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Details zum Yacht-Drama in Italien: Anwalt und Zeuge waren an Bord – Mitangeklagter zuvor totgefahren

Stand: 28.08.2024, 19:30 Uhr

Von: Martina Lippl

Der britische Milliardär Mike Lynch war vielleicht zu falschen Zeit am falschen Ort. Doch unter merkwürdigen Umständen stirbt ein Mitangeklagter.

Porticello – Auf der Luxus-Yacht „Bayesian“ wollte der Tech-Tycoon Mike Lynch (59) seinen überraschenden Freispruch in einem jahrelangen Betrugsprozess feiern. Sein Anwalt sowie ein wichtiger Zeuge der Verteidigung sind mit an Bord als das Segelschiff vor der Küste Siziliens ( Italien ) bei einem Sturm im Meer versinkt. Dann wird bekannt, dass ein Mitangeklagter im Betrugsprozess kurz davor auf bei einem Unfall ums Leben gekommen ist. Ein Toter und drei Vermisste – alle waren in den Betrugsprozess in den USA verwickelt. Ihr tragisches Schicksal, ein unfassbarer Zufall? Von einem „dunklen Fluch“, der die Protagonisten des Prozesses traf, schreibt die italienische Zeitung Repubblica .

Tech-Milliardär Mike Lynch verflucht? Wer war auf der „Bayesian“?

Ein extremes Wetterereignis war nach Experten für den Untergang der Luxus-Yacht verantwortlich. Doch bei den geladenen Passagiere an Bord handelte es sich um einen ausgewählten Kreis – von denen zwei im Betrugsprozess eine wichtige Rolle spielten:

  • Christopher Morvillo (59) – Top-Anwalt von Clifford Chance, der Mike Lynch zwölf Jahre lang im Betrugsprozess vertreten hat.
  • Jonathan Bloomer (70) – krönte laut der Financial Times „seine lange Karriere als Buchhalter und Versicherungsmanager mit einer ungewöhnlichen Starrolle“. Blommer war als Zeuge der Verteidigung im Prozess gegen Mike Lynch aufgetreten.

Wie Lynch gehören Johnathan Blommer und Christopher Morvillo zu den Vermissten des Yacht-Unglücks vor Sizilien. Die Party für den Neustart in ein neues Leben endet in einer Tragödie. Dazu der Tod von Stephen Chamberlain (52) : Der ehemalige Finanzmanager wird beim Joggen in der Nähe seines Hauses von einem Auto überfahren und stirbt.

Spektakuläre Wende im Betrugsprozess um Tech-Investor Mike Lynch

Mike Lynch fädelte den 2011 einen der größten britischen Tech-Deals ein. Der gebürtige Ire verkaufte seine Software-Firma „Autonomy“ an den Computer-Riesen Hewlett-Packard (HP) für elf Milliarden Dollar. In den Medien wurde Lynch für seinen Erfolg als der „britische Bill Gates“ gefeiert. Stephen Chamberlain war der frühere Vizepräsident für Finanzen bei „Autonomy“. Auch Jonathan Blommer war als Freund von Lynch involviert.

Der „Autonomy“-Kauf gilt als eines der schlimmsten Übernahme-Debakel im Silicon Valley. Der US-Computer-Konzern schrieb Milliarden ab. HP witterte Betrug. Lynch und seinem ehemaligen Finanz-Manager Stephen Chamberlain wurden vorgeworfen, die Bücher geschönt zu haben. Lynch wurde im Mai 2023 schließlich in die USA ausgeliefert, ihm drohten bis zu 25 Jahren Gefängnis.

Im Juni 2024 wurde der Milliardär Lynch überraschend von den Betrugsvorwürfen von den Geschworenen in San Francisco freigesprochen. Mehr als ein Jahr hatte er unter Hausarrest gelebt. Der 59-Jährige selbst hatte stets alle Vorwürfe zurückgewiesen und argumentiert, dass HP ihn zum Sündenbock für die verpatzte Übernahme machen wolle.

Yacht-Drama vor Sizilien – Tech-Tycoon Lynch wohl tot

Der Segeltrip auf der „Bayesian“ war als Dankeschön für seine Anwälte und Weggefährten gedacht. 22 Menschen waren an Bord der Luxusjacht als sie am Montag (19. August) im Morgengrauen bei einem Unwetter im Mittelmeer vor Portocelli versank. 15 davon konnten gerettet werden. Mike Lynch und fünf weitere konnten offenbar nur noch tot geborgen werden, eine Identifizierung steht aus (21. August, 17:53 Uhr). Die Leiche eines Opfers konnte am Montag schon geborgen werden. (ml)

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Am Yachthafen Celle Header

Find the apartment that suits your needs in the apartmentfinder

am yachthafen 3a

59 apartments

with 2 to 4 rooms in 4 houses

am yachthafen 3a

Balcony or terrace

to every apartment

am yachthafen 3a

Underfloor heating

and electric towel radiators

am yachthafen 3a

Oak parquet floor

in the living and sleeping rooms

am yachthafen 3a

Fitted kitchen

with electrical appliances

am yachthafen 3a

Modern bathrooms

with branded ceramics

am yachthafen 3a

Parking spaces

in the underground car park

am yachthafen 3a

Greened outdoor areas

with relax areas and playgrounds

The property

Am Yachthafen Celle Visualisierung 1

Am Yachthafen

Living at the marina.

The new construction project “Am Yachthafen” comprises four townhouses, each with four storeys, one of which is barrier-free. A total of 59 residential units are available, seven of which are barrier-free and seven are accessible to wheelchairs. With charming exterior facades clad in brick slips and partly wood slat constructions, these townhouses meet the required thermal insulation of a Credit Institute for Reconstruction (KfW) 55 EE Efficiency House, and these facades are also delightfully attractive. High-quality solar control glazing on the east, west and south facades provides thermal protection in summer. In addition, the windows on the ground floor are fitted with aluminium roller shutters.

The basement contains the flats’ storage rooms, along with a bicycle room with stations for 118 bicycles. An underground car park with an electrically operated roller shutter offers 96 parking spaces, 12 of which are accessible to the disabled and 19 of which are designed as electric parking spaces.

An inner courtyard filled with greenery and an attractively designed outdoor area, which ensconce both the town houses and the neighbouring harbour houses in a delicate and varied grassy landscape, complete this offer. There are also smaller wooded areas and hedges, along with three playgrounds featuring sandboxes and various other kinds of equipment for kids to play on. Another play area on gravel turf is available for ball games.

Celle Fahrrad

Area and transport links

Short distances to the old town.

Located directly at the old town’s edge, the flats in “Am Yachthafen” offer a wonderful view of the Aller River bank, the harbour, and the city. Planned as a completely new city quarter, this location alone promises ideal living comfort – only 490 m as the crow flies from Celle city centre.

With a supermarket, bakery, fast food restaurant and delivery service nearby, you can quickly satisfy your daily needs, even on foot. There are also two medical practices and a kindergarten only about 500 m away. If you want to do some more shopping in the finest ambience of half-timbered buildings, you can reach the old town in no time. This is where you can shop to your heart’s content and relax with a coffee – or enjoy the nightlife into the wee hours.

  • Hanover Airport 6 km
  • Celle Main Train Station 5 km
  • Celle Castle 1 km
  • Celle Boat Tours 260 m

The apartments

Yachthafen Wohnen

The facilities

Modernster komfort, einbauküche und energieeffiziens.

The flats in the four townhouses are characterised by modern wall design, high-quality brand-name kitchens, and practical floor plans. Some are barrier-free or accessible to wheelchairs. The 2- and 3-room flats are invitingly spacious, with light-flooded living and kitchen spaces featuring access to the balcony or terrace.

  • Oak parquet in the living rooms
  • Porcelain stoneware tiles in the bathrooms and WCs
  • Underfloor heating and towel radiators
  • Fitted kitchen with electrical appliances from German brand manufacturers (A++)
  • Terrace/roof terrace
  • Video intercom
  • Broadband cable and telephone connection
  • District heating supply

We7 2 Zimmer

2 room apartment

Classic for beginners.

Space is utilised very well in the generously sized living and dining room, with an open entrance area and ample space for cooking, eating and relaxing. The bright window front with access to the balcony or terrace lets plenty of light into the room, which is adjoined by a bedroom with a practical floor plan. The spacious bathroom and a utility room make the flat perfect for couples or discerning singles.

We8 3 Zimmer

3 room apartment

Home to grow with.

A generous hallway with access to all rooms leads into the spacious living area, which is pleasantly open-plan, offering ample space for cooking, eating and relaxing. The balcony or terrace adjoins this area, extending the available space into the outdoors. A practical bedroom and a third room for a child or a hobby facilitate privacy. A spacious bathroom with window, a guest WC, and a utility room with a WM port complete this family flat.

We49 4 Zimmer

4 room apartment

Four for families.

With a great floor plan, the 4-room apartment makes even the most strenuous everyday family life easy to feel good. A spacious hallway with plenty of space leads directly to the heart of the apartment. Here, in the more than spacious living, cooking and dining area, there is room for the whole family, whether cooking together or playing games. In addition to the master bedroom, two other bedrooms and a balcony offer enough space for children, home office or hobbies – well complemented by a guest toilet and a storage room.

The location

Celle Einkaufsstraße

The picturesque gateway to the Lüneburg Heath

Celle, the 700-year-old district capital, receives around two million visitors a year. With its scenic backdrop, picturesque old town, castle, and with the largest enclosed half-timbered house ensemble in Europe, it delights residents and visitors alike. People from more than 110 nations live here, contributing to its international flair. The city’s cultural life is just as diverse, celebrated in its museums, theatres, galleries, festivals, concerts and city fairs.

Its location on the Aller River, which flows through the town in a north-westerly direction, lends character to the surrounding landscape. While north of the city there are extensive stretches of woodland and heath, the south is dominated by fertile floodplains, grassland, and an open landscape with individual trees and copses. With its gardens and parks, Celle also has extraordinarily charming recreational areas right in the midst of its cityscape. Whether it is the Französischer Garten (French garden) or Schlosspark (castle park), Thaers Garten (park) or the Triftanlagen (timbre facilities) – they all have their very own history and specific character.

The good transport connections to the A2, A7, A37 and A352 motorways offer the best conditions for tourism and business, connecting Celle with Braunschweig, Nienburg, Hamburg and Hanover.

Celle Botanischergarten

Celle's old town

Bustling modernity in a historic setting.

Like in a fairy tale, the core of Celle’s old town has hundreds of medieval half-timbered houses and a castle that bridges the Renaissance and the Baroque. Once a ducal residence, it now houses the Schlosstheater (castle theatre) and the Residenzmuseum (royal residence museum). In addition to the town church and the old town hall, which are among the oldest buildings in Celle’s city centre, half-timbered construction, carvings and richly decorated gables are characteristic features of the old town.

Equally unique in its effect is the Celle Kunstmuseum (art museum), a 24-hour museum which itself comes across as a total work of art, especially during the night hours: with a glass foyer illuminated from the inside featuring astounding sculpture and object art in between light and sound installations.

The old town’s daily life isn’t at all hectic, inviting you to discover, stroll and stay awhile. More than 600 shops and the diverse food and drink offerings of bistros and cafés, wine taverns and cocktail bars, pubs and restaurants, present the varied mix – from comfortably bourgeois to iconic locales – which Celle is also known for as a culture.


Appointments, frequently asked questions (faqs), when will the property be completed.

The earliest possible rental start date is presumably 01.09.2023

Is there a minimum rental period?

The minimum rental period is 12 months. The tenancy agreement can then be terminated with a notice period of 3 months.

Does the amount of the rent change during the term of the contract?

Yes, the rental agreement includes an index-linked rent. The rent level is determined by the price index for the standard of living for all private households in Germany as calculated by the Federal Statistical Office.

How much is the deposit and are there any one-off costs?

The deposit is three net cold rents (the net cold rent plus ancillary costs is shown in the rental agreement). There are no processing or agency fees.

How is the deposit paid?

The deposit shall be transferred to an account of the landlord that is protected against seizure in accordance with Section 551 (2) BGB. The tenant is entitled to three equal monthly installments.

The first installment is due at the beginning of the tenancy.

How are the apartments equipped?

You can find an overview of the equipment in the apartments at  https://am-yachthafen-celle.de/#wohnungen.

Are there car and bicycle parking spaces in the property?

There are 50 underground parking spaces available. The monthly rent is EUR 90.

Are pets allowed?

The keeping of pets is examined on a case-by-case basis and requires the corresponding approval of the owner as well as an individual pet keeping agreement.

Are there cellar rooms in the apartments?

Each apartment is allocated a cellar room. The cellars are located in the basement.

Where can I store my washing machine/dryer?

Storage facilities are located in the storage/utility rooms.

Who is the provider for telephone/Internet and TV

Vodafone is planned as the Internet provider.

Who are my contacts?

The Müller Merkle Immobilien GmbH team is responsible for letting. The property management company is responsible from the signing of the tenancy agreement and already for the handover of the residential units. The contact details will be provided when the tenancy agreement is signed. The property management company is your first point of contact during the entire rental period. You can reach Müller Merkle Immobilien at [email protected] or by telephone on 030 240 47 69 80.

Are you interested in an apartment in AM YACHTHAFEN ? Leave us a message.

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We will gladly answer you any questions!

030 240 47 69 80.

am yachthafen 3a

This online exposé is for initial information purposes only and does not constitute a contractual offer. The online exposé does not constitute any contractual claims. The content and details have been compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief. No liability is assumed for correctness and completeness. The floor plans are not suitable for taking measurements. The floor space details are plan dimensions. The property images are non-binding visualisations.

Sicily yacht tragedy: Bayesian captain set to face manslaughter investigation

By: Lars Mucklejohn

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The captain of the Bayesian superyacht is to be investigated for multiple manslaughter cases and shipwreck after seven people died when the vessel sunk last week, according to Italian media reports.

Italian prosecutors are expected to name 51-year-old James Cutfield, a New Zealand citizen, on Monday or Tuesday before launching an investigation, the Adnkronos news agency reported.

Such an investigation would not imply guilt or any certainty that formal charges will follow. Under maritime law, a captain has absolute responsibility for the ship, its crew and the safety of everyone on board.

The Ansa agency reported that the captain was heard by magistrates for two hours on Sunday. Newspaper La Republica suggested prosecutors could investigate another surviving crew member who was on duty at the time of the incident.

The news comes after Ambrogio Cartosio, head of the public prosecutor’s office in Termini Imerese, Sicily, said on Saturday that his office had opened an initial investigation into manslaughter and negligent shipwreck.

The 184-ft long Bayesian – deemed “unsinkable” by its manufacturer, Italian shipyard Perini Navi – capsized off Palermo, the capital of Sicily, during a storm early last Monday while carrying 22 people.

UK tech mogul Mike Lynch, his 18-year-old daughter Hannah, Morgan Stanley International chairman Jonathan Bloomer, his wife Judy, Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo, his wife Neda, and Recaldo Thomas, a chef on the vessel, all died in the incident.

The trip was reportedly organised to celebrate Lynch’s acquittal in June following a more than decade-long legal battle over the sale of his software company Autonomy to Hewlett Packard in 2011.

Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, survived the wreck alongside 14 others – including Cutfield and eight other crew members.

Prosecutors in Termini Imerese have declined to comment on Cutfield, while none of the surviving crew members have commented on the investigation. Cutfield told Italian media last week that he “did not see” the storm coming.

All the surviving crew are understood to be remaining at the Hotel Domina Zagarella in Sicily for questioning, while the rescued passengers, all British, have left the country after speaking to authorities.

Italian authorities said five of the bodies were found together in the first cabin on the left side of the yacht and that the sixth – Hannah Lynch – was found alone in the third cabin on the left, with the victims believed to have been trying to escape the water as the vessel sunk to its right.

Prosecutors have said the sinking was “extremely rapid” and could have been caused by a “downburst” – a powerful, localised gusty wind that descends from a thunderstorm.

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Former Microsoft boss’ $15m superyacht spotted at Port of Aberdeen

The yacht belongs to Nathan Myhrvold, Microsoft's former chief technology officer.

Superyacht spotted at Port of Aberdeen Image: Kami Thomson/DC Thomson

A $15m superyacht owned by tech boss Nathan Myhrvold has berthed at the Port of Aberdeen this week.

The impressive vessel was spotted docked along Regent Quay in the North Harbour, its sleek design standing out against other larger work vessels docked.

Named Teleost the 160ft yacht was built in 1998 at a cost of $15m by renowned shipbuilders Feadship.

The interior is tastefully decorated and incorporating the 90s aesthetic with plush furnishings and dark wood panelling.

am yachthafen 3a

Some unique features included two tenders on the back as well as a hot tub on the fly bridge.

The yacht can reach a top speed of 15 knots.

Owner Nathan Myhrvold was a prominent figure at Microsoft during the 1980 and 90s culminating in his position as Chief Technology Officer in 1996.

am yachthafen 3a

In 2000 he started a new company called Intellectual Ventures which deals with patents, which has become very lucrative.

The tech boss is now worth more than $700m.

Teleost is the second superyacht to make an appearance in Aberdeen following the Elysian, a £66m craft owned by John W Henry – a major shareholder in Liverpool FC.

am yachthafen 3a

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am yachthafen 3a

Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3

Am Hohen Ufer 6, 23743 Grömitz, Deutschland – Ausgezeichnete Lage - Karte anzeigen

am yachthafen 3a

Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3 Jetzt buchen

Sichern Sie sich einen tollen Preis für die Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3 – von Gästen kürzlich mit 8,5 bewertet.

Geben Sie Reisedaten an , um loszulegen.



  • Ganze Ferienwohnung
  • WLAN inklusive
  • Parkplatz inbegriffen
  • Eigenes Badezimmer
  • Nichtraucherzimmer
  • Parken vor Ort

Die Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3 mit Meerblick befindet sich in Grömitz, 100 m von Strand Grömitz und 700 m von Strand Jachthafen entfernt. Diese Unterkunft bietet Zugang zu einer Terrasse, Tischtennis, kostenlosen Privatparkplätzen und kostenlosem WLAN. Diese Ferienwohnung befindet sich im Erdgeschoss und ist ausgestattet mit 1 Schlafzimmer, einem TV und einer voll ausgestatteten Küche, die den Gästen einen Kühlschrank und einen Geschirrspüler bietet. Strand Bliesdorf liegt 1,1 km von der Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3 entfernt, während HANSA-PARK 19 km entfernt ist. Der nächstgelegene Flughafen ist der Flughafen Lübeck, 53 km von der Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3 entfernt.

Die Entfernung in der Unterkunftsbeschreibung wurde mit © OpenStreetMap berechnet

Highlights der Unterkunft

Diese Unterkunft befindet sich in der am besten bewerteten Gegend in Grömitz und hat für ihre Lage ein hervorragendes Bewertungsergebnis von 10,0

An der Unterkunft stehen kostenfreie Privatparkplätze zur Verfügung


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Erfahren sie, was gästen am besten gefallen hat:.

am yachthafen 3a

Ausstattung von: Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3

  • Küchenutensilien
  • Wasserkocher
  • Spülmaschine
  • Kühlschrank
  • Haartrockner
  • Sitzbereich
  • Gesamte Wohneinheit im Erdgeschoss
  • Gartenmöbel
  • Essbereich im Freien
  • Kaffee- und Teezubehör
  • Reiten Zusätzliche Gebühren
  • Tischtennis
  • Golfplatz (max. 3 km entfernt) Zusätzliche Gebühren
  • Tennisplatz Zusätzliche Gebühren
  • Eigene Wohnung im Gebäude
  • Nichtraucherunterkunft (Alle öffentlichen und privaten Bereiche sind Nichtraucherzonen)

Hausregeln Die Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3 nimmt besondere Anfragen an – im nächsten Schritt hinzufügen!

Richtlinien für kinder.

Kinder jeden Alters sind willkommen.

Fügen Sie Ihrer Suche bitte die Anzahl der Kinder in Ihrer Gruppe und deren Alter hinzu, um die korrekten Preise und Belegungsinformationen zu sehen.

Richtlinien zu Baby- und Zustellbetten

Baby- und Zustellbetten sind in dieser Unterkunft nicht verfügbar.

Kleingedrucktes Wichtige Informationen für Gäste dieser Unterkunft

In dieser Unterkunft sind weder Junggesellen-/Junggesellinnenabschiede noch ähnliche Feiern erlaubt.

Rechtliche Informationen

Häufig gestellte fragen zur unterkunft strandhaus am yachthafen, whg 3, wie viele gäste können in der unterkunft strandhaus am yachthafen, whg 3 übernachten.

Ausführlichere Informationen finden Sie in der Aufschlüsselung der Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten auf dieser Seite.

Wie weit ist die Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3 vom Zentrum von Grömitz entfernt?

Die Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3 ist 950 m vom Zentrum von Grömitz entfernt. Alle Entfernungen werden in Luftlinie gemessen. Die tatsächliche Fahrstrecke kann abweichen.

Wie weit ist der Strand von der Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3?

Der nächste Strand ist nur 100 m von der Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3 entfernt. Alle Entfernungen werden in Luftlinie gemessen. Die tatsächliche Fahrstrecke kann abweichen.

Hat die Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3 eine Terrasse?

Ja, es gibt bei dieser Unterkunft Optionen mit Terrasse. Mehr über diese und weitere Einrichtungen bei der Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3 finden Sie auf dieser Seite.

Wie viele Schlafzimmer hat die Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3?

  • 1 Schlafzimmer

Wieviel kostet der Aufenthalt in der Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3?

Die Preise an der Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3 könnten je nach Aufenthalt variieren (z.B. gewählter Zeitraum, Hotelrichtlinie usw.). Wenn Sie Ihre Daten eingeben, können Sie die Preise sehen.

Welche Aktivitäten bietet die Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3?

  • Tennisplatz
  • Golfplatz (max. 3 km entfernt)

Wie lauten die Check-in- und Check-out-Zeiten in der Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3?

Der Check-in in der Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3 ist ab 16:00, und der Check-out ist bis 10:00.

Mehr anzeigen

Das beste von grömitz.

Die beliebtesten Städte

  • Timmendorfer Strand
  • Boltenhagen

am yachthafen 3a

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Wir haben über 70 Millionen Unterkunftsbewertungen – allesamt von echten Gästen, die nachweislich dort übernachtet haben .

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Und danach die Bewertung

Nach ihrer Reise berichten uns unsere Gäste von ihrem Aufenthalt. Jede Bewertung wird auf Schimpfwörter und ihre Echtheit geprüft, bevor wir sie der Booking.com-Seite hinzufügen.

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am yachthafen 3a

Bayesian, i retroscena: il restauro dell'albero, le critiche dell’ex capitano agli yacht italiani e i dubbi sul montaggio

Bayesian, i retroscena: il restauro dell'albero, le critiche dell’ex capitano agli yacht italiani e i dubbi sul montaggio

«A volte è un peccato che gli italiani riescano a costruire yacht così belli! Purtroppo, la praticità passa spesso in secondo piano». Così scriveva sul suo blog, nel 2010, Stephen Edwards , ex capitano del Bayesian . Dal 2015 al 2020 ha guidato il veliero che lo scorso agosto è affondato a Ponticello. In circostanze, peraltro, ancora tutte da chiarire.

Bayesan, indagati anche il marinaio di vedetta e il responsabile sala macchine della barca: perquisite le camere da letto e sequestrati i telefoni

CRONACA Sharon Verzeni, il sindaco di Terno d'Isola: «Cittadini violenti qui non ce ne sono»

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  1. Seeblick am Yachthafen, Waren (Müritz), Fotos & Bewertungen

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  4. Yachthafen

    am yachthafen 3a

  5. Der Jachthafen in Bad Zwischenahn

    am yachthafen 3a

  6. Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg. 3

    am yachthafen 3a


  1. Yachthafenresidenz Hohe Düne, Warnemünde (updated prices 2024)

    Airport shuttle. Yachthafenresidenz Hohe Düne. Am Yachthafen 1, 18119 Warnemünde, Germany - Excellent location - show map - Railway access. +24 photos. An award-winning spa, 6 restaurants, 5 bars, and great views of the yacht port and Baltic Sea are offered by this hotel. It stands directly on the Warnemünde seafront in Rostock.

  2. Contact

    Contact. Marine Science Center. Am Yachthafen 3A. 18119 Rostock - Hohe Düne. [email protected]. The Marine Science Center is located inside the Marina Hohe Düne. The institute ship "Lichtenberg" is laying directly at the eastern breakwater of the river Warnow. Signs are showing the way to the MSC when leaving the ferry and when coming from the ...

  3. All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

    Am Yachthafen 3A, 18119, Rostock, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania Germany. Reach out directly. Visit website Call Email. Full view. Best nearby. Restaurants. 121 within 3 miles. Teepott Restaurant. 412. 0.4 mi $$ - $$$ • German • Seafood • European. Der Butt. 59. 0.3 mi $$$$ • Seafood • European • Contemporary.

  4. Yachthafenresidenz Hohe Düne, Warnemünde (updated prices 2024)

    Am Yachthafen 1, 18119 Warnemünde, Germany - Excellent location - show map - Train Access. +24 photos. Show on map. An award-winning spa, 6 restaurants, 5 bars, and great views of the yacht port and Baltic Sea are offered by this hotel. It stands directly on the Warnemünde seafront in Rostock. The Yachthafenresidenz Hohe Düne provides ...

  5. Yachthafenresidenz Hohe Dune

    4.2. Value. 3.7. The Yachthafenresidenz Hohe Düne is situated in Rostock-Warnemünde and provides the perfect setting for an unforgettable time on Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Baltic Sea coast.Enjoy the comforts of a home away from home in our 368 rooms and suites. Natural materials and warm colours create a stylishly maritime ambience.


    Excellent. 3 reviews. #10 of 16 hotels in Gromitz. Location. Service. See why so many travellers make Am Yachthafen their hotel of choice when visiting Gromitz. Providing an ideal mix of value, comfort and convenience, it offers an array of amenities designed for travellers like you. Rooms at Am Yachthafen provide a refrigerator and a kitchenette.


    Excellent. 3 reviews. #10 of 16 hotels in Gromitz. Location. 5.0. Service. 4.0. See why so many travelers make Am Yachthafen their hotel of choice when visiting Gromitz. Providing an ideal mix of value, comfort and convenience, it offers an array of amenities designed for travelers like you.

  8. Yachthafenresidenz Hohe Duene Reviews, Deals & Photos 2024

    August 2024. SSunday. MMonday. TTuesday. WWednesday. TThursday. FFriday. SS. Travelers love the great staff. Book a stay at this beach hotel in Rostock. Enjoy free WiFi, a full-service spa, and 6 restaurants. Our guests praise the helpful staff in our reviews. Popular attractions Warnemunde Beach and Rostock Port are located nearby.

  9. Am Yachthafen

    Rooms at Am Yachthafen provide a refrigerator and a kitchenette. In addition, Am Yachthafen offers a pool, which will help make your Gromitz trip additionally gratifying. While in Gromitz, you may want to check out some of the restaurants that are a short walk away from Am Yachthafen, including Fischhus (0.9 mi), Ristorante Pizzeria Panorama (0 ...

  10. Residenz am Yachthafen, Whg 23, Grömitz, Deutschland

    Sauna. Gelegen in Grömitz und nur 500 m von Strand Grömitz, bietet die Unterkunft Residenz am Yachthafen, Whg 23 Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten mit Meerblick, kostenlosem WLAN und kostenlosen Privatparkplätzen. Diese Ferienwohnung ist 2,6 km von Lensterstrand und 19 km von HANSA-PARK entfernt.

  11. N°1 Loft Am Yachthafen

    A recently renovated apartment, N°1 Loft Am Yachthafen offers accommodations in Bad Zwischenahn. Among the facilities at this property are an elevator and private check-in and check-out, along with free Wifi throughout the property. Guests can use a casino. Featuring a terrace and garden views, the spacious apartment includes 2 bedrooms, a ...

  12. Yachthafenresidenz, Kühlungsborn (aktualisierte Preise für 2024)

    Gästebewertungen (703) Am Strand. Yachthafenresidenz. Hafenstraße 3, 18225 Kühlungsborn, Deutschland - Tolle Lage - Karte anzeigen - Zugang zur Bahn. + 31 Fotos. Auf der Karte anzeigen. Apartments. WLAN inklusive. Parkplatz inbegriffen.

  13. Am Yachthafen, 3, Free State of Bavaria

    Bavaria, Weilheim-Schongau, Am Yachthafen, 3 — plot a route to the address in Yandex Maps. Find places nearby.

  14. Contact/Directions

    Am Yachthafen 3A. 18119 Rostock - Hohe Düne. Germany . [email protected] . The Marine Science Center is located inside the Marina Hohe Düne. The institute ship "Lichtenberg" is laying directly at the eastern breakwater of the river Warnow. Signs are showing the way to the MSC when leaving the ferry and when coming from the direction of ...

  15. Former police officer accused of killing pregnant girlfriend and

    Stoughton Police Chief Donna McNamara said Wednesday that the department had worked with other agencies, including the FBI, to investigate. "The day after Sandra Birchmore was found dead in her Canton apartment, I ordered a lengthy and aggressive internal affairs investigation, the instructions of which made it clear that no stone should be left unturned," McNamara said in a statement.

  16. Parsifal III

    Parsifal III is a 54-metre (177 feet) sailing yacht built in 2005 by Perini Navi, currently owned by Danish entrepreneur Kim Vibe-Petersen. [2] Parsifal III became popular through Bravo's television show Below Deck Sailing Yacht. [3]The yacht was last refitted in 2012 with its interior designed by Remi Tessier and its exterior styled by Perini Navi.

  17. Details zum Yacht-Drama in Italien: Anwalt und Zeuge waren an Bord

    Der britische Milliardär Mike Lynch war vielleicht zu falschen Zeit am falschen Ort. Doch unter merkwürdigen Umständen stirbt ein Mitangeklagter. Porticello - Auf der Luxus-Yacht „Bayesian ...

  18. Superyacht captain refuses to answer prosecutor's questions

    British tech boss Mike Lynch and six other people were killed when the Bayesian, a 56-metre-long yacht, capsized and sank on 19 August.The yacht was anchored in the fishing village of Porticello ...

  19. AM YACHTHAFEN (Gromitz)

    Am Yachthafen. 3 reviews. #10 of 16 hotels in Gromitz. Haffkamp 17-19, 23743 Gromitz, Schleswig-Holstein Germany. Write a review. Check availability.

  20. Am Yachthafen

    The new construction project "Am Yachthafen" comprises four townhouses, each with four storeys, one of which is barrier-free. A total of 59 residential units are available, seven of which are barrier-free and seven are accessible to wheelchairs. With charming exterior facades clad in brick slips and partly wood slat constructions, these ...

  21. Sicily wreck: Why did Bayesian yacht sink in 16 minutes?

    A luxury super yacht called the Bayesian, moored only a few hundred metres away, had already sunk. It all happened in a 16-minute window of disaster, chaos and torment, ...

  22. Tambov Oblast

    Tambov Oblast. /  52.72000°N 41.45306°E  / 52.72000; 41.45306. Tambov Oblast ( Russian: Тамбо́вская о́бласть, romanized : Tambovskaya oblastʹ) is a federal subject of Russia (an oblast ). Its administrative center is the city of Tambov. As of the 2010 Census, its population was 1,091,994.

  23. Bayesian captain set to face manslaughter investigation

    British technology tycoon Mike Lynch died after his luxury yacht Bayesian sank in bad weather off the coast of Sicily. (Yui Mok/PA Wire) The captain of the Bayesian superyacht is to be ...

  24. Am Yachthafen

    Excellent. 3 reviews. #10 of 16 hotels in Gromitz. Location. Service. See why so many travellers make Am Yachthafen their hotel of choice when visiting Gromitz. Providing an ideal mix of value, comfort and convenience, it offers an array of amenities designed for travellers like you. Rooms at Am Yachthafen provide a refrigerator and a kitchenette.

  25. $15m superyacht docked at Port of Aberdeen

    Named Teleost the 160ft yacht was built in 1998 at a cost of $15m by renowned ... Aberdeen rapist caught with £1.5 million cocaine jailed for 3 years Aberdeen rapist caught with £1.5 million ...

  26. Tambov Map

    Tambov. Tambov is a city and the administrative center of Tambov Oblast, central Russia, at the confluence of the Tsna and Studenents rivers, about 418 km south-southeast of Moscow. Photo: Ludvig14, CC BY-SA 4.0. Photo: AP118, Public domain. Ukraine is facing shortages in its brave fight to survive.

  27. Residenz am Yachthafen Wohnung 3, Grömitz, Deutschland

    1,1 km von Strand Jachthafen entfernt gelegen, bietet die Unterkunft Residenz am Yachthafen Wohnung 3 Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten in Grömitz mit Zugang zu einer Sauna. 500 m von Strand Grömitz entfernt gelegen bietet die Unterkunft eine Terrasse und einen kostenlose Privatparkplatz. Diese Ferienwohnung, gelegen im Erdgeschoss, ist versehen ...

  28. Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3, Grömitz, Deutschland

    Eigenes Badezimmer. Nichtraucherzimmer. Parken vor Ort. Die Unterkunft Strandhaus am Yachthafen, Whg 3 mit Meerblick befindet sich in Grömitz, 100 m von Strand Grömitz und 700 m von Strand Jachthafen entfernt. Diese Unterkunft bietet Zugang zu einer Terrasse, Tischtennis, kostenlosen Privatparkplätzen und kostenlosem WLAN.

  29. Bayesian, i retroscena: il restauro dell'albero, le critiche dell'ex

    Bayesian, i retroscena: il restauro dell'albero, le critiche dell'ex capitano agli yacht italiani e i dubbi sul montaggio Mercoledì 28 Agosto 2024, 13:33 - Ultimo aggiornamento: 17:50

  30. Drones attacked oil depot in Russia's Tambov Oblast: storage tank

    Maksim Yegorov, Governor of Russia's Tambov Oblast, has reported that drones attacked two districts, and a fire broke out at one oil depot. Source: Kremlin-aligned Russian news outlet RBC; Russian ...