Lo sceicco del Qatar è a Palermo: il proprietario del Psg a bordo dello yacht da 500 milioni

Lo chef Francesco Piparo nella foto postata sui social

Un'illustre presenza a Marina Villa Igiea, porto turistico di Palermo: lo sceicco Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, emiro del Qatar, è nel capoluogo insieme a tutta la famiglia reale . Al Thani, proprietario del Paris Saint-Germain e fondatore della tv araba Al Jazeera, nei giorni scorsi era stato avvistato a Riposto e nell'isola di Salina sul suo yacht super lussuoso: si tratta di "Al Lusail", imbarcazione dal valore di 500 milioni di dollari, 123 metri di lunghezza, 12 suite, due piscine, palestra, eliporto e una sala cinema.

Immancabile ovviamente la cucina, dove sabato sera ha avuto accesso lo chef palermitano Francesco Piparo , ideatore del ristorante Sicilò (sulla terrazza della Rinascente). Lo sceicco Al Thani resterà a Palermo ancora per qualche ora prima di riprendere il suo viaggio. Figlio dell'emiro Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Than, è nato a Doha il 3 giugno del 1980 e dopo aver studiato alla Sherborne School di Dorset si è laureato all’accademia militare di Sandhurst nel Regno Unito nel 1998. Nel 2013 è stato nominato principe ereditario.

  • Francesco Piparo
  • Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani

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Lo yacth dello sceicco Al-Thani, proprietario del PSG, al porto di Palermo

Il porto di Palermo ospita in questi giorni lo yacht extralusso dello sceicco Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, proprietario del Paris Saint Germain. Il ricchissimo proprietario del Psg, infatti, sta trascorrendo alcuni giorni di vacanza a Palermo dove è arrivato a bordo di un vero e proprio albergo galleggiante extralusso, con piscina, palestra e centro benessere, elicottero e posti auto.

Una visita a sorpresa, come già capitato negli scorsi anni, simbolo che allo sceicco del Psg piace trascorrere l’estate in Sicilia. A bordo del mega yacht “Katara”, si sta godendo il Mediterraneo utilizzando il mega panfilo extralusso come base d’appoggio per le sue vacanze.

Il “Katara” è una vera e propria città galleggiante, avvistata finora diverse volte a Porto Cervo e in rada in altri porti della Sardegna, oltre che qualche anno fa anche a Siracusa. L’imbarcazione costruita a Brema nel 2010, è stata progettata dall’Espen Oeino International per gli esterni e da Alberto Pinto per gli interni. 

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Lo sceicco Al Thani (proprietario del Psg) è a Palermo: cena siciliana sullo yacht di 123 metri

Il ricchissimo emiro del Qatar è approdato a Marina Villa Igiea con la royal family al seguito. A bordo, per l'occasione, anche lo chef palermitano Francesco Piparo


E' arrivato a Palermo a bordo del suo yacht, uno dei più grandi al mondo con i suoi 123 metri di lunghezza. Lui è lo sceicco Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, emiro del Qatar, approdato a Marina Villa Igiea con la royal family al seguito. Nei giorni scorsi il proprietario del Paris Saint Germain era già stato avvistato a Riposto e nell’isola di Salina. Adesso l'arrivo a Palermo col suo yacht super lussuoso dal valore di circa 300 milioni di dollari. Si tratta di “Al Lusail“, l'imbarcazione varata da Lürssen nel cantiere vicino a Brema. 

La lunghezza complessiva è di 123 metri, larghezza massima di 23 metri. Lo scafo è realizzato in acciaio mentre la sovrastruttura è in alluminio con ponti in teak. All'interno: palestra, ascensore, piscina, cinema, garage per tender con tender di servizio di 9,10 metri, piattaforma da nuoto, aria condizionata, barbecue, beach club, salone di bellezza, pista per elicotteri e luci subacquee.

La famiglia reale qatariota ha dimostrato di apprezzare la cucina palermitana. Al punto da scegliere lo chef palermitano Francesco Piparo, del ristorante "Sicilò", per preparare la cena a bordo dello yacht. Piparo ha raccontato l’incredibile esperienza dal suo profilo instagram: "La Sicilia ospita la royal family del Qatar e non potevamo mancare - ha detto -. Si cucina in yacht portando a bordo il territorio e la tradizione che ci riporta al mondo arabo".

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Qatari owners of Paris Saint-Germain target valuation of over €4bn

PSG forward Kylian Mbappé celebrates after scoring for France against Denmark at the World Cup on Saturday

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Josh Noble in Doha

Roula Khalaf, Editor of the FT, selects her favourite stories in this weekly newsletter.

The Qatari owners of Paris Saint-Germain are targeting a valuation of more than €4bn in talks with potential investors that would set a new benchmark for a football club and boost expectations for others currently on the market.

The French champions have been in discussions with several investors since the summer over a stake sale of up to 15 per cent, including at least two US-based funds. Nasser al-Khelaifi, PSG president, told the Financial Times that talks were continuing based on a valuation of “over €4bn”, although completing any deal could still “take months”. 

A figure of more than €4bn (£3.44bn) for the club would surpass the £2.5bn paid by a US-led consortium this year for English Premier League side Chelsea FC.

It would also boost price expectations around other big clubs, with Liverpool FC, Manchester United and Inter Milan looking for new investors, or possibly outright sales.

Valuations for sports teams have been soaring in the past year, thanks largely to a boom in the price of live broadcast rights. Billions of dollars have poured into European football , Indian cricket and various US sports, much of it from big institutional investors.

Al-Khelaifi insisted the current talks over PSG were not a sign of Qatar losing its appetite for football now that the World Cup had finally arrived, but rather the chance to bring in outside expertise to help expand the business through strategic investment.

“PSG is an investment in sport — we’re proud of the club and our fans,” said Al-Khelaifi. “We have a long-term project here.”

The club was also “looking seriously at different options” for building a new stadium in Paris if it could not agree a deal to buy its current home from the government. “We need a new stadium. We need to own the stadium,” said Al-Khelaifi.

If a stake sale is concluded, it would represent a significant return for PSG’s Qatari owners, who bought the club in 2011 for about €70mn. Since then, they have spent around €1.6bn on players, according to Transfermarkt, and huge sums on player wages — bringing in stars including David Beckham and Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

In 2017, PSG stunned the football world by signing Brazilian forward Neymar from Barcelona for €222mn — setting a record for a player that has yet to be broken. The club added Lionel Messi, considered by many to be the greatest player of all time, on a free transfer last summer, joining Kylian Mbappé, the game’s rising superstar.

Under Qatari ownership, PSG has won the French league eight times, and reached the final of the Champions League once.

PSG has the sixth highest revenue among football clubs in Europe, according to Deloitte, putting it on a par with top Premier League clubs. The French team earned €556mn last year, compared with €558mn at Manchester United and €550mn at Liverpool. Chelsea ranked just behind all three, with €493mn.

The bulk of PSG’s earnings comes from commercial income, such as its sponsorship deals with Nike and Qatar Airways. Broadcast revenue from French football brings in just a fraction of the sums earned by Premier League clubs. Ligue 1 is forecast to generate €704mn from TV rights this year, according to Enders Analysis, compared with €3.9bn for the Premier League and €1.9bn for Spain’s La Liga.

A high valuation for PSG would give a significant boost for those looking to attract investors to Liverpool and Manchester United. Fenway Sports Group, which has owned Liverpool since 2010, said recently it was open to new investment, which could lead to a possible sale of the club. The Glazer family that owns Manchester United is also exploring strategic investment options for the club.

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Who owns PSG? Everything you need to know about Paris Saint-Germain's Qatari chiefs

PSG are one of the wealthiest football clubs on Earth – with one of the most ambitious ownership groups in the game


PSG never used to be this goliath of European football. 

The club were founded in 1970, after the likes of Real Madrid, AC Milan and Manchester United had won their first European Cups. Traditionally, les Parisiens have never been a superpower in their own country either, with the likes of Saint-Etienne, Lyon and Marseille all enjoying dominance at one point or another.

But in the last decade, the club have ascended to the very top of the game. Consistent Ligue 1 success has been married with an omnipresence in the latter rounds of the Champions League – and it's all thanks to the owners. 

Who owns PSG?


Qatar Sports Investments – or QSi – bought Paris Saint-Germain in 2011. QSi is subsidiary of Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) – and that's the state-run sovereign-wealth fund in Qatar. This is why you'll sometimes hear PSG labelled as state-backed, like UAE-affiliated Manchester City and Saudi-affiliated Newcastle United.

The charismatic president in the centre of it all is Nasser Al-Khelaifi. An economics graduate from Qatar, Al-Khelaifi pursued a career in professional tennis before moving to business and is also the chairman of beIN Media Group, the Qatari TV network that broadcast the Champions League. 

Adel Mohammed Tayyeb Mustafawi is the Vice Chairman of QSi and holds leadership positions within the Qatari banking industry. The other three other board members of the group are include Yousif Mohammed Al-Obaidli, Mohammad Abdulaziz Al-Subaie and Sophie Jordan. All three are also on the beIN board, too. 

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Mark White is the Digital Content Editor at FourFourTwo . During his time on the brand, Mark has written three cover features on Mikel Arteta, Martin Odegaard and the Invincibles, and has written pieces on subjects ranging from Sir Bobby Robson’s time at Barcelona to the career of Robinho. An encyclopedia of football trivia and collector of shirts, he first joined the team back in 2020 as a staff writer. 

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E’ del presidente del Psg il mega yacht nel porto di Civitanova

Nababbi - il proprietario dell'alalya è nasser al-khelaifi, a bordo però c'è solo l'equipaggio: spesso fanno muovere il panfilo per mantenerlo in movimento e fare manutenzione.


Lo yacht Alalya


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Secondo me questo articolo è la pietra tombale sulla professionalità di questo sito… e non tanto per il contenuto davvero di bassissimo livello ma per il rimando inserito sulla barra: RICCHI/1 e RICCHI/2. Perché quando non si parla di noi che abbiamo incidenti o subiamo furti non ci scrivete POVERI/1, POVERI/2, ecc.? CM oggi ci ha dato a tutti dei poveracci!!!

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…ma nooo, è solo venuto per le votazioni del Sindaco di Macerata, e sembra che voti…”potere al popolo”, perché pare che sia proprio convinto che per mantenere lo yacht e tutto il resto, debba buttarsi a sinistra, molto a sinistra, sempre “battendo”, ovviamente, la bandiera delle isole…Caimano!! gv

Aldo Iacobini

Era meglio quando in città girava, a piedi o magari in carrozza, Annibal Caro.

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Certi commenti che dicono del bassissimo livello di questi articoli…vomitate solo astio assurdo..curatevi.

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Ti pareva che Ciarapica, sindaco in fuga, non approfittava dell’occasione di questo barcone venuto solo per fare manutenzione per inventarsi chissà quali progetti che lo vedrebbero forzatamente in Regione per far diventare Civitanova la diretta rivale turistica di Dubai e Abu Dhabi.

Riccardo Cavalieri

Allora!ieri CM diceva “il proprietario e’ in citta’ per affari”oggi “c’e’ solo l’equipaggio per manutenzione e pulizie”.”rimarra’ in porto fino alla fine dell’inverno portando alle casse della citta’ circa 1 milione e mezzo di euro”.Cosa trasporta dalla croazia quella bagnarola?Mhmhmhmhh chiedo per un amico!

6 commenti da opinionisti certificati

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Beh che dentro non ci fosse il proprietario del PSG era abbastanza ovvio. Anche perché non credo che uno sceicco verrebbe a farsi le passeggiate a Civitanova

Massimiliano Macellari ma statte zittu che lo sa tutti che armeno 2 orde allannu se va a fa na caminata su lu corsu, 3 varnelli jo la ternana e po cena al lungomare sudde che a 6/7 shcambi non ze dice mai de no!

Luca Branciari e un paro de mocassini a lo mercato che fà, non se li combra?!?!?

Massimiliano Macellari ovviamente la caminata è pe rnoasseli! Combrati noi de pacca da lu spacciu de Toddese!

Non pensavo che x 3 ciauscoli venisse addirittura con il panfilo bastava il canotto che gli regalai

Ieri mattina presto è partito da Zara e dopo 7 ore grasse stava in porto, mi sembra un po' troppo per sgranchirsi i muscoli.

Lo sceicco è venuto a Civitanova x comprare la Civitanovese x portarla in champions.... Domani arriva cr7

Tranquilli domani vado via. Che noia tutti questi curiosi attorno al panfilo. Ciao poverty

Il mio infatti lo tengo troppo in garage

C'è anche chi sperava di trovare marito

psg = Porto San Giorgio ovviamente

Se non è venuto per"affari",sarà venuto per il motor days...

Magari compera la civitanovese

uno che ha uno yacht del genere approda a citanó...

Se la passa bene il presidente de san giorgio!

Sicuri che non sia quello che ha il negozio di kebab?

Il presidente del porto San Giorgio?

Sarebbe? Un tipo di yogurt?

Sta tutti a magna' a lo monte

Avete un bidone dell'immondizia al posto del cuore.... Cit. BUFFON

È quello che ha il Gallia a Milano

"Lui non c'è, solo l'equipaggio è a bordo" Citanò patria sovrana di chi vuole fa' lo svelto ma c'ha li buffi fino sopra le "recchie"

Loro non sanno che lo sceicco è a Civitanova x parlare di affari con un industriale civitanovese,,,, bbiffolki

Massimiliano Cingolani non sete CAPITO , è per confonne l' idee uno sta qua è uno sta la. Cosci lo messo giudiziario non da dove porta l'atto pe lo pignoramento.

Pablo Fabbracci ...è venuto x le votaziò....!!!

A casa mia un piatto de pasta c'è sempre, se c hanno bisogno

Manuele Nestel eh no, io metto la pasta, loro mette la barchetta

Intanto Civitanova e'sempre sulla cresta dell'onda

Lo sceicco sta trattando con Profili l'acquisto del club

Se il DC9 dell'Itavia fosse stato abbattuto a Citanò anziché ad Ustica, non ci sarebbe stato nessun segreto.

La cosa bella è che i commenti li fanno quelli delle colline o paesi limitrofi...senza offesa per i miei amici di quelle zone

Tranquilli, è uno che trasporta lo pollame, gagline, birozzi e oche.

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Bayesian Charter Yacht


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Bayesian (ex: Salute)

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BAYESIAN yacht NOT for charter*

56m  /  183'9 | perini navi | 2008 / 2020.

Owner & Guests

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Special Features:

  • World’s Second Tallest Mast and Largest Aluminium Mast at 75m
  • Japanese-style Interior Design
  • Features Sycamore, Fir, Teak, Ebony and Leather
  • Forward Seating Area Convertible into Fully Enclosed Glass Veranda

The multi-award winning 56m/183'9" sail yacht 'Bayesian' (ex. Salute) was built by Perini Navi in Italy at their Viareggio shipyard. Her interior is styled by design house Remi Tessier and she was delivered to her owner in April 2008. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Perini Navi and she was last refitted in 2020.

Guest Accommodation

Bayesian has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 12 guests in 6 suites. The supremely spacious full beam master suite features extensive storage space provided by the dressing room. She is also capable of carrying up to 10 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.

Range & Performance

Bayesian is built with a aluminium hull and aluminium superstructure, with teak decks. Powered by twin diesel MTU (8V 2000 M72) 8-cylinder 965hp engines running at 210rpm, she comfortably cruises at 12 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 15 knots with a range of up to 3,600 nautical miles from her 57,000 litre fuel tanks. Her water tanks store around 14,000 Litres of fresh water. She was built to ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) ✠A1, Yachting Service, AMS, ACCU classification society rules, and is MCA Compliant.

Length 56m / 183'9
Beam 11.51m / 37'9
Draft 9.83m / 32'3
Gross Tonnage 473 GT
Cruising Speed 12 Knots
Built | (Refitted)
Builder Perini Navi
Model 56m Series
Exterior Designer Perini Navi
Interior Design Remi Tessier

*Charter Bayesian Sail Yacht

Sail yacht Bayesian is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

Bayesian Yacht Owner, Captain or marketing company

'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.

Bayesian Photos

Bayesian Yacht

Bayesian Awards & Nominations

  • The World Superyacht Awards 2009 Best Exterior Styling - Sail Yacht Winner
  • International Superyacht Society Awards 2008 Best Interior Winner
  • The World Superyacht Awards 2009 Best Sailing Yacht in 45m+ size range Finalist

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


S/Y Bayesian

Length 56m / 183'9
Exterior Designer Perini Navi
Interior Design Remi Tessier
Built | Refit 2008 | 2020
Beam 11.51m / 37'9
Gross Tonnage 473 GT
Draft 9.83m / 32'3
Cruising Speed 12 Knots
Top Speed 15 Knots


Here are a selection of superyachts which are similar to Bayesian yacht which are believed to be available for charter. To view all similar luxury charter yachts click on the button below.

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Q charter yacht

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from $263,000 p/week ♦︎

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Baracuda Valletta charter yacht

Baracuda Valletta

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PERLE BLEUE Motor yacht for sale

Asking price EUR 9,750,000
Built 2007 (refitted 2013), Royal Hakvoort Shipyard, The Netherlands
Length 38m (124.7ft)
Guests 12 guests in 5 cabins

The 38m (124.7ft) custom yacht PERLE BLEUE has a steel hull and aluminium superstructure built to Lloyd’s classification and MCA compliance by celebrated Dutch shipyard Royal Hakvoort and delivered in 2007. With exteriors by Diana Yacht Design and 349GT of Donald Starkey interiors, she won Best Displacement Yacht under 50m at the 2008 Showboats awards.

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The 38m (124.7ft) custom yacht PERLE BLEUE has a steel hull and aluminium superstructure built to Lloyd’s classification and MCA compliance by celebrated Dutch shipyard Royal Hakvoort and delivered in 2007. With exteriors by Diana Yacht Design and 349GT of Donald Starkey interiors, she won Best Displacement Yacht under 50m at the 2008 Showboats awards.

Following a 2013 refit, PERLE BLEUE was also a finalist in the 2014 World Superyacht Awards in the Best Refitted/Rebuilt Yacht category. Works saw the addition of a fifth guest cabin, a 10-seat sit-up wet bar with Teppanyaki grill on the sun deck and an al fresco bridge deck lounge.

A spacious sun deck features a jacuzzi and huge lounging areas, plenty of sunpads and a forward observation sofa, as well as the 10-guests bar and a dayhead.

The bridge deck has open-air dining for 12 guests and a buffet bar beneath the overhang, as well as a large sun lounge aft. Walkaround sidedecks helps guests appreciate their surroundings and lead forward to a Portuguese bridge lounge, which also serves as an informal dining area and cocktail lounge.

There is another 12-guest al fresco dining option with twin buffet bars on the main deck aft. Sidedecks lead to steps up to the Portuguese bridge lounge and to starboard aft there is access to the swim platform and tender garage.

The main saloon has a feature artworks on the forward bulkhead and large picture windows, with sofas and armchairs in a lounge aft. There are two card tables forward in a space that could serve as a formal dining area, alongside an Clavinova electric keyboard. Stairs lead up to the sky lounge, down to the guest accommodation and there is a dayhead off the lobby.

Huge windows in the sky lounge fill the space with natural light. A mix of sofa and armchair seating aft serves as a lounge, there is a card table, dayhead and a very large TV on the forward bulkhead turns the space into a media lounge.

PERLE BLEUE welcomes up to 12 guests in five spacious cabins, all en suite. The full-beam, main deck owner’s suite has a private study, walk-in wardrobe and an en suite with bath and shower room. The four remaining guest suites, on the lower deck, comprise two double cabins and two convertible cabins, each with pullman berths.

Twin 650hp Caterpillar diesel engines give her a top speed of 13 knots and a range of 3,500nm at her cruising speed of 10 knots. Zero speed stabilisers ensure comfort on arrival. As a popular charter yacht with Burgess, she has been relentlessly maintained and upgraded, and comes with a wide selection of watertoys.

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Key features

  • Northern European custom-built yacht that has been meticulously maintained
  • Accommodation for up to 12 guests in five cabins
  • Tender garage
  • Proven successful charter platform
  • Winner of the “Best Displacement Yacht Under 50m” at the Showboats Awards
Asking price EUR 9,750,000
Length 38m (124.7ft)
Built 2007 (refitted 2013), Royal Hakvoort Shipyard, The Netherlands
Beam 8.2m (27ft)
Draft 2.4m (7.9ft)
Gross tonnage 349
Cruising speed 10 knots
Maximum speed 13 knots
Range 3,500 nm
Flag Marshall Islands
Lying West Mediterranean
Class Lloyd's Register (LR) 100A1 SSC G6 Yacht + LMC UMS
Exterior designer Diana Yacht Design B.V.
Interior designer Donald Starkey
Construction Hull - Steel
Superstructure - Aluminium
Deck - Teak
Crew 7
Guests 12
Cabins 5 (3 × double, 2 × double/twin, 2 × additional berths)
Engines 2 × 650hp Caterpillar
Propulsion Twin screw diesel yacht

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EUR 7,250,000

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EUR 7,450,000

  • Length: 40.1m (131.5ft)
  • 13 guests in 6 cabins
  • Built: 2010 (refitted 2021), Mengi-Yay, Turkey

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EUR 8,750,000†

  • Length: 40m (131.2ft)
  • 9 guests in 4 cabins
  • Built: 2006, Alloy Yachts, New Zealand

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EUR 6,950,000

  • Length: 38m (124.6ft)
  • 12 guests in 5 cabins
  • Built: 2006, Heesen, The Netherlands

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EUR 13,500,000

  • Length: 37.5m (123ft)
  • 7 guests in 3 cabins
  • Built: 2009 (refitted 2022), Damen, The Netherlands

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AUD 7,900,000†

  • Length: 35m (114.8ft)
  • 8 guests in 4 cabins
  • Built: 2002 (refitted 2023), Warren Yachts, Australia

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USD 5,900,000 (US duty paid)

  • Length: 34.1m (112ft)
  • Built: 2007, Westport Shipyard, United States Of America

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Price reduction on 38m PERLE BLEUE

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Paris Saint-Germain Is Funded By Its Government Owner—It Isn't France

With Lionel Messi making his way to Paris Saint-Germain, let's take a dive into who funds the wealthy PSG team. Which government owns the football club?

Rachel Curry - Author

Aug. 11 2021, Published 12:26 p.m. ET

Lionel Messi practically shifted the tectonic plates of sportsdom when he announced his departure from FC Barcelona—a Spanish professional football club that he has been a part of since the beginning of his professional career. Now, Messi is moving to Paris Saint-Germain (PSG)—a team backed by a surprising owner.

Who owns Paris Saint-Germain? More importantly, how—and why—do they inject so much capital into a comparatively young European football team?

PSG was born as a fusion of two teams.

Most international Division 1 football teams started in the 19th or early 20th centuries. However, PSG didn't get its start until 1970—way later than its peers. The team started as a merger between Paris Football Club and Stade Saint-Germain. The initial blast into Division 1 lasted just two years before the team fell to Division 3.

PSG started winning trophies in the 1980s and has been on an up-and-down journey since.

Qatar Sports Investments owns Paris Saint-Germain (PSG)

The Qatari government opened the state-owned QSI (Qatar Sports Investments) to help fund the nation's sport, leisure, and entertainment industries. QSI is a closed shareholding subsidiary of the Qatar Investment Authority—a sovereign wealth fund whose primary goal is to diversify the country's assets to help with domestic improvements.

The oil-funded QSI bought PSG in 2011, which made the Qatari fund the primary shareholder for the football team. Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Qatar's head of state, is the official owner of PSG.

Why did Qatar buy PSG?

Paris saint Germaine have actually signed the Real Madrid and the Barcelona captains in the one transfer window. Unheard of.👏 — Babe ® (@Nizaismyname) August 10, 2021

About a decade ago, the Qatari government decided that it needed to diversify its international portfolio. It did so by investing heavily in PSG.

Qatar poured about $1.25 billion (€1.075 billion) into PSG over the course of five football seasons. This really changed the team's fate, especially after the previous owner Colony Capital left PSG in a difficult financial position.

The 2022 FIFA World Cup has a lot to do with it, too

Messi's move to PSG will have a major influence on the 2022 Fifa World Cup in QATAR — Itumeleng Banda (@IItumeleng_B) August 11, 2021

Qatar is set to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup next year. The nation beat out the U.S., which vied for the spot against Qatar. It isn't just international portfolio diversification that led QSI to PSG. It's also a sweeping and expensive marketing initiative to position Qatar as a nation that respects, appreciates, and understands good football.

Risky financial moves have brought attention to PSG since the Qatar takeover

Qatar actually invested more than the bulk payment of $1.25 billion because the country included two retroactive payments of $117.3 million (€100 million) and $234.6 million (€200 million) for the 2011 and 2012 seasons.

Qatar valued PSG at $234.6 million (€200 million) annually and backdated the valuation to earlier seasons to cover the payouts.

Qatar made this move to make it look like PSG owners weren't spending more than the team was making, which the UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) doesn't allow.

Thiago Silva signed on to PSG in 2012 and made $49.2 million (€42 million), which made him the world's most expensive defender at the time. UEFA ultimately halved the value of the Qatar-PSG deal, put the team in a deficit, and instituted consequences like a $70.3 million (€60 million) fine.

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Lionel Messi Wore a Rolex Yacht-Master to Sign His New $80 Million PSG Contract

The soccer star left barcelona last week after 21 years with the club..

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Lionel Messi and his Rolex Yacht-Master

What kind of watch do you wear for your first day at a new job? If you’re Lionel Messi, the answer is easy: a Rolex .

The Argentinian soccer star was spotted wearing a gorgeous rose gold Yacht-Master as he arrived in Paris to sign with PSG on Tuesday afternoon. The sporty-yet-elegant timepiece was an appropriate choice for a player signing his first contract with a team other than the one he grew up playing for.

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Barcelona shocked the sports world last week when it announced that Messi would be leaving the club after 21 years. Years of financial mismanagement and a newly implemented salary cap meant the Spanish club could no longer to afford to pay him , even after he agreed to a drastically reduced new contract. Monday’s tearful goodbye to the Barca faithful suggested that Messi probably isn’t overjoyed to be moving to the French capital, but it’s clear he’s trying to make the most of a difficult situation. And the first step in that process was showing up to his new job with a smile on his face, “This is Paris” stamped across his t-shirt and a Yacht-Master on his wrist.

Lionel Messi waves to PSG fans in Paris on August 10, 2021

Lionel Messi waves to PSG fans in Paris on August 10, 2021  AP Images

And what a timepiece Messi chose for his first day. The Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master, ref. 126655 , is a true beauty that has been referred to as an “era-defining timepiece” by this magazine. It has a 40mm 18 karat Everose gold case that houses a black dial and is topped with a matte black ceramic bezel. It’s powered by the watchmaker’s new-generation 3225 automatic movement, has a 70-hour power reserve and a durable Oysterflex bracelet with a matching Everose safety clasp. It retails for $27,300, which is no small sum, but then again Messi’s new two-season contract is believed to be worth roughly $40 million a year .

Meanwhile, the soccer star’s Rolex wasn’t the only luxury watch on display on Tuesday. During the formal announcement of Messi’s contract, PSG president Nasser Al-Khelaifi could be seen wearing the new Patek Philippe Nautilus . You know, the one with the olive-green sunburst dial that has become virtually impossible to find since its release this spring? Of course, when you make $40 million a year, or are able to write a check for that much, in-demand watches are just a little bit easier to find.

Bryan Hood is a digital staff writer at Robb Report. Before joining the magazine, he worked for the New York Post, Artinfo and New York magazine, where he covered everything from celebrity gossip to…

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Lionel Messi Wore a Rolex Yacht-Master to Sign His New $80 Million PSG Contract

What kind of watch do you wear for your first day at a new job? If you’re Lionel Messi, the answer is easy: a Rolex .

The Argentinian soccer star was spotted wearing a gorgeous rose gold Yacht-Master as he arrived in Paris to sign with PSG on Tuesday afternoon. The sporty-yet-elegant timepiece was an appropriate choice for a player signing his first contract with a team other than the one he grew up playing for.

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Barcelona shocked the sports world last week when it announced that Messi would be leaving the club after 21 years. Years of financial mismanagement and a newly implemented salary cap meant the Spanish club could no longer to afford to pay him , even after he agreed to a drastically reduced new contract. Monday’s tearful goodbye to the Barca faithful suggested that Messi probably isn’t overjoyed to be moving to the French capital, but it’s clear he’s trying to make the most of a difficult situation. And the first step in that process was showing up to his new job with a smile on his face, “This is Paris” stamped across his t-shirt and a Yacht-Master on his wrist.

And what a timepiece Messi chose for his first day. The Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master, ref. 126655 , is a true beauty that has been referred to as an “era-defining timepiece” by this magazine. It has a 40mm 18 karat Everose gold case that houses a black dial and is topped with a matte black ceramic bezel. It’s powered by the watchmaker’s new-generation 3225 automatic movement, has a 70-hour power reserve and a durable Oysterflex bracelet with a matching Everose safety clasp. It retails for $27,300, which is no small sum, but then again Messi’s new two-season contract is believed to be worth roughly $40 million a year .

Meanwhile, the soccer star’s Rolex wasn’t the only luxury watch on display on Tuesday. During the formal announcement of Messi’s contract, PSG president Nasser Al-Khelaifi could be seen wearing the new Patek Philippe Nautilus . You know, the one with the olive-green sunburst dial that has become virtually impossible to find since its release this spring? Of course, when you make $40 million a year, or are able to write a check for that much, in-demand watches are just a little bit easier to find.

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Sanlorenzo CEO Massimo Perotti on owning the 34m SX112 superyacht Almax

Sanlorenzo CEO Massimo Perotti sings his favourite Neapolitan songs with Grace Trofa and shares what he loves about his yachts

Almax , an example of Neapolitan Italian creativity, is my new yacht. After 38 years in the business, I thought it was the right time to buy a new one for myself. At 34 metres, I think the SX112 is the right size to enjoy the sea. You have the feeling of being on a large yacht but also close to the water. I very much like the elliptical-shaped, transparent stairs connecting the lower deck to the flybridge. They don’t obstruct the view and you have a nice feeling of open space.

I met Mr [Paolo] Vitelli, the best manager in the business, when I was 22 and still studying business administration at university. After my degree, in 1982, I went to work full-time at Azimut-Benetti and worked alongside Mr Vitelli until 2004. In 2005 I bought Sanlorenzo .

I am very proud of what I have done. I worked day and night. I was driven by passion and enjoyed spending all my time studying new products and design. When I brought the SX88 to the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show, there was a man that wanted to meet me; I assumed he wanted to buy the boat. Instead, he looked me in the eye and asked if I had built it. When I told him I had, he formed two circles with his index fingers and thumbs and told me I was an incredibly courageous guy to build such a boat, shook my hand and left.

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I was born in Torino [Turin], which is in Piedmont, not by the sea. I did not get involved in yachting until I went to work for Mr Vitelli. The first new boat I owned was the Azimut 58. I bought it for my 40th birthday. It was the first boat I designed, when I was 32, and I bought the last one in the series. 

That boat was a big success for Azimut because it changed yacht design. We used glue instead of bolts for the windows and that allowed us to change their shape from square to a more rounded design. The second one was the [Sanlorenzo] SD92 named Coco , just two years after I bought the company. In 2009, I bought the third boat, the SL106 designed by famous interior designer Rodolfo Dordoni.

Then for 10 years I had no boat; I focused on growing the company. When I bought Sanlorenzo, there were 75 employees and €40 million of revenue; today we are more than 700 employees with €500 million of revenue.

Selling 20 percent of my company stock to a Chinese corporation in 2013 was a difficult decision but I had to increase capital. I went to Shanghai for the signature. You know, the Chinese love a party. There was a band and singing and [they] asked me to come to the podium and sing an Italian song. 

My grandmother was from Naples and I am proud of my heritage. So I asked what song they wanted to hear, and they said Dicitencello vuje . I was astonished as this is a Neapolitan song. I knew the tune but not the words, so this Chinese guy joined me on stage and sang this passionate Neapolitan song – perfectly. The partnership went on for five years fantastically well.

The political and economic situation changed in China, so I went back to Shanghai in December 2018 to buy back the shares . After we signed the papers and ate a fantastic dinner of Peking duck, I grabbed a cigar and went alone for a walk in the streets of old Shanghai. I remembered how five years before when I had trouble, the sale of that stock helped me support my company, and the singing of that song came back into my mind. It was a very pleasurable moment, and I will never forget it.

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