A zero fossil fuel superyacht

Foundation Zero is driving the development of Zero, a groundbreaking superyacht aiming to be entirely fossil fuel-free. Led by a diverse team of experts, the project explores innovative solutions like hydrogeneration and thermal batteries. Scheduled for delivery in 2025, Zero sets a new standard for sustainable luxury yachting.

A zero fossil fuel superyacht might sound like an impossible dream – but make no mistake – steps are being taken to make it a reality. There have been huge advances in finding sustainable solutions for superyachts in recent years, but none have gone all the way to building a net-zero luxury vessel – until now. 

The groundbreaking yacht – named Zero – is supported by a new sustainable organisation focused on sharing open-source renewable energy solutions and technical innovations called Foundation Zero, populated with experts from both outside and inside the industry. Marnix Hoekstra of design studio Vripack is one of the experts involved from within the yachting world. 

A zero fossil fuel superyacht

“What is noteworthy with the Foundation is that next to industry leaders in naval architecture and sailing – there are also very high-end computer coders, battery experts and others, who might not know anything about yachting but know everything about their own field,” he explains. The result is a sort of dream team of talent who are putting their heads together to conduct priceless research and to innovate like never before.  

“ In the end, yes there will be a yacht created,” says Hoekstra, “but the biggest achievement will be all the individual elements which we’re developing and prototyping that will be made available for the general public, so that the rest of the world can use them for their own benefit.” That open source structure is thanks to forward-thinking initiators who are motivated to make real, measurable change. “The foundation does not believe in a closed, secretive industry but is very much on the forefront of collaboration and idea-sharing,” explains Hoekstra.   

A zero fossil fuel superyacht

Starting from scratch

Building a zero-fossil fuel superyacht requires a total rethink in terms of designing a yacht. “We can’t run any kind of engine on board – there is no engine room!” says Hoekstra. Dykstra Naval Architects, who are part of the project – have been heavily involved in finding alternatives. “We feel hydrogeneration will be the largest source of energy on board to top up the batteries,” explains Mark Leslie-Miller. “The concept itself is not new but the extent to which we rely on it on this yacht had big implications. 

Dykstra Naval Architects designed a similar system on the groundbreaking yacht Black Pearl where they used the rotation of the main propellers to harvest energy – and for Project Zero , they saw opportunities to improve on the system even further. “Still, it takes a brave team,” says Leslie-Miller, “and it will definitely have implications on the operational planning of the yacht – you can’t do whatever you like with it.”

Leslie-Miller points to the most challenging scenario – staying at anchor for a week. “You’ll use a lot of energy for systems and laundry and cooking, but you still need to replenish that energy. Part of it can be done by solar but it’s not enough – so you’ll need to go sailing or restock the batteries.”

The Foundation is also investigating the use of thermal batteries to drive the air-conditioning of the yacht. “For this we are researching how to harvest heat from the solar panels that we’ll have on board,” says Hoekstra.  The technology will be interesting for the whole industry as in theory it could be used on board any vessel. 

A zero fossil fuel superyacht

An industry-wide influence? 

So, how long before some of Project Zero ’s innovations are absorbed by the wider industry? “The superyacht industry as a whole is really willing to understand things better and try to learn – however they also still need to fully open up their eyes,” says Hoekstra . “ They are very focused on picking the right fuel – but obviously leaving no footprint goes far beyond that.”

Leslie- Miller agrees. “I think it’ll take a while until there are more zero fossil fuel yachts because it takes a brave owner. But I think all the little side projects we’re doing simultaneously can individually be used on other yachts. For instance, you don’t have to be as extreme as Project Zero when using hydrogeneration – you could for example, use it to stock up a battery and enjoy a silent night period after sailing all day – that’s something a lot of clients would enjoy. Or there’s the option to keep the generator off while you’re crossing the ocean.”

Of course, there have been boats sailing across the ocean without any fossil fuels for centuries so it was never a case of ‘this can’t be done.’ “It never crossed our minds to say it was impossible,” says Leslie Miller, “we were just curious to see how comfortable and flexible we could make the yacht.”

“Part of the brief is also that the yacht should be stunning. So there is to be no compromise on aesthetic as such,” says Hoekstra. Already the yacht’s aluminium hull is being outfitted at Vitters in the Netherlands. “The mentality to prove that nothing is impossible resonates throughout our shipyard and has done from the day we started,” says Bas Peute of Vitters. “Vitters has introduced a number of innovations such as the V-drum, V-bollard, V-anchoring and V-pods which have become the industry standard. We are convinced that Project Zero will again set the benchmark for the industry which makes us very proud.”  

The yacht is scheduled for delivery in 2025. The industry waits with bated breath.

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License to Sail: Net Zero and the Risks for Yachting

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“If your yacht doesn’t participate in the Yacht Zero project, it’ll be heading towards stranded asset status.”

That’s the stirring message from superyacht captain turned tech entrepreneur and environmental activist Nigel Marrison. He warned that if superyacht owners fail to start taking responsibility for their yacht’s emissions and environmental impact , they’ll soon face the very real prospect of losing access to finance and insurance for their yachts and losing their license to operate at all.

The yachting industry is living on borrowed time

Captain Marrison is the founder of Blue ESG , a groundbreaking yacht-specific ESG reporting tool.

Blue ESG adopts a framework based on corporate ESG practices, with a methodology specifically designed for superyachts. It is extremely cutting-edge and even includes an opportunity for yachts to align their decarbonisation efforts with IMO ‘Net Zero’ standards and expectations. This includes compliance with the IMO’s Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (known as SEEMP Part III) and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) regulations which came into effect for merchant ships as of January 2023.

According to Captain Marrison, the yachting industry is facing an existential threat due to a combination of climate change versus the own industry’s lack of action in that regard, and major negative shifts in societal acceptance of the industry.

He emphasised that the industry’s next move will be key to whether it survives or dies. “Do we just wait for the inevitable regulations that are no doubt coming? Or do we take a proactive approach?” he asked. “Regulation adherence is currently not mandatory for yachts, but there’s no doubt that we’re being too slow; We can’t just leave it up to the regulators. The yachting industry has to see this as a call to action to be accountable and responsible and to do our part for the environment and for ourselves because, without this, the industry faces a real threat to its very existence.”

Net Zero and the evolving regulatory environment

While the yachting industry is largely taking a wait-and-see approach to emissions regulations, the banking and insurance sectors are moving quickly with ambitious, strict net zero rules, and yacht owners will soon begin to feel the bite of the requirements that will follow from the net zero programs in those sectors. And the dire consequences of not complying.

Nigel 4

One of the most notable programs is the EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). EU ETS is one of the EU’s key policies to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. EU ETS includes various stipulations that will improve, monitor and report on emissions targets, and will penalise heavy emitters. “ Adopting project ‘Yacht Zero’ will mitigate exposure to carbon taxes and emissions penalties,” said Captain Marrison.

The second big initiative is the United Nations Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA). NZBA is an ‘industry-led, UN-convened’ group aiming to ‘accelerate… the implementation of decarbonisation strategies’. It brings together 125 banks in 41 countries, ‘representing over 40% of global banking assets’ and which ‘are committed to aligning their lending and investment portfolios with net-zero emissions by 2050’.

However, NZBA has also set ‘intermediate targets for 2030 or sooner’, further stressing the urgency with which emissions must be addressed within yachting. 

The insurance industry is taking similar measures. Poseidon Principles, an alliance of marine insurers, is on the same track according to Captain Marrison. “Poseidon Principles also has a Net Zero 2050 target for their insurance portfolios. That means that when you want to insure your asset, you’ll need to be able to prove that it aligns with Net Zero 2050. And if not, how are you going to insure it without that?”

“Together with the banking sector’s Net Zero 2050, yacht owners may find themselves in real trouble,” he continued. “You may own a yacht and want to either buy a new one, refinance it or refit it. How do you then access a financial product on an asset that doesn’t have a Net Zero 2050 strategy?”

The effects of this are already being felt in the merchant shipping fleet, he added. “The CII or Carbon Intensity Index in shipping has already proven that it affects the value of the vessel, and compliant ships are already experiencing the benefits of it and vice versa.”

Nigel Blue ESG 4

Act now or be a bystander to your yacht’s devaluation

Captain Marrison emphasised that if the industry doesn’t immediately adopt a proactive approach to - at the very least - aligning its decarbonisation to IMO net zero standards and expectations, then superyachts risk being deemed to have stranded asset status. “A stranded asset is one that previously had value but, due to external factors such as societal or climate factors, no longer has a license to operate,” he said. “In a world that’s focused on Net Zero 2050 as a minimum, stranded asset status is a very real risk for a superyacht. If a yacht doesn’t take any action between now and 2050, it will undoubtedly become a stranded asset and have no value.”

In addition to climate pressure from financial institutions, superyachts are facing increasing scrutiny from both society and the media, who are increasingly questioning the purpose of superyachts, with some being larger than boutique cruise vessels. This further adds to the risk faced by the superyacht industry. “An asset can also become a stranded asset due to societal pressure,” he warned. “Private aviation and yachts have been a particular target of this, with societies around the world saying that these things simply no longer have a purpose on the planet. Society and the media are asking, ‘What is this gargantuan mass of steel for? What purpose do they serve?’”

The answer to these risks is Yacht Zero. Developed by Captain Marrison via Blue ESG, in collaboration with Lloyd’s Register, Yacht Zero seeks to help yachts maintain their license to operate by adopting a credible decarbonisation tool and strategy that will satisfy regulators and financial and insurance institutions. It has the chance to illustrate to society that the industry acknowledges the problem and that it is taking bold and measurable steps to immediately and effectively reduce its emissions.

Yachts that work with Yacht Zero can look forward to a secure valuation, getting ahead of incoming, cascading emissions and sustainability regulations, and they can boost their own operational performance and efficiency, all while maintaining their license to operate and thus avoiding becoming a stranded asset.

Make the world a better place

Superyacht owners who are ready to ensure that their own yacht is making the world a better place are invited to contact Captain Marrison directly or via the Blue ESG website for a personalised consultation.

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What is the Yacht Zero SCII Rating and Certificate?

The Yacht Zero SCII Rating has been designed by a Superyacht Captain for the Superyacht Captain. It is the only index that meets the actual needs of operational vessels as its unique framework is goal based. The certificate is backed by Lloyds Register as it is aligned to IMO standards and regulations.   

What does the Yacht Zero SCII Index Rating mean for me?

The SCII Rating Index helps you attain MARPOL VI - CII compliance and achieve operational Net Zero emissions targets. The Yacht Zero SCII Rating Index is the only index for operational vessels that has a goal based design for continuous improvement. 

What are the benefits of the Yacht Zero SCII Certificate?

Applicable to the operation of private and charter yachts from 400 to unlimited gross tonnage (GT), the Yacht Zero SCII Certificate will enable you evidence your commitment to reducing CO2 Emissions and ESG, save money and save the Oceans: the source of your operation.

Why do I need the Yacht Zero SCII Certificate?

Below are the six main benefits of the Yacht Zero SCII Certificate.

Regulation - Lead the transition and get ahead of growing emissions regulations and compliance with CSRD.

Operation  - Reduce operational costs by improving performance and efficiency.

Valuation   - Mitigate vessel depreciation.

Protection – Avoid emissions taxes and penalties.

Reputation - Demonstrate accountability and maintain a license to operate.

Competition - Distinguish your company from the competition to gain market share.


Access to an unmatched superyacht specific CII alignment with IMO MARPOL VI CII data collection and analysis tool.  

What’s the process?

After paying simply login to the Members Area and select Yacht Zero Data Collection. 

Hit submit and our team will assess the information and in conjunction with Lloyds Register with your certificate.

What happens next?:

A member of our Yacht Zero team will be in touch to discuss the rating with you and suggest areas of improvement.

What Support does Blue ESG give me? ​

As a Yacht Zero SCII Certificate holder you are eligible to purchase the Yacht Zero Annual Improvement Plan.

Additionally, you are also eligible to join our Yacht Zero Master Membership Program, created for like-minded ESG Superyacht Professionals. The membership gives you unique insights into the last ESG technologies, VIP ESG Masterclasses and much more.


If you are seeking a deeper understanding of how you can benefit for CO2 Emission reduction then our professional ESG Consulting is the right pathway to improvement for you Using raw data to transform operations and achieve financial savings. Data analysts and decarbonisation experts actively monitor vessel fuel and energy performance data to offer insights and advice for immediate, medium, and long term reduction strategies.

What is included?

SEEMP review

Best practice and guidelines 

Energy management training 

Continuous support - live chat/meetings

Tailored advice for every step of your journey

Updates on the ever-evolving maritime emissions landscape 

Special geographic area requirements, local emissions regulations, EU Emissions Trading System, etc

What is the invesment?

Part A - ‘Yacht Zero’ CII 


Monthly - 12 x £1,000 (£12,000) OR

Annual payment - 1 x £10,000 (equivalent £833.33 pcm)

Set up - OTP 


Monthly subscription - 12 x £1,750 (£21,000)

Annual payment          - 1 x £16,800 (equivalent £1,400 pcm)

Benefits of the methodology

This methodology provides a comprehensive data set for operations teams to use for benchmarking and target setting in a globally recognised nomenclature. This methodology enables organisations to set comparable targets with each BESG member and communicate their targets and principles externally with associated industries.

The report produced identifies which aspects need to be improved as well as progress in relation to specific SDGs. Using globally recognised and referenced data provides assurance that the results are accurate and unbiased.

yacht zero

The developed SCII also has a rating system inspired by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII). Further, the SCII uses the current CII level of ambition from the IMO to establish the yearly reduction on the index.

Peng Wu.   |  Lloyd's Register

close up of a superyacht

- Included Features 

- Package Benefits - Plan Detail

£ 850 /mo

billed at £21,000  £16,800 /yr

pay monthly £1,750

+ £2,500 

OTP Setup Fee  


billed at £12,000  £10,200 /yr

pay monthly £1,000

OTP Setup Fee 

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By Jack Hogan 05 Sep 2023

Update: Project Zero

First images of the revolutionary fossil fuel-free 69m ketch released as it is transported for outfitting….

yacht zero

After 11 months of construction, Project 3094, also known as Project Zero has made its first appearance as it is transported to the Vitters shipyard for outfitting. Vitters subcontracted the hull construction to ‘Jacht- en Scheepswerf Gouwerok’ in Aalsmeer, The Netherlands. This revolutionary project was explored in more detail in The Superyacht New Build Report , published in Q2 2023. 

The concept of a zero-fossil-fuel superyacht has seemed a bridge too far for much of the industry despite the imperative placed on it by encroaching regulatory frameworks. There are many different roads to reach this target. The zero-emissions arms race may have been slow out of the blocks, with more than a few false starts, but one project may be half a boat length ahead.

yacht zero

Foundation Zero is ‘on a mission to make sustainable marine travel and hospitality solutions a reality’. Created by a group of impact investors and a team of leading physicists, computer and data scientists, battery specialists and cutting-edge naval architects, with the objective of building the world’s first fossil-fuel-free superyacht.

“It sounds simple, but the biggest eye-opener has been that from day one we’ve said that there isn’t going to be a combustion engine on board. We’re not going to have fuel tanks, engine room or generators, they’re just not there. It’s strange but liberating.” Says Marnix Hoekstra, co-creative director at Vripack.

yacht zero

Project Zero is the centrepiece of the Foundation Zero mission, developed by a group of investors in collaboration with Vripack Design , Dykstra  Naval Architects , Vitters Shipyard and a wide array of technicians.  The next phase for Vitters Shipyard sees Project Zero will pass the so-called hot-work-free milestone after which the outfitting of this groundbreaking yacht will continue.

A statement from Vripack affirms: "Throughout the project, numerous important milestones will be passed on at all levels of the development, which will be captured and shared with the general public. In line with Foundation Zero's mission, all data will be made available through open source, to those who are interested and for all to benefit from. Ultimately contributing to a positive impact by changing the maritime industry."

Profile links

Dykstra Naval Architects

Vitters Shipyard

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Top Eight Misconceptions About Code Zero Sails

June 11, 2021

What exactly is a code zero? Code zeros are only used on racing boats, right? Aren't they pretty expensive and difficult to get up and down? If you've pondered any of these questions, you are not alone. There are many misconceptions about these downwind reaching sails, so it's time to get familiar and comfortable with them – code zeros might just be the perfect addition to your downwind sail inventory. Read on as we clear up some of the most common myths and misunderstandings about code zeros.

yacht zero

The code zero has only been around for about 25 years. It was born in the Volvo Ocean Race, back when it was still called the Whitbread-Around-the-World Race. They are often referred to as a gennaker or a code sail. Code zeros have characteristics of an upwind sail but are classified as a downwind sail. Some are built of nylon, while others use heavier, stronger composite materials. There are a lot of things we think we know about a code zero, many of which aren’t true, or, at least, not always true.

We sat down with Quantum’s VP of Product Integration and sail designer Doug Stewart to educate us on the code zero.

1. Code zero is another name for a gennaker. Not necessarily. The term gennaker can cover a code zero, screecher, or reaching spinnaker. Gennaker is just a general term for a potential downwind sail, a cross between a Genoa and an asymmetrical spinnaker. It’s a marketing term.

2. A screecher and a code zero are the same thing. Nope. A screecher is specifically a multihull term for a very large, very flat sail for going upwind or just cracked off. Catamarans and trimarans have notoriously small jibs, making them grossly underpowered in light breeze. A screecher is larger, higher clewed, and fuller than a genoa but flatter than a typical code zero.

3. A code zero is strictly a racing sail. Cruisers of all ilks have taken to the sail for its range and ease of use. True downwind spinnakers can be unruly and intimidating for a shorthanded or novice crew, but the range and furling ability of the code zero make it a fantastic sail for a weekend outing. We find that once introduced to the code zero, cruisers will use this sail more than any other on the boat. Quantum has even created a whole new line of reaching and running downwind sails geared towards cruisers to help make the decision clear and simple when considering adding a specialty sail to your inventory.

4. All code zeros are created equal. A code zero is a code zero is a code zero, right? Not so. While the code zero for racing monohulls is often restricted by rule to a mid-girth of at least 75 percent of the foot length and a leech that is no more than 95 percent of luff length, code zeros for cruising boats and multihulls can be significantly larger and have a lot more variety in their design, from very deep to very flat. There are no rules or restrictions for cruisers! Quantum’s racing code zeros and some cruising code zeros are made with specially developed composites for higher load applications (bigger boats and more close-winded capable sails), while sails for smaller boats and broader angles can be made with heavy nylon.

The most important question to ask yourself as a boat owner is “What do I want to do with this sail?” Are you a racer or a cruiser? Do you want to use it to sail in very light air to sail relatively close to the wind, or will you use it on a broader reach? The answers to those questions will help your sailmaker determine the design of the sail that’s right for you. We’ve renamed our reaching code sails based on the potential apparent wind angle and optimum wind range of each sail, making it even easier to pinpoint the best one for you. Take a look at the AWA 40, AWA 60, and AWA 80 downwind reaching sails.

5. A code zero is strictly a downwind sail. A code zero is often classified as a spinnaker in terms of racing, hence the restriction on the length of the mid-girth, but it’s not a true downwind sail. If you’re going downwind, you’ll use either a symmetrical or asymmetrical spinnaker. While it does depend on the wind speed, especially for boats without a 155-percent genoa, there’s a lot of range between the jib and the first true spinnaker. As soon as you crack off even 5 degrees from the range of the jib, you could be into code zero territory. The whole range of sizing between a Genoa and a 75-percent girth code zero is just opening up as racing rules are now beginning to address and rate this range in the middle.

In light air up to eight knots, a code zero designed with a longer leech and lower clew can be sheeted inboard and used at a higher angle. A higher clew with the sail sheeted to the back of the boat is a reaching code zero and can be used in slightly higher breeze. In an ideal world, we’d sell every boat two code zeros−one for upwind and one for reaching, but we know most boats can only carry one. Whether you’re a racer or a cruiser, it comes back to that question from the sailmaker: What do you want to do with this sail?

6. A code zero is a beast to get down. Okay, so the early code zeros did require an experienced crew to get them back onto the deck safely and cleanly. But today, the majority of code zeros are designed on a furler, making it possible for even a novice crew to go from the jib to the code zero in a matter of seconds. If you are concerned about the slight weight increase of a no-torsion cable, there are even cableless code zero options now!

7. A code zero is really expensive. Early top-down furling systems required a custom-made torsional rope. Really good systems with a quality torsional rope were sometimes as expensive as the sail. However, with more and more manufacturers offering top-down furling systems and torsional rope now available pre-made on a drum (at least for mid-sized boats), the overall cost of the sail and the system has come down significantly.

8. A code zero can do anything. I just said that the code zero is appropriate over a huge range, especially in light wind conditions, and being situated on a top-down furler makes it hugely convenient, even for novice sailors. However, a code zero cannot in fact “do anything.” We see code zeros fail most often when they’re pushed too high in high breeze; this is a particular problem on multihulls because the boats are so stable. A code zero also can’t live indefinitely tacked to the bow of your boat. While cruising code zeros have a thin strip of UV protective material, if left indefinitely in the sun they are sure to shrivel up into a brittle, moldy end.

To maximize a code zero when racing, it’s important to know your crossovers. Be diligent about going out and recording wind speed and wind angle as you switch between your jib, code zero, and spinnaker, and then stick to those numbers.

So there you have it. A code zero will take you through more wind angles than any other headsail on your boat. Add a modern top-down furler and it’s easier to get up and down than a spinnaker. Racing in light, shifty conditions, it might just be the sail that helps you eke out precious tenths, which turn into minutes or even hours on a long distance race. And code zeros are a whole lot less expensive than they used to be. So the final question: What are you waiting for?

Code Zero: Choose Your Angle

Quantum Cruising Downwind Sails

Quantum Cruising Code 0: For All The Angles In Between

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7 Zero Charter Yacht

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22m  /  72'2   overmarine   2007.

  • Previous Yacht

Special Features:

  • Cruising speed of 30 knots
  • Sleeps 6 guests
  • Nautique Tender
  • Shallow draft and fast speeds for reef exploration
Superyacht 7 Zero is a thrilling yacht charter vessel for those looking to cruise the open seas in large numbers in the utmost comfort

The 22m/72'2" motor yacht '7 Zero' by the Italian shipyard Overmarine offers flexible accommodation for up to 6 guests in 3 cabins.

Built in 2007, 7 Zero is a luxury charter dream, offering excellent indoor and outdoor spaces sure to delight guests.

Guest Accommodation

7 Zero offers guest accommodation for up to 6 guests in 3 suites. She is also capable of carrying up to 2 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht charter experience.

Onboard Comfort & Entertainment

Whatever your activities on your charter, you'll find some impressive features are seamlessly integrated to help you including Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing you to stay connected at all times, should you wish. You can stay comfortable on board whatever the weather, with air conditioning during your charter.

Performance & Range

Built with a GRP hull and GRP superstructure, she has impressive speed and great efficiency thanks to her planing hull. 7 Zero comfortably cruises at 30 knots. With a shallow draft of 1.3m/4'3" 7 Zero can anchor closer to coves and sheltered bays overnight.

Onboard 7 Zero has a range of toys and accessories to keep you and your guests entertained on the water throughout your stay. Principle among these are Flyboards, experience flying in and out of the water with the latest in high adrenaline watersport. In addition there are waterskis that are hugely entertaining whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro. Another excellent feature are SEABOBs, offering a truly remarkable experience that lets you skim along the surface or swim with the fishes quietly and safely. If that isn't enough 7 Zero also features wakeboards, wakesurf boards and inflatable water toys. When it's time to travel from land to see, it couldn't be easier with a Nautique Tender.

7 Zero is available upon request for charter this summer. She is already accepting bookings this winter.

This luxury motor yacht for charter is in prime condition to host your next holiday of a lifetime.


There are currently no testimonials for 7 Zero, please provide .

7 Zero Photos

7 Zero Yacht 11

Length 22m / 72'2
Beam 5.6m / 18'4
Draft 1.3m / 4'3
Gross Tonnage 60 GT
Cruising Speed 30 Knots
Builder Overmarine
Model Custom

Amenities & Entertainment

For your relaxation and entertainment 7 Zero has the following facilities, for more details please speak to your yacht charter broker.

7 Zero is reported to be available to Charter with the following recreation facilities:

  • 1 x Nautique Tender

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

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'7 Zero' Charter Rates & Destinations

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May - September

€24,000 p/week + expenses Approx $26,500

High Season

€29,000 p/week + expenses Approx $32,000

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HOT SPOTS:   Sardinia

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Amy charter yacht

20m | Ferretti Yachts

from $18,000 p/week ♦︎

Cornelia charter yacht

22m | Alfamarine

from $24,000 p/week ♦︎

Arwen charter yacht

22m | Aicon

from $23,000 p/week ♦︎

Lettouli III charter yacht

Lettouli III

20m | Posillipo

Lucignolo charter yacht

20m | Aicon

from $15,000 p/week ♦︎

Vanina V charter yacht

22m | Princess

from $22,000 p/week ♦︎

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7 Eco-Conscious Yachts That Are Changing the Future of Boating, From Zero-Carbon Catamarans to Hybrids

Pure-electric trawlers and hydrogen-powered sailing vessels sound like sci fi, but they'll be on the water soon..

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Black Pearl is an eco-conscious sailing vessel signaling a new trend in yachting.

Yachting and sustainability may sound like a paradox, but we’re steadily seeing the marine world embrace eco-change. For the yachting world, there are an increasing number of ways to boat with a lower carbon imprint. From electric-diesel hybrids to zero-carbon catamarans powered by alternative fuel sources, here is a closer look at the newest eco-conscious yachts on the water—as well as several concepts that will be on the market in the next year, and a sailing vessel that helped start the emissions-reduction trend among superyachts.

Azimut Seadeck

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Having the world’s largest yacht builder embrace sustainability promises to exert pressure on hundreds of smaller builders around the world. When the three-model Azimut Seadeck  series is launched, the combination of complementary emissions-reducing technologies promises to be a major milestone for yachting.

“This is the most efficient yacht ever designed by Azimut,” said Federico Lantero, head of Product Design at Azimut/Benetti, at an event announcing the series. “We’ve identified the most recent technologies over the years, so we sat together said let’s raise the bar once again. Let’s push these technologies to the limits. It’s been like assembling a big puzzle.”

The Italian shipyard promises above-average efficiency at a wide range of speeds: The official estimates predict an emission reduction of 40 percent, thanks to Seadeck’s diesel-electric hybrid systems, lightweight carbon-fiber superstructure, solar panels, and other energy-absorption solutions.

Monaco-based designer Alberto Mancini, who penned the exterior, teamed up with other Italian designers Matteo Thun and Antonio Rodriguez, who completed the sleek interior design. Thun and Rodriquez infused the interior with the newest sustainable materials, including cork, which they describe as the “best alternative to teak.”

The concept of Seadeck’s large open aft section—dubbed “Fun Island,” follows the success of the extended deck of sister builder’s Benetti Oasis. That design was a game-changer in its wellness-outdoor living approach. Azimut will release the Seadeck models in the next 20 months, starting with the Seadeck 6 in early 2024.

Alva Yachts Ocean Eco 90 H2

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In the past couple of years, German catamaran and sailboat builder Alva Yachts has turned heads with its innovative solar catamarans.  But now it’s pushing boundaries farther with the announcement of what it’s calling “the first zero-emissions superyacht catamaran to run without fossil fuels.”

The Ocean Eco 90 H2 is a special 90-foot version of the Ocean Eco 90 series, the shipyard’s flagship model. It comes in two versions: full electric and hybrid diesel-electric. The new model is the company’s first venture into hydrogen. Dubbed a “fuel-less superyacht catamaran with wings,” the H2 was requested by an existing Alva owner. It is powered only by sustainable sources, including the sun, wind, electric energy, and hydrogen fuel cells. The company’s signature solar cells generate up to 40kWp of power while twin performance electric motors give power, with the aid of the Ayro Oceanwings wind-propulsion system.

Oceanco ‘Black Pearl’

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The world’s biggest sailing superyacht— Black Pearl —is also the most sustainable boat on water. Energy is saved at every turn on board the 350-foot yacht, from the HVAC system to three carbon-fiber masts, striking black DynaRig sails and aluminum superstructure that combine to make the Oceanco yacht lightweight and efficient. Controllable pitch propellers feed power back into the yacht via a pair of shaft generators providing enough power to support the yacht’s hotel load. Equipped with battery banks and a waste-heat recovery system, the gigayacht is capable of sailing across the Atlantic using only renewable energy.

Sunreef 80 Eco Marie-Joseph

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Formula One champion Fernando Alonso so enjoyed his Greek charter aboard the Sunreef 80 Eco Marie-Joseph last summer that he now has a Sunreef 60 Eco in build. Equipped with electric engines, Marie-Joseph is fitted with nearly 1,800 square feet of solar panels integrated into the yacht’s composite structures, including the mast, boom, superstructure and hull sides. It’s enough to generate up to 45.5kWh, which leaves the deck areas free for guest enjoyment. In addition to the yacht’s “solar skin,” the vessel also has a hydro-generation system, which recovers energy from the propellers as well as high-efficiency batteries.

Steeler 61S Electric

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Designed by Vripack and built by Steeler, the 61-foot Steeler 61S Electric is a full custom electric trawler built for a liveaboard owner. Sustainable materials, such as steel, wood, leather and Flexiteek decking, give a nod to the owner’s determination to have a lighter carbon footprint—though the biggest sustainability breakthrough lies with the boat’s propulsion and slow-boating efficiency. Though equipped to run a 75kW diesel generator, the Steeler 61S Electric is also equipped with a 90kW electric motor and can run on shore power. In true Dutch style, solar panels and windmills mounted on the roof help feed the 184kWh battery pack.

Newcastle Marine ‘Safira’

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When it comes to sustainability, every little bit helps. Powered by azipod drives, which provide 20 percent more efficiency than conventional shafts, the 129-foot Safira can also run on 15-percent biodiesel. The boat is fitted with LED lighting and good insulation, which allows for smaller generators and reduced fuel consumption. Environmental considerations extend to the choice of materials as well, with reclaimed oak, remnant stone and Esthec—a synthetic replacement for teak—being used for both cabinetry and exterior decks.

Rossinavi ‘No Stress’

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Italian designer Enrico Gobbi’s latest project comes in the form of Rossinavi’s first hybrid yacht. Delivered earlier this month, the 169-foot, full-aluminum sports yacht, No Stress , is powered by two MTU 16V diesel engines and two electric motors. In electric mode, the dual power system is managed by an artificial intelligence (AI) system that monitors fuel consumption. No Stress forms part of the Italian shipyard’s aim to develop boats with BluE technology. In addition to more environmentally-friendly cruising, the inclusion of AI means the owners “can enjoy the electric experience on board to the fullest,” said Rossinavi’s COO Federico Rossi, in a statement.

The Italian yard recently launched another hybrid-electric “BluE” concept called Infinity , a sailing yacht with an exterior by Fulvio de Simoni. The 138-footer has solar panels that can be stored so that yacht can navigate in full-electric mode for 90 percent of an average day. De Simoni also penned Rossinavi’s Sea Cat hybrid cat, which is currently under construction.

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vitters shipyard sailing yacht project zero

CEO Series: how Vitters' Project Zero shaped Louis Hamming's view of zero-emission yachting

BOATPro catches up with Vitters CEO Louis Hamming, who offers insight into the feasibility of zero-emission yachting, and whether the drive towards environmental sustainability has caused a renaissance for sailing more generally.

Initially revealed during BOAT International's 2023 Superyacht Design Festival , Vitters ' zero-fossil-fuel sailing yacht Project 3094 – better known as Project Zero – is currently in the midst of outfitting before its 2025 delivery. This 69-metre ketch aims to unlock a new standard for marine travel, with the ability to harvest wind, thermal and solar energy to power the yacht's propulsion and hotel load. 

Vitters has also pledged that the technology behind the build will be available in the public domain as part of the Foundation Zero mission to fuel widespread innovation. One year after it was announced, BOATPro unpacks the project with the yard's CEO...

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  18. CEO Series: how Vitters' Project Zero shaped Louis Hamming's view of

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  19. Expedition Zero

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  20. Code Zero Yachts

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  21. Home Page

    The Spot Zero Marine Watermakers and Water Purifiers, Reverse-Osmosis system, is designed for boats and Yachts to enjoy ultra-pure Water and spot-free wash downs. Spot Zero Water Maker and Water Purifiers of Fort Lauderdale Florida.