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Nouvelle aide allemande de 100 millions d'euros à l'Ukraine pour le secteur énergétique

L'Allemagne a annoncé mardi apporter une aide supplémentaire de 100 millions d'euros à l'Ukraine pour son approvisionnement énergétique, particulièrement ciblé par la Russie à l'approche de l'hiver.

"L'Ukraine va de nouveau affronter l'hiver en pleine guerre et Poutine se sert du froid comme une arme", constate le ministère allemand des Affaires étrangères sur X.

Caroline Loyer : Des banques russes s'installent en Ukraine - 17/09

"La Russie attaque délibérément l'approvisionnement en énergie et en chaleur de l'Ukraine. C'est pour cette raison que l'Allemagne apporte 100 millions d'euros supplémentaires à l'Ukraine pour son approvisionnement énergétique", écrit-il.

717 millions de dollars versés par les Etats-Unis

Les infrastructures énergétiques ukrainiennes ont été gravement endommagées par les bombardements russes, qui provoquent régulièrement des coupures de courant et font craindre un nouvel hiver difficile pour les Ukrainiens, après plus de deux ans et demi d'invasion des forces russes.

Kiev appelle sans cesse ses alliés occidentaux à l'aider à reconstruire son réseau électrique, un projet qui requiert d'importants investissements, et à lui fournir plus d'équipements de défense antiaérienne pour contrer les frappes de l'armée russe.

Mercredi dernier, le secrétaire d'Etat américain Antony Blinken avait annoncé à Kiev une nouvelle aide de 717 millions de dollars pour le secteur de l'énergie ukrainien, la fourniture d'eau potable et le déminage.

Depuis le début de l'invasion russe le 24 février 2022, l'Allemagne a fourni une aide totale d'environ 35 milliards d'euros, comme soutien humanitaire, paiements directs ou armes, selon le site du gouvernement allemand.

Ukraine-Russie: la guerre

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Croquis d'audience montrant Dominique Pelicot quittant la salle son box du tribunal d'Avignon, le 11 septembre 2024

Une prise en charge de Dominique Pelicot "retardée"? Comment sont soignés les détenus en France

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DIRECT. Nouveau gouvernement: Michel Barnier étudie des hausses d'impôts

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victory yacht for sale under five million

For sale: five yachts for sale under €5 million

Owning a luxury yacht doesn't have to cost you hundreds of millions. BOAT takes a closer look at five standout superyachts currently listed for sale for less than €5 million, including the yacht formerly owned by American singer-songwriter Billy Joel...

Length : 31.1m Builder : Cerri Cantieri Navali Year : 2018

Francesca was built under the Cerri Cantiere Navali brand (now owned by Baglietto ) and is unmistakable thanks to a striking gold-and-brown exterior by Tommaso Spadolini . Accommodation is across four cabins including an owner's suite elevated with abstract artwork, a VIP suite and two double cabins. An eye-watering top speed of 40 knots and storage for a Williams Jet Tender are also well worth noting. According to the broker, Francesca has only been used privately and has recently completed her five-year survey. 

Francesca is asking €4,500,000 with IYC.

Length : 25.2m Builder : Azimut 

Famiglia belongs to the Magellano 25 Metri series, characterised by retro-styled windows and Ken Freivokh's "chic and sophisticated" exterior lines. A fully glazed superstructure results in a penthouse-style master suite overlooking the sea, while the remaining three cabins reside on the lower deck. The bow area is another highlight, well set up for warm weather cruising with sofas that can be converted into sunbeds. Meanwhile, the sundeck provides two tiers of lounging with additional sunbeds, a bar aft, al fresco dining and a retractable sunroof for partial shade.

Famiglia is asking €4,200,000 with Ocean Independence.

Miss Sarah J

Length : 29m Builder : Inace

This Brazilian-built explorer-style yacht was delivered in 2003 and owned by American rockstar owner Billy Joel from 2008, where she was refitted specifically to undertake long voyages. Miss Sarah J features a helipad that can cater to a Robinson-style helicopter, a range of 5,000 nautical miles and a low fuel consumption of 90 litres an hour. Accommodation is across four cabins, including a master cabin with a desk and lounge area. There is further complement for three crew.

Miss Sarah J is asking €3,500,000 with Ocean Independence.


Length : 35m Builder : Codecasa

The broker has called Nightflower a "shining example of classic Italian design", delivered in 1987 and meticulously maintained since – with the most recent refits conducted in 2019, 2020, and 2021. Accommodation is across five cabins, including a spacious master suite on the main deck. Highlights include a well-equipped gym, a sundeck with loungers and sunpads and a range of water toys, including a 2021 SACS outboard tender. She is also an "exceptionally versatile" host, able to house up to 30 guests for quayside events.

Nightflower is asking €3,300,000 with Fraser.

Length : 31.1m Builder : Numarine

Victory belongs to the shipyard's highly-successful 102 RPH range with a bi-colour exterior sure to attract attention while on the water. Accommodation is across five cabins, including an owner's suite positioned forward of the main deck for prime visibility. The main saloon is Victory 's social hub, benefitting from the increased volume given by the model's pilothouse design and well-illuminated by oversized windows. Her flybridge has a four-person Jacuzzi, a bar and ample seating, a feature that makes her the "perfect charter yacht", according to the broker. 

Victory is asking €3,950,000 with Northrop & Johnson.

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Getir-Konkurrent: Lieferdienst Flink bekommt 100 Millionen Euro

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Flink bekommt in neuer Finanzierungsrunde 100 Millionen Euro

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Der Großteil des Geldes stammt von Investoren wie Bond, Mubadala und Rewe. Hinzu kommt ein Kredit. Mit dem frischen Kapital plant Flink weitere Standorte zu eröffnen.

Flink will 2025 profitabel werden.

Wie steht es um Flink? Eine Frage, die im Markt der Essenslieferdienste immer wieder auftaucht. Im März 2024 sagten Insider gegenüber dem Manager Magazin eine Übernahme durch Getir stünde bei Flink kurz bevor . Kurze Zeit später folgte die Meldung, Flink habe 100 Millionen US-Dolla r eingesammelt.

Jetzt stecken Investoren abermals frisches Kapital in den Lieferdienst: Rund 100 Millionen Euro (115 Millionen US-Dollar) soll Flink von ihnen bekommen. Hinzu kommen 31,5 Millionen Euro (35 Millionen US-Dollar) im Rahmen eines Kredits. Angeführt wurde die jüngste Finanzierungsrunde von den Bestandsinvestoren Bond, Mubadala , Northzone und Rewe. Auch neue Investoren sollen sich an der Runde beteiligt haben, welche das sind, verrät das Unternehmen allerdings nicht.

Bei der vergangenen Finanzspritze für Flink im April 2024 hat sich Großinvestor Mubadala nicht beteiligt. Mubadala Capital ist maßgeblich auch in den Wettbewerber Getir investiert und  soll seit Längerem  an einer Fusion seiner beiden Portfolio-Unternehmen interessiert sein.

yacht 100 millions d'euros

Flink rechnet mit Profitabilität 2025

„Mit der Unterstützung unserer Investoren treten wir in eine spannende neue Wachstumsphase ein. Diese Investition wird es uns ermöglichen, unsere Präsenz weiter auszubauen, die betriebliche Effizienz zu verbessern und weiterhin den schnellen und zuverlässigen Service zu bieten, auf den sich unsere Kunden verlassen“, lässt sich Oliver Merkel, Gründer und Geschäftsführer von Flink, zitieren. 

Laut eigenen Angaben werde Flink dieses Jahr mit einem Bruttoumsatz von 600 Millionen US-Dollar abschließen. Gegenüber zum Vorjahr sei dies ein Wachstum von 20 Prozent, einmalige Kosten für den Rückzug aus dem französischen Markt im vergangenen Jahr ausgenommen.

Bezogen auf Länderbasis habe Flink im Hinblick auf den Bruttogewinn den Break-even erreicht. Das Startup stellt in Aussicht, bis zum zweiten Quartal 2025 komplett profitabel zu sein. 

Flink habe außerdem eine Partnerschaft mit dem Restaurant-Lieferdienst Just Eat Takeaway.com abgeschlossen. Das Unternehmen hat seinen Sitz in Amsterdam, ist in Deutschland und Österreich besser bekannt unter dem Namen Lieferando .

Die Partnerschaft ist Teil der Wachstumsstrategie von Flink, zusammen mit der bereits bestehenden Partnerschaft mit Rewe. So wolle Flink seine Marktpräsenz in Deutschland und den Niederlanden erweitern. In den kommenden 12 Monaten plane Flink 30 neue Standorte zu eröffnen.

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Windward Islands Yachting Company

10 Yachts for Sale Under a Million

yacht 100 millions d'euros

Buying a pre-owned yacht offers the advantages of immediate availability and reduced cost compared to commissioning a new yacht. Also, the negotiation process saves money.

A luxury yacht that is already on the water also has a track record and charter history, which can be factored into your purchase decision. An existing vessel offers you the opportunity to refit her to your taste and needs, which is both faster and more cost effective.

We have selected for you our 10 yachts available for purchase for less than one million euros.

Catamaran Lagoon 620 : the comfort of a hotel for less than 1 million Euros

VPLP designed this luxury catamaran and paid particular attention to the details that make life on board a pleasure. A large number of windows brings natural light into every room; her large flybridge offers a 360° view and ample space for relaxation.

The Lagoon 620 is also the ideal boat for private crewed charter cruises. This catamaran is in a 6 cabin version, the future buyer should plan to add the necessary options to allow a suitable level of service for luxury charter. Our brokers will be there to advise you accordingly.

yacht 100 millions d'euros

: 2014
: 995 000 € (approx. $1 123 260)
: 63′
: 6 cabins
Available in

Fountaine Pajot MY 44 catamaran: a 44′ yacht for sale for 900K€

A motor yacht in perfect condition, designed for long and extended cruises while remaining comfortable in hers 20m² salon, a fully equipped kitchen, a master suite with a large flat screen TV, not to mention hers 12m² flybridge that offers a breathtaking 360° view.

With her volume and level of finish, the Foutaine Pajot MY 44 can easily compete with monohulls of 15 meters and more.

All options and in perfect condition, this MY 44 is an opportunity not to be missed!

yacht 100 millions d'euros

: 2020
: 900 000 € (approx. $1 016 014)
: 44′
: owner
Available in

Nautitech 47 Power : less than 1 million for the combination of comfort and speed

Careful and comfortable interiors. Large portholes surround the yacht and bring natural light into the large salon to enjoy a 360° view.

Hers XXL flybridge offers exceptional moments of relaxation with a large solarium, a lounge area with a bar and a steering position. The lines of the hull are optimized for a perfect finish, stability and comfort at sea whatever the speed.

The best finishes have been brought to the interior of this Nautitech 47 Power for an even higher quality. The proposed unit is in excellent condition!

yacht 100 millions d'euros

: 2020
: 830 000 € (approx. $936 991)
: 47′
: 3 cabins
Available in

Privilège 585: a best seller yacht for sale for less than a million

Comfortable and elegant, this magnificent catamaran is suitable for cruising in the Mediterranean or in tropical waters.

She has all the amenities of a modern cruising catamaran with the highest standards for safe, comfortable and relaxing cruising. Her interior is fully air-conditioned and has stylish beechwood furnishings and contemporary luxury, all with a magnificent panoramic view.

Built in 24 units, the PRIVILEGE 585 has established herself as a “Best Seller” in terms of build quality, finishing touches and cruising usage.

yacht 100 millions d'euros

/ : 2004/ 2018
: 790 000 € (approx. $891 834)
: 59′
: 5 cabins
Available in

Fountaine Pajot Queensland 55: a stable yacht for sale at less than 1 million

Built on the experience gained with the Cumberland 46, the Queensland 55 has everything you could want in a boat. Indeed, she has a huge salon, which combines dining room, kitchen and navigation room, a deck, a large flybridge, spacious cabins and lighting that creates a refined atmosphere.

Capable of sailing at an impressive speed, it is a real pleasure to maneuver this Queensland 55 .

yacht 100 millions d'euros

: 2010
: 785 000 € (approx. $886 190)
: 55′
: 5 cabins
Available in

Beneteau Oceanis 62 : a sailing yacht for sale below 800K€

First born of the range, the Oceanis Yacht 62 opens the door to a new art of sharing magical moments at sea. She is designed to be reassuring, balanced, maneuverable and elegant.

She is organized around a spacious saloon and private areas, bathed in light from the huge hull portholes.

This Oceanis 62 with hers luxurious design offers noble materials and exclusive cabinetry finishes.

yacht 100 millions d'euros

: 2022
: 729 000 € (approx. $822 971)
: 63′
: 3+3 or 4+2 cabins
Available in

Lagoon 50 catamaran : a sailing catamaran for less than 700K€

This new yacht comes between the unavoidable Lagoon 450 & Lagoon 52. She is the seductive option for sailors looking for a large and modern marine boat.

Thanks to hers new visual identity, hers new rigging, she offers increased performance with a unique signature.

Hers large living spaces and hers panoramic vision are more than ever highlighted on this Lagoon catamaran 50 . This brand new catamaran will need to be customised with the options of your choice. Our sale brokers can give you tips on the best ones to had for an optimal charter revenue.

yacht 100 millions d'euros

: 2023
: From 680 000 € (approx. $767 655)
: 49′
: 3,4,5 or 6 cabins
Available in

Lagoon 570 : space, luxury and comfort for sale at less than 600K€

She is one of the best Lagoon ever designed for those seeking balance of space, luxury, comfort and performance.

This yacht is the perfect travel vessel for an adventurer or a family. The hull is relatively slim, the bows are slim which allows her to sail smartly even in light breezes.

This Lagoon 570 was originally owned by Mr Yvan Beneteau. She has therefore benefited from a particular attention from the shipyard with carbon reinforcements in the beams for example.

yacht 100 millions d'euros

: 2007
: 550 000 € (approx. $620 897)
: 56′
: 4 cabins
Available in

Beneteau First Yacht 53: a performance sailing yacht for less than 500K€

This unit has been designed for the discerning owner and connoisseur for luxurious performance. The hull and helm balance provide a unique feeling, the circulation is fluid, the interiors are both marine and modern.

With the First Yacht 53 , the new First generation is on its way!

yacht 100 millions d'euros

: 2023
: 494 900 € (approx. $558 695)
: 57′
: 3+3 cabins
Available in

Lagoon Catamaran 440 : the affordable catamaran for sale at less than 400 K€

The architects added on this yacht the latest technological developments of cruising multihulls. At first glance, it is obvious that great care has been taken in hers design: the lines are long and elegant, the shapes are dynamic, the spaces are cleverly used and the ergonomics are optimal.

The salon is a superb living space and offers a 360° panoramic view. The large windows in the hull of this Lagoon 440 bring a lot of natural light and offer an unparalleled view of the outside world while remaining discreet.

yacht 100 millions d'euros

: 2010
: 396 000 € (approx. $447 046)
: 45′
: owner
Available in

Read also : Buying – Selling a yacht

There are many boats for sale on the market and you should find yours! If you haven’t found yet what you were looking for, do not hesitate to contact our team of professionals who will help you in your research.


10 yachts for sale under 4 millions euros, brokerage yacht market in 2023 : a review of key trends and developments, the 5 best sailing boats under 60 feet.

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Sport | Football

Enzo Maresca sends message to Estevao Willian ahead of Chelsea move

Chelsea head coach Enzo Maresca has confirmed the club are delighted with the development of Estevao Willian .

The teenager will next summer move to Stamford Bridge from Palmeiras for an initial £29m , though that could rise to as high as £51m if the criteria for various add-ons are met.

Should all the add-ons be met, Willian would become the most expensive Brazilian teenager in history.

Dubbed ‘Little Messi’ in his native Brazil, Willian is one of the most highly rated talents in South American football.

Brazilian great Neymar has tipped the 17-year-old to go on to big things , hailing him as a “genius” ahead of his Premier League switch next summer.

Blues bosses have consistently targeted young South American talent during their time in charge. The likes of Andrey Santos, Deivid Washington, Angelo and Kendry Paez have all been recruited, while Endrick was a target before his move to Real Madrid.

Willian has scored four goals while registering two assists in his last four games, taking his tally up to 15 goals and 10 assists in 41 appearances for the year thus far.

There is a belief Willian could go on to become a generational talent , although he will undoubtedly face competition for a starting berth at Chelsea next season.

yacht 100 millions d'euros

Asked about the player following Saturday’s 1-0 win over Bournemouth , Maresca said: “Yes, we are following him. He is doing fantastic - but, unfortunately, he is doing fantastic there and not with us.

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Chelsea player ratings vs Bournemouth: Robert Sanchez makes up for Axel Disasi disasterclass

"We are going to wait until next summer when he will arrive here but, for sure, we are very happy in the way he is doing these things."

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yacht 100 millions d'euros

EIC Scaling Club Members Raised 73 Million EUR in Advance of The Scale 100 Forum

  • Quantum Computing Business

Matt Swayne

September 17, 2024.

yacht 100 millions d'euros

Insider Brief

  • EIC Scaling Club members have raised over €73 million since April 2024, with scaleups aiming to increase their value by 40% over the next two years.
  • Quobly, the quantum computing startup that raised a 19 Million EUR seed round in 2023, has announced that they are currently raising a Series A round.
  • The next EIC Scaling Club event, set for October 21-22 in Athens, will announce a second cohort of scaleups and provide opportunities for networking, investor meetings, and business development.

PRESS RELEASE — EIC Scaling Club members have raised over 73M EUR in funding since the official launch of the programme in April, 2024, aimed at growing European deeptech startup value by 40%. 

The scaleups will be joined by the second cohort of club members, who will be announced at the Scale 100 Forum in Athens, Greece on October 21-22. Together they will make up approximately 120 scaleups within the EIC Scaling Club, who will be supported over a 2-year period to grow the companies’ value.

The largest deals of the period include: 

  • Axelera.ai , who raised 68M EUR for enabling hardware for the AI-age through fabless semiconductors  
  • .lumen who raised 5M EUR for developing motion-enhanced glasses for the visually impaired that replicate the benefits of a guide dog 

Many scaleups have already seen benefits from the EIC Scaling Club and its associated events, and additional funding rounds are on the horizon. For example, Quobly , the quantum computing startup that raised a 19M EUR seed round in 2023, has announced that they are currently raising a Series A round . Sweetch Technologies, who had previously secured 40M EUR in funding, are looking to raise between 150-200M EUR in the next three years. ThreatMark, who have raised 22M EUR so far, are raising a Series B round .

.lumen, who announced a 5M EUR round during the past 6-month period, shared that attending the event led to a business development opportunity:

“At the EIC Scaling Club launch event, we met a lot of people, and there was even one possible business opportunity that was born right at the event.  Someone at the event said that 20% of the companies selected for the Club will become unicorns. I never founded the company for money, but I know where I want to be – I want to be amongst these 20%.” – Cornel Amariei, Founder and CEO of .lumen

Meanwhile others have stated that the value of the EIC Scaling Club is from the networking and support network that it provides. XXII has stated “EIC is a big accelerator for us. We’re learning from mentors and other companies, even those in different sectors”, while Quobly ‘s team emphasized that the mentoring provides immense strategic value for further growth: 

“To attract the level of funding we’re looking for, we need to level up the way we communicate about our company and our mission. The EIC Scaling Club has already been amazing in coaching us to get to that point.” – Andrea Busch, Chief of Staff and Head of Communications at Quobly

The next EIC Scaling Club event will be held in Athens, Greece, on October 21-22. The second and final cohort of scaleups to join the Scaling Club will be announced at the venue. Participants will have the opportunity to network with peers, develop their pitching skills, meet with investors, liaise with European Commission representatives, and speak with media while attending the event.

The event will be immediately followed by the SPIN4EIC Maritime Climate Action matchmaking event , where startups that can have an impact in the maritime climate ecosystem as welcome to pitch. 

yacht 100 millions d'euros

Quantum Machine Learning Is The Next Big Thing

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Sifting through the Clouds: Polish Researchers Will Test the Utility of Quantum Algorithms for Satellite Imagery

Sifting through the Clouds: Polish Researchers Will Test the Utility of Quantum Algorithms for Satellite Imagery

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Keep track of everything going on in the Quantum Technology Market.

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Gabon : un plan d’appui budgétaire de 150 millions d’euros pour la SEEG

Gabon : un plan d’appui budgétaire de 150 millions d’euros pour la SEEG

(Agence Ecofin) - Le financement de 100 milliards FCFA est prévu pour revigorer la Société d'énergie et d'eau du Gabon en réglant plusieurs problèmes de fonctionnement internes qui plombent ses performances. L’État vise toujours à offrir aux populations un meilleur accès à l’eau et à l’électricité.

Le chef d’État gabonais, Brice Oligui Nguema, a décidé de recourir au secteur bancaire pour financer la Société d'énergie et d'eau du Gabon, confrontée à des difficultés d’ordres divers.

« Pour vous accompagner et sauver la maison, cela fait 3 jours que j’échange avec les banquiers. Ils me proposent un plan d’appui budgétaire pour la SEEG. Une enveloppe de 150 millions d’euros, soit 100 milliards FCFA, sera disponible dans un mois et demi » a-t-il ainsi annoncé le 12 septembre, aux principaux acteurs du secteur énergétique national, notamment la SEEG.

Chaque employé de la SEEG doit se mobiliser pour une gestion plus transparente et plus efficace afin de garantir aux populations un meilleur service. pic.twitter.com/qejGcwbZTW — Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema (@oliguinguema) September 13, 2024

Avec cette enveloppe, l’administrateur provisoire du concessionnaire de l'eau et de l'électricité au Gabon, en poste depuis début septembre, devra tenter de redresser cette structure et de lui éviter la faillite. Il devra notamment améliorer la gestion des infrastructures du réseau, dont la défaillance cause fréquemment des coupures du service, et lutter contre la fraude et les détournements qui engendrent des pertes substantielles.

« Chaque employé de la SEEG doit se mobiliser pour une gestion plus transparente et plus efficace afin de garantir aux populations un meilleur service » a exhorté le chef de l’Etat, selon des propos relayés par Le Nouveau Gabon .

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Bamako, la capitale malienne, attaquée par des hommes en arme


Guinée : 90 millions $ pour la construction de deux centrales solaires


Banque d’investissement, fonds de stabilisation : l’AES dévoile ses projets


Guinée, Côte d’Ivoire, Maroc, l’Afrique se bat contre la mpox : le point santé hebdomadaire


L'OMC lance l'initiative « Commerce des services pour le développement »

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Bezos soutient une initiative de 18 milliards $ pour le renouvelable en Afrique du Sud


Banque Atlantique se renforce à Ouagadougou avec une nouvelle agence à Kamboinsin


BluePeak Private réalise sa 1re opération dans l’agribusiness en Afrique


Metier investit dans le recyclage des câbles sous-marins en Afrique du Sud


Ghana : la contrebande aurait concerné 160 000 tonnes de cacao en 2023/2024 


Côte d’Ivoire : BGFIBank a investi plus de 50 millions $ dans l’usine de Coca-Cola


Nigeria : « une politique commerciale à elle seule ne peut assurer la souveraineté alimentaire » (analyste)


Mozambique : le terminal céréalier du port de Maputo abritera 4 nouveaux silos


Guinée : un nouvel investisseur finance le développement du projet d’or Kada


 Afrique de l’Ouest : offre de rachat à 75 millions $ pour un projet aurifère


Rutile et graphite : Rio Tinto accroit son investissement dans Kasiya au Malawi


Botswana : la mine Karowe livre son 6ème diamant de plus de 1000 carats


Le Gabon explore les opportunités de la 5G avec Airtel 


Guinée équatoriale : le gouvernement envisage la privatisation de Gecomsa


Kaspersky alerte sur les habitudes contradictoires des utilisateurs en matière de vie privée


Qualité de service : Orange CI convertit ses amendes en investissement


Dangote Refinery: le maritime comme principal mode de fret de la production


Le Niger va relancer la modernisation du réseau routier de Niamey


BRT de Nairobi : bientôt l’appel d’offres pour construire la ligne 5


Burkina Faso : Sitarail offre 1500 codes d’accès Youscribe à des étudiants


L’accélérateur corporate de start-up d’Orange Tunisie ouvre les candidatures


Au Burkina, le service Faangué propose la livraison à domicile de gaz domestique


Le Rwandais Thomas Shiva veut faire passer un cap aux jeux vidéo africains


Le Camerounais Eric Ntonfo impulse des projets grâce au crowdfunding


Le projet Open School entre dans sa phase 2 avec l’Egypte comme bénéficiaire


Maroc : l’UM6P lance sa branche nord-américaine au Canada


La FIFA déploie son programme d’éducation numérique en Afrique


Plus de 70 400 jeunes africaines ciblées par un projet éducatif de la Fondation Mastercard


RDC : salubrité médiatique et statut du journaliste au cœur d’un congrès de la presse


Top 10 des applications les plus téléchargées au monde en août 2024 (AppFigures)


RDC : l’Etat peine encore à percevoir les redevances audiovisuelles


Le sud-africain Telkom veut réinvestir le marché du streaming

WAT mobile 2

Yaoundé, Cameroun .  

Bruxelles, 10e édition . « Ensemble, construisons l’Afrique »

Kinshasa -  Institut Français - Pour aboder tout le potentiel des industries culturelles et créatives de RDC. 

Les plus lus sur 7 jours

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Délestage au Mali : l’IRENA identifie un potentiel de 398,7 GW de solaire

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Transférer 200 $ vers l’Afrique subsaharienne coûte 8% : l’OMC veut agir

yacht 100 millions d'euros

Le Mali veut mieux encadrer les infractions financières dans le secteur minier

yacht 100 millions d'euros

Guinée, Côte d’Ivoire, Maroc, l’Afrique se bat contre la mpox : le point santé hebdomadaire

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Inondations au Maroc : un plan d'urgence de 4,1 millions $ déclenché

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€2 Million Euros Yachts for Sale

Used €2 million euros yachts for sale.

50.9m | Custom | 2007

36.27m | Norship | 1992


36m | Custom built | 2009


35.4m | Custom | 2012

35.35m | Azimut yachts | 2004


35.35m | Baglietto | 2000


35m | Custom | 2003

34.25m | Royal huisman | 1994

34.11m | Leopard | 2007

32.91m | Sunseeker | 2007


32.5m | Custom | 2015


32m | Overmarine group | 2005

32m | Admiral yachts | 2004

31.08m | Custom built | 2015

30.6m | Tecnomar | 2011

30.48m | Tecnomar | 2009


30.47m | Azimut yachts | 1999

30.47m | Azimut yachts | 2006


30.47m | Azimut yachts | 2010


30.47m | Sanlorenzo | 1998


30.17m | Custom | 2015

30m | Jmv | 2004

30m | Baia | 2010


30m | Sunseeker | 2003

29.87m | Azimut yachts | 2003


29.74m | Azimut yachts | 2004

29.26m | Nordlund | 1994

28.96m | Bugari | 2002


28.8m | Ferretti custom line | 2003

28.61m | Peri yachts | 2008

28.2m | Sunseeker | 2009

28.04m | Sea force ix | 2010


28.04m | Paragon motor yachts | 2006


28m | Eurocraft | 2004

28m | Sunseeker | 2008

27.7m | Cantiere navali | 2001

27.51m | Antago yachts | 2003

27.43m | Pershing | 2007

27.43m | Grand alaskan | 2007

27.43m | Sunseeker | 2006

27.43m | Custom | 2004

27.42m | Sunseeker | 2009

27.4m | Cheoy lee | 1999


27.32m | Vmg | 2018


27.02m | Ferretti yachts | 2007


27m | Ferretti yachts | 2005

26.96m | Pershing | 2002

26.89m | Ferretti yachts | 2006

26.8m | Azimut yachts | 2007

26.75m | Sanlorenzo | 2005


26.5m | Custom | 2024

26.3m | Cerri cantieri navali | 2007

26.21m | Hatteras | 2002

26m | De birs | 2013


25.93m | Princess yachts | 2011

25.9m | Burger | 2001

25.9m | Ocean alexander | 2010

25.9m | Ocean alexander | 2011

25.9m | Princess yachts | 2011

25.6m | Burger | 2000


25.6m | Lazzara | 2006


25.6m | Sunseeker | 2013

25.29m | Ferretti yachts | 2009

24.99m | Sunseeker | 2006

24.99m | Hargrave | 2002

24.99m | Hargrave | 2007

24.97m | Oyster yachts | 2007


24.9m | Oyster | 2004

24.87m | Benetti sail division | 2004

24.85m | Benetti sail division | 2004

24.8m | Nautor swan | 2005

24.63m | Offshore yachts | 2006


24.5m | Custom | 2005


24.5m | Fairline | 2015

24.38m | Sunseeker | 2012

24.38m | Sunseeker | 2013

24.38m | Hatteras | 2006


24.38m | Hatteras | 2007

24.38m | Hatteras | 2004


24.38m | Sunseeker | 2010

24.2m | Vicem | 2008

24m | Vallicelli | 2009

24m | Vaudrey miller yachts | 2005

24m | Dominator | 2011

24m | Barcos deportivos | 2005

23.99m | Y yachts | 2015


23.95m | Numarine | 2013

23.95m | Otam | 2011

23.95m | Sanlorenzo | 2011


23.94m | Alalunga | 2005

23.85m | Tango | 2008

23.82m | Maori | 2013

23.79m | Hargrave | 2006

23.77m | Azimut yachts | 2013

AZIMUT 78 2012

23.7m | Azimut yachts | 2012

23.46m | Marten yachts | 2002

23.46m | Azimut yachts | 2019

23.35m | Custom | 1995


23.19m | Riva | 2018

23.16m | Monte carlo yachts | 2014

23.16m | Riva | 2020

23.16m | Cl yachts | 2019

23.16m | Astondoa | 2008


23.16m | Rodman | 2012

23.01m | Monte carlo yachts | 2012


22.85m | Riva | 2013

75' RIVA 2012

22.85m | Riva | 2012

22.85m | Sunseeker | 2015

22.85m | Lazzara | 2009


22.85m | Sunseeker | 2017


22.85m | Pedigree cat | 2011

22.85m | Mcp yachts | 2009

22.83m | Pershing | 2018

22.8m | Claasen jachtbouw | 1997


22.78m | Sunseeker | 2018

22.6m | Sunseeker | 2014


22.6m | Sunseeker | 2013


22.58m | Prestige | 2014


22.58m | Prestige | 2016

22.58m | Azimut yachts | 2017


22.58m | Princess yachts | 2012


22.55m | Viking | 2007


22.55m | Viking | 2006

22.55m | Ocean alexander | 2009

22.35m | Monte carlo yachts | 2013


22.27m | Hampton yachts | 2012

22.25m | Sunseeker | 2014


22.25m | Sunseeker | 2010

22.21m | Princess yachts | 2015

21.94m | Merritt boat works | 2002


21.94m | Marlow | 2006

21.94m | Princess yachts | 2014

21.94m | Azimut yachts | 2016


21.94m | Ocean alexander | 2016


21.84m | Ocean alexander | 2011

If there are no brokerage yachts available on the market, you can get in touch with our brokers to find an off market one or build a new one. 

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