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Letho of Gulet , also known as The Kingslayer , was a witcher from the School of the Viper . His closest associates were Auckes , Serrit , and a fourth Viper—fellow kingslayers and witchers from the School of the Viper. Letho enlisted the help of Iorveth and the Scoia'tael to assist him in his plan to assassinate the kings of the Northern Kingdoms .

  • 1.1 Killing kings
  • 1.2 On the run
  • 2.1 Journal entry
  • 3.1 Hero Presentation
  • 3.3 Weapons
  • 4.1 Journal entry
  • 4.2 Associated quests
  • 9 References
  • 10 External links

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Biography [ ]

Letho's origins are not well-documented, and it is unknown if he actually hailed from Gulet . As a child, he ended up at the School of the Viper, where he was trained, underwent the Trial of the Grasses , and became a witcher. Here, he was also educated in the school's repository of knowledge on the Wild Hunt .

After becoming a witcher, the Viper School eventually fell into ruin. The Usurper demanded the school's submission, and when they refused, the Nilfgaardian Army laid siege to and destroyed Gorthur Gvaed after a costly battle. The remaining witchers were scattered across the Empire, becoming internal exiles forbidden from entering most cities, forcing Letho and his brothers into hiding. [1]

Letho once pursued a bounty on a wanted man named Louis in Aedirn. Struggling to find simple contracts, he decided to hunt Louis for the reward. He tracked Louis to the Golden Hanged Man in Hagge and captured him. However, when the guard post was closed until dawn, the two conversed and became friends, leading Letho to release him. [2]

On July 25, 1270 , in the forests of Angren , Letho was near death after being struck by a slyzard 's tail. Geralt of Rivia , a witcher from the School of the Wolf , found and saved him while chasing the Wild Hunt to rescue Yennefer . In gratitude, Letho informed Geralt where to find the Wild Hunt and, alongside his companions, traveled with him to track down the spectral riders. They eventually caught up with the Wild Hunt on the Winter Solstice at the Hanged Man's Tree in Nilfgaard. Despite their skills, they couldn't defeat the spectral warriors, leading to a stalemate. Geralt then offered himself in exchange for Yennefer.

Respecting Geralt's sacrifice, Letho and his companions took care of Yennefer. However, she was suffering from amnesia, causing trouble for the group. While they traveled constantly to avoid attention, they were eventually detained and imprisoned. Later, Emperor Emhyr var Emreis offered Letho a deal: sow chaos in the North by assassinating key rulers, blaming the Lodge of Sorceresses for the chaos, in exchange for the restoration of the Viper School.

Killing kings [ ]

King Esterad Thyssen of Kovir and Poviss was initially Letho's first target, but this changed when he encountered Síle de Tansarville , who contracted him to assassinate King Demavend III and helped organize the assassination. In 1271 , Letho infiltrated Demavend's ship on the Pontar and used a Northern Wind -based capsule to freeze most of the ship, killing nearly everyone aboard except for a few protected by Abelard of Hagge 's counterspell. Letho then slaughtered the remaining guards and decapitated the king, keeping the head as proof. Following Síle's suggestion, Letho sought out Iorveth, securing an alliance with the Scoia'tael to assist in assassinating other Northern kings.

Because the kingslayers' first attempt on King Foltest's life failed due to Geralt's presence, which resulted in the would-be assassin 's death, Letho planned a second attempt on the Temerian monarch's life with Iorveth, while remaining out of Síle's or anyone else's reach. Aware of the imminent siege at La Valette Castle , Letho decided to disguise himself as a monk guarding the king's children—a ruse he maintained by framing himself as a tortured monk and then killing the monk that had treated him. After successfully taking over the castle, Foltest appeared with Geralt, who was now acting as his bodyguard. The king asked Geralt to give him and the children some space, and with his back turned, Geralt heard the attack too late as Letho revealed himself just after killing Foltest. Letho then fled out of a window, escaping with the help of the Scoia'tael, leaving Geralt wrongly accused of regicide. Shortly after this assassination, Letho attempted to betray Iorveth by turning one of his lieutenants against him. When the elf refused, Letho killed his entire unit to cover his tracks and left Ciaran to be captured by Flotsam 's guards.

Geralt, now aware of Letho's betrayal, tried to expose him by leading Iorveth to the kingslayer. However, the Scoia'tael were attacked by the Blue Stripes , leading to a battle between Geralt and Letho. Letho prevailed but spared Geralt, revealing that Geralt had once saved his life, and they were now "even." Letho then kidnapped Triss Merigold and forced her to teleport them to Aedirn, killing Cedric in the process.

In Vergen , Letho abandoned Triss and regrouped with Serrit and Auckes. Knowing the Scoia'tael would soon learn of his betrayal, the trio massacred them, leaving only one survivor. Hearing about the upcoming summit at Loc Muinne , Letho headed there, entrusting Serrit and Auckes with assassinating King Henselt or to act as cover while he escaped when their hideout was discovered.

If Geralt didn't save Triss: Letho rescued her from the Nilfgaardians in Geralt's stead. While he was successful in rescuing the sorceress, he was ultimately captured and brought before the kings at the summit, where he revealed that he had killed Foltest and Demavend, and that he had cooperated with the Lodge to accomplish this. When the dragon Saesenthessis attacked, Letho managed to escape.

Knowing that Síle had become a liability, Letho sabotaged her megascope by replacing one of the crystals with a flawed one. Unless Geralt intervenes, Letho is successful, and Síle dies in the resulting explosion. Afterwards, the kingslayer waited in the center of the Temerian Quarter in Loc Muinne to speak with his former companion. Letho offered Geralt vodka, explained his deal with the emperor, the fate of Yennefer, and all that he knew about the Wild Hunt.

If Geralt fights Letho: the two engaged in a final battle, with Geralt ultimately defeating Letho and killing him.

If Geralt lets Letho go: the two parted ways, believing they'd never see each other again.

On the run [ ]

If Geralt let Letho live: Having succeeded in tearing the North apart, Letho learned afterwards that it was all for naught, with Emperor Emhyr not only going back on his word to restore the School of the Viper but, as Letho was now a living witness to the emperor's plans, the witcher was a liability and assassins were sent after him. With a high price on his head and bounty hunters chasing him everywhere, Letho traveled around, not staying anywhere too long, before he dropped in at the abandoned Reardon Manor in Velen in 1272 . Coincidentally, Geralt was in the area as well on unrelated business.

If Geralt doesn't help him out: the two parted ways, with Letho heading off to take care of his business by himself.

If Geralt helps him out: Letho and Geralt talked for a bit, with Letho explaining his "on the run" situation before a group of scouts arrived, no doubt sent to see if Letho was there. After the two witchers killed them off, Letho asked his former friend for help in dealing with the bounty hunters and the two set out together to track down Louis , an acquaintance of Letho's and the only one who knew where the witcher was hiding, having recommended the manor to Letho. It turned out that Louis sold him out and, not one to forgive such actions, Letho left him to die. He then had Geralt follow him to Lindenvale and told Geralt that whatever happened next, to not interfere, before throwing a bomb at a nearby barn, causing it to explode and several armed bounty hunters to run out of a nearby hut. After a short conversation between Letho and the group's leader, Arnout Vester , one of the bounty hunters shot a crossbow at the witcher and he attacked, killing off six of them before falling over, seeming dead. Letho woke up sometime later, with Geralt waiting nearby, having sensed on closer inspection that Letho had used a substance to only make it appear that he died.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings [ ]

Journal entry [ ].


The Witcher Battle Arena [ ]

TWBA hero letho

Letho of Gulet was one of the playable heroes in the now defunct MOBA and had a lot of interesting weapons, skills, and skins. He was a warrior class hero.

Hero Presentation [ ]


Weapons [ ]

The witcher 3: wild hunt [ ].

Tw3 journal letho

Associated quests [ ]

  • The Fall of the House of Reardon (proximity)
  • Ghosts of the Past
  • The Battle of Kaer Morhen (dependent)
  • Blood on the Battlefield (dependent)
  • Letho is derivred from Greek name λήθω meaning "hidden" or "forgotten". [4]
  • According to Arnout Vester, Letho's bounty is enough to buy an estate in Kovir .
  • In The Witcher 3 , Letho talks about heading to Zerrikania if not asked to go to Kaer Morhen, citing a possible reason that it's a matriarchy and he's always had a deep belief "that it's women who should rule the world." Whether this was in jest or what he really thinks, however, is uncertain.

Iorveth meets Kingslayer

Gallery [ ]


References [ ]

  • ↑ The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
  • ↑ The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • ↑ Letho of Gulet – hero presentation
  • ↑ https://www.behindthename.com/name/leto

External links [ ]

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  • The Witcher
  • 2 Geralt of Rivia
  • 3 Wolf School Gear

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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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Letho of Gulet

  • 2 Voice Lines
  • 3 Witcher links
  • 4 Patch changes

Ability [ ]

Deploy: If Auckes is in your hand, Lock an enemy unit. If Serrit is in your hand, damage an enemy unit by 3. If both are in your hand, Lock a unit and damage it by 3.

Voice Lines [ ]

  • https://gwent.fandom.com/wiki/File:Letho_1.ogg And I'll behave, I promise.
  • https://gwent.fandom.com/wiki/File:Letho_2.ogg Goddamn fools.
  • https://gwent.fandom.com/wiki/File:Letho_3.ogg I'm comin' for you.
  • https://gwent.fandom.com/wiki/File:Letho_4.ogg Yeah. Improvise.

Witcher links [ ]

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Patch changes [ ]

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Mastering the Game with Letho of Gulet in Gwent

Gwent game screenshot with Letho's card and details

  • by Edwin K Brown
  • Posted on 2023-07-17

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game, being an online digital collectible card game, has offered a remarkable range of characters, each with their unique abilities. A character from the Nilfgaardian faction that has created ripples in the gameplay is the infamous Letho of Gulet. Letho, a Witcher from the School of the Viper, is a powerful and tricky card that can bring significant changes to the gameplay when used correctly.

The Art of Letho of Gulet in Gwent

Letho is essentially an 8-point unit card that belongs to the Nilfgaardian Empire faction. He is a Gold card, which means that he cannot be targeted by many types of control cards. This Witcher is no ordinary card, as he comes with a unique ability:

  • Deploy: Banish a unit from your opponent’s graveyard;
  • Deathwish: If Letho is destroyed, he banishes a card from your graveyard.

With such unique abilities, Letho not only shakes the opponent’s graveyard but also challenges the player to plan strategically to maximize his use.

Letho in Gameplay: Tactics and Strategies

Gwent game screenshot featuring Letho in battle

Letho of Gulet’s strength lies in his ability to disrupt the opponent’s gameplay by banishing a card from their graveyard. This ability is particularly potent against decks that rely heavily on the graveyard for their strategies. Letho can single-handedly change the tide of the game by denying the opponent key cards they were planning to resurrect or reuse.

Here are some crucial strategic points to remember while playing with Letho of Gulet:

  • Timing is everything: Knowing when to play Letho can make all the difference. Optimal use often involves waiting until the opponent has played a card they would likely want to resurrect later;
  • Use with other cards: Some cards, such as ‘Assire var Anahid’, can return cards from the graveyard;
  • They can be used to return Letho to your deck, allowing you to use his powerful ability more than once;
  • Letho’s deathwish: Be cautious of Letho’s deathwish ability. If he’s destroyed, he will banish a card from your graveyard, which can disrupt your strategies if not planned accordingly.

Utilizing Letho of Gulet in Decks

Understanding the full potential of Letho requires a thorough knowledge of deck-building strategies. His abilities can greatly benefit decks focusing on graveyard disruption or removal. Here are some examples:

  • Nilfgaard Mill Decks: In these decks, Letho can provide additional milling, disrupting the opponent’s game plan;
  • Control Decks: Control decks that focus on denying the opponent’s resources can greatly benefit from Letho’s ability to remove key cards from the game permanently;
  • Decks with graveyard interactions: Decks that bring back cards from the graveyard can strategically use Letho’s deathwish to banish less useful cards, ensuring the availability of key cards for later rounds.

With his unique ability and game-changing potential, Letho of Gulet is indeed a game-changer in Gwent. As an integral part of a well-constructed deck, he can completely disrupt opponents’ strategies, providing a significant advantage for the player using him. However, it’s crucial to remember that like all powerful cards, Letho requires strategic planning and skillful use to fully exploit his potential. This Witcher from the School of the Viper undoubtedly brings an exciting and challenging aspect to the world of Gwent: The Witcher Card Game.

Letho of Gulet is a Legendary card, which makes it one of the most powerful and rare cards in the game.

Yes, Letho of Gulet can banish any unit card, regardless of its strength or abilities.

Upon destruction, Letho’s deathwish activates, and he banishes a card from your graveyard.

Yes, with careful play and the use of cards like ‘Assire var Anahid’, it is possible to use Letho’s ability more than once in a game.

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game, being an online digital collectible card game, has offered a remarkable range of characters, each with their unique abilities. A character from the Nilfgaardian faction that has created ripples in the gameplay is the infamous Letho of Gulet. Letho, a Witcher from the School of the Viper, is a powerful…

Understand and Strategize with the Avallac’h Card in Gwent

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  • cloud_download ‣ I'm comin' for you.
  • cloud_download ‣ And I'll behave, I promise.
  • cloud_download ‣ Goddamn fools.
  • cloud_download ‣ Yeah. Improvise.

letho of gulet card

Witcher Wiki

Letho of Gulet (gwent card)

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Letho of Gulet 

Close combat
Hero : Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.

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in-game card

in-game card

The best Witcher 3 Gwent Cards, Hero Cards and where to find them

If you're going to play Gwent here's where to get the best cards

Witcher 3 Best Gwent Cards hero cards

The best Witcher 3 Gwent cards and hero cards give you a huge advantange in the in-game game. And knowing where to find them and get them all is a big deal if you're trying to play some pro level Gwent. There are over 100 unique cards to collect and you'll need some top level options if you enter the tougher Gwent matches in The Witcher 3 . Hero Cards, on the other hand, give you unique abilities that turn a game around with a single card.

Basically if you're playing Gwent in The Witcher 3 then you need to find these cards and this guide will help you. Not only will it point you to where you can you find the best cards, but it will also outline Hero Cards, what they do and what are worth having in your deck.

Why The Witcher 3 Gwent Hero Cards are so Strong 

witcher 3 hero cards

The Witcher 3 Gwent Hero Cards are one-of-a-kind cards that have special abilities that can offer a large amount of strength, and aren't affected by any Special Cards, Weather Cards, or abilities. So if your opponent plays a Weather Card, the strength of your Hero Cards on the battlefield won't be lowered. There's a flip side to this though where if you use a Commander’s Horn to boost the strength of your units, any of your Hero Cards on the battlefield will not have their strength doubled.

It merans it's important to use them wisely, such as when you think your opponent may use one of their Special Cards, and not just playing a Hero Card as soon as you draw it. Similarly, you want to make good use of any of the abilities on your cards. For example, Ermion’s special ability “triggers the transformation of all Berserker Cards on the same row.” So, it wouldn’t be much use to play Ermion when you don’t have any Berserker Cards or if your Berserker Cards are split across multiple rows.

These cards can vastly change how a round plays out. They can force your opponent to skip, allow you to claw your way back from a bad first round, or lull your opponent into a false sense of security, surprising them with a powerful card at the end of a round.

Where to find Witcher 3 Hero Cards and the abilities they have

Where to find Witcher 3 Hero Cards

The Witcher 3 has a total of 25 Hero Cards for you to find by completing quests, playing Gwent with Merchants, and exploring buildings. Below are all 25 Hero Cards (and 1 regular card), the abilities they possess, and where you can find them.

Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon

letho of gulet card

  • Row : Close Combat
  • Strength : 15
  • Hero : Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
  • Found : Won from the Scoia’tael merchant during the ‘Gwent: Big City Players’ Quest in Novigrad

letho of gulet card

  • Strength : 10
  • Found : Won from Crach an Craite during the ‘Gwent: Skellige Style’ Quest on The Skellige Isles.


letho of gulet card

  • Row: Ranged Combat
  • Strength: 10
  • Found : Won from Zoltan during the ‘Gwent: Old Pals’ Quest in Novigrad.

Esterad Thyssen

letho of gulet card

  • Found : Won from Sigismund Dijkstra during the ‘Gwent: Big City Players’ Quest in Novigrad.

Geralt of Rivia

letho of gulet card

  • Found: Won from Thaler during the ‘Gwent: Playing Thaler’ Quest in Novigrad.

letho of gulet card

  • Found : Random reward from Gwent players across the game’s regions.

letho of gulet card

  • Row : Ranged Combat
  • Found : Rewarded upon completing the ‘Shock Therapy’ Quest on The Skellige Isles.

Isengrim Faoiltiarna

letho of gulet card

  • Ability : Morale Boost - Adds +1 to all units on the row (excluding itself). Hero : Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
  • Found : Can be found on one of the Bandits in Zed’s house during the ‘A Dangerous Game’ Quest in Novigrad.

John Natalis 

letho of gulet card

  • Row: Close Combat
  • Found : Obtained from Earl during the ‘A Dangerous Game’ Quest in Novigrad.

letho of gulet card

  • Row : Ranged/Close Combat
  • Strength : 8
  • Ability : Agile - Can be placed in either the Close Combat or Ranged Combat rows. Morale Boost: Adds +1 to all units on the same row (excluding itself). Hero : Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.

letho of gulet card

  • Found : Won from Ermion during the ‘Gwent: Skellige Style’ Quest on The Skellige Isles.

Letho of Gulet

letho of gulet card

  • Found : Won from the Oreton Boatwright during the ‘Gwent: Velen Players’ Quest in Velen.

Menno Coehoorn

letho of gulet card

  • Row : Close Combat 
  • Ability : Medic - Allows you to choose one card from your discard pile to play instantly (excluding Hero and Special Cards). Hero : Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
  • Found : Won from the Innkeep at the Inn at the Crossroads location in Velen during the ‘Gwent: Playing Innkeeps’ Quest.

Morvran Voorhis

letho of gulet card

  • Row : Siege Combat
  • Found : Won from Marquise Serenity during the ‘Gwent: Big City Players’ Quest in Novigrad.

Mysterious Elf

letho of gulet card

  • Strength : 0
  • Ability : Spy -  Place on your opponent's battlefield (counts towards your opponent’s total) and draw 2 cards from your deck. Hero : Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
  • Found : Won from Gremist during the ‘Gwent: Skellige Style’ Quest on The Skellige Isles.

Philippa Eilhart

letho of gulet card


letho of gulet card

  • Found : Won from Vernon Roche during the ‘Gwent: Old Pals’ Quest in Novigrad.

Tibor Eggebracht

letho of gulet card

  • Hero : Not affected by any Special Cards or Abilities
  • Found : Won from Oliver at The Kingfisher location in Novigrad during the ‘Gwent: Playing Innkeeps’ Quest.

Triss Merigold

letho of gulet card

  • Strength : 7
  • Found : Won from Lambert during the ‘Gwent: Old Pals’ Quest in Novigrad.

Vernon Roche

letho of gulet card

  • Found : Won from Haddy during the ‘Gwent: Velen Players’ Quest in Velen.

Yennefer of Vengerberg

letho of gulet card

  • Ability : Medic - Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (No Hero or Special Cards). Hero : Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities.
  • Found : Won from Stjepan at The Alchemy location in Oxenfurt during the ‘Gwent: Playing Innkeeps’ Quest.


letho of gulet card

  • Ability : Summon Shield Maidens - Summons all available Shield Maidens to the battlefield. Hero: Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. 
  • Found : Won from the Innkeep at The Barrel and Bung Inn in the village of Flovive during the Blood and Wine expansion.

letho of gulet card

  • Ability : Mardroeme - Triggers the transformation of all Berserker cards on the same row. Hero: Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. 
  • Found : Won from the Innkeep in the village of Francollarts during the Blood and Wine expansion.

Kambi (Regular Card)

letho of gulet card

  • Ability : When Kambi is removed from the battlefield, it will summon the powerful Hemdall Hero Card.
  • Found : Won from the Armorer in the city of Beauclair during the Blood and Wine expansion.

letho of gulet card

  • Strength : 11
  • Found : Will spawn on the battlefield once the Blood and Wine expansion card Kambi is removed from the battlefield.

letho of gulet card

  • Found : Included in the starting deck from Count Monnier during the Blood and Wine expansion.

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letho of gulet card

Letho of Gulet

Witcher, *Lock

Witchers never die in their beds.

Spying . Apply Lock status to 2 units on this row, then Drain all their power.

Ciaran aep Easnillen , Donar an Hindar , Auckes , King Radovid V , Margarita of Aretuza , Morvudd , Letho of Gulet , Dimeritium Shackles

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Track Down Every Heroic Gwent Card in Witcher 3

Image of Kevin Thielenhaus Legacy Author

Stack Geralt’s deck with the most powerful Gwent cards available in The Witcher 3 with these hero card locations, showing you what it takes and where to go to make your hand even more unstoppable.

Developed by dwarves and refined over generations of play in taverns and salons, Gwent is the most popular game in the world of The Witcher 3 . Tons of people play, and sometimes victory makes life much, much easier. Playing a hand of Gwent can solve problems, resolve conflicts, or just help pass the time with Geralt’s old friends.

That’s why we’ve put together a list of difficult-to-find Hero cards. These special items are usually rewarded by defeating certain NPCs in the game of Gwent itself. See how to improve your faction with the locations below.

Gwent Hero Cards Locations Guide

Everyone in the world of The Witcher 3 plays the game of Gwent, and if you want to win hands you’ll want the best cards.

Hero cards are a rare commodity that are unaffected by weather status ailments. Usually these cards have huge strength ratings, making any deck stacked with hero cards a winner.

Northern Realms Hero Cards Locations

Esterad Thyssen :

  • Strength / Type / Special : 10 / Close / Hero (Standard)
  • Location : Won from Dijkstra in Novigrad.

John Natalis :

  • Location : Quest reward from Zoltan after completing the quest A Dangerous Game — quest becomes available after rescuing Dandelion and completing his side-quests.

Vernon Roche :

  • Location : Won from Haddy of Midcopse in Velen.

Philippa Eilhart :

  • Strength / Type / Special : 10 / Ranged / Hero (Standard)
  • Location : Random reward from Gwent games played with merchants or crafters.

Nilfgaardian Empire Hero Cards Locations

Letho of Gulet :

  • Location : Won from a Gwent player in the town of Oreton, Velen. The town is to the north of the Fyke Isle.

Menno Coehoorn :

  • Strength / Type / Special : 10 / Close / Hero (Medic)
  • Location : Won from the Innkeeper, owner of Inn at the Crossroads. Find the inn north of the Bloody Baron’s keep, between Heatherton and Mulbrydale.

Tibor Eggebracht :

  • Location : Won from Oliver, located at the Kingfisher tavern in Novigrad.

Morvran Voorhis :

  • Strength / Type / Special : 10 / Siege / Hero (Standard)
  • Location : Won from the Marquis Serenity, located in the Passiflora in Novigrad.

Scoia’tael Hero Cards Locations

Isengrim Faolitarnal :

  • Strength / Type / Special : 10 / Close / Hero (Morale Boost)

Bubbling Under in Astro Bot.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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Letho – Location and Related Quests

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Looking to get more ability points? See the locations for all Places of Power here: ・ Place of Power Locations Trying to make more coin as quickly as possible? See our Money Making Guide! ・ How to Make Money Fast Want to know the best early game builds and skills to invest in? We've got you covered! ・ Best Early Game Skills and Builds

This is a page on the character Letho in the game The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. Read on for Letho's location, basic information, and Quests in which Letho plays a role.

List of Contents

Letho – Basic Information and Location

Letho – related quests, letho – gwent card, related links.

Full Name Letho of Gulet
Profession Witcher
Location Reardon Manor / Kaer Morhen

Appearance and Voice Actor

Voice Actor Mark Lewis Jones
Race Human
Hair Color Bald
Eye Color Yellow
Height ?

・ Imperial Audience

・The Fall of the House of Reardon

・Ghosts of the Past

・ The Battle of Kaer Morhen

・ Blood on the Battlefield

No Gwent Card exists for this character so far.

Characters Header.png

letho of gulet card

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letho of gulet card

How to Complete Letho’s NPC Questline in The Witcher 3

Image of Ishmael Romero

Letho of Gulet is no stranger to those who’ve played The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. He was the main antagonist and the cause of most (if not all) of Geralt’s troubles in that game. Here’s how to complete Letho’s NPC questline in The Witcher 3.

The Witcher 3 Letho NPC Questline Walkthrough

Keep in mind this quest is only available in certain circumstances. It entirely depends on how you finished The Witcher 2, or the decision you made when establishing your world state in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt  during your little interview at Vizima, Letho can be alive in your game.

If you did happen to choose to let Letho live even after all that he did in the last game, you will come across him during the sidequest ‘The Fall of the House of Reardon (picked up from Lindenvale).’ A woman will ask you to check out her old estate that has been overrun by monsters. Once Geralt arrives, he will find a barn full of booby traps that you can either disarm or choose to ignore. Head to the back of the barn and fix the ladder so that you can climb up and reveal Letho hiding from some enemies.

Ghost of the Past Walkthrough

From there, you can decide to help Letho with those looking for him, which you should in order to trigger the ‘Ghost of the Past’ questline and see how this all ends. Jump down and show off your sword skills in order to help an old friend, of sorts. After slaying the groups of scouts, you will have the opportunity to ride with Letho to the old acquaintance who sold him out. Go ahead and take care of that traitor as well.

Letho will now take you to his last destination and that is where this particular The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt questline splits and Geralt will have some decisions to make. Letho will face a bounty hunter, but before doing so he asks that you not interfere no matter what happens. He then goes into battle solo where he falls to a crossbow. This is when Geralt must make his first decision: does he kill those who have slain his friend, or does he not interfere?

It turns out that Letho had this whole thing planned and was trying to fake his own death. If Geralt chooses to kill the bounty hunters then there are no witnesses to spread the woven tale, setting Letho free once and for all. Don’t worry though, if you did happen to go into a rage, murdering everyone before you, you still have one more opportunity to help Letho in The Witcher 3: Wild hunt. After spoiling his plan (that he should’ve just clued you in on), you can offer him a place at Kaer Morhen where he can find safe refuge.

It’s awesome to stumble across him, and even cooler to have the option of lending him a helping hand despite all he’s done in the past. Of course, the decision is ultimately up to you.

So how did you feel when you stumbled across the Witcher who almost ruined your life? Hopefully, you enjoyed this Letho questline walkthrough for The Witcher 3 . Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments

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  1. Letho of Gulet (gwent card)

    The Witcher. Letho of Gulet is a close combat gwent hero card in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and part of the Nilfgaardian Empire deck. Letho of Gulet.

  2. Collect them all

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  3. Letho

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  4. Letho of Gulet Hero Cards

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  5. Letho of Gulet (Gwent Card)

    Letho of Gulet is a Gwent Card in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. "Witchers never die in their beds." Card Information. Card Type: Close Combat; Faction: Nilfgaardian Empire; Card Strength: 10; Special Ability: Hero: Not affected by any Special Cards or abilities. Location

  6. TW3: Gwent Card Collector Guide!

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  7. Letho of Gulet

    Deploy: If Auckes is in your hand, Lock an enemy unit. If Serrit is in your hand, damage an enemy unit by 3. If both are in your hand, Lock a unit and damage it by 3. And I'll behave, I promise. Goddamn fools. I'm comin' for you. Yeah. Improvise. See this subject on The Witcher wiki: Letho See this subject on The Witcher wiki: Letho of Gulet (gwent card) Gwent Update: Feb 9, 2018: Name change ...

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    The Witcher 3: Winning the Letho of Gulet Gwent Card Buy the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt / Support CD Projekt Red: http://buy.thewitcher.com/ Follow me on:Twitte...

  9. Letho of Gulet

    Letho of Gulet - GWENT: The Witcher Card Game. How about a round of GWENT? PLAY FREE ON PC. This game offers in-game purchases. Play also on: Deploy: If Auckes is in your hand, Lock an enemy unit. If Serrit is in your hand, damage an enemy unit by 3. If both are in your hand, Lock a unit and damage it by 3.

  10. Letho of Gulet

    Letho is one of the most popular Witchers, so let's dive a bit into his lore and background story and let's see how he works in Gwent!Subscribe and join the ...

  11. Letho of Gulet in Gwent: Strategy, Usage, and Mastery

    Letho, a Witcher from the School of the Viper, is a powerful and tricky card that can bring significant changes to the gameplay when used correctly. The Art of Letho of Gulet in Gwent. Letho is essentially an 8-point unit card that belongs to the Nilfgaardian Empire faction.

  12. Letho of Gulet

    Card History Seasonal Modes Prestige Rewards Quiz Random Cards Support About. Letho of Gulet. Witcher. Deploy: If Auckes is in your hand, Lock an enemy unit. If Serrit is in your hand, damage an enemy unit by 3. If both are in your hand, Lock a unit and damage it by 3. Auckes. Witcher.

  13. Letho of Gulet (gwent card)

    in: Nilfgaardian Empire gwent deck cards, The Witcher 3 gwent. English. Letho of Gulet (gwent card) Letho of Gulet. "Witchers never die in their beds." Description. Deck. Nilfgaardian Empire Gwent deck. Type.

  14. The best Witcher 3 Gwent Cards, Hero Cards and where to find them

    The Witcher 3 Gwent Hero Cards have special abilities that can offer a large amount of strength, and aren't affected by any Special Cards, Weather Cards, or abilities. ... Letho of Gulet (Image ...

  15. How to use Letho of Gulet? : r/gwent

    Reply. [deleted] • 6 yr. ago. He has some cheesy af uses like Schackles -> Claveit or Bekkers but tbh the best use of letho is to counter your opponents play. Against SK eat axemens, queengards, Olgierd/Morkvarg, Skirmishers; NG: cow caracass, fake ciri or spies. Monsters: foglets, their consume targets, play him to get your board strenght to ...

  16. Letho of Gulet

    Letho of Gulet. Witcher, *Lock. Witchers never die in their beds. Spying.Apply Lock status to 2 units on this row, then Drain all their power. *Lock: Ciaran aep Easnillen, Donar an Hindar, Auckes, King Radovid V, Margarita of Aretuza, Morvudd, Letho of Gulet, Dimeritium Shackles

  17. [Daily} Gwent Card Discussion #46

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    Walkthrough. Ghosts of the Past is a Side Quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. In this quest, Geralt encounters the former Witcher Letho. In order to complete this quest, you must have spared Letho ...

  20. Letho

    Read on for Letho's location, basic information, and Quests in which Letho plays a role. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Walkthrough & Guides Wiki ... Letho; Full Name: Letho of Gulet: Profession: Witcher: Location: Reardon Manor / Kaer Morhen ... ・The Battle of Kaer Morhen ・Blood on the Battlefield. Letho - Gwent Card. No Gwent Card exists for ...

  21. Does Letho of Gulet have any good use in a Nilfgaard deck?

    Letho's main advantage is a wider range of removal options to deal with him as a disloyal. Menno is the most obvious, but he is also vulnerable to Mardrome and Peter - both of these will destroy him since his reset value is 1. His disadvantages are numerous. As a gold, he's a one play card.

  22. How to Complete Letho's NPC Questline in The Witcher 3

    Letho of Gulet is no stranger to those who've played The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. He was the main antagonist and the cause of most (if not all) of Geralt's troubles in that game.

  23. Letho of Gullet : r/gwent

    Letho of Gullet. I think Letho, which is rarity is legendary, is very weak card because he can be very effective only in limited situations. The opponents must buff his non-golden units which is kinda of rare on ranked playlist, or he will become so useless that any Gold card is stronger than him. Plus you will definitely have card disadvantage ...