The Top Sailboat Manufacturers (According to Sailors)

Whether you are buying or chartering a boat, or whether you simply want to stay informed, you might be asking the question: who are the top sailboat manufacturers? As is the case with most 'who's the best' questions, the answer isn't simple. So this article takes a stroll among the crowds and asks - “who's your favorite?” .

best sailing yacht makers

What are the top sailboat manufacturers?

Groupe beneteau.

This is the ultimate all-star list. Now let’s see why.

First of all - I want to make this lineup relatively short. There are tens of names that bounce around when you ask about favorite manufacturers, and if I had made this a long list, in the end, it wouldn’t represent the famous all-stars that really stand out in the eyes of the people. If you want a longer, less detailed list, check out our article about 50 popular sailboat brands . This time though, we are looking only at the manufacturer champions of the ‘popular choice’ contest.

“This is a loaded question!”, the internet forums yell, “there are thousands of options!”, they cry, enraged, “it’s not about the boat, but about the crew!” they scream. But we don’t give up and continue, determined to find out who you all like the most.

Cover Image : Bavaria Cruiser 55 - Copyright BavariaYachtbau under CC BY-SA 4.0

I know, I know, I hear you. Let’s start with the cons of these boats to quench the thirst of the bloodthirsty critics. Yes, Wallys are very costly, they go all the way up to tens of millions of dollars and so won’t be more than a bedroom poster for most of the readers.

That’s about it when it comes to the negatives, though. The reason they made it on this list despite their price tag is that they are pioneers in many aspects. Visually they are beyond gorgeous, and their price allows for exquisite build quality. The cost of these hi-end racer/cruisers means they aren’t particularly user friendly since most users won’t be able to use them, but just as Rolls Royce belongs on the list of the best cars, Wally belongs on the list of the best boats. They are the brainchild of Luca Bassani, founder and chief of the brand, a stylish Italian man who knows what’s right.

And it is this poster worthiness that gained them popularity among the crowds. A video of a simple Atlantic crossing on a 100 foot Wally has millions of views not necessarily because that particular journey would be exciting, in fact, it is quite an uneventful one, but because it is on a boat that makes the design junkies salivate. The Wally designs alone were the reason these boats made it into Hollywood feature films and series, and if you look at one, you’ll understand why. This is what happens when extravaganza meets good taste and has all the money in the world to realize the idea.

What do they make in terms of sailboats? Superyachts around 100 ft long, each focused on sporty cruising, design, and comfort. They only make custom sailboats, no factory models here. Buying a used one is a safe situation, they hold up even after a long time both in terms of quality, performance as well as design. During their existence, Wally only made a handful of boats, so if you ever stumble upon one, take a selfie. It is like meeting a celebrity.

best sailing yacht makers

To level the scales, let’s now jump at the opposite side of the spectrum and have a look at Catalina, the people pleaser. If Wally was the Rolls Royce of the boating world, Catalina is the Ford, making, as they say, “honest, sturdy boats that hold up to real-world conditions, perform well and cost less to maintain”. The mission of this company then seems to be to make boats as practical as possible for the common folk. That means: a practical interior layout, practical handling, and last but definitely not least, a practical price.

And this strategy has worked out well - according to experiences of hundreds of thousands of sailors, Catalinas stand up to their reputation of a boat that’s got your back. It is one of the largest boat producers in the world, with over sixty thousand of its boats sailing the world. Boat manufacturers oftentimes go through quite a lot of rough patches, that turn into bankruptcy for many, it isn’t an easy business to be in, but Catalina has been on a roll for decades. And this success has come with its perks - the business stability allowed for some impressive manufacturing facilities, which helps mass production, which in turn helps drive the price down. So with Catalina, you’ll likely be getting more bang for your buck than from their competition.

They make boats ranging from tiny daysailers all the way to 50-foot seaworthy vessels. What made them the most famous though are their mid-sized cruisers - the staple of the classical American sailing fan. Whether you like it or not, slow and steady is the name of the game when it comes to mainstream, and that is precisely what Catalina understands so well. They don’t take large risks. Their models are long-running with slight tweaks and facelifts, concepts that don’t surprise or insult, but offer stability. This conservativeness has been what some sailors hold against Catalinas, which is easy to understand when looking at many other brands that offer more in terms of fanciness, but this is the Catalina way, and it has worked out splendidly for them.

The long years of experience make for a great manufacturer that makes boats which won’t be the fastest, won’t be the prettiest or the boldest in terms of design or technological innovation, but they will do precisely what they are made to do - their job.

best sailing yacht makers

Bavaria is to Europe what Catalina is to the United States. Affordable, practical, nothing special, but does what it’s supposed to. It is the main diet of many Mediterranean sailors. To stay with the cars equivalent, just because I like it so much, if Catalinas were the Ford, Bavarias would be the Volkswagen. They are generally cheaper than Catalinas but don’t see that as an indicator, sailors can’t seem to find one or the other significantly worse or better in build quality. There are of course a few voices rooting for one or the other, but that can be assigned to fandom rather than to actual benefits. The price difference is there partly due to a different manufacturing process, the Bavaria factories are more efficient (they are German after all), and the production is more streamlined, allowing cutting costs without cutting corners.

Reliability, ease of use, and affordability are aspects that lead the design decisions here - which is what makes them so prevalent in charter companies. Even a nonexperienced sailor can get on a Bavaria and operate it with relative ease. But as I’ve been told by the boss of an unnamed charter company, after five or so years, you will start to feel the lower price tag as their reliability starts to go down unless money is put into repairs. With an older Bavaria, you will feel its age more than with other manufacturers. As one owner puts it, they tend to get “quite exhausted”.

So in case you belong among the Bavaria fans and have your eye on a used one, keep the above sentences in mind and when shopping, make sure you understand the ‘health’ of the boat in question. Moreover, be aware of the difference between a boat that was used by a handful of sailors over the years versus one that was chartered to more people than you could count. In other words, you wouldn’t want to buy a few-year-old rental car because who knows what the poor thing had to suffer, - especially since you can bet that many of the clients weren’t particularly good sailors due to generous sailing license policies in Croatia, which allows virtually anybody to ‘become a sailor’ within hours for a friendly fee.

What can you expect when you get on one? Good things - the manufacturers know what their products are used for, and that is why Bavarias are designed as easy comfortable cruisers. Everything you need to have within reach will be within reach, to the point of you having something to hold on almost all the time wherever you go through the boat - Bavaria knows well that many of its users won’t have their ‘sea legs’ and act accordingly. Even smaller models have generous amounts of space because it is the smaller models that are charter kings - Bavaria gives a lot of attention to them. The layouts will be comfy, so Bavarias make good boats for longer voyages - pair that with reliability and price and you will understand why the vox populi speaks so fondly of them.

best sailing yacht makers

The reason I am mentioning the name of the parent company here is that they own both Beneteau and Jeanneau, brands that are distinguishable on the surface, but if you look close enough, you will find them pretty similar, down to the fact that they are produced in the same factory. So since both Beneteau and Jeanneau are very popular sailor’s choices, both deserve a place on this list, but dedicating a subchapter to each would feel like making a duplicate.

By the way, Groupe Beneteau also owns Lagoon, a renowned catamaran maker, Prestige, luxury yacht manufacturer, Monte Carlo Yachts, CNB Yacht builder, the semi-custom sailboat maker, Four Winns, Glastron, Scarab, Wellcraft, Excess, and Delphia… some of these make motor yachts only, but if you combine fans of all of these, you get a sizable crowd. This company has figured out what people of various tastes want and serves quite a few of these niches.

best sailing yacht makers

Business aside, let’s see how this French company managed to find its way into the hearts of so many. Well, first of all, they are French. So chic style is to be expected. And with this, fans come. Image wise (and design-wise to a bit) Jeanneau is the sporty one that sails better, while Beneteau aims at the family comfort market. But on both, you will feel loved by the designer. They are made to make you feel good when you use them, and they’ll spoil you with luxury that fits within the specific price tag.

Comfort is a big deal here. On Jeanneaus for instance, you will sometimes find quite unique layouts, often different from the traditional ones, to really pamper the sailors - such as their two master bedroom setup, with the stern one being under the cockpit. A lot of them come with the 360 docking system, which allows you to move the boat around with a joystick and makes maneuvering in marinas so easy you feel like you are cheating. Or consider their decision to make the hull finer to cut through the water better, resulting in less movement - something that helps with comfort. All of this comes for a price but less so than you would expect since the buying power of the enormous Groupe Beneteau helps with shaving off dollars where smaller manufacturers couldn’t. This is, for instance, the reason why they can afford to use wood on their crafts to an extent you wouldn’t expect from a production boat for that price - again, buying volume allows for this even without you necessarily having to pay the expected premium.

Of course, you will mostly find them in Europe, where they are plentiful in marinas, though the aforementioned Bavarias dominate as far as numbers go. But that is mostly because of charters, since last year, over 80 percent of chartered boats were Bavarias. As personal boats, products of Groupe Beneteau belong among the top choices.

best sailing yacht makers

Now, this is a bit of a tricky one. The manufacturer doesn’t exist anymore, in fact, it produced boats from 1960 to 1989, making it over thirty years old, but despite that, the Cal models are still a favorite and worthy member of the cruising as well as performance world.

During the company’s existence, almost twenty thousand boats were built, partially because they were one of the first brands to mass-produce fiberglass sailboats. That, along with Cal models winning impressively in races, helped them to make a name for themselves, a name that still sounds to this day.

best sailing yacht makers

Why is it on this list? Partially because of its prevalence on the seas, partially because of its prevalence in internet forums and pub talks. Cal sailboats are loved by their owners mostly for their responsiveness when under sail, good build quality, (even though many say the interior could have been done way better) as well as reliability even after long years of use. Many of the design features have indeed been improved since, so if thirty years ago you could dominate races with Cals, today you won’t be on the lightest and most up to date boat around anymore. But you won’t be sailing a cruiser either. The boat might not be a pureblood racer, but it was built with racing in mind. Which might give the more sporty ones of your peace of mind that no Bavaria or any traditional cruiser will provide.

Quite a few owners say though that the success from the sixties gained Cal a name that you will pay for when buying one. If you are one of those who want to make sure they are paying for physical value rather than reputation, this might be a dealbreaker for you. There is a certain portion of slight arrogance that comes with racing success, one that shows in later models. But given the brand’s popularity, this is not too big of a deal.

So if cruising is your goal, if long crossings are what you desire, if you simply want a boat that was built with honesty and can take you basically anywhere you want, Cals are a safe bet. You’ll be joining a big, happy and an old family. And an affordable one at that.

In conclusion

To sum it all up, it seems that practicality, affordability, and reliability are the main factors that influence whether a sailboat manufacturer will become popular among sailors or not. As well as extravagant design and beauty, but that’s another story.

There have been many shipyards throughout the ages, some long-lasting, some surviving but a couple of years. Each tried to come up with an angle to sell well. Sometimes it was quirky design, and sometimes it was an intriguing feature, sometimes it was the use of new technology. Sometimes it worked out quite well, other times it did not. But in the end what sailors seem to want is a boat that will not fail them when they need it the most, a boat that is well built enough to cross oceans, because that gives one a sense of freedom and a boat that is built with the user-friendliness in mind. Simply, a boat that is your good friend.

A road to a sailor’s heart is simple, after all.

Daniel O'Connell

Really good article. I was enlightened.

Dan O’Connell

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Cruising World Logo

40 Best Sailboats

  • By Cruising World Editors
  • Updated: May 24, 2024

the 40 best sailboats

Sailors are certainly passionate about their boats, and if you doubt that bold statement, try posting an article dubbed “ 40 Best Sailboats ” and see what happens.

Barely had the list gone live, when one reader responded, “Where do I begin? So many glaring omissions!” Like scores of others, he listed a number of sailboats and brands that we were too stupid to think of, but unlike some, he did sign off on a somewhat upbeat note: “If it weren’t for the presence of the Bermuda 40 in Cruising World’s list, I wouldn’t even have bothered to vote.”

By vote, he means that he, like hundreds of other readers, took the time to click through to an accompanying page where we asked you to help us reshuffle our alphabetical listing of noteworthy production sailboats so that we could rank them instead by popularity. So we ask you to keep in mind that this list of the best sailboats was created by our readers.

The quest to building this list all began with such a simple question, one that’s probably been posed at one time or another in any bar where sailors meet to raise a glass or two: If you had to pick, what’re the best sailboats ever built?

In no time, a dozen or more from a variety of sailboat manufacturers were on the table and the debate was on. And so, having fun with it, we decided to put the same question to a handful of CW ‘s friends: writers and sailors and designers and builders whose opinions we value. Their favorites poured in and soon an inkling of a list began to take shape. To corral things a bit and avoid going all the way back to Joshua Slocum and his venerable Spray —Hell, to Noah and his infamous Ark —we decided to focus our concentration on production monohull sailboats, which literally opened up the sport to anyone who wanted to get out on the water. And since CW is on the verge or turning 40, we decided that would be a nice round number at which to draw the line and usher in our coming ruby anniversary.

If you enjoy scrolling through this list, which includes all types of sailboats, then perhaps you would also be interested in browsing our list of the Best Cruising Sailboats . Check it out and, of course, feel free to add your favorite boat, too. Here at Cruising World , we like nothing better than talking about boats, and it turns out, so do you.

– LEARN THE NAVIGATION RULES – Know the “Rules of the Road” that govern all boat traffic. Be courteous and never assume other boaters can see you. Safety Tip Provided by the U.S. Coast Guard

moore 24 sailboat

40. Moore 24

pearson vanguard sailboat

39. Pearson Vanguard

dufour arpege 30 sailboat

38. Dufour Arpege 30

Alerion Express 28

37. Alerion Express 28

Mason 43/44 sailboat

36. Mason 43/44

jeanneau sun odyssey 43ds sailboat

35. Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 43DS

nor'sea 27 sailboat

34. Nor’Sea 27

freedom 40 sailboat

33. Freedom 40

beneteau sense 50 sailboat

32. Beneteau Sense 50

nonsuch 30 sailboat

31. Nonsuch 30

swan 44 sailboat

30. Swan 44

C&C landfall 38 sailboat

29. C&C Landfall 38

gulfstar 50 sailboat

28. Gulfstar 50

sabre 36 sailboat

27. Sabre 36

pearson triton sailboat

26. Pearson Triton

– CHECK THE FIT – Follow these guidelines to make sure your life jacket looks good, stays comfortable and works when you need it. Safety Tip Provided by the U.S. Coast Guard

islander 36 sailboat

25. Islander 36

gozzard 36 sailboat

24. Gozzard 36

bristol 40 sailboat

23. Bristol 40

tartan 34 sailboat

22. Tartan 34

morgan out island 41 sailboat

21. Morgan Out Island 41

hylas 49 sailboat

20. Hylas 49

contessa 26 sailboat

19. Contessa 26

Whitby 42 sailboat

18. Whitby 42

Columbia 50 sailboat

17. Columbia 50

morris 36 sailboat

16. Morris 36

hunter 356 sailboat

15. Hunter 356

cal 40 sailboat

13. Beneteau 423

westsail 32 sailboat

12. Westsail 32

CSY 44 sailboat

– CHECK THE WEATHER – The weather changes all the time. Always check the forecast and prepare for the worst case. Safety Tip Provided by the U.S. Coast Guard

Alberg 30 sailboat

10. Alberg 30

island packet 38 sailboat

9. Island Packet 38

passport 40 sailboat

8. Passport 40

tayana 37 sailboat

7. Tayana 37

peterson 44 sailboat

6. Peterson 44

pacific seacraft 37 sailboat

5. Pacific Seacraft 37

hallberg-rassy 42 sailboat

4. Hallberg-Rassy 42

catalina 30 sailboat

3. Catalina 30

hinckley bermuda 40 sailboat

2. Hinckley Bermuda 40

valiant 40 sailboat

1. Valiant 40

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My Cruiser Life Magazine

25 Best Sailboat and Catamaran Manufacturers (By Type)

Asking a sailor to pick the best sailboat brands is like asking a car enthusiast to pick the best sports car. Boaters are connected to their boats and share a personal attachment to them that goes beyond the practical. Boats are close to living things. For millennia, sailors have personified their vessels and labeled them “she.” Whatever pronouns you choose to use with your boat, there is no doubt that he or she will earn a special place in your heart.

So how does a humble writer go about breaking down the “best” sailboat manufacturers? Is it of all time? Or are only companies still producing boats today? We must set some limits, and they will no doubt seem arbitrary–but here they are.

First, we are dividing this list up to cover coastal cruisers, luxury monohulls , voyaging bluewater cruisers , cruising catamarans , and performance catamarans. Yes, there is some overlap between these categories. For example, many big “coastal cruisers” have crossed oceans, and many seawind catamaran brands are more than capable cruisers.

So what makes a boat “the best.” The best boat for you is not going to be the best boat for the next guy. There’s simply no way to define what the best manufacturers are going to be. The reason we chose these boats are specified below. It’s not arbitrary, but, at the same time, you don’t have to agree with them.

Finally, nearly all of the brands listed below have one thing in common—you can still buy a new vessel from their yard. In the world of boating, it’s not uncommon to purchase a vessel that has been out of production for decades. There are hundreds, probably thousands, of great manufacturers who went out of business during major economic downturns. Building boats is always a tricky business, but with the economy suffering no one buys new boats.

Table of Contents

5 best coastal cruiser sailboat makers, 5 best luxury sailboat manufacturers, 5 best voyaging bluewater cruising boats, 5 best cruising catamaran manufacturers, 5 best performance cats.

Best Sailboats Manufacturer_Where you make it

Coastal cruisers are entry-level sailboats built affordably so that nearly anyone can buy one. Another term that gets used is “production boat.” A production boat is designed to be mass-produced in an assembly-line-like factory for maximum cost savings.

The alternative is the custom or semi-custom built voyage yachts. Every element of the build is overseen by expert shipwrights. So the implication is that the production yacht has less quality—but this argument doesn’t always hold blue water if you can forgive the metaphor.

The manufacturers who make the most popular production coastal cruisers also make some larger yachts capable of crossing oceans. But one thing about these boats needs to be made clear—while some can be modified, improved, and outfitted to cross oceans, they do not leave the factory ready to do so.

And while some of them look very sharp, they do not contain the gorgeous hardwood joinery and craftsmanship that fills the hulls of hand-built yachts. These brands make their boats appealing to the mass market, and that market is not the voyaging bluewater cruisers or the luxury yacht.

So are they the “best sailboat brands?” If you’re looking for the best, most affordable coastal cruiser you can get, then yes—these are the best boats for you. However, if you’re looking for the best built, the best outfitted, or the best engineered or designed—then you’d best keep reading farther down the list!

Catalina Yachts

Catalina builds simple sloops ranging in size from fun 12.5 Expo dinghy to their 545 Flagship. There are more Catalinas in the world than any other types of sailboat . The company was founded in California in the mid-1970s.

Of the many wonderful models that Catalina has made popular, the Catalina 30 was an all-around winner. The beamy 30-footer has a cavernous interior that makes it a great entry-level liveaboard. The Catalina 38 is a popular racer/cruiser designed by none other than the famous Sparksman and Stevens (S&S).

Beneteau & Jeanneau

The French marine conglomerate Groupe Beneteau makes many different labels of boats, but their two most popular production sailboat brands are Beneteau and Jeanneau. They also make the Lagoon catamarans. 

Like Catalina, the company makes production boats at an attractive price. They are roomy and comfortable to stay on or even liveaboard. In addition, Beneteau’s are known for their distinctive lacquered wood interiors, which add an air of sophistication to an otherwise average boat. 

Beneteau has a long history. The company was founded in 1884 and has been building fiberglass boats since the mid-1960s. Notable models include the Beneteau Oceanis series, especially the models made after 1995. The most famous Jeanneaus come from the Sun Odyssey lineup.

Hunter Marine (Marlow-Hunter)

Hunter is another American builder and is Catalina’s primary domestic competitor. It is based in Florida and was formed in the early 1970s. Most Hunters have been racing boats or small trailer-sailors , but over the years, there have been quite a few larger liveaboard boats and long-range cruisers. They currently make boats from 15 to 50 feet long.

Dufour catamarans are another French company that makes larger cruising boats. The company was founded in 1964.

Bavaria Yachts

Bavaria Yachtbau is the largest German shipyard. The company makes sail and powerboats, as well as the French-made Nautitech catamarans. The company was founded in the 1970s and was acquired by US investors in 2007. Their monohull sail designs range from 31 to 57 feet long.

If the coastal cruiser category is reserved for the Fords and the Toyotas, let’s look at a few Cadillacs and Lexuses.

The boats below take things up a notch. These are beautifully designed boats with hand-built cabinetry and upgraded fixtures. They’re going to come with everything you need to cruise the boat in style.

Boats in this category are more likely to be built on a semi-custom basis. In other words, these yards might only be putting out a handful of boats per year. If you’re the first owner, you can likely visit and watch your sunreef yachts progress from fiberglass molds to rigging and launching.

Finally, the build quality of these yachts is generally exceptional. The designs usually come from the drafting boards of world-renown sunreef yachts designers, and their timeless beauty shines in every port they visit.

Best Sailboats Manufacturer_Where you make it

Morris Yachts

If you’re looking for a sailboat that’s also a work of art, Morris Yachts has the one you’re looking for. The company is based in Maine and produces semi-custom boats built to order. All boats are made by hand by expert craftsmen. Since it first opened in 1972, the company has made about 300 boats.

Their present offerings range from the M29 to the M42, but they have built hulls larger than that in the past. The most famous Morris boats, like the 36-foot Justine, were designed by renowned yacht designer Chuck Paine.

Island Packet

Island Packet has always made sturdy blue water cruisers with old-school looking (although technically updated) full keels. Some people may argue that IPs are production boats not quite worthy of the “luxury” title, but it is undebatable that the quality of their boats is above average.

Packets are built-in in Largo, Florida, near Tampa, and their shallow drafts and large living spaces make them perfect for living aboard in Florida or the islands. The first Island Packets rolled off the assembly line in 1980.

IP’s one-piece hulls do not feature the bolted-on keel and fractional rigs so common on many production boats now. Instead, you will find a robust design that is seaworthy and comfortable at sea.

Oysters are recognized worldwide as one of the most beautiful high-end cruising boats you can get your hands on. They focus on larger ocean-capable yachts with luxurious and cavernous interiors.

Oyster is a British yacht builder founded in 1973. Their claim to fame is the unique deck salon layout, which features large central windows around the living space that make the space feel much larger and more comfortable. The company is also known for its excellent attention to detail and outstanding build quality.

Hylas make sailboats ranging from 46 to 70 feet long. They are built in Taiwan by Queen Long Marine and were introduced in 1984. Most of their designs were created by renowned naval architect German Frers, although their first designs came from Sparksman and Stevens.

Tartan Yachts

Hailing from the Great Lakes port of Painesville, Ohio, Tartan has made sturdy and beautiful yachts since 1971. The company’s current lineup features everything from a tiny 24-foot day sailor to an ocean-capable 53-footer.

Tartans are set apart from other production boats by their beautifully crafted interiors. Thoughtful designs make these boats great cruisers and liveaboards.

Some boats are made as an accessible weekend cruisers for everybody, and some are exclusive showpieces that light up the harbor with their polished teak. Others are built tough to take on the elements at sea.

These boats are some of the best-built examples of marine engineering out there. These boats don’t come cheap, but that’s because their makers pay special attention to creating vessels strong enough to take on anything. They spend extra time making super-thick and strong hulls, and they use the best most robust equipment throughout the design.

The hull designs come from the drafting boards of world-renown naval architects. Their designs are heavy and built for a comfortable motion on big seas. In most cases, rudders are skeg-hung for extra security, and props are well-protected behind long keels.

These boat manufacturers routinely crop up on the lists of vessels that have circumnavigated successfully. These boats can cross oceans, and their crews never worry about their safety at sea.

Unfortunately, Texas-built Valiant Yachts ceased operations in 2011. The company built a series of canoe-sterned offshore sailboats from the drawing board of Bob Perry. The Valiant 40 is regarded as one of the best modern offshore sailing vessels. Many have circumnavigated, and the owners are a tight-knit group who love their boats.

Pacific Seacraft

Pacific Seacrafts are built in Washington, North Carolina. Many of their designs came from designer Bill Crealock, including the salty but comfortable PS 34 and PS 37. Other well-known models include the tiny 20-foot Flicka and the 24-foot Dana, both of which have serious offshore cred not given away by their diminutive statures. 

Pacific Seacrafts are hand-built and regularly recognized as some of the best sailboats available. Build quality and thoughtfulness in design are second-to-none.


Hallberg-Rassy is a Swedish shipyard that makes very sturdy and capable bluewater cruisers since 1943. Over the years, the company has made everything from small 24-footers to the flagship HR 64. Their best-known yacht was the smaller HR 35 Rasmus, of which they built 760 hulls. The 44 and 50 are their most popular current models.

Amel is the French maker of extremely well-regarded and modern bluewater ketches. This once common rig configuration, with two masts, reduces sail size to keep the lines more manageable on larger vessels. They also allow for more sail configurations to suit a broader spectrum of ocean conditions.

Famous sailing YouTubers SV Delos sail an Amel. The motor boats are large and capable of any voyage you can imagine. They feature thoughtful designs, including fully motorized sail control and a comfortable and protected center cockpit.

Winner of many best boat of the year awards, Passport yachts make spacious and comfortable offshore sailing machines. The first Passports were launched in 1979. The company is based in Annapolis, Maryland. Some of their early models, which Bob Perry designed, are excellent used sailboat options. Today, the company makes boats from 48 to 61 feet long.

And now for something a little different—the sailing catamaran categories. Sailing catamaran brands have become wildly popular in the sailing world because they are so comfortable to live on and offer a significant performance advantage over monohulls. Whether tucked safely in a marina or living off the grid by a tropical beach, sailing catamarans represent a fantastic upgrade to boat life.

You can argue about whether sailing catamarans or monohulls are the best sailboats all day long. But there will always be a place for each one, and there will always be people who love one but not the other.

The best catamaran brands below are the big and comfortable ones that most people will consider the “best” ones to cruise and live on. However, there are two types of sailing catamaran sailors—those that choose these boats because they have wonderful living space and those that choose sailing catamarans for the performance. If you’re the second type of person, you’ll want to move on to the next section about performance catamarans.

Best Sailboats Manufacturer_Where you make it

Antares Catamarans

The Antares began life as the PDQ 44. It’s a stout sailing catamaran with a few uncommon features that set it above most cruising catamarans—it has a high bridge deck for smoother rides, and it features maintenance-free traditional shaft-drive engines. The company currently builds boats in Argentina and is launching a hybrid model for the 2022 model year.

Knysna Yachts

The Knysna 500 is one of the most beautiful sailing catamarans that you’ll ever lay eyes on. Unfortunately, there aren’t many of these semi-custom boats in the world. The factory in South Africa has only made about 100 of these boats, but they’re well worth taking the time to seek out. Their overall craftsmanship and attention to detail are unmatched in the sailing catamaran industry.

Nautitech Catamarans

The French-built sailing catamaran arm of Bavaria Yachts, Nautitech catamarans makes boats that blend beautiful living spaces and solid offshore performance. Current models range from 40 to 54 feet long.

This Australian manufacturer of fast cruising cats has focused on performance while offering comfortable sailing catamarans suitable for cruisers. The Seawind 1000, first offered in the 1990s, set the standard for the small, simple, yet capable cruising catamaran. They currently produce boats from 38 to 52 feet long.

The Big Three— Lagoon , Leopard , and Fountaine Pajot  

The three big names in cruising cats can’t be left out, but they aren’t particularly distinct enough to warrant individual shout-outs. Each company makes production cruising and charter sailing catamarans of average build quality. In car terms, these companies are making the Honda Civics of the sailing catamaran world. In monohull terms, these companies are Beneteau, Catalina, or Hunter.

Fountaine Pajot and Lagoon are French-built, while Leopard catamarans come from South Africa. All of the companies began gaining popularity in the late 1990s, and all of them are popular in the charter boat market. They all compete with one another closely, and their designs follow distinct trends. They often have functional layouts that are pleasant to liveaboard, but their build qualities are mixed.

One of the most common advantages that sailing catamaran companies want you to know about is their performance. Foot-by-foot, sailing catamarans are faster than monohulls. Regular cruising cats can still be sluggish in light winds, though.

But companies below take performance to another level. State-of-the-art rigging, sails, and weight-savings composites turn some of these boats into rocket ships. The vessels are big enough and outfitted well enough for voyages of any length. Many have circumnavigated. In short, these performance cats can move.

Catana is very similar to Lagoon or Fountaine Pajot—French-built charter sailing catamarans with lots of living space. However, the company’s designs feature retractable daggerboards instead of the more common mini-keels. This gives them better downwind performance and an advantage on big seas.

Regardless of the actual performance of the vessels, Catanas are built with sailing in mind. Aft helms provide a beautiful clear view of the sails and the conditions.

If you’re looking for a floating rocketship, Gunboat has your number. These carbon fiber-built miracles of space-age technology regularly zip along at speeds higher than the true wind. Carbon hulls and masts and the latest in rigging technologies make them tick.

They’re as fast as race boats but comfortable liveaboards, too. In their words, “Life is too short to sail a slow boat.” Since they opened in 2002, Gunboat has made fewer than 40 boats, ranging from 48 to 90 feet long. They’re made in La Grande-Motte, France.

The now-famous Outremer is featured on the YouTube channel Sailing La Vagabonde. It’s a fast boat. Current designs range from 45 to 55 feet long. Like all boats in this class, these are fast cats that still maintain enough space for comfortable living at sea. Outremers are built in France, and the company has been making performance catamarans since the 1980s.

HH Catamarans

Awarded several best boat the year awards by Cruising World and Sail magazines, the HH is a thoroughly modern take on the traditional cruising catamaran. More emphasis is placed on speed and performance, using daggerboards and super light composite construction. HH Cats are built in Xiamen, China. The company currently offers HH44, HH50, and HH88.

The sleeper of the performance cat category is Maine Cat, hailing from Lincolnville, Maine. Their boats are built lightweight with a focus on light air and upwind performance. Daggerboards are used along with simple, intelligent designs.

Of the boats on the performance list, the MC 30 is the smallest sailing cat offered. It features an impressive feature set, however, and a unique combination of traits. For one thing, these boats are designed to be straightforward and light instead of filled with luxuries. For more living space, the MC 41 offers speed and space with none of the frills. 

best sailing yacht makers

Matt has been boating around Florida for over 25 years in everything from small powerboats to large cruising catamarans. He currently lives aboard a 38-foot Cabo Rico sailboat with his wife Lucy and adventure dog Chelsea. Together, they cruise between winters in The Bahamas and summers in the Chesapeake Bay.

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  • Yachting World
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43 of the best bluewater sailboat designs of all time

Yachting World

  • January 5, 2022

How do you choose the right yacht for you? We highlight the very best bluewater sailboat designs for every type of cruising

best sailing yacht makers

Which yacht is the best for bluewater boating? This question generates even more debate among sailors than questions about what’s the coolest yacht , or the best for racing. Whereas racing designs are measured against each other, cruising sailors get very limited opportunities to experience different yachts in real oceangoing conditions, so what is the best bluewater sailboat?

Here, we bring you our top choices from decades of designs and launches. Over the years, the Yachting World team has sailed these boats, tested them or judged them for European Yacht of the Year awards, and we have sifted through the many to curate a selection that we believe should be on your wishlist.

Making the right choice may come down to how you foresee your yacht being used after it has crossed an ocean or completed a passage: will you be living at anchor or cruising along the coast? If so, your guiding requirements will be space, cabin size, ease of launching a tender and anchoring closer to shore, and whether it can comfortably accommodate non-expert-sailor guests.

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best sailing yacht makers

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All of these considerations have generated the inexorable rise of the bluewater catamaran – monohulls can’t easily compete on these points. We have a full separate feature on the best bluewater multihulls of all time and here we mostly focus on monohulls. The only exceptions to that rule are two multihulls which made it into our best bluewater sailboats of 2022 list.

As so much of making the right choice is selecting the right boat for the venture in mind, we have separated out our edit into categories: best for comfort; for families; for performance; and for expedition or high latitudes sailing .

Best bluewater sailboats of 2022

The new flagship Allures 51.9, for example, is a no-nonsense adventure cruising design built and finished to a high standard. It retains Allures’ niche of using aluminium hulls with glassfibre decks and superstructures, which, the yard maintains, gives the optimum combination of least maintenance and less weight higher up. Priorities for this design were a full beam aft cabin and a spacious, long cockpit. Both are excellent, with the latter, at 6m long, offering formidable social, sailing and aft deck zones.

It likes some breeze to come to life on the wheel, but I appreciate that it’s designed to take up to five tonnes payload. And I like the ease with which you can change gears using the furling headsails and the positioning of the powerful Andersen winches inboard. The arch is standard and comes with a textile sprayhood or hard bimini.

Below decks you’ll find abundant headroom and natural light, a deep U-shape galley and cavernous stowage. For those who like the layout of the Amel 50 but would prefer aluminium or shoal draught, look no further.

Allures 51.9 price: €766,000

The Ovni 370 is another cunning new aluminum centreboard offering, a true deck saloon cruiser for two. The designers say the biggest challenge was to create a Category A ocean going yacht at this size with a lifting keel, hence the hull had to be very stable.

Enjoyable to helm, it has a practical, deep cockpit behind a large sprayhood, which can link to the bimini on the arch. Many of its most appealing features lie in the bright, light, contemporary, clever, voluminous interior, which has good stowage and tankage allocation. There’s also a practical navstation, a large workroom and a vast separate shower. I particularly like the convertible saloom, which can double as a large secure daybed or pilot berth.

Potentially the least expensive Category A lift keel boat available, the Ovni will get you dreaming of remote places again.

Ovni 370 price: €282,080

best sailing yacht makers

There’s no shortage of spirit in the Windelo 50. We gave this a sustainability award after it’s founders spent two years researching environmentally-friendly composite materials, developing an eco-composite of basalt fibre and recycled PET foam so it could build boats that halve the environmental impact of standard glassfibre yachts.

The Windelo 50 is an intriguing package – from the styling, modular interior and novel layout to the solar field on the roof and the standard electric propulsion, it is completely fresh.

Windelo 50 price: €795,000

Best bluewater sailboat of 2022 – Outremer 55

I would argue that this is the most successful new production yacht on the market. Well over 50 have already sold (an equipped model typically costs €1.6m) – and I can understand why. After all, were money no object, I had this design earmarked as the new yacht I would most likely choose for a world trip.

Indeed 55 number one Sanya, was fully equipped for a family’s world cruise, and left during our stay for the Grand Large Odyssey tour. Whereas we sailed Magic Kili, which was tricked up with performance options, including foam-cored deckheads and supports, carbon crossbeam and bulkheads, and synthetic rigging.

At rest, these are enticing space ships. Taking one out to sea is another matter though. These are speed machines with the size, scale and loads to be rightly weary of. Last month Nikki Henderson wrote a feature for us about how to manage a new breed of performance cruising cats just like this and how she coaches new owners. I could not think of wiser money spent for those who do not have ample multihull sailing experience.

Under sail, the most fun was obviously reserved for the reaching leg under asymmetric, where we clocked between 11-16 knots in 15-16 knots wind. But it was the stability and of those sustained low teen speeds which really hit home  – passagemaking where you really cover miles.

Key features include the swing helms, which give you views from outboard, over the coachroof or from a protected position in the cockpit through the coachroof windows, and the vast island in the galley, which is key to an open plan main living area. It helps provide cavernous stowage and acts as the heart of the entertaining space as it would in a modern home. As Danish judge Morten Brandt-Rasmussen comments: “Apart from being the TGV of ocean passages the boat offers the most spacious, open and best integration of the cockpit and salon areas in the market.”

Outremer has done a top job in packing in the creature comforts, stowage space and payload capacity, while keeping it light enough to eat miles. Although a lot to absorb and handle, the 55 offers a formidable blend of speed and luxury cruising.

Outremer 55 price: €1.35m

Best bluewater sailboats for comfort

This is the successor to the legendary Super Maramu, a ketch design that for several decades defined easy downwind handling and fostered a cult following for the French yard. Nearly a decade old, the Amel 55 is the bridge between those world-girdling stalwarts and Amel’s more recent and totally re-imagined sloop designs, the Amel 50 and 60.

The 55 boasts all the serious features Amel aficionados loved and valued: a skeg-hung rudder, solidly built hull, watertight bulkheads, solid guardrails and rampart bulwarks. And, most noticeable, the solid doghouse in which the helmsman sits in perfect shelter at the wheel.

This is a design to live on comfortably for long periods and the list of standard features just goes on and on: passarelle; proper sea berths with lee cloths; electric furling main and genoa; and a multitude of practical items that go right down to a dishwasher and crockery.

There’s no getting around the fact these designs do look rather dated now, and through the development of easier sail handling systems the ketch rig has fallen out of fashion, but the Amel is nothing short of a phenomenon, and if you’ve never even peeked on board one, you really have missed a treat.


Photo: Sander van der Borch

Contest 50CS

A centre cockpit cruiser with true longevity, the Contest 50CS was launched by Conyplex back in 2003 and is still being built by the family-owned Dutch company, now in updated and restyled form.

With a fully balanced rudder, large wheel and modern underwater sections, the Contest 50CS is a surprisingly good performer for a boat that has a dry weight of 17.5 tonnes. Many were fitted with in-mast furling, which clearly curtails that performance, but even without, this boat is set up for a small crew.

Electric winches and mainsheet traveller are all easy to reach from the helm. On our test of the Contest 50CS, we saw for ourselves how two people can gybe downwind under spinnaker without undue drama. Upwind, a 105% genoa is so easy to tack it flatters even the weediest crewmember.

Down below, the finish level of the joinery work is up there among the best and the interior is full of clever touches, again updated and modernised since the early models. Never the cheapest bluewater sailing yacht around, the Contest 50CS has remained in demand as a brokerage buy. She is a reassuringly sure-footed, easily handled, very well built yacht that for all those reasons has stood the test of time.

This is a yacht that would be well capable of helping you extend your cruising grounds, almost without realising it.

Read more about the Contest 50CS and the new Contest 49CS


Photo: Rick Tomlinson

Hallberg-Rassy 48 Mk II

For many, the Swedish Hallberg-Rassy yard makes the quintessential bluewater cruiser for couples. With their distinctive blue cove line, these designs are famous for their seakindly behaviour, solid-as-a-rock build and beautifully finished, traditional interiors.

To some eyes, Hallberg-Rassys aren’t quite cool enough, but it’s been company owner Magnus Rassy’s confidence in the formula and belief in incremental ‘step-by-step’ evolution that has been such an exceptional guarantor of reliable quality, reputation and resale value.

The centre cockpit Hallberg-Rassy 48 epitomises the concept of comfort at sea and, like all the Frers-designed Hallberg-Rassys since the 1990s, is surprisingly fleet upwind as well as steady downwind. The 48 is perfectly able to be handled by a couple (as we found a few years back in the Pacific), and could with no great effort crack out 200-mile days.

The Hallberg-Rassy 48 was launched nearly a decade ago, but the Mk II from 2014 is our pick, updated with a more modern profile, larger windows and hull portlights that flood the saloon and aft cabin with light. With a large chart table, secure linear galley, heaps of stowage and space for bluewater extras such as machinery and gear, this yacht pretty much ticks all the boxes.


Discovery 55

First launched in 2000, the Discovery 55 has stood the test of time. Designed by Ron Holland, it hit a sweet spot in size that appealed to couples and families with world girdling plans.

Elegantly styled and well balanced, the 55 is also a practical design, with a deep and secure cockpit, comfortable seating, a self-tacking jib, dedicated stowage for the liferaft , a decent sugar scoop transom that’s useful for swimming or dinghy access, and very comfortable accommodation below. In short, it is a design that has been well thought out by those who’ve been there, got the bruises, stubbed their toes and vowed to change things in the future if they ever got the chance.

Throughout the accommodation there are plenty of examples of good detailing, from the proliferation of handholds and grabrails, to deep sinks in the galley offering immediate stowage when under way and the stand up/sit down showers. Stowage is good, too, with plenty of sensibly sized lockers in easily accessible positions.

The Discovery 55 has practical ideas and nifty details aplenty. She’s not, and never was, a breakthrough in modern luxury cruising but she is pretty, comfortable to sail and live on, and well mannered.


Photo: Latitudes Picture Library

You can’t get much more Cornish than a Rustler. The hulls of this Stephen Jones design are hand-moulded and fitted out in Falmouth – and few are more ruggedly built than this traditional, up-for-anything offshore cruiser.

She boasts an encapsulated lead keel, eliminating keel bolts and creating a sump for generous fuel and water tankage, while a chunky skeg protects the rudder. She is designed for good directional stability and load carrying ability. These are all features that lend this yacht confidence as it shoulders aside the rough stuff.

Most of those built have had a cutter rig, a flexible arrangement that makes sense for long passages in all sea and weather conditions. Down below, the galley and saloon berths are comfortable and sensible for living in port and at sea, with joinery that Rustler’s builders are rightly proud of.

As modern yachts have got wider, higher and fatter, the Rustler 42 is an exception. This is an exceptionally well-mannered seagoing yacht in the traditional vein, with elegant lines and pleasing overhangs, yet also surprisingly powerful. And although now over 20 years old, timeless looks and qualities mean this design makes her look ever more like a perennial, a modern classic.

The definitive crossover size, the point at which a yacht can be handled by a couple but is just large enough to have a professional skipper and be chartered, sits at around the 60ft mark. At 58ft 8in, the Oyster 575 fitted perfectly into this growing market when launched in 2010. It went on to be one of the most popular models from the yard, and is only now being superseded by the newer Rob Humphreys-designed Oyster 565 (just launched this spring).

Built in various configurations with either a deep keel, shoal draught keel or centreboard with twin rudders, owners could trade off better performance against easy access to shallower coves and anchorages. The deep-bodied hull, also by Rob Humphreys, is known for its easy motion at sea.

Some of the Oyster 575’s best features include its hallmark coachroof windows style and centre cockpit – almost everyone will know at first glance this is an Oyster – and superb interior finish. If she has a flaw, it is arguably the high cockpit, but the flip side is the galley headroom and passageway berth to the large aft stateroom.

This design also has a host of practical features for long-distance cruising, such as high guardrails, dedicated liferaft stowage, a vast lazarette for swallowing sails, tender, fenders etc, and a penthouse engine room.


Privilege Serie 5

A true luxury catamaran which, fully fitted out, will top €1m, this deserves to be seen alongside the likes of the Oyster 575, Gunfleet 58 and Hallberg-Rassy 55. It boasts a large cockpit and living area, and a light and spacious saloon with an emphasis on indoor-outdoor living, masses of refrigeration and a big galley.

Standout features are finish quality and solid build in a yacht designed to take a high payload, a secure walkaround deck and all-round views from the helm station. The new Privilege 510 that will replace this launches in February 2020.

Gunfleet 43

It was with this Tony Castro design that Richard Matthews, founder of Oyster Yachts, launched a brand new rival brand in 2012, the smallest of a range stretching to the flagship Gunfleet 74. The combination of short overhangs and centre cockpit at this size do make the Gunfleet 43 look modern if a little boxy, but time and subsequent design trends have been kind to her lines, and the build quality is excellent. The saloon, galley and aft cabin space is exceptional on a yacht of this size.


Photo: David Harding

Conceived as a belt-and-braces cruiser, the Kraken 50 launched last year. Its unique points lie underwater in the guise of a full skeg-hung rudder and so-called ‘Zero Keel’, an encapsulated long keel with lead ballast.

Kraken Yachts is the brainchild of British businessman and highly experienced cruiser Dick Beaumont, who is adamant that safety should be foremost in cruising yacht design and build. “There is no such thing as ‘one yacht for all purposes’… You cannot have the best of all worlds, whatever the salesman tells you,” he says.

Read our full review of the Kraken 50 .


Wauquiez Centurion 57

Few yachts can claim to be both an exciting Med-style design and a serious and practical northern European offshore cruiser, but the Wauquiez Centurion 57 tries to blend both. She slightly misses if you judge solely by either criterion, but is pretty and practical enough to suit her purpose.

A very pleasant, well-considered yacht, she is impressively built and finished with a warm and comfortable interior. More versatile than radical, she could be used for sailing across the Atlantic in comfort and raced with equal enjoyment at Antigua Sailing Week .


A modern classic if ever there was one. A medium to heavy displacement yacht, stiff and easily capable of standing up to her canvas. Pretty, traditional lines and layout below.


Photo: Voyage of Swell

Well-proven US legacy design dating back to the mid-1960s that once conquered the Transpac Race . Still admired as pretty, with slight spoon bow and overhanging transom.


Capable medium displacement cruiser, ideal size and good accommodation for couples or family cruising, and much less costly than similar luxury brands.


Photo: Peter Szamer

Swedish-built aft cockpit cruiser, smaller than many here, but a well-built and finished, super-durable pocket ocean cruiser.


Tartan 3700

Designed as a performance cruiser there are nimbler alternatives now, but this is still an extremely pretty yacht.

Broker ’ s choice


Discovery 55 Brizo

This yacht has already circumnavigated the globe and is ‘prepared for her next adventure,’ says broker Berthon. Price: £535,000 + VAT


Oyster 575 Ayesha

‘Stunning, and perfectly equipped for bluewater cruising,’ says broker Ancasta International. Price: £845,000 (tax not paid)


Oyster 575 Pearls of Nautilus

Nearly new and with a high spec, this Oyster Brokerage yacht features American white oak joinery and white leather upholstery and has a shoal draught keel. Price: $1.49m

Best bluewater yachts for performance

The Frers-designed Swan 54 may not be the newest hull shape but heralded Swan’s latest generation of displacement bluewater cruisers when launched four years ago. With raked stem, deep V hull form, lower freeboard and slight curve to the topsides she has a more timeless aesthetic than many modern slab-sided high volume yachts, and with that a seakindly motion in waves. If you plan to cover many miles to weather, this is probably the yacht you want to be on.


Photo: Carlo Borlenghi

Besides Swan’s superlative build quality, the 54 brings many true bluewater features, including a dedicated sail locker. There’s also a cockpit locker that functions as a utility cabin, with potential to hold your generator and washing machine, or be a workshop space.

The sloping transom opens out to reveal a 2.5m bathing platform, and although the cabins are not huge there is copious stowage space. Down below the top-notch oak joinery is well thought through with deep fiddles, and there is a substantial nav station. But the Swan 54 wins for handling above all, with well laid-out sail controls that can be easily managed between a couple, while offering real sailing enjoyment to the helmsman.


Photo: Graham Snook

The Performance Cruiser winner at the 2019 European Yacht of the Year awards, the Arcona 435 is all about the sailing experience. She has genuine potential as a cruiser-racer, but her strengths are as an enjoyable cruiser rather than a full-blown liveaboard bluewater boat.

Build quality is excellent, there is the option of a carbon hull and deck, and elegant lines and a plumb bow give the Arcona 435 good looks as well as excellent performance in light airs. Besides slick sail handling systems, there are well thought-out features for cruising, such as ample built-in rope bins and an optional semi-closed stern with stowage and swim platform.


Outremer 51

If you want the space and stability of a cat but still prioritise sailing performance, Outremer has built a reputation on building catamarans with true bluewater characteristics that have cruised the planet for the past 30 years.

Lighter and slimmer-hulled than most cruising cats, the Outremer 51 is all about sailing at faster speeds, more easily. The lower volume hulls and higher bridgedeck make for a better motion in waves, while owners report that being able to maintain a decent pace even under reduced canvas makes for stress-free passages. Deep daggerboards also give good upwind performance.

With bucket seats and tiller steering options, the Outremer 51 rewards sailors who want to spend time steering, while they’re famously well set up for handling with one person on deck. The compromise comes with the interior space – even with a relatively minimalist style, there is less cabin space and stowage volume than on the bulkier cats, but the Outremer 51 still packs in plenty of practical features.


The Xc45 was the first cruising yacht X-Yachts ever built, and designed to give the same X-Yachts sailing experience for sailors who’d spent years racing 30/40-footer X- and IMX designs, but in a cruising package.

Launched over 10 years ago, the Xc45 has been revisited a few times to increase the stowage and modernise some of the styling, but the key features remain the same, including substantial tanks set low for a low centre of gravity, and X-Yachts’ trademark steel keel grid structure. She has fairly traditional styling and layout, matched with solid build quality.

A soft bilge and V-shaped hull gives a kindly motion in waves, and the cockpit is secure, if narrow by modern standards.


A three or four cabin catamaran that’s fleet of foot with high bridgedeck clearance for comfortable motion at sea. With tall daggerboards and carbon construction in some high load areas, Catana cats are light and quick to accelerate.


Sweden Yachts 45

An established bluewater design that also features in plenty of offshore races. Some examples are specced with carbon rig and retractable bowsprits. All have a self-tacking jib for ease. Expect sweeping areas of teak above decks and a traditionally wooded interior with hanging wet locker.


A vintage performer, first launched in 1981, the 51 was the first Frers-designed Swan and marked a new era of iconic cruiser-racers. Some 36 of the Swan 51 were built, many still actively racing and cruising nearly 40 years on. Classic lines and a split cockpit make this a boat for helming, not sunbathing.


Photo: Julien Girardot / EYOTY

The JPK 45 comes from a French racing stable, combining race-winning design heritage with cruising amenities. What you see is what you get – there are no superfluous headliners or floorboards, but there are plenty of ocean sailing details, like inboard winches for safe trimming. The JPK 45 also has a brilliantly designed cockpit with an optional doghouse creating all-weather shelter, twin wheels and superb clutch and rope bin arrangement.


Photo: Andreas Lindlahr

For sailors who don’t mind exchanging a few creature comforts for downwind planing performance, the Pogo 50 offers double-digit surfing speeds for exhilarating tradewind sailing. There’s an open transom, tiller steering and no backstay or runners. The Pogo 50 also has a swing keel, to nose into shallow anchorages.


Seawind 1600

Seawinds are relatively unknown in Europe, but these bluewater cats are very popular in Australia. As would be expected from a Reichel-Pugh design, this 52-footer combines striking good looks and high performance, with fine entry bows and comparatively low freeboard. Rudders are foam cored lifting designs in cassettes, which offer straightforward access in case of repairs, while daggerboards are housed under the deck.

Best bluewater sailboats for families

It’s unsurprising that, for many families, it’s a catamaran that meets their requirements best of increased space – both living space and separate cabins for privacy-seeking teenagers, additional crew or visiting family – as well as stable and predictable handling.


Photo: Nicholas Claris

Undoubtedly one of the biggest success stories has been the Lagoon 450, which, together with boats like the Fountaine Pajot 44, helped drive up the popularity of catamaran cruising by making it affordable and accessible. They have sold in huge numbers – over 1,000 Lagoon 450s have been built since its launch in 2010.

The VPLP-designed 450 was originally launched with a flybridge with a near central helming position and upper level lounging areas (450F). The later ‘sport top’ option (450S) offered a starboard helm station and lower boom (and hence lower centre of gravity for reduced pitching). The 450S also gained a hull chine to create additional volume above the waterline. The Lagoon features forward lounging and aft cockpit areas for additional outdoor living space.

Besides being a big hit among charter operators, Lagoons have proven themselves over thousands of bluewater miles – there were seven Lagoon 450s in last year’s ARC alone. In what remains a competitive sector of the market, Lagoon has recently launched a new 46, with a larger self-tacking jib and mast moved aft, and more lounging areas.


Photo: Gilles Martin-Raget

Fountaine Pajot Helia 44

The FP Helia 44 is lighter, lower volume, and has a lower freeboard than the Lagoon, weighing in at 10.8 tonnes unloaded (compared to 15 for the 450). The helm station is on a mezzanine level two steps up from the bridgedeck, with a bench seat behind. A later ‘Evolution’ version was designed for liveaboard cruisers, featuring beefed up dinghy davits and an improved saloon space.

Available in three or four cabin layouts, the Helia 44 was also popular with charter owners as well as families. The new 45 promises additional volume, and an optional hydraulically lowered ‘beach club’ swim platform.


Photo: Arnaud De Buyzer /

The French RM 1370 might be less well known than the big brand names, but offers something a little bit different for anyone who wants a relatively voluminous cruising yacht. Designed by Marc Lombard, and beautifully built from plywood/epoxy, the RM is stiff and responsive, and sails superbly.

The RM yachts have a more individual look – in part down to the painted finish, which encourages many owners to personalise their yachts, but also thanks to their distinctive lines with reverse sheer and dreadnought bow. The cockpit is well laid out with the primary winches inboard for a secure trimming position. The interior is light, airy and modern, although the open transom won’t appeal to everyone.

For those wanting a monohull, the Hanse 575 hits a similar sweet spot to the popular multis, maximising accommodation for a realistic price, yet with responsive performance.

The Hanse offers a vast amount of living space thanks to the ‘loft design’ concept of having all the living areas on a single level, which gives a real feeling of spaciousness with no raised saloon or steps to accommodation. The trade-off for such lofty head height is a substantial freeboard – it towers above the pontoon, while, below, a stepladder is provided to reach some hatches.

Galley options include drawer fridge-freezers, microwave and coffee machine, and the full size nav station can double up as an office or study space.

But while the Hanse 575 is a seriously large boat, its popularity is also down to the fact that it is genuinely able to be handled by a couple. It was innovative in its deck layout: with a self-tacking jib and mainsheet winches immediately to hand next to the helm, one person could both steer and trim.

Direct steering gives a feeling of control and some tangible sailing fun, while the waterline length makes for rapid passage times. In 2016 the German yard launched the newer Hanse 588 model, having already sold 175 of the 575s in just four years.


Photo: Bertel Kolthof

Jeanneau 54

Jeanneau leads the way among production builders for versatile all-rounder yachts that balance sail performance and handling, ergonomics, liveaboard functionality and good looks. The Jeanneau 54 , part of the range designed by Philippe Briand with interior by Andrew Winch, melds the best of the larger and smaller models and is available in a vast array of layout options from two cabins/two heads right up to five cabins and three heads.

We’ve tested the Jeanneau 54 in a gale and very light winds, and it acquitted itself handsomely in both extremes. The primary and mainsheet winches are to hand next to the wheel, and the cockpit is spacious, protected and child-friendly. An electric folding swim and sun deck makes for quick fun in the water.


Nautitech Open 46

This was the first Nautitech catamaran to be built under the ownership of Bavaria, designed with an open-plan bridgedeck and cockpit for free-flowing living space. But with good pace for eating up bluewater miles, and aft twin helms rather than a flybridge, the Nautitech Open 46 also appeals to monohull sailors who prefer a more direct sailing experience.


Made by Robertson and Caine, who produce catamarans under a dual identity as both Leopard and the Sunsail/Moorings charter cats, the Leopard 45 is set to be another big seller. Reflecting its charter DNA, the Leopard 45 is voluminous, with stepped hulls for reduced waterline, and a separate forward cockpit.

Built in South Africa, they are robustly tested off the Cape and constructed ruggedly enough to handle heavy weather sailing as well as the demands of chartering.


Photo: Olivier Blanchet

If space is king then three hulls might be even better than two. The Neel 51 is rare as a cruising trimaran with enough space for proper liveaboard sailing. The galley and saloon are in the large central hull, together with an owner’s cabin on one level for a unique sensation of living above the water. Guest or family cabins lie in the outer hulls for privacy and there is a cavernous full height engine room under the cabin sole.

Performance is notably higher than an equivalent cruising cat, particularly in light winds, with a single rudder giving a truly direct feel in the helm, although manoeuvring a 50ft trimaran may daunt many sailors.


Beneteau Oceanis 46.1

A brilliant new model from Beneteau, this Finot Conq design has a modern stepped hull, which offers exhilarating and confidence-inspiring handling in big breezes, and slippery performance in lighter winds.

The Beneteau Oceanis 46.1 was the standout performer at this year’s European Yacht of the Year awards, and, in replacing the popular Oceanis 45, looks set to be another bestseller. Interior space is well used with a double island berth in the forepeak. An additional inboard unit creates a secure galley area, but tank capacity is moderate for long periods aboard.


Beneteau Oceanis 473

A popular model that offers beam and height in a functional layout, although, as with many boats of this age (she was launched in 2002), the mainsheet is not within reach of the helmsman.


Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 49

The Philippe Briand-designed Sun Odyssey range has a solid reputation as family production cruisers. Like the 473, the Sun Odyssey 49 was popular for charter so there are plenty of four-cabin models on the market.


Nautitech 441

The hull design dates back to 1995, but was relaunched in 2012. Though the saloon interior has dated, the 441 has solid practical features, such as a rainwater run-off collection gutter around the coachroof.


Atlantic 42

Chris White-designed cats feature a pilothouse and forward waist-high working cockpit with helm position, as well as an inside wheel at the nav station. The Atlantic 42 offers limited accommodation by modern cat standards but a very different sailing experience.

Best bluewater sailing yachts for expeditions

Bestevaer 56.

All of the yachts in our ‘expedition’ category are aluminium-hulled designs suitable for high latitude sailing, and all are exceptional yachts. But the Bestevaer 56 is a spectacular amount of boat to take on a true adventure. Each Bestevaer is a near-custom build with plenty of bespoke options for owners to customise the layout and where they fall on the scale of rugged off-grid adventurer to 4×4-style luxury fit out.


The Bestevaer range began when renowned naval architect Gerard Dijkstra chose to design his own personal yacht for liveaboard adventure cruising, a 53-footer. The concept drew plenty of interest from bluewater sailors wanting to make longer expeditions and Bestevaers are now available in a range of sizes, with the 56-footer proving a popular mid-range length.

The well-known Bestevaer 56 Tranquilo  (pictured above) has a deep, secure cockpit, voluminous tanks (700lt water and over 1,100lt fuel) and a lifting keel plus water ballast, with classically styled teak clad decks and pilot house. Other owners have opted for functional bare aluminium hull and deck, some choose a doghouse and others a pilothouse.


Photo: Jean-Marie Liot

The Boreal 52 also offers Land Rover-esque practicality, with utilitarian bare aluminium hulls and a distinctive double-level doghouse/coachroof arrangement for added protection in all weathers. The cockpit is clean and uncluttered, thanks to the mainsheet position on top of the doghouse, although for visibility in close manoeuvring the helmsman will want to step up onto the aft deck.

Twin daggerboards, a lifting centreboard and long skeg on which she can settle make this a true go-anywhere expedition yacht. The metres of chain required for adventurous anchoring is stowed in a special locker by the mast to keep the weight central. Down below has been thought through with equally practical touches, including plenty of bracing points and lighting that switches on to red light first to protect your night vision.


Photo: Morris Adant / Garcia Yachts

Garcia Exploration 45

The Garcia Exploration 45 comes with real experience behind her – she was created in association with Jimmy Cornell, based on his many hundreds of thousands of miles of bluewater cruising, to go anywhere from high latitudes to the tropics.

Arguably less of a looker than the Bestevaer, the Garcia Exploration 45 features a rounded aluminium hull, centreboard with deep skeg and twin daggerboards. The considerable anchor chain weight has again been brought aft, this time via a special conduit to a watertight locker in front of the centreboard.

This is a yacht designed to be lived on for extended periods with ample storage, and panoramic portlights to give a near 360° view of whichever extraordinary landscape you are exploring. Safety features include a watertight companionway door to keep extreme weather out and through-hull fittings placed above the waterline. When former Vendée Globe skipper Pete Goss went cruising , this was the boat he chose to do it in.



A truly well-proven expedition design, some 1,500 Ovnis have been built and many sailed to some of the most far-flung corners of the world. (Jimmy Cornell sailed his Aventura some 30,000 miles, including two Drake Passage crossings, one in 50 knots of wind).


Futuna Exploration 54

Another aluminium design with a swinging centreboard and a solid enclosed pilothouse with protected cockpit area. There’s a chunky bowsprit and substantial transom arch to house all manner of electronics and power generation.

Previous boats have been spec’d for North West Passage crossings with additional heating and engine power, although there’s a carbon rig option for those that want a touch of the black stuff. The tanks are capacious, with 1,000lt capability for both fresh water and fuel.

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We love sharing the  boating lifestyl e with our family and friends. This love manifests itself in every BENETEAU built in any one of our many manufacturing facilities worldwide. Every  BENETEAU sailboat and powerboat  on the water reflects the best efforts of the finest architects, designers, and craftsmen along with the highest quality materials and the latest innovations. BENETEAU has been building  sailing yachts  and  powerboats  for all types of boating practices since 1884. Would you like to  buy a new boat ? Leisure boating, short trips, cruising, competitive sailing – whatever type of sailing you envision, there is a boat to suit you at your  local BENETEAU dealer .


The first BENETEAU boats sailed from the shipyards of Croix-de-Vie over 136 years ago. Since that time, the BENETEAU brand has been synonymous with quality and innovation to all those who have taken to the water – first by the fishermen who made their livelihood from the sea and then by the legions of recreational boaters around the globe.

Over the years, our commitment to innovating and embracing ideas, no matter how unconventional, has been at the forefront of who we are in order to bring you the best boat possible. BENETEAU was one of the first boatbuilders many years ago to use computer-aided design (CAD) as well as lighter, stronger composite building materials. We’ve also been at the cutting edge of using greener materials and processes to do our part in protecting the incredible world which we explore. However, all this innovation doesn’t mean we’ve turned our back on tradition. One thing we’ve discovered in over a century of boatbuilding is that new-world innovations work best with old-school craftsmanship. This combination has resulted in some of the most iconic sailboats and powerboats in the world – supremely seaworthy yachts renowned for their sense of style, luxury, and comfort along with their creative use of space and new technologies.


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We built our first sailboats over 135 years ago and many things have changed since then. The oak we once relied on has been replaced with strong but lightweight resin and carbon fiber. Where canvas once caught the wind, now it’s Kevlar and Vectran. We’ve transformed dark, confining saloons and cabins into bright, open living spaces. And the list of innovations in hull design and navigation continues to grow at a rapidly increasing pace.

However, some things haven’t changed and never will. Benjamin BENETEAU’s philosophy of building the strongest, safest, most beautiful boats on the water is alive and well. The BENETEAU family’s pride in craftsmanship and passion for performance can easily be recognized in every FIRST, FIRST SE, FIGARO, OCEANIS, and OCEANIS YACHT built today.  

Knowing what to keep and what to change – that’s why BENETEAU continues to set the bar in sailing.

Powerboat Range

In North America, we might be considered by some to be a late-comer to the powerboat market, but in fact, we’ve always been a major force in it. As with most things, we have our founder, Benjamin BENETEAU, to thank. He was one of the first to put a petrol engine on his fishing trawlers in the early 1900s, thus changing the French commercial fishing fleet forever.

His successors found that power was a perfect fit for the bold, new hull materials they were pioneering in the ’60s. Since then, new technologies in propulsion have always found their way aboard a BENETEAU first, and power has long been part of our equation for success.

Today, there’s a BENETEAU powerboat or motor yacht for whatever you’re looking for – from casual cruising to long-distance adventuring, from fishing and diving to water skiing. They can be found on the open ocean, coastlines, harbors, lakes, and rivers. There’s a whole world to discover out there, and there’s no better way to discover it than at the helm of a BENETEAU powerboat, trawler or motor yacht.


No matter where you cruise in the world or what port you drop anchor, there is a BENETEAU dealer close by to help if needed. With over 400 dealers on five continents, our network is a dedicated and motivated army of hand-selected, factory-trained individuals standing ready to provide you with expert advice and service.

Our infrastructure honed by years of experience, means each dealer has access to the spare parts and expertise needed to effect repairs and get you back on the water as soon as possible.

To purchase a new or pre-owned BENETEAU sailboat or powerboat, locate an authorized BENETEAU dealer near you. They will be there every step of the way to help you choose the right boat and maintain it properly for years to come.

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Swedish Sailboat Brands (Complete List)

Swedish Sailboat Brands (Complete List) | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

October 30, 2022

‍ Key Takeaways

  • Swedish sailboats offer the richest history
  • There are 22 Swedish sailboat brands that specialize in sailing
  • Purchasing a Swedish sailboat could be worthwhile depending on sailing goals

‍ When looking at Swedish sailboat brands, there are plenty of options to see. But just how many Swedish sailboat brands are there?

There are 48 boat and yacht manufacturers in Sweden. Narrowing that down specifically to makers of sailboats, there are 22 Swedish brands that have sailboats in their lineup. These include Hallberg-Rassy, Maxi Yachts, Regina af Vindo and Scanmar.

According to expert sailors, a handful of Swedish sailboat brands happen to be some of the best on the market. Depending on sailors' tastes and sailing goals, this could change their opinion.

Table of contents

‍ Swedish Sailboat Brands to Check Out

Sweden has arguably some of the best sailboat brands in the world. While they have plenty of different quantities, sailors can find quality in at least one.

Depending on what sailors are interested in will determine what sailboat brand might be better. So price, type of boat, and comfort will play a role in which brand might be better than another.


Hallberg-Rassy is a one of a kind sailboat brand that most sailors dream of owning. The company prides themselves on comfort, quality, and easy to handle sailboats.

They have history dating back to 1943, when Harry Hallberg opened his own yard in Kungsviken. Christoph Rassy and Hallberg never actually partnered together, but Rassy bought one of Hallberg’s boat yards when he retired.

Maxi Yachts

Maxi Yachts is a Swedish yard that has been around for ages. They design racing keel sailboats with two models to choose from.

These boats are designed by Pelle Peterson, who is a world champion and Olympic gold medalist. French Beneteau purchased 80 percent of Delphia, who owns Maxi Yachts, in 2018. Maxi is still popular among Sweden residents and in Poland.

Regina af Vindo

Regina Yachts aims to make boats with soul and to have superior quality to the finest detail. They are owned by Sweden Yachts Group, who are big names in the Swedish sailboat brands.

The company has been building boats since 1972 for every world sailor or coastal cruiser in mind. Instead of mass producing various models, they typically stick to a few designs and cater to customers’ needs.

Scanmar/Borjesson Brothers

Scanmar has an abrupt history, but the boatyard of Borjesson Brothers remains today. Nils-Erik Olofsson helped design the interiors of Scanmar boats, while Rolf Magnusson designed the hulls.

Scanmar boats were produced by Borjesson Brothers from 1975 to 1991. Today, you can still find used models of Scanmar that are excellent if in the right condition.

Marieholm Boats

Marieholm boats have most of their success dating back in the 1970’s when they built the International Folkboat. These boats were easy to sail, appealing to the eye, and had a better sail area for more performance.

The last IF-Boat was sold from their production line way back in December of 1984. However, in 2018 the company was starting up production with similar models.

Najad is a leading Swedish sailing yacht maker that wants sailors to take their sailboats all over the world. Since 1971, they have put together some of the best sailing yachts.

These can typically be handled by two people and have capabilities to go just about wherever. With a handful of models to choose from, they are an appealing option in Sweden.

Sweden Yachts

Doing any casual search for Swedish sailboat brands and sailors can find Sweden Yachts. They own a handful of boat brands but also produce their Sweden Yachts boats from 40 feet and up.

All of their hulls and interiors are built by hand by Swedish craftsmen aiming to make a one of a kind boat. They have been pushing for excellence since 1976.

Marstrom does a little bit of everything when it comes to building sailboats and other projects. In 1983, Göran Marstrom began designing boats after winning a bronze medal in the 1980 Olympics.

These sailboats happened to be the fastest on the circuit for races. Even after 10 years of hardcore sailing and rough conditions, these boats had no signs of fatigue.

Malo Yachts

Established in 1939, Malo Yachts has designed some of the most appealing sailing yachts you will find in Sweden. In conjunction with Sweden Yachts, they look to build excellent sailboats.

As an individual company, they are one of the oldest sailing yacht builders in Sweden. They continue to make Malo Yachts in various sizes up to 54 feet.

Wasa Yachts

With over 30 years of experience, Wasa Yachts has put together over 500 sailboats. They also serve as a shipyard, docking location, and various other services in Sweden.

They have plenty of models to choose from, such as the Wasa 370, 38, 41, and 420 to name a few. These are a perfect combination of quality, racing, and a family boat.

Charles and Marita Rutgersson started the family company back in 1989. When Charles was 15, he began working in Kungsviken at Harry Hallberg’s Yard.

As years went by, Charles gained valuable experience and decided to start his own company. This allowed him to make wooden interior sailboats that you could customize but also have good sailing performance.


Linjett and Rosattra boatyard have a unique combination of building boats. Rosattra was originally farmland in 1886, while Linjett was the first creation of personal boats for the families associated in 1973.

Linjett continues to make sailing yachts in 34, 39, and 43 models out of the Rosattra yard. As one of the oldest shipyards in Sweden, it also provides one of the oldest brands in sailboats.

VK Yachts are one of the very few sailing yachts made up of aluminum. In fact, designer and builder Vassilis Kostoulas has sworn that aluminum is the ultimate choice for building boats.

The company is relatively new to the idea of using aluminum, as they were established in 2010. The VK 35 Aluminum Performance Sailing Yacht is their flagship sailboat, which is quite popular and has led to plenty of other boat types to be made since then.

Arcona Yachts

Arcona Yachts aims to master their craft in order to provide the best combination of a cruiser and racer sailboat. For superior quality in a Swedish sailboat brand, it does not get much better than Arcona Yachts.

The company first started in the 1970’s when founder Torgny Janson began building smaller boats. Today, they offer a handful of appealing sailing yachts for any size to imagine.

Fabola Yachts

Fabola has been making sailing yachts in Sweden since 1958. They were also the first to create non-sinkable sailing yachts.

These models include the Diva 24 DC, Diva 34 SC, Diva 40 SC, and the Campus 7.4. These boats are light, easy to handle, and are great for coastal cruising in shallow waters with a retractable keel.

Excel Yachts of Sweden

Excel Yachts has been building boats since 1909, making it one of the oldest to do it in Sweden. While they continue to manufacture boats out of their yard, they do have a few models with their name on it.

These models include the Excel 400 Classic, Excel 319, and the Excel 32. These boats were not put into production until the 1990’s.

Comfortbatar AB

The Comfortbatar is a shipyard that originated in 1964 by Kennet Albinson and with a handful of sailboats in production. It was not until the 20th century when they began making large quantities of sailboats.

The primary brand out of the yard is Comfortina, which has several different options to choose from. Their most popular models include Comfortina 35, Comfortina 39, and the Comfortina 42.

Heyman Yachts/Fantasi Yachts

Heyman Yacht Design was founded in 1991, while Celeste Yachts AB was founded in 2005. The two companies merged together in Sweden simply forming Heyman Yachts.

The company focuses on a handful of elegant styles of boats. Their flagship sailboat designs are the Fantasi 44 Classic, Fantasi 44 Pilothouse, Heyman 34 Sport, and the Celeste 36.

Oceanlake Marine AB

Oceanlake was producing and repairing boats from 2003 to 2015. The shipyard has built similar boat designs in comparison to Marc Lombard Yacht Design Group (France).

While the company does not exist anymore, they had two models that were popular among sailors. These were the Seacart 26 and the Seacart 30.

Scanyacht AB

Scanyacht AB was a shipyard that built a variety of sailboats over the years. It is unclear if they are still in business repairing boats, but they did make a handful of sailboats. These models are the Scanner 361, Scanner 391, and the Scanner 392.

Adventure Yachts

Adventure Yachts is a fairly new company in Sweden that happens to make aluminum sailboats. The founder, Bo Gummeson, had the idea after wanting to make a sailboat for him and his wife.

A lot of these boats use hydraulics, are easy to handle, and have luxury on the inside. Their most popular model is the Adventure Yachts 55.

Classic Swedish Yachts

Classic Swedish Yachts sound exactly as the name suggests. They were founded in 1907 by Olof Hildebrand, who has been a member for 70 years at the Royal Swedish Yacht Club.

The company has one of the richest histories and most elegant looking sailing yachts. They have several in the lineup to choose from, which are Swede 41, Swede 52, Swede 58, and the Swede 68.

Why Choose a Swedish Sailboat?

Depending on what the tastes and desires for sailing are going to be will determine the right boat. There are plenty of sailboats in existence to choose from, but Swedish sailboats make a great case.

Some things in life are just known to be the best at something. When it comes to sailboats, Swedish brands know what they are capable of.

It is hard to beat a Swedish sailboat brand that has been in the business for almost a century. While some do not have that much time on their resume, many of them have a rich history.

To say another way, quality craftsmanship and comfort are in their blood. When something that magical has been passed down for generations, it is hard to pass up a Swedish sailboat brand.

If a sailor’s focus is on choosing a boat that is a great cruiser, comfortable, and easy to sail, then most Swedish sailboat brands can accommodate. There are a few brands that even specialize in aluminum boats, for those that are interested in lighter and faster sailboats.

Perfect Conditions

So not only do Swedish sailboat brands have a rich history of sailing, but the location makes a huge difference. It is no wonder that these families were able to perfect their craft since they had beautiful scenery to try it out on.

The Stockholm Archipelago is a great example of sailors wanting to sail through these islands. With perfect breezes, breathtaking views, and calm waters, sailing is natural here.

What is the Market Like for Swedish Sailboat Brands?

The good thing about Sweden is that they have so many shipyards and boat brands there. This makes the market a little easier to navigate through when trying to find the right Swedish sailboat.

Through a search online, it is easy to see how boats are categorized. For Sweden, used boats range between $28,000 all the way to $3.1 million. Newer boats will fall within that range as well depending on size and brand.

It is important to find as much information about a sailboat brand before buying one. A lot of factors come into play that will affect the price such as age, condition, and the name on the boat.

How to Buy a Swedish Sailboat?

Any sailor that is interested in purchasing a Swedish sailboat from one of the brands mentioned, there are potentially some obstacles in the way of obtaining one. As with any large purchase, thoughtful time and consideration is needed.

Even though these brands are quite popular, they might not be near you or easy to find. I would recommend personally sailing one to see the condition of the boat. Calling a boat broker or visiting websites online might be the easiest method without having to physically travel to destinations blindly.

In addition, a lot of those Swedish sailboat brands make a certain amount each year or only make them if they are custom ordered. Doing research ahead of time will narrow down the process of buying a Swedish sailboat.

The location of the sailboat and whoever is interested in purchasing it might be one hoop to jump through. If a sailor is in the United States and wants a boat from Sweden, there are a few options.

They must travel to Sweden and sail the boat back, have the boat shipped to the nearest marina for pickup, or find the used version of the boat at a local marina for sale. I would recommend whichever method is easiest and cost effective.

Some locations have a hot market for Swedish sailboats.make a few phone calls or messages online can save you valuable time and money.

Making a Budget

Buying a boat is a major purchase and is even more expensive depending on your budget.

Sailors should set up a loan in advance, have an adequate amount of money  in savings, or sell other possessions to help fund the purchase.

Swedish sailboat brands cost within the same range of prices as other brands. However, a consumer’s taste will differ from one person to the next that will affect price.

Sailor smuts ask themselves what specific features they can afford to live without. Is an extra 10 or 15 feet worth several thousand dollars more? Is the storage going to be used properly to warrant the extra space?

Buying Swedish Sailboats from the Source

Swedish sailboats are fairly attractive to look at online while shopping around. A lot of Swedish sailboat websites have the ability to build a boat online and customize to the exact idea a sailor would want.

This speeds up the process when trying to find exactly the right boat. I would recommend calling the specific brand in mind to see about designing one or customizing it.

Whoever is on the phone could provide help in locating a dealer or figure out a way to ship it. This would greatly save time and money if the sailboat brand is able to work out a deal.

Looking at a Salvage Yard

If it remains difficult to find the perfect Swedish sailboat and if a sailor does not mind getting their hands dirty, a salvage yard could be the next best thing. When boats are not worth repairing to some sailors or if no one wants it anymore, then this could be a great opportunity.

It is important to understand that this route will take the longest to get out on the water depending on what a damaged boat needs. Furthermore, it will likely need to have a lot invested into it first before it could even float.

This could be one of the most rewarding experiences and make a sailor feel like they are part of the Swedish heritage from the 1900’s restoring boats. However, it is also one of the most time consuming options.

What to Look for in a Swedish Sailboat?

When searching for a Swedish sailboat brand, it is important to remain patient and not buy the first one that is seen. If it is the first time looking for sailboats, it can be overwhelming. The process does not need to be rushed, as this will likely be a big purchase.

It is important to understand what sailing goals are in place. This means short term sailing, long distance sailing, or even just for the weekend. Even if a sailor changes their mind about a sailing goal after they purchase a boat, it can still be used in a variety of ways.

Sailing goals give the purpose of sailing. This helps with narrowing down how much to spend and how long the sailing destination is going to last. If sailors can accurately answer that question, then it makes it easier to search for a Swedish sailboat.


Comfort can be described differently by sailors. Some might claim comfort as the sleeping arrangements, how it sails on the water, or how soft the couches are below deck.

The living space is a major difference for sailboat brands that want comfort and simplicity. Finding one that does not negatively impact comfort for performance is key.

The space on deck could also be comfortable depending on how much room there is. If there are a lot of crew members, more space always adds to comfort.

A lot of debate is had between monohulls and catamarans. Monohulls are able to right themselves back up as the motion goes back and forth. Catamarans are more stable consistently since they have two hulls.

The more stable a sailboat is, means a safer and smoother ride. Even if a catamaran were to flip, it could be used to float to safety on the other side.

Safety is a big part of choosing a sailboat. If considering a Swedish sailboat, it would be wise to consider all the options when it comes to safety. Both monohulls and catamarans have their advantages and disadvantages, so research is definitely needed.

Easy to Use

A lot of Swedish sailboat brands have the capability of being handled by one or two people. The size of the boat makes a big difference, but some experience will also play a role. Depending what the sailing goals are, it will affect this decision.

Some sailors might need a crew of several people to make things work properly on board. Having more people could make it easier to use, but obviously take up more space with supplies.

This will have to be determined before a purchase is to be even thought of. While these are simple questions, more research will likely be needed.


Swedish sailboats look similar to other sailboats, or is it the other way around? Since Sweden has a rich history of making sailboats, it could be argued that they have original designs compared to other brands.

When searching for other brands, it is difficult to pass up a Swedish brand sailboat. The craftsmanship is like no other, making it a one of a kind.

Swedish sailboat brands are competitively priced to the market needs and to other sailboats. The brand that is desired will make a difference in price on a variety of factors.

History of Sailboats in Sweden

Sweden in the early 19th century needed boats made in a crucial way through trade and war. After 1814, the demand for ships decreased specifically for war but eventually grew in demand for pleasure crafts.

As the population grew, the demand for goods and services also expanded. This meant that ships were slowly being built to help with transport. Ships would help transport wood or iron to other parts of Europe and bring back sugar, salt, and coffee.

Once the economy was somewhat stable, many shipyards began building smaller designed yachts for racing. Every now and then a sailor would come up with a design and eventually start their own business.

This pattern increased like wildfire with many sailors having their own ideas of the perfect sailboat. It was not until the last 60 years that designers began using fiberglass instead of wood to make boats. That was a revolutionary idea that other parts of the world rarely used.

As time went on, many generations of families began passing down the experience and business to their younger generations. This is why many of the popular Swedish sailboat brands still exist.

Think about Hallberg-Rassy and Malo Yachts that have an insane amount of experience and time with their brand. These are hard to replicate, making Swedish sailboats a dominant force in the industry.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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Trusted by YouTube’s Largest Sailing Channels

Sailing for a living requires sails that work. These inspirational sailors put hours on their sails in remote locations and put their trust in Precision Sails.

Custom Designed Sails

Designed for your boat, your sailing area, and the type of sailing you do. Over 15,000 Sailboat Rig Specs on file.


Any Sail That You Need

Mainsails, Headsails, Asymmetrical Spinnakers, Symmetrical Spinnakers, Gennakers, Code Zeros – we have it all!

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The Largest Sailcloth Selection in the Industry

With the widest selection of sailcloth available in the industry there is always a cloth suited for you. Let us help narrow down your options.

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Perfect Fit Guaranteed, Every Time

Every step in our process is focused on ensuring the highest quality and satisfaction for our sailors. Smooth sailing is guaranteed with our innovative approach to production and our exceptional warranty coverage.

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Educating & Consulting to Ensure You Get What You Need

Sails are the main propulsion force for sailboats. Unfortunately, most sailors don’t replace their sails often enough. This can lead to the assumption that purchasing new sails can be overwhelming and confusing. Precision Sails takes a new approach to the sailing industry by helping you choose what sails and sailcloth is best for you, your sailboat, the type of sailing you want to do, and the area in which you are sailing. We offer industry-leading transparency into what sailcloth is available worldwide and the importance of sail design to your sail’s performance and lifespan.

Our website is filled with educational resources related to cloth, design, and technical sailing knowledge. Our team of sail consultants is always available to walk you through the options and help you choose the sail that is right for you.


Perfect Sails Start With a Perfect Design

In order for a sail to fit and perform it needs to be designed properly. While other lofts are contracting sail designs to third-party design services, Precision Sails is building its in-house design team in Victoria BC, Canada, to work directly with sailors to ensure your new sail fits perfectly and performs the way that you want it to. Using the most modern 3D sail design software our design team will customize a sail that not only fits your rig as she sits in the water today but ensure that your sail fits and performs for years to come.

J-30 Sail Design Animation

100% Fit and Performance Guarantee

Buying a new sail is a big investment. Precision Sails offers its 100% Guarantee so all our sailors have the confidence that Precision Sails has your back. Accidents are rare, but they can happen. If your sail does not fit or perform to your satisfaction your sail will be redesigned and rebuilt. As experts in our craft and with the confidence we have from supporting thousands of sailors worldwide, our team is proud to boast the widest covering sail warranty in the industry.

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Leading the Industry in Sailcloth Options

Sailcloth manufacturers offer many different types of sailcloth in multiple different quality levels. There is always sailcloth available that will meet your sailing needs as well as your budget. Precision Sails offers all sailors full transparency into what sailcloth is offered and from which manufacture. Our team is here to help select which cloth is best suited for your sailing needs.

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Our Partners

Precision Sails is proud to partner with these amazing sailors documenting their adventures. These sailors inspire new sailors and weekend warriors alike to learn how to sail, sail more often, and sail further than ever before. If you are looking for some inspiration to cut the lines and sail away make sure to help us support these creators by watching their episodes.

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Your perfect sail is out there and Precision Sails is ready to make it for you. Request a quote for a sail and we’ll be in touch shortly.

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Types of Sails

Precision Sail Loft specializes in producing headsails, mainsails, spinnakers, gennakers, and code zeros. So no matter the type of sail you’re looking for, we can help. Our sails are trusted by cruisers and racers alike from around the globe. Review the sail options and craftsmanship available to customize your dream sail.

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Build & Process

Every sail we craft is produced to the highest standards with the best hardware, craftsmanship, and skill-set in the industry. Pair that with Precision Sails’ approach to communication and your sailboat will be ready to set sail before you know it.

What are Sailors Saying About Precision Sails

Precision Sails thrives on communication. At each step from design to delivery, we encourage you to collaborate one-on-one with our expert sail consultants in finding the perfect sail to suit your needs. Don’t just hear it from us. Check out some reviews posted on third-party review sites by our sailors!

“ Thank you for getting the order for my mainsail and stack pack done in time for my summer trip to the San Juans! Really appreciate the effort to get this done. The mainsail fits perfectly, the stack pack works great, so I am an all-around happy customer and will be in touch whenever I need to replace my headsail and Genoa! Calling out Jeremy Roszmann, Trevor Parks, Marc Pettigrew, and Gary Boylan for great customer service. -Andy Koller
“ The new sails look and work great! No issues with the install and went from being last place in the club races to 2nd place (and probably would have snagged first if I hadn’t gotten confused about the order of the marks in the race !) -Eric Van Hensbergen
“ I have had two sails made by Precision Sails in the last 12 months. Both have exceeded my expectations. The fit to the boat and the performance of the sails are exceptional. The sail designer worked with me to make sure the resulting sail fit my objectives. Precision Sails has excellent documentation and videos to assure that your measurements are accurate. The sails are first rate and the price was very competitive. I am a very happy repeat customer. -Terry Noreault (Facebook)
“ I am very happy with the new mainsail you made for my Corsair F24 MK1. I have just returned from a week-long trip with a group of sailors and the performance of my new Dacron main is much better than my old Mylar race sail. -Brent Nielsen
“ I just received my asymmetrical spinnaker, with sock and turtle bag, along with a new 135 Genoa. The entire process was simple and both sales and the design team were in regular contact if there were any questions. The customer portal was easy to use and lets you keep track of where in the process your sails are. Great sails, great service -Graham Edwards (Facebook)
“ Very responsive, excellent quality, very fair prices. When they were not happy with the graphic on the first sail Ron called to let me know and they sent me a second sail at no charge. Highly recommended! -Gerry Beltgens (facebook)
“ We love the design, quality, construction, and performance of our new 95% furling jib from Precision Sails. The sail works well with our staysail and performs better than expected on all points of sail including poled out dead down wind. The new 95% jib does not get as overpowered as our old 135% Genoa and it is easier to tack with the staysail deployed. The design team made the process of getting accurate dimensions easy, took the time to understand our requirements, and was a pleasure to deal with. I will definitely do business with Precision again! -Charles Clark (Google)
“ Quality throughout the whole process… starting with quotation, options and cloth alternatives. Quick delivery time and the product is very good quality. I am very pleased to carry my Precision sails on my boat. I recommend them 100%! -Marcos D.
“ I just received the 2nd custom-made sail I’ve ordered through Precision Sails. The process for providing measurement information and custom images is very clearly laid out in the forms on their website, in addition to several instructional YouTube videos. The results turned out beautifully, just as I had pictured it for both sails! -Michael Shafer (Google)
“ Just received my new mainsail from Precision Sail Loft and am over the moon about it. Darryl walked me through all my options and gave great advice. The measurement form is foolproof. They keep you updated with the status of your order every step of the way. I can recommend them highly enough. -Henry Gomez (Google)
“ I was introduced to Precision Sails through Sailing Yacht Ruby Rose on You Tube. I decided to try the online experience myself. I provided the measurements and had good conversations with the sales team and with the sail designer. The new Genoa arrived in great condition and was a perfect fit! Couldn’t be happier!! -Brad Hamrlik (Google)

Sailor Resources

The Precision Sails’ team has a wealth of knowledge on all things sailing. Tap into our range of useful resources and browse all topics ranging from the best cloth types to sail maintenance tips. Check out our Ask Precision Sails series where we answer questions provided by sailors like you!

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How to Measure for a New Mainsail

If you can read a tape measure you can measure your boat for a new Mainsail.

Purchasing a new Mainsail for your sailboat is one of those investments that every sailor will be faced with eventually. Sails don’t last for ever, even if you treat them like gold. Once you have decided to invest in new sails you may get that feeling of being over whelmed by the choices and the details involved. When deciding on a loft to work with make sure you choose a loft that will offer a good consultation on the cloth and sail feature choices as well as a design consultation if you want one.

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Jibs vs. Genoas

Get to know the difference!

Jibs and Genoas are triangular sails which are affixed to a stay in front of the mast. Typically they run from the head of the foremast to the bowsprit. Jibs and genoa’s are used in tandem with a mainsail to stabilize the vessel and are usually measured by their Luff Perpendicular percentage, that is, how much area within the fore-triangle they use.

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Taking Headsail Measurements with the Mast Down

Measuring your Headsail with your mast down is still possible.

Step by Step How To Instructions and Videos on how to collect your boats measurements for a your new headsail. Watch Jeremy Roszmann, sail designer, walk us through how to collecte great measurements to build a headsail with.

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How To Measure for a New Spinnaker

Learn how to measure your boat and rig for a new spinnaker with our simple form.

Measuring your rig for a new spinnaker is easy. We need to know the location of your halyard, what your maximum hoist is, where the location you sheet to is located and what style. We also need to know if you have a bowsprit, plan to use a spinnaker sock, or other kind of furling system. Last but not least, you get to pick your colors!

Loose vs fixed foot sails

Mainsails: Loose Foot VS Fixed Foot

If you currently have a fixed footed mainsail read about the new modern design of a loose footed mainsail.

Sail design has come a long way in the past several decades. A loose footed mainsail is becoming the norm for most sailors. It allows for creating a better shaped sail. This increasings sail performance, efficency, and power. Having a loose-footed sail means having a much more versatile sail as far as trimming is concerned.

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Thanks for telling us a bit about yourself and your boat. Our team will send you a preliminary quote based on information we have gathered from sailors similar to you.

We will give you a call in order to narrow down the options on your quote and improve the accuracy. If you want us to call you at a specific time, feel free to schedule a time on our calendar!

Thanks for telling us a bit about yourself and your boat. Our team will reach out to offer some suggestions and get started on finding you the perfect sail!

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The must-see sailing yachts at the Monaco Yacht Show 2024

As the excitement for the Monaco Yacht Show 2024 builds, BOAT takes a look at the top sailing yachts that will be making an appearance this year – from the latest launches to the finest yachts currently for sale .

Norfolk Star

Builder: Perini Navi Year: 1996 (2020) Length: 37m

Pedigree sailing yacht Norfolk Star was designed and built by the Italian shipyard in 1996 and had a "multi-million euro refit" in 2022, according to her broker. The revamp included a new main engine room, two new generators, PLC system, Inmarsat VSAT dome, 505 Williams tender, Doyle sails and Reckmann rigging. With accommodation for six guests, the yacht boasts a family-friendly layout comprising a full-beam master cabin on the lower deck along with two twin cabins – with the option of an additional pullman berth. 

On deck, guests can benefit from the comfort the split cockpit area affords, where relaxed seating around a circular coffee table awaits as well as a dining area for eight.  The cherry wood interior also welcomes a bright upper saloon with panoramic views and a more formal main saloon with two sofas and dining area featuring an extendable walnut table.

Norfolk Star is listed for sale and will be exhibited by Burgess and Northrop & Johnson.

Builder: Wally Year: 2024 Length: 36.2m

Having hit the water in June this year, the first wallywind110, Galma , will make her global debut at this year's Monaco Yacht Show and is recognisable by her "luminous light metallic blue" carbon hull paint job "that changes slightly as the light hits her". The sailing yacht's naval architecture comes from German studio judel/vrolijk & co , while interior and exterior lines are designed by Wally in collaboration with Santa Maria Magnolfi . The design demonstrates the comfort of a cruising yacht while maintaining the spirit and performance of a racing boat, and is characterised by her 6.9-metre telescopic keel. 

Highlights include an 80-square-metre full-beam cockpit with seating and dining for up to 15 people, as well as an open-plan raised saloon. The yacht also benefits from natural light thanks to a skylight that runs the full length of the coachroof. Accommodation on the wallywind100 model can be a three-cabin layout with a full-beam master suite, or a four-cabin standard layout.

Galma will be exhibited by Wally .

Builder: Vitters Year: 2017 Length: 32.6m

Delivered in 2017 to experienced sailing yacht owners, Ribelle has recently joined the market following a refit, which included a repaint of the hull, mast and boom, and a brand new suit of cruising sails. The sailing yacht is built of carbon fibre by the Dutch yard to a design by Malcolm McKeon and can be sailing with a small crew in cruising mode or, thanks to a self-tacking jib, can be transformed into a true racer. 

She is a regatta regular and can often be spotted at some of the world's most prestigious events – including the Maxi Rolex Cup, Giorgio Armani Superyacht Regatta, Les Voiles de St Tropez and Palma Superyacht Cup. Her Rémi Tessier interior accommodates six guests in three cabins comprising a master suite, VIP suite and a twin cabin.

Ribelle is listed for sale and will be exhibited by Burgess.


Builder: Nautor Swan Year: 2024 Length: 28.8m

With her diesel-electric propulsion, the Swan 88 is the Finnish shipyard's first hybrid sailing yacht and is based on an evolution of its previous yachts. Sitting at the entry point to the world of maxi yachting, the yacht was delivered earlier this year and will make her worldwide debut at the Cannes Yachting Festival .

Dreamcatcher has been described as a "no-compromise cruiser with a racer soul" with a draught of four metres, with options for a shallow-draught, telescopic and performance keel. The yacht is also designed for comfort with a maximum heeling angle of 20 degrees and sports "feminine exterior lines" penned by veteran Swan designer German Frers . Her warm, classic interiors have been styled by Misa Poggi with accommodation for 10 guests.

Dreamcatcher will be exhibited by Nautor Swan .

Builder: Baltic Yachts Year: 2018 Length: 26m

Delivered by the Finnish shipyard in 2018, Mini Y is a Baltic 85 model designed by UK naval architect Dixon Yacht Design . Her silver hull and superstructure were built of carbon-fibre composite and the owner opted for a telescopic lifting keel that can reduce the draft from 4.3 metres to 2.95 metres when required. Mark Whiteley Design handled the  yacht's interior décor , with accommodation for up to four guests split between an owner’s cabin and a guest cabin.

On deck, the cockpit has a fold-out table for guests to enjoy, while the helmsman has the choice of two wheels. The guest cockpit can be completely covered for protection while racing, the navigation instruments still visible on the aft face. Mini Y joined the market earlier this year.

Mini Y is listed for sale and will be exhibited by Baltic Yachts and Edmiston.

Builder: Yonca Year: 2019 (2023) Length: 26.8m

Tuzla-based shipyard Yonca officially entered the leisure marine market with the launch of Mishi Yachts earlier this year. The new brand made its debut with two sailing models, measuring 26.8 metres and 31 metres – the first of which is the Mishi 88, which will be on exhibit at the Monaco Yacht Show 2024. Osman Tanju Kalaycıoğlu , Özgür Terzioğlu and Taka Yacht are responsible for the naval architectecture and exterior design, while interiors are the work of Aylin Örs .

The sloop's defining features include a spacious aft deck with a dining space which can comfortably seat ten guests. Offering shelter from the elements, the large cockpit features a carbon composite hard-top aft, while the swim platform has enough room in its back for a 3.5-meter inflatable tender. Accommodation is for six guests across a master cabin and two guest cabins, with further space for the captain and crew.

Mishi 88 will be exhibited by Mishi Yachts.

Builder: Yyachts Year: 2024 Length: 23.9m

German yachtbuilder YYachts is bringing its Y8 model to the Monaco Yacht Show. Javier Jaudenes of Surge-Projects worked alongside the in-house design team on naval architecture to create the model's new silhouette with a Scandi-inspired interior by Danish designer David Thulstrup. YYachts offers four pre-designed interior styles where owners can tailor the saloon area to their tastes. 

A particular highlight is the owner's suite, which includes a separate saloon and can be located either in the bow or in the stern with direct access to the cockpit. In terms of technical details, the Y8 features a standard carbon mast, hydraulic main sheet system and all winches close to the helm stations. These features, along with the self-tacking jib and a lack of a backstay, enhance the yacht's performance and ease of handling.

Y8 will be exhibited by Yyachts.

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The World Sailing Show

Published on August 30th, 2024 by Editor -->

The World Sailing Show delivers 30-minute episodes which feature news, profiles, and racing highlights from across the world of sailing. The August 2024 episode goes behind the scenes in Marseille to catch up with the winners and headline makers from the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Athletes in 10 events – one of which was making its Olympic debut – battled the elements and each other in fierce competition befitting the grandest stage.

• Paris 2024 gold medalists reflect upon their success • Recap of the Youth Sailing World Championships on Lake Garda • Preview of the 37th America’s Cup final preliminary regatta • All the action from the Rolex TP52 Super Series World Championships • GKA Kites and GWA Wingfoils combined Big Air World Championships • ACO Musto Skiff World Championships from Weymouth

There are interviews with Odile Van Aanholt of The Netherlands, one half of the winning Women’s Skiff crew, and the team of Florian Trittel and Diego Botin of Spain, the triumphant Men’s Skiff crew, where they share how it feels to become an Olympic champion and compete against so many of the world’s best sailors.

The World Sailing Show also hears from newly-crowned Marit Bouwmeester of The Netherland, gold medalist in the Women’s Dinghy, Australian Matt Wearn, victorious in the Men’s Dinghy, Mixed Multihull winners Ruggero Tita and Caterina Banti of Italy, and the Austrian pair of Lara Vadlau and Lukas Maehr, gold medalists in the Mixed Dinghy.

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Paris 2024 saw the debut of Men’s and Women’s Kite and the World Sailing Show has interviews with the inaugural Olympic champions Great Britain’s Ellie Aldridge and Valentin Bontus of Austria. The iQFOiL windsurfer also made its debut and the World Sailing Show speaks to gold medalists Tom Reuveny of Israel and Marta Maggetti of Italy.

From France, the World Sailing Show heads to Italy where the next generation of sailing heroes took to the water of Lake Garda for the 2024 Youth Sailing World Championships. The World Sailing Show recaps a thrilling championship where the stars of the future shone brightly.

The America’s Cup is the oldest international competition in all of sport and this year the teams battle it out in Barcelona. The World Sailing Show looks ahead to the third and final preliminary regatta and speaks to the skippers Peter Burling, Quentin Delapierre, Francesco Bruni, Paul Goodison, Sir Ben Ainslie, and Arnaud Psarofaghis about their preparations so far, what to expect in the final preliminary regatta and what to look forward to when the 37th America’s Cup gets underway.

The Rolex TP52 Super Series arrives in Newport, RI for the third regatta of the season. All 10 teams went into the event with confidence, and there was a sense around the boat park that any of the teams could win the regatta. Going into the final day, three teams led the way with just three races remaining. As expected, the title came down to the final race of the event. The World Sailing Show has all the action and hears from the crew.

There is also a recap of the combined GKA and GWA Big Air World Championships as the Kites and Wingfoils both head to Gran Canaria where strong winds made for spectacular competition with many twists and turns.

Elsewhere, a new GKA event was making waves in Hood Park, Oregon in the United States, as the GKA Kite Park League held its inaugural world title event. The women’s event was a straight fight for gold between three of the best kite boarders from Australia, Canada and the United States, while the men’s event brought together a strong fleet of highfliers.

Finally, the World Sailing Show takes a look at the ACO 13th Musto Skiff World Championships in Weymouth as 75 entries took on each other and the British weather. The event got underway with a full set of races, and Dorset sailor and favorite going into the event, Sam Pascoe, took full advantage of his local knowledge. The conditions tested all competitors as the event progressed, but Pascoe’s flawless sailing against a very competitive fleet earned him top honors.

Source: World Sailing

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The 10 Best Stews on the Below Deck Franchise, Ranked


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Setting sail across the seas on a megayacht is a vacation many dream of but only some can achieve. Whether it's in the pristine waters of the Caribbean or the Mediterranean, the experience is only as good as the team onboard makes it. Across the Below Deck franchises, there have been some incredible stews that have gone above and beyond at their job, while also providing some of the best entertainment. We will be focusing on the interior team of ladies, and gentlemen, who rose to the occasion, but also provided some excellent television. This list will not include any of the stews that ultimately got promoted to Chief Stews. We can save them for another time.

Below Deck is the hit Bravo series that watches the crew aboard some of the world's most luxurious yachts cater to the lavish whims of the high rollers. Documenting the work and play of the yachites, Below Deck has launched four spin-off series, making it one of the most successful franchises on the network. The stews working these luxury vessels go above and beyond for their guests. It's time to celebrate the best of the best from across the Below Deck Cinematic Universe.

10 Madison Stalker

'below deck sailing yacht', season 1.

The first season of Below Deck Sailing Yacht was filled with a lot of learning curves. While the entire cast, sans Captain Glenn Shephard , got sacked following Season 1, there was one stewardess who was competent in a sea of incompetence. Madison Stalker was exceptional at her job.

She tried to stay positive during the season, but she often butted heads with Chief Stew Jenna Macgillivray simply because Jenna was way too obsessed with her relationship with Chef Adam Glick . Despite being the second stew, Jenna treated Madison poorly, causing her to feel miserable on Parsifal III. She didn't let that affect her work. Meanwhile, her stewardess cohort, Georgia Grobler , was so busy trying to win the heart of a taken man that Madison had to pick up her slack as well. Had Below Deck Sailing Yacht not had a disastrous first season, it's likely Madison might have had a chance to continue her tenure on the show.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Not available

'Below Deck', Seasons 1 and 2

Kat Held is a tale of two stews. As part of the season that kicked off the entire franchise, Kat epitomized the reality television side of Below Deck . She was loud and over-the-top. She knew the cameras were rolling and ensured that she would be a breakout star. She had a boatmance with Chef Ben Robinson . She was constantly at odds with the overly intense Chief Stew Adrienne Gang . She defied the orders of Captain Lee Rosbach, but she emerged as one of the stars from the first season.

She was brought back for Season 2 and everything changed. Not only did she have a better working relationship with the crew, she proved that working on the yacht took president over the reality television portion of the show. She became thick as thieves with Chief Stew Kate Chastain , but in the process, they alienated third stew Amy Johnson . Kat is one of the reasons Below Deck took off. Her redemption story arc was one to celebrate.

8 Anastasia Surmava

'below deck mediterranean', season 4.

Oftentimes, crew members on Below Deck are hired for a singular role, but they may produce other skills that prove beneficial for other departments. During Season 4 of Below Deck Mediterranean , Chief Stew Hannah Ferrier had the dream team on the interior. Comprised of second stew Aesha Scott and third stew Anastasia Surmava , it appeared that everything was going to be smooth sailing for Hannah.

That was until Chef Mila Kolomeitseva proved to be an absolute disaster and was fired. With no chef on board, Captain Sandy Yawn called upon Anastasia's culinary skills and background as a yacht to save the day. Anastasia saved the day aboard the motoryacht Sirocco, until Chef Ben Robinson officially arrived to be the chef for the final charters of the season. While Anastasia was cooking, Hannah was temporarily given a new stew, June Foster , who was certainly a downgrade from Anastasia. No matter where Anastasia worked, she was praised. Anastasia's well-rounded skills made her an exceptional asset to the team. Had Anastasia not been placed in the galley, the season would never have provided the infamous "June June" over the radio.

Below Deck Mediterranean

7 brianna adekeye, 'below deck', season 5.

Sometimes, being great at your job means you're not the best at television. Brianna Adekeye was so great at her job, that viewers may have missed her because she did the job she was hired to do. But it also might have been because she was picking up the slack as Chief Stew Kate Chastain was dealing with the disasters that third stew Jen Howell caused.

Brianna was a free-spirited soul and maintained her composure when Jen tried to throw Brianna under the bus for her failures. No matter how much drama was caused, Brianna rose above it. While she may not have engaged in the drama, she certainly was thrust into situations she didn't want to be in.

6 Kyle Viljeon

'below deck mediterranean', seasons 7 and 8.

Yes, you could easily put Kyle Viljeon on a list as one of Below Deck 's biggest villains, but when it comes to best stews, he's up there. He was commendable as a stew. Sure, he did often push the boundaries and cross the line of professionalism, but his two seasons on Below Deck Mediterranean were fire. As a huge personality, the South African riled up the crew, playing into the drama while stirring the pot. As one of the gay stews that have appeared on the show, he launched himself into fan-favorite status with his flirty fling with charter guest Frank Fay .

It's always important to go above and beyond for the guests, so he saved that smooch for after Frank's charter was over following a club night off the boat. During Season 7, Kyle formed a strong bond with fellow stew Natalya Scudder , but these besties turned rivals the next season. They both sought to assert their dominance following Natalya becoming third stew when Chief Stew Tumi Mhlongo was told to watch out for her by Kyle. Kyle is one of the best characters throughout the Below Deck Cinematic Universe.

5 Dani Soares

'below deck sailing yacht', season 2.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 had a major refresh that helped save the series. While fans fell in love with the three best friends, Gary King, Colin Macrae , and Daisy Kelliher , they first saw stew Dani Soare fall in love with the much younger deckhand Jean-Luc Cerza Lanaux . Dani was another cast member whose main goal was to do her job and ensure she received a good tip at the end of each charter. But it almost went to shambles when she became smitten with the tall deckie.

Much of her storyline revolved around the life she wanted to start after her time on Parsifal III. She felt that she was getting up there in age, her desire to be a mother was discussed often. As fate would have it, Dani did become pregnant, creating quite a scandal during the reunion. JL didn't attend, not allowing him to defend himself following accusations that he didn't want to be involved in the child's life. He eventually sat down with Andy Cohen to discuss the comments in a separately recorded conversation. While Dani's time on the show will be remembered for her love story, she should also be praised for the great work she did.

4 Emily Warburton-Adams

'below deck', season 4.

Emily Warburton-Adams was the sweet English Rose of Below Deck Season 4. Another stew who was exceptional at her job, Emily caught the eye of Chef Ben Robinson . While he did try to distract her from her duties, she kept her eye on the prize and let their boatmance flourish, temporarily, after the season.

The only problems Emily seemed to face came from Chief Stew Kate Chastain , who had a very close connection with Ben and felt she was replaced. Emily was truly a rare one during a very mild season, which made her one of the best stews of the Below Deck Cinematic Universe.

3 Hayley De Sola Pinto

'below deck', season 10.

A great personality can get you far in the yachting industry! Such was the case for the fabulous Hayley De Sola Pinto . Season 10 of Below Deck was like a revolving door of crew as people were fired and Captain Lee Rosbach had to depart due to a nerve issue. The bright spot during all of the darkness was third stew Hayley. She got along swimmingly with Chief Stew Fraser Olender . Especially as she was the ear he turned to during the Camille Lamb-Alissa Humber fiasco.

She was proficient at her job and stayed out of the immense drama that the rest of the interior team endured. Hayley's vibrant personality and ability to make crew and guests smile was her best asset. Fans were disappointed when Hayley didn't return for another season, but there's always other superyachts in the Below Deck Cinematic Universe.

2 Josiah Carter

'below deck', season 6.

Josiah Carter made history as the first male stew to appear on Below Deck . Literally being Chief Stew Kate Chastain 's right-hand man, Josiah proved that he was just so good at every aspect of the interior. With another disaster stew on their team, Josiah and Kate formed a close bond as they had to fend off the problems Caroline Bedol caused for them.

How they said goodbye to her though is the only dark spot during his Below Deck tenure. Josiah was constantly praised by his superiors and the guests alike. Had Josiah not stepped away, and there been an opening available, Josiah would have made an excellent chief stew. It's the charm!

1 Amy Johnson

'below deck', seasons 2 and 3.

During her first season on Below Deck , Amy Johnson had a bit of a rough go. She never did anything wrong, her sweet-as-pie Southern charm just didn't vibe well with Chief Stew Kate Chastain . Oh, and having to watch your brother engage in a boatmance wasn't easy. So, she flirted with Eddie Lucas , causing tension between her brother, Kelley Johnson , and his colleague.

Nevertheless, Amy was invited to return for Season 3, where she and Kate were not only able to get along, but they formed an incredible tandem. Well, that may have been because they were able to rely on one another as they endured Hurricane Rocky Dakota , their problematic third stew. Amy was the definition of service with a smile. While she may not have been the over-the-top personality you'd want from a reality star, she certainly was someone you wished would be part of the team if you charted a yacht.

KEEP READING: Captain Jason Chambers Gives an Update on Season 3 of 'Below Deck Down Under'

Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)


America's Cup sets sail in Barcelona with New Zealand defending: Here's a preview

Ineos and red bull racing take to the water.

best sailing yacht makers

BARCELONA, Spain — The world's oldest international sports trophy, best yachtsmen and cutting-edge design and technology have come together in Barcelona for the 37th edition of sailing's America’s Cup.

Five boats – from Italy , the United States, Britain, Switzerland and France – will spend the coming weeks racing in the Mediterranean waves to decide which will earn the honor of trying to dethrone the almighty Emirates Team New Zealand for the Auld Mug. After Thursday's opening races, the British team from Ineos leads the standings .

As the two-time defender, the Kiwis chose Barcelona’s choppy waters as the venue and helped establish the rules and boat design for this edition. They also get a guaranteed spot in the final to be held in October.

The results of three years of work and massive investment will now be put to the test.

“It is starting to get serious in a hurry. We are now racing for keeps,” Ben Ainslie, skipper of British team INEOS Britannia, said Wednesday.

Here is what else you need to know about the equivalent of the World Cup of sailing.

Sci-fi boats

For anyone who has not followed the foiling revolution in sailing over the past decade, America's Cup yachts look more like something designed to fly through outer space in a sci-fi film than a traditional sailboat.

The only parts more or less recognizable are the rudder, mast, mainsail and jib on the foiling 75-foot monohull that the champions chose as the boat type for these regattas. This AC75 is an evolution of the 2021 monohulls, which were a radical leap from the catamarans that the same New Zealand team sailed to victory in 2017.

If you are looking for a skipper standing tall at the helm while sailors scamper around the deck, then forget it. The helmeted crew members are tucked into cockpits, keeping them out of the wind and favoring the boats' aerodynamics.

But the most remarkable feature of these boats are the two hydrofoils, attached to winglike appendages port and starboard, that make these boats look like giant water strider insects. The foils enable these wonders of nautical engineering to spend more time with the bottom of their hulls above the water than submerged while racing. Their “T” shape resembles the inverted tail of an orca whale, and their 4.5-meter span sustains the more than six-ton boat as it rockets over the water at 50 knots per hour (92 kph/57.5 mph).

All the teams have two helmsmen for this race – copying a move made by the Italian Luna Rossa team three years ago. The two helmsmen take turns steering and watching the other's blind spot since each one has half his visibility cut off by the sails. There are also two trimmers.

Gone this time are the grinders. Instead, each boat has four cyclists, called “cyclors” — many of whom are world-class rowers — who pedal away to power the hydraulic mechanisms needed to trim the sails and rotate the mast.

The defenders

Emirates Team New Zealand won the America’s Cup in 1995 and 2000 before winning the last two editions.

They are without a doubt the team to beat.

The team led by Grant Dalton has earned the respect of their rivals for their daring boat designs and flawless execution. They will participate in the opening round, but their points won’t count. They will then sit out the next two rounds while the remaining teams duke it out to see which will meet them in the final.

Peter Burling is back at the helm after helping the team win in 2017 and 2021. He is joined by fellow Olympic medalist Nathan Outteridge in steering their super-sleek Taihoro yacht.

“The challenger group is the strongest it has been in a long time at the America’s Cup,” Burling said. “It is going to be super exciting to see what happens over the next weeks.”

The challengers

— Italy’s Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli Team reached the last final in 2021 — and lost 7-3. The team representing the Sicily Yacht Club is steered by helmsmen Jimmy Spithill and Francesco Bruni.

— INEOS Britannia is hoping to end Britain’s painfully long search for a title. No team has challenged as many times as the British, a losing streak which started back in 1851 when they were bettered by the schooner America in a race around the Isle of Wight. INEOS is led by helmsman and Olympic great Ainslie and is supported by the Mercedes Formula 1 team.

— NYYC American Magic is back after its 2021 campaign ended shortly after its Patriot boat capsized and almost sank. The New York Yacht Club draws on the history of having won the first edition and then successfully defending the title 24 times until that incredible 132-year run ended in 1983. It's helmed by Tom Slingsby, the sailor of the year, an Australian who has an American passport thanks to his American mother, and Englishman Paul Goodison, a fellow Olympic gold medalist.

— Alinghi Red Bull Racing is backed by the sports drink giant and its F1 team. The Swiss outfit is seeking a title after the landlocked nation won the cup in 2003 and 2007. It has been training in Barcelona the longest after setting up base here two years ago.

— Orient Express Racing Team comes with a boat based on a design it purchased from the New Zealand team. The last team to arrive in Barcelona, the French face the extra challenge of having less on-site practice time.

A round-robin stage will eliminate the weakest challenger by Sept. 8. The remaining four will have two playoff series to decide which boat will take on New Zealand in a best-of-13 series starting on Oct. 12.

This year’s event also includes a new Women’s America’s Cup and a youth competition.

The racing will take place in the same stretch of water used for the sailing events at the 1992 Olympics.

Boats zigzag back and forth across a rectangular race course located in waters just off the Barcelona beachfront, within view of fans on the shore. Boats have to pass through a pair of buoys – called a gate – and perform hairpin turns by shifting from one foil to the other.

Several teams have said that Barcelona’s waters can produce trickier race conditions than, for example, Auckland, since there is no natural bay to stop the wave action that comes from far offshore and often goes in a direction off-angle from the wind.

Race starts are crucial as boats maneuver to be in a leading position when they hit the starting line.

In choosing Spain, New Zealand broke with its tradition of picking Auckland as this edition’s venue because of the need to ensure a big payday. And what better place to ensure people would flock to see the event than one of Europe’s major Mediterranean destinations?

The last regatta in New Zealand was held when the world was still in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic. That meant there were scant crowds and little of the glamor – think superyachts and wealthy sailing amateurs — who are expected to be back en masse at Barcelona. Fashion and luxury goods designer Louis Vuitton has returned as the official sponsor of the race, and the trophy is secured in a custom Louis Vuitton case when it travels.

Barcelona calculates the event will attract some 2.5 million tourists and leave over a billion euros in the city. It is being held during an upsurge in citizen complaints against what they consider “overtourism” and skyrocketing rents .

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    The body of British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch has been recovered from the sunken Bayesian superyacht, Italian interior ministry office Massimo Mariani told Reuters Thursday.

  29. Twelve Top Bluewater Cruising Boats

    Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 49. For a boat focused on the needs of the lucrative charter market, the Sun Odyssey 49 has proved a remarkably adept bluewater cruiser. A large cockpit, easily managed sailplan and fine all-round performance obviously have something to do with this; cool features like a dedicated sail locker in the bow and a large nav station belowdecks don't hurt either.

  30. America's Cup sets sail in Barcelona with New Zealand ...

    The world's oldest international sports trophy, best yachtsmen and cutting-edge design and technology have come together in Barcelona for the 37th edition of sailing's America's Cup.