
Conoce El Club Cienfuegos, antiguo Yatch Club patrimonio arquitectónico de Cuba.

lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2017

El club Cienfuegos, antiguo Yatch Club, fue inaugurado en el año 1920 y representa por su estructura uno de los lugares más emblemáticos de la ciudad Cienfuegos y en Cuba. Su ubicación se encuentra a orillas de la bahía, en una zona protegida y de mucho valor ambiental para la isla.

El Cienfuegos Yatch Club, se constituyó como una sociedad de carácter deportivo (náutica) y fue producto de una sociedad de hombres adinerados y poderosos como para construir un hermoso lugar para su recreación. El departamento directivo estaba constituido por Presidente: Acisclo del Valle. Vicepresidente: José Ferrer Sirés. Miembros: Darío Méndez, Emilio Menéndez Acebal, Juan Silva Fernández entre otros.

Esta sociedad reunió la cantidad de cien mil pesos y comenzaron con las gestiones pertinentes para adquirir el terreno y elevar la sede.

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Muy pronto se hicieron dueños de un terreno de dos hectáreas ubicada en el litoral de la bahía de Cienfuegos donde se disfruta esta edificación y comenzaron con la selección del personal que se encargaría del proyecto y la construcción. Para realizar su bello diseño se contó con la imaginación del arquitecto Pablo Donato Carbonell (autor de las principales edificaciones de la época). Fue puesto en marcha por los contratistas: Otero, Dorticós y Cortizo. Como jefe de obra fungió el ingeniero Juan Arcis. La obra tuvo un costo superior a los setenta y cinco mil pesos y se edificó en terrenos pertenecientes a Torcuato Ruiloba una de las zonas más pintorescas de la barriada del reparto Punta Gorda.

La edificación se comenzó a ejecutar en 1918 y fue abierta al público el 28 de agosto de 1920. Contó en sus inicios con dos niveles, entre ellos un basamento y una planta baja, rodeado de cuatro torres, dos de las cuales poseen cúpulas. En su edificación se utilizó el sistema de construcción tradicional con ladrillos y hormigón armado en su cubierta. Poseía un interior delicado y limpios acabados. Además contaba con terrazas con vista al mar. También incluyó piscinas e instalaciones deportivas. Los yates, remos y las regatas se convirtieron en una característica de la nueva sociedad, caracterizando al remo como el deporte náutico de Cienfuegos.

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A partir de su construcción se ejecutaron urbanizaciones a su alrededor convirtiéndose así en la zona residencial más valorada por la burguesía local.

El valorado club se convirtió en el lugar favorito de la alta sociedad, siendo escenario de bailes, almuerzos, comidas, fiestas atléticas y sociales, etc. Una característica de su carácter elitista era su reglamento interno, donde se acordaba la restricción en el numero de socios del club, pues sus ejecutivos seleccionaban minuciosamente a sus miembros.

yacht club cienfuegos cuba

Sin embargo, esta exclusividad corresponde a una gestión por la constitución del remo como deporte náutico que caracterizó a la ciudad, siendo Cienfuegos una de las mas importantes de la isla. Las actividades de regata llevadas por Cienfuegos Yatch Club no sólo nutrieron el deporte local; sino que además trascendió las fronteras de la sociedad, para convertirse en importantes festejos, que se llevaban a cabo en las afueras del edificio para apresiar mejor.

Al transcurrir unos años se le añadieron dos terrazas laterales que daban vista al mar y en 1953 se le realizaron mejoras estéticas como la implantación de ventanas calobares en el lobby, en el bar que era llamado “La Lobera” y la constitución de una planta hasta el mar, cuyos pisos eran hechos con baldosas. Tambien se colocaron jardines que mejoraron la vista.

yacht club cienfuegos cuba

En el año 1982 con motivo de los XIV Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe se le realizó un remozamiento general pero luego de ese momento el mantenimiento de sus instalaciones fue desmejorando así como sus fachadas se deterioraron paulatinamente. La llegada de los 90 influyó negativamente en el mantenimiento del edificio, inevitablemente fue cerrado, quedó sin cuidados y a merced de agentes externos como la salitre, la humedad y víctima del vandalismo que despojó sus materiales de acabado de algún valor y la carpintería de la época. Tales acontecimientos hicieron que el estado de deterioro fuera avanzado, tanto así que apuntaba a posibles fallas estructurales.

En el año 1988 la Corporación Cubanacán y el Gobierno Provincial tomaron la decisión de realizar una reestructuración total que apuntaba a un incremento en las opciones náuticas recreativas para el creciente número de turistas en la ciudad y a la vez al rescate de una de las edificaciones más emblemáticas de Cienfuegos. Con la ayuda de todos, entre ellos proyectistas, diseñadores, constructores, montadores e inversionistas ofrecieron su aporte y contribuyeron a rescatar lo representa el Club Cienfuegos: una obra monumental de la arquitectura ecléctica cubana del Siglo XX.

Si te gustó ¡Compártelo!

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Discovering Cienfuegos – 48 hours in Cuba’s Pearl of the South

Discovering Cienfuegos - 48 hours in Cuba's Pearl of the South

Cuba’s Pearl of the South is a city that has certainly earned its nickname. Cienfuegos is a rare gem unlike anywhere else in Cuba or the Caribbean. Its French allure is only the beginning. Beyond quaint cobblestone streets, scenic promenades, soothing sea views and gorgeous seafood (among the best and freshest you’ll eat in Cuba) there is a certain atmosphere that lulls travellers into a warm sense of wellbeing and pure joy. Is this place real or are you dreaming it up? You have 48 hours to find out!

The most French of Cuban cities is special beyond comparison. It has unique charm, unique origins, unique architecture and a rather singular laidback vibe. Its je ne sais quoi appeal and picturesque beauty continues to captivate and fascinate travellers. Like other cities in Cuba it lives in a perpetual time bubble with time-warped riches, cobblestone streets and immaculate pastel-coloured facades. But Cienfuegos is different. There’s more to it, and there’s also less…and therein lies its perplexing magic.

Cienfuegos is actually like nowhere else in Cuba, from its history to its looks, its culture and its people. And it has plenty to offer visitors willing to linger (including a secluded beach!).

For those who think a short half-day visit here or a couple of hours in the city will do, we’re here to prove you wrong. There’s more to Cienfuegos than you probably know and we’re here to show you how to make the most of 48 hours in this pretty provincial Cuban city, aptly dubbed the Pearl of the South.

As Cienfuegos’ most famous and international Cuban singer, Benny More, said (you should find out more about him while you’re here) in one of his most popular songs:

“Cienfuegos es la ciudad que más me gusta a mí.”

Which translates roughly as:

“Cienfuegos is the city I like the most.”

We just know you’ll love it too.

Cienfuegos in 48 hours

Not many guides devote enough time to Cienfuegos and what to do and see here, so most novice Cuba travellers can’t really be blamed for scratching their heads as to how on earth one could fill 48 hours in this small southern city. But that’s cool, we’re here to tell you how fill up your Cienfuegos itinerary to the brim with sightseeing tours, delicious seafront meals, seaside walks and evening revelry. The truth is you might even want to extend your stay.

What to see and what to do in Cienfuegos

Cienfuegos is full of little unexpected surprises; it even has its own Arc de Triomphe (really!). A much smaller and modest version than the original Parisian version it might be, but still, a rather cute reminder that you’re in Cuba’s most French city. Here we lay down what to see in Cienfuegos in two days.

Cienfuegos – Day 1

In case you were wondering what all this allusion to French quirks might come from, the city of Cienfuegos was founded in the early 19th century by French settlers. Hence why its streets and architecture have that distinctive neoclassical style. During your first day it’s best to get introduced to the city’s origins.

Historic Centre

Your first 24 hours in Cienfuegos should commence with a nice leisurely walk around the city’s historic centre. What better place to start than right from the heart? The best way to get an initial feel for the city and discover its people, its colours, shapes and smells is by wandering around the old town. During the day there are many open-air markets selling all manner of artisanal trinkets to peruse.

A good starting point is the Parque José Martí, where you’ll be instantly transported to French colonial times thanks to the magnificent buildings that surround it. The park itself is a National Monument and UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005. Around it you’ll find some of the city’s finest highlights, including:

Teatro Tomas Terry

This beautiful theatre built in 1889 has recently been restored to its former glory. It’s one of Cienfuegos’ most elegant buildings, both inside and out.

Palacio de Gobierno

Vistors are not allowed into this ornate palace but you can still revel in its grandiose beauty. This stunning building dominates the southern part of the José Martí park and you should sneak a peek into its immaculately kept palatial staircase through the front door.

Palacio Ferrer

This modernist building dating back to 1892 was remodeled in 1918 by the wealthy Ferrer family of Catalan origin and its mix of Eclectic and Neo-rococo style is a treat for the senses. Enrico Caruso famously stayed here in 1920 prior to his performance at the Teatro Tomas Terry next door.

Museo Provincial

The best place to get acquainted with the city’s history, this museum boasts several antique collections with sophisticated art pieces from the 19th century French-Cuban society. Its exterior doesn’t look bad either.

Catedral de la Purisima Concepcion

This grand cathedral features beautiful French stained-glass windows with rather austere interiors but a surprise awaits – Chinese writings from the 1870s was discovered on its columns!

Arco de Triunfo

Right in front of Palacio Ferrer you’ll see Cienfuegos’ own Arc de Triomphe. It’s quirky and peculiar and the only one of its kind in all of Cuba!

Paseo del Prado

The second half of your first day in Cienfuegos could consist of a nice, lengthy walk along Cienfuegos’ scenic Paseo del Prado. Much like the one in Havana, this long boulevard is one of the city’s liveliest. Dotting this long promenade, you’ll not only come across neoclassical buildings, but also some of the most popular nightlife spots. Head back here in the evening if you fancy some evening entertainment.

Somewhere along the way you’ll come across the life-size sculpture of Benny More, Cuba’s most famous cienfueguero. So, watch out for him.

At some point, after about 900 metres to be more precise, this long promenade turns into El Malecon. Yes, just like Havana, Cienfuegos has one gorgeous seawall too and the vistas from this one are one of the most beautiful you’ll see in all of Cuba. Plan to get here in time for sunset and you won’t be disappointed.

You could continue along the Malecon and end up in Punta Gorda or leave that for the next day. You could also stop by the Coppelia ice cream parlour (no queues here unlike the one in Havana) and enjoy a few scoops for less than 1 CUC!

Cienfuegos – Day 2

On the second day you can pick up right where you left off. Depending on whether you made it beyond Paseo del Prado or you ended your trip in the boulevard, you can continue along the Malecon to discover Cienfuegos’ most refreshingly elegant and subdued district. A true breath of fresh air, we promise, and a very romantic one too. This part of Cienfuegos feels like nowhere else in Cuba, or the world, for that matter. Unrushed, fresh, authentic, calm, peaceful and truly invigorating for the senses.

Cienfuegos’ Malecon is indeed beautiful. Spending some time just sitting down, relaxing and looking over Cienfuegos’ glittering waters is sure to recharge your batteries and make you feel inspired. On any given day, at any given time you can witness schooling fish doing little somersaults over the waters and watch fishermen’s boats securing the catch of the day (which you can later sample at a local restaurant)

Punta Gorda

Walking all the way down the Malecon you’ll finally reach Punta Gorda. This place is majestically serene and beyond just basking in the gorgeous sea views while tucking into lunch or dinner at one of the seaside restaurants, you can visit some landmarks like the pretty Palacio Azul (now a boutique hotel) and the hard-to-miss dramatic Arabic style of the imposing Palacio de Valle, where you can indulge fine dining and feel as though reliving a scene from “One thousand and one nights” with a tropical twist. This palace is famous for its cocktails and rooftop views across the bay. The lush mountains of the Escambray can be seen from Guanaroca’s roundabout while witnessing a sunset in Punta Gorda is a truly special way to end your day.

San Fernandina de Jagua

Across the bay, opposite Punta Gorda you find the old Castillo de Jagua fortress, famous for hosing a ghost known as the “Blue Lady” (La Dama Azul) because of the colour of her robes. The fortress itself may be small compared to Havana and Santiago de Cuba’s fortresses but it’s nonetheless special, has bonus points for being haunted and it affords the most glorious views over the bay.

And if you still have time… the beach!

Yes, Cienfuegos has a beach, a stunning one at that! Admittedly, you’ll have to take a taxi to get there but for around 10 CUC you could be basking in golden-sand glory and virtually deserted surroundings for most of the year! The crystalline waters of Rancho Luna beach are definitely worth the visit and with 48 hours in Cienfuegos, you definitely have time.

Where to eat

Cienfuegos is the place to come to for excellent seafood in Cuba. It’s the place to tuck into freshly caught produce brought in by local fishermen that you yourself can witness going about their business in the bay.

Paladares here are exceptionally good and we especially recommend the Villa Lagarto restaurant in Punta Gorda, offering amazing views and flavoursome nautical delights. Its setting alone directly overlooking the bay is unmatched, especially because it features a wooden dock with wooden chairs in which to drink in the fantastic views while sipping a cooling cocktail. It’s so close to the water you could literally dip a toe while at it!

Along Cienfuegos’ Paseo del Prado is another culinary gem; Doña Nora, consistently rated by locals and foreigners alike as one of the city’s finest private restaurants. Its neoclassical exterior is luring enough and the interior décor nicely matches the delicious French-inspired cuisine on offer. On most nights a resident saxophonist keeps the mood decidedly mellow and romantic. Oh, and the balcony-view tables are another draw!

Where to have fun after the sun goes down – nightlife in Cienfuegos

Cienfuegos might not be known for its nightlife, as Cuba’s cleanest, most refined and elegant city, it’s also, to an extent, one of the most subdued in terms of nightlife action. That said, however, it has a handful of cool places to chill out in the evenings or dance the night away. Whether you prefer authentic Cuban music and live bands or prefer a nightclub atmosphere with DJ sessions, Cienfuegos offers both, just watch out for certain times of the week when the night scene might be quieter.

Club El Benny

One of Cienfuegos’ best-known night spots, named after the city’s most international singer, this place does nightly shows and traditional live band concerts. Afterwards, the dancefloor comes alive to the sounds of DJ music and modern hits.

Club Cienfuegos – La Terraza

This former yacht club livens up the mood in the evening and turns into a disco on some days of the week. Never mind its irresistible location on the waterfront, expect a lively ambience with neon lights and party tunes.

You can always rely on Cuba hotels’ discos to have a lively atmosphere, especially on weekends. The Sala Guanaroca in Hotel Jagua offers nightly shows and DJ sessions.

El Palatino

Great for after-dinner coffees and night caps, this cosy bar frequently features live music, from traditional Cuban sounds to soothing jazz tunes.

This cabaret-style club at the foot of the bay has an electric ambience most nights of the week with frequent live music.

El Cubanisimo – Artex

This nightclub is open every day except for Mondays and offers a live music performance or show followed by DJ sessions. At the time of writing this blog it’s undergoing refurbishment works and therefore temporarily closed. It’s due to reopen soon and definitely a cool place to hang out in the evenings. It’s cheap, cheerful, mojitos taste good and the atmosphere is young.

The magic of Cienfuegos

Charming Cienfuegos has plenty to seduce travellers on a brief stop in this picturesque part of Cuba. One of the island’s most unique and different cities, as you have seen if you’ve been reading this far, it’s definitely worth it to linger here for 48 hours and favour an overnight stay over a short-day trip.

From ghost tales to vibrant nightlife against all odds in the most serene of settings, jaw-dropping architecture, pretty avenues and unforgettable sea views, Cienfuegos is truly spellbinding

We hope that after reading this blog you relish in discovering one of Cuba’s most quietly fascinating and sophisticated cities, with its refined laissez-faire approach being part of its inescapable charm.

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a travel blog by renata green

Guide to CIENFUEGOS – the Fancy Side of Cuba

Posted on 2020-11-26 2022-11-07 Author Renata Green 21 Comments

Let me guide you to Cienfuegos, a surprisingly French city right in the heart of Cuba. There is good infrastructure, charming places, strong drinks, and cool waters. Basically the fancy side of Cuba.

Parque Jose Martí in Cienfuegos

Also, it’s a great gateway for many day trips to the beautiful surroundings.

The Discovery

Christopher Columbus discovered the region around Cienfuegos in 1494. Like everywhere else, the Spaniards began to colonize the area that was inhabited by indigenous people.

Malecon of Cienfuegos in Cuba

Around 1745, the Fort Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles de Jagua was built to protect against pirate attacks. The settlement was extended and also a port was added. Then, in 1819, 46 families from France and the nearby French colonies settled in the fortress. Nevertheless, the place was still under Spanish rule and named Fernandina de Jagua , honoring Spanish King Ferdinand VII.

French to the Core

After a storm destroyed large parts of the city in 1825, it was reconstructed under the direction of city planner D’Clouet, a French immigrant. He designed the chessboard-like road network that characterizes the city to this date. Only in 1829, the city was renamed honoring the Spanish Governor-General José Cienfuegos.

There are basically two main areas of interest to visitors. Obviously, the Pueblo Nuevo , the city center made it on the UNESCO World Heritage List for a reason.

Yacht Club

Further south is the peninsula  Punta Gorda . It’s a rather posh residential area that, however, has some of the most alluring landmarks, namely the Yacht Club and the Moorish Palacio de Valle.

Not only is the city of Cienfuegos a lovely place. There are also some really nice places that should be visited on day trips. Therefore, you might want to foresee two, better yet three days for Cienfuegos.

Pueblo Nuevo – the Historic Center

To this date, the French influence is visible in the city. Because of this elegance and beauty, the city is also called Pearl of the South . Since 2005, the historic city center has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Sugar, Sugar

French traces there are – for example, at the main square stands Cuba’s only triumphal arch. The early settlers erected it in memory of their distant homeland. It stands on the western side of Parque José Martí, Cienfuegos’ main square.

Arco de Triunfo in Cienfuegos

Across the street from the Arco de Trionfo is the Palacio Ferrer which today houses an art museum. The palace was commissioned by sugar baron José Ferrer in 1817. In 1920, the famous tenor Enrico Caruso stayed here when he performed at the Teatro Tomás Terry.

Palacio Ferrer in Cienfuegos

From the tower of the Palacio Ferrer, you have a beautiful panoramic view.

The famous Teatro Tomás Terry, where not only Caruso performed, stands on the northern side of the Parque. At the end of the 19th century, it was commissioned by Venezuelan sugar baron Tomás Terry. It is shaped like the so-called Italian coliseum. Hence, in a horseshoe-shaped hall, the audience is placed on four levels. However, always faces the stage.

Teatro Tomás Terry

National and international artists such as Sarah Bernhardt, Ana Pávlova, and Jorge Negrete performed here.

On the Other Side

As you continue your walk around the Parque, on the eastern end, you’ll get to Cienfuegos’ cathedral Nuestra Señora de la Purísima Concepción, hence, Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception.

Cienfuegos' Catedral Lady of the Immaculate Conception.

The original building was inaugurated in 1833 at the time of Spanish colonization. Eventually, various extensions and improvements were made. Finally, it was declared a cathedral in 1903.

Palacio del Gobierno.

Finally, on the southern front of Parque José Martí is the elegant Palacio de Gobierno. This is the city’s town hall and cannot be visited, obviously.

As you keep walking east on San Fernando street, you’ll be probably surprised to see stores and agencies. Yes, here the scarcity is…scarcer than in many other places. Four blocks and you’ll reach the Paseo El Prado, actually Cuba’s longest street.

Take a look at Señor Benny Moré – or rather his statue since this great singer died already in 1963 at the young age of 43. All he left was his music sung in his captivating voice.

Punta Gorda

Walking down the Paseo El Prado is just so much fun. There are long lines of shade-giving trees with benches where you could sit for hours and observe the good people of Cienfuegos plying their trades.

Paseo El  Prado in Cienfuegos

The low houses lining this boulevard are very well-maintained and painted in bold tropical colors. At every crossroad is an artistically crafted arch with a lantern – yes, it actually does look like a French boulevard. A Caribbean French boulevard, though.

Classic band playing on the Paseo El Prado

However, the best part of the Prado is yet to come. Namely, as you get to La Mar street when to your rights are no houses, but just the open sea. Strolling along Cienfuegos’ Malecón under the swaying palm trees in a refreshing breeze from the ocean – it cannot get more Caribbean .

Malecon at Cienfuegos

Luxury Without the Pricetag

What’s that? You’re thirsty from all that walking? Well, no problem since a couple of minutes further south, you’ll reach the posh Yacht Club from 1920. Here, you can order dinner or just enjoy a mojito on their terrace while overlooking the yacht harbor and listening to the Salsa tunes played by a live band.

Band playing at the Yacht Club of Cienfuegos

Will it burn a hole in your wallet? Nope. The reason is simple: The Yacht Club is state-owned. That means that the staff might deem a bit spiritless like most of the state employees. However, the drinks are at governmental prices, too – 3 CUC standard price. Location and view don’t count. Definitely the upside of Cuba.

Yacht Club of Cienfuegos

As you can see in my picture, you are already at the best place to enjoy the sunset. However, if you’re not too tired, you definitely should make it two blocks down to the famous Palacio del Valle. After all, this historicist splendid villa is one of Cienfuegos’ main attractions.

Palacio del Valle

These Moorish-inspired structures are the work of Italian architect Alfredo Colli and were initially commissioned by merchant Celestino Caces. Eventually, Caces sold the palace to land baron Acisclo del Valle who had it completed by 1917.

Salsa Band at the Palacio del Valle in Cienfuegos

Just like the Yacht Club, the Palacio del Valle is under governmental management and therefore very affordable despite the luxurious setting.

You know how I always thoroughly write down the addresses and phone numbers and link the name to the business’ or museum’s website? Well, in a guide to Cuba, unfortunately, it is hardly possible since most of the places do not have a website. Sometimes it’s even not possible to find a real address online. Therefore, at the end of each chapter, you’ll find a map that shows you where to find all these great spots. And maybe one day there will be referring sites and I will update my posts – and google will be happy, too.

Out of Cienfuegos

Depending on how long you stay in Cienfuegos – and I find one can stay there pretty long – there are at least two-day trips you should join. I say join since in Cienfuegos it’s actually easy to do a tour with a governmental tour agent. Big Plus for us solo-travelling gals. Havanatur, Cubatur, Cubanacan – they all offer day trips.

One trip will take you to the Botanic Garden that’s said to be spectacular. Since I find that a tropical country is a botanic garden in itself, I opted for a trip to the famous El Nicho waterfalls.

I booked a day tour with Cubanacan – the office is at Paseo El Prado. I paid 35 CUC with the entrance fee and a nice lunch included.

The El Nicho waterfalls are inside the Gran Parque Natural Topes de Collantes about 50 kilometers east of Cienfuegos. Actually, it’s basically halfway between Cienfuegos and Trinidad .

Gran Parque Natural Topes de Collantes

Already the drive across the Escambray mountains was just breathtakingly beautiful. Once we got to the premises, we had to hike on trails through a dense forest.

Waterfall El Nicho

There are various waterfalls at El Nicho. The most popular one falls into a big pool where you can splish’n’splash – and you certainly will since the water is actually ice-cold.

Waterfall El Nicho

While in Cienfuegos a trip with Cubanacan worked out like a charm, in other places it was hopeless. The person in charge of the office came late or didn’t show up at all. Or for some reason, they were not able to book a tour or….it’s a governmental agency, so nuff said.

This map should give you an idea of where to go once you’re in Cienfuegos:

Practical Information

How to get there.

I believe that no one will take a domestic flight to Cienfuegos, however, you can do so, but only from Havana. Other than that, there are international flights between Cienfuegos’s Jaime González Airport and Montreal as well as Toronto. You can check flights on the website of Cubana airline.

The two daily Viazul buses between  Havana  and  Trinidad  stop at Cienfuegos, as does the daily bus between  Santa Clara and Trinidad .

There are actually two trains going to Cienfuegos from Havana, Santa Clara, and Sancti Spiritus. However, as I explained in the general post on Cuba, getting train tickets is kind of a lottery. But if you don’t need to arrive on a specific day at a certain hour, you can still give it a try. On this page , you can check the connections. However, the timetable is from 2018, so it hence might have changed.

How to Get There and Around

Both the center and Punta Gorda are easy to walk. However, they are about 3 kilometers apart. You can check with the host of your casa particular if they can arrange a bicycle for you.

Obviously, there are also cabs. Like everywhere in Cuba, you have to be a bit careful about not getting duped.

Where to Stay and to Eat

The casa particular Hostal La Verde where I stayed is just a ten minutes walk from either the Yacht Club or the Palacio de Valle. Hence, perfect for dinners in posh settings.

The host is lovely, professional, and very helpful. He picked me up at the bus terminal and even gave me a ride back downtown.

The only flaw is that they are serving only breakfast, no other meals. Also, if you prefer to stay closer to the center, the actually very nice location in a relatively fancy neighborhood might not be ideal.

Communication and Connection

There is an Etecsa Office in Cienfuegos as well as another sales point where you can obtain scratch cards.

On this page you’ll find ETECSA’s complete list of hotspots . To narrow it down, you need to choose Cienfuegos from both dropdown menus Provincia and Municipio . Then, you’ll see all the places where you can access the internet.

Cash and Cards

Cienfuegos is a big city, consequently, there are banks with ATMs. Those are around the streets San Carlos and San Fernando close to the Parque José Martí.

Until the end of 2020, there were two official currencies: The CUP – Peso Cubano – and the CUC – Peso Convertible. The socialist island state has had this confusing dual currency system since 1994.

However, since the beginning of 2021, only the Peso Cubano keeps circulating. The exchange rate is 24 CUB to one US$. This unification of the currencies is expected to grant Cuba’s citizens equal opportunities and social justice.

People waiting at the entrance to a bank in Santiago de Cuba

Already in July 2020, Cuba had abolished the ten percent tax on US$ purchases that had been in force since 2004. Since then, in some shops, certain products can also be paid for by card in US currency.

Since this novelty is still in progress, obviously, some prices in my posts on Cuba still quote the Peso Convertible CUC – as do many Cuban websites. I hope that they’ll correct their sites asap so that I can adjust the information on my blog. However, if you don’t want to wait: One CUC equals one US$, so that shouldn’t be a big problem, after all.

Cienfuegos was only one of many beautiful places I’ve visited in Cuba. To read about the others,   go to the main post  and take your pick! There you’ll also find valuable general information that will make your trip smoother.

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21 Replies to “Guide to CIENFUEGOS – the Fancy Side of Cuba”

It’s an amazing article on this town; everyone planning on going to Camaguey will benefit from it for sure.

Yes, Camagüey is still pretty much under the radar 😉

A lake full of flamingos in the southeast of Cienfuegos. The entrance fee includes a guided walk to the lake explaining the flora and fauna as well as a boat trip on the lake to get closer to the flamingos. The lake is surrounded by mangroves and ashore hummingbirds can be spotted. Go there early as it can get very hot and you will be exposed entirely to the sun when sitting in the boat. Cubanacan sells you the ticket but you have to find your own transport. A taxi is CUC20 both ways. Wait in the office for other tourists to share the taxi with.

That’s a wonderful tip – for me and my readers alike 🙂 Unfortunately, I had only one day in Cienfuegos but do definitely recommend it. 😀

Cuba is on my list of places to visit and this post will be a great guide!

Beautiful post and I love the photos! Cuba is on my bucket list and I can’t wait until travel can resume so I can start checking things off the list!

You and me both, sister 🙂

Wow, I had no idea there was a French area in Cuba. I’ve been wanting to visit Cuba for a few years now, thanks for adding another city in Cuba to my list. I’m curious, does anyone there speak French as well as Spanish?

Yes, Cienfuegos is really special.

The architecture is absolutely stunning, the Yacht Club and Palacio Ferrer were absolutely gorgeous and colourful. All the music is inspiring as well! And the waterfalls are absolutely gorgeous as well and the pools look so inviting for a dip.

I love this! I was there, but did not see as much as you did. I am embarrassed to admit that I was hurting from the worst sunburn of my life, and I didn’t want to move much haha. Seems I have to go back and discover more of what you mentioned here.

It happens to the best of us. And yes, you can always go back 😉

The French influence is palpable! The architecture, Sunday concert, Yacht Club along with the tropical surroundings – CIENFUEGOS is certainly an interesting place to visit. Surprising to know that some museums etc do not have websites! Old world charm 🙂 Thanks for sharing detailed tips.

Yes, there is a lot of old world charm in Cuba – quite refreshing 😀

I’d really love to go to Cuba. I love how bright and beautiful the architecture is.

It’s an amazing country 🙂

What a lovely spot! The city looks great, but I really love the natural landscapes too. I always appreciate all the information you provide about visiting certain destinations. Most helpful!

The architecture and landscapes in your photos are beautiful. I have a friend who visited a few years ago and saw a different side of Cuba that was not as nice. This place looks amazing though.

I thought it was really interesting that a lot of businesses do not have addresses or websites… seems like it could make planning difficult. Love that you included the map!

I’m really interested in visiting Cuba. It just looks so colorful and fun. I haven’t heard about any other city besides Havana so it’s great to see a different side of Cuba!

Oh, there are so many other wonderful places to see! In this post , you’ll find links to all of them – enjoy!

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yacht club cienfuegos cuba

CIENFUEGOS, CUBA, THE CARIBBEAN PEARL Three ethnicities lived on the island before the arrival of Colon: Guanahatabey, Siboney and Taina and they had a matriarchal organization. On October 27, 1492, La Niña, La Pinta y la Santa Maria anchored at Barian Bay. when Colon  stepped on land he said with amaze: "This is the most beautiful land that human eyes have ever seen". Our charterbase at Cienfuegos Club, previously known as Cienfuegos Yacht Club, 18 minutes away by plane from Havana is located on a priviledged geographical situation on the Caribbean Sea that allows us to sail to the keys of the Archipielago of the Queen´s Gardens on the Southeast or to the Archipielago of the Canarreos where Key Largo will surprise us with its incredible beaches with white and cold sand, like beach Sirena, the most beautiful beach in Cuba.

Lagoon 380 (4Cab)

  • 25 de agosto de 2024 07:02

Perlavisión, la TV de Cienfuegos

Club Cienfuegos, símbolo del eclecticismo en Cuba

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Por Redacción Perlavisión

Club Cienfuegos, símbolo del eclecticismo en Cuba

Con una vista privilegiada de la bahía de Jagua, el Club Cienfuegos , en el homónimo territorio centro-sureño, se erige entre las construcciones emblemáticas de la ciudad cubana de igual nombre, situada a unos 250 kilómetros al sudeste de La Habana.

En sus instalaciones, el visitante puede acceder a servicios de restaurante, compra de artículos náuticos y deportivos, snack bar y renta de autos y motos; así como disfrutar de área de juegos al aire libre y baños en la piscina.

Es usual ver numerosas embarcaciones deportivas y de paseo echar amarras en el muelle que, luego de recorrer la apacible ensenada en forma de bolsón, llevan a los viajeros a saborear alguna bebida refrescante en la terraza-mirador del insigne lugar.

Unido a tales diversiones, quienes incluyen ese destino en su itinerario gustan de apreciar el buen estado de conservación del inmueble, inaugurado el 28 de agosto de 1920 con el objetivo de favorecer la práctica deportiva y el recreo de algunas familias acaudaladas.

Las regatas de remos, auspiciadas en el otrora Cienfuegos Yacht Club, convirtieron esa sede en célebre dentro de las construidas en la zona residencial de Punta Gorda y afianzaron a la Perla del Sur como escenario para el posterior desarrollo de los deportes náuticos.

Dueña de dos hectáreas del litoral y de arquitectura ecléctica, la estructura de dos plantas sobresale por sendas cúpulas color verde, integradas a la vegetación y al paisaje natural que yace a sus espaldas.

El monto inicial para la ejecución de la obra requirió una suma de 75 mil pesos y sirvió para pagar los servicios del renombrado arquitecto Pablo Donato Carbonell, entre otros conocidos ingenieros y contratistas de la época.

Con el triunfo de la Revolución cubana en 1959 abrió sus puertas como círculo social para el disfrute de los obreros; pero la falta de mantenimiento durante el período especial y el azote de varios huracanes dañaron las decoraciones de fachadas e interiores.

Las labores de restauración comenzaron a finales de la década del 90 por acuerdo de las autoridades locales y el Grupo Cubanacán, encargado de esa inversión con el fin de rescatar la instalación e insertarla entre las ofertas extrahoteleras el polo cienfueguero.

Irreverente al paso del tiempo, el Club Cienfuegos conserva sus atractivos y atrae a turistas foráneos y nacionales, quienes optan por actividades en armonía con los valores arquitectónicos patrimoniales.

Redacción Digital de Perlavisión.

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    Club Cienfuegos, Cienfuegos, Cuba. 6,316 likes · 11 talking about this · 16,979 were here. Lugar ideal para el disfrute con la familia y amigos. Posee una variada oferta gastronómica y recre ...

  16. Cienfuegos Yacht Club

    Answer 1 of 6: Is the Cienfuegos Yacht Club an actual yacht club with a restaurant or only a restaurant? Cienfuegos. Cienfuegos Tourism Cienfuegos Hotels Bed and Breakfast Cienfuegos Flights to Cienfuegos Cienfuegos Restaurants Cienfuegos Attractions Cienfuegos Travel Forum


    Club Cienfuegos. Claimed. Review. Save. Share. 388 reviews. #13 of 59 Restaurants in Cienfuegos $$ - $$$, Caribbean, Bar, Seafood. Calle 37 Punta Gorda, Cienfuegos 55100 Cuba. 51-28-91 + Add website + Add hours Improve this listing.



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    Find the perfect yacht club cienfuegos cuba stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. Available for both RF and RM licensing. Get 20% off Video, with over 20 million to choose from, USE CODE: 20%OFFVIDEO

  20. Cienfuegos

    Cienfuegos (Latin American Spanish: [sjeɱˈfweɣos]), capital of Cienfuegos Province, is a city on the southern coast of Cuba. [5] It is located about 250 km (160 mi) from Havana and has a population of 178,368 in 2022. [3] Since the late 1960s, Cienfuegos has become one of Cuba's main industrial centers, especially in the energy and sugar sectors. [6] ...

  21. Cuba, Cienfuegos, Cienfuegos Yacht Club Stock Photo

    Download this stock image: Cuba, Cienfuegos, Cienfuegos Yacht Club - 2F5ED8K from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. Get 20% off Video, with over 20 million to choose from, USE CODE: 20%OFFVIDEO. Images. Images homepage; Photos; Vectors;

  22. Regatas Nacionales Junior. Cienfuegos julio 14 1957. Cienfuegos Yacht

    Watch the thrilling Regatas Nacionales Junior in Cienfuegos, Cuba, in 1957. See the Cienfuegos Yacht Club and the amazing sailing skills of the competitors.

  23. Yacht Club Cienfuegos, Cuba, , 1989

    Patrick Lichfield Yacht Club Cienfuegos, Cuba, , 1989 C-type printStamped, numbered and authenticated by the estate of Patrick LichfieldPrices fluctuate