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École de Voile de Club de Yacht Pointe-Claire ~ Pointe-Claire Yacht Club Sailing School

YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school [email protected] 514-695-2441

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Ceci est une programmation " amenez votre propre bateau " avec un entraîneur certifié de Voile Canada. Chaque journée commencera par une séance de remise en forme. Cette programmation est pour les marins plus expérimentés qui aimeraient participer dans les régates locaux, s'il y a lieu.

This is a " bring-your-own-boat " program with a certified Sail Canada coach. Each day will begin with fitness. These courses are for more experienced sailors who would like to participate in local regattas, if they take place this summer.

OPTI RACE Fall Program - Includes coaching for C-Cool (CVDM).C-cool at CDVM- 8-9, Fall Cork Pumpkin Bowl

Saturday from 10am to 2pm

Program may be cancelled if program does not have 4 boats.

*Les remboursements ne seront accordés que si l'avis d'annulation est reçu au moins 14 jours avant le début de la session, sous réserve des frais d'administration de 10% du coût de la programme.

Si un enfant est inscrit dans une programme de voile ou il n’est pas éligible, il y aura une frais d’administration de 10% sur le remboursement .

*Refunds will only be granted if notice of cancellation is received at least 14 days prior to the start of the session, subject to an administration fee of 10% of program cost.

If a child is registered for a program that they are not eligible for, the refund will be subject to the 10% administration fee. add text here

Pour plus de renseignements envoyez une courriel à [email protected]

This is a " bring-your-own-boat " program with a certified Sail Canada coach. Each day will begin with fitness. These courses are for more experienced sailors who would like to participate in regattas, if they take place this summer.

For more information please email [email protected]

5 Pack Bundle of sessions for LASER COACHING.

S'il y a moins de 5 participants, le cours peut être annulé.

A minimum of 5 participants are required to run this program.

If a child is registered for a program that they are not eligible for, the refund will be subject to the 10% administration fee.

Fall Program with Mark Andrew Robin

26 Sessions including regattas: Ian Bruce, C-Cool, Fall Cork, District 8 (NYC), Shark Camp.

Tuesdays: 3PM- 7PM

Saturday: 9AM- 2PM

An assistant coach will be provided if more than 10 Athletes register.


Programme d'automne avec Mark Andrew Robin

26 sessions incluant des régates : Ian Bruce, C-Cool, Fall Cork, District 8 (NYC), Shark Camp.

Mardis : 15h-19h

Samedi : 9h-14h

Un entraîneur adjoint sera fourni si plus de 10 athlètes s'inscrivent.

17 Sessions including regattas: Ian Bruce, C-Cool, Fall Cork, District 8 (NYC), Shark Camp.

An assitant coach will be provided if more than 10 Athletes register.

Race Team, Member Price, Demo days for WASZP with Hunter Hoy and Nick Boucher

10 training sessions with Hunter Hoy. Sessions will last about 3hr.

Must be a Can Sail 4 certified athlete and be at least 14 years old and must be a member of PCYC

20 training sessions with Hunter Hoy

You will be allowed to store your Waszp at PCYC

1 Private Training Session with Hunter Hoy

Waszp are not provided.

Fall Cork C420 with Brendan Haines, 2 sessions.

Processing your order...

email: [email protected]

phone: 514-695-2441

Please enter your information (the person who is paying) below. This information will appear on your receipt.

Make sure you agree with YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school's terms of service before submitting your order:

Je m'inscris par la présente à l'École de voile du Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire et dégage le Club, ses dirigeants, administrateurs, employés et membres de toute responsabilité découlant directement ou indirectement des activités de l'« École de voile » et par les présentes s'engagent à indemniser ce qui précède à l'égard de toute réclamation ou réclamations qui pourraient être faites contre eux découlant de ces activités. Le Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire se réserve le droit de facturer aux participants des dommages résultant d'une négligence ou d'une négligence jusqu'à un maximum de 500,00 $ par membre d'équipage par incident. A la fin de chaque journée, chaque étudiant aura la responsabilité de dégréer son bateau avant de quitter les locaux du Club. PCYC se réserve le droit d'expulser un étudiant qui refuserait de suivre cette règle spécifique. Il n'y aura aucun remboursement. Le Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire se réserve le droit d'expulser les élèves qui ne respectent pas les règles de conduite du Club, ou qui présentent un comportement inapproprié, y compris le harcèlement, l'imprudence ou la négligence. Le Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire se réserve le droit de refuser les candidatures dont l'implication perturberait le programme et interférerait avec l'enseignement des autres étudiants inscrits. Le Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire se réserve le droit d'annuler ou de reporter les cours s'il n'y a pas suffisamment de candidats. J'autorise l'utilisation de photographies et d'informations relatives à ma participation au programme de voile du Club de yacht de Pointe- Claire par le Club de yacht de Pointe-Claire. Les remboursements ne seront accordés que si l'avis d'annulation est reçu au moins 14 jours avant le début de la session, sous réserve des frais d'administration de 10% du coût de la programme. Il n'y a aucun remboursement une fois la session commencée. Il n'y a pas de remboursement partiel si votre enfant abandonne ou est absent pour une partie de la session. Si un enfant est inscrit dans une programme de voile ou il n’est pas éligible, il y aura une frais d’administration de 10% sur le remboursement . I hereby enrol myself in the Pointe-Claire Yacht Club's "Sailing School" and do hereby hold harmless the Club, its officers, directors, employees and members from any liability whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from the activities of the "Sailing School" and hereby undertake to indemnify the foregoing in respect to any claim or claims which may be made against them arising out of such activities. The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club reserves the right to charge participants for damage resulting from negligence or carelessness up to a maximum of $500.00 per boat crew member per incident. At the end of each day, every student will have the responsibility to de-rig his/her boat before leaving the Club’s premises. PCYC reserves the right to expel a student who would refuse to follow this specific rule. There will be no refund. The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club reserves the right to expel students who do not adhere to Club rules of conduct, or who exhibit inappropriate behavior, including harassment, carelessness or negligence. The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club reserves the right to refuse applicants whose involvement would cause a disruption to the program and interfere with the instruction of other students enrolled. The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club reserves the right to cancel or reschedule courses if there are insufficient applicants. I give permission for photographs and information in relation to my participation in the Pointe-Claire Yacht Club’s Sailing Program to be used by Pointe-Claire Yacht Club. I hereby agree to the PCYC refund policy: Refunds will only be granted if notice of cancellation is received at least 14 days prior to the start of the session, subject to an administration fee of 10% of program cost. There are no refunds once a session is underway. There are no partial refunds if your child drops out or is absent for part of a session. If a child is registered for a program that they are not eligible for, the refund will be subject to the 10% administration fee.

First Name mandatory

Last Name mandatory

Email mandatory

Member Number mandatory

You will need to pay $0.00 cash to YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school.

You will need to deliver a cheque for $0.00 to YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school.

You will need to send an e-transfer for $0.00 to YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school.

Your YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school membership account will be charged $0.00 .

Nothing Receibable By submitting these details, you are authorising YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school to charge your card at if/when space becomes available in any of your waitlisted products. Refer to YCPC École de voile ~ PCYC Sailing school 's terms above for details

Pointe Claire Yacht Club - Montreal Kids Camp

Pointe Claire Yacht Club - Montr�al Kids Camp

Pointe-Claire Yacht Club

  • Club History
  • Executive Committee
  • Conduct, Rules and Bylaws
  • Reciprocal Clubs
  • AQVA Adaptive Sailing
  • Peter Kelly Athlete Assistance Fund
  • Bar, Galley & Dining
  • Sail a Shark
  • Environmental Policy
  • Harbour Plan
  • Social Events
  • Sailors supper
  • About Racing
  • Official Notice Board
  • TGIF Racing Training Clinic
  • Tic-Toc Challenge
  • Race a Shark
  • Crewing & Crew Bank
  • Race Committee
  • Trophy Room
  • Sailing School
  • Junior Sailing
  • Junior Racing
  • Adult Programs – Dinghy
  • Adult Programs – Keelboat
  • Membership Benefits
  • Types of Memberships

Pointe-Claire Yacht Club

Adult Programs – Keelboat Lessons

Want to be active and stay in shape? Forget the gym! Sailing is a unique sport because it allows people of all ages to participate. With this in mind, the Pointe-Claire Yacht Club Sailing School encourages the development of adult sailors through its group and private lessons. Many of our former students go on to buy their own boats in order to enjoy sailing with their family and friends. All keelboat courses are taught on a Tanzer 22 or Shark 24 keelboat by Sail Canada certified instructors. Participants demonstrating the proper skills may be awarded Sail Canada levels.

Keelboat Lessons

Start keelboat sailing.

Start Keelboat Sailing

Recommended for individuals with minimal practical on water experience, this entry-level course builds basic sailing skills with a focus on the operation of the vessel as crew. Sailors completing this course will be able to competently contribute as crew to the operation of a keelboat in moderate daytime conditions. This standard is recommended for those with little boating or who want to experience sailing on a keelboat and begin to build basic sailing skills in a relaxed environment and at a comfortable pace. Participants should be able to achieve their SailCanada certifications.

This course is 12 hours long.

For more information please contact our sailing school director at [email protected] OR by phone between the hours of 9am and 5pm  514-641-5700

Private Lessons

Private Lessons

If you want a learning experience that more personalized and tailored to you needs, are private lessons have you covered! These lessons consist of theory lessons and a one-on-one on water session with a professional instructor. After three lessons, you should be able to sail around a small course with little to no assistance from the instructor. All cours​es are three hours long and can be scheduled at your convenience.

Good Neighbour Series

Good Neighbour Series

In cooperation with the Beaconsfield Yacht Club, PCYC hosts an evening regatta every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the summer. Students having finished courses at PCYC are invited and encouraged to participate. No need to own a boat, simply join the club as a Non-Boat Owning Member and climb aboard another member’s boat! Our skippers are always looking for crews and are happy to share their passion for the sport with a newcomer.

pointe claire yacht club summer camp

Competitive clubs

The Pointe-Claire Aquatic Club will be holding tryout camps for its awimming and diving teams in June, July and August.
Click on the links below to know the schedule for each team:

(Registration is required for some dates)

(By appointment only)

Pointe-Claire Swim Team

pointe claire yacht club summer camp

. Click for more information.

Over 370 swimmers between the ages of 6 and 21 train regularly with the Pointe-Claire Swim Club and participate in provincial, national and international competitions. Swimmers are supported by a team of 20 certified coaches.

Swimmers may still try out by appointment during the season if there are any openings in their age group. Please contact the swim club administrator for more information.


  • Ages 6 to 8: Ability to swim 25 metres continuously, using two different swimming strokes
  • Age 9 and up: Mastery of 4 swimming strokes and reasonable stamina

Speed (depending on age) and ability to listen and respond to feedback are qualities that coaches look for at tryouts.

The season runs from September until June.

Founded in 1966 under the supervision of renowned coach George Gate, the Pointe-Claire Swim Club quickly carved out its place in the Canadian competitive swimming scene.

Swim Club Olympians

  • Tom Arusoo (Mexico, 1968)
  • John Hawes (Munich, 1972)
  • Marian Stuart (Munich, 1972)
  • Hélène Boivin (Montréal 1976)
  • Robin Corsigilia (Montréal, 1976)
  • Paul Midgley (Montréal, 1976)
  • Anne Jardin (Montréal, 1976; Moscow, 1980)
  • Wendy Quirk (Montréal, 1976; Moscow, 1980)
  • Julie Daignault (Los Angeles, 1984)
  • Natalie Gingras (Los Angeles, 1984)
  • Karen Ward (Los Angeles, 1984)
  • Victor Davis (Seoul, 1988)
  • Paul Szekula (Seoul, 1988)
  • Craig Hutchison (Sydney, 2000)
  • Tobias Oriwol (Beijing, 2008)
  • Samantha Cheverton (London, 2012)

Martin Gingras Head Coach

With a bachelor’s in physical education from the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM) and Level 4 certification from the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP), Martin Gingras has over 22 years of experience as a coach and, in that time, has helped many athletes shine on the national level (Pan Pac Juniors, World Juniors, Pan Am teams and FISU World University teams). He has been the Pointe-Claire Swim Club’s Head Coach since 2012.

Paul Biloserskyj Assistant Head Coach

Paul has been involved in the sport of swimming since the early 1990s. In that time, he has been a swimmer, a lifeguard, an official and a coach. He has coached swim groups of all levels, from Bout de Chou to Masters. He has a bachelor’s in physical education and is in the process of obtaining his Level 3 certification from the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). He has trained many provincial and national champions over the years, and his next goal is to break into the international scene.

Information and registration

For more information :

  • Pointe-Claire Aquatic Club
  • 514-630-1202, extension 1403.

Masters Swim Team

pointe claire yacht club summer camp

Do you love to swim or want variety in your workout? Are you looking to meet new people? Our Masters Swim Club offers adults of all ages and experience a great way to stay fit, and improve swimming technique. You will also have the opportunity to compete if that is your goal. Enjoy a great team atmosphere, good coaching and challenging workouts for all levels of swimmers. We look forward to meeting you!

Nearly 200 adult swimmers, ranging in age from 18 to 88, are members of the Masters Swim Club. Members may compete in up to seven events per year, and train under the guidance of nine certified coaches.

For information about registration, payment or your LUDIK client number :

Pointe-Claire Diving Team

pointe claire yacht club summer camp

Click for more information.

About 140 members of all ages participate in some twenty competitions a year, depending on their qualification level, under the supervision of a team of eight certified coaches. Different levels are offered, from Precompetitive to National.

Considered one of the best diving clubs in Canada, the Pointe-Claire Dive Club has stood out for over 40 years based on the performance of its members. The club has trained several world-record holders and Olympic medalists.

Dive Club Olympians

  • Beverley Boys (Montréal, 1976)
  • Cindy Shatto (Montréal, 1976)
  • Ken Armstrong (Montréal, 1976; Moscow, 1980)
  • Scott Cranham (Montréal, 1976; Moscow, 1980)
  • David Snively (Moscow, 1980)
  • Debbie Fuller (Moscow, 1980; Los Angeles, 1984; Seoul, 1988)
  • Mark Rourke (Los Angeles, 1984)
  • David Bédard : (Los Angeles, 1984; Séoul, 1988; Barcelona, 1992; Atlanta, 1996)
  • Anne Montmigny : (Barcelona, 1992, Atlanta, 1996; Sydney, 2000)
  • Myriam Boileau : (Athens, 2004)
  • Arturo Miranda : (Beijing, 2008)
  • Ruben Ross : (Beijing, 2008)
  • Émilie Heymans : (Beijing, 2008; London, 2012)
  • Jennifer Abel (London, 2012; Rio, 2016; Tokyo, 2020)
  • Meaghan Benfeito (London, 2012; Rio, 2016; Tokyo, 2020)
  • Roseline Filion (London, 2012; Rio 2016)
  • Vincent Riendeau (Rio, 2016; Tokyo, 2020)
  • Nathan Zsombor-Murray (Tokyo, 2020)
  • Caeli McKay (Tokyo, 2020)

The Pointe-Claire Diving Club coaches are experienced and have an extensive background in recruiting, developing and supporting athletes at all levels. They have training and certification from the National Coaching Certification Program and are dedicated to creating a fun and safe training atmosphere. They use the most recent techniques and state-of-the-art equipment on a daily basis to teach, encourage and train strong and healthy athletes.

Yihua Li Head Coach

Former Olympic diver and multiple world champion Yihua Li has been Head Coach of the Pointe-Claire Dive Club since 1999. Since arriving in Canada in 1990, Yihua has been named Canada’s Senior Coach of the Year and has received the Petro-Canada Coaching Excellence Award numerous times. She has also received the title of Aquatics Canada Coach of the Year and has frequently been named Coach of the Year by Diving Canada. Yihua has coached major Canadian divers such as three-time Olympian and two-time medalist Anne Montminy and four-time Olympic medalist Émilie Heymans. By obtaining her Level 4 certification from the National Coaching Certification Program, Yihua Li has shown her dedication to the Pointe-Claire Dive Club and her commitment to excellence at all levels. She accompanied four Pointe-Claire divers to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.

David Bédard Assistant Head Coach

Four-time Olympian (1984, 1988, 1992 and 1996) and 29-time National Champion at the Junior and Senior levels, Dave Bédard has shown his dedication to the Pointe-Claire Diving Club by representing the team in competition from 1978 to 1996. As Assistant Head Coach with Level 3 certification from the National Coaching Certification Program, Dave continues to honour his commitment to the sport and the team by contributing to the ongoing, safe and healthy development of every individual, to help them reach their full potential. He is convinced that providing a comprehensive, disciplined training plan in an energetic atmosphere of fun is the key to gently paving the way to success.

Tryouts are available throughout the season by appointment (514-630-1202, ext. 1404).

The season starts in September

  • Being comfortable and able to swim in deep water
  • Being evaluated at a tryout camp or appointment

For more information about tryouts, registration, hours or coaches :

  • 514-630-1202, extension 1404.

Links and downloads

  • Plongeon Québec
  • Diving Canada

Masters Diving Team

The Masters Diving team welcomes adults of all ages who are interested in improving their skills through rigorous, personalized training. They may participate in up to four competitions per year. Beginners are welcome.

Ready to take the plunge?

When you join a great team, your training sessions are filled with challenges and fun, whether you’re working on a simple front dive or complex flips on the trampoline. In addition to diving, our practices incorporate fitness, dry springboards and trampoline training.

Through this program, you can compete locally or simply dive for the physical fitness and fun of it. Isn’t it time to dive in? Sign up now and become a master diver!

The season starts in September.

No tryouts necessary. Two free training sessions available for newcomers.


For more information about tryouts, coaches or membership fees :




  1. Pointe-Claire Yacht Club with the Quay and Terrace Boating and Sailing

    pointe claire yacht club summer camp

  2. Pointe-Claire Yacht Club

    pointe claire yacht club summer camp

  3. Pointe Claire Yacht Club in Pointe-Claire, QC, Canada

    pointe claire yacht club summer camp

  4. Pointe-Claire Yacht Club

    pointe claire yacht club summer camp

  5. Pointe Claire Yacht Club in Pointe-Claire, QC, Canada

    pointe claire yacht club summer camp

  6. Pointe Claire Yacht Club in Pointe-Claire, QC, Canada

    pointe claire yacht club summer camp


  1. Junior Sailing

    Junior Sailing. Since 1879, the Pointe-Claire Yacht Club has promoted sailing for young people through its Sailing School. We offer a variety of beginner and intermediate programs for young people aged 7 to 17 teaching them how to sail in a fun and safe environment. Our students not only learn the technical notions of the sport, they learn how ...

  2. Pointe-Claire Yacht Club

    The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club hosts a variety of annual events. Club members gather to enjoy great food, companionship, and live entertainment. Club events are what binds our members together and create lasting friendships. There is something for everyone! Learn More. Peter Kelly Athlete Assistance Fund.

  3. Pointe-Claire Yacht Club PCYC / Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire

    Happy New Year! The PCYC Junior sailing summer sessions are now purchasable on our website! We look forward to seeing you on the water!

  4. Sailing School

    Sailing School. Our vision of the PCYC Sailing School is more than just water activities for the day; it is a journey of personal development and growth for every individual who steps through our club's boundaries. For those kids just discovering the sport for the first time, it's about enjoying mother nature and a new freedom on Lac St Louis.

  5. Pointe-Claire Yacht Club PCYC / Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire

    Junior Sailing registration is now open!

  6. Pointe-Claire Yacht Club PCYC / Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire

    Pointe-Claire Yacht Club PCYC / Yacht Club de Pointe-Claire, Pointe-Claire, Quebec. 139 likes · 21 were here. Since its beginnings in 1879, Pointe-Claire Yacht club has welcomed all forms of sailing...

  7. École de Voile de Club de Yacht Pointe-Claire ~ Pointe-Claire Yacht

    École de Voile de Club de Yacht Pointe-Claire ~ Pointe-Claire Yacht Club Sailing School ... if they take place this summer. $600.00 plus GST + QST(14.975%) ... Fall Cork, District 8 (NYC), Shark Camp. Saturday: 9AM- 2PM. An assitant coach will be provided if more than 10 Athletes register. S'il y a moins de 5 participants, le cours peut être ...

  8. Pointe Claire Yacht Club

    The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club is a community of sailing enthusiasts who encourage the life-skill and sport of sailing, sailboat racing and boating among amateurs. Their non-profit, volunteer based, bilingual club is proud to offer excellent training programs covering basic sailing, cruising and racing for both youths and adults.

  9. Day Camps

    Registration information: April 9, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., at 514-630-1366. Information: Culturals, sports and recreations camps: 514-630-1214 | Paddling camps: 514-630-1256. Make sure you have the Multi Card for each child to be registered. MULTI Card The MULTI Card is offered to residents free of charge and is valid for a period of two years.


    extended daycare hours for the weeks in which you are registered for camp. For more information : Recreation 514 630-1214 [email protected] Nautical Activities 514 630-1256 [email protected] Programs Cultural Day Camps Sports et Recreational Camps Paddling Camps Map Location 2 3 6 8 10 Summary Published by the City of Pointe ...

  11. About Us

    About Us. Nestled in the charming and picturesque Pointe-Claire Village lies the Pointe-Claire Yacht Club, which has transformed over the years from a humble assembly of boating aficionados in 1879, to a distinguished yachting establishment. The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club takes pride in its exceptional youth programs, a strong racing tradition ...

  12. Pointe Claire Yacht Club

    The Pointe-Claire Yacht Club is a community of sailing enthusiasts who encourage the life-skill and sport of sailing, sailboat racing and boating among amateurs. Their non-profit, volunteer based, bilingual club is proud to offer excellent training programs covering basic sailing, cruising and racing for both youths and adults.

  13. Day camps

    The procedure to follow is indicated on the City's website. For a safe summer, we encourage families to visit the City's website regularly to find out about the health measures in effect. You will find the full 2022 day-camp programming here. Information: 514-630-1200, [email protected].

  14. [2021...

    [2021 Summer Camps - Registration] Resident registration for 2021 Summer camps begins this evening at 7 p.m. Registration assistance is offered as of 6:30 p.m. Go to Ludik to reserve your spot:...

  15. Adult Programs

    For more information please contact our sailing school director at [email protected] OR by phone between the hours of 9am and 5pm 514-641-5700. Want to be active and stay in shape? Forget the gym! Sailing is a unique sport because it allows people of all ages to participate, even at a competitive level!

  16. GPYC Summer Day Camp

    GPYC Summer Day Camp - Home. Still dreaming for Summer 2021 to arrive! Please check back for camp updates in early March. Although summer 2020 brought many challenges, the GPYC still provided a summer filled with fun and adventure. We look forward to an even better Summer 2021.

  17. Recreational paddling program

    Pointe-Claire, Québec H9S 4H7 514-630-1256 See map. ... Various day camps are available for children and teens during the summer. Canoe-kayak kids (full day camp) Intro to paddling camp (half-day camp) ... To encourage canoe-kayaking and dragon boating in the community, the Canoe Club offers the opportunity to combine these activities with ...

  18. ENGAGE at Paradise Ridge

    ENGAGE camps were full, but we had a couple unexpected spots open up! Email [email protected] to inquire about enrolling for the July 8-12 or July 22-26 camps (camps run 9:30am - 2:30pm). For more local camp options, contact Moscow Contemporary , who is holding their summer art camps at PCEI's Palouse Nature Center!


    Consult the Parents' Guide available at for camp rules and regulations (safety, hygiene, behaviour, discipline, snacks, cancellation and change policy). ... Canoe Kayak Club Paddling Camps / Summer 2024 9. Locations / Summer 2024 10 LOCATIONS A. Canoe Kayak Club 75 Du Bord-du-Lac - Lakeshore Road B. Noël-Legault

  20. Adventure Club

    We are committed to providing a safe, affordable, and enriching environment for children in our care. Please contact David Pierce-Garnett, program director, with any questions you may have via at [email protected] or by phone at (208) 892-3998. Adventure Club Mission Statement.

  21. Competitive clubs

    She accompanied four Pointe-Claire divers to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio. David Bédard Assistant Head Coach. Four-time Olympian (1984, 1988, 1992 and 1996) and 29-time National Champion at the Junior and Senior levels, Dave Bédard has shown his dedication to the Pointe-Claire Diving Club by representing the team in competition from 1978 to ...