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Lo YACHT CLUB VENEZIA s.s.d a.r.l è affiliato alla Federazione Italiana Vela e si occupa principalmente di diffondere l’arte marinaresca, la didattica e la formazione sportiva anche mediante l’organizzazione di eventi velici e di valorizzazione della tradizione veneziana.

Venice Hospitality Challenge

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venice yacht club italy

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Yacht Club Venice, excellence and luxury in Venice


In the heart of the wonderful and superb city of Venice that the whole world envies and where the people have an almost symbiotic relationship with the sea that surrounds it, is located the Yacht Club Venezia , a name known to sportspeople and sailing enthusiasts all over the world .


Located in the historic building where once the “ Gallette ” was produced for the fleet of the Serenissima. Inside the Marina Sant’Elena, the only marina located in the historic centre of Venice , the Yacht Club Venezia was born from an idea of Mirko Sguario , who aims to bring the excellence of sailing and its significant following in the heart of the Serenissima. 

Mirko Sguario, Yacht Club Venice

Sguario soon becomes an i mportant reference point in the organization of major events . His first event in 1993, the regatta for couples “HIM and HER”, proved to be a real triumph. It aimed to involve as many people of all ages, sailors or not, attracting both newcomers and owners, who used to use the boat only for pleasure, to the race circuit. “HIM and HER” became a success destined to grow and break every record , year after year until reaching the record number of 136 boats in the 2000 edition. 

Yacht Club Venice

His skills, knowledge and quality as an excellent organizer led him over the years to collect one success after another as for example the Cooking Cup . The Cup was born from an innovative concept that combined the race with the preparation of a dish in the galley onboard. And more as the Aquileone Race , the Sci-Vela , another premiere in the Veneto region that was expanded with the speciality of golf.

Mirko Sguario

This is how “ Golf Vela Sciando ” was born, another success with hundreds of participants of all ages and with famous champions such as Bruno Alberti and Cristian Ghedina, who participated in the 2009 edition , also as testimonials of a humanitarian project.


Subsequently with the X-Yacht Adriatic Cup, Sguario brings t he most technological and performing boats to Venice . Experience and expertise led him to become a leading light in the racing world, so much so that in 2006 he was called to the direction of the International Boat Show in Venice to take care of the sports events.

Among the new challenges, Sguario wanted to bring vintage sails back to Venice, finding a great ally in the Consulate of the Principality of Monaco in Venice : this is how the Monaco Trophy was born, in its seventh edition in 2019 .

Yacht Club Venice

When Stefano Costantini inaugurated the Marina Sant’Elena in 2014, Mirko Sguario sensed the possibility of organizing a great regatta like never before seen in Venice. The Venice Hospitality Challenge was born, a race by invitation only for Maxi yachts, each one combined with a 5-star luxury Venetian hotel .

Venice Hospitality Challenge

The Venice Hospitality Challenge is the only regatta in the world that takes place in an urban itinerary such as the F1 Grand Prix of Montecarlo. Every year, the Venice Hospitality Challenge sees internationally renowned boats and skippers battle to win the coveted Doge’s hat, specially made by historic Murano glassworks. 

Yacht Club Venice

Spectacularity is always in the first place: the race course takes place in front of “Piazza San Marco” and when the fleet arrives in “Canale della Giudecca” , which is less than 250 metres wide at its narrowest point, the public is always in suspense. Last year’s 6th edition of the Venice Hospitality Challenge saw no less than fourteen Maxi Yachts lined up on the starting line and victory went to Way of Life – The Gritti Palace , helmed by Slovenian skipper Gaspar Vincec . 

Venice regatta

With events like this, Venice confirms itself as an extraordinary city , a world reference point that pushes to more and more complex challenges but that in the end, rewards with unforgettable emotions.

Enjoy even more @ Yacht Club Venice

Photo by Matteo Bertolin Edit by Stefania Abbruzzo

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Venice Is a City Built on Sailing, and This Club Can Show You the Ropes

A group of idealistic young sailors is preserving Venice's bygone maritime traditions, and you can learn to sail alongside them.

JUST TRYING TO find the office of the sailing and rowing club Venice On Board involves taking a deep dive into the maritime past of Italy’s most ravishing city. The club sits in the ancient boatbuilding district of Cannaregio, where the intricate maze of alleys and canals confounds even Google Maps. I discovered this one morning last spring, when I wound my way there from the Piazza San Marco, became lost, and had to retrace my steps several times before finally finding the Rio della Sensa, a dreamily quiet side canal near Venice’s last working shipyard. At 9 a.m., the only person in sight was a bearded young craftsman who was planing the hull of a traditional wooden sailing boat. Behind him, a heavy wooden door guarded by a sleeping brown dog stood open, leading me to deduce, Sherlock Holmes–style, that I had arrived at Venice On Board’s HQ.

The retro nautical ambience became even more potent when I peered inside to find what might have been a backstage prop room for a production of  The Pirates of Penzance . Every inch of the floor was covered with coiled rope, canvas, obscure metal tools, and handmade models of antique Venetian sailing craft. Rows of oars were balanced in the ceiling rafters, and an entire wall was covered by wooden oarlocks called fórcole, which hung in racks like abstract sculptures; their designs have been honed over centuries to allow for a variety of rowing angles.

Camilla Glorioso

I had come here to take crash courses in two related arts: voga alla veneta, or Venetian-style rowing, and vela al terzo, sailing on Venice’s uniquely designed topi, small wooden boats that have been in use since the Middle Ages. Reclining behind a huge desk covered in marine charts was Emiliano Simon, a sun-bronzed, thirtysomething Venetian who was one of the club’s three original founders.

He explained that our morning lesson would focus on rowing, since no sailor in Venice can survive without it. “You need to know how to row in case the wind drops or you are becalmed in the lee of an island. You need to be confident you can get home!”

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A few minutes later, we were climbing onto the yellow-and-red-painted deck of an 18-foot topa. “I will teach you the first lesson to rowing in real Venetian style,” Simon deadpanned after he had dipped his oar and glided us to a gentle halt 100 yards away, below a café. “That is, we have an espresso! It’s very early.”

Sailing and rowing remained key parts of the waterlogged city’s daily life until the 1950s, when motorized boats began to replace them. The old nautical culture has all but vanished since.

WHILE WE CAFFEINATED, Simon explained why he had founded Venice On Board with his friends Nicola Ebner and Damiano Tonolotto in 2014. Although the trio hadn’t been raised in the city’s cultlike gondolier or fishing clans, they shared a passion for the water. They dreamed of restoring Venice’s seafaring heritage, which reached its apogee in the Renaissance, when the opulent Venetian Republic, or La Serenissima (“the most serene”), ruled a maritime empire that sprawled across the eastern Mediterranean.

Sailing and rowing remained key parts of the waterlogged city’s daily life until the 1950s, Simon went on, when motorized boats began to replace them. The old nautical culture has all but vanished since, he lamented: “There used to be more than sixty different styles of traditional rowing and sailing boats in Venice, and now there are fewer than fifteen. Most are just used for competitions these days. But they were once the only method of transportation in the city.” The creation of Venice On Board stemmed from more than simple nostalgia, he added. Motorboats offend many Venetians’ aesthetic sense: they create noise, and they churn up the mud at the bottom of canals, giving them their murky brown color. Rowers and sailors are more in touch with the environment. “It’s a different rhythm of life,” he said. “It’s a much more human pace.”

The club’s primary goal has always been to reteach Venetian residents how to use traditional vessels. But in the past couple of years, Venice On Board has begun passing its skills on to curious visitors. This is a boon for independent travelers like me, providing a singular opportunity to explore the city—particularly the lagoon, the 212-square-mile enclosed bay that surrounds the urban core of Venice.

Separated from the Adriatic by thin barrier islands and spits of land, it’s the largest wetland in the Mediterranean—shallow, marshy, and challenging for outsiders to navigate alone. Of the lagoon’s 62 outer islands, only 14 can be reached by vaporetto, or water bus—and of those, only a few receive regular visitors, such as the beach-lined Lido and Murano, famous for its glassblowing workshops. That leaves dozens of islands that can only be reached by private boat, plus swaths of eerily beautiful coastal marshes fringed by pale purple wisteria and populated by colonies of silver herons and pink flamingos.

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Accompanying me on this adventure was my girlfriend, Anna, who is Venetian and can trace her lineage back to one of the 16th-century doges who ruled the maritime republic and were wont to sail the lagoon in a gilded ceremonial barge. She offered to take me to the hidden bàcari, or bars, which she frequented as a philosophy student. In return, I shouldered the challenge of taking her to locales in her home city that she had never seen.

Many of the side canals have no footpaths and can only be explored by boat, so this was a rare chance to admire rusted gates that hid secret overgrown gardens, exquisite statues of boars’ heads lined up in rows, and ornately carved doorframes with stone steps descending to the water.

My first success was having found the ultimate aquatic base for us, the San Clemente Palace Kempinski Venice, located on a tiny private island in a former monastery with its own fresco-filled 12th-century church. Stepping onto its dreamy dock, only eight minutes by launch from tourist-filled Piazza San Marco, we already felt like we were entering an alternate dimension of calm and peace. The monks had excellent taste in real estate, we noticed. Every corner of the Kempinski’s centuries-old garden offers lavish water views, today enhanced by abstract artworks; within the church, marble cherubs danced above modern blown-glass sculptures by Venetian artist Lino Tagliapietra. And as we sat at an outdoor table to enjoy the sunset with an Aperol Spritz, the only sounds were the lapping of waves and cawing of seabirds. “Which sphere of Heaven is this?” Anna mused, referring to Dante’s Paradiso.

THE NEXT MORNING, while Anna visited the Venice Biennale—the international art fair the city hosts every other year from late spring to November—I sallied forth for my first lesson at Venice On Board. Our espressos happily consumed, Simon explained the art of rowing, which I broke into four movements that I repeated over and again to myself, like dance steps. Standing mid-deck with the oar’s ridged (“diamond”) side upward, I recited: “gira” (rotate the oar backward, “like revving a motorbike”); “spingi” (“dip” the oar); “taglia l’acqua” (“cut” the water with a smooth stroke); and “torna” (rotate the oar back to its original position as it exits the water). Meanwhile, Simon rowed and steered from the stern. (Traditional boats are powered by two or more oarspeople, as were gondolas until the late 19th century, when a new hull design allowed a single gondolier to both power and steer.) “You can get amazing results from a minimum of effort,” Simon said as I went through the four movements. “Remember, Venetians used to do this all day!”

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Resisting the urge to break into a rendition of “O Sole Mio,” I rowed down the Rio della Misericórdia while Simon guided us through a swarm of speeding water taxis and lumbering cargo barges. “It’s not like English rowing, in flat, calm lakes and empty rivers,” he noted. “In Venice you have tight turns and traffic jams.” The leisurely pace makes the activity a social event, I learned. As we passed under a bridge, Simon yelled out: “Nono!” Grandpa! He then paused to chat with his relative, a dapper silver-haired gent, about the menu for Sunday’s family lunch. “I was born and raised in Cannaregio,” Simon said.

But the hubbub subsided as we turned down a narrow side canal. In the silence, I was able to fully get into a rhythm. “It’s very meditative,” Simon said as we glided onward. I learned to yell out an “Oe!” at blind corners to alert other craft of our approach, followed by either premando (on the left, in Venetian dialect) or stagando (on the right). I also learned to look squarely ahead, instead of glancing at my oar as it dipped in and out, to better keep my balance. This allowed me to take in the marvelous architectural details of Venice’s palazzos at water level. Many of the side canals have no footpaths and can only be explored by boat, so this was a rare chance to admire rusted gates that hid secret overgrown gardens, exquisite statues of boars’ heads lined up in rows, and ornately carved doorframes with stone steps descending to the water. “These used to be the main entrances of the palazzos, since aristocrats would arrive by gondola. Now we use the servants’ entrance in the alley. Even Venetian people forget.”

The relaxing old-world ambience suddenly vanished when we entered the Grand Canal, where the water was churning like a washing machine from all the motorboats. At one point, an ambulance vessel roared past, its siren blazing, sending enormous waves crashing over our bow and threatening to toss me over the side. “You are getting the full Venetian water experience today,” Simon said with a laugh.

“Congratulations!” he roared as we made it through the obstacle course. “You’ve crossed the Grand Canal for the first time!” It would be the first of many such journeys, he predicted.

FOR THE NEXT TWO DAYS, I practiced my Italian nautical phrases with Anna in our island monastery and tracked down such evocative sites as Arzanà, a private collection of maritime artifacts housed in a boatyard that operated from the Renaissance until 1920. It was crammed like an attic with wonderful memorabilia, including a rare gondoletta, or little gondola, made for two passengers.

By now, I was hooked on the water and itching to try my hand at sailing. Anna was keen to join me, and offered to translate the arcane nautical terms in Venetian dialect, which is almost as different to the official Italian I’d studied in college as French is to Spanish.

This time, the instructor would be another of the club’s founders, Nicola Ebner—a statuesque character who had worked as a glassblower on Murano before giving up his day job for life under sail. When we arrived at 9 a.m., Ebner was already loading up the topa with a mast and canvas. Our destination would be the abandoned island of Sant’Andrea, he declared, which was crowned by a ruined 16th-century military fortress and could only be visited by private boat.

The relaxing old-world ambience suddenly vanished when we entered the Grand Canal, where the water was churning like a washing machine from all the motorboats. At one point, an ambulance vessel roared past, its siren blazing, sending enormous waves crashing over our bow and threatening to toss me over the side.

We started rowing through the Cannaregio canals. Near the home of the 16th-century painter Tintoretto, we passed one of Ebner’s friends working on a broken outboard motor. “If you go rowing, the engine never breaks!” Ebner said, laughing, when the man yelled out for advice on how to fix it. (Ebner slowed down to explain that the problem was a blocked tube, which could be cleaned with wire.)

Pausing in the last canal, Ebner showed me how to transform the topa from a rowboat to a full-fledged vela al terzo sailing vessel, erecting the wooden mast, fitting ropes, and raising the sail, or terzo, a unique design with four uneven sides that can catch every breath of wind. The craftsmanship was superb: the handmade pieces fit together perfectly, like in a model aircraft kit. And then the canvas filled, the mast gave a creak, and we were gliding into the open waters of the lagoon.

It was an exhilarating moment. After the labyrinth of urban waterways, the sky of the lagoon seemed as vast as Texas. Luxuriating in space and sunshine, Anna sang an old Venetian folk song between two courting lovers: “Marieta, jump in the gondola. I’ll take you to the Lido!” says the young man, to which the object of his affections teasingly replies, “I don’t trust you! You are too much of a scoundrel.”

Ebner quickly taught us the basics of how to angle the canvas and rudder to regulate speed and direction. Unlike on modern yachts, he explained, tightening the sail brought the prow into the wind, while letting it out brought the wind behind and increased our velocity. He directed me to hold the tiller and sailing rope in the same hand, adjusting both to ease us across the mirror-flat, silver-blue waters. “Look, we are going beyond the briccole,” Ebner noted with satisfaction as we sailed past the wooden poles lashed together that mark the “lanes” dredged for motorized boats.

About 90 percent of the lagoon is less than six feet deep—some parts are barely two feet—which is why Venetian sailboats were designed with flat-bottomed hulls and removable rudders, so they could range freely. But sailing vela al terzo is also possible in the wild waves of the Adriatic and beyond, Ebner explained; in fact, the founders sail a topo (a larger version of a topa) to Croatia every summer, a weeklong journey where they all sleep on deck.

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As we relaxed into the trip, enveloped in silence, Anna helped me hone my vocabulary—learning about la popa, the stern, and la prua, the prow, and sailing sottovento (below the wind) versus sopravento (above it). She recalled an old Venetian expression used by her mother: “Sottovento via!”—loosely, “get under the wind and go,” moving quietly so nobody notices.

An hour later, we approached our goal, Sant’Andrea. There were no docks or even ladders, so we tied up beneath a stone balustrade and scrambled up to dry land. The fortress has been disused for a century and the island is now as wild as a national park. It felt haunted: Ebner led us along an overgrown path bristling with thorny bushes, under crumbling arches and up a worn stone stairwell, an ascent without guardrails that was not for the vertiginous. We finally clambered onto a bastion that once gave the republic’s cannons a commanding range over the lagoon’s entrance. Carved into the wall was the Lion of Saint Mark, the symbol of Venice. Today, I had to admit, the bastion would be a marvelous spot for a bar.

As we skimmed across the waves of the lagoon in the warm spring sunshine, it was impossible not to dream.

Ebner’s face darkened. As it happens, the future of the island is under debate, and Venetian residents worry that access will soon be limited. Earlier, we had passed an island that was sold to a private owner and today operates as an exclusive yachting club. “We Venetians all used to go there as teenagers for picnics and parties,” he lamented. “It is still supposed to be open to the public, but the reality is that if you land there, they will chase you away and threaten to call the police.” Locals hope that Sant’Andrea will escape that fate and instead be turned into a park that all can enjoy, “with a bar here, sure, but a bar everyone can visit!” Ebner sighed: “I’m not optimistic.”

This melancholy note was forgotten the moment we were back under sail, once again becoming part of Venice’s colorful nautical society. Within minutes of casting off, an elderly character in hunter’s camouflage pulled alongside us in a motorized dinghy filled with fishing rods. “How much did that sail cost you?” he yelled out. When Ebner told him, the man revealed himself to be Giovanni Naccari, one of only two traditional sailmakers still working in Venice. Our sail had been made by his competitor, but Naccari took the news with good cheer. “It’s still a good-looking sail!” After complaining about his luck with the morning’s fishing (“It’s lunchtime but I didn’t catch a thing. In fact, I almost got a ticket from the water police for fishing in the wrong place!”), Naccari then declared that he wanted to sell Ebner a traditional boat that he no longer used. The pair exchanged numbers, and then Naccari sped off.

“This could be good news,” Ebner said. “It’s a good price.”

The meeting inspired him to muse about Venice’s future. “This city could be the world leader in environmental sustainability,” he enthused. “We could all just go around Venice by oar, two or three people in a traditional rowboat. It can be faster than a vaporetto, without creating pollution of any kind!” It’s a wildly utopian vision—a bit like the idea of closing Manhattan off to all but bicycle traffic—but as we skimmed across the waves of the lagoon in the warm spring sunshine, it was impossible not to dream.

The Floating City

Where to stay.

San Clemente Palace Kempinski Venice: There’s no better way to experience the scale of the lagoon than with a stay at this luxe 196-room-and-suite resort on a private island. Guests can transfer to the Piazza San Marco via a fiveminute boat ride.

Arzanà: A private museum of boats and memorabilia related to Venice’s nautical history. By appointment only

Venice On Board : Individual lessons in Venetian style rowing and private and group classes in sailing vela al terzo are held throughout the year through this association dedicated to keeping the city’s maritime traditions alive.

A version of this story first appeared in the February 2023 issue of  Travel + Leisure  under the headline "A Sailing Song. "

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An unmissable port of call for those seeking an elite luxury experience in one of the world’s most romantic cities. The bohemian allure suffusing the Île de France is a perfect match for Riva’s heritage and pedigree in a stunningly original Riva Brand Experience. An Aquariva Super is on hand for guests to ease up the Seine to discover the French capital from one very special viewpoint.

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Oscar Leonessa

Naples - italy.

The Riva Café in Naples is the brand’s first establishment under this name. Created in partnership with Oscar Leonessa’s Caffettuccio, it is sure to delight with its décor, its elegant class and its sprinkling of Riva style, the emblem of an incomparable heritage. Here you can savour one of the best cups of coffee in town accompanied by some heavenly pastries or explore a tempting selection of superior whiskies and wines. This is a place made for unforgettable moments.

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Riva Private Deck Yacht Club Eriolario, Matteri

Como - italy.

The Eriolario Yacht Club has always been the go-to destination for Riva owners on Lake Como. That’s because it’s an exclusive landing point immersed in verdant nature where boats meet their natural element: water. The Riva Private Deck at the Eriolario Yacht Club aims to bring together Riva owners and enthusiasts by creating a meeting place on one of the world’s most beautiful lakes, where Riva boats can be hired to enjoy the Riva Yacht. Experience to the full.

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Riva Privée at the Jeddah Yacht Club

Jeddah - saudi arabia.

A spectacular view out over crystal clear waters, in the background a dream location that attracts the international jet set and, all around, unmistakable design elements in mahogany and mirror-polished steel with aquamarine detailing. Is it a Riva? It’s a Riva Destination.

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Riva Lounge Puerto Banús

Marbella - spain.

The new Riva Lounge in Puerto Banús will welcome guests with its signature interior decor inspired by the distinctive details featured on the brand’s legendary boats: a spacious interior dining area, complete with a counter made from ribbed mahogany like the decks on Riva boats and tables with iconic Aquarama chairs. Guests sitting on the new Riva collection couches can admire the view of a fabulous Aquariva, a Riva 66’ Ribelle and a Riva 82' Diva, the latest creation in the flybridge range, all available for charter as well as for magical cocktail parties and dinners aboard.

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Enjoy a unique experience aboard a luxury yacht in Venice. Let yourself be led by our commanders and give yourself an unforgettable experience.

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An exclusive service for those who want to live a unique experience on board a yacht in Venice .

We have three different boats , of different size and structure, for any type of request and clientele. Our yacht rental service in Venice intends to meet the most different needs.

For this reason we respond to individual situations, such as daily excursions with captain and live kitchen on board, private parties and important dinners. In the same way we also satisfy requests for longer periods of time such as support or accommodation as an alternative to staying in a villa or hotel in Venice.

All boats are equipped with sunbathing areas and relaxation zones. Equally inside there are all the comforts , with lounge spaces, sleeping area, toilets and living room.

Having organized numerous personalized events of this type, we are sure to be able to satisfy your requests or to work with you to create unique, interesting and original situations.

Considering the exclusivity and the customization of the service we invite you to contact us for more information.

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To customize this service contact us directly, within 24 working hours you will receive our feedback and the best solutions customized for you.

Please be advised that it is compulsory to print a paper copy of the voucher issued at the end of the online reservation and bring it with you the day of the tour. Please arrive at the meeting point 10 minutes before the tour departure time. Indicate in advance any motor problems in order to ensure the best possible quality of service.


Cancellation at least 7 days in advance is fully refundable. In case of no-show at the meeting point at the time indicated on the voucher, cancellation after the deadline or abandonment of the service before its end there is no refund. In case of adverse meteorological conditions and/or force majeure, you are invited to contact us in order to verify the feasibility of the service and assess, in case of cancellation, the best solution. This may be a refund or the postponement of the service to the first date available. Where predictable well in advance you will also receive our notice of change / cancellation service.

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Yacht Charter Venice and the Italian Adriatic

Coastal Wonders of Eastern Italy - Venice and Beyond

Along the Adriatic Sea lies stunning towns, cities, and harbors to visit during a yacht rental to Venice and the Italian Adriatic. No better place exists to enjoy a luxury yacht charter than in a city on the water that offers ageless beauty and exquisite architecture.

Romance ensues as you cruise the canals of the historic city of Venice. Here, you will find cobblestone streets, gondolas, and boats — no roads for cars. The perfect place to get lost while wandering the canals, stopping at various cafes and window-shopping local boutiques.

Piazza St. Marco is home to the ever-incredible St. Mark’s Basilica, the ever-opulent Doge’s Palace, and St. Mark’s Campanile, which is worth the climb for the stunning city views. Here, you will also find some of Italy’s most famous designers, such as Versace, Gucci, Fendi, and more, lining Calle Larga XXII Marzo.

After an afternoon of shopping, stop in Harry’s bar, the birthplace of the Bellini and Beef Carpaccio, for a true taste of The Floating City. Seafood is a staple in Venetian cuisine. Enjoy a meal at Osteria Boccadoro or one of the city’s oldest trattorias, Antiche Carampane, to get your traditional fare.

If you want to cruise down Venice’s legendary Grand Canal and experience a yacht rental in Venice and Eastern Italy, contact Northrop & Johnson. As a leading yacht charter brokerage, we have access to every luxury crewed yacht for charter in the Adriatic, including the world’s finest superyachts and mega yachts by acclaimed European shipyards. Contact our team today or browse our luxury yachts for charter.

Get in touch with a yacht broker in Venice

Northrop & Johnson is a leading international yacht brokerage with access to the best and most luxurious yachts for charter, including in East Italy. With offices in the heart of Monaco, just moments away from Port Hercule, our yacht charter brokers boast unparalleled Venice and Adriatic expertise and market intelligence. We take pride in listening to our client’s needs and crafting exceptional charter itineraries in and around Balearics. Rent a superyacht on the less crowded Italian Coast and enjoy the ultimate vacation on the water. Contact our yacht brokers in Monaco today if you want to charter a luxury yacht. We will be thrilled to assist you on your yachting journey.

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Charter Highlights Venice & The Italian Adriatic

  • Take a romantic gondola tour along the meandering Floating City canals
  • Marvel over the Gothic architecture adorning Doge's palace
  • Spend an afternoon shopping on Calle Larga XXII Marzo
  • Walk in the Guggenheim Museum, filled with acclaimed 20th-century European and American art, and the Palazzo Grassi, known for its superb contemporary art exhibitions
  • Indulge in a Bellini in the world-famous Harry's Bar
  • Visit the Cathedral of San Ciriaco in Ancona
  • Sail in some of the best gulf in Italy, admiring stunning views
  • Discover San Marco, one of the most famous hotspots in The Floating City

Best Yachts for Charter in Venice & The Italian Adriatic

Motor yachts for charter in venice & the italian adriatic, sailing yachts for charter in venice & the italian adriatic, yacht charter venice and adriatic guide: faqs, where in the mediterranean is venice & the eastern italy coast located.

Venice and the Italian East Coast are located in the northern part of the Mediterranean Sea. Specifically, The Floating City is situated in northeastern Italy, and the Adriatic Coast extends along the eastern side of the Italian Peninsula, facing the Adriatic Sea. Situated within the Venetian Lagoon near the northern Adriatic Sea, this amazing city is renowned for its unique setting on a group of 118 islands separated by canals and linked by bridges.

Why charter a yacht in Venice and the Italian Adriatic?

Chartering a yacht in Venice and the Adriatic off Italy’s eastern coast offers a one-of-a-kind experience, combining the historic charm of The Floating City with the scenic beauty of the Adriatic coastline. Explore iconic cities, secluded isles, and cultural sites with the flexibility of a personalized itinerary. Enjoy gourmet dining onboard, water activities in clear Adriatic waters, and the exclusivity and privacy of a luxury yacht. Witness romantic sunsets, escape to lesser-known destinations, and embrace this region’s unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, making it a captivating choice for a memorable and tailored yachting experience.

What to do on a luxury yacht rental in Venice and the Italian Adriatic coast

The charter team at Northrop & Johnson will plan and customize your itinerary and activities based on your preferences to create a perfect blend of indulgence and discovery. Some highlights include:

  • Explore Venice: Take a gondola ride through the iconic canals of The Floating City, visit St. Mark’s Basilica, and wander through the charming streets of the historic city. This city is a treasure trove of art, culture, and history.
  • Island Hopping: Visit the nearby islands, such as Murano, known for its glassmaking, and Burano, famous for its colorful houses and lace. Enjoy the unique atmosphere and local crafts on each island.
  • Adriatic Coastal Towns: Explore charming coastal towns along the Italian East coast, such as Trieste, Ravenna, and Cesenatico. Discover historical sites and museums, and feast on delightful local cuisine at local eateries and acclaimed restaurants.
  • Water Activities: Make the most of your yacht’s many water toys on the Adriatic’s azure blue waters, including jet skis, inflatables, snorkeling and diving equipment, Seabobs, and foils.
  • Wine Tasting: Explore the rich wine culture of the East Italy. Visit local vineyards and wineries, or have a selection of regional wines curated for a private tasting on your yacht.
  • Cultural Excursions: Take cultural excursions to historical sites, museums, and art galleries along the shoreline. Cities like Trieste and Ravenna have a wealth of cultural attractions to explore.
  • Sunset Cruises: Enjoy unforgettable sunsets over the Adriatic Sea. Many luxury yachts offer spacious decks and lounging areas, creating the perfect setting for a romantic sunset cruise.
  • Relaxation and Spa: Unwind with spa treatments and relaxation sessions onboard your luxury yacht or at acclaimed spas ashore.

What's better, a motor or sailing yacht charter in Venice and the Italian Adriatic Coast

Motor yachts offer speed and stability, ideal for those who prioritize comfort, convenience, and a faster pace of travel. Sailing yachts provide a unique, eco-friendly, and serene sailing experience, appealing to those who appreciate the traditional charm, a quieter ambiance, and a more hands-on approach.

Are Venice and the Italian Adriatic yacht charters good for families?

A Venice and the Italian Adriatic yacht charter is an excellent choice for families, offering a unique and memorable vacation experience. The east coast, including The Floating City, offers diverse destinations with rich history, culture, and natural beauty. Families can explore historic cities, charming coastal towns, and idyllic isles, creating a well-rounded itinerary. The waters are generally calm, providing a comfortable and family-friendly sailing experience. This makes it suitable for families with children who may not be accustomed to rough seas. The Adriatic shoreline is dotted with picturesque islands, and a charter yacht allows families to explore multiple destinations without needing constant packing and unpacking.

When is the best time of year for yacht charters in Venice and the Adriatic, and what weather can I expect?

  • Summer (June to August): This is the peak season, offering warm and sunny weather, ideal for swimming, water sports, and exploring coastal towns. However, it is also the busiest season, so popular destinations may be crowded. Daytime temperatures range from 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F) or higher, and humidity levels may rise.
  • Spring (March to May) and Fall (September to October): Spring and fall offer milder temperatures but are generally pleasant, and these shoulder seasons avoid the peak crowds of high season. However, occasional rain showers are possible. Spring and fall are excellent for sightseeing, cultural exploration, and outdoor activities. The sea is still warm enough for water activities. Daytime highs range from 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F).

What is the water temperature in Venice and the Adriatic?

  • Summer (June to August): the water temperatures can range from approximately 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F). June brings warmer water temperatures, making it more suitable for swimming.
  • Spring (March to May): In March, it may still be cool, with water temperatures averaging around 10°C to 14°C (50°F to 57°F), but by May, water temperatures can reach around 16°C to 20°C (61°F to 68°F).

How much in advance should I book a yacht charter in Venice and the Italian East?

Booking well in advance is advisable to secure the ideal yacht of your choice and get the best availability. We recommend booking at least 6 to 12 months in advance for high-season vacations and 3 to 6 months for spring or fall vacations.

How much is a luxury yacht charter in Venice and the Italian Adriatic?

The cost of a yacht charter in Venice and the Italian east shoreline will depend on the size of the vessel, its onboard amenities, and the year of delivery, as well as your chosen itinerary, length of charter, and the time of year that you go. Expect a yacht charter in The Floating City and the Adriatic to start from US$50,000 per week, with the world’s finest superyacht charters costing upwards of 1 million plus. Northrop & Johnson boasts an exquisite fleet of  yachts for charter in the Mediterranean , including in Venice and the Adriatic.

What is the VAT for chartering a yacht in Venice and the Italian Adriatic?

All yacht charters in Venice and the Adriatic are subject to a VAT fee, with the VAT dependent on the length of the charter. Northrop & Johnson will advise on the total VAT cost and manage the payment for you.

What types of yachts can I charter in Venice and The Italian East Coast?

  • Motor Yachts: These are popular for those who prefer speed and comfort. A motor yacht offers spacious interiors and modern amenities and can cover larger distances quickly.
  • Sailing Yachts: They provide a more traditional and serene sailing experience. They are ideal for those who enjoy the thrill of the wind in their sails and a more relaxed pace.
  • Catamarans: Catamarans are known for their stability and spaciousness. A catamaran is an excellent choice for families or groups of friends as it offers more living space both above and below deck. Northrop & Johnson can connect you with both sailing catamarans and motor catamarans.
  • Motor Sailers: Combining the features of the engine and sailing yachts, this kind of sailer offers versatility. They can sail using the engine or the wind, providing a flexible and enjoyable experience.

What food can I expect on a Venice and the Italian Adriatic yacht charter?

On Northrop & Johnson luxury yacht charters, you get supreme culinary experiences tailored to your preferences and dietary requirements. Your chef will create an exquisitely delicious menu for you and include any specific requests or dietary restrictions you communicate to us in advance.

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Venice luxury yacht charters

Venice Luxury Yacht Charter

May - September

High Season

July - August

Cruising Area

Western Mediterranean

Local Currency

Explore one of the world’s most iconic cities by luxury yacht.

Seeing Venice for the first time aboard a luxury yacht is an unparalleled experience. As you approach this iconic city from the water, there’s a sense of anticipation and wonder that builds with each passing moment. The first glimpse of the Grand Canal, with its bustling activity of vaporettos and gondolas weaving through the historic waterways, feels like stepping into a living painting. Venice offers a fascinating amalgamation of history, art, architecture, and romance. Sold on a Venice yacht charter? Contact Moran to start planning your luxury yacht charter getaway in the city of love.

Why charter a yacht in Venice?

  • Unobstructed views of the city’s iconic landmarks, including the Grand Canal, St. Mark’s Square, and the Venetian architecture
  • Explore the secluded and exclusive spots around the Venetian lagoon and nearby islands on your private yacht
  • Discover nearby Slovenian coastal towns like Piran and Koper on a Venice yacht charter
  • Immerse yourself in Venetian culture in the Piazza San Marco and St. Mark’s Basilica
  • Visit enchanting islands like Murano, famous for its glass-making tradition
  • Enjoy exquisite meals at Michelin-starred restaurants featuring renowned seafood sourced from the city’s aquaculture

Venice Motor Yacht Charters

What are the best locations to explore on a Venice yacht charter holiday?

Venice boasts a wealth of culture, hosting top-tier galleries, art collections, and museums. Some of the most popular locations to see include:

Grand Canal

The Grand Canal is Venice’s biggest selling point for good reason. Take a vaporetto (water bus) ride along this iconic waterway, passing palaces, churches, and colorful buildings. It’s a picturesque journey showcasing Venice’s grandeur.

Venice Grand Canal

St. Mark’s Basilica

A breathtaking architectural masterpiece adorned with Byzantine mosaics, located in St. Mark’s Square. Take the chance to climb the Campanile for panoramic views of the city.

St Mark's Basilica - Venice

Rialto Bridge

Completed in 1591, the Rialto Bridge spans the Grand Canal, linking the districts of San Marco and San Polo. It replaced older wooden bridges and was a pivotal structure in Venice’s development as a trading hub. Visitors can also explore the vibrant Rialto Market, renowned for fresh produce, seafood, and local specialties.

Rialto Bridge Venice

Gallerie dell’Accademia

Home to an exceptional collection of Venetian art from the 14th to the 18th centuries, including works by Bellini, Titian, Veronese, and Tintoretto, the Gallerie dell’Accademia is a must-see for art enthusiasts. The museum showcases paintings, sculptures, and drawings.

Venice Private Yacht Charters

Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Housed in Peggy Guggenheim’s former palatial residence, this museum exhibits an impressive array of 20th-century European and American art. Visitors can admire works by Picasso, Pollock, Dalí, Magritte, and many other influential artists.

Venice Museums

Carnevale Festival

Venice Carnival is one of the most important and captivating events in the city. Held every year in February, the city celebrates the traditional Carnival, drawing over three million revelers adorned in masquerade attire who dance through the night until dawn.

Venice Carnival

Venice Film Festival

The Venice International Film Festival is the oldest in the world and one of the most prestigious events in the Floating City. As an integral part of the Venice Biennale, the festival unfolds in the scenic Lido district, and the combination of location and tradition makes it a popular destination for the elite of the film industry.

Venice Film Festival

How can Moran Yacht & Ship help me charter a yacht in Venice?

Moran Yacht & Ship’s charter specialists will listen to your needs and craft a bespoke Venice yacht charter itinerary. Thanks to our superb contacts, we can also secure your reservations at the most exclusive restaurants and events, as well as arrange for private guided tours throughout the city. With access to the best yachts in and around Venice, our expertise and knowledge are second to none. Contact our charter team today and start your Venetian yacht charter vacation.

Venice Motor Yacht Private Yacht Charters

Contact us today to learn more about chartering a luxury yacht in Venice

Venice yacht charter faqs, when is the best time to explore venice.

The best time to explore Venice often depends on personal preferences regarding weather, crowds, and specific events. Venice is beautiful at any time of the year but is bustling with tourists during summer. Art aficionados should consider that the Venice Biennale typically takes place from May to November in odd-numbered years and that the Venice Film Festival is held in February. Moran Yacht & Ship can help you plan a personalized yacht charter itinerary.

What are some highlights of a Venice luxury yacht charter?

Some highlights of a luxury yacht charter around Venice include:

  • While touristy, a gondola ride provides a unique view of Venice’s narrow canals, bridges, and charming architecture
  • Indulge in cicchetti (Venetian tapas) at bacari (wine bars), try Venetian specialties like sarde in saor, and enjoy a refreshing spritz while experiencing Venetian culinary delights
  • Wander through areas like Dorsoduro, Cannaregio, or the Jewish Ghetto to discover hidden gems, local life, and charming squares away from the tourist crowds
  • Visit Venetian islands like Burano for colorful houses and lace and Torcello for its serene atmosphere and historical sites
  • Discover the historical significance of the Doge’s Palace (Palazzo Ducale), housing art, lavish chambers, and the iconic Bridge of Sighs

What are the air temperatures on a Venice luxury yacht charter?

Spring (April to June)

Temperatures typically range from around 55°F (13°C) to 75°F (24°C). It’s generally mild and pleasant, perfect for exploring without the intense heat or crowds.

Summer (July to August)

Venice can get warmer during this period, with temperatures averaging between 70°F (21°C) and 85°F (29°C). It might be more crowded with tourists, and occasional heatwaves can occur.

Fall/Autumn (September to November)

Temperatures gradually cool down, ranging from around 55°F (13°C) to 70°F (21°C). It’s a great time to visit with fewer crowds and comfortable weather.

Winter (December to February)

Venice experiences colder temperatures during winter, averaging between 35°F (2°C) to 50°F (10°C). It’s the off-peak season, so you might encounter fewer tourists, but it can be chilly.

What's the water temperature like on a Venetian yacht charter in the Adriatic Sea?

  • Water temperatures tend to range from around 60°F (15°C) to 70°F (21°C) during these months as it gradually warms up.
  • In the peak summer months, water temperatures can reach their highest, averaging between 70°F (21°C) to 75°F (24°C). It’s comfortable for swimming and water activities.


  • As autumn arrives, the water gradually cools down, ranging from approximately 65°F (18°C) to 70°F (21°C).
  • During the winter months, water temperatures drop, averaging between 50°F (10°C) to 55°F (13°C). It can be quite chilly for water-related activities, but the ideal time to visit Venetian museums, galleries, and cultural festivals.

Where can I embark on a Venice yacht charter?

In Venice, there are several locations where you can embark on a yacht charter:

  • Venice Marina – The marinas in Venice, such as Marina Sant’Elena or Marina di San Giorgio, offer options for yacht charters. They’re conveniently located for exploring the city and its nearby islands.
  • Venice Lagoon – Some charters may begin directly in the Venice Lagoon, providing easy access to the city’s landmarks and the surrounding islands like Murano, Burano, and Torcello.
  • Adjacent Ports: Nearby ports or marinas like Chioggia, Lido di Jesolo, or Punta Sabbioni also serve as starting points for Venice yacht charters, offering access to the Adriatic Sea and the Venetian Lagoon.
  • Venetian Islands – Depending on the charter service, embarking from specific islands like Murano or Lido di Venezia might be an option, allowing you to start your journey from different points within the Venetian archipelago.

How much does a yacht charter in Venice cost?

The cost of a luxury motor yacht charter in Venice will depend on several factors, primarily the size of the boat, its onboard amenities, your cruising itinerary, and the length of the charter. Each yacht charter has distinct offerings, ranging from the onboard luxuries to the selected cruising route and tailored experiences. Moran Yacht & Ship specializes in Venice and Adriatic yacht charters, offering access to the finest superyachts and mega yachts. Moran’s team of veteran charter agents can help you plan the ultimate yachting holiday. We will listen to your needs and connect you with your ideal vessel, ensuring you enjoy the ultimate charter experience. Contact our team today.

How can Moran help me charter a yacht in Venice?

Moran Yacht & Ship is a leading yacht brokerage with exclusive access to the world’s finest motor yachts and superyachts for charter. We specialize in curating extraordinary yachting experiences that exceed expectations. Contact our team to start planning an unforgettable Venice yacht charter holiday.

Venice Yacht Charter

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Venice Yacht Charter, Italy

The reputation of Venice as a city of romance and festivities is known worldwide, and you and your group can see its charms for yourself on a Venice luxury yacht charter by sailing yacht or motor yacht in the Mediterranean . Situated in the Adriatic Sea, Venice is optimally located for inclusion into a larger superyacht charter itinerary, such as one including the Amalfi Coast  in western Italy , or Croatian destinations such as Istria and the Dalmatian Coast.

This historic destination has on offer a wealth of shopping opportunities, including the chance to purchase Murano glass in the Murano and Burano Districts from the very workshops where you can witness it being made. The famous carnival masks have their own dedicated shops, of which La Bauta and Atelier Flavia are some of the most well-known and have costumes to rent as well as to buy.

The nightlife is just as intoxicating and hidden down labyrinthine streets and atop the roofs of prestigious hotels there are sensational bars and clubs that will make a night in the city one to remember. Dress to impress for a night at Casino di Venezia, the world's oldest casino, then take the party into the early hours back on board your luxury yacht.

There are plenty of ancient wonders to enchant you and your loved ones: Visit the cathedrals and the monastery on garden-like Torcello, learn about the city's history in the local museums, and then spend a night at the theatre or at a sensational concert.

Venice is simply a charming yacht charter destination. On any Italian or Adriatic Sea excursion, stop in and enjoy the culture, beauty and romance of Venice.

5 quick reasons to visit Venice:

Venice Carnival, Magnificent architecture, Romantic ambiance, Beautiful Murano glass, The world's oldest casino

More about this part of Italy

The Adriatic has beautiful blue waters and a soft sandy beaches hidden down coves and cresting bays that stretch for miles. The snorkelling and Scuba diving opportunities are excellent, with wreck dives from WWII and others dating back hundreds of years. Tunnels, caves and lagoons will provide a challenge for more experienced Scuba divers, while snorkelers and guests using Seabobs will have plenty of locations to take in sea life such as starfish, seahorses and turtles.

venice yacht club italy

Although Venice isn't known for its spectacular beaches, a few hours away there is Istria and the Dalmatian Coast, where the nights come alive with electronic music festivals in summer along the sensational white beaches. Take advantage of your sailing yacht or motor yacht and cruise to a quiet uninhabited island for complete tranquillity surrounded by nature.

Venice Yacht Charter Experiences

Venice is one of the most romantic cities in the world and entrances visitors with its intricate web of canals, charming gondoliers, glorious renaissance architecture and narrow cobbled streets. The waterside city is an essential stop on any Adriatic yacht charter holiday and on you luxury yacht charter be sure to take a cruise down the Grand Canal to marvel at life being played out in front of the colourful centuries-old buildings. From the deck of your charter yacht, you’ll be able to pass by sights such as the Ca'Foscari, Palazzo Grassi, Guggenheim Museum and the Accademia Bridge.

Once you step ashore, meander through the narrow side streets and boutique shops of Piazza San Marco. In the piazza, you’ll find St. Mark’s Basilica, a masterpiece of Venetian-Byzantine architecture. Next to it stands the commanding Clock Tower with its famous Moors, the giant bronze figures who have been striking the hours for over five centuries. Savour a sparkling Italian wine in a lavish sidewalk café, and enjoy as musicians serenade the crowds.

Things to Consider:

Yachting seasons & climate:.

From June until September the temperatures sit between 20°C/73°F and 25°C/77°F, while from November through to February visitors can expect to experience temperatures around 5°C/41°F. Rainfall is steady throughout the year, with the winter months being the driest and June being the wettest.

Clothing to Pack For Your Charter:

Although beachwear is fine for the beach, visitors should dress smart casual for exploring the town and note that some of the more prestigious locations, such as the city casino, have a smart dress code where jeans, tank tops etc. are not permitted. The temperature and winds can fluctuate considerably between day and night, as well as between air conditioned buildings, and a warm layer is recommended to keep off the cold.

With an average of 10 days a month experiencing rainfall, whether it’s a quick drizzle or a prolonged thunderstorm, a compact umbrella and a waterproof layer are recommended so that you do not get caught out while travelling between landmarks.

Main Ports and Marinas:

Venice Port, Venezia Certosa Marina, Marina Santelena

Famous Restaurants & Clubs:

Quadri Restaurant, Il Ridotto Restaurant, Met Restaurant, Oro Restaurant, Bar L’Incontro inside Ca’Sagredo Hotel, Harry's Bar, La Bottega ai Promessi Sposi

A Must See Attraction:

Grand Canal, Basilica di San Marco and Palazzo Ducale, The Murano, Burano and Torcello Districts, Chiesa di Santa Fosca, Museo di Torcello, San Marco 801, La Bauta

Best beaches to visit in your yacht:

Barricata Beach, Spiaggia di Boccasette, Albarella Beach, Chiosco Beach, Lighthouse Beach

Local Yacht Events:

Venice Historical Regatta

Best time to go:

The Carnival of Venice prior to Lent is the city's most well-known event and attracts international visitors, who book up the hotels and swell the numbers visiting the surrounding tourist destinations. However, these concerns are mitigated on a luxury yacht charter as you will have your own transport and accommodation to take with you wherever you go, and during the bustling afternoons instead of queuing you can disappear to a secluded beach along the sparkling Adriatic. Visit from early spring through to the end of summer to ensure that all attractions are open to visitors.

Further Charter Information

Yacht Rentals Available: Go here for the current list of yacht rentals in Venice.

Full Italy Yacht Charter Guide: Go here for the essential Italy yacht charter guide.

Venice Itineraries: Here is a selection of broker itineraries for Venice.

News: Read the latest superyacht news about Venice.

  • Italy: A Fact File
  • Italy Yacht Charter Reviews
  • Italy Yacht Charter Itinerary
  • Italian Riviera Itinerary
  • Italy's Best Charter Spots
  • Amalfi Coast
  • Camogli yacht Charters
  • Elba yacht charter
  • Cinque Terre Yacht Charter
  • Carloforte and Saint Peter’s Island
  • Castiglioncello
  • Italian Riviera Yacht Charter (Liguria)
  • Lavagna Yacht Charter
  • Naples & Capri
  • Santo Stefano Al Mare
  • Positano yacht charter
  • Porto Ercole
  • Porto San Rocco
  • Portoferraio
  • Porto Azzurro
  • Procida / Chiaiolella
  • Reggio di Calabria
  • Rome & West Italy
  • San Vincenzo
  • The Tyrrhenian Sea
  • Vibo Valentia
  • 6 Italian Destinations Alternative to Cinque Terre
  • 10 Top Secluded Beaches in Italy
  • Current Italy Charter Special Prices

Quick Enquiry

Special discounted rate location: the bahamas.

Luxury Charter Yacht VIDA BOA

VIDA BOA | From US$ 64,000.00/wk

Special: 10 nights for the price of 8 location: bahamas.

Luxury charter yacht Crossed Sabre

CROSSED SABRE | From US$ 175,000.00/wk

15% discount location: caribbean.

Amels Yacht LILI - Cruising On A Sunny Day In Norway

AMIGOS | From US$ 250,750.00/wk

Special offer location: bahamas and usa.

Superyacht ACTA

ACTA | From US$ 185,000.00/wk

Special rate location: leeward islands.

The 37m Yacht TEMPTATION

TEMPTATION | From US$ 80,000.00/wk

Special offer location: america, bahamas.

Luxury Yacht GOLDEN OURS

GOLDEN OURS | From US$ 49,500.00/wk

15% discount location: bahamas.


REMEMBER WHEN | From US$ 195,000.00/wk

September special offer location: thialand.

The 29m Yacht MIA KAI

MIA KAI | From US$ 52,800.00/wk

8 days for the price of 7 location: new england.

Premier Overview On Yacht SYCARA IV

NADAN | From US$ 125,000.00/wk

5% discount location: east mediterranean.

Sailing Yacht DOUBLE EAGLE

DOUBLE EAGLE | From EUR€ 33,250.00/wk

Special rate location: greece.

NATALIA V With Tenders

NATALIA V | From EUR€ 114,750.00/wk

Special offer location: west mediterranean.

Motor Yacht KAR

KAR | From EUR€ 50,000.00/wk

Super yacht ROCKET ONE

M/Y ROCKET ONE | From EUR€ 160,000.00/wk

Special offer location: croatia.


ONE BLUE | From EUR€ 89,820.00/wk

Superyacht THUMPER. Photo credit Sunseeker Yachts

THUMPER | From EUR€ 160,000.00/wk

Special discounted rate location: croatia.

Luxury Yacht SEAGULL II

SEAGULL II | From EUR€ 85,000.00/wk

Special discounted rate location: greece and turkey.

Superyacht ARIELA

ARIELA | From EUR€ 103,500.00/wk

15% discount location: croatia.

 La Perla Yacht

LA PERLA | From EUR€ 55,250.00/wk

Motor Yacht NOOR II - SL102 By Sanlorenzo

NOOR II | From EUR€ 94,500.00/wk

10% discount location: france.

Running Shot

CYAN | From EUR€ 157,500.00/wk

5% discount location: greece.

At Anchor

IRENE | From EUR€ 18,620.00/wk

September and october special location: greece.

Motor Yacht EL PECADO

EL PECADO | From EUR€ 25,000.00/wk

The 21m Yacht MANU

MANU | From EUR€ 17,000.00/wk

Conte Alberti Charter Yacht

CONTE ALBERTI | From EUR€ 32,400.00/wk

15% discount location: the mediterranean.

Super yacht SYNTHESIS 66

SYNTHESIS 66 | From EUR€ 127,500.00/wk

Special discounted rate location: amalfi coast.

Motor Yacht 55 FIFTYFIVE

55 FIFTYFIVE | From EUR€ 76,500.00/wk

No delivery fees location: portofino.

Luxury yacht SOUL

M/Y SOUL | From EUR€ 34,000.00/wk

10% discount location: indian ocean & south east asia.

Superyacht GALILEO

GALILEO | From EUR€ 252,000.00/wk

Special discounted rate location: greece.

ZIA With Toys

ZIA | From EUR€ 190,000.00/wk

Special offer location: sardinia/corsica, sicily or naples/amalfi.

Luxury Catamaran Charter Yacht LIR

LIR | From EUR€ 24,750.00/wk

Special offer location: greece.

The 32m Yacht SANJANA

SANJANA | From EUR€ 45,600.00/wk

15% discount location: croatia.

Super yacht VALENTINA II

M/Y VALENTINA II | From EUR€ 52,700.00/wk

5% discount location: croatia.

Superyacht NOCTURNO

NOCTURNO | From EUR€ 79,800.00/wk

Zero vat in turkey location: gocek, turkey.


GOLDFINGER | From EUR€ 50,000.00/wk

Luxury yacht MIRAVAL

MIRAVAL | From EUR€ 35,000.00/wk

37% discount location: croatia.

At Anchor

HAPPY ME | From EUR€ 120,000.00/wk

21% discount location: croatia, happy me | from eur€ 150,000.00/wk.

Luxury Yacht B.A.1.3.

B.A.13 | From EUR€ 97,750.00/wk

9 nights for the price of 7 location: france.

Motor Yacht ESPINOLA

ESPINOLA | From EUR€ 55,000.00/wk

Anima Maris Yacht

ANIMA MARIS | From EUR€ 90,250.00/wk

Motor Yacht GEKTOR

GEKTOR | From EUR€ 25,000.00/wk

Aerial - Sistership

AMADA MIA | From EUR€ 14,880.00/wk

Superyacht DALMATINO

DALMATINO | From EUR€ 71,250.00/wk

10% discount location: greece.


ULISSE | From EUR€ 21,600.00/wk

Superyacht LOVE STORY

LOVE STORY | From EUR€ 71,250.00/wk

Super yacht VOLANTE

AGIO | From EUR€ 75,000.00/wk

Special discounted rate location: croatia & montenegro / west mediterranean.

Serenity II  -  Main

Super Yacht Serenity II | From EUR€ 100,000.00/wk

Special offer location: the mediterranean.

Cruising On Board Yacht MARIU

MARIU | From EUR€ 150,000.00/wk

20% discount location: athens, greece.

Princess 35M Yacht ANTHEYA III - Photo credit Quin BISSET

ANTHEYA III | From EUR€ 92,000.00/wk

Catamaran Yacht ALOIA 80 Rendering

ALOIA 80 | From EUR€ 63,000.00/wk

Luxury Yacht Polpo

POLPO | From EUR€ 17,500.00/wk

Motor Yacht SALT - Main Shot

SALT | From EUR€ 27,740.00/wk

10% discount location: italy / france.

Exterior Profile

SILVER WIND | From EUR€ 166,500.00/wk


WIND OF FORTUNE | From EUR€ 113,400.00/wk

20% discount location: greece.


FUNSEA | From EUR€ 31,920.00/wk

Annabel ii | from eur€ 39,950.00/wk.

Heesen Motor Yacht G3 - Main Shot

G3 | From EUR€ 148,750.00/wk

Special discounted rate location: sof & italy.

Superyacht EVEREAST

EVEREAST | From EUR€ 110,000.00/wk

Fuel consumption discount location: italy.


EACOS | From EUR€ 35,000.00/wk

Motor Yacht VA BENE

VA BENE | From EUR€ 20,800.00/wk

10% discount location: croatia.

Luxury yacht VIVA

M/Y VIVA | From EUR€ 44,550.00/wk

15% discount location: west mediterranean.

Luxury Charter Yacht HATT MILL

HATT MILL | From EUR€ 187,000.00/wk


MINOR FAMILY AFFAIR (ex El Guajiro) | From EUR€ 110,000.00/wk

Luxury Yacht SEAGULL MRD

SEAGULL MRD | From EUR€ 219,300.00/wk

Motor Yacht AGLAYA

AGLAYA | From EUR€ 27,200.00/wk

20% discount location: balearics.

Mangusta 130 Underway

MRS GREY | From EUR€ 92,000.00/wk

Running Shot

NIKITA | From EUR€ 89,000.00/wk

Carpe Diem - Exterior

CARPE DIEM | From EUR€ 280,000.00/wk


XIPHIAS | From EUR€ 45,000.00/wk

15% discount location: greece.

The 27m Yacht TSOUVALI

THIS IS MINE | From EUR€ 30,600.00/wk

SEA DOG Motor Yacht Running

LAZY DAYS | From EUR€ 22,400.00/wk

Motor Yacht G

'G' | From EUR€ 76,500.00/wk


IPANEMAS | From EUR€ 106,250.00/wk

Special discounted rate location: the mediterranean.

Superyacht ALHAMBRA

ALHAMBRA | From EUR€ 50,000.00/wk

20% discount location: croatia.

Silver Angel And Her Tender

SILVER ANGEL | From EUR€ 340,000.00/wk

Special discounted rate location: west mediterranean.

Superyacht GLASAX

GLASAX | From EUR€ 63,750.00/wk

Luxury Charter Yacht ELEMENTS

ELEMENTS | From EUR€ 720,000.00/wk

10% discount location: west mediterranean.

Luxury Yacht SIDURI III

SIDURI III | From EUR€ 58,500.00/wk

Yacht BELLA STELLA -  Main

BELLA STELLA | From EUR€ 120,000.00/wk


BIANCA | From EUR€ 61,200.00/wk

Special discounted rate location: east mediterranean.

Superyacht SUNRISE At Sun Set

SUNRISE | From EUR€ 200,000.00/wk

20% discount location: greece and italy.

Sailing Yacht RED DRAGON By Dubois - Sailing And Underway

RED DRAGON | From EUR€ 184,000.00/wk

Profile Aboard Yacht PERLA DEL MARE

Gulet PERLA DEL MARE | From EUR€ 45,000.00/wk

Superyacht LOTUS

LOTUS | From EUR€ 100,000.00/wk

Special discounted rates location: east mediterranean.

Queen Mare Yacht In A Bay

QUEEN MARE | From EUR€ 180,000.00/wk

15% discount location: the mediterranean.

LADY LENA Superyacht Profile

LADY LENA | From EUR€ 208,600.00/wk

Charter yacht disclaimer.

This document is not contractual. The yacht charters and their particulars displayed in the results above are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed. CharterWorld Limited does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. All information is subject to change without notice and is without warrantee. A professional CharterWorld yacht charter consultant will discuss each charter during your charter selection process. Starting prices are shown in a range of currencies for a one-week charter, unless otherwise marked. Exact pricing and other details will be confirmed on the particular charter contract. Just follow the "reserve this yacht charter" link for your chosen yacht charter or contact us and someone from the CharterWorld team will be in touch shortly.

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Shore Excursions

Venice, italy.

One of the most enchanting cities in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage site, Venice rises from a lagoon on more than a hundred tiny islands linked by the iconic network of canals. A romantic gondola ride provides the perfect introduction to the city, gliding underneath the Ponte di Rialto – the oldest and most famous of Venice’s hundreds of bridges – and past the ornate palaces lining the Grand Canal. The power and wealth of the Venetian empire are on display at Piazza San Marco, the city’s most splendid square, where stands the grand St. Mark’s Basilica and the Gothic-style Doge’s Palace. Priceless art collections vie for attention, including the Italian masters in the Gallerie dell’Accademia and the modern works of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. Some of the world’s most talented glassblowers showcase their wares on the island of Murano, while the colorful shops of Burano are home to artisan lace makers.

7 matching cruises



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341  Crewed Luxury Yachts for Charter in Venice

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Phoenix 2 Yacht Charter in Venice

90m   Lurssen

from $1,000,000 p/week

Moonlight II Yacht Charter in Venice

Moonlight II

Tranquility Yacht Charter in Venice


IJE Yacht Charter in Venice

108m Benetti

108m   2019

from $1,990,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Black Pearl Yacht Charter in Venice

Black Pearl 14

105m Oceanco

105m   2018

Christina O Yacht Charter in Venice

Christina O 34

99m Canadian Vickers

99m   1943/2020

from $774,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Faith Yacht Charter in Venice

97m Feadship

97m   2017/2022

from $1,775,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Whisper Yacht Charter in Venice

95m Lurssen

from $1,338,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Lady S Yacht Charter in Venice

93m Feadship

from $1,556,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Moonlight II Yacht Charter in Venice

Moonlight II 36

91m Neorion

91m   2005/2020

from $713,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Tranquility Yacht Charter in Venice

Tranquility 22

92m Oceanco

92m   2014/2023

from $1,100,000 p/w eek

Nero Yacht Charter in Venice

90m Corsair Yachts

90m   2007/2021

from $497,000 p/w eek

Phoenix 2 Yacht Charter in Venice

Phoenix 2 12

90m Lurssen

90m   2010/2024

from $1,000,000 p/w eek

Lauren L Yacht Charter in Venice

Lauren L 36

90m Cassens-Werft

90m   2002/2008

from $768,000 p/w eek ♦︎ *

Maltese Falcon Yacht Charter in Venice

Maltese Falcon 12

88m Perini Navi

88m   2006/2023

from $490,000 p/w eek

Project X Yacht Charter in Venice

Project X 12

88m Golden Yachts

from $1,222,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Chakra Yacht Charter in Venice

86m Scheepswerf Gebr. van der Werf

86m   1998/2024

from $531,000 p/w eek ♦︎

HBC Yacht Charter in Venice

86m Abeking & Rasmussen

86m   2009/2024

from $939,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Sunrays Yacht Charter in Venice

86m Oceanco

86m   2010/2018

from $1,278,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Bold Yacht Charter in Venice

85m SilverYachts

from $974,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Solandge Yacht Charter in Venice

Solandge 12

85m Lurssen

85m   2013/2022

from $1,111,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Le Ponant Yacht Charter in Venice

Le Ponant 32

84m   1990/2022

from $506,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Emir Yacht Charter in Venice

83m Golden Yachts

83m   2004/2022

Alfa Nero Yacht Charter in Venice

Alfa Nero 12

81m Oceanco

81m   2007/2024

from $812,500 p/w eek *

Air Yacht Charter in Venice

81m Feadship

81m   2011/2017

from $1,028,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Elements Yacht Charter in Venice

Elements 12

80m Yachtley

from $891,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Aalto Yacht Charter in Venice

80m Oceanco

80m   2007/2019

from $861,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Tatiana Yacht Charter in Venice

80m Bilgin Yachts

from $860,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Legend Yacht Charter in Venice

77m IHC Verschure

77m   1974/2019

from $661,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Wheels Yacht Charter in Venice

76m Oceanco

76m   2008/2019

from $878,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Kensho Yacht Charter in Venice

75m Admiral Yachts

from $998,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Cocoa Bean Yacht Charter in Venice

Cocoa Bean 12

74m Trinity Yachts

74m   2014/2020

from $611,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Naia Yacht Charter in Venice

74m Freire Shipyard

74m   2011/2014

from $595,000 p/w eek

Lady Vera Yacht Charter in Venice

Lady Vera 12

74m Nobiskrug

74m   2011/2023

from $778,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Siren Yacht Charter in Venice

74m   2008/2013

from $561,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Coral Ocean Yacht Charter in Venice

Coral Ocean 12

73m Lurssen

73m   1994/2022

from $724,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Laurel Yacht Charter in Venice

73m Delta Marine

73m   2006/2015

from $525,000 p/w eek

Planet Nine Yacht Charter in Venice

Planet Nine 12

73m Admiral Yachts

from $650,000 p/w eek

Titania Yacht Charter in Venice

73m   2006/2020

from $615,000 p/w eek

Bleu De Nimes Yacht Charter in Venice

Bleu De Nimes 28

72m Clelands Shipbuilding Co

72m   1980/2020

from $545,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Axioma Yacht Charter in Venice

72m Dunya Yachts

72m   2013/2020

from $660,000 p/w eek

Serenity Yacht Charter in Venice

Serenity 28

72m   2004/2017

Force Blue Yacht Charter in Venice

Force Blue 12

71m Royal Denship

71m   2002/2022

from $400,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Alfa Yacht Charter in Venice

70m Benetti

from $762,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Freedom Yacht Charter in Venice

70m   2000/2016

from $500,000 p/w eek *

Joy Yacht Charter in Venice

70m Feadship

Sherakhan Yacht Charter in Venice

Sherakhan 26

70m Vuijk Scheepswerven

70m   2005/2022

from $594,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Nomad Yacht Charter in Venice

69m Oceanfast

69m   2003/2020

from $423,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Wayfinder Yacht Charter in Venice

Wayfinder 12

68m Astilleros Armon

from $375,000 p/w eek

Loon Yacht Charter in Venice

67m Icon Yachts

67m   2010/2020

from $540,000 p/w eek

Vertigo Yacht Charter in Venice

67m Alloy Yachts

67m   2011/2019

from $361,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Calex Yacht Charter in Venice

67m Benetti

from $680,000 p/w eek

Okto Yacht Charter in Venice

66m   2014/2023

from $480,000 p/w eek

Alchemy Yacht Charter in Venice

66m Rossinavi

from $637,000 p/w eek *

Ventum Maris Yacht Charter in Venice

Ventum Maris 12

66m   2011/2021

from $530,000 p/w eek

Trident Yacht Charter in Venice

65m Feadship

from $556,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Resilience Yacht Charter in Venice

Resilience 12

Running On Waves Yacht Charter in Venice

Running On Waves 42

64m Segel Masten Yachten

64m   2011/2021

from $117,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Spirit of the C's Yacht Charter in Venice

Spirit of the C's 10

64m Perini Navi

64m   2003/2023

from $225,000 p/w eek

Isabell Princess of The Sea Yacht Charter in Venice

Isabell Princess of The Sea 12

64m Codecasa

64m   1990/2023

from $322,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Magna Grecia Yacht Charter in Venice

Magna Grecia 12

64m Elsflether Werft

64m   1986/2021

from $366,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Lioness V Yacht Charter in Venice

Lioness V 12

64m Benetti

64m   2006/2023

from $501,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Lady Britt Yacht Charter in Venice

Lady Britt 12

63m Feadship

from $465,000 p/w eek *

Soundwave Yacht Charter in Venice

Soundwave 12

63m Benetti

from $722,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Apogee Yacht Charter in Venice

63m Codecasa

63m   2003/2023

from $360,000 p/w eek

Lucky Lady Yacht Charter in Venice

Lucky Lady 10

63m Oceanco

63m   2002/2022

from $310,000 p/w eek

Flag Yacht Charter in Venice

62m Feadship

62m   2000/2022

from $421,000 p/w eek ♦︎

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Crewed Luxury Yachts in Venice

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Vencie Yacht Club Logo

Fine and Casual dining on Roberts Bay, the Venice Yacht Club consistently offers members and their guests a memorable dining experience.  Whether in our elegant Bayside dining room, comfortable Pearson’s Cove or at the Tiki Bar overlooking our Marina and Roberts Bay, our Executive Chef Bryan Meek, and his culinary team provide exceptional cuisine that will be enjoyed by all.  

Hours of Operation

11:30a – 9:00p
10:00a – 2:00p
11:30a – 9:00p
10:00a - 7:00p
8:00a – 5:00p


Dinner Reservations Please note you have to be a member to make dining reservations.

Bayside Dining Room and Sunset Room: Tuesday to Saturday Lunch:  Shorts Permitted 1 Tuesday to Friday Dinner:  Shorts Permitted Saturday Dinner:  Casual 2  required, Shorts are Not Permitted Sunday: Breakfast / Brunch and Dinner:  Casual required, Shorts are Not Permitted Main Bar and Pearson's Cove: (all day) Tuesday to Sunday:  Shorts Permitted Tiki Bar: (all day) Tuesday to Sunday:  Bathing attire 3  Permitted 1  Shorts Permitted:  Gentlemen wear dressy slacks or shorts, collared shirt, turtleneck or dressy collarless shirt with sleeves (no tank tops); Ladies wear skirts, dressy slacks or dressy shorts and tops. For Gentlemen and Ladies, no tee shirts, and no flip-flops, torn or cutoff clothing or inappropriate tee shirts. Upscale denim is allowed. Gentlemen’s hats and caps are not to be worn in the Club at any time. 2  Casual:  Gentlemen wear dressy slacks, collared shirt, turtleneck or dressy collarless shirt with sleeves (no tank tops); Ladies wear skirts, dressy slacks and tops. For Gentlemen and Ladies, no jeans, no shorts, no tee shirts and no flip-flops. Upscale denim is allowed. Gentlemen’s hats and caps are not to be worn in the Club at any time. 3  Bathing Attire:  Bathing suits and bathing attire are allowed outside at the Tiki bar and in the Ready Room only. Bathing suits, bathing attire, Gentlemen’s hats or caps and tank tops are not to be worn in the Club at any time.

Dining Wine

Continental Italy

Rent a boat in Venice

16 boats available for bareboat or crewed charter

Yachts from professional fleet operators in Venice

Free cancellation of reservation without obligations within 4 days

Yacht types available in Venice

Power boat charter

Power boat charter

Houseboat charter

Houseboat charter

Most affordable boats for rent in venice list of boats sorted by the price per week. starting with the most affordable boats from ₽78,570 per week (like europa400 - ) going to more premium yachts available in venice from ₽856,440 per week..

E400 (35) -

Pénichette Flying Bridge1020 FB

NCF (4) -

NewNew Con Fly

NCF (5) -

ClassicNew Concorde Fly 890 Suite (2007)

547 -

ClassicNew Concorde Fly 890 First

548 -

ClassicNew Concorde Fly 890 Twins

E600 (10) -

Pénichette 1020 IT (2005)

Venice yacht charter options, bareboat charter, crewed yachts, skippered boats, cost of boat rental in venice.

The prices for yacht charters in Venice are closely tied to the weather and sailing conditions throughout the year. They tend to be at their lowest in August, corresponding to the low season, and reach their peak in June when demand is high and sailing conditions are optimal.

venice yacht club italy

Rent a boat in Venice

  • Yacht rental
  • Rent a boat in Italy

Charter Motorboat Cantieri longo Moby 25open Venice

Cantieri longo - Moby 25open | (2023)

  • Skipper offered
  • Fuel included
  • Flexible cancellation

From  €990 / day

Charter Motorboat DALLA PIETÁ PACIFICO Venice

Venice, Marina della Giudecca

DALLA PIETÁ - PACIFICO | 1 cabin (1967)

  • Super owner

From  €1,200 / day

Charter Boat without licence  Yacht&Co Adriatic 19.5 Venice

Yacht&Co - Adriatic 19.5 | (2018)

  • Without licence

From  €315 / day

Charter Boat without licence  Canal salso Saver 19 open Venice

Canal salso - Saver 19 open | 1 cabin (2017)

From  €220 / day.

Charter Motorboat Quicksilver cruiser 605 Venice

Quicksilver - cruiser 605 | 1 cabin (2023)

  • Without skipper

From  €440 / day

Charter Motorboat Italcantieri Borasportman Venice

Venice, Porto di Venezia

Italcantieri - Borasportman | (1971)

  • Skipper mandatory

From  €1,015 / day

Charter Boat without licence  Yacht & Co Voyage 18 Venice

Yacht & Co - Voyage 18 | (2019)

From  €250 / day.

Charter Boat without licence  yacht & Co Style 19 Venice

yacht & Co - Style 19 | (2015)

From  €260 / day.

Charter Motorboat Dalla Pieta' Dp 6 Venice

Dalla Pieta' - Dp 6 | (1963)

From  €800 / day.

Charter Motorboat Orizzonti Calipso Venice

Orizzonti - Calipso | (2024)

From  €150 / day.

Charter Boat without licence  Yacht & Co Voyage 18 Venice

Yacht & Co - Voyage 18 | (2015)

Charter Boat without licence  De Pellegrini Venezia Semicabinato Venice

De Pellegrini Venezia - Semicabinato | (1976)

From  €1,000 / day.

Charter Motorboat yacht&Co Atlantic 20 Venice

yacht&Co - Atlantic 20 | (2011)

  • Skipper optional

From  €380 / day

Charter Motorboat Regal Commodore 3060 - All inclusive Venice

Regal - Commodore 3060 - All inclusive | 2 cabins (2003)

From  €600 / day.

Charter Boat without licence  Sciallino Sciallino 20 Venice

Sciallino - Sciallino 20 | 1 cabin (1996)

From  €420 / day.

Charter Boat without licence  Aprea Lancia Sorrentina Venice

Venice, Marina Santelena

Aprea - Lancia Sorrentina | (1960)

From  €360 / day.

Charter Motorboat Vizianello Vizianello Venice

Vizianello - Vizianello | 1 cabin (1982)

Charter Motorboat Orizzonti Calipso Venice

Orizzonti - Calipso | (2023)

From  €490 / day, explore venice with a yacht rental.

It's safe to say you've heard about the iconic city of Venice, Italy, but did you know that Venice is actually a group of 118 small islands that are separated by canals and connected by bridges? This stunning city in northeastern Italy is known for its beautiful canals and gondolas. If you're looking to sail the open waters, Venice is the perfect place to do so! With its mild climate and large number of canals, Venice is a sailor's paradise, and at Scansail we have a large fleet of yacht rentals in Venice to help you have the holiday of a lifetime. There are few places in the world more unique than Venice. See the city's famous landmarks, such as the Rialto Bridge and St. Mark's Basilica, cruise along the labyrinth-like waterways or take a leisurely stroll through one of Venice's many parks. No matter what your interests are, Venice is sure to have something for you! Rent a yacht in Venice to see everything that it has to offer, and more.

How much does it cost to charter a boat in Venice?

The price of a yacht rental in Venice will depend on a number of factors such as the time of year, the type of boat you choose and how many people are on board. Below are some average prices of a boat charter in Venice by vessel type.

€4,500 / week in the high season and €1,700 / week in the low season for 8 people.

€1,150 / day for 6 people.

€250 / day for 8 people.

€3,498 / week for 12 people.

€320 / day for 3 people.

€17,500 / week for 15 people.

What are some things to see and do on a yacht rental in Venice?

There's so much to see and do on your private yacht rental in Venice that it can be hard to know where to start. Here is a list of some top activities for your Venice adventure.

  • Take a break from your boat charter and hop on a Gondola ride through the canals.
  • Visit the Rialto Bridge.
  • Stroll Through St. Mark's Square.
  • See the Venetian Glassblowers in action.
  • Marvel at the Doge's Palace
  • Cruise along the Grand Canal and marvel at the quaint houses on the water, as well as the gondolas gliding alongside you on the water
  • Visit the islands of Murano and Burano and see the colourful houses in these charming villages!

What is the best time of year for a yacht rental in Venice?

The best time of year for a yacht charter in Venice is during the months of April, May and September The weather is warm but not too hot, and the water is still relatively calm. These months also offer the opportunity to experience the city during its famous Carnival celebration. Venice is also incredibly touristy, so we recommend avoiding the summer months as that is when it is at its most crowded.

For a worry-free holiday in Venice, opt for a skippered vessel!

Have you ever wanted to explore the open water on a boat, but don't know how to operate one? Or maybe you're an experienced sailor but don't want the hassle of having to captain your own vessel. Either way, there are plenty of good reasons to consider a boat charter with a skipper on board. Let someone a skipper worry about the navigation and steering while you take in the scenery and soak up the sun. It's the perfect way to unwind and forget about your troubles for a while. If you're new to boating, chartering a yacht with a skipper can be a great way to learn from someone with experience. They can teach you the ropes and help you get comfortable operating a vessel. But the best part about having a skipper on board your yacht rental in Venice is that you can explore places you might not have otherwise been able to reach on your own. They'll know all the best spots to anchor for swimming, fishing, or just enjoying the view. You might even discover some hidden gems that only locals know about!

Frequently Asked Questions about Venice

How much does it typically cost to charter a boat in venice during peak and off-peak seasons.

During the high season in Venice, the average daily rental cost for a boat is around €530, while in the low season, it's approximately €480.

Are boats available for rent with a skipper in Venice?

In Venice, you have the option to charter a boat with a skipper through Scansail. They offer 6 boats in Venice with skippers, though please note there is an additional fee of approximately €190 per day.

Can you rent a boat in Venice if you don't have a license?

In Venice, you can rent one of 49 boats without a license.

Which boat brands are popular choices in Venice?

The top boat brands in Venice are Hanse and Jeanneau.

What length do boats typically have in Venice?

The typical boat length in Venice is 10 meters.

Charter a boat near Venice

In Venice, privately owned yachts are available for charter. See other yachts in the area.


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  2. Yacht Club Venice, excellence and luxury in Venice

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  4. Aerial View of Venice and Yacht Club, Tourism and Architecture, Water

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  5. Yacht Club Venice, excellence and luxury in Venice

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  6. Yacht Club Venice, excellence and luxury in Venice celebreMagazine

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  1. Corporation Home

    Corporation Home - Yacht Club Venezia. +39 3461897428. [email protected]. Il Club. Regate. Ufficio Stampa. Contatti. Lo YACHT CLUB VENEZIA s.s.d a.r.l è affiliato alla Federazione Italiana Vela e si occupa principalmente di diffondere l'arte marinaresca, la didattica e la formazione sportiva anche mediante l'organizzazione di eventi ...

  2. Yacht Club Venezia

    Yacht Club Venezia, Venice, Italy. 1,322 likes · 33 talking about this · 163 were here. YCV è una società sportiva dilettantistica che organizza eventi di vela e non, nella città di Venezia. Yacht Club Venezia | Venice

  3. Yacht Club Venice, excellence and luxury in Venice

    Subsequently with the X-Yacht Adriatic Cup, Sguario brings the most technological and performing boats to Venice.Experience and expertise led him to become a leading light in the racing world, so much so that in 2006 he was called to the direction of the International Boat Show in Venice to take care of the sports events.. Among the new challenges, Sguario wanted to bring vintage sails back to ...

  4. How much is summer membership at Venice Yacht club

    How much is summer membership at Venice Yacht club. over a year ago Answer. 2 answers. Reviewed this restaurant. Cherry V. Venice, Florida. 1. Vote. $535.00 which goes to 12/1/20.

  5. Venice Is a City Built on Sailing, and This Club Can Show You ...

    Italy. Venice. Venice Is a City Built on Sailing, and This Club Can Show You the Ropes. A group of idealistic young sailors is preserving Venice's bygone maritime traditions, and you can learn to ...

  6. Venice, Italy Luxury Cruises

    Venice has also been described by the Times Online as being one of Europe's most romantic cities. Founded in the 5th century, the city stretches across 118 small islands in the marshy Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic. In 1987 Venice and its Lagoon was inscribed as a UNESCO Heritage site. SeaDream typically docks at the San Basilio pier after ...

  7. Home

    More than just a Yacht Club! Founded in 1951, today the Venice Yacht Club enjoys an outstanding reputation in the Florida sailing and boating community of private clubs. Our Mission? "To provide an exceptional private club experience for a diverse and. engaged membership across the full spectrum of family, social, dining, boating, water ...

  8. Our lounges

    Venice - Italy The magnificent Riva Lounge on the terrace of the Gritti Palace in Venice is renowned for its superb hospitality. The Riva décor creates an enchanting atmosphere to match the breathtaking view over the Grand Canal to Santa Maria della Salute basilica. ... Como - Italy The Eriolario Yacht Club has always been the go-to ...


    Enjoy a unique experience aboard a luxury yacht in Venice. Let yourself be led by our commanders and give yourself an unforgettable experience. ... THE CLUB - VILLE VENETE FOR YOU; Destinations. Venice; Brenta Riviera; Asiago Plateau; Dolomiti; ... Venice, Italy (+39) 041429410 (+39) 3407356355 . [email protected] . FOLLOW US ON: Partner ...

  10. South Venice Yacht Club

    For more information on our club and how to get in on all the fun, contact , Sue Rogers, Membership Director (330-990-4995). Set sail with us soon, we would love to have you on-board. Use the links below to learn more about the South Venice Yacht Club!

  11. Guide to Venice

    Steeped in opulence and sleek sophistication, Venice is the jewel of Adriatic. Teeming with history, culture and a wealth of captivating sights, this stunning city is as elegant as it is extravagant. Nestled in the northern corner of the Adriatic Sea, lies the shining city of Venice. This guaranteed highlight is a city brimming with Venetian ...

  12. Venice Yacht Charter, Italy

    Venice Yacht Charter, Italy. In a city that's surrounded by so much water, being afloat on a Itlay yacht charter vacation is a fantastic way to experience this classic Mediterranean city. Venice is one of the most romantic cities in the world, with its intricate web of canals, charming gondoliers, glorious renaissance architecture and narrow cobbled streets.

  13. Venice yacht charter

    Venice yacht charter. With its canals, amazing restaurants, and unforgettable romantic ambiance, Venice is definitely a city for one's bucket list. Waterfront palazzos, palaces, and churches make drifting down the Grand Canal feel like cruising through a painting. Moor near St Mark's Square, or Piazza San Marco, the principal square of Venice ...

  14. Yacht Charter Venice and the Italian Adriatic

    The cost of a yacht charter in Venice and the Italian east shoreline will depend on the size of the vessel, its onboard amenities, and the year of delivery, as well as your chosen itinerary, length of charter, and the time of year that you go. Expect a yacht charter in The Floating City and the Adriatic to start from US$50,000 per week, with ...

  15. Venice Luxury Yacht Charter

    Discover nearby Slovenian coastal towns like Piran and Koper on a Venice yacht charter. Immerse yourself in Venetian culture in the Piazza San Marco and St. Mark's Basilica. Visit enchanting islands like Murano, famous for its glass-making tradition. Enjoy exquisite meals at Michelin-starred restaurants featuring renowned seafood sourced from ...

  16. Venice Yacht Charter

    Venice Yacht Charter, Italy. The reputation of Venice as a city of romance and festivities is known worldwide, and you and your group can see its charms for yourself on a Venice luxury yacht charter by sailing yacht or motor yacht in the Mediterranean.Situated in the Adriatic Sea, Venice is optimally located for inclusion into a larger superyacht charter itinerary, such as one including the ...

  17. Luxury Cruises from Venice

    For reservations, contact The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection at (833) 999-7292 or your travel professional. Learn more about what a luxurious cruise to Venice, Italy has to offer with The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection. Plan your journey and experience a new culture.

  18. Yacht Clubs of Italy

    Yacht Club Italiano. http://www.yci.it/ Genova: 39.010.2461206 [email protected]: Yacht Club Costa Smeralda. http://www.yccs.it/ Porto Cervo: [email protected]

  19. Venice Luxury Yacht Charters

    Christina O 34. Canadian Vickers. 99m 1943/2020. from $774,000 p/w♦︎. Add to shortlist.

  20. Dining

    Dining. Fine and Casual dining on Roberts Bay, the Venice Yacht Club consistently offers members and their guests a memorable dining experience. Whether in our elegant Bayside dining room, comfortable Pearson's Cove or at the Tiki Bar overlooking our Marina and Roberts Bay, our Executive Chef Bryan Meek, and his culinary team provide ...

  21. Boat rental in Venice 2024

    The prices for yacht charters in Venice are closely tied to the weather and sailing conditions throughout the year. They tend to be at their lowest in August, corresponding to the low season, and reach their peak in June when demand is high and sailing conditions are optimal. Venice offers yacht charters from $969 per week. Choose from 12 boats ...

  22. Private Yacht Charter in Venice with crew

    The price of a yacht rental in Venice will depend on a number of factors such as the time of year, the type of boat you choose and how many people are on board. Below are some average prices of a boat charter in Venice by vessel type. Sailboat: €4,500 / week in the high season and €1,700 / week in the low season for 8 people.