Jan 18, 2024 · Hanse returned to Berret-Racoupeau, who also designed the 460 (a Top 10 Best Boats 2023 winner), to create the 510, and the result can leave you lingering over the lines. ... Jan 26, 2023 · The Hanse 460 is different. Very different. The first model from a new alliance with the French designers, it promptly won the European Yacht of the Year as the best Family Cruiser for 2022. A ... ... Jan 9, 2019 · Hanse 588 Review Courtesy of Hanse Yachts. To my eye, perhaps the cleanest-looking yacht to be introduced in 2018 was the Hanse 588, the second-largest offering from the German builder in a line that now encompasses a range of boats from 31 to 69 feet. ... Nov 2, 2022 · Jednostka w dużej mierze powstaje w zakładzie HanseYachts sp. z o.o. w Goleniowskim Parku Przemysłowym. Ewentualna wygrana w kategorii Jacht Wycieczkowy byłaby równoznaczna z filmowym Oscarem. Maciej Twardowski przyznaje, że nagroda ucieszyłaby projektantów oraz pracowników firmy, którzy wkładają mnóstwo serca w to, by jacht był ... ... GO FURTHER I SAIL BETTER I BE INSPIRED TODAY JUNE 2015 sailingtoday.co.uk £4.20 VANUATU How you can help the stricken Pacific island The Squadron's cruising ... Oct 22, 2024 · Want proof? Check out the profile of the 510. The waterline is completely maxed out, with a reverse wave-piercing bow forward and a straight, razor-sharp transom astern (a drop-down transom gate serves as a swim platform and opens to a dinghy garage to stash a nearly 9-foot fully inflated tender). ... BIGGER, BETTER EXTRA PAGES, MORE BOATS, MORE VALUE SAILING TODAY OCTOBER 2018 sailingt0day.couk E4.75 SAVE Up to 40% off Boat Show tickets Hanse's ... Read reviews of HanseYachts. Write and share your personal story. Your experience will help others make the right buying decision. ... Discover the latest insights into the Hanse 458 with our insider review. Explore the new features and innovations. Dive into the world of Hanse Yachts today! ... ">

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Hanse 460 review: First in a new range

  • David Harding
  • January 26, 2023

The Hanse 460 is the first in a new range of Hanses. From new designers, she is already a big hit, with over 200 sold and a European Yacht of the Year win to its name. David Harding reports

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Product Overview

Price as reviewed:.

For some of us, sailing has always been about the functional and fundamental. We enjoy sailing for sailing’s sake. But today people want so much more from a boat and, in many respects, today’s yachts undoubtedly offer a lot more and the Hanse 460 attempts to do just that.

What you might loosely call the mainstream European builders of family cruising yachts have been following this path for some time, making each generation of designs bigger and plusher than the last. For Hanse in particular, it has been a rapid evolution from the small, basic and functional to the large and luxurious.

This latest Hanse is the first to be designed by Berret-Racoupeau. After the earliest models, which used the moulds of discontinued, slim-hulled Scandinavian designs, every Hanse has been designed by Judel/Vrolijk in what became one of boatbuilding’s most enduring and successful partnerships.

In line with modern trends, each new wave of Hanses has been higher, wider and more voluminous than the last. Founder Michael Schmidt never lost sight of the performance side, however. For all their growing girths and towering topsides, Hanse has always made boats that sail – competitively-priced, high-volume cruisers but with easy handling (self-tacking jibs were used from the early days) and better performance than many of the alternatives.

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The single rudder is light and responsive on the helm. Photo: HanseYachts/Nico Krauss

The Hanse 460 is different. Very different. The first model from a new alliance with the French designers, it promptly won the European Yacht of the Year as the best Family Cruiser for 2022. A Hanse 510 version now follows.

The big question was whether Hanse had managed to do something different while retaining the qualities that its owners had traditionally sought.

At a glance, the Hanse 460 looks sleeker and sportier than earlier models; more angular, with a reverse rake to the bow and a pronounced knuckle running to about half-way aft. In Hanse tradition there are no hard-angled chines but, in this case, a pronounced soft chine towards the stern. In plan view you see full forward sections which, combined with the broad stern, generous freeboard and ample beam, hold the promise of enormous interior volume.

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The 460’s generous and uncluttered cockpit. Photo: HanseYachts/Nico Krauss

At the other end, a moulded bowsprit projects the anchor clear of the stem and provides an attachment point for an outer forestay which can carry a reaching headsail. Large windows in the topsides help to break up the high freeboard.

Scale those topsides and you’re faced with an expanse of wide, flat deck and coachroof. Moulded bulwarks edge the side decks to help keep feet where they belong should you venture forward when the boat’s heeled. Otherwise what stands out is the uncluttered appearance – lines are led aft beneath separate mouldings – and the plethora of deck hatches hinged every which way, including one that opens to reveal a large bow locker.

There was certainly nothing to complain about in the performance and handling department. We slipped along very nicely on a flat sea in 12-14 knots of wind, clocking around 7.5 knots with the apparent wind at just under 30°, and tacking through around 80° by the compass.

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Moulded bowsprit keeps anchor clear of the stem and provides attachment for the optional outer forestay. Photo: Andreas Lindlahr/EYOTY

Enjoyable sailing

Weather helm was slight and the load on the wheels increased relatively little if I tried bearing away with the sheets pinned in, the single rudder providing plenty of grip. Provoked in the opposite direction, she coped well when pinched mercilessly and also when thrown into tight spins, only stalling briefly.

At least in the flat water and modest breeze we encountered, the cockpit worked well. In any wind and seaway you would be pleased to have the optional second table to port as a bracing point. At the helm stations you have a comfortable perch outboard of the wheel or, for energetic downwind sailing when you might need both hands, behind it. The Jefa linkage is light and direct, giving a good feel from the rudder. On the starboard side you can wind down the bifurcated backstay when extra headstay tension is needed.

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Hanse 460 is from Berret-Racoupeau. Photo: Andreas Lindlahr/EYOTY

Today’s cockpits are no longer just places from where you control the boat. Controlling the boat in itself is so much easier anyway, especially if – as most owners of the Hanse 460 will – you upgrade to electric winches, electric in-mast reefing and electric furling for the genoa on the outer forestay.

Other push-button options are for the hinge-down bathing platform and the cockpit tables (either side or both), which can be lowered to create large lounging areas. Alternatively there are fixed tables, as we had on the port side. A wet-bar can be added between the helm seats. It’s all part of making the cockpit a multi-function space in which every part can serve a variety of purposes. Cockpit stowage is in the form of a half-depth locker each side and – a first for Hanse – a dedicated liferaft locker right aft to starboard. With the electric-lowering option for the starboard table comes an extra moulded seat pod, which provides readily-accessible shallow stowage forward of the starboard helm and would be good to have for that reason alone.

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Portlights and windows flood the saloon with natural light. Photo: HanseYachts/Nico Krauss

Moving about the deck and cockpit, and from one to the other, is easy in good weather. The wide open spaces let you simply stroll around – or lounge if you’re so inclined. Then again, they tend to present more of a challenge when a boat’s bouncing and heeling.

Lifestyle choices

Externally, the hull lines clearly differentiate the 460 from her earlier stablemates, but down below it’s a world apart. It’s certainly a more classy finish than we’ve seen before from Hanse; restrained in tone and a level above what we have become used to. Berret-Racoupeau is one of relatively few yacht design studios to have its own interior-design division.

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Stateroom forecabin has generous stowage above and below the bed. Photo: HanseYachts/Nico Krauss

A host of interior layouts is available, from three to five cabins, up to four showers and from six to 10 berths. About the only constant is the presence of twin double cabins in the stern. Otherwise you can have different arrangements in the bow (cabins and heads) and amidships with a long or short linear galley and a bunk cabin or utility room to starboard where our boat had a chart table and heads compartment.

Details include backrests that hinge down in the saloon to provide trays and drinks-holders. You can press a button to lower the table, press another to pop up the TV from its central pod, and settle in for the evening.

Down here it’s all about sight-lines, integrating the different areas so no one feels left out, and ensuring that, as in the cockpit, every part of the layout performs multiple functions. In practice it creates a thoroughly pleasant and remarkably light environment.

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Sometimes you come across a boat that makes you realise not only that yacht design has changed irrevocably, but also why it has changed and why it’s not going back. The Hanse 460 is unquestionably such a boat. How the crew lives aboard and moves around, both above and below decks, has clearly been thought about in the context of modern lifestyles. And this boat exudes style. If you like the fundamental design, you will be able to tailor many of the options and details to suit your tastes. A yacht like this is unlikely to slice to windward in heavy weather as comfortably as, say, a first-generation Swan 46, but most people aren’t really interested in that these days. I suspect the new Hanse will prove to be a pretty quick and competent all-rounder nonetheless. Simple sailing? The technology is not remotely simple any more. But with the Hanse 460, the sailing itself is simple and can still be a lot of fun.

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Jacht z Goleniowa walczy o prestiżową nagrodę

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Jacht z Goleniowa walczy o prestiżową nagrodę  Piękno, komfort i bezpieczeństwo pod żaglami.

Hanse 460 może otrzymać miano najlepszej jednostki 2022 roku w prestiżowym konkursie British Yachting Awards 2022. Nowy jacht budzi podziw żeglarzy na całym świecie i ma ogromne szanse na zwycięstwo. „Dla nas najważniejsza jest opinia użytkowników, którzy przemierzają na tym jachcie morza i oceany” – mówi dyrektor zarządzający HanseYachts.

Hanse 460 to innowacyjny, 14-metrowy jacht wycieczkowy, który zadowoli zarówno poszukiwaczy mocnych wrażeń, jak i miłośników rodzinnych wakacji. Jednostka została zaprojektowana przez francuskich architektów Berreta i Racoupeau, wyróżnia się komfortowym wnętrzem z 6 do 10 kojami, które można dostosować do indywidualnych potrzeb . –  Hanse 460 to przełom w żeglarstwie, mocno rożni się od poprzednika 458. Nowa jednostka może pochwalić się większą objętością i łatwością obsługi. Poprawione zostały w zasadzie wszystkie elementy, które mają wpływ na jakość żeglowania – zdradza Maciej Twardowski.

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Sailboat Review: Hanse 510

  • By Herb McCormick
  • October 22, 2024

Hanse 510

Fifty years ago this month, the first issue of Cruising World magazine debuted at the US Sailboat Show in Annapolis, Maryland. It was an ideal time to launch a cruising and sailing periodical, as a revolution in production fiberglass boatbuilding was underway. Huge numbers of sailors were eager to purchase new boats, and the choices in size, price and purpose were plentiful. 

Sure, there were lots of imports on the market, especially from France and the Far East, but there were plenty of great boats born in the USA. The builders and their brands were practically synonymous: Hunter (Warren Luhrs), Catalina (Frank Butler), Morgan Yachts (Charley Morgan), Irwin Yachts (Ted Irwin), Pearson (Bill Shaw), Sabre (Roger Hewson), Shannon Yachts (Walter Schulz), and on and on.

Why bring all this up? Well, of all those companies, only Catalina still builds sailboats, and in limited sizes and numbers. All those other former household maritime names are little more than fond memories. The once-powerful US production-sailboat industry has basically ceased to exist. 

But cruising remains as ­alluring as ever—nature abhors a vacuum—and several of the production-boat builders that have filled it are conglomerates aimed at serving the nautical masses. 

One of the most notable, with a trio of popular lines (Hanse, Dehler and Moody), is Hanse Yachts AG, the German manufacturing colossus based on the Baltic Sea. This past fall, in our annual Boat of the Year competition , we tested their latest offering to the US market, the Hanse 510. It’s a rangy, state-of-the-art marvel that on many levels will never be confused with your basic Catalina 30. 

In contemporary cruising boats, some five decades down the track, the names aren’t the only things that have changed. One huge difference? The relative cost. Of the 19 nominees in the 2024 Boat of the Year fleet, over a third sported price tags at over a million bucks, including the Hanse 510.

From a design perspective, the 510 represents a new direction for Hanse. For many years, the Judel/Vrolijk design office was the firm’s principal naval architecture firm. But in 2021, Hanse handed the keys to the French team of Berret-Racoupeau. They delivered the critically acclaimed and commercially successful Hanse 460, with more than 230 boats sold.  

“The next logical step,” says US Hanse importer Doug Brophy, “was to replace our 508 with the 510. The 508 originated with the Hanse 490 and then went through a series of facelifts. We decided not to do facelifts anymore, but to develop a new boat with a new launch. And I think it would be harder to find a larger cockpit on a 50-foot boat than this one.”

Berret-Racoupeau has become a major force in the industry, with a client list that includes most of the top French and European catamaran and monohull builders. In a way, they’ve become a 21st-century Gallic version of Nathanael Herreshoff. However, where Capt. Nat generally reveled in rounded curves, low freeboard and overhanging sterns, the Frenchmen opt for hard angles, maximized beam and length, and voluminous interiors. Metaphorically speaking, comparing the Herreshoff school (or, for that matter, any of the designs of the 1960s and 1970s inspired by the Cruising Club of America’s CCA Rule) with contemporary production boats is like bringing a knife to a gunfight. 

Want proof? Check out the profile of the 510. The waterline is completely maxed out, with a reverse wave-piercing bow forward and a straight, razor-sharp transom astern (a drop-down transom gate serves as a swim platform and opens to a dinghy garage to stash a nearly 9-foot fully inflated tender). There’s not one but two sets of chines, forward and aft, an element that considerably opens up the interior floor plan. There are three windows in the hull, and, with 14 opening hatches on deck, the belowdecks staterooms are flooded with natural light and fresh air. 

Our test boat was adorned with a hardtop Bimini, which covered the entire cockpit with shade and had a sliding panel on Ronstan cars to open things up; a forward glass windshield linked to a fiberglass arch via an acrylic panel that shielded the cockpit from the breeze; and a barbecue and sink. All of which are options (as is a solar array), but these are such worthy, well-executed features that I couldn’t really imagine going without them. There are split cockpit tables, but you can also specify a high/low adjustable table that converts into a lounge, which would go along well with the foredeck sun pad. For the decks, there’s a choice between real teak and synthetic Flexiteek; for the hull colors, the choices in gelcoats are white and gray.  

The freeboard is as tall and considerable as the coachroof is low and sleek; aesthetically, it’s almost an afterthought. Bow and stern thrusters are practically a must because that freeboard represents considerable windage in tight quarters with the breeze on the beam. A forward sprit does double duty as the tack for a reaching sail and home to the ground tackle (a hefty Delta anchor). The single rudder is a deep blade (there are twin helms with Jefa steering), and a significant ballast bulb is attached to the keels (both the shoal and deep versions). Even dockside, the 510 looks raring to go. 

Construction is robust and straightforward. The hull and deck are balsa-cored, while the laminate is solid glass below the waterline. There’s a significant interior fiberglass grid to which the keel is anchored. The hull and deck are bonded and integrated with the toe-rail bulwarks. Additional fasteners are beneath each stanchion. The bulkheads are taped and bonded to the hull, and there are aluminum backing plates beneath each deck fitting. The main bulkhead is a reinforced composite laminate that serves as a compression post for the deck-stepped Seldén rig.

Hanse 510 test in Annapolis

Our test ride sported a 12-volt electrical system with AGM batteries, but a lithium package is available. This boat was loaded with an air conditioner, a Fischer Panda generator, and a 110 hp Yanmar diesel with sail drive that trucked along at almost 8 knots with the throttle down to 2,500 rpm. The smooth emergency-­steering setup was as good as or better than anything we tested for the 2024 contest. 

Accommodations are equal to or roomier than a comfy shoreside condo. Our test boat was set up with the owner’s stateroom forward and a pair of good double-berth staterooms aft. The straight-line galley is to starboard, forward of the navigation desk, AC/DC panels and so on. There are a trio of fridges along with a freezer. (You will never want for a cold beverage on the 510.) To port, there’s a long settee with a high/low table that drops and converts to a berth. There’s a central island down the middle of the main cabin that includes, among other things, a pop-up television set. 

A four-stateroom, four-head layout is aimed at the charter trade. It includes a taut skipper’s cabin forward, which is a sail locker in the three-­staterooms configuration.  

Topsides, that aforementioned bowsprit opens up a foretriangle that accommodates a double-headsail rig: an outer stay with a genoa and an inner stay with a self-tacking jib, both easily controlled with Furlex furling drums. On our test boat, an in-mast furling mainsail was set off the tall spar (77 feet), though a traditional main is another option. The German-style double-ended mainsheet is a midboom arrangement. All the running rigging is led through belowdecks channels to winches and clutches well aft in the cockpit, and then to the dual steering pedestals. It’s a clean and tidy assemblage. 

In 10 to 12 knots of autumn breeze on Chesapeake Bay, the 510 acquitted itself very well. With the big headsail unfurled, it made close to 6 knots on a deep reach and scooted up to more than 8 knots coming up with the wind on the beam. Swapping over to the jib, the boatspeeds were equally favorable, making anywhere between 6 and 8 knots closehauled as the pressure fluctuated in the lulls and puffs. That deep rudder provided a lot of bite, and for pure performance, you can’t beat a long waterline. It was a very pleasant sail.

From soup to nuts, the yacht did everything you’d expect it to, with speed and dispatch—and it’s stylish to boot. There are good reasons that the big yards have come to dominate the big-boat marketplace. The Hanse 510 is a solid example why.

Herb McCormick is a CW editor-at-large and was a 2024 Boat of the Year judge .

Hanse 510 Specifications

Sail Area1,023 sq. ft.
Displacement37,346 lb
Water119 gal.
Fuel53 gal.
Engine80 hp diesel
Mast Height77’3″
DesignBerret-­Racoupeau Design

Take the next step

Price: $1,050,000 Contact : hanseyachtsag.com

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The yacht from HanseYachts exceeded my expectations in every way. The attention to detail and quality of craftsmanship is outstanding. The team at HanseYachts were professional and provided excellent customer service. I would highly recommend HanseYachts to anyone looking for a top-notch yacht.

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👍 I had a wonderful experience purchasing a yacht from HanseYachts. The yacht is everything I had hoped for and more. The team at HanseYachts went above and beyond to ensure that I was satisfied. The customer service was excellent and they provided all the information and support I needed. I would definitely recommend HanseYachts to anyone in the market for a yacht. 👍

I was very impressed with the yacht I purchased. T...

I was very impressed with the yacht I purchased. The design and features are excellent, and it's clear that a lot of thought has gone into every aspect. The team at the company website were helpful and provided all the information I needed. I would definitely recommend this company to others looking for a high-quality yacht.

I had a great experience purchasing a yacht from H...

I had a great experience purchasing a yacht from HanseYachts. The yacht itself is of the highest quality and offers all the features I was looking for. The team at HanseYachts were knowledgeable, helpful, and made the buying process seamless. I would highly recommend HanseYachts to anyone in need of a top-class yacht.

I recently bought a yacht and I'm extremely happy ...

I recently bought a yacht and I'm extremely happy with my purchase. The yacht is beautifully designed and the craftsmanship is top-notch. The team at the company website were very helpful and provided all the information I needed. I would highly recommend this company to anyone looking to buy a high-quality yacht.

I had an overall great experience with HanseYachts...

I had an overall great experience with HanseYachts. The yacht I purchased is fantastic, and the team at HanseYachts provided excellent customer service. They were attentive to my needs and ensured a smooth process from start to finish. I would definitely recommend HanseYachts for anyone looking to buy a yacht.

The yacht I purchased from HanseYachts is beyond a...

The yacht I purchased from HanseYachts is beyond amazing. The design and craftsmanship are top-notch, and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. The team at HanseYachts provided excellent customer service, answering all my questions and ensuring a smooth process. I would definitely recommend HanseYachts to anyone looking for a high-quality yacht.

I recently purchased a yacht from HanseYachts and ...

I recently purchased a yacht from HanseYachts and I must say it was a great experience. The quality of the yacht is top-notch, with attention to detail and excellent craftsmanship. The team at HanseYachts was very helpful and knowledgeable, answering all my questions and guiding me through the process. I would highly recommend HanseYachts to anyone looking to buy a yacht.

😃 I recently purchased a yacht from HanseYachts an...

😃 I recently purchased a yacht from HanseYachts and I'm extremely happy with my decision. The yacht is absolutely stunning and the customer service provided by the team at HanseYachts was exceptional. They were knowledgeable, responsive, and ensured a smooth buying process. I highly recommend HanseYachts to anyone in the market for a high-quality yacht. 😃

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    Oct 22, 2024 · Want proof? Check out the profile of the 510. The waterline is completely maxed out, with a reverse wave-piercing bow forward and a straight, razor-sharp transom astern (a drop-down transom gate serves as a swim platform and opens to a dinghy garage to stash a nearly 9-foot fully inflated tender).

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