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Hound Still Running With the Pack

  • By Carol Cronin
  • August 27, 2024

2024 Caribbean 600

When I walk out onto the bustling Catamaran Club dock a few hours before the start of the Royal Ocean Racing Club’s Caribbean 600, I’m surrounded by the broad-hipped carbon transoms and graphics of the world’s shiniest race boats. Wide decks swarm with sailors rigging up for a unique 600-mile romp around a dozen island “marks,” so I dutifully admire their prods, wraparound bows, and swept-back spreaders. But my gaze quickly strays to a far different profile: the slim waist, long overhangs, and immaculate varnish of Hound , tugging at its dock lines in the building trade winds, anxious to bound into open water. 

Casual boat-gawkers might assume that this 1970 Aage Nielsen design is just a poster child for a bygone era of yacht design, with race glory a distant memory. But there are 15 crew swarming its teak decks: loading sails, rigging sheets, removing the large boom tent. And the competition recognizes most of them because this is the same core team who won not just the classics ­trophy in 2023, but also IRC One. 

“ Hound is a great all-around boat,” Taylor North explains, when I drag him away from prerace chores to ask why a sought-after bowman would choose to sail on a boat old enough to be his mother. Instead of rolling his eyes about the generational gap, he quickly ticks off Hound’ s assets. “She looks good at the dock. And she sails really well. Some modern boats, you get into certain conditions where the boat just feels sticky. Last year, we held off boats that were much quicker than us on paper. We’re not going as fast, but we are going pretty well all the time; there aren’t very many times where we’re ­saying, ‘This is not our conditions.’”

He then glances out at the glorious trade winds, which are forecast to die away to nothing and then veer all the way around to the north. “Obviously, if it turns into light-wind running…maybe on Friday, I might have a different opinion.”

H ound (née Pleione ) was commissioned by Arthur Santry Jr. and launched by Abeking & Rasmussen in spring 1970. Santry raced it to Bermuda, introduced the family to cruising, and gained a new sail plan and underbody before Frank and Delphine Eberhart took ownership in 1984. The new owners cruised extensively, including a historic 1991 passage to Leningrad with four kids under 9, just as the Soviet Union was collapsing. In 1998 and 2002, Hound posted its first two Bermuda Race class wins.

Crew of Hound

The boat sailed south almost every ­winter, and once Eberhart discovered the Caribbean 600 in 2012, it became his favorite race—despite finishing last in class that year. When the family-run and -raced boat returned in 2013, the official preview included a quote from its owner: “ Hound has been sailing the Caribbean for nearly 30 years,” Frank Eberhart said. “This race is a unique opportunity to enjoy Caribbean sailing with a twist, while experiencing the beauty of the Leeward chain.” 

Two of Hound ’s current crew raced the Caribbean 600 with the Eberharts, and though former captain Owen Johnson accurately describes the boat’s results as “horrible,” Hound missed only one of the next four races.

Dan Litchfield, of New York City, bought the boat in 2020, and he and Capt. Tom Stark immediately developed a long list of desired changes. Litchfield had admired the boat for years and knew that Eberhart was not into upgrades. “He would say, ‘It’s fine the way it is; everything’s great,’” Litchfield says. The new goals were to both ease boathandling and sailhandling and improve performance without ruining its classic status.

The most obvious upgrade was to replace the aluminum mast and its extremely top-heavy 1973 extension; the new carbon section reportedly weighs less than the old boom. They also added a short sprit to carry asymmetric kites. Over the next two and a half years, rudder and keel were replaced—21st-century sail plan, meet 21st-century righting moment. 

Hound won its class (again) in the 2022 Bermuda Race, but the first race with its third keel was the 2023 Caribbean 600. After hovering in second or third around most of the course, the crew sailed an excellent final beat to win IRC One.

Since that victory, they have continued to make incremental improvements. The original coffee grinders are finally working smoothly after chasing and strengthening a series of weak links between Barient and Harken technology. There’s a second tack attachment point on the bowsprit, better coordination between various navigational readouts, and the boom vang has been carefully inspected—to avoid a repeat of its breakdown last year, only 20 minutes before the start.

Dan Litchfield

 Though the boat was undoubtedly as eye-catching during the Eberhart era, bowman Sumner Fisher says that Litchfield’s program is far more professional. He first raced on Hound in the 2015 Caribbean 600. “The crew were all friends of the captain. Really good kids but not a put-together group,” Fisher says. “We had no ­reaching sails, just a symmetric kite.” When they broke a halyard in the middle of the night, he doesn’t remember replacing it.

Perhaps the biggest contrast was race dinners on board. “Frank would sit in the corner of the salon, where that new toolbox is now, with the watch before the dinnertime change,” Fisher says. “Then you’d go on deck and the other watch would come down, and he’d still be sitting there, so happy.” 

Brianna Johnson, who met her husband Owen in 2013 when he hired her as Hound ’s cook, confirms that dinners on board were always quite elaborate, even when racing. “We always had to set the table: place mats, silverware, the whole bit. I’d place the wine bottles on the middle gimbaled section.” 

This year, Johnson has premade the first race dinner; after that, it’s freeze-dried. Taylor North says he really likes the food, which is supplemented with a wide array of toppings. “And not cooking a meal down below when it’s hot is really, really beneficial.” 

The Caribbean 600 loops around 11 islands between a start and finish off Antigua’s English Harbor. “I’m just super flattered to be sailing on the Hound with Dan again,” navigator Ed Cesare says. This will be his ninth 600, including an overall win in 2013 on the Cookson 50 Privateer . “One really cool thing about the race is even though the wind almost always is from somewhere between 80 and 120 degrees, it’s a little bit different every year.”

The 2024 forecast is more than “a little bitdifferent,” thanks to a strong low that will seriously disrupt the trades. “The start will be more moderate than usual, and then it gets lighter through the race. Which might not set up so bad for us…those lighter breezes will keep the planing boats in the water.”

Cesare says that the most important tactical decisions are how close to round each island (a balance between minimizing distance and avoiding the worst wind shadows) and navigating the wind “potholes” left behind by squalls. This year, those might be lurking in unusual spots.

When I ask North how many sail changes they did last year, he shrugs. “Maybe 50? It’s something that you need to carefully manage. You’ve got a finite number, just from an exhaustion perspective. Sometimes the strategic minds in the back don’t necessarily consider the human capital that’s expended on a sail-change decision.” Which reminds him of another Hound asset: better sleep. “The boat is really quiet down below,” North says. “When you’re off watch, you can’t tell if it’s blowing 5 or 25.” 

Cesare prefers catnapping on race-boat sails to crawling into Hound ’s snug navigator’s bunk, but he really appreciates the proper nav table. “I can occasionally go below and work in private, rather than exclusively on the tablet hiking off the back of the boat. So, less comfortable sleep but more comfortable navigating.”

Antigua’s Shirley Heights offers race fans a ­bird’s-eye view of the start, and despite Cesare’s memories of “squally and rough, lots of chaos, no one knows quite where the line is,” the sky and sea are Caribbean postcard-­perfect as Hound crosses the line. Though they are uncharacteristically late, the boat’s distinctive Nielsen bow parts turquoise swells just as cleanly as Nielsen intended, and they power past several stubbier competitors before disappearing around the northeast corner of the island. Soon afterward, the crew gets a heart-stopping taste of what can happen when the fastest boats start last: One of the three MOD70s, trying to thread the needle between Hound and a helicopter full of photographers, comes close to hooking their windward T-foil on Hound ’s backstay.

The new goals were to both ease boathandling and sailhandling and improve performance without ruining its classic status.

For almost two days, “we were pretty much on last year’s pace,” Cesare says after the finish. “We sailed a good beat from Saba to St. Barts, had a smooth rounding, and then sailed another good beat up the Anguilla Channel, picking shifts and sticking to the right side of the course.”

But the long reach to Monserrat is a tighter angle than usual, and he calls the disturbed air east of that tall island “the first hiccup.” Three JPK 11.80s take a flyer west, but Cesare says only Cocody , the boat that will eventually take IRC One honors, makes it work. Once Hound is romping again, the beat along the southwest corner of Guadeloupe is “both beautiful and fun, bouncing off the shore there.” 

It’s rounding Les Saintes where they stumble into a more costly windless pothole; shaking his head afterward, Litchfield says, “I’ve learned a lot about squalls.”

Cocody is soon out of reach, but they sail the next two legs in lockstep with the JPK 11.80 Sunrise III , a starkly different design. Spinnaker running to the Barbuda mark in a very patchy southerly, mastman Owen Johnson says: “We’d get a puff and sail away, then they’d get a puff and catch up again. But when the wind shifted suddenly to the northwest and the kite backed into the rig, we got a jib up really fast. An hour later, they were 7 miles behind.” 

Once around that mark, they enjoy a ­rollicking spinnaker reach to Redonda, ­surfing down waves in the puffs and holding high of the rhumb line in the lulls to make sure they fetch the final rocky island. After a jibe and douse, they sail intentionally into its lee to put in two reefs for a two-­headsail reach to the finish. “That rounding was maybe the highlight of our race,” Cesare says. “Redonda is kind of ugly [rock-wise], so it was a high-stress situation. Everyone was clicking and doing their job, and the comms were great.”

With an elapsed time of 3 days and just over 15 hours, they secure 12th overall and the final podium spot in IRC One, behind Cocody and the Marc Lombard 46 Pata Negra. “Dan’s got such a great boat and crew,” Cesare concludes. “It’s a really good program.”

Hound in action

After the race, bowman Taylor North stands by his earlier assessment of Hound as a great all-around boat. “Very predictable, very tolerant,” he says. “She’s definitely not going to snap-broach on you! When the wind shifted northwest on the leg to Barbuda, we got the jib up, and I went out on the sprit to spike the kite away—and right after, there was this sudden quiet.” He smiles. “Pretty cool moment.”

When Hound returns to the Catamaran Club dock in the very wee hours of Friday morning, the almost-full moon is not quite bright enough for photos—but it does illuminate 15 smiles above a gleaming cap rail. The biggest grin of all comes from project manager Jason Black, because their podium finish “proves that last year was not a fluke.” Even in a light-air race, this well-sailed classic can pose a real threat to the far more modern offerings surrounding us—while catching far more admiring glances. Only hours after the finish, Litchfield and his team are already drafting work lists for the 2024 Bermuda Race and 2025 Transatlantic Race. Not just an eye-catching poster child for the “before times” of yacht design, these days, Hound is once again a racing thoroughbred. In a quiet corner of heaven’s yacht-design office, Aage Nielsen is ­definitely smiling.

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The Classic Yachts 2024 magazine is jam packed with remarkable stories from the Classic Boat community, in the British Isles and around the world… It’s been an exciting year of much needed refits, expert craftsmanship, and all out restorations, and there’s certainly more to come.

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ClassicSailboats.Org (CSO) is a not-for-profit maritime publication and the world’s largest alliance of guardians, and preservationist. We are dedicated to preserving the spirit and historical record of vintage & classic sailing vessels. While remaining committed to protecting historical maritime properties, our precious oceans, waterways & wildlife.

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As preservationist and historians each classic vessel has a unique story to tell. The Classic Yacht Register of Heritage, on the CSO website, has become a go-to reference for historians, former guardians, their families, and the general public. An important part of CSO’s mission is to promote the rich history and intriguing human interest stories associated with these classics, preserving and adding to their cultural significance for future generations to come.

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Hello, My father, Graham Newland was involved in the building of many classic yachts in Sydney, Australia. I have just published his memoirs. Is this something you can promote on your website? I can send you a precis if you wish. kind regards, Jan

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I would love to know more about the P class I think a number of them have been rebuilt. Are they being found in the US or Europe?

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Hello, I’m currently working on a documentary about the Don Lee Broadcasting Company and what an important and innovative part it played in early west coast television history. The empire was run by Don Lee (until his death in 1934) and then his son Tommy (from 1934 to his death in 1950) both of whom were avid yachtsmen. I’ve notice some great, detailed information here on your website about the famous boats these two men owned and raced. I’m hoping to find a boating authority of whom I could do an interview (on video if the person is local to Los Angeles…otherwise probably just audio) about this particular subject. Please let me know if you are (or know) such a person. Thank you very much!

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Seth Chandler brings a life times  of knowledge in the Sail/Yachting industry. Sailor, skipper, photographer and lover of adventure, Seth has spent most of his adult life in yachting and advertising. His numerous clients have included Mainship, Hunter Marine, Island Pocket Yachts and others. Currently, he is the managing partner of Bristol Harbor Marina and Emerald Harbor Marina, both in beautiful 

Panama City Florida. 

Captain Terrell Adams

Captain Terrell Adams is the very definition of salty.  Having sailed more miles and operated more charters along the Emerald  Coast than any other native of the area, Captain Adams is the finest sailer you'll meet.  You will learn more in an hour on the water than you will in weeks in a classroom.  Learn about balancing the sails, the ce

Captain Terrell Adams is the very definition of salty.  Having sailed more miles and operated more charters along the Emerald  Coast than any other native of the area, Captain Adams is the finest sailer you'll meet.  You will learn more in an hour on the water than you will in weeks in a classroom.  Learn about balancing the sails, the center of lateral resistance and more.  There is a lot of art to sailing for sure... but Captain Adams will help you with the geometry and science of it.

Commercial pilot, captain of a 100' Broward motor yacht, and former president of a major regional billboard company, you'll be delighted by the stories you'll hear under sail with 

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Captain Cary Thompson, Yacht Sales & Delivery

Retired engineer and lifelong sailor, Captain Danley has traveled thousands of miles just in the last two months on deliveries.  An avid sailor, he and his wife Genie (who is equally talented as a sailor) live on a stunning Hans Christian 43 with their dog Riley.  You and your vessel are in good hands with Captain Danley.

Captain Cary Thompson is one of the most sought after delivery captains on the east coast with over 100,000 nautical miles  experience, a 100 Ton Master Captain, Hatteras specialist and owner, marina owner and professional water skier.  Cary has spent his lifetime on saltwater and really has a deep understanding of motor yachts and trawle

Captain Cary Thompson is one of the most sought after delivery captains on the east coast with over 100,000 nautical miles  experience, a 100 Ton Master Captain, Hatteras specialist and owner, marina owner and professional water skier.  Cary has spent his lifetime on saltwater and really has a deep understanding of motor yachts and trawlers.  And now he's our most recent addition to the Yacht Sales team.  Oh... and he catches a lot of fish in the Bahamas!

Jess Williams - Yacht Sales

Captain rodney holland, charters & delivery.

From an early background of training lifeguards and teaching aquatic classes, Jessica spent most of her life surfing competitively and teaching surf lessons around the world. She grew up in Apalachicola, Florida and began working on boats in her early 20’s where she’d spend the next decades in and out of the yachting industry between trav

From an early background of training lifeguards and teaching aquatic classes, Jessica spent most of her life surfing competitively and teaching surf lessons around the world. She grew up in Apalachicola, Florida and began working on boats in her early 20’s where she’d spend the next decades in and out of the yachting industry between travels. She’s known for working on deck as well as tending to high profile clients down below, co-managing mega-yacht refits in the shipyard, assisting in deliveries and showing boats to those who are as enthusiastic about them as she is. Having lived on a number of boats, she expects a long future in yacht sales, chartering and traveling afloat. Today you’ll likely find her out fishing or surfing, tucked away writing music, making nautical YouTube videos or searching through listings for the next boat in her life.

Captain Rodney Holland, owner of Stella Polaris and skipper of the 72' schooner Joshua has thousands of nautical miles and years worth of experience on sailing yachts and trawlers.  He can also consult with you about looping.  Book the schooner Stella Polaris on a charter with Rodney as captain and you'll hear all about it!

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A Masterpiece of Old World Elegance

Elena offers an unforgettable blend of beauty and sheer speed. Experience the thrill of sailing on a traditional racing schooner, beneath towering wooden masts with an extensive sailplan. This classic yacht boasts all the modern day luxuries above and below deck to ensure your stay is as comfortable as any 5 star accommodation.

Take a journey into the world of classic sailing yacht Elena - her incredible history and regatta rivalry with yacht Eleonora.

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Moonbeam of Fife III, 1903

Built at Fairlie by Fife

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The 30 metre, gaff cutter  Moonbeam of Fife III  epitomises beautiful classic yachts at their finest. Launched in 1903,  Moonbeam of Fife  is still going strong on the classic yacht regatta circuit despite being more than a hundred years old. The William Fife-designed yacht is constructed in wood with an oak hull and superstructure, while her interior joinery is well-kept mahogany. The historical yacht  Moonbeam of Fife III  is currently for sale.

Tuiga, 1909

sailing yacht classic

Built by the renowned William Fife shipyard in Fairlie on the Clyde estuary in Scotland,  Tuiga  was commissioned by the Duke of Medinaceli, a close friend of the King of Spain, Alfonso XIII, and has had 10 owners in 106 years. HSH Prince Albert II decided to buy her in 1995.  Tuiga  has been participating in classic yacht regattas ever since and is now the flagship of the Yacht Club de Monaco, crewed by YCM members.

Mariette, 1915

Built by Herreshoff

sailing yacht classic

The classic 42 metre twin-masted schooner _Mariette of 1915 _was built by Herreshoff in the United States 100 years ago. Age has not withered her, but  Mariette of 1915  has undergone a few refits in the Pendennis yard at Falmouth in recent years: in 2010 and again in 2012 in preparation for the Pendennis Cup, in which she took first prize in the St Petroc Traditional Class as well as being crowned overall winner. In 2014 she returned to Falmouth once more for minor works.

Creole, 1927

Built by Camper & Nicholson

sailing yacht classic

Now owned by the Gucci family, this beautiful wooden schooner has had a colourful history. Commissioned by wealthy American Alan Cochran and launched in 1927,   Creole  has had a number of different owners and also been called  Vira.  When she was known as  Magic Circle , she was transformed into a minesweeper during the Second World War, having previously competed in a number of regattas and attended previous America’s Cup events. In the 1970s she was used by the Danish government for sailing training in the rehabilitation of drug addicts before being bought by the Gucci family in 1983.

Endeavour, 1934

sailing yacht classic

Arguably the world’s most famous J Class,   Endeavour  was the British challenger in the 1934 America’s Cup, but was beaten by the Harold Vanderbilt-owned  Rainbow .  Endeavour  was commissioned by Sir T.O.M. Sopwith, who was keen to ensure that this yacht was the most advanced design possible. With his experience designing aircraft, Sopwith applied aviation technology to  Endeavour ’s rig and winches and spared nothing to make her the finest vessel of her day.

She swept through the British racing fleet and into the hearts of yachtsmen around the world, winning many races in her first season. Though she did not win the America’s Cup she came closer to doing so than any other challenger.

Since 1934, she has often led a perilous existence, even being sold to a scrap merchant in 1947 only to be saved by another buyer hours before her demolition was due to begin. In 1984, American yachtswoman Elizabeth Meyer bought  Endeavour  and she was transformed and rebuilt by Royal Huisman.  Endeavour  sailed again on June 22, 1989, for the first time in 52 years. J Class yacht   Endeavour  is now for sale.

Elena, 1910

Built by Herreshof

sailing yacht classic

In 1910, Morton Plant commissioned 55 metre   Elena  to be designed by American naval architect Nathanael Herreshoff, the so-called “Wizard of Bristol”, who made his name designing sailing yachts for America’s elite. Plant’s brief was to the point: he wanted a schooner “that can win”.

Herreshoff gave  Elena  a slightly deeper keel than preceding designs of that time, lowering her centre of ballast, which improved her windward ability.  Elena  won most of her early races against the cream of the American schooner fleet and in 1928 came her crowning glory, victory in the Transatlantic Race. In 2009, she was rebuilt using the original plans for the first  Elena.

Black Swan, 1899

sailing yacht classic

Originally designed by Charles Nicholson and built in 1899 at Camper and Nicholson in Gosport, England,  Black Swan  started life as  Brynhild  with a yawl rig. She won a number of races at the beginning of the 20th century, including the King’s Cup. Over the years, she has undergone several changes and different rig configurations, and at one stage she was renamed  Changrilla . She was rechristened  Black Swan  in the 1960s and, today, after an extensive restoration project at the Beconcini yard in La Spezia, Italy, she is now carrying a gaff-rig, designed by the Faggioni Yacht Design Studio and built by Harry Spencer.

Mariquita, 1911

Built by Fairlie

sailing yacht classic

Another beautiful classic yacht from Fife,  Mariquita  was launched in 1911. The 38.16 metre sailing yacht was designed and built for the industrialist Arthur Stothert. As part of the 19 metre Big Class racing that re-emerged in 1911, this gaff-rigged cutter is said to have inspired the J Class yachts that came after her.

She raced competitively against her brethren from 1911-1913, but by the 1950s,  Mariquita  was the last in the 19 metre class remaining. She was restored in 1991 and received a further refit in 2004. A star on the classic yacht racing scene,  Mariquita  is now for sale.

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  • Classic Sailing Yachts

Douglas Hensman


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sailing yacht classic

The best classical sailing yachts available to charter

While the industry is brimming with sensational contemporary yachts, there is nothing quite like handing yourself over to the elements and discovering the joys of a classic sailing yacht. With plenty of vessels to choose from, we’ve rounded up some of the finest classic sailing yachts out there and showcased the very best of what the market has to offer…

Shenandoah of Sark

Stats: 55m, Townsend & Downey , 1902, 10 guests, 8 crew

Highlights: With ornate, elegant and intrinsically classic interiors, this 104-year-old 54-metre sailing yacht is undoubtedly one of the most sophisticated vessels available for charter. She is a three-masted gaff-rigged schooner that emits a delicate antiquity, but don’t let this fool you, as Shenandoah of Sark is a supercharged sailor who's happy to lean into the waves for some adrenaline-filled action. Her glittering history is filled with aristocracy, royalty and even smugglers and she’s hosted fabulous parties in her time. During the 80's, Shenandoah of Sark became a superstar of sorts, used as the backdrop for Vogue magazine photoshoots and Rod Stewart music videos.

With a flexible configuration that allows for additional berths if required, accommodation is for 10 on board, each set within cabins that are packed with books and rich oil paintings. There's also a baby Steinway on board, taking pride of place in the main saloon. Shenandoah of Sark  is the embodiment of the golden age of sailing, and promises one of the most elegant charter yachts one can opt for.

Shenandoah of Sark is available for charter with Burgess from €125,000 per week.

Stats: 40.2m, Camper and Nicholsons, 1899 (2019) 12 guests, 6 crew

Highlights: Originally designed by Charles Nicholson and built in 1899 at Camper and Nicholson in Gosport, England, Black Swan is up there with one of the most important classic sailing yachts in the charter fleet. As a racing yacht, her history is filled with accolades such as winning the King’s Cup at the beginning of the 20th century, while she offers remarkable comfort for cruising.

Over the years, she has undergone several changes and different rig configurations, and at one stage she was renamed Changrilla . She was then rechristened Black Swan in the 1960s and, today, after an extensive restoration project, she is now carrying a gaff-rig, designed by the Faggioni Yacht Design Studio and built by Harry Spencer.

Black Swan is available to charter with Camper and Nicholsons with a weekly rate from €50,000.

Stats : 65.3m, Camper & Nicholsons, 1927 (2007), 11 guests, 15 crew

Highlights: Often considered a masterpiece in sailing circles, 65.3 metre Creole i s an iconic three-masted schooner in impeccable condition. Delivered in 1927, she has an illustrious history including service as a mine-hunter in the Second World War and a slew of notable owners who have looked after her during her lifetime, from members of the Gucci fashion family to Stavros Niarchos of the Greek shipping dynasty. Boasting a sail area of 1,040 square metres, Creole can hit top speeds of up to 16 knots when the winds are right, and her impressive performance at sea has seen her collect a number of awards at international regattas including the Grimaldi Trophy Les Voiles des Saint-Tropez.

Timeless styling is evident throughout her interior, especially in the pastel-coloured saloon and dining room, and she also offers al fresco dining for enjoying warmer weather.

Creole is available for charter with Burgess with a weekly rate from €189,000.

Stats: 35m, Brooke Marine, 1938 (2016), 10 guests, 5 crew

Highlights: With a beautifully classical exterior, Eros is everything you would hope to find from a classic schooner – being both remarkably elegant, and filled with history and a sensational performer out on the water. Named after the Greek goddess of love, she retains much of her original features like teak panelling in the dining saloon - a nod to her original art-deco interior.

Those looking for the thrill of sailing can take the helm at her classic wooden wheel, while others can kick back on a sun lounger at the bow. As the sun sets, guests can dine on deck thanks to a large teak table with wraparound seating for up to 10. Eros also boasts a well-stocked toybox, carrying kayaks, deep-sea fishing gear, paddle boards and equipment for waterskiing and wakeboarding.

Eros is available to charter with Classic Charters with a weekly rate from $44,000.

Stats: 63.4m, Holland Jachtbouw, 2010 (2021) 10 guests, 10 crew

Highlights: Perfectly equipped to facilitate the perfect family sailing holiday, Athos strikes that all-important balance between high-powered performance and luxury living at sea. She may be on the newer end of the classic sailing yacht scale, but no less remarkable offering all the stylistic qualities of a truly classic sailing yacht. Her vast exterior deck offers plenty of space for socialising, with a shaded dining area on the aft and a private deck area adjoining the master suite.

The yacht recently returned to the charter market having undergone an extensive refit in 2021, which included a 1.25-metre extension at the stern and a total rebuild of the interior. Hoek Design once again stepped in to oversee the naval architecture, interior styling and layout changes of the guest accommodation, main saloon, crew service areas and deckhouse. Her styling is now warm and inviting, which has made her a more sophisticated offering.

Athos is available to charter with Y.CO from $220,000 per week.

Eugenia VII

Stats : 33m, Turquoise, 2009 (2014), 8 guests, 4 crew

Highlights: With her classical lines, thrilling performance and sumptuous interiors, Eugenia VII is the stuff of fairy tales. She may fall into the newer category having been delivered in 2009, but this only plays to her advantage. She was designed by Hoek Design, who endowed her with a remarkably well-balanced profile and a classical feel. Inside, she’s filled with wood – contributing nicely to her classical feel – and has plenty of beautiful furnishings and sumptuous seating. A top yacht for charter , she is designed perfectly for socialising and entertaining with family and friends, Eugenia VII is an all-rounder, fit for those after some serious sailing as well as those who would prefer to kick back and bask in the sunshine.

Eugenia VII is available to charter with Fraser with a weekly rate from €44,000.

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With its 54 m length and 1000 m² sail area, our CHRONOS is without doubt one of the most beautiful and fast (up to 15 knots) large sailing yachts.


It meets the latest safety requirements, is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and follows the style of classic yachts. The inviting open spaces, additional seating and dining options, as well as the bar and saloon below deck offer plenty of comfort. Below deck, 13 air-conditioned & comfortable double cabins await you.

Discover our CHRONOS

Yacht layout, sailing yacht chronos, cabins & equipment.

On board the CHRONOS, 26 guests can stay overnight in 13 comfortable double cabins – all air-conditioned (individually adjustable) and with en-suite bathrooms.

1 master cabin:

Size approx. 14 m² Double bed (2.00 x 1.80 m) Large bathroom with washbasin & WC Large shower cubicle

2 Long cabins:

Size approx. 11 m² Double bed (2.10 x 1.70 m) Bathroom with washbasin & WC Shower cubicle (70 x 90cm)

10 Deluxe cabins:

Size approx. 12-13 m² Single or double beds Bathroom with washbasin & WC Shower cubicle (70 x 90cm)

Cabin equipment:

Closet Hair dryer Hand and bath towels Individually adjustable air conditioning 230 V sockets Life jackets Fire extinguisher


CHRONOS, designed and built by the Turkish shipyard Ark Yacht in Bodrum, was also designed by Klaus Röder (Carpe Diem Yacht Design) and took 15 months to build.

It was christened in a moving ceremony on June 15, 2013 and then put into operation on June 29, 2013. The classic rig of a Bermuda ketch with a large boom was constructed and designed by Klaas Huizinga.


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The RHEA, which was launched in spring 2017, is, like its sister ship CHRONOS, one of the most beautiful large sailing yachts in the world with its 1000 m² sail area and 54 m length.

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Summer specials

As a single traveler, save the single use surcharge for all sailing trips in July and August this year!

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Home Modern classic

Welcome to Leonardo Yachts. In close collaboration with the leading designers in the yachting world such as Hoek Design and Dykstra Naval Architects, we build daysailers that embody the true essence of a modern classic yacht. Our modern classic sailing yachts combine the timeless appeal of a classic yacht with the cutting edge technology of a modern cruiser. Enjoy the exceptional comfort and unrivaled performance or our Spirit of Tradition yachts, without making compromises on beauty and elegance. Our modern classic sailing yachts truly are the ideal combination of old and new…

sailing yacht classic

Like a true modern classic yacht, our Eagles all have a classic look with the characteristic long overhangs, classic yacht lines and high gloss mahogany varnished exterior woodwork. The looks are completed by the Edson classic steering pedestal with Ritchie stainless steel compass and the stainless steel 7 spoke steering wheel with high gloss varnished mahogany rim. The interior of our modern classic sailboats can be made in different styles from matt varnished mahogany for a truly classic look or a classic styled white interior with mahogany or teak finish. But also light oak is possible or full teak wood, whatever your preference would be.

The classic lines and looks are integrated in a modern sailing yacht. The designs are made with the latest technology giving the yachts very good and easy to handle sailing characteristics. The modern keels in fin shape can be even upgraded for more performance to a bulb shaped deep draft keel making them fast and easily manouvrable. The modern technology can also be found in the electric package for the winches by which adjusting the sails becomes as easy as pushing a button. The sails from North Sails also hold the latest technology with the 3Di design, making the sails very shape stable to increase the sailing performance. To complete a race set-up, a carbon mast and boom can be added to get the most out of the speed. Standard, our modern classic yachts are delivered with Volvo Penta engines, but off course electric propulsion is available for all models.If you share our passion for modern classic sailing, we would be honoured to help fulfil your aspirations. Together we build the most beautiful Spirit of Tradition boats ever seen.

Get in touch and explore all our options.


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    Stats: 55m, Townsend & Downey, 1902, 10 guests, 8 crew Highlights: With ornate, elegant and intrinsically classic interiors, this 104-year-old 54-metre sailing yacht is undoubtedly one of the most sophisticated vessels available for charter. She is a three-masted gaff-rigged schooner that emits a delicate antiquity, but don't let this fool you, as Shenandoah of Sark is a supercharged sailor ...

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    CYTV talks to professional rigger Chuck Demangeat about rig failures on board classic yachts and the things you can do to prevent breaking your rig. Classic Yacht TV publishes videos on classic boats, classic yacht sailing including classic yachts for sale. CYTV is the go-to directory for classic sailing, boat building, racing.


    CHRONOS, designed and built by the Turkish shipyard Ark Yacht in Bodrum, was also designed by Klaus Röder (Carpe Diem Yacht Design) and took 15 months to build. It was christened in a moving ceremony on June 15, 2013 and then put into operation on June 29, 2013. The classic rig of a Bermuda ketch with a large boom was constructed and designed ...

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  21. Modern classic

    The classic lines and looks are integrated in a modern sailing yacht. The designs are made with the latest technology giving the yachts very good and easy to handle sailing characteristics. The modern keels in fin shape can be even upgraded for more performance to a bulb shaped deep draft keel making them fast and easily manouvrable.

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    The crew of a sailing yacht Baikal invites everyone to the two-hour walk along the rivers Oka and Volga Nizhny Novgorod. Collect the company up to 6 people and spend an unforgettable two hours sailing. Invite a girl on a romantic date on a yacht. For you will be served table on the open deck: champagne, fruit, juice, candles, a hookah.

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