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Compass Pools producent basenów ogrodowych

Strona w trakcie budowy

Basen ze zintegrowaną wanną jacuzzi - symbol luksusu i prestiżu

yacht pool cena

Długość 11,50 m
Szerokość 4,00 m
Głębokość 1,50 m
Pojemność 42 m

Chcesz poznać cenę tego basenu?

Podaj adres e-mail a otrzymasz szczegółową wycenę + katalog, można również zadzwonić pod numer 668230500 - dobierzemy najlepszy model do państwa potrzeb, dla tego basenu można zamówić:, 1. rollo cover.

Zintegrowana z niecką basenu, zatapialna roleta basenowa Rollo Cover, zaprojektowana dla basenów Compass Pools, gwarantuje pełne bezpieczeństwo basenu oraz utrzymuję temperaturę ciepłej wody w chłodne dni.


SAMOCZYSZCZĄCY BASEN VANTAGE®, to najlepszy na świecie system samoczyszczenia i cyrkulacji wody basenowej, który jest znacznie bardziej wydajny, niż jakikolwiek odkurzacz basenowy.

3. Akcesoria

System Compass Pools iQ, umożliwia zarządzanie wszystkimi komponentami basenu i atrakcjami basenowymi. Basen pozostaje w doskonałej kondycji i jest sterowany według ustawionych parametrów.

Model Yacht Pool gromadzi nagrody za design!

Basen ten zdobył dwie międzynarodowe nagrody za design - IF PRODUCT DESIGN  oraz  Red Dot 2014 .



Yacht Pool, to połączenie basenu kąpielowego z wbudowaną wanną jacuzzi , stylizowaną na dziób jachtu i wykończone fexi-teak’iem.

To innowacyjne rozwiązanie sprawia, że Yacht Pool nie jest zwykłym basenem kąpielowym. Unikalny w kształcę, wyposażony w poręcze ze stali nierdzewnej, system samoczyszczenia i cyrkulacji wody basenowej VANTAGE, roletę Rollo Cover jest luksusową ozdobą najnowocześniejszych domów w Europie.


  • 2 w 1, połączenie basenu i wanny spa, przy użyciu oddzielnych i niezależnych technologii
  • Charakterystyczna dźwignia, jak na łodzi motorowej, do obsługi przeciwprądu
  • Poręcze ze stali nierdzewnej nawiązują do wyglądu jachtu
  • Po zmroku, YACHT POOL jest oświetlony przez lampy LED, które potęgują niezwykłą atmosferę
  • wbudowany masaż
  • Basen wyposażony jest w podwodny stopień bezpieczeństwa oraz krawędź
  • Basen wykonany jest w technologii Carbon Ceramic

Wybierz kolor basenu:

Kliknij wybrany kolor i sprawdź jak zmieni się barwa wody w twoim nowym basenie, posiadamy 12 rodzajów kolorów basenów.

Ta unikalna warstwa żelowa, jest jedną z najbardziej zaawansowanych warstw kolorystycznych na świecie.

Wykorzystane zostały kryształki nowego typu oraz najnowsza baza koloru. Dzięki takiemu rozwiązaniu, uzyskujemy kolor wody basenowej o niezwykłej przejrzystości i blasku.


Są to kolory, które zmieniają wygląd basenów kompozytowych dzięki drobnym błyszczącym cząstkom. Cząstki umieszczone zostały tuż pod wierzchnią warstwą, dodatkowo nakładane są dwie warstwy farby zamiast jednej.

– 2 warstwy specjalnej farby, które stosowane są oddzielnie – efekt najpiękniejszej laguny morskiej, jaką można sobie wyobrazić – warstwy kolorystyczne nakładane są ręcznie jak w przypadku najdroższych samochodów, dlatego każdy basen jest oryginalny


Czym są baseny ceramiczne?


Baza Koloru

Zewnętrzna warstwa basenowa, wyjątkowo odporna na promieniowanie UV oraz uszkodzenia mechaniczne. Została opracowana na potrzeby produkcji luksusowych jachtów. Compass Pools oferuje system najbardziej zaawansowany na świecie kolorystycznych warstw żelowych, dlatego nawet po wielu latach baseny ceramiczne Compass Pools zachowują tę samą jakość.

Możesz wybrać basen w jednym z 12 dostępnych kolorów Compass.

Belka Wzmacniająca

Zamknięta belka wzmacniająca, zwinięta nad krawędzią basenu, zapewnia jej wyjątkową wytrzymałość oraz stabilność, zachowując jednocześnie niezbędną elastyczność. Jest to bardzo ważna cecha basenu ceramicznego, potrzebna tak podczas samego transportu, jak i instalacji niecki.

Basen z zamkniętą belką doskonale zachowuje swój kształt.


Baza Winylowa

bezpośrednio na kolorystycznej warstwie żelowej i zapobiega procesowi osmozy

Zbrojenie z Balsy

Część zewnętrznej warstwy, która ma bezpośredni kontakt z otoczeniem.

Drewno balsy jest bardzo lekkie, a zatem stosowane np. do budowy modeli samolotów.

Dzięki wystarczającej grubości i strategicznemu położeniu wzdłuż ścian niecki, basen może być wykonany bez dodatkowych wzmocnień.

Włókno Winylowe (wzmocnione włóknem szklanym)

Druga bariera wodoodporna niecki , która zapewnia maksymalną elastyczność i wytrzymałość basenu ceramicznego. Ta warstwa została dodatkowo wzmocniona włóknem szklanym.

Maty z Włókna Szklanego

Maty są wykonane z włókien szklanych , klejonych razem wraz z silnym środkiem wiążącym. Charakteryzują się łatwością wyginania, co daje możliwość dodatkowego wzmocnienia, zwłaszcza schodów.

Maty z Włókna Węglowego

Włókna węglowe , są stosowane do produkcji sprzętu sportowego, np. rakiet do tenisa, nart lub ram rowerowych. Compass Pools zdecydował się, na wykorzystanie tego materiału, pierwotnie używanego w przemyśle lotniczym, do poprawy struktury basenów ceramicznych.

Węgiel jest lekki a jednocześnie bardzo mocny , dlatego też dodano włókna węglowe do najbardziej newralgicznych części basenu.

Baseny ceramiczne Compass Pools, są zatem jednymi z najbardziej wytrzymałych basenów na rynku. .

Warstwa Ceramiczna

Po trzecie, główna bariera wodoodporna opracowana w Australii i USA

powłoka ceramiczna, została pierwotnie opracowana do zastosowania w projektach NASA (wszystkie materiały badane pod względem konsystencji, a także trwałości w ekstremalnych warunkach naprężenia).

Ceramiczne baseny Compass Pools mogą zatem zapewnić 100% osmozę .

Warstwa Poliestrowa

Warstwa poliestrowa, nakładana jest na wierzch warstwy ceramicznej basenu i stanowi główny składnik , całego złożonego basenu kompozytowego. Po utwardzeniu warstwy poliestrowej, basen uzyskuje bardzo dobre właściwości mechaniczne.

Zewnętrzna Warstwa Wykańczająca

Dlaczego compass pools, wokół nowoczesnej technologii oraz innowacyjności.


Basen się oczyszcza podczas gdy ty rozkoszujesz się kąpielą

System vantage jest całkowicie bezpieczny.

System cyrkulacji i samoczyszczenia VANTAGE jest wydajny, niezawodny i bezawaryjny w swojej konstrukcji. Zaprojektowany został tak, że jest prawie niewidoczny i nie zakłóci wyglądu nowego i pięknego basenu.

Dysze i akcesoria do systemu VANTAGE są dostępne w trzech kolorach uzupełniając kolory niecki Twojego basenu.



Wreszcie niezawodny basen....

  • działa zawsze, nawet podczas pływania
  • działa automatycznie w ustalonych przedziałach czasowych
  • jest absolutnie bezpieczny i niesłyszalny
  • usuwa wszystkie zanieczyszczenia i brudu

…wszystko co musisz zrobić, to cieszyć się basenem!

Porady compass dla klientów.


Klienci często pytają nas, która pora roku jest najlepsza, na instalację basenu.

Don´t be a slave to your pool

Crystal clear water in your pool shouldn´t be taken for granted. Use our 4 tips to keep your pool clean in minimum time or even with no effort at all. If you will choose 4th tip – you will do nothing with your pool!

Which pool material is the best for you?

You have decided to equip your garden with a pool. You´ve started to google and became confused. We´ll try to make you familiar with all pool materials, help you to orientate yourself in the market and make the right decision, which material to choose for your own pool.

How to build a swimming pool STEP BY STEP

To install an inground pool doesn´t have to be hard, if you exactly know what you are doing. See our short picture manual of JAVA pool installation.

yacht pool cena

Basen ceramiczny YACHT POOL 11,50 x 4,0 x 1,5 m

  • 176.300 00 zl 176.300,00 zl Cena jednostkowa /  za 

Bezpieczne i szybkie zakupy


Basen ceramiczny YACHT POOL

11.5 x 4.0 x 1.5 m, opis yacht pool.

  • 2 w 1, połączenie basenu i wanny spa,   przy użyciu oddzielnych i niezależnych technologii
  • Charakterystyczna dźwignia, jak na łodzi motorowej, do obsługi przeciwprądu
  • Poręcze ze stali nierdzewnej nawiązują do wyglądu jachtu
  • Po zmroku, YACHT POOL jest oświetlony przez lampy LED, które potęgują   niezwykłą atmosferę
  • wbudowany masaż
  • Basen wyposażony jest w   podwodny stopień bezpieczeństwa   oraz   krawędź


Yacht Pool, to   połączenie basenu kąpielowego z wbudowaną wanną jacuzzi , stylizowaną na   dziób jachtu   i wykończone fexi-teak’iem.

To innowacyjne rozwiązanie sprawia, że Yacht Pool nie jest zwykłym basenem kąpielowym. Unikalny w kształcę, wyposażony w poręcze ze stali nierdzewnej, system samoczyszczenia i cyrkulacji wody basenowej VANTAGE, roletę Rollo Cover jest luksusową ozdobą najnowocześniejszych domów w Europie.


Nova ®   colours.

Ta unikalna warstwa żelowa, jest jedną z najbardziej zaawansowanych warstw kolorystycznych na świecie.

  Wykorzystane zostały   kryształki nowego typu   oraz najnowsza baza koloru. Dzięki takiemu rozwiązaniu, uzyskujemy kolor wody basenowej o niezwykłej przejrzystości i blasku.

yacht pool cena

Bi-Luminite & Cyber Colours

Są to kolory, które zmieniają wygląd basenów kompozytowych dzięki   drobnym błyszczącym cząstkom.   Cząstki umieszczone zostały tuż pod wierzchnią warstwą, dodatkowo nakładane są dwie warstwy farby zamiast jednej.

–   2 warstwy   specjalnej farby, które stosowane są oddzielnie – efekt najpiękniejszej laguny morskiej, jaką można sobie wyobrazić – warstwy kolorystyczne   nakładane są ręcznie   jak w przypadku najdroższych samochodów, dlatego każdy basen jest oryginalny

yacht pool cena

 Czas oczekiwania

  • 2-3 miesiące, wyłącznie do dokonaniu przedpłaty.  

Polecamy również

Basen ceramiczny FAST LANE 122-Baseny

Basen ceramiczny FAST LANE 122

Basen ceramiczny XL-TRAINER 110FB 11.0 X 4.0 X 1.51 M-Baseny

Basen ceramiczny XL-TRAINER 110FB 11.0 X 4.0 X 1.51 M

Basen ceramiczny XL-TRAINER 110  11.0 X 4.0 X 1.12-1.82 M

Basen ceramiczny XL-TRAINER 110 11.0 X 4.0 X 1.12-1.82 M

Basen ceramiczny XL-TRAINER 72FB 7.2 X 3.3 X 1.50-Baseny

Basen ceramiczny XL-TRAINER 72FB 7.2 X 3.3 X 1.50

Basen ceramiczny X-TRAINER 45 4,5 x 3,0 x 1,24-1,49 m-Baseny

Basen ceramiczny X-TRAINER 45 4,5 x 3,0 x 1,24-1,49 m

  • zaznaczenie wyboru powoduje pełne odświeżenie strony
  • Inflatable Docks
  • Yacht Slides

Ocean Yacht Pool

Ocean Yacht Pool

Welcome to a world where the ocean is your playground and luxury knows no bounds. Welcome to Inflatable Yacht Luxury.

All products are available in different sizes and colors. Take a look and choose the product that suites your needs. We also manufacture custom products.

Yacht Pool

Yacht Pool 5 x 4

Yacht pool 4 x 3.

Yacht Slide

Sea Pool 6 x 5

Sea pool 5 x 4, sea pool 4 x 3, sea pool 3 x 3.

Inflatable Platform yachts

Inflatable Dock 3 x 2

Inflatable Dock

Inflatable Dock 5 x 3

Inflatable dock 4 x 2, inflatable dock 3 x 1,5, inflatable dock 5 x 2, why ocean yacht pool.


In Ocean Yacht Pool, we meticulously attend to every detail, striving for our products to be the safest and most enjoyable on the market. As crucial as passenger happiness is, so is ease of use for the crew. Our products stand out for being:

  • Top-notch quality products. They have been designed to be durable, resistant, and comfortable.
  • Lightest and less Space-consuming . Our products stand out for being the lightest on the market. With hi-tech materials, our products are not only the lightest on the market but also the least space consuming.
  • Safe area for children . Our products have been designed to be among the safest on the market. With them, children can play safely while adults relax.
  • Easy to use . Due to their lightness and low volume, they are an ideal product for crews. Inflation takes around 1-2 minutes and deflation around 2-3 minutes.
  • Protection against Jellyfish, Fish and Dirt . For all of those guests who have fear to Jellyfish and Fish, in our Sea Pool , you’ll be able to enjoy of a safe and animal-free area where to play and rest.

Ocean Yacht Pool Reviews

Back in 2022, I was able to meet Ocean Yacht Pool at the Palma Boat Show. I loved their products and the service offered by the whole team. I bought a Yacht Pool in 2022 and an Inflatable Platform in 2023. They are very easy to use and great area for my little ones.

Guillermo Moleti

I've been skipper for a long time now. These products have changed my perception over inflatables onboard. They are light and great fun for guests onboard.

Alex Baylin

I love the inflatable dock! It is great quality and a great area where to have fun with my friends. we love to sunbath in the platform. Great support by the team, helping me decide which size is the best for my boat.

Lisa Knight

My grandsons love the Yacht Slide! They are playing all day with it. I feel so happy watching them enjoy in our boat.

Jean Pierre Grain

Since buying our Anti Jellyfish Pool, my children and I feel much more safe and enjoy much more our holiday in our sailing boat.

Nathalie Bailey

  • Ocean Yacht Pool News

Stay updated with the latest news and announcements from Ocean Yacht Pool.

Boat Pool

April 16, 2024

What is a Sea Pool? Our Sea Pool is made for Yachts- Yacht Pool. This Blog talks about the functionalities…

April 18, 2024

  • Inflatable Dock

What is a Inflatable Platform? Our Inflatable Platform is made for Yachts. This Blog talks about the functionalities of our…

April 19, 2024

What is a Yacht Slide? Our Yacht Slide are designed to be the lightets on the market. This Blog talks…

Boat Pool

Designed for relaxed swims in the open sea and leisurely enjoyment aboard your vessel, this pool guarantees a tranquil aquatic experience. Enjoy diving into the ocean without concern about encountering jellyfish, marine creatures, or debris, as its intricately woven PVC inner protection net ensures maximum safety. These are some of the advantages our Anti Jellyfish Pool presents.

  • Lightest of the market . Crafted to be durable and reliable, our Yacht Pool is the lightest on the market. Our smallest pool is only 8kg.
  • Low storage space . Produced and designed to be a solution for many, our Yacht Pool is easily foldable and occupies minimal storage space.
  • Hi-Tech materials . Manufactured with top quality materials. Reinforced PVC.
  • Easy to use by 1 user . One valve at the long side of the tube, easily managble and easily inflated. It is inflated and deflated in under 2 minutes.
  • Protection against Jellyfish , Marine life and Debris. Enjoy of a carefree swim with your family and freinds. Relax and enjoy of the ocean with our Anti Jellyfish Pool.
  • 4 sizes available. Depending on the size of your boat or on your needs, we have 4 different sizes. From 9 metres squared to up to 30 metres quared of protected area against Jellyfish and other Marine animals.
  • 4 colors available. Orange, White, Grey and Blue. Choose your favourite color.

Designed to be indispensable, extending your boat’s length and providing more play space for children!

Tailored for relaxation, our Inflatable Platform serves various purposes. It’s beneficial for crews during cleaning tasks, ideal for small boats needing extra length for play and sunbathing, and perfect for integrating with our Sea Pool. Maximize your yachting experience with our onboard Inflatables and make the most of your days at sea! These are some of thge benefits our Inflatable Dock presents.

  • Playground area for children . The inflatable platform gives an excellent opoortunity for children to play around and enjoy of the ocean.
  • More space for sunbathing . Enjoy of some extra space where to sunbath and enjoy of the breeze of the ocean.
  • Lighter than competition . Designed to be easy to use and be a solution, our inflatable dock is the lightest on the market. Our smallest inflatable platform is only 14kg.
  • Minimal storage space . Easy to fold and store.
  • Quick inflation and deflation times . Inflate in less than 4 minutes and enjoy of the perfect extension to your boat.
  • Functional for crews . Used for cleaning purposes by crews.
  • 3 sizes available. Depending on the size of your boat, we recommened different sizes. The smallest is 6 metres quared meanwhile the biggest is 15 metres squared.
  • 2 colors available. Orange and white.

Inflatable Dock

Yacht Slide

Enhance your onboard experience with our Yacht Slide. Plunge into the crystal-clear waters with this innovative inflatable, the perfect addition for extended hours of fun with family and friends. The Yacht Slide stands as the lightest option in the market. Made with premium quality PVC, Ocean Yacht Pool slides are built to last and ensure reliability. Featuring four valves, inflation and deflation are quick and effortless, ready for immediate use.

  • Top notch quality . Our Yacht Slide ensures longevity and durability, guaranteeing years of service.
  • Safe design . Crafted for children use, safety chambers have been included to each side to assure safe use. Resistent and reinforced PVC for reliable and safe use. Handles included to each side and in center to easy climbing of slide.
  • Easy inflation and deflation . Inflated and deflated in under 4 minutes. Easily storable.
  • Low storage space . With a folded size of 60 x 40 x 30 centimetres, the Yacht Slide requires minimal storage space.
  • Hi-Tech materials . Manufactured with reinforced PVC, the Yacht Slide is made to last and be durable. safe yacht slide for fun times onboard.
  • 2 sizes available. Crafted for fun times. The Yacht mini slide has two sizes depending on your needs.
  • 3 colors available. Yellow and Orange, White and Blue and White and Grey.

Yacht Pool Products

  • Yacht Pool & Platform Set
  • Yacht Slide for Children
  • Custom Yacht Slide
  • Luxury Yacht Pool
  • Luxury Inflatable Dock
  • Luxury Yacht Pool & Platform Set
  • Privacy Policy

TEL: +34 665 35 50 29 – +34 628 055 474  – MAIL: [email protected]  – OCEAN YACHT POOL

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The coolest superyacht pools in the world

Superyacht swimming pools are a luxury in more ways than one, proving a technological challenge that, when pulled off, elevate a superyacht to even higher standards of splendour. BOAT takes a closer look at the yachts that have risen to the occasion, with designs that feature cinema screens, chandeliers and basketball courts...

The 49.9-metre Grey retains the same classic Paszkowski profile as sisterships Kinda and Olokun , but with several all-important differences – including the addition of the swimming pool. Commissioned in 2021, this Tankoa Yachts build has been customised by her owner to feature a larger-than-usual, glass-sided swimming pool on the foredeck, complete with a high-definition, high-luminosity cinema screen. Flanked by sofa seating, the screen also includes integrated speakers and a surround-sound system courtesy of British-French brand Focal and Naim. 

The 80-metre Tatiana is the sister of Bilgin's bright-red Leona and both yachts have the same striking, bullet-style exterior. At her epicentre is a 110-square-metre, two-level beach club, connected to the main saloon by a dramatic, sweeping staircase. While there’s a pool on both decks, the largest is found on the lower deck. Clocking in at an impressive 8.5 metres long and three metres wide, the pool is surrounded by delicate glass columns, Carrara marble and a backlit, blue agate floor. When the yacht is anchored, the aft door and two side terraces unfold, creating a seamless connection to the ocean. The water from both pools is also recyclable, able to be stored in a heating holding tank.

Lady Jorgia

Lady Jorgia (formerly known as Ahpo ) is a 115-metre, Caribbean-inspired family superyacht. While a lot of her defining features are plainly visible, some sights are reserved only for guests, such as the mosaic-lined, eight-metre long, glass-fronted pool. This pool features integrated LED lighting and privacy walls – not including the aft wall, which was left transparent for ocean views. Below deck and even more exclusive is Lady Jorgia 's complementary spa plunge pool, prettified with a teak-and-teal wave mosaic design, bamboo panes and a leaf-shaped skylight. Both are warmed by the engines and generators’ normal operation, in an efficient heat-recovery system.

The 67-metre Seasense 's exceptionally large pool is actually what got the yacht sold – Cor D. Rover's pool-centric drawing stood out to future owner (and previous owner of three Rivas ) Charles Cohen. At ten metres long, 3.6 metres wide and able to support a staggering 27,000 litres of water, Cohen wanted sunlight to reach every millimetre of his magnum opus . That's why Seasense 's aft deck is so elongated, with the swimming pool actually being part of the hull rather than inserted afterwards (a more typical construction). To give you a better idea of its size, the crew can transform the emptied pool into a basketball court using 22 panels stored in lower deck lockers. A basketball hoop affixes to the deck overhang at the forward end of the pool.

The radical pool designed for 32.6-metre Lady Fleur doubles as storage for an 11-metre RIB tender, with the hydraulic submersible platform transforming into a five-metre-by-two-metre saltwater pool in seconds. Four bespoke rotor arms move the pool in a gentle swaying motion to avoid spilling water when underway, which builder X-Treme Yachts explained is part of a "totally custom-made system" that is "unique in the world". Designed for the owner's grandchildren, the pool contains nearly 19 tonnes of seawater when full and has an adjustable depth, from 0.3 to 1.5 metres.

Inspired by her owner's favourite shade "Monaco Red", the 64-metre Atomic definitely stands out from sisterships Sealion and Roma . This yacht's beating (red) heart is her brilliantly iridescent spa pool, found on the sundeck aft. With a tiered structure and glass bottom, sunlight refracts on the water's surface and sends colourful, coral waves to the dining area directly below. Adjacent to the pool is a split-level lounge space with a gas firepit and a U-shaped bar, surrounded by high-backed custom seating.

A World Superyacht Award winner in the Displacement Motor Yachts category, one of Somnium 's stand-outs is her chic, built-in, 9,000 litre pool. Overlooking the yacht's transom, ample ocean views encourage relaxation, while a counter-current jet provides a light work-out for the more active members on board. The pool floor can be raised flush with the deck and modular furniture placed on top to provide supplementary lounge space. During construction, Feadship had to find space below the pool and its machinery for a beach club and gym, as per the owner's request. The pool tank and its mosaic walls are thus visible from the beach club through a large picture window.

Christina O

The 99.1-metre Christina O 's recent role in Netflix drama The Crown isn't her first brush with the celebrity lifestyle. Delivered in 1943, she was rebuilt by the famous Aristotle Onassis, a Greek shipping magnate and one of the world's richest men at the time. Under his ownership, Christina O entertained cultural icons Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, Winston Churchill and JFK – and has an equally iconic pool to match her history. Found on the aft main deck, this saltwater fantail number is emblazoned with a Greek mythological minotaur mosaic. It is also capable of rising to form a dance floor at the push of a button. 

Built for the late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, the 126.2-metre Lürssen superyacht Octopus is indulgently decked-out with every conceivable amenity. Alongside her two helicopters and submarine, the heated, seven-metre freshwater swimming pool is considered Octopus ' greatest asset. The pool has a glass bottom that rises to create an on-water dance floor. In the immediate area, you'll find a bar, pizza oven and former music studio, whose isolation booth makes the perfect place for a DJ.

This Benetti build boasts an expansive wellness area, the jewel of which is a 30-square-metre, counter-flow swimming pool, kitted out with underwater speakers and an adjustable bottom. Luminosity's pool is clad in mirror-polished stainless steel, reflecting its surroundings and blurring the boundary between pool and seascape. The space above is punctuated with a custom chandelier inspired by a diamond. "When you look at the water and the sun is shining, it looks like millions of diamonds," said designer Zaniz. An accompanying four-degree plunge pool is decorated with on-theme visual cues, such as mirror-backed acrylic "ice-cubes" and an acrylic ice cube accessory, seen above. 


The swimming pool on 74.5-metre M'brace (ex. Elandess ) has a futuristic look befitting her technological design. Eight metres by 2.5 metres and able to hold 22 tonnes of fresh water, hidden beams below the pool distribute its substantial weight to the outer edges of the superstructure and down to the hull. Thanks to two 280-millimetre diameter pipes, the pool can also be emptied in only three minutes. The sundeck swimming pool skylight allows natural light to filter to a circular staircase below deck, glinting off mother-of-flecks in a plaster surrounded by DKT Artworks.

Designed with economy and efficiency in mind, the 75-metre Kenshō has an aft deck that does it all: social seating, dining, a party space and (of course) a pool area, located on the lower deck for "mesmerising views at the same level as the ocean”. A complementary spa pool features a cut-away glass side and a large sunbed, with a shape styled after a manta ray. Inspired by the natural forces of Arizona's Antelope Canyon, the aft walls and the stairs on the pool deck look as if they were carved by the sea.

Built by Oceanco , this 90-metre, shark-inspired superyacht features two spectacular swimming pools. Pictured above is DAR's 1.6-metre-deep bridge deck pool, surrounded by bright-white sun pads and fed by a cascade of waterfalls that begin on the upper deck. It has been raised to make it safer for small children. Hidden on the owner's deck, however, is a completely private spa pool, flanked by one-way windows that reveal the world to the owners, but not the owners to the world.

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11 Best Charter Yacht Swimming Pools

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11 Best Charter Yacht Swimming Pools

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By David Lazarevic |   Last Updated 11 January 2023

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Swimming pools and superyachts are a match made in heaven, with an onboard pool richly enhancing the yacht charter experience. Whether it's to take a sunrise dip in oasis-like solitude, unwind on the aft deck with friends, champagne in hand, or make a thrilling splash with those dearest: a swimming pool is the ideal setting for defining moments in untold comfort.

Freshwater or saltwater, heated or ice-cold, interior or exterior: yacht swimming pool options are practically endless. Features are plentiful too: from counter-current jets to swim bars to glass bottoms, to underwater lights and even pools that transform into dancefloors at the click of a button. A magical onboard escape, here are our favorite charter yachts with swimming pools that give you a true taste of the superyacht lifestyle.

Superyacht FLYING FOX

Builder: Lurssen 

Delivered: 2019

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The 136m (446ft) superyacht FLYING FOX  is the world's largest charter yacht to date, so it should come as no surprise that she also features one of the most impressive swimming pools: a sprawling 12m spectacular that stretches out across her main deck aft.

It enjoys an elevated position overlooking the swim platform — which is more than 22.5m wide no less. From here, charter guests can take advantage of incredible views and the convenient direct connection to the beach club below.  Glittering mosaic tiles contrast against cream sun pads flanking the space, and provide ample seating for guests to relax while soaking up the sun. A TV screen is positioned forward for guests to indulge in all-day entertainment. 

As the sun sets over the horizon light gently illuminates the pool: an idyllic backdrop for a waterside aperitif or an evening dip aglow. 

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Motor Yacht O'PARI

Builder: Golden Yachts

Delivered: 2020

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A masterclass in exterior design and interior styling, 95m (311ft) superyacht O'PARI  is the yacht of choice for those looking for limitless luxury. Her voluminous deck spaces are ideal for bronzing, lounging and entertaining and of course, they are spoilt for choice when it comes to relaxation. On the sundeck, guests can slip into the raised spa pool which is conveniently located right next to the lavish outdoor lounge, dining area and full wet bar.

There is also a large Jacuzzi pool which is surrounded by plush sunpads on the bridge deck aft, and an expansive beach club that opens up onto a huge bathing platform, allowing guests to kick back and rejuvenate in ultimate style. 

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Superyacht KENSHO

Builder: Admiral Yachts

outstanding views from superyacht KENSHO

Built around the owner’s love of the ocean, the 75m (246ft) yacht KENSHO 's spacious decks and zen-calm Asian-inspired interiors with lofty ceilings and full-length windows have been meticulously designed to harmoniously connect to her surroundings. One of her most outstanding features is of course, her sweeping swim deck featuring a 6-meter glass-fronted swimming pool, with steps leading to a waterside beach club and swim platform for easy access to the sea and onto the yacht’s water toys, including the ever-popular electric foiling boards and a raft of inflatables.

Relaxation and entertainment opportunities continue up on her sundeck, featuring an additional glass-fronted pool, convenient island bar and shaded areas that can be closed off to the elements or left open for a welcome breeze.

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Builder: Lurssen

Delivered: 2006 

pool and extraordinary views onboard superyacht Titania

71m (233ft)  superyacht TITANIA  is another  Lürssen -built superyacht of an immaculate pedigree with a majestic pool. She provides a premier cruising experience, especially for entertaining as the vessel features a 4.5m upper deck pool replete with a swim-up bar. This luxury yacht is an ideal charter pick for guests keen to have poolside celebrations — she's made for them.

Coupled with her sea-level beach club offering a sauna, bar, as well as a veritable flotilla of toys, superyacht TITANIA ensures a blissful vacation that is completely harmonious with the open waters.

Titania Yacht

Superyacht SAVANNAH

Builder: Feadship

Delivered: 2015

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Award-winning 84m (274ft) superyacht SAVANNAH  (the world's first hybrid superyacht) is a masterpiece in every sense of the word, and this includes her spectacular 9m long pool which extends along the main deck aft. Steps on both sides of the pool create a seamless transition to the swimming platform.

It's certainly the focal point from dawn to dusk. By day, when the sun hits the water, the tiles shimmer in shades of deep blue, rich turquoise and soft cerulean, mimicking the ripple of the ocean. When night falls, it's the perfect setting for champagne soirées under a blanket of stars, when the pool is gloriously illuminated.

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Motor yacht ALFA NERO

Builder : Oceanco

Delivered : 2007

Model basking in the sunlight by the infinity pool of luxury superyacht Alfa Neroa

Iconic 81m (167ft) superyacht ALFA NERO  has won many accolades for her novel approach to superyacht living, and she continues to turn heads on the open waters. She boasts a much-celebrated infinity pool with a glass aft complete with a convertible platform. This impressive feat of engineering means her pool has myriad functions: it can be raised slightly to offer safer swimming for children, become an open space for a dining area,  turn into a dazzling dancefloor or even act as a helicopter landing pad. 

Flanked by sunbeds capturing sunlight from every angle, a wet bar and capacious al-fresco dining areas, the sleek motor yacht ALFA NERO ticks all the boxes for glamorous gatherings.

Superyacht CHRISTINA O

Builder: Canadian Vickers

Delivered: 1943 (Refit: 2017)

aerial shot of superyacht Christina O's classic and vintage custom mosaic pool

Classic  99m (325ft) superyacht CHRISTINA O single-handedly crafted the superyacht playbook as a floating pleasure palace for her previous owners, Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis and Jackie Kennedy.  Today, her exterior styling and timeless interiors act as a nostalgic vignette to the golden era of yachting.

The vessel is home to the world-famous Onassis swimming pool, engraved with a faithful copy of a mosaic mural depicting a Minoan bull that originally appeared at the ancient palace of Knossos in Greece. The pool can be raised flush to the deck to transform into a functional space or turn into a dance floor for guests to shimmy the night away.

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Motor yacht LADY LENA

Builder: Sanlorenzo 

Aerial shot of glass bottom swimming pool and side deck of superyacht Christina O

A triumph of dynamic design, the  52m (170ft) luxury yacht LADY LENA  aims to impress with spacious social areas, light-drenched interiors and precise attention to Art Nouveau styling. The finest embodiment of this is her large glass-bottomed pool (in typical Sanlorenzo fashion) that gently suffuses a beautiful turquoise light onto the beach club below. In tandem, there are also fold-down terraces at either side of the beam where sunpads, deck chairs, and tables can be placed to create a social seating space.

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Superyacht ICON

Builder: Icon Yachts 

Delivered: 2009

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68m (223ft) motor yacht ICON is a yacht that certainly lives up to her name with her gorgeous 5m infinity pool. A stunning architectural design feat, it provides a mirage of a seemingly unending link between pool and sea, as well as providing a mesmerizing spot to gaze at the ever-changing panoramas.

On the lower deck aft, the exceptional beach club offers a bar, sun loungers, gym, and luxury hammam with ample space on the swimming platform to doze off while listening to the sound of gently lapping waves. From early-morning dips to late-night cocktails, motor yacht ICON's pool is a sublime setting for every occasion.

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Superyacht OKTO

Builder: ISA 

Delivered: 2014

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What do we love about the  66m (217ft) superyacht OKTO ? She's a visually striking delight from bow to stern. Her aft deck infinity pool is a sight to behold: offering picture-perfect 360-degree views. It can be both a salt or freshwater pool, but whichever you choose, you can rest assured that you will be able to swim in the utmost comfort and in total tranquility.

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Yacht LADY S

bright and airy shot of designer swimming pool surrounded by off white and cream couture seating on charter yacht Lady S

93m (305ft) superyacht LADY S is the epitome of modern minimalism, and this theme elegantly extends to her aft deck glass-bottom swimming pool. 

The pool's design has been optimized to ensure the entire charter party can enjoy the space to the fullest. She boasts separate shaded and sunning areas for those desiring bronzing opportunities and a social hub. And should they so wish, guests can try out the waterfall shower head floating above the center of the pool with various pressures and features. The pool area also provides an excellent connection to the beach club on the main deck below. Together, they fuse into one cohesive haven onboard, thanks to a pair of staircases that lead into the area below.

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Superyacht MADSUMMER

aerial shot of 12 meter luxury swimming pool and swimming platform of charter yacht Madsummer

95m (312ft) superyacht MADSUMMER 's 12m swimming pool appears built into the main deck aft like a carefully cut sapphire; a gem enclosed by sizeable and welcoming sun pads and high glass bulwarks offering privacy and protecting the area from harsh winds. It's an utterly charming spot where yacht charter guests can spend most, if not all, of their time blissfully swimming laps or sliding into the water for a soak.

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Builder: Dunya Yachts

Delivered: 2013

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Upon stepping onto  the 72m (236ft) superyacht AXIOMA 's main deck aft, you will be immediately greeted with the vessel's crowning glory: her sprawling infinity swimming pool. It's an open-air delight that provides the perfect setting for guests to enjoy a cooling dip on a sunbaked afternoon, before retreating to the cloud-like sunbeds that flank the pool for unrivaled bronzing spots. 

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Need more information?

woman relaxing with hat on in a swimming pool

Considering chartering a yacht with one of the finest swimming pools? Browse our extensive fleet selection of yacht rentals with swimming pools , or consult the advice of your chosen yacht charter broker  for further infomation.

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Flying Fox yacht charter

136m Lurssen 2019

Christina O yacht charter

99m Canadian Vickers 1943 / 2020

CC-Summer yacht charter

95m Lurssen 2019

Lady S yacht charter

93m Feadship 2019

Savannah yacht charter

84m Feadship 2015 / 2020

Titania yacht charter

73m Lurssen 2006 / 2020

Axioma yacht charter

72m Dunya Yachts 2013 / 2020

Loon yacht charter

67m Icon Yachts 2010 / 2020

Okto yacht charter

66m ISA 2014 / 2023

Lady Lena yacht charter

52m Sanlorenzo 2020

  • swimming pools
  • Floating Pool
  • onboard pool
  • luxury superyacht charter

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Maltese Falcon

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Yacht With A Pool

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Life On A Yacht With A Pool

Doesn’t sound too shabby, right? A yacht with a pool is becoming more common among the top yachts for charter or purchase. We’re not talking about Olympic-size pools with a super high diving board, but then again, when you have the entire ocean at your beck and call, who needs one?

Related   What Is A Yacht Charter    |    Luxury Charter Yacht Events

Pool or Deck Jacuzzi

If all you really need is a quick dip or even a soothing hydro-massage, the on deck Jacuzzi typically acts as the pool on board. Water temperature can be regulated in most, so turning off the heat is an option if you need to cool down after an onboard workout. Either way, a yacht with a pool offers the ultimate in relaxation while you take in the vast views of the sea.

Exercise On A Yacht

If you’re a swimmer and enjoy challenges, a lap pool is not unheard of aboard some of the finest yachts. Equipped with an intense water jet stream, which is activated upon demand at different speeds, an artificial current disburses the resistance you crave for a full-body workout.

Yachts With Large Pools

Some onboard pools are large, and offer space for up to 12 people, so the whole charter party can socialize together, sipping custom cocktails and nibbling on tapas. The idea of a yacht with a pool starts to become more realistic when you picture yourself luxuriating with family and friends in the middle of the ocean.

Custom Yacht Pool

Almost anything seems possible when building a custom yacht with a pool. Some superyachts feature an infinity pool, making you feel at one with the ocean. A raised-deck pool broadens your views in all directions, unobstructed and expansive. Some yacht stylists can create intricate designs at the bottom and sides of a pool with mosaic tiles that can form some of the most elaborate patterns.

Yachting Experts

The yachting experts at Merle Wood & Associates are well-versed in yacht sales, marketing, charters, and trends, which makes their clientele the most knowledgeable and prepared yacht owners and charterers in the market today. Many of our yacht specialists are former captains and crew themselves. Because of this, they know which mega yachts offer the best pools, some of which are not publicly for sale or charter – creating an experience uniquely tailored to exceed every expectation.

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Coral ocean.

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Superyacht Sea Pool

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Create your own safe swimming area with a sea pool which is easy to attach to the platform of your boat. The deep, mesh net will keep the (jelly) fish away. With a whole range of sizes to choose from there will surely be a product to suit your needs. 

Team it up with an inflatable dock to create an adjacent sunbathing and relaxation area. 

Sea Pools by:

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Sea Pool Options:

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DWF TPU 🌱 🌎 Ballast Bags Yes 5yrs dock / 2yrs cover Yes
PVC Ballast Bags Yes 3yrs Yes
PVC Ballast Bags Yes 3yrs Yes

Weight & Size matters...

Sea  4 x 4 74 144 x 108 x 50
Pool 4 x 4 86.5 TBC
Sea  4 x 4 39 123 x 55 x 49
5 x 5 84 154 x 100 x 75
Pool 6 x 5 95 154 x 100 x 75
Ocean Pool
6 x 5 114 115 x 77 x 56
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Compass Pools

YACHT POOL boduje na poli světového designu

YACHT POOL, uníkátní keramický bazén s integrovanou vířivou vanou, získal prestižní designové ceny - IF Product Design a RED DOT design Award.

YACHT POOL získal dvě designové ceny

YACHT POOL, unikátní keramický bazén s integrovanou vířivou vanou, získal dvě prestižní designové ceny:  IF PRODUCT DESIGN award a RED DOT Design Award .


Myšlenka vytvořit bazén, který by vzbuzoval silné emoce hned na první pohled, se zrodila v hlavách majitelů společnosti Compass Ceramic Pools přibližně před dvěma lety, kdy přemýšleli, jak přijít na trh opět s něčím, co nenabízí nikdo jiný.

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Za tu dobu  YACHT POOL sklízel nebývale pozitivní reakce. Cena za design byla tedy logickým vyústěním. Potvrdilo se, že  YACHT POOL má nejlepší předpoklady stát se skvělým společníkem svých majitelů.

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Do you love to whiz across the water on your yacht, set your sails to the wind, and let your soul wander?

If so, you surely know that feeling when you’ve dropped anchor in a beautiful cove but your sundeck always seems to be too small. With these new and innovative yacht platforms from YACHTBEACH now you can create your own private beach directly attached to your boat. 

This premium yacht platform was designed for performance-loving yacht owners. Now they and their sunworshiping guests can enjoy the perfect island for reading, relaxing, or diving in and out of the water. YACHTBEACH can be a platform for fitness, yoga and mindfulness, or as a floating party lounge for the best sessions and funniest memories

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This piece of freedom can be combined in several ways. With its unique handle connection system you can easily build your ideal docking station for your Jet Ski, Tender, Seabob, SUP, Foilboard and much more. Aesthetic soft, non-skid, durable saltwater and UV resistant materials guarantee luxurious and long-lasting comfort.

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10 – 15 Sept. 2024 Cannes – Vieux Port & Port Canto

For more than 40 years, the Cannes Yachting Festival has been opening the nautical season in September and presenting many world premieres in a luxurious and elegant world. Take part in this flagship event in two exhibition spaces: Vieux Port, the world of motor boats and the Luxury Gallery and Port Canto, the setting for sailing boats and the brokerage & toys area.

visit Yachtbeach on Broker 108

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19-24 September Genoa , Italy

the Genoa International Boat Show, organised by the Italian Marine Industry Association Confindustria Nautica, is a global event built on the experience of 63 editions, it is the ultimate expression of a unique and vast heritage, capable of combining history, insight, talent, know-how, design, technology, innovation, research, development and business .  visit Yachtbeach booth SY15

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25-28 Sept. Port Hercule, Monaco

Celebrating its 33rd anniversary in 2024, the  Monaco Yacht Show (MYS) is an essential event for superyachting aficionados. Since 1991, Port Hercule in Monaco has transformed into a showcase of elegance and innovation, bringing together the latest and most expected collection of superyachts of the year.  visit Yachtbeach booth QA4

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30 Oct - 03.Nov Fort Lauderdale

A Splash of Inspiration : Owned by the Marine Industries Association of South Florida and Produced by Informa Markets, the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show Is the Largest In-Water Boat Show in the World. Welcome to Fort Lauderdale USA Visit us on booth 863A

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Luxury Pools

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The water sports / equipment sector is  growing  steadily, with our docks we offer almost every  new trend  its own docking station. Doesn´t matter if Jetski – Foil – Sup – Dive – and  many more.


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The Yachtbeach Hexplatforms are made of UV and salt water resistant dropstitch material with a thickness of 20 cm and flexible EVA teak. The stable hexagonal platforms can be used in many different ways.

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New times for  jet ski  owners: In just a few simple steps your jet ski is  transformed  into a boat. Take your loved ones or even your pets from one point to another with the  inflatable JetXtender.

Air Loungers

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Our YB Furniture Line is another highlight in the YACHTBEACH luxury line. The inflatable air sofa as well as the lounger which can be inflated easily  and quickly to have a nice  day on water.

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  • from August 14, 2024

Magic Yachtslides 

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Yachtbeach Sunroof with 2 Connectors

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  • from April 11, 2024

YACHTBEACH auf der “Boot” in Düsseldorf 2024

  • from January 9, 2024

YACHTBEACH at boot in Düsseldorf 2024

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YACHTBEACH Pavilion Line

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Yachtbeach Hexplatforms

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PERFETTO has 8 Photos

Superyacht PERFETTO

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49m ELENI - Main shot

ELENI | From EUR€ 195,000/wk

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If you have any questions about the PERFETTO information page below please contact us .

Superyacht PERFETTO is a 49.95m (163'8") Mangusta 165 REV motor yacht launched in 2024 with exterior design by Lobanov Design and interiors from m2atelier. Her unique and streamlined profile has an elongated bow featuring a contemporary jacuzzi while the interior is light, modern and spacious. Up to ten guests can be accommodated in five suites with additional cabins for the nine crew members.

NOTABLE FEATURES OF PERFETTO: ~Unique streamlined profile ~Foredeck pool and sun deck jacuzzi ~Beach club ~Fold-out side terrace ~34 knot top speed ~At anchor and underway stabilisers ~Air conditioning ~WiFi

EXTERIOR The sun deck offers guests a fabulous sociable space with built in seating arrangements, a sit up bar and option for jacuzzi forward. The hard roof covers the amidships area making the space versatile in all weather conditions.

The foredeck is an elegant, elongated space filled with plush sun pads and seating conveniently built in around tables and a huge forward pool. The main deck aft is dedicated to al fresco dining and is large enough to include a 12-seater dining table and huge sofa/day bed tucked into the aft bulwarks. Steps lead down on either side to the swim platform which is further extended when the transom door is opened to reveal a beach club. On both the port and starboard side there is an amidships fold-out terrace creating lovely balconies accessed from the main salon.

PERFETTO Specifications

Beam:9.2m (30'2") 
L.O.A.:49.95 m (163'8" )  
Max Speed:34 knots 
Engines:4 X MTU 16V 2000 M96L 260 
Cruise Speed:30 knots 
More Yacht Info: , ,  
Builder/Designer: ,  

INTERIOR The interior is credited to m2atelier who have created a tranquil and elegant space for guests inside the yacht. The floor to ceiling windows and doors in the main salon fill the space with light and fold out side terraces extend the space into the outdoors. The salon is configured with a lounge to aft and formal dining area forward plus a sit up bar further forward.

The forward part of the main deck is filled with the fabulous owner’s apartment with suite, lounge, office and his-and-hers bathrooms.

Yacht Accommodation

The vast owner’s apartment on the main deck is the perfect haven away from other guests who are accommodated in five lower deck suites. The full beam VIP is accompanied by four same sized double suites, all with luxurious private ensuite bathrooms. The galley and the crew accommodation is forward on the lower deck.

Amenities and Extras

We do have available further amenity, owner and price information for the 49.95 m (163'8" ) yacht PERFETTO, so please enquire for more information.

PERFETTO Disclaimer:

The luxury yacht PERFETTO displayed on this page is merely informational and she is not necessarily available for yacht charter or for sale, nor is she represented or marketed in anyway by CharterWorld. This web page and the superyacht information contained herein is not contractual. All yacht specifications and informations are displayed in good faith but CharterWorld does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the current accuracy, completeness, validity, or usefulness of any superyacht information and/or images displayed. All boat information is subject to change without prior notice and may not be current.

Quick Enquiry

"From designing to construction of the mould and relative laminating in composite materials, to cutting of the metal sheets, to the final outfitting, including on-board electronics and on-board plant design, all processes are carried out by the Group. 100% made in Italy and absolute quality. The Group is based in Tuscany, Italy, with various production facilities in the areas of Viareggio, Massa and Pisa.: - Mangusta Yachts from Overmarine

Motor Yacht PERFETTO

MARIU | From EUR€ 150,000/wk Special

Motor Yacht ELENA V

ELENA V | From EUR€ 195,000/wk

Luxury Superyacht TCB

TCB | From US$ 215,000/wk

Lifestyle | Marin Yacht Club unveils new outdoor space

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Things To Do

Frances Larose, of the Marin Yacht Club, sits near the new firepit and rose garden. (Photo by PJ Bremier)

Other than that one overgrown spot, the club, which has 115 slips, a two-story clubhouse, a swimming pool and tennis courts that are also striped for pickleball, is beautifully maintained and well-loved by its members.

For years, this forgotten spot, commonly referred to as “the corner” by members, was overlooked even as the club developed the nearby recreation area between the shoreline and the clubhouse.

It wasn’t until members Clive Endriss, the club’s landscape chair, and Denny Amundsen, both of San Rafael, were discussing the renovation of the nearby barbecue and outdoor bar a couple of years ago that Amundsen couldn’t ignore the corner any longer and came up with what Endriss called “a perfect idea.”

Amundsen suggested a firepit and seating area so members could drift out from the dining room or bar or just across the lawn after a bocce ball game and relax and chat.

Endriss was inspired by the idea and got to work right away, sketching out a design that included a custom-built, gas-fueled firepit, a surrounding seating area and new hardscaping and landscaping.

“This project was not easy,” Endriss says. “It took many hours of design and seven months of construction.”

It was completed last month.

Endriss and his team of mostly members removed 30 yards of dirt to get to subgrade, relocated a small but heavy and beautiful palm tree, brought in base rock, poured concrete and trenched in water, power and gas.

They added irrigation, lighting, 20 yards of topsoil and laid out and compacted the pathways with decomposed gravel before they planted roses and rolled out the new sod lawn.

“The decomposed granite pathways were very important,” Endriss says.

They create a natural flow for people, linking the rose garden, barbecue area and clubhouse, and encourage people to linger outdoors, enjoy the view and spend time together.

He deliberately “flared” the access points from the pathway to the garden to silently invite members into the area, who are also drawn in by the welcoming circle of generously sized Polywood Modern Adirondack chairs around the firepit.

Selected by house director Mark Miner, the chairs are made of weather-resistant, recycled materials in a color with marine-grade hardware.

A private seating area in a newly renovated garden at the Marin Yacht Club in San Rafael. (Photo by PJ Bremier)

There’s also an intimate setting of two chairs tucked nearby under trees for more private conversations.

When it came to the four planting beds that embrace the firepit area, Endriss had envisioned colorful, salt- and wind-tolerant plant material, says board member Frances Larose.

However, when he learned that the roses in the old rose garden on the shadier side of the clubhouse were struggling, he suggested moving them into the new flower beds.

The club turned to member, rosarian and UC Davis Master Gardener Ellie Longanecker for help with selecting additional roses.

Among the 65 roses in the rose garden, she chose the following varieties, especially for their disease resistance:

• Julia Child — an award-winning fragrant yellow floribunda

• Moonstone — a white hybrid tea rose trimmed in light pink

• Peace — a hybrid tea rose that came from France in World War II

• Elle — a pink hybrid tea rose that is named for Elle magazine

• Burgundy iceberg — a purple-red floribunda with a cream underside that Longanecker says is “very popular in public gardens.”

• Iceberg — a white floribunda that Longanecker says is “very popular and photographs great.”

The new garden area is perfect for weddings and holiday parties.

Members of the Marin Yacht Club play bocce in front of the club's new rose garden. (Photo by PJ Bremier)

Collectively, they offer exuberant color, delightful fragrance and a sense of movement with the breezes off the water.

“The rose garden is certainly the star of the show,” Larose says.

The beautiful transformation of this former “corner” has now been named Point Don Lesley by the club.

It honors Don Lesley, the club’s beloved member, enthusiastic supporter for nearly 50 years and its 1985 staff commodore. He died in 2022.

According to Larose, Lesley, who loved to cruise his Grand Banks classic boat, was “always ready to help with projects, often wearing his tool belt and always helping with staff commodore functions like the Commodores Crab Feed.”

“He taught lots of us to be better Yacht Club members in our dress and our manner of upholding of traditions and, most of all, how to treat other members with respect and helpfulness,” Larose says.

Point Don Lesley is “an amazingly beautiful location,” Larose says. “It is perfect for special events, holiday events and I think it would be lovely for a wedding.”

And it’s an ideal tribute to its namesake.

If you have a beautiful or interesting Marin garden or a newly designed Marin home, I’d love to know about it.

Please send an email describing either one (or both), what you love most about it and a photograph or two. I will post the best ones in upcoming columns. Your name will be published and you must be over 18 years old and a Marin resident.

PJ Bremier writes on home, garden, design and entertaining topics every Saturday. She may be contacted at P.O. Box 412, Kentfield 94914, or at [email protected]

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Příběh yacht-pool, 10 x proč yacht – pool.

Yachtpool poisťuje moju plachetnicu Civetta II od roku 2013. Počas plavby okolo sveta, osem preplavieb Atlantického oceánu a v extrémnych arktických podmienkach v Grónsku a na Spitzbergoch mi dávali istotu zvládnuť mimoriadnu situáciu, ak by táto nastala. Nebolo to iba poistenie, ale veľká flexibilita počas plavieb, keď bolo nutné meniť poistné podmienky v krajinách, ktoré zmeny vyžadovali. Odporúčam.

Vlado Porvazník / moreplavec, klient YACHT-POOL

Yacht-Pool - partner pre poistenie skipperov a lodí

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Yachtpool pojišťuje moji plachetnici Civetta II od roku 2013. Během plavby kolem světa, osmi přeplaveb Atlantského oceánu a v extrémních arktických podmínkách v Grónsku a na Spitzbercích mi dávali jistotu zvládnout mimořádnou situaci, kdyby nastala. Nebylo to jen pojištění, ale velká flexibilita během plaveb, kdy bylo nutné měnit pojistné podmínky v zemích, které změny vyžadovaly. Doporučuji.

Vlado Porvazník / mořeplavec, klient YACHT-POOL

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Jsem dlouholetým klientem společnosti Yacht-Pool. Jako jachtaře a skippera mě tento kvalitní pojistný produkt oslovil díky širokému spektru nabízených služeb, jakož i spolehlivost krytí případných pojistných událostí mě i celé posádky. Pojistná událost, která se stala mé posádce, byla vybavena naprosto profesionálně a plnění bylo bez jakýchkoli průtahů. Při volbě pojistného partnera jsem velmi důsledný a proto i díky mé osobní pozitivní zkušenosti mohu potvrdit, že být nadále klientem společnosti Yacht-Pool bylo správným rozhodnutím.

Jozef Hnilica / Několikanásobný mistr Slovenska v námořním jachtingu    

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Je skipper OPRAVDU vždy VINEN za škody na lodi ?

Jachti globálně, rezervuj lokálně, co pokrývá depozit nedejte se nachytat.

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Charter “Fairtrag”

Mezinárodně uznávaná smlouva mezi chartrovkou společností a klientem navržena společností Yacht – Pool, ve které jsou precizní, korektní a férově definovaná práva a povinnosti všech zúčastněných stran.

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Checked & Trusted

Pro charterového zákazníka je téměř nemožné získat objektivní a komplexní hodnocení kvality od charterových agentur a provozovatelů vozových parků. Z tohoto důvodu uděluje YACHT-POOL známku kvality „Checked & Trusted“ pro ověřené partnery.

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Russian regions

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Nizhny Tagil city, Russia

The city of Sverdlovsk oblast .

Nizhny Tagil - Overview

Nizhny Tagil is the second largest city in the Sverdlovsk region of Russia, one of the biggest and oldest mining and metallurgical centers in the country. It is one of the most important industrial and cultural center of the Urals.

The population of Nizhny Tagil is about 340,700 (2022), the area - 297 sq. km.

The phone code - +7 3435, the postal codes - 622000-622051.

Nizhny Tagil city flag

Nizhny tagil city coat of arms.

Nizhny Tagil city coat of arms

Nizhny Tagil city map, Russia

Nizhny tagil city latest news and posts from our blog:.

29 January, 2013 / Nizhny Tagil - the city with tanks on the streets .

21 September, 2012 / Steel Works Museum in Nizhny Tagil .

History of Nizhny Tagil

Nizhny Tagil was founded by Tula industrialists Akinfiy Demidov and Nikita Demidov in 1722. The town became the capital of their “iron kingdom”, the largest center of metallurgy in the Russian Empire. October 8, 1722 - the day of putting into operation of Vyisky copper smelter - was the birthday of the mining village of Nizhny Tagil. And three years later, an iron foundry and ironworks were built.

Vysokaya Mountain became a symbol of the wealth of mineral resources of Nizhny Tagil area - iron and copper, gold and platinum, malachite. The iron produced by local factories was well known in England, France, and other Western European countries. In the 19th century, it constantly received awards at international exhibitions.

In the first half of the 19th century, Nizhny Tagil growth was linked first of all with the developing copper, gold, and platinum industry which was one of the leading industries in the Urals at that time.

More Historical Facts…

Industrial orientation of the town defined not only its industrial character, way of life, but also the culture, the development of handicrafts associated with the processing of metal and wood. Made from a thin “soft” iron, brightly painted by very durable “crystal” varnish, Nizhny Tagil trays had great success.

Tagil became the focus of people’s creative thoughts and technical progress. The first in the Russian Empire steam locomotive was made by father and son Cherepanov. By the middle of the 19th century, there were a lot of buildings in the town that later became the monuments of architecture. The population of the town was more than 31 thousand people.

Although Tagil didn’t have the official status of the town, it was in fact a pretty big town with factories, hospitals, schools, its own museum and theater. Nizhny Tagil outnumbered a lot of towns in the Russian Empire; in Permskaya gubernia it was the third largest settlement after Perm and Yekaterinburg.

Nizhny Tagil became a town officially in 1919. The intensive industrial development of the town in the 1930s was predetermined by objectives of building a new coal and metallurgical base in the east of the country. The whole area to the east of the old town turned into one huge construction site. By 1941, along with traditional mining, gold, and metallurgical production the city had developed engineering and chemical industries. During the Second World War, most of the T-34 tanks of the Red Army were produced in Nizhny Tagil.

In the 1940s-1960s, the city’s population rose sharply. During the war years - due to the evacuees, many of whom found a second home here, in the postwar period - due to the large influx of young professionals and workers who arrived on local enterprises and construction sites from all over the Soviet Union.

Today, Nizhny Tagil continues to develop and strengthen the defense and industrial power of Russia. The largest international exhibition of arms is traditionally held here.

Streets of Nizhny Tagil

Nizhny Tagil street view

Nizhny Tagil street view

Author: Dmitry A.Shchukin

Nizhny Tagil city street

Nizhny Tagil city street

Nizhny Tagil view

Nizhny Tagil view

Nizhny Tagil - Features

The city is located on the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains, in the valley of the Tagil River, about 20-25 km from the border of Europe and Asia at a height of 200 meters above sea level.

Nizhny Tagil is located in the zone of moderate continental climate characterized by sharp variability of weather conditions, well-defined seasons. The average temperature in January is minus 14.5 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 17.8 degrees Celsius.

There is a myth saying that Nizhny Tagil copper was used in the construction of the Statue of Liberty in New York. According to it, the award-winning sheet copper produced by Upper Vyisky factory was bought by the creator of the monument, the sculptor F. Bartholdi who used it to manufacture the outer shell of the statue.

Nizhny Tagil is the largest industrial and transport center in the Middle Urals. Heavy industry plants are leading in the local economy, light and food industries are developing too. Nizhny Tagil metallurgical plant and Uralvagonzavod are the main plants in the city. Tanks T-90 are produced in the city (“Uralvagonzavod”).

Since 1999, Nizhny Tagil hosts arms exhibitions on the basis of the Nizhny Tagil Institute of Metal Testing. The international exhibition of arms, munitions, and military equipment “Russian Expo Arms” and the international exhibition “Russian Defence Expo” are held alternately in early July. Also, every two years, in early September, the Ural exhibition-fair of railway, special vehicles and road construction machinery “Magistral” is held in the city.

In 2015, for the participants of the events, a hotel of the international hotel network Park Inn by Radisson was opened. It is located on the banks of Nizhny Tagil pond (this is the first hotel of this level in the city).

Attractions of Nizhny Tagil

The main symbol of Nizhny Tagil is Lisya (Fox) Mountain - a small mountain with a watchtower on top, located near Tagil pond. This tower is an architectural monument and objects of cultural heritage of Russia.

Nizhny Tagil Museum of Local History, “Cherepanov’s House”, and the Museum of Crafts (“Demidov’s House”) have a lot of interesting exhibits of the era of industrial development of the Urals.

The Factory-Museum of the History of Mining Equipment located under the open sky has an exhibition highlighting the main steps of metallurgical production. The museum is established in the territory of the metallurgical plant that had been founded in the 18th century and operated until 1987.

The Museum of Fine Arts of Nizhny Tagil has the largest collection of paintings made by Hudoyarov. Also it has a small collection of engravings made by the famous German artist Albrecht Durer and one of the most famous paintings in the world, “The Holy Family” of the great Italian artist Raphael Santi.

In Nizhny Tagil there are a lot of urban sculptures, especially in the city center. The city has four theaters, a circus, a philharmonic hall with jazz, folk, and symphonic orchestras, five movie theaters.

Pictures of Nizhny Tagil

Ferris wheel in Nizhny Tagil

Ferris wheel in Nizhny Tagil

Author: Valentin Chistousov

Tram in Nizhny Tagil

Tram in Nizhny Tagil

Administration of Nizhny Tagil

Administration of Nizhny Tagil

The most interesting museums of Nizhny Tagil:

  • Nizhny Tagil Museum-Reserve “Metallurgical Ural” (Lenina Avenue, 1),
  • The Factory-Museum of the History of Mining Equipment (outdoor museum on Lenina Avenue),
  • Local History Museum (Lenina Avenue, 1a),
  • Nizhny Tagil Museum of Fine Arts (Uralskaya Street, 4, 4/1, 5, 7),
  • Museum of the Crafts and Life of Local People (Tagilskaya Street, 26),
  • Museum of Nizhny Tagil Trays (Tagilskaya Street, 24),
  • Historical and Technical Museum “Cherepanov’s House” (Verkhnyaya Cherepanova Street, 1),
  • Museum of Armored Vehicles (Vostochnoye Highway, 28/5),
  • Memorial and Literary Museum of Bondin (Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, 8),
  • Museum-Estate “Demidov’s dacha” (Krasnogvardeyskaya Street, 5a).

Theaters and other cultural institutions

  • Drama Theater named after D. Mamin-Sibiryak (Lenina Avenue, 33),
  • Youth Theater (Il’icha Street, 37),
  • Puppet Theater (Lenina Avenue, 14),
  • Theater of Young Spectators (Kosmonavtov Avenue, 32),
  • Philharmonic (Tsiolkovskogo Street, 2/3a, Lenina Avenue, 25),
  • Circus (Pervomayskaya Street, 8a).

Nizhny Tagil city of Russia photos

Sights of nizhny tagil.

Drama Theater in Nizhny Tagil

Drama Theater in Nizhny Tagil

Factory-Museum in Nizhny Tagil

Factory-Museum in Nizhny Tagil

Cherepanov House-Museum in Nizhny Tagil

Cherepanov House-Museum in Nizhny Tagil

Places of interest in Nizhny Tagil

Monument to the first members of Komsomol in Nizhny Tagil

Monument to the first members of Komsomol in Nizhny Tagil

Lenin Monument in Nizhny Tagil

Lenin Monument in Nizhny Tagil

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Nizhny Tagil

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Nizhny Tagil

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  1. Luxury yacht NONO

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  2. Pool

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  3. The best superyacht pools in the world

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  4. The Top Pools on Private Yachts

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  5. Piscinas extraordinarias en los mejores yates del mundo

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  6. A Look At Some Of The Most Amazing Yacht Pools

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  1. Aquador 35 ST


  3. TA3: Compass showroom in Bratislava


  5. Super Yacht with Pool Attacked in Port Hercules, Monaco 🛥️ #yachtlife

  6. POOL INSIDE A YACHT 🤩#monaco #millionaire #luxury #lifestyle #life



    Yacht Pool, to połączenie basenu kąpielowego z wbudowaną wanną jacuzzi, stylizowaną na dziób jachtu i wykończone fexi-teak'iem. To innowacyjne rozwiązanie sprawia, że Yacht Pool nie jest zwykłym basenem kąpielowym. Unikalny w kształcę, wyposażony w poręcze ze stali nierdzewnej, system samoczyszczenia i cyrkulacji wody ...

  2. Basen ceramiczny YACHT POOL 11,50 x 4,0 x 1,5 m

    Basen ceramiczny YACHT POOL 11.5 x 4.0 x 1.5 m OPIS YACHT POOL 2 w 1, połączenie basenu i wanny spa, przy użyciu oddzielnych i niezależnych technologii Charakterystyczna dźwignia, jak na łodzi motorowej, do obsługi przeciwprądu Poręcze ze stali nierdzewnej nawiązują do wyglądu jachtu Po zmroku, YACHT POOL jest oświetlo

  3. Inflatable Floating Swimming Pools For Yachts

    Buy High Quality Yacht Pools Experience aquatic luxury tailored exclusively for yacht owners with our premium Floating Sea Pools collection.Elevate your yachting escapades with meticulously crafted floating pool platforms, proudly designed in Europe to redefine relaxation and leisure on the open waters, complete with built-in safety nets for worry-free swimming.Immerse…

  4. Yacht Pool

    Our Yacht Pool comes in a waterproof bag which is the size of a suitcase (cabin size). It is inflated in around 1-2 minutes in an electric inflator or 3-4 minutes with a manual inflator.Once inflated, the Sea Pool is thrown to the water and it is tighted to the boat.. To store it, the Yacht Pool is deflated in around 2-3 minutes and then it must be left to dry in order to a correct maintenance ...


    Hned v prvním roce svého života získal YACHT POOL dvě designové ceny - . Od té doby zdobí tento luxusní a unikátní bazén nejmodernější domy v Evropě. zapnutí masážních trysek dojem z plavby ještě znásobuje (masážní trysky nejsou v základní výbavě bazénu) a tím se ještě umocňuje výjimečná atmosféra tohoto ...


    Inspired by sea cruises, the YACHT POOL ceramic pool was born. In the very first life year it managed to gain two design prizes - IF product design and Red DOT design. Since then, this luxury and unique pool adorns the most modern houses in Europe. DESCRIPTION. 2 in 1 - combination of a pool and a whirpool, using separate independent ...

  7. Ocean Yacht Pool

    Plunge into the crystal-clear waters with this innovative inflatable, the perfect addition for extended hours of fun with family and friends. The Yacht Slide stands as the lightest option in the market. Made with premium quality PVC, Ocean Yacht Pool slides are built to last and ensure reliability. Featuring four valves, inflation and deflation ...

  8. The coolest superyacht pools in the world

    The 67-metre Seasense's exceptionally large pool is actually what got the yacht sold - Cor D. Rover's pool-centric drawing stood out to future owner (and previous owner of three Rivas) Charles Cohen.At ten metres long, 3.6 metres wide and able to support a staggering 27,000 litres of water, Cohen wanted sunlight to reach every millimetre of his magnum opus.

  9. 11 Best Charter Yacht Swimming Pools

    67m Icon Yachts. 2010 / 2020. Okto Yacht For Charter. 66m ISA. 2014 / 2023. Lady Lena Yacht For Charter. 52m Sanlorenzo. 2020. Swimming pools and superyachts are a match made in heaven, with an onboard pool richly enhancing the yacht charter experience.

  10. Superyacht LANA pool

    A luxury charter yacht is the perfect way to encounter New England's fall foliage display Charter yachts offering citizen science opportunities around the world 55m superyacht YN20555 is launched by Heesen Yachts and named superyacht SERENA

  11. Sea Pools

    The FunAir Lagoon Pool is an ultra compact and lightweight netted Sea Pool designed specifically for yachts and superyachts who have reduced storage space. Check out the Aussie Edition with extra fine netting designed to help create a barrier from super small sea life. find out more. get a sea pool quote.

  12. Yacht With a Pool

    From USD 650,000 wk. 163.4ft / 49.8m | Oceanfast. 1998 | 2021. USD 10,800,000. YACHT WITH A POOL - Book a yacht charter with a pool. Find charter yachts & yachts for sale. Charter yacht photos & super yachts with hot tubs Jacuzzi spas.

  13. The 10 Most Stunning Superyacht Pools

    Here are our editors' picks for the ten most stunning superyacht pools in the world. #10 Nomad (OceanFast) The sun deck of 228-foot Nomad features a Jacuzzi spa pool where you can swim up to the bar, with sunbathing mattresses on each side as well as a fantastic barbeque area. 228-foot luxury motor yacht Nomad (ex Floridian and Aussie Rules ...

  14. Inflatable Sea Pools

    4 x 4m Skinny Sea Pool by Superyacht Inflatables. £6,500.00 3. 5 x 5m Sea Pool w/ a wider walkway by Superyacht I. £8,300.00 3. 5 x 6m Ocean Pool by Aquaglide. £3,750.00 3. 5 x 6m Sea Pool with a full walkway by Superyacht. £12,900.00 3. Custom Modular Sea Pool by Superyacht Inflatables.

  15. YACHT POOL boduje na poli světového designu

    YACHT POOL, uníkátní keramický bazén s integrovanou vířivou vanou, získal prestižní designové ceny - IF Product Design a RED DOT design Award.

  16. Yachts for Sale with a Swimming Pool

    Built. 2021. Guests. 10 in 5 cabins. Price. €20,900,000. Add to Compare. Buy a yacht for sale with a swimming pool through Fraser and experience ultimate luxury. Contact our experienced Brokers to find out more information.

  17. Yachtbeach

    25-28 Sept. Port Hercule, Monaco. Celebrating its 33rd anniversary in 2024, the Monaco Yacht Show (MYS) is an essential event for superyachting aficionados. Since 1991, Port Hercule in Monaco has transformed into a showcase of elegance and innovation, bringing together the latest and most expected collection of superyachts of the year.

  18. Yacht PERFETTO, Mangusta

    Superyacht PERFETTO is a 49.95m (163'8") Mangusta 165 REV motor yacht launched in 2024 with exterior design by Lobanov Design and interiors from m2atelier. Her unique and streamlined profile has an elongated bow featuring a contemporary jacuzzi while the interior is light, modern and spacious.

  19. Marin Yacht Club unveils new outdoor space

    For years, the serene Marin Yacht Club, nestled waterside near Peacock Gap, had an untamed tip of land pointed westward that was blessed with a view of glittering water, Mount Tamalpais and, in the…

  20. Yacht-pool

    Příběh Yacht-Pool. YACHT-POOL založil v roce 1976 Dr. Friedrich Schöchl, který dosud tuto mezinárodní společnost vede. Jako aktivní námořník a přes rodinné vztahy byl vždy ve spojení s jachtingem. Začátkem 60. let bratři Schöchlové postavili první dřevěné lodě v rodinném tesařství. Loděnice Sunbeam byla brzy ...

  21. Nizhny Tagil city, Russia travel guide

    It is one of the most important industrial and cultural center of the Urals. The population of Nizhny Tagil is about 340,700 (2022), the area - 297 sq. km. The phone code - +7 3435, the postal codes - 622000-622051. Local time in Nizhny Tagil city is September 5, 1:23 pm (+5 UTC).

  22. THE 10 BEST Nizhny Tagil Sights & Landmarks to Visit (2024)

    1. Embankment of Pond of Nizhny Tagil. 30. Points of Interest & Landmarks • Piers & Boardwalks. 2. Cherepanovy's House. 14. Speciality Museums • Historic Walking Areas.

  23. Nizhniy Tagil, Russia 2023: Best Places to Visit

    Nizhniy Tagil Tourism: Tripadvisor has 72 reviews of Nizhniy Tagil Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Nizhniy Tagil resource.

  24. Nizhny Tagil

    The history of Nizhny Tagil dates back to the mid-16th century, when the Stroganovs received the right to possess land by the Kama and Chusovaya basins. In 1579 they founded the first settlement, the Utkin sloboda, by the river Utka, the mouth of Chusoya.Fateyevo, the first Russian village in the Tagil region, was founded in 1665.