale)
  • Spese amministrative – tesseramento (euro 10)

NB: Possibilità per i fuori sede di pernottare su barca privata armatoriale previa disponibilità e accordi (rimborso spese 25 euro giorno/persona per pulizie finali e copertura costi vivi – acqua, elettricità, gas – più cauzione 150 euro/persona – restituita entro 15 gg dalla fine del corso- per eventuali danni alle attrezzature e/o all’imbarcazione).

PRATICA (Chiavari – GE)

La pratica è la stessa sia per lo Yachtmaster™ Coastal che per Yachtmaster™ OffShore. Secondo il livello scelto, cambiano i requisiti di accesso,  i contenuti e la durata dell’ Esame finale per il quale si concorre e, ovviamente, le abilitazioni ottenute. La pratica non va intesa come un corso di apprendimento, ma come un training intensivo per affinare e migliorare tecniche e competenze marine già possedute dal candidato (è infatti un Certificate of Competence).

Requisiti di accesso

Yachtmaster™ coastal.

• 30 giorni, 800 miglia percorse (inclusi 2 giorni come skipper, 12 ore di traversate/navigazione notturna). La metà deve aver avuto luogo in acque con maree. Le miglia percorse -così come i giorni- andranno dai candidati autocertificate su apposito modulo. Giorni e miglia possono essere ridotti nel caso il candidato possegga il certificato di RYA Coastal Skipper.   Clicca qui per la definizione di traversata. • VHF SRC (GMDSS Short Range Certificate), non necessario per chi ha già il GOC. Attenzione, l’RTF italiano non ha alcuna validità. E’ possibile completare la formazione on line sostenendo poi l’esame presso il centro. • Certificato di primo soccorso. Per chi ha l’STCW è sufficiente il modulo di First Aid Certificate. E’ inoltre possibile farlo online qui: . In alternativa, bisogna seguire un corso che abbia le caratteristiche che trovate  qui . • Inglese necessario  per poter seguire le lezioni e interagire con istruttore ed esaminatore.

Qui trovi la versione integrale inglese dei requisiti di accesso.


Yachtmaster™ Offshore

• 50 giorni, 2500 miglia percorse (incluse 5 traversate di almeno 60 miglia, di cui perlomeno 2 in qualità di skipper e 2 traversate notturne in qualità di skipper; 5 giorni come skipper). La metà (sia di miglia -1250- che passaggi) deve aver avuto luogo in acque con maree. Le miglia percorse -così come i giorni – andranno dai candidati autocertificate su apposito modulo. Clicca qui per la definizione di traversata. • VHF SRC (GMDSS Short Range Certificate), non necessario per chi ha già il GOC. Attenzione, l’RTF italiano non ha alcuna validità. E’ possibile completare la formazione on line sostenendo poi l’esame presso il centro. • Certificato di primo soccorso.  Per chi ha l’STCW è sufficiente il modulo di First Aid Certificate. E’ inoltre possibile farlo online qui: . In alternativa, bisogna seguire un corso che abbia le caratteristiche che trovate  qui . • Inglese necessario  per poter seguire le lezioni e interagire con istruttore ed esaminatore.

Svolgimento parte pratica SAIL o POWER

Modalità: Corso imbarcato (Pratica + Esame) Pratica Sail: 4.5 gg; Pratica Power: 4 gg Esame finale: 2 gg (esaminatore esterno RYA di nazionalità inglese) Lingua: Inglese Numero massimo di allievi al corso/esame: 4

Argomenti: Esercitazioni di ormeggio/disormeggio, navigazione notturna con esercitazioni di waypoint senza l’uso del Gps, navigazione “cieca” simulando nebbia, Radar, recupero M.O.B. a motore e/a vela, ancoraggio a motore e/a vela, presa di gavitello a motore e/a vela, altro. Students are expected to be confident in their boat handling skills, passage planning and passage making and all other skills vital to skippering a vessel, being the practical training a skills “brush up”. Training is also intended to familiarize with the vessel students will be examined on.


Costi Pratica

Yachtmaster™ sail practical + exam chiavari 1250 euro , (dopo teoria in aula con napoli sailing academy, altrimenti 1400 euro), yachtmaster™ power + exam chiavari 1450 euro, (dopo teoria in aula con napoli sailing academy, altrimenti 1600 euro), yachtmaster™ conversion sail to power non più disponibile da luglio 2020: sono due corsi diversi.

  • Pratica Sail – 4.5 giorni; Pratica Power 4 giorni con istruttore qualificato RYA
  • Esame di pratica (1/2 giorni) con esaminatore esterno RYA.
  • Costo esaminatore
  • Imbarcazione per training, gasolio
  • Spese di cambusa equipaggio
  • Non è possibile dormire a bordo (ne’ per sail e ne’ per power)
  • Corsi propedeutici: First Aid; VHF SRC ; corsi STCW, visita medica, altro
  • Spese di viaggio e trasporto da e per le sedi del corso, eventuali altri costi non specificati in “il costo comprende”
  • Tassa di esame RYA (241 GBP), sia in caso di Sail che di Power, da pagare online sul sito RYA
  • Copertura spese viaggio Esaminatore 200 euro da pagare in loco, in contanti

Requisiti per ottenere il Commercial Endorsement (CE)

• PPR (Personal Practice & Responsibility. E’ un test obbligatorio introdotto dal RYA. Si fa online, esame compreso. • Visita medica apposita apposita (Modello ENG 1 o equivalente). Per chi è iscritto a gente di mare è sufficiente la Biennale. Diversamente, va fatta presso medico abilitato. • Modulo di Sea Survival Survival (STCW oppure RYA Basic Sea Survival Certificate. ATTENZIONE: l’OSR ISAF International Sailing Federation non viene più accettato dal RYA. • In alternativa, corsi STCW completi . Opzione che consigliamo sempre per completezza perchè spesso richiesta da imbarcazioni battenti bandiere diversa da quella UK, e comunque necessari in caso di MCA Master 200 GT. Per gli STCW, chi completa lo Yachtmaster con noi, ha accesso alla CONVENZIONE CON SAFETY TOTAL SYSTEM MARINE GROUP DI ORTONA , con prezzi competitivi

Corsi propedeutici/accessori accessibili tramite la scuola

VHF SRC (GMDSS Short Range Certificate ) on line + esame in sede. Oppure 1 giorno di aula + esame in sede a NAPOLI. Per chi fa anche la teoria yachtmaster Costo online 130 euro, costo aula 150 euro (sempre da aggiungere 70 sterline di tassa di esame da pagare sul sito RYA)

PPR on line Per chi fa anche la teoria yachtmaster Costo online 60 euro

FIRST AID: Prezzi variabili

Corsi propedeutici/accessori in generale

Il candidato può completare i corsi propedeutici/accessori in svariati centri RYA in Italia e all’estero e/o nei centri addestramento STCW per i corsi pertinenti. Chi completa lo Yachtmaster con noi, ha accesso alla CONVENZIONE CON SAFETY TOTAL SYSTEM MARINE GROUP DI ORTONA , con prezzi competitivi.


Ogni anno completiamo alcune traversate finalizzate ad accumulare le miglia necessarie per accedere ai titoli RYA

Altri corsi

Contattaci per ogni dubbio sulla tua progressione didattica o per info di dettaglio su tutte le nostre attività.

  • RYA Training
  • RYA Interactive
  • Special Courses
  • RYA courses

yacht master offshore italia

RYA Training diagram flow

«Click» on any of the courses below to get full information on syllabusses and requirements ■

yacht master offshore italia

«start yachting» [practical]

A short introduction to sailing for complete beginners

By the end of the course you will have experienced steering a yacht, sail handling, ropework and be aware of safety on board. Holders of the Start Yachting certificate can go on to complete the Competence Crew course in a reduced time of three days or two weekends ■

► Pre-course experience

► Assumed knowledge

► Minimum duration

    two days

► Minimum age

► Course content

    The yacht, ropework, underway,

    rules of the road, man overboard recovery,

    clothing and equipment, Emergency

    equipment and precautions, meteorology;

► Ability after the course

    Basic knowledge of yachting.

yacht master offshore italia

«essential navigation & seamanship» [shorebased]

The course has been available in the classroom for a few years, but now it is possible to take it online too through our RYA Interactive e-learning site . However you decide to take the course, it offers a great introduction to navigation and safety awareness for new, inexperienced or rusty skippers and crew. This course is for anyone interested in sailing, motor boating, sea angling or diving, and works well in complementing our on-the-water training, such as the Powerboat Level 2, Start Yachting and Helmsman courses. This is a highly informative course with lots of opportunities for you to put your new found knowledge into practice. If you decide to take the course online , you will find many interactive exercises to help reinforce the information and lots of chances to try out what you’ve learned. In the classroom , the course is taught over 16 hours with exercises to complete along the way. It can be covered as a series of short sessions or over two full days. You will receive a course pack which includes a chart, plotter, dividers, course handbook, exercises and an electronic chart plotter CD ■

course topics include

► Charts and publications; ► Safety; ► Engine checks; ► Buoyage; ► Tidal awareness; ► Visual and electronic navigation; ► Pilotage; ► Rules of the road; ► Anchoring; ► Weather forecasts; ► Passage planning;

yacht master offshore italia

«competent crew» [practical]

This course is for beginners and those who would like to become active crew members rather than just passengers

Experience living on board and really get to know the boat. Virtually all the course is hands on. You are the crew - without you the sails won’t go up and the boat won’t be steered. By the end of the course you should be able to steer, handle sails, keep a lookout, row a dinghy and assist in all the day to day duties on board. You should also have visited some interesting places and had an enjoyable holiday ■

    5 days. Often run over 3 weekends or 3 days

    plus a weekend. If you hav done the Start

    Yachting course, this course can be

    completed in 3 or 4 days;

    Knowledge of sea terms and parts of a boat,

    her rigging and sails, sail handling, ropework,

    fire precautions and fighting, personal safety

    equipment, man overboard, emergency

    equipment, meteorology, seasickness,

    helmsmanship, general duties, manners

    and customs, rules of the road, dinghies;

    Able to steer, handle sails, keep a lookout,

    row a dinghy and assist in all the day to day


yacht master offshore italia

«day skipper» [shorebased]

This course covers the prescribed syllabus for the award of the RYA Day Skipper shorebased certificate

The Day Skipper Course is designed primarily for: • Students who are new to sailing; • Students with dinghy or a little crewing experience; • Boatowners who have yet to make extended passages at sea; Course material includes charts , Admiralty and RYA publications, personal tuition, RYA Day Skipper shorebased assessment and certificate ■

    We assume no previous knowledge and

    each opic is fully explained and illustrated

    as it is introduced.;

    Course can be completed in 40 hours,

    at 8 hours it can be completed in 5 days;

    Beginning with simple chartwork and nautical

    erminology, the course progresses through to

    tidal predictions, buoyage recognition,

    position fixing (including GPS), steering

    and sailing rules, weather patterns, and

    navigation in fog and at night. The emphasis

    throughout the course is upon personal

    safety, including the use of man- overboard

    equipment, lifejackets, flares, HF and GMDSS;

►  Ability after the course

    As the course draws to a conclusion, all these

    subjects are combined in a demonstration of

    practical passage planning, giving sufficient

    knowledge for conducting your own coastal

    passage or similar passage.

yacht master offshore italia

«day skipper» [practical]

Our RYA Day Skipper training will guide you through preparation for sea, deck work, navigation, pilotage, and meteorology. Learn the rules of the road, maintenance and repair work, engines, and how to cope in emergency situations. The exciting part comes when you start learning how to handle the yacht, both under sail and under power. Passage making and night cruising are highlights of the RYA Day Skipper course ■

    5 days sea time, 100 miles, 4 night hours;

   Navigation to day Skipper Shorebased

    and basic sailing ability;

    5 days ;

    16 years;

    Basic Pilotage, boat handling,

    watch organisation;

    Skipper a small yacht

    in familiar waters by day.

yacht master offshore italia

«coastal skipper & yachtmaster® offshore» [shorebased]

This course covers the prescribed syllabus for the award of the RYA | MCA Yachtmaster® Coastal | Yachtmaster® shorebased certificate

The format of the course is such that the introductory modules act as a refresher on the basic concepts of navigation. However, it is too brief to be of value to the complete beginner and is intended to assist those whose knowledge has become a bit rusty. Course material includes: • charts • Admiralty and RYA publications  • personal tuition • RYA/MCA Coastal Skipper | Yachtmaster® Offshore shorebased assessment and certificate ■

    People who have previously complete

    a Day Skipper theory course;

    People who have sufficient knowledge

    to be able to plot EPs, CTS, calculate

    secondary port tidal heights and

    interpolate tidal streams;

    Courses takes 40-45 hours of study ;

    Navigational techniques are refined

    and expanded upon and whilst chartwork

    (including electronic aids) and tidal

    factors are studied to an advanced level,

    the emphasis is upon the practical

    knowledge required to become a skilled

    offshore skipper. Safety is stressed

    throughout with emphasis on collision

    regulations, interpreting weather forecasts,

    boat handling and coping with emergencies,

    concludes the course at an internationally

    recognised level of competence.

yacht master offshore italia

«coastal skipper» [practical]

Advanced skippering techniques for yachtsmen and women with considerable knowledge of sailing and navigation,

wanting to undertake coastal passages by day and night

Like the Day Skipper course, this course consists of skippered passages in a variety of situations . Each trainee will skipper more challenging passages and learn more about passage planning, pilotage by day and night, boat handling, safety and emergency situations. It is a satisfying but intensive week, with candidates often working towards a Certificate of Competence.

Most centres will expect you to complete the Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster® Offshore shorebased course beforehand as there is insufficient time to teach you theory during the week. Coastal Skippers should be able to undertake more difficult passages by day and night and handle the yacht in more demanding conditions. By the end of the course you should have the knowledge, if not the experience, to become a Yachtmaster® . The course can be taken in tidal or non-tidal waters and your certificate will be endorsed accordingly ■

    15 days, 2 days as skipper,

    300 miles, 8 night hours;

    Boat handling to the standard of Day Skipper

    and navigation to shorebased Coastal;

► Minimum duration | age

    5 days | 17 years;

    Passage planning, Preparation for sea,

    Pilotage, Passage making and ability as

    skipper, Yacht handling under power,

    Yacht handling under sail, Adverse weather

    conditions, Emergency situations;

    Able to skipper a yacht on coastal

    passages by day and night.

yacht master offshore italia

«yachtmaster® ocean» [shorebased]

This course covers the prescribed syllabus for the award of the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster® Ocean shorebased certificate

When out of sight of land for prolonged periods we can no longer depend on the comforting presence of traditional+ navigational marks, and so we have to rely on the sun, moon and stars as well as electronic aids to find our position and maintain our intended ocean route. Whilst looking at both these aspects of navigation this course concentrates on astronavigation by observation of all the celestial bodies  ■

    No advanced mathematics is involved

    nor is the possession of a sextant required.

    Assuming a prior knowledge of coastal

    navigation, the recognition of the stars

    and navigational planets is explained

    together with the use of a sextant;

    Course can be completed in as little

    as four weeks. On average, at 4 hours

    a week it could take 5 - 6 months

    to complete. Full tutor support

    is provided for 12 months;

    Electronic instrumentation, now in everyday

    use, is a vital part of the course. Meteorology

    and climatology, and the planning of ocean

    passages, complete the syllabus.

    Course material includes: • extracts from the

    Nautical Almanac • practice astronomical

    tables • personal tuition (including assessment

    papers) • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster® Ocean

    shorebased assessment and certificate.

yacht master offshore italia

«RYA yachtmaster® coastal» [certificate of competence]

The Yachtmaster® Coastal has the knowledge needed to skipper a yacht on coastal cruises but does not necessarily

have the experience needed to undertake longer passages

Full details of the exam requirements |  syllabus are shown in the RYA’s Sail Cruising Logbook (code G15) and the Motor Cruising Logbook (code G18), both available from the RYA webshop. Yachtmaster® Coastal practical exams can be taken under sail or power and your certificate will be endorsed accordingly;

The candidate or a training centre provides the boat and the RYA provides an examiner . The exam will include: • assessment of your skippering  skills • boat handling • navigation • general seamanship • safety awareness and knowledge of the IRPCS (collision regulations) • meteorology and signals;

Candidates will be set tasks to demonstrate their ability and may also be asked questions on any part of the syllabus for all practical and shore-based courses up to Yachtmaster® Coastal level ■

exam pre-requisites

► Minimum seatime

    30 days, 2 days as skipper, 800 miles,

    12 night hours (if you hold the Coastal

    Skipper course certificate this is reduced

    to 20 days, 2 days as skipper, 400 miles,

    12 night hours). Half the qualifying sea

    time must be conducted in tidal waters;

► Form of exam


► Certification required

    A restricted (VHF only) Radio Operators

    Certificate or a GMDSS Short Range

    Certificate or higher grade of marine

    radio certificate. A valid first aid certificate

    (first aid qualifications held by Police,

    Fire and Armed Services are acceptable).

    All candidates are required to hold

    a first aid certificate . Acceptable certificates

    include the RYA’s First Aid Certificate,

    First Aid at Work, First Aid at Sea,

    or any other certificate issued on completion

    of a course which is a minimum of one day’s

    duration, recognised by the Health and Safety

    Executive and includes the treatment of

    ypothermia, cold shock and drowning;

► Minimum exam duration

    6-10 hours for 1 candidate,

    8-14 hours for 2 candidates;

    17 years.

yacht master offshore italia

«RYA yachtmaster® offshore» [certificate of competence]

The Yachtmaster® Offshore is competent

to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage during which the yacht is no more than 150 miles from Harbour  

Full details of the exam requirements |  syllabus are shown in the RYA’s Sail and Motor Cruising Logbook (code G158), available from the RYA webshop. Yachtmaster® Offshore practical exams can be taken under sail or power and your certificate will be endorsed accordingly. There is no formal training course leading up to the exam, but those who have not previously taken RYA courses often find it useful to book themselves in for some informal training at an RYA centre prior to their exam. This training can be tailor-made to your specific needs and helps to fill any gaps in your knowledge that may become apparent ■

    50 days, 2,500 miles including at least

    5 passages over 60 miles measured along

    the rhumb line from the port of departure

    to the destination, acting as skipper for

    at least two of these passages and including

    two which have involved overnight passages.

    5 days experience as skipper. At least half

    this mileage and passages must be in tidal

    waters. All qualifying seatime must be

    within 10 years prior to the exam;

    8-12 hours for 1 candidate,

    10-18 hours for 2 candidates.

    No more than two candidates can be

    examined in 24 hours and no more

    than four candidates can be examined

    in one 2 day session;

    18 years.

yacht master offshore italia

«RYA yachtmaster® ocean» [oral exam]

A person holding a Yachtmaster® Ocean qualification is experienced

and competent to skipper a yacht on passages of any length in all parts of the world  

The Yachtmaster®Ocean exam is an oral and written test of your knowledge of ocean passage making including planning, navigation, worldwide meteorology, crew management, yacht preparation, maintenance and repairs. You will also be questioned on your sights taken at sea during an ocean passage  ■

    Ocean passage as skipper or mate of watch.

    The candidate was fully involved in the

    planning  of the passage, including selection of

    the route,  the navigational plan, checking the

    material  condition of the yacht and her

    equipment,  storing spare gear, water and

    victuals and  organising the watch-keeping

    routine;  During the passage a minimum

    non-stop  distance of 600 miles must have

    been run by  the log, the yacht must have

    been at sea  continuously for at least 96 hours

    and the yacht  must have been more than

    50 miles from land  or charted objects while

    sailing a distance of at  least 200 miles.

    All qualifying seatime must be  within 10 years

    prior to the exam;

    Oral and written assessment of sights

    take at sea. If you hold the Yachtmaster®

    Ocean shorebased certificate you are exempt

    from the written assessment;

    A GMDSS Short Range Certificate (SRC)

    or higher grade of marine radio certificate.

    A valid first aid certificate  (first aid

    qualifications  held by Police,  Fire and Armed

    Services are  acceptable).  All candidates are

    required to hold  a first aid certificate .

    Acceptable certificates  include the RYA’s First

    Aid Certificate,  First Aid at Work, First Aid

    at Sea,  or any other certificate issued on

    completion  of a course which is a minimum

    of one day’s  duration, recognised by

    the Health and Safety  Executive and includes

    the treatment of  ypothermia, cold shock and


    Approximately 1.5 hours;

► Minimum age  18 years.

yacht master offshore italia

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Il primo centro di formazione in Italia RYA e MCA.

primo centro italiano per la formazione marittima britannica che abilita al comando di imbarcazioni italiane e estere. Puoi conseguire il titolo di Yachtmaster Coastal o Yachtmaster Offshore e Ocean.

Con i nostri corsi accedi direttamente ai certificati di competenza idonei per la professione di marinaio, skipper e comandante commerciale con il Master 200gt o Master 500gt. La nostra rete di partner e centri di formazione internazionali ti da immediato accesso a tutti i tipi di certificazioni italiane ed estere incluse quelle del RYA e della MCA.

Lo sbocco professionale è garantito dalla nostra rete di partner e professionisti qualificati che sono cresciuti con noi e grazie alle certificazioni conseguite nel nostro centro.

Pratiche nautiche

Siamo specializzati nello svolgimento delle pratiche amministrative essenziali che assicurano rinnovi, duplicati, discharge e endorsment dei titoli marittimi.

In particolare:

  • Rinnovi di Certificazioni
  • Liaison Regolamentare
  • Gestione Documenti:

yacht master offshore italia

  • Agenzia imbarchi

agenzia di imbarchi diretti che favorisce il successo degli equipaggi promuovendo i profili dei candidati formati attraverso le nostre certificazioni professionali. Nel settore degli imbarchi marittimi, offriamo opportunità che permettono di trasformare la tua formazione iniziale in una reale professione di durata, crescita e successo continui.

Patente nautica e titoli del diporto

Corsi di patente nautica per l’abilitazione entro/oltre le 12 miglia (senza limiti dalla costa). Ufficiale del diporto di seconda categoria per la conduzione di imbarcazioni entro le 200 tonnellate di stazza lorda valido su navi battenti bandiera italiana in tutto il Mediterraneo.

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A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation. Client Name - Location

yacht master offshore italia

Porto di Roma Sede legale Uffici Aula corsi

FIAD Cantiere nautico

Porto Santo Stefano Uffici Aula corsi

Portisco Base charter Maddalena

Forniamo un’ assistenza completa per l’organizzazione della tua vacanza: dalla pianificazione dell’itinerario, alla prenotazione di posti barca, all’approvvigionamento della cambusa, al transfer per aeroporti e stazioni, al parcheggio auto e hotel, oltre ad aiutarvi a risolvere qualsiasi necessità per rendere più piacevole la vostra vacanza.

Se foste interessati a navigare in altri mari MICELI VELA vanta un’esperienza pluriennale nella navigazione nelle coste piu’ belle delle località europee e caraibiche piu’ famose: Croazia, Grecia, Spagna, Francia e Turchia ma anche Inghilterra e mare del Nord, senza tralasciare Cuba, Messico, Guadalupe, Martinica e a coprire, con partner seri ed affidabili, l’intero territorio nazionale.

  • Cantieristica

Puoi incontrarci nei Saloni di Cannes e Genova per offrirti le migliori novità del mercato e guidarti nella scelta della tua barca nuova o usata. La nostra esperienza nella vendita, assistenza e cantieristica ti permette di avere la tua barca armata al meglio, con alaggio e varo, tagliando motore e i migliori strumenti di bordo. Contattaci e scopri le nostre proposte.

yacht master offshore italia

Gestione Flotta

Contabilità, amministrazione.

La nostra società, situata nel Lazio e attiva in tutta Italia, offre corsi RYA e MCA, servizi di agenzia di imbarchi, gestione di discharge e rinnovi, patenti nautiche, organizzazione di charter, vendita e cantieristica navale. Siamo il partner ideale per ogni esigenza marittima, dalla formazione alla manutenzione di imbarcazioni.

  • Patente Nautica
  • Privacy Policy
  • Cookie Policy
  • Termini e condizioni
  • Our Policies

Porto di Roma Lungomare Duca degli Abruzzi 84 00054 Lido di Ostia RM

© 2024 All Rights Reserved.


La certificazione Yachtmaster è un obiettivo, un percorso professionalizzante, la risposta al perché sia basilare e importante approfondire diversi aspetti tecnico/pratici per chiunque voglia navigare consapevolmente e in sicurezza.

Forse non tutti sanno che Water Tribe da diversi anni ha avviato una business unit dedicata esclusivamente alla formazione: si chiama Be Skilled. Ogni anno lo staff imbarcato sugli yacht a vela, attraversa un programma di apprendimento vario e articolato in vari argomenti, orientati alle diverse mansioni da svolgere all’interno dell’organizzazione, ai possibili sbocchi professionali ed ovviamente, in base alla specifica preparazione di ognuno.

In questi corsi, aperti anche ad ospiti esterni a Water Tribe, vengono affrontate tutte le tematiche legate alla vita di bordo: il coordinamento e la gestione dell’equipaggio, la pianificazione di una rotta in base alle previsioni meteo e alle aree di navigazione, la conduzione dell’imbarcazione e la risoluzione delle diverse avarie agli impianti di bordo. Un iter didattico/formativo propedeutico anche ad un percorso professionalizzante, che pone le sue radici nella didattica della RYA - Royal Yachting Association - l’ente certificatore del MCA Maritime & Coastguard Agency (la Guardia Costiera inglese), che attesta il grado di competenza di equipaggi e skipper, uno tra i più diffusi e riconosciuti presso le autorità marittime di tutto il mondo.

Dal 2017, Be Skilled è diventato l’unico RYA training center a Milano e ancora oggi, uno dei pochi in Italia a rilasciare molte delle certificazioni propedeutiche ad esempio all’ottenimento dello Yachtmaster, un riconoscimento molto ambito tra gli skipper, anche quelli senza alcuna velleità professionale.

Cerchiamo quindi di capire meglio di cosa si tratta, come la si ottiene e perché riteniamo debba essere un importante obiettivo di ogni skipper.



Partiamo da un concetto semplice: ogni nazione ha sviluppato un proprio codice della nautica che regolamenta licenze, certificazioni, gli obblighi per tutti i natanti, imbarcazioni e le navi battenti la bandiera della relativa nazione.

Genericamente i titoli per il comando delle imbarcazioni da diporto (cioè per la conduzione di imbarcazioni NON ad uso commerciale), permettono di comandare imbarcazioni con differenti restrizioni relative alla metratura, alla stazza e alla distanza dalla costa dell’area di navigazione.

Tutte le nazioni però, convengono sul fatto che il titolo per il comando da diporto, sia esclusivamente per uso ricreativo, cioè non può essere utilizzato a fini professionali. Per tutti quei comandanti che invece percepiscono un emolumento per le loro prestazioni a bordo, ogni paese eroga infatti specifiche disposizioni e standard professionali.

Questo vuol dire che la patente nautica italiana per la conduzione d’imbarcazioni da diporto viene riconosciuta sì in tutti paesi del mondo, ma non per svolgere attività professionali (uso commerciale). In Italia, per poter avere tale titolo, bisogna essere iscritti a ruolo in “gente di mare” e acquisire un “libretto di navigazione”, sul quale vengano riportati i periodi d’imbarco su unità “commerciali". Solo dopo aver maturato un certo numero/periodo d'imbarco a “libretto” e ottenuto le certificazioni relative alla sicurezza STCW95 e all’uso della radio, è possibile accedere al corso per l’ottenimento del “titolo per il comando commerciale" di imbarcazioni.

All’estero invece e su tutte le imbarcazioni battenti bandiera straniera, esistono differenti regolamentazioni e certificazioni richieste, tra le quali ad esempio lo Yachtmaster, con l’aggiunta però del “ commercial endorsement” ( estensione ad uso commerciale) . Entriamo ora nel dettaglio.


A prescindere dalle varie legislazioni ed enti governativi nazionali esistenti al Mondo, c’è un organo sovranazionale che ha emanato una serie di direttive e normative riconosciute da ben 172 paesi: l’IMO, l’Organizzazione Marittima Internazionale.

L’IMO è l’agenzia specializzata delle Nazioni Unite, istituita a seguito dell’adozione della Convenzione di Ginevra del 1948 di cui l’Italia è membro del consiglio direttivo. La sua creazione nasce dall’esigenza di regolare il trasporto marittimo internazionale, un settore che copre il 90% dell’insieme del commercio mondiale, promuovendo la cooperazione tra i paesi, garantendo così la sicurezza della navigazione e la protezione dell’ambiente marino.

A prescindere dai vari titoli viste nel paragrafo precedente, per svolgere il “comando commerciale” su imbarcazioni a vela e/o motore, è necessario avere certificazioni e abilitazioni professionali specifiche che l’IMO riconosce. Una delle abilitazioni professionali riconosciuta dall’IMO (e di conseguenza in molti paesi al mondo) è lo Yachtmaster dell’RYA con commercial endorsement. Proprio per questo motivo, come dicevamo in apertura, è ambito da molti skipper in ogni parte del mondo.

La posizione dell’Italia a riguardo è piuttosto “protezionistica”, perché pur aderendo all’IMO e a numerose convenzioni internazionali in ambito marittimo, riconosce solo il titolo per il comando commerciale italiano. L’unica eccezione, è il possesso della certificazione MASTER GT 200 rilasciato dall’MCA (la Marina Inglese), la stessa che riconosce nell’RYA il proprio ente certificatore. Dunque ottenibile solo dopo aver ottenuto almeno lo Yachtmaster Ocean e/o Offshore, l’endorsement commerciale e le certificazioni obbligatorie sulla sicurezza (STCW95).

Per chi desiderasse quindi operare in Italia a bordo di imbarcazioni adibite a locazione o noleggio, è bene tenere ben presente questi aspetti, anche (se non soprattutto) dal punto di vista assicurativo. Motivo per cui Water Tribe, attraverso l’attività di Be Skilled, si è dedicata negli ultimi anni alla formazione e specializzazione dei propri skipper (80 comandanti di cui quasi la metà certificati RYA Yachtmaster) ed un’operatività delle flotte svolta esclusivamente all’estero: nel bacino Mediterraneo, Caraibico e nell’Oceano Indiano.

Permetteteci quindi di sottolineare la grande differenza esistente tra gli operatori del turismo nautico come Water Tribe e gli enti associativi, che operano in aree e con skipper, il più delle volte non adeguati alle relative disposizioni legislative.


Qui di seguito facciamo chiarezza tra le certificazioni più diffuse, ottenibili seguendo anche il programma di Water Tribe Be Skilled.


Adatto a neo skipper, ai membri dell’equipaggio, a chi vuole rinfrescare le proprie conoscenze e a chi desideri intraprendere dalle basi, il percorso di certificazione più completo. E’ un corso di 10 ore che si svolge online, dunque comodo e adatto a chi ha poco tempo. Numerose attività interattive ed una panoramica assolutamente completa della navigazione: dall’interpretazione delle carte nautiche e delle previsioni meteo, alla pianificazione della rotta, i controlli sul motore, la sicurezza, le segnalazioni, le maree e l’elettronica di bordo. A fronte di un test finale, viene poi rilasciato un certificato RYA.


Un corso fortemente consigliato ma non obbligatorio. E’ la certificazione che attesta di aver seguito tutto il percorso di apprendimento teorico necessario al conseguimento dello Yachtmaster Costal e Offshore: 48 ore di teoria (6 giorni) in cui si affrontano le dinamiche della sicurezza a bordo, delle previsioni meteo, il COLREG, tutte le tematiche del carteggio necessarie alla pianificazione di un piloting e dunque di un passage plan completo, compresi i calcoli delle correnti e delle maree con l’utilizzo delle pubblicazioni nautiche internazionali.


Per accedere all’esame (in lingua inglese), sono necessari dei requisiti minimi:

  • 2.500 miglia totali navigate in qualità di skipper
  • 1.250 miglia navigate in aree soggette a maree e correnti (oceano)
  • Certificato GMDSS SRC (corso radio di bordo con uso del distress)
  • Certificato FIRST AID (corso primo soccorso)

Esistono 3 livelli di preparazione, che permettono indifferentemente la conduzione di imbarcazioni fino a 200 tonnellate di stazza.

Le uniche differenze sono la distanza dalla costa:

Livello 1: Costal.

  • Limite di navigazione < 80 miglia.
  • Requisito: 300 miglia navigate come skipper, di cui 150 in acque soggette a correnti e maree (oceano)

Livello 2: Offshore.

  • Limite di navigazione < 180 miglia.
  • Requisito: 2500 miglia navigate come skipper, di cui 1250 in acque soggette a correnti e maree (oceano)

Livello 3: Ocean.

  • Nessun limite di navigazione.
  • Requisito: aver già conseguito entrambi i precedenti o quanto meno l’Offshore e in aggiunta, aver effettuato come skipper, almeno una navigazione in un’unico passaggio > di 600 miglia.


Siamo sempre alla ricerca di nuovi collaboratori e amici che credano seriamente in un processo di crescita personale e professionale. Siamo altrettanto convinti che questo nostro impegno possa dare del valore aggiunto alle nostre offerte di viaggio e a tutti quei clienti, che richiedono un servizio sempre all’altezza delle loro aspettative.

Se vuoi essere dei nostri, scopri di più leggendo questo articolo: - Oppure chiama lo 02 36723020 per avere maggiori dettagli.

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Universo Mare

Corsi di formazione nautico-marittima.

  • Associazione
  • Introduzione al Sistema GMDSS
  • Gli apparati nel sistema GMDSS
  • Corso GMDSS-SRC
  • Corso GMDSS-LRC
  • Licenza esercizio impianto radioelettrico
  • Documentazione
  • Sicurezza nella nautica da diporto
  • Il ruolo del Comandante
  • Uomo in Mare… No grazie!
  • L’Ormeggio
  • Corso di ormeggio
  • Tutorial Ormeggio 1
  • Tutorial Ormeggio 2
  • Tutorial Ormeggio 3
  • Iniziazione
  • Base di navigazione a vela
  • Navigazione e carteggio
  • Base di Regata
  • Radio regolamento
  • Codice Nautica Diporto
  • Codice della Nautica Diporto Aggiornato al Decreto Legislativo 3 novembre 2017, n. 229
  • Reg. Nautica Diporto
  •         - Introduzione al Sistema GMDSS
  •         - Gli apparati nel sistema GMDSS
  •         - Corso GMDSS-SRC
  •         - Corso GMDSS-LRC
  •         - Licenza esercizio impianto radioelettrico
  •         - Documentazione
  •         - Sicurezza nella nautica da diporto
  •         - Il ruolo del Comandante
  •         - Uomo in Mare… No grazie!
  •         - L’Ormeggio
  •         - Corso di ormeggio
  •         - Tutorial Ormeggio 1
  •         - Tutorial Ormeggio 2
  •         - Tutorial Ormeggio 3
  •         - Iniziazione
  •         - Base di navigazione a vela
  •         - Navigazione e carteggio
  •         - Base di Regata
  •         - Radio regolamento
  •         - Codice Nautica Diporto
  •         - Codice della Nautica Diporto Aggiornato al Decreto Legislativo 3 novembre 2017, n. 229
  •         - Reg. Nautica Diporto



Il corso Essential Navigation and Seamanship fornisce un’introduzione alle abilità di base prima di prendere una piccola barca in mare o prendere parte attiva nella gestione di un’imbarcazione.
Un’introduzione completa alla navigazione La base  della marineria per un equipaggio competente.
Un corso indispensabile per imparare come iniziare a prendere decisioni a bordo

Il corso RYA/MCA Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased Certificate garantisce nozioni avanzate di navigazione e meteorologia e porterà le tue conoscenze teoriche allo standard richiesto per gli esami pratici Yachtmaster ™ Coastal e Yachtmaster ™ Offshore.

“Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate RYA ” è l’aspirazione di ogni skipper, in quanto certificato valido a livello internazionale che attesta l’esperienza e le competenze acquisite in diversi ambiti.
Consente la conduzione di unità a vela o a motore fino a 200 ton. di stazza, entro 150 miglia dalla costa.
Il certificato può essere “endorsato”, consentendo il comando anche su unità commerciali (Small Commercial Vessel” battenti bandiera del Commonwealth e comunque riconosciuto a livello mondiale.
Pianificazione del passage planning e del p
ilotage, preparazione alla navigazione e attitudine al comando., Gestione dell’imbarcazione in Condizioni meteorologiche impegnative e gestione delle emergenze


yacht master offshore italia



yacht master offshore italia

ITALIANYACHTMASTERS is a group of Masters who shares a list of values: respect, honesty, competence, professionalism, seriousness and hard work.

The Perfect Idea

ITALIANYACHTMASTERS was created with the aim to constitute a community that allows, in an increasingly global and constantly evolving market, the sharing of skills and knowledge.

Create and promote a club of excellent Italian Masters, emphasizing qualities such as honesty, competence, professionalism and seriousness on the job.

Become a member!

BECOME A MEMBER OF ITALIAN YACT MASTERS Discover all the benefits now

 News & Press

Leggi le ultime news di italian yacht masters.

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Gino Battaglia of Italian Yacht Masters to DN: "We need to promote an elite group of Italian captains."

Italian Yacht Masters is the association that brings together about a hundred Italian superyacht captains and promotes high-profile candidates in the recreational boating market. More --> Read more..

yacht master offshore italia

Captain Carlo Gabelli is a new member of Italian Yacht Master.

The Captain brings with him thirty years of experience and a long-standing relationship with his one and only owner and employer to date. More --> Read more..


yacht master offshore italia

ASD ITALIAN YACHT MASTERS aims to create a community that allows, in an increasingly global and constantly evolving market, the sharing of skills and knowledge. c/o Studio Vacca Piazza della Libertà, 3 Cap 17052 Borghetto Santo Spirito (SV)

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© Copyright 2024 italian yacht masters

Contact Us:      tel: 0039 366 997 4127           email: [email protected]

Just Sailing

  • Course and Events Calendar
  • RYA Start Yachting
  • RYA Competent Crew
  • RYA Day Skipper
  • RYA Coastal Skipper
  • RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Prep Sail
  • RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Prep Motor
  • Family Sail Training and Confidence Builder
  • International Certificate of Competence (ICC)
  • Mile Builders
  • Weekend Sailing Experience
  • Have A Go Sailing
  • Master Class Own Boat Training
  • RYA Essential Navigation & Seamanship Online
  • RYA Day Skipper Theory Online
  • RYA Coastal Skipper & RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Theory Classroom
  • RYA Coastal Skipper & RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Theory Online
  • RYA Yachtmaster™ Ocean Theory Classroom
  • RYA Professional Practices and Responsibilities (PPR) Online
  • RYA First Aid
  • RYA Marine Radio (SRC)
  • RYA Diesel Engine Course
  • MCA Master 200 Oral Prep
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Our Yacht Maud Ellen
  • Our Yacht Armilla
  • Our Yacht Jua Kali
  • Our Motor Boat Cavatina
  • MCA Master 200gt
  • Skippered Holidays
  • Race Training
  • Team Building

yacht master offshore italia

Just Sailing is a fully accredited maritime training centre and RYA sailing school offering practical and shore-based courses in the Italian Riviera.

Get In Touch

Picture of a yacht beating to windward from Just Sailing, RYA training centre, Genoa, Italy


No need to huddle inside dripping oilskins: hone your skills and qualifications in our RYA training centre Italy in the warm, sparkling Mediterranean. Benefit from the hands on instruction of the most experienced and qualified RYA  Instructors who will challenge and inspire you to improve your practical seamanship and realise your yachting goals.

Choosing the right course for you is so important. Click through the links to see the range of  RYA accredited courses we offer from our stunning Mediterranean sailing school at Chiavari in the Metropolitan area of Genoa, Italy.  Still unsure?  Call us and we would be delighted to discuss your particular requirements.

yacht master offshore italia

Your Journey to RYA Yachtmaster™

Click below to find out more and book., competent crew.

RYA Competent Crew course is for beginners and those who would like to become active crew members rather than just passengers.

Photo of chart, divider and parallel ruler tools used for navigation chartwork on some Just Sailing, Genoa, Italy RYA training Centre shore based theory courses.

Day Skipper Theory

A comprehensive introduction to navigational theory for inexperienced skippers.

Day Skipper

RYA Day Skipper Practical course is ideal for aspiring skippers with some yachting experience and basic navigation and sailing skills.

Coastal Skipper

RYA Coastal Skipper Course is a bridge between RYA Day Skipper and the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal examination.

Yachtmaster Theory

Advanced navigational training for more experienced skippers building on the Day Skipper course. This course equips you to navigate safely on coastal and offshore passages.

yacht master offshore italia

Yachtmaster Offshore Sail

Yachtmaster offshore motor.

To attain the RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore candidates must pass a practical examination of their skippering ability. 

Just Sailing was incredible. The entire experience was seamless, from initial contact to departing the boat. The most important part of the course, the instructor Ian, was amazing. He has an extensive resume that puts him at ease in all conditions. This confidence allows him to give students enough autonomy to gain the confidence for all the skills they need. Ian’s extensive experience and skills allows him to also push students’ theory base. Also, the boat, a 45 foot Bavaria, is in pristine condition. It’s also confidence-inspiring to sail on such a large yacht. Finally, the location is absolutely amazing…this isn’t just a sailing course but a sailing vacation you will always remember. I cannot endorse Just Sailing enough for booking a sailing course. Bring your family as well!

May 2019

Nicks knowledge and experience was very impressive. His manner and teaching style was excellent and encouraged questions and learning. Will return next year for Day Skipper, hopefully with Nick.

June 2019

Ian has been a delight to spend the week with. Great conversation and wonderful with the kids.

August 2019

Exemplary. I felt I’d been instructed by ‘the best in the business’. Could not be faulted.

August 2019

We’ve certainly had a wonderful time. The vibe onboard was very relaxed and we all enjoyed the whole experience so much. Great job done organising everything from the first contact online down to our picture moment with certificate in hand! We felt very well taken care of and there was a good balance between sailing practice and having time to unwind as a family. Learning a new skill in a beautiful holiday setting really is a fantastic combination! Aug 2020

Ian has been the best instructor whom we all felt comfortable with from the start. Finn said: The moment he started to talk, I knew I liked him haha. Thanks again to Ian for being such easygoing and fun company and for spoiling us with all the lovely meals, everything was equally delicious! Eating on board in the evening while looking at the lights on shore was special, I loved S. Margherita!  Aug 2020.

Ian and the team provided a safe and fun program for our family resulting in RYA Day Skipper, Competent Crew, and Start Yachting certificates. Ian balances learning, play, and touring to make sure all members of our family had fun. We highly recommend Just Sailing for those that are looking to enter into the world of sailing while wanting to explore a fantastic Mediterranean location!  Aug 2020

Had an awesome week completing our Day Skipper practical on Maud Ellen. Brilliant tuition from Ian whose patience knows no bounds. Good mix of moorings and marinas. Tasty food provided as well as loads of laughs. Perfect!   Sep 2019

Brilliant tuition this week in (not the best) weather for the Med. Thank you to Ian who has taught us SO much and helped us on our way to sailing the Med on our own. Excellent job (and great company).!!  May 2019

Very Experienced Instructor, I felt safe in all weather conditions and really got a great deal from the feedback. Sep 2020

Greatly appreciated the family friendliness, lots of swimming, beautiful towns and fantastic competence of the instructor. His experience, calm demeanour and patience helped our learning. Aug 2020

I loved all the swimming off the swimming deck it was the best time I ever had on a boat. Aug 2020

News & Media




Rya training center and sailing school in baiona.

yacht master offshore italia


Learn to sail at our rya training centre, in the prestigious waters of rias baixas, galicia., rya sailing courses in galicia, julio verne náutica is a recognised rya training centre in baiona, the only one on the spanish atlantic coast . shorebased in monte real club de yates baiona, we have magnificent connections with 4 nearby airports, 2 of them with international flights..

Start your training with a course appropriate to your experience – you don’t have to start at the beginning. Click here to get more information about:


The RYA (Royal Yacht Association) is a UK organization and a world reference in the teaching of recreational navigation because its courses follow the highest training standards, and require students to have practical knowledge in the form of many miles sailed.

The courses we offer will benefit you in many ways. Some of these advantages are:


Learn to navigate and improve your skills with the best nautical teaching method.


Obtain a degree that is internationally recognized by the entire world nautical sector.


Become a recreational nautical professional with the highest recognition certification.


In Galicia you will find 800 miles of magnificent coastal archipelagos, multiple estuaries and natural inlets that create a nautical paradise to navigate. There’s also numerous ports and beaches with easy anchorage, and dozens of large marinas where you can practice moorings.

In the Rias Baixas, in addition, the weather is quite predictable and thanks to the protection of the estuaries we can go sailing in any weather condition. All these conditions make the estuaries one of the best sailing grounds in the world .

yacht master offshore italia


All RYA courses will be conducted in English

Competent Crew

Introduction to sailing course for those who never sailed a sailboat before and want to become a useful member of the crew.

Day Skipper Theory

Introduction to cruising course that provides basic sea navigation knowledge to pass the Day Skipper practical exam.

Day Skipper Practical

Course for the aspiring skipper with basic sailing experience, that enables sailing in familiar waters during the day .

Coastal Skipper

Course for the aspiring skipper with previous experience in sailing that enables coastal navigation by day and night.

Yachtmaster Theory

This course provides you with sufficient knowledge to pass the Yachtmaster ™ Coastal and Offshore practical exams.

Yachtmaster Practical

Course that allows the holder to captain a sailboat of up to 24 meters in length 150 miles from a safe port.



Iván Pérez-Gándaras

Training center principal.

  • Marine Biologist
  • High seas STCW95 captain
  • Instructor and Yacht Master offshore

I have been sailing for as long as I can remember. I started in dinghy regattas, continued as a navigation teacher for children and continued as a teacher for adults and coach of regatta teams. As a marine biologist I have worked in different oceans on fishing and oceanographic vessels. For 20 years professional skipper and instructor of nautical qualifications.

Nacionality: Spain

Languages: english/french/spanish.

yacht master offshore italia

Cristian Vazquez

Rya chief instructor.

I have been sailing since the age of 8. Started with laser and then continued windsurfing and kiteboarding. After a few years teaching diving, returned to the industry to work as an RYA Instructor and also in the private sector, where I captained large motor and sailing vessels around the world. In 2019 became an RYA Examiner for motor and sail

Languages: Spanish / English


Patrick Van Der Zijden

Yacht master instructor.

  • RYA Yachtmaster ocean instructor sail
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat Instructor

Sailing has been a part of my life ever since I can remember. Deliveries skipper, RYA instructor and two times skipper Clipper 70´s on the 13/14 and 2020/2022 Clipper round the world yacht race (the longest yacht race in the world). Racing and managing an amateur team qualifications.

Nacionality: Ducht

Languages: dutch/ english/portuguese.


Frank Moeller

Rya instructor sail.

  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore
  • Patron de Yate

Born at the shores of the Baltic Sea I was passioned about anything around water right from the get go. I am sailing, kite surfing and diving for many years and I am simply in love with our oceans and sharing my passion for it.

Nacionality: German

Languages: german/english/spanish.


Hannah Gilmour

Rya cruising instructor.

I have sailed recreationally all my life, including a couple of Atlantic crossings, so when I decided to change my path and sail professionally it felt natural to become a skipper. I have a deep affinity with the ocean and a passion for all things maritime. In my previous career as a teacher I learnt about teamwork and resilience, ideal skills in sailing. Since then, I have worked onboard training vessels and other yachts with people of all ages sharing my enthusiasm and experience.

Nacionality: English

Languages: spanish/english, privacy overview.

  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation & Exam

National Yachting School  » RYA Sail Crusing Courses  » RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation & Exam

Yachtmaster Offshore is competent to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage during where astronavigation is not necessary.

An RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper.

To attain the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore candidates must pass a practical examination of their skippering ability. A Yachtmaster Offshore is capable of skippering the yacht on extended offshore passages by day or night. He or she will essentially be a much more experienced Yachtmaster Coastal and can do the same things more smoothly, for longer periods and in more arduous conditions. The theory knowledge required for the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence is the same as that for Yachtmaster Coastal, but considerably more practical experience and skill is required.

The 4 days prior to the exam is run along the same lines as the Yachtmaster Coastal preparation. Your instructor will asses your skills and address any areas over weakness. A high level of boat handling under various conditions of wind and tide is required. Navigation skills should be at the level of Yachtmaster/Coastal Skipper theory and a thorough knowledge of collision regulations is expected. Your instructor will tailor the course to suit your individual needs in order to prepare you for when the examiner steps on board.

After 4 days your instructor will give you a thorough debrief and you should feel confident in your ability to take the exam should you feel ready to do so.

During the exam, your RYA examiner will meet you onboard and talk you through the plan for the day. They understand that you could be nervous and will do their best to allay your fears and make sure you are clear about what they want you to do. They are there to find out what you can do, rather than pick holes. You will be asked to undertake a short passage, but you may have to plan a longer one. In general, you should skipper the yacht in your normal style. If this means putting the kettle on every half hour, then do it!

Your examiner isn’t looking for first-time-every-time success, but you will need to demonstrate competence and a good understanding of how the boat reacts at various situations. Don’t hesitate to change sails or reef, if you think it is necessary for the task.

Whether you are fully in command of the yacht is the most important assessment that your examiner will make. Especially with Yachtmaster Offshore the examiner will be looking for high level of proficiency based on broad experience.

Course Duration: 4 days for the course and 2 days for the exam. Most courses start on Saturday evening and finish on Wednesday afternoon, the exam starts the same evening or the next morning after the end of the course.

Previous Experience Required: 50 days aboard, 5 days as skipper, 2500 miles logged (min. half of it MUST be in tidal waters!), 5 passages of over 60 miles including 2 overnight and 2 as skipper. VHF radio operators certificate (SRC or higher) and a valid First Aid Certificate recognised by the RYA. click here for the list of acceptable first aid certificates

Course Overview: Preparation and brush up for the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence. Revision of advanced skippering techniques, close quarters handling under power and sail, navigation and pilotage by day and night, man overboard recovery and overall yacht management skills.

Minimum age: 18

Course price DOES NOT INCLUDE:

  • exam fee paid directly to the RYA (205 GBP for YM Offshore, 177 GBP for YM Coastal)
  • examiner's travel expenses from/to th UK (estimated approx. 300 Euro, shared between exam participants)
  • food, harbour fees and diesel used for the boat

RYA Yachtmaster

Date fromDate toPlacePriceStatus
02. 11. 2024 09. 11. 2024 Kaštela (Croatia 1190 € open

Due to the coronavirus crisis, we are canceling all practical courses in Croatia until further notice. For new course dates, please keep an eye on our website.

Winter courses on Canaries

In NYS we believe that there’s no such a thing as winter in sailing and you can always find a good place to enjoy your hobby any time throught the year. So we offer popular winter courses again, this time on Canary Islands, starting from Tenerife because of the best flight connections.

RYA Sailing Accreditation Rated as the World’s Best

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) sailing qualifications have been voted the premiere sailing accreditation for excellence and global reputation following a recent survey targeting 200 professional yacht and motorboat charter companies. The professional charter companies that were surveyed own and manage in excess of 6,000 charter boats across the Mediterranean, Caribbean and Asia.

  • Sail Cruising courses
  • Commercial Endorsment
  • Rent a boat
  • Sailing equipment
  • Yachting publications

National Yachting School Liptov - RYA Training Centre

National Yachting School Skola jachtingu s.r.o. Makovskeho namesti 3147/2, Brno, Czech Republic

Phone: +420 731 745 273 Phone: +421 902 896 099

Web: E-mail: [email protected]

(c) 2011-2024 National Yachting School - Sailing Courses, Skipper Licences

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Online Courses

  • What is RYA?
  • NYS Instructors
  • RYA Training Centre
  • Terms and Conditions
  • RYA Sail Training Ladder
  • RYA Competent Crew
  • RYA Day Skipper
  • RYA Coastal Skipper
  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal Preparation & Exam
  • Shorebased Theory Courses
  • RYA Basic Sea Survival / World Sailing Personal Offshore Survival course
  • Short Range Certificate

Sailing Courses

  • Account icon Log in
  • Basic Safety Training
  • Refresher (Fire & PST)
  • Elementary First Aid
  • Fire Prevention & Fire-fighting
  • Personal Survival Techniques
  • Advanced Fire Fighting
  • Advanced Fire Fighting Refresher
  • Proficiency in Security Awareness
  • Personal Safety & Social Responsibility
  • Crowd Management / Crisis Management and Human Behaviour
  • Powerboat Level 2
  • PWC/Jet Ski License
  • PWI/Jet Ski Instructor
  • PWC + PWI Pack
  • Pack PB2 & PWC
  • Day Skipper
  • Shorebased Yachtmaster Theory
  • Yachtmaster Practical Preparation & Offshore Exam
  • Yachtmaster Offshore Package
  • Full Deckhand Pack
  • Full Interior Pack
  • Basic Deckhand Pack
  • Basic Interior Pack
  • Full Tender and Jet Ski Pack
  • Tender Pack
  • Jetski Pack
  • Yacht Deckhand Training
  • Yacht Steward/ess Training
  • Basic Food & Beverage Services
  • Basic Housekeeping & Laundry Services
  • Basic Wine, Bartending & Mixology
  • Food Safety Level 2
  • ⚡Lithium-ion Battery Safety Awareness on Superyachts
  • VHF Short Range Certificate
  • RYA Professional Practice & Responsibilities
  • RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship
  • RYA Online Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Theory
  • RYA Online Day Skipper Theory
  • STCW PDSD for Superyachts
  • STCW PDSD for Cruise Ships
  • STCW Proficiency as Ship Security Officer on Superyachts
  • Useful Information
  • Steward/ess

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore/Coastal Package

Notify me when back in stock.

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Package is an advanced course for experienced seamen who have already acquired theoretical knowledge at Day Skipper standard. The packa

ge includes both  Yachtmaster Shorebased Theory and Practical Preparation courses and runs over ten days with the RYA exam on the last day. 

What you need to know

Place: Golfe-Juan, South of France

Price: 2150 euros (excluding  SRC Exam fee £70 +  RYA exam fee £241 ( paid directly to the RYA)


The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Package requires minimum sea time in tidal and non-tidal waters. This  qualification is a stepping stone towards a career on the water. 

To be elligible for the course, candidates must:

1. Be at least 18 years old. 

2. Hold a VHF Marine Radio Short Range Certificate  (the course can be complete as a part of the package)

3. Have sea time required: 2,500 NM*. Half of this sea time must be in tidal waters (outside of the Mediterranean) and include at least five passages over 60 miles with two passages acting as a skipper and two overnight passages. A minimum of 50 days at sea is required.

4. Have a valid  First Aid certificate   (STCW 95 or other recognised certificate; the course must be completed in a classroom; online Elementary First Aid certificates are not accepted)

5. To obtain your license commercially endorsed, you will need you take your  PPR online course .  

Full information on the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Exam PRE-REQUISITES are to be found on the RYA official website:  RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam  

About the course

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Package includes the following courses:

  • RYA Yachmaster Shorebased Course (6 days)

An in-depth advanced training that covers the questions of meteorology and interpretation of forecasts, fixing positions, navigation in restricted visibility, offshore navigation, pilotage, use of almanacs and admiralty publications etc. 

  • Yachtmaster Practical Preparation (4 days) &  Exam (1 or 2 days)

The course covers all practical aspects of the Yachtmaster Offshore syllabus including night passaging, engineering, safety equipment and manoeuvres.

  • RYA VHF Marine Radio Short Range Certificate (online)

To obtain your license commercially endorsed, you will need you complete  PPR Course .  

Customer Reviews

I have recently completed my YM Offshore with Seascope and they have been amazing throughout. Sophie Sevier was extremely helpful during the booking process and Hugh McDonald was an excellent instructor for both the theory and practical. The course is extremely well run, to the highest of standards with great facilities. I would highly recommend Seascope.

The level of instruction was perfect, and I appreciated the facilities.

The instructor is a genius. A true master in his field.

Very happy with the course. And the level of instruction was excellent.

Way better than I thought it would be. I also did the PWC and loved that one.

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All our courses are conducted in English. A sufficient level of understanding and speaking is required in order to successfully complete the course. Contact us if you have any questions.

Pay a 50% deposit option available

Just select this opton in the checkout instead of PayPal.

Before booking the course, please make sure you read the terms and conditions and cancellation policy .

  • Certificates of Competence
  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Exam

Full details of the exam syllabus and requirements are shown in the RYA Yachtmaster Scheme Syllabus and Logbook (G158) available from the webshop (see right).

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore practical exams can be taken under sail or power and your certificate will be endorsed accordingly. The candidate or a training centre provides the boat and the RYA provides an examiner. Note: All qualifying sea time and passages must be gained on vessels appropriate to the type of exam i.e. gained in sailing vessels for a sail exam and power vessels for a power exam.

There is no formal training course leading up to the exam, but those who have not previously taken RYA courses often find it useful to book themselves in for some informal training at an RYA centre prior to their exam. This training can be tailor-made to your specific needs and helps to fill any gaps in your knowledge that may become apparent.

The exam will include an assessment of your skippering skills, boat handling, general seamanship, navigation, safety awareness and knowledge of the IRPCS, meteorology and signals.

Documented minimum sea time completed on a seagoing sailing or motor yacht (as appropriate) in the last 10 years:

which may be reduced to 25 days if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence ; ; , which may be reduced to 1250 miles if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence

At least half the qualifying sea time should be gained in tidal waters and on vessels less than 24m LOA, and all seatime must be on vessels of the same discipline as the exam to be taken, i.e. sail or power.

Contact if your sea time is on a yacht greater than 24m and 500gt.

For example, an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail wishing to be examined for RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Power


8-12 hours for 1 candidate, 10-18 hours for 2 candidates.No more than two candidates can be examined in 24 hours and no more than four candidates can be examined in one 2 day session.
18 at the time of the exam

Boats used for exams

You may use your own boat or a boat that you have chartered or borrowed. You will be responsible for ensuring the boat is seaworthy and suitable for the area in which the exam takes place and equipped as shown below.

The boat used must be between 7m and 18m (LOA) and be in sound, seaworthy condition, equipped to the standard set out in the RYA Boat Safety Handbook 2nd Edition (code G103). The boat must be equipped with a full up to date set of charts and navigational publications along with working instruments and either plotter or GPS. In addition to the candidate there should be two crew on board as the examiner will not take part in the management of the boat during the exam.

There may be vessels that will meet the guidelines outlined above but by virtue of their layout, construction, handling characteristics or other factors may be unsuitable for use for an RYA Yachtmaster Practical examination. The RYA reserves the right to refuse an exam on a vessel that, in the view of the RYA Chief Examiner, will not allow the examiner to conduct an examination to the standard required by the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Qualification Panel.

Before you book your exam please check that you:

  • can provide a boat
  • have completed the required mileage and experience as skipper
  • hold an SRC (Short Range Certificate) or higher level GMDSS radio operators qualification
  • hold a valid first aid certificate
  • have read the syllabus in RYA Logbook (G158)
  • have read and comply with the pre-requisites above.

Additionally if not on the boat, you will need to bring to the exam:

  • laminated or waterproof charts
  • GPS set (may be hand held)
  • tide tables
  • pilotage information for the local area, eg pilot books, port information etc
  • plotting instruments.
  • Photographic ID card or document, such as a passport or driving licence

If you need your Certificate of Competence in order to work on board a commercial craft subject the MCA's codes of practice, you will need to get it commercially endorsed .

Useful links

Arranging your exam, commercial endorsements, exam payments service, mca manning requirements, professional qualifications.

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Statamic Peak

Competent Crew

  • Day Skipper

Coastal Skipper

  • Powerboat Level 2

Yachtmaster Coastal

Yachtmaster offshore.

  • Yachtmaster Ocean
  • ICC Sailing Course
  • ICC Power > 10 m

Yachtmaster Offshore

RYA course in English that leads to a professional qualification and commercial endorsement to work on yachts of up to 24m or 200GT with 12 passengers.

RYA Yachtmaster certificates are highly recognized qualifications worldwide in the professional navigation industry due to their high standards.

The Yachtmaster Offshore program leads to a professional qualification and a commercial endorsement to work on yachts up to 24m or 200GT with 12 passengers and 150 miles from the coast. The superyacht sector requires this qualification for vessel crewing and management.

Professional Qualification

Yachts up to 24m

Yachts up to 200GT

Up to 12 passengers

Up to 150 nm off the coast

What do you need to take the Yachtmaster Offshore course ?

To become a yacht captain, your yacht skills need to be highly competent. Don't forget that there are certain requirements to enroll in our Yachtmaster Coastal course.

What will you learn with the Yachtmaster Offshore ourse?

You will learn everything you need to know in order to navigate on yachts of up to 24m or 200GT with 12 passengers.

Skills on sailboats.

The practical exam for RYA Yachtmaster will test not only your skills on boats but also your theoretical knowledge and all aspects of the RYA curriculum. Your ability to manage the crew and the yacht will also be crucial.

Review theory with practice.

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore course starts with an optional 5-day theory session that includes passage planning.

Followed by 5 days of practical preparation where you can review any skills and practice implementing theory into practical application. It concludes with a 2-day practical examination conducted by an official RYA examiner.

High-level competencies.

Your yacht handling skills will be very competent. We use practical training to guide you on how to implement theoretical knowledge. The majority of the 12-day training is dedicated to theory and the implementation of this theory into practice.

Prices for the Yachtmaster Offshore Course.

Find the best price for your Yachtmaster Offshore Course:

Yachtmaster Offshore Theory

40h. of Theory Course

RYA Coursebook

RYA Navigational Maps

Yachtmaster Coastal Practical Sail Course

5 Days of Practical Course

Qualified RYA Instructors

Max. 5 Students Per Course

YM Offshore Theory + Practical Sail Course

40h. Theory Course

5 days Practical Sail Course

RYA Handbook & Maps

Qualified RYA instructors

The course price does not include the exam fee of £230 per student, which should be paid directly to the RYA.

Check the available course dates.

To obtain the Yachtmaster title, you will have to complete both the theoretical and practical components. What are you waiting for?

25.11.2024 - 30.11.2024 24.03.2025 - 29.03.2025
Location Date Schedule Available places
Lunes: 09:30 a 18:00
Martes: 09:30 a 18:00
Miércoles: 09:30 a 18:00
Jueves: 09:30 a 18:00
Viernes: 09:30 a 18:00
Sábado: 09:30 a 18:00
Available places
Lunes: 09:30 a 18:00
Martes: 09:30 a 18:00
Miércoles: 09:30 a 18:00
Jueves: 09:30 a 18:00
Viernes: 09:30 a 18:00
Sábado: 09:30 a 18:00
Available places
Showing total ? total : showing"> of
03.12.2024 - 09.12.2024 31.03.2025
Boat Date Schedule Available places
Martes: 09:00 a 17:00
Miércoles: 09:00 a 17:00
Jueves: 09:00 a 17:00
Viernes: 09:00 a 17:00
Sábado: 09:00 a 17:00
Domingo: 09:00 a 17:00
Lunes: 09:00 a 17:00
Available places
Lunes: 09:00 a 17:00 Available places
Showing total ? total : showing"> of

Our Training Center

Preparing The Boat

If you want more information,

send us your doubts or questions, and we will get in touch with you.

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Opinions from other students:.

We grow stronger together, sharing our passion for the sea, our experiences, and the fun both on and off the water. Share your opinion with us.

If you have further questions contact us.

What is the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Course?

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Course is a nautical training program designed to develop advanced sailing skills and knowledge. It leads to a professional qualification recognized globally. Graduates are certified to operate yachts up to 24 meters or 200 gross tonnage (GT) in offshore waters. The course covers navigation, seamanship, safety, and leadership aspects of yacht operation.

What skills and knowledge will I gain during this RYA Yachtmaster course?

During the Yachtmaster course, you will develop advanced skills in navigation, maneuvers, sea safety, and leadership in the maritime environment. You'll learn to make informed decisions in challenging situations and operate yachts safely and effectively in coastal water

What are the requirements to attend the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Course?

  • Have sailed a minimum of 50 days at sea as skipper.
  • Have covered a minimum of 2500 miles, with at least half of them in tidal waters.
  • Possess a high level of spoken and written English, as the courses are conducted in English.

How is the Yachtmaster course assessed?

The course includes both theoretical and practical assessments to measure your knowledge and skills. At the end of the practical course, an official examination is conducted with an RYA examiner. It's important to note that the cost of the official examination, approximately 230 GBP, is not included in the course fee. Upon passing the examination, a Certificate of Competence is issued. This is known as the Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence.

What professional opportunities does the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore qualification offer?

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore qualification enables you to work in the maritime industry on vessels up to 24 meters or 200 GT with a maximum of 12 passengers up to 150 miles from the coast. However, it does not permit working as a professional skipper on Spanish-flagged vessels.

How can I enroll in the RYA Yachtmaster course at Neptuno?

You can enroll directly on this page. Just make sure to meet the requirements mentioned above. You will find detailed information about the course, available dates, and the enrollment process.

Are RYA certificates valid for sailing in Spain?

RYA certificates are globally recognized and accepted in most countries. In Spain, there are over 20 schools accredited by the Royal Yachting Association. However, Spanish legislation only recognizes and accepts these certificates in certain specific contexts. RYA certificates are not recognized in Spain . To sail as a Spanish national on a Spanish-flagged vessel, an appropriate Spanish nautical qualification is required.

How many students participate per Yachtmaster course?

This course is personalized, and we accept a maximum of 5 students per course.

What are the advantages of RYA courses?

The RYA training system offers several advantages that we recommend to our students due to its effectiveness:

  • Excellence in learning to sail.
  • Content focused on practical navigation and improving specific skills.
  • Internationally recognized certification valid for sailing worldwide.
  • Easy and fast acquisition of professional credentials.

What is the duration of the Yachtmaster course?

The course is divided into two parts: a 5-day (40-hour) theoretical course and a 5-day (40-hour) practical course, followed by an official 2-day practical examination at the end of the practical course. It is highly recommended to complete both courses in sequence to ensure a higher likelihood of success in the examination.

Is Neptuno an official and accredited RYA training center?

Yes, Escuela Náutica Neptuno is an approved center by the Royal Yacht Association. We are registered as "Neptun Maritime Training" and comply with all RYA requirements. If you're seeking a comprehensive and globally recognized nautical education, the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Course at Escuela Náutica Neptuno is your ideal choice. We invite you to join us on this exciting nautical learning journey!

Other courses you might like

We offer a wide array of courses:

RYA Practical Course in English as a stepping stone between Day Skipper and the full RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal Competence Certificate.

RYA Course in English for Beginners and Those Looking to Become Active Crew Members.


RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor – Everything You Need to Know

Time8 to 48 hour exam (dependant on the number of people) after a potential prep course of up to 5 days
Prerequisites50 days spent at sea
2500nm cruised, with at least 50% in tidal waters
5 days as skipper
5 60nm passages, 2 as skipper
Min. Age18
Exam8 hours to 2 days on the water
AimTo work commercially on a sailing vessel under 24m in length within 150nm of a harbour.

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor ticket is considered the most useful and credible of all motor cruising qualifications. Administered on behalf of the UK Maritime and Coastgaurd Agency by the RYA the qualification is accepted as a worldwide standard. To gain an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor qualification you must sit a practical exam. 

What Does the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Allow You to Do?

Gaining an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor will allow you to work commercially on motor vessels not exceeding 200GT.

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam certifies that you are competent to skipper a motor yacht on any passage that is not more than 150nm from a harbour.

How Can You Sit an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Exam?

The exam can be organised via the RYA to be done on your own vessel or via an RYA training centre, to be done on an RYA training vessel. It should be noted, that to complete the exam on your own vessel, your vessel must be up to an appropriate safety standard.

Most RYA training centres offering the RYA Cruising Scheme offer some form of pre exam preparation or coaching for those looking to take an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam.

These courses are often referred to as ‘RYA Yachtmaster Prep’ courses. This is unique within the RYA training framework in that it does not have a fixed course syllabus, length or course completion certificate.

Who Can Do an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Exam?

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam is open to anyone who meets the minimum criteria, with all experience within the last 10 years.

  • 18 years of age or older
  • 50 days spent at sea
  • 2500nm cruised, with at least 50% in tidal waters
  • 5 days as skipper
  • 5 passages of over 60nm, with at least 2 as skipper

If you have skippering experience but not the required days or passages, then the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Motor might be for you.

If you have the miles, but not the skippering experience, then again, the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Motor might be for you.

Additionally, exam candidates must also hold a relevant GMDSS VHF certification and an RYA First Aid certificate or recognised equivalent.

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor

Can You Go Straight to the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Course and Exam?

You can indeed jump straight into the RYA Cruising Scheme at this stage, however, it is imperative that you understand the levels that are required of you, both in your knowledge and practical skills.

It is suggested that as a minimum you have completed (and passed) the RYA Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Theory course as the knowledge in here is both required for you to be at the level required, but will be formally tested during your RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam, both orally and in practical applications.

What Do You Need to Know before Attending an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Course and Exam?

You, of course, need to be a suitably experienced skipper and this involves meeting the prerequisites mentioned above to be eligible. You should be able to handle your vessel competently in close quarters and at sea. You should be comfortable applying this in various day and night time passages.

As mentioned, it is strongly recommended to have completed the RYA Coastal and Yachtmaster Theory as the depth of knowledge gained from this shore based course will be tested throughout your exam. 

How Long Does an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Prep Course and Exam Take?

The exam can take anything from 8 hours to 2 days depending on how many candidates are being examined on one vessel at a time. Up to 4 candidates can sit the exam at once and this would last for a maximum of 48 hours if so.

An RYA Yachtmaster Prep course is generally four and a half days long and is usually directly followed by the practical exam.

Is There a Set Syllabus for the Prep Course?

No, this is the one time that while there is a recognised ‘course’, there is no syllabus. It is up to the experienced instructor on the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Prep course to tailor the learnings to your needs. This is more about refining your skills rather than teaching new ones.

You should be honest with yourself and your instructor in order for learnings throughout the week to be tailored to improve yourself on any weak areas that you may have.

What Should I Expect from a Prep Course?

These courses run as a standalone course and while there may be students on another course, generally everyone onboard is a candidate for an RYA Yachtmaster Exam. The courses should however be run with no more than 4 students on board.

The content will depend on the needs of all students and is aimed at fine-tuning existing skills rather than teaching new ones. This will involve a lot of night time cruising and navigation, carrying out challenging boat handling while using theory knowledge and ensuring general skippering skills are up to scratch.

There is a basic syllabus that is used to help shape the exam content, but in reality, you can be tested on anything from the RYA cruising scheme within the exam.

Before choosing the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Prep course you need to be honest with yourself and your own abilities. While on the course you need to take on the advice and guidance given by the instructor on what areas need work. If you speak to your instructor before the course, they can tailor the instruction to your needs.

What Should I Expect on an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Exam?

On the exam, you will be given the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and competence. You will be expected to take full responsibility of your vessel and crew. The examiner will be looking for you to demonstrate competence and show your broad range of experience.

The exam will be an intensive experience and even when you are not the designated skipper, you will still be asked questions and observed and examined as a participant of the crew.

During the exam you will be asked to complete various tasks, ranging from leaving the dock, skippering a short passage, casualty recovery, night pilotage and even blind navigation. Additionally, you will be tested on theoretical aspects such as how to deal with an engine failure, knowledge of your vessel’s stability, meteorology and IRPCS.

As a potential RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor, these tasks are ones that should now be second nature to you and should take minimal time to plan while the theoretical knowledge should be able to roll off your tongue. 

What Is the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Exam Syllabus?

The following topics make up the basis for the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam syllabus. IRPCS, safety, boat handling, seamanship, responsibility as skipper, navigation, meteorology and signals.

But, as mentioned above, anything from the whole RYA cruising syllabus scheme can be tested.

What Is the Cost of an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Course and Exam?

As ever, many schools differ in price. We would recommend that you take a look around at the various options and find what suits your needs the best. Cheapest is not often better.

This can range from knowing if you will have to share a cabin while onboard to whether food and berthing charges are included to how many other students you will be sharing your week with.

The exam fee is usually not included, which is currently £231.

Where Should I Do My RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor?

As always there are many thoughts and pros on cons on this, and as a potential RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor you should consider yourself experienced enough to sit the exam anywhere. However, if you choose to sit the exam in an area that you are familiar with then you will take a little bit of the stress out of learning a new area and start with a small advantage of having that all important local knowledge at your disposal.

What Happens If I Struggle on thePrep Course?

Your instructor should be able to update you on your ability levels throughout the course. They will be highly experienced and it is suggested that you listen to their advice given.

If you are learning something for the first time you should consider if you are ready for the exam. Talk to your instructor and they will be able to guide you on if you are ready for the exam, if they would advise further training or if they recommend that you aim for the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Motor exam instead.

What Is the Pass Mark for the Exam?

There is no pass mark as such and the examiner will be looking to see that you are a competent and complete skipper, capable of looking after both your vessel and crew in a safe manner.

Every exam is different and no examiner will be setting out to fail any candidates, but they must ensure and check that each candidate is able to demonstrate their ability, knowledge and skills in a safe and timely manner.

If you were to fail to reach the levels of an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor certificate of competence then the examiner will give you a thorough debrief complete with action points to work on before you have another attempt at the exam. 

What Comes After RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor?

After completion of the exam, you will have gained the highly sought after RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor certificate of competence and you can get this commercially endorsed by adding a sea survival certification, a personal medical and a PPR course, all of which, along with your GMDSS VHF and First Aid should be sent off to the RYA for certification upgrade. This will now allow the holder to skipper a vessel commercially, so long as it is less than 200 gross tonnes, up to 150nm from a harbour.

The next step is of course to get out on the water and to keep learning, keep gaining experience and keep improving on the skills and knowledge learned so far. No skipper is the finished article and we should all keep seeking to improve.

Within the RYA cruising scheme, there are a couple more steps that are possible. This is to progress and upgrade your RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor certificate of competence to an RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Motor certificate of competence.

To do this there is 3 main steps, first, you will need to complete an RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Theory course, where you will learn about astro navigation, ocean meteorology and ocean navigation,   join the waiting list for our ocean theory course here . Next, is to complete an ocean qualifying passage that meets the necessary requirements. Finally, you will then need to complete another exam, this time an oral exam, where you will discuss your ocean qualifying passage and general ocean skippering skills.

On successful completion of this, you will be awared the highest accolade within the RYA cruising scheme, the RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Motor certificate of competence.

One other direction of travel is to become an RYA Cruising Instructor for Motor. To do this, you will first want to consolidate your skippering skills and knowledge then look to come back and start off with an RYA Cruising Instructor course. On this course, RYA Instructor Trainers will assess and guide you through what is required and expected to work as an RYA Cruising Instructor for Motor. 

yacht master offshore italia

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RYA Yachtmaster Offshore / Yachtmaster Coastal / Master of Yachts 200 Course 300

MPT is the most complete full service private maritime school in the country and has been training mariners since 1983. Our Fort Lauderdale based campuses host over 45,000 square feet of classrooms, deck and engineering training labs, the Ship's Store, and student service facilities.

Preparing for RYA Yachtmaster Offshore / Yachtmaster Coastal / Master...

Course description.

  Yachtmaster Certificate of Competency

The Yachtmaster Qualification is the pinnacle of the RYA (Royal Yachting Association) Training and Certification System. It is widely recognized throughout the world as a prestigious accomplishment.

 Holding this credential can:

- Improve your resume for any deck department position on yachts - Serve as prerequisite training for an MCA OOW 3000 GT CoC - Professional Development in your yachting career  - Serve as your Certificate of Competence (CoC) for operators of yachts up to 200 tons

The Yachtmaster Course should be undertaken by crew aspiring to advance to the MCA OOW level up to 3000 tons and by those who are advancing to the command level for Master of Yachts up to 200 tons.

  2 Routes Available – Same Course:

Yachtmaster Coastal Yachtmaster Offshore

Yachting professional candidates are encouraged to start their training and professional development as early in their career as possible. Many will take their STCW Basic Safety Training Program (#140) and then when they qualify, it is recommended to obtain the Yachtmaster Coastal CoC. Candidates wishing to upgrade to the offshore route later can simply examine, without additional required training.

Whether you qualify for the Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore, the training is the same. The only difference is your experience and practical skill level. You will be examined towards whichever level you qualify for.

The MPT Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore Course (#300) is taught on a Motor Yacht and the practical training and examination are towards a Motor Certificate of Competence. (If you are applying for a Sail Endorsement, this course will not satisfy your practical training and exam requirements). All sea time must be on a power boat and not on a sail boat under power. The Theory, SRC, PPR, and Basic Training courses are the same for both schemes.

The MPT Yachtmaster advanced level certification is available in a 2 week + exam program combining shore-based theory and practical hands-on techniques for a Motor Vessel and the RYA Practical Examination. The first week of class is in the classroom (theory) and the second week is Practical, out on the boat. In addition, there will be class on Saturday of the first week so please plan accordingly.


One week (40 hours) of comprehensive shore-based theory module with written assessment papers including navigation, tidal calculations, international and inland rules of the road, coastal pilotage, meteorology, anchoring and mooring, docking and undocking, buoyage systems, safety, voyage and passage planning, general ship knowledge and seamanship.  A theory examination will be conducted after the completion of the 40-hour theory portion of the program.

One week of Yachtmaster Offshore/Coastal practical training is conducted on board one of MPT’s Yachts. These yachts are up to 48’ and are twin screw motor yachts. This part of the instruction covers seamanship skills such as nautical terms, tides, marlinespike seamanship, anchor work, boat handling, docking, general yachting skills, basic weather, navigation and passage planning. This course will be a preparation course for your final Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Examination. The practical portion of the course will be conducted during daytime, evening and occasionally may include weekend hours.

The Yachtmaster Course #300 is an Advanced Review Course and it is assumed that candidates will have the prerequisite knowledge of the Basics of Navigation and recommended to the level of RYA Day Skipper, and the very least, the level of the Essential Navigation On-line course. To increase your likelihood of success, we recommend taking the online pre-course - ESSENTIAL NAVIGATION. Additionally, flash cards are available in the MPT Ship's Store for rules study in lights and shapes. Also, many Apps are available to assist in these subjects for pre-study. It is also strongly advised that you pick up your study material well in advance of the start of your course. Pre-study is essential for a successful outcome of this course. 

The RYA Yachtmaster course is accredited by the RYA and MCA and recognized for service as Captain or Mate (OOW) up to 200gt up to 150 miles from a safe haven, at the Offshore level or up to 60 miles from safe haven at the Coastal level. 

The Yachtmaster CoC meets the STCW A-V1/1 and section A V1/1-4 when combined with Basic Training Courses. Yachtmaster Offshore fulfills the prerequisite for MCA OOW 500 and 3000 GT and the MCA STCW A-II/2 Command Certificate for Master 200GT.

Sea Service Prerequisites (minimums): Note you must be able to provide proof of your sea service before undertaking the exam. This should be provided at least 2 weeks before the course when possible to allow our team to review it and ensure your eligibility for the course. Speak to your MPT Career Counselor or your instructor for assistance.

 Sea Service can be proven by submitting one or more of the following: 

  • Log book (RYA or other acceptable)
  • Sea Service Testimonial Letters from captains, owners or operators of vessels outlining vessel specifics, time underway, your capacity served onboard and the location of the service (tidal or non-tidal waters, etc).
  • Sea Service Forms (calendar style - provided you can supply all of the additional information such as number of miles, etc.) Method 2 is preferred.

Yachtmaster Coastal: Motor - Option 1

Without RYA Coastal Skipper Practical certificate:

  • 2 days as skipper on vessels of less than 24 meters

Note: No more than half of the required miles can be on vessels over 24 meters

Yachmaster Coastal: Motor – Option 2 A & B

  With RYA Coastal Skipper Practical Certificate:

Can be used to enter OOW 3000GT program and modules

A. Mariners with Coastal Skipper Practical Certificate and with more than half of required sea service on vessels less than 24 meters

  • 20 days on board
  • 2 days as skipper on vessel less than 24 meters

B. Mariners with Coastal Skipper Practical Certificate and with more than half of required sea service on vessels greater than 24 meters

  • 30 days on board

Yachtmaster Offshore: Motor  

  • 50 days sea time overall on motor vessels
  • 5 days in the command position on the vessel (as Master)
  • 2500 nautical miles logged with half transiting through tidal waters and half on a vessel of less than 24 meters that is not a tender.
  • 5 passages over 60 nautical miles, including 2 overnight and 2 in command (as Master) of vessel.        

Yachtmaster Ocean:

  • Obtain Yeachmaster Offshore
  • Complete the RYA astro/ocean shorebased theory #306
  • Ocean passage of 600 nautical miles or more as captain or mate
  • Complete oral exam with RYA examiner successfully

For Commercial Endorsement:

In addition to the SRC and First Aid (must have been taken within 5 years) you will need to obtain an MCA Certificate of Medical Fitness (ENG-1) as well as the Personal Survival Training (4 Modules of STCW 210) and the online Professional Practices & Responsibilities (PPR) Certificate. If you are planning to work commercially, you should simply add the STCW Basic Training Program, which will include the approved Personal Survival and First Aid automatically and will also allow your Yachtmaster CoC to have the STCW endorsement as well. Most boats internationally require this of all crew working commercially. We also recommend the Security Awareness or Designated Security (VPDSD) Course if you are working commercially as well. These are all separate fees from the Yachtmaster Course however MPT offers Package discounts, speak to an MPT RYA Specialist for more information and assistance. There is also a fee candidates will pay to the RYA for the commercial endorsement.

Written & Practical Exam Information:

The written exams are administered at MPT at the end of the shore-based theory segment of your program. They include all of the topics covered in the course. All of the shore-based courses and experience criteria must be fulfilled before the RYA Examiner will conduct the practical assessment. The final exam will be conducted by an independent and unbiased RYA Yachtmaster examiner and takes the form of an extensive oral and practical examination on a motor yacht. Candidates who have taken MPT's Yachtmaster course may use one of the MPT vessels for the exam at no additional fee. The practical exam will take an additional one-two day and is scheduled when the examiner is available and generally immediately after the course, weather permitting.  Once your eligibility has been reviewed (sea time and prerequisites met), the schedule for the practical examination is predicated on several things:

1)The weather as this is a practical underway examination 2)The availability of the RYA Examiner (this is not an MPT employee)

Examinations may need to be scheduled for additional days which may not be consecutive to the dates of the course.

Exam Subjects:

We will review with you the knowledge-based subjects during your shore-based theory week and also fine tune your boat handling skills during your practical course, but you should be familiar with the following areas when you join the class and proficient by the exam date. (Note if you are not already well versed in these subjects when you arrive, you are strongly encouraged to take the Essential Navigation (online course) as there is not sufficient time to cover the basics in the 2-week program. Ask about #333) 

  • Knowledge of the International and Inland Rules of the Road.
  • Safety. The candidate will be expected to know what safety equipment should be carried on board a yacht.
  • Boat Handling, Maneuvering, Docking: Yachtmaster Coastal students will be expected to answer questions & demonstrate ability in simple situations only. Yachtmaster Offshore candidates are expected to demonstrate ability in more complex situations and will also be expected to show a higher level of expertise.
  • General seamanship, including maintenance.
  • Responsibilities of the skipper
  • Navigation, Basic Weather 
  • Radio Communication & Signaling
  • Command presence, management and direction of crew.
  • Essential Navigation (online course)

Practical Exam Fees:

The RYA Examination Fee for the initial examination will be paid by MPT as part of your course tuition. Additional RYA fees are paid by candidate if a subsequent examination is needed.

 If at the end of your course you wish to postpone the practical exam date, you are permitted to return for exam and RYA exam fee paid by MPT, within one calendar year, space permitting.

Additional Recommended or Required Courses:

  • Essentials of Navigation (Online Pre-Course) #333
  • First Aid & CPR #143 or Take STCW Basic Safety Training #141, 142, 143, 144
  • SRC VHF Radio License #303 Required (offered Online) or GMDSS GOC #404
  • RYA PPR (Professional Practices & Responsibility) #335 ONLINE COURSE
  • MCA Approved Engine Course #440
  • USCG Radar Course #148 & ARPA Course #150 or MCA Nav/Radar/ARPA Course #402

If you have three years of yacht service, speak to a career counselor about continuing straight through your OOW or Chief Mate 3000 GT program.

Required Materials

RECOMMEND PRE-STUDY: Essential Navigation online, course #333, COLREGS Study Apps or flashcard, and course notes. AVAILABLE IN MPT SHIPS STORE or bring with you the following: Pencil (mechanical or #2) Paper Chart Eraser (We recommend white- like magic rub or Staedtler), Navigation Tools (parallel rules/Portland plotter/triangles – your choice), Dividers (we recommend two- one as divider and one as compass), Calculator (we recommend the TI-30x), Hand Bearing Compass - optional though recommended (We recommend Weems & Plath #2004). Pick up at MPT when you register or when you check-in: Yachtmaster Shore based Training Manuals & Charts (provided by MPT).

11 day class in Fort Lauderdale

RECOMMENDED PRE-STUDY: Available at MPT Ships Store Complete Course Training DVD Flashcards AVAILABLE IN MPT SHIPS STORE OR BRING WITH YOU: Pencil (mechanical or #2) Paper Chart Eraser (We recommend white - like magic rub or staedtler) Navigation Tools (parallel rules/Portland plotter/triangles - your choice) Dividers (we recommend two - one as divider and one as compass) Calculator (we recommend the TI-30x) Hand Bearing Compass (We recommend Weems & Plath #2004) PICK UP AT SCHOOL WHEN YOU REGISTER OR WHEN YOU CHECK-IN: Yachtmaster Shorebased Training Manuals & Charts (provided by MPT)

Course Photos

yacht master offshore italia


Not suggestions. Thanks for letting me be your student! Alejandro, Friday August 2015 RYA Yachtmaster Offshore / Yachtmaster Coastal / Master of Yachts 200
A bit more time would be nice! But Steve was an awesome instructor.Very easy to follow and very thorough. Arthur, Wednesday November 2013 RYA Yachtmaster Offshore / Yachtmaster Coastal / Master of Yachts 200

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High-speed production for sizes from 1000 g (65 bpm) to 2500 g (45 bpm)

Automatic packing machine for medium and large sized ready-made, block-bottom bags

Production for sizes from 1000 g (38 bpm) to 5000 g (22 bpm)

High capacity automatic packing machine for medium sized ready-made, block-bottom bags

Production for sizes 1000 g (65 bpm) to 5000 g (40 bpm)

Automatic packing machine for large sized ready-made, block-bottom bags

High-speed production for sizes 2500 g to 12500 g with speeds up to 20 BPM

Production for sizes 500 g (25 bpm) a 2500 g (18 bpm)

Production for sizes 500 g (45 bpm) a 2500 g (25 bpm)

High-speed production for sizes from 500 g or 1000 g with speeds up to 100 BPM

High-speed production for sizes from 1000 g (65 bpm) to 2500 g (50 bpm)

Production for sizes from 1000 g (38 bpm) to 5000 g (25 bpm)

Production for sizes from 1000 g (65 bpm) to 5000 g (45 bpm)

Production for sizes from 2500 g to 12500 g with speeds up to 25 BPM

Collator-shrink wrap

High speed collator - shrink wrap

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ITALPACK S.r.l. Via Andrea Costa, 106 47822 Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) Italy Tel. +39 0541 625157 Fax +39 0541 621956 [email protected]                                                             Legalmail:  [email protected]



2020 - ITALPACK S.r.l. - Via Andrea Costa, 106 - 47822 Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) Italy - Tel. +39 0541 625157 Fax +39 0541 621956 -  [email protected] - legalmail: [email protected]

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Moscow Boat Show

March 8, 2016 – March 12, 2017 | Moscow Boat Show

The Moscow Boat Show is the place to be for an overview of the power and sail industry in Russia. Boating is a way of life for many in the country with world class destination in the Black Sea, the Baltic and close by on the Mediterranean. This year you will find a mix of speed boats, yachts, aqua bikes and services like yacht schools, navigation equipment and of course the regatta. Some of the vessels that will be present include;

  • motor yachts
  • sailing yachts
  • speed boats
  • inflatable boats and launches
  • outboard motorboats
  • sports vessels
  • special vessels

Water Sports

  • hydrocycles
  • windsurfing
  • kayaks and canoe
  • fishing gear, fishing tourism

An excellent show with a tremendous following in a country with a rich maritime history.

Written by Jennifer Fry on March 24, 2017 . Posted in Events

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  1. Corsi RYA Yachtmaster

    Clicca qui per tutte le informazioni sui nostri corsi yacht master. Stacca la spina. Parti. Vela via. ph. IT +39 347 3668081 - ph. FR +33 7 69 58 25 85 . ... Per chi vuole ottenere un titolo professionale spendibile anche in Italia, ... La pratica è la stessa sia per lo Yachtmaster™ Coastal che per Yachtmaster™ OffShore.

  2. RYA Training

    The Yachtmaster® Offshore is competent. to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage during which the yacht is no more than 150 miles from Harbour Full details of the exam requirements | syllabus are shown in the RYA's Sail and Motor Cruising Logbook (code G158), available from the RYA webshop.

  3. Corsi RYA Yachtmaster

    Previous slide Next slide Il primo centro di formazione in Italia RYA e MCA. primo centro italiano per la formazione marittima britannica che abilita al comando di imbarcazioni italiane e estere. Puoi conseguire il titolo di Yachtmaster Coastal o Yachtmaster Offshore e Ocean. Con i nostri corsi accedi direttamente ai certificati di competenza idonei per […]


    Dunque ottenibile solo dopo aver ottenuto almeno lo Yachtmaster Ocean e/o Offshore, l'endorsement commerciale e le certificazioni obbligatorie sulla sicurezza (STCW95). Per chi desiderasse quindi operare in Italia a bordo di imbarcazioni adibite a locazione o noleggio, è bene tenere ben presente questi aspetti, anche (se non soprattutto) dal ...

  5. Corsi RYA

    Yacht Master OffShore "Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate RYA " è l'aspirazione di ogni skipper, in quanto certificato valido a livello internazionale che attesta l'esperienza e le competenze acquisite in diversi ambiti. Consente la conduzione di unità a vela o a motore fino a 200 ton. di stazza, entro 150 miglia dalla costa.

  6. RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Prep Sail Italian

    A Yachtmaster is capable of skippering the yacht on extended offshore passages by day or night. Previous Experience Required: 50 days aboard, 5 days as skipper, 2500 miles logged, 5 passages of over 60 miles including 2 overnight and 2 as skipper (Half the qualifying seatime must have been conducted in tidal waters).


    Captain Carlo Gabelli is a new member of Italian Yacht Master. 18-06-2024 Read more.. Gallery LE IMMAGINI DEI CAPITANI. Previous Next. Sponsors. Previous Next. ASD ITALIAN YACHT MASTERS aims to create a community that allows, in an increasingly global and constantly evolving market, the sharing of skills and ...

  8. I corsi RYA: un percorso strutturato che manca in Italia

    Il percorso dei corsi RYA della Royal Yachting association è pensato per crocieristi e velisti alle prime armi fino ai professionisti.

  9. RYA Training Centre Italy Home Page

    Just Sailing is a fully accredited maritime. training centre and RYA sailing school. offering practical and shore-based courses. in the Italian Riviera. Get In Touch. RYA YACHTMASTER TRAINING CENTRE ITALY: TAKE YOUR SAILING TO THE NEXT LEVEL. BOOK A RYA COURSE WITH JUST SAILING . No need to huddle inside dripping oilskins: hone your skills and ...

  10. RYA Training Center

    Yacht Master Instructor. RYA Yachtmaster ocean instructor sail; RYA Advanced Powerboat Instructor; Sailing has been a part of my life ever since I can remember. Deliveries skipper, RYA instructor and two times skipper Clipper 70´s on the 13/14 and 2020/2022 Clipper round the world yacht race (the longest yacht race in the world).

  11. RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation & Exam

    A Yachtmaster Offshore is capable of skippering the yacht on extended offshore passages by day or night. He or she will essentially be a much more experienced Yachtmaster Coastal and can do the same things more smoothly, for longer periods and in more arduous conditions. The theory knowledge required for the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore ...

  12. Yachtmaster Offshore: When, Why, and How

    The candidate's eligibility for Yachtmaster Offshore program is defined by a number of requirements. First and foremost, the logged sea time must show a minimum of 2500 nautical miles, about half of which should be in tidal waters. There is a huge debate as to what tidal waters are, and the RYA leaves it to the Yachtmaster candidate to decide ...

  13. La strada migliore per raggiungere l'obiettivo

    PROMOTING THE IMAGE OF THE MASTER ITALIAN: Today, in order to be a Captain, is necessary to know In-depth various disciplines, the yachting world, human resources, management, marketing, like the qualities required to administrate a medium/large size company.

  14. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore/Coastal Package

    The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Package is an advanced course for experienced seamen who have already acquired theoretical knowledge at Day Skipper standard. The packa. ge includes both Yachtmaster Shorebased Theory and Practical Preparation courses and runs over ten days with the RYA exam on the last day. What you need to know. Pre-requisites.

  15. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam

    RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites. 5 passages over 60 miles long, which must include 2 overnight passages and 2 as skipper, which may be reduced to 3 passages including 1 overnight and 1 as skipper if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence 3. 1 At least half the qualifying sea time should be ...

  16. Curso RYA Yachtmaster Offshore

    The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Course is a nautical training program designed to develop advanced sailing skills and knowledge. It leads to a professional qualification recognized globally. Graduates are certified to operate yachts up to 24 meters or 200 gross tonnage (GT) in offshore waters. The course covers navigation, seamanship, safety, and ...

  17. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor

    The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam is open to anyone who meets the minimum criteria, with all experience within the last 10 years. 18 years of age or older. 50 days spent at sea. 2500nm cruised, with at least 50% in tidal waters. 5 days as skipper.

  18. Yachtmaster

    The Yachtmaster Prep Week aims to review your existing skills and prepares experienced sailors for the Yachtmaster Offshore or Yachtmaster Coastal Exam. Read More » Mile Builders We offer a variety of Mile Building trips for those who want to brush up on their skills, take their sailing to the next level, ...

  19. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore / Yachtmaster Coastal / Master of Yachts 200

    The RYA Yachtmaster course is accredited by the RYA and MCA and recognized for service as Captain or Mate (OOW) up to 200gt up to 150 miles from a safe haven, at the Offshore level or up to 60 miles from safe haven at the Coastal level. The Yachtmaster CoC meets the STCW A-V1/1 and section A V1/1-4 when combined with Basic Training Courses.

  20. IYT Welcomes "Moscow Sailing Academy" offering sail training and

    We are proud to announce that "Moscow Sailing Academy" has joined our team of partner schools. They will offer our recreational sailing courses from Learn to Sail to Yachtmaster Coastal. IYT courses are approved and accepted by most European countries and charter brokers. Study theoretical and practical training in Moscow and proceed to the Mediterranean […]

  21. about us

    carries out training of crew members of marine, river and fishery vessels, mobile offshore units personnel as well as offshore specialists in accordance with national and international requirements. BECOME FAMILIAR. CONTACTS. Address: office 1, 34, Lavochkina st., Moscow. Telephone numbers:

  22. italpack :: Product search

    Pack 50/5. Automatic packing machine for medium and large sized ready-made, block-bottom bags. Production for sizes from 1000 g (38 bpm) to 5000 g (22 bpm)

  23. Moscow Boat Show

    March 8, 2016 - March 12, 2017 | Moscow Boat Show. The Moscow Boat Show is the place to be for an overview of the power and sail industry in Russia. Boating is a way of life for many in the country with world class destination in the Black Sea, the Baltic and close by on the Mediterranean. This year you will find a mix of speed boats, yachts ...