How to Rig a Sunfish: Step-by-Step Guide to Sail Away

Imagine the gentle ripple of water, the whisper of a breeze, and the thrill of harnessing the wind to propel yourself across the water. For sailors, there’s no feeling quite like it, and the Sunfish sailboat offers the perfect vessel for such adventures.

In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey to help you master the art of rigging a Sunfish sailboat. Whether you’re a novice eager to set sail for the first time or a seasoned sailor in need of a refresher, this article has you covered.

The Sunfish sailboat is renowned for its simplicity, making it an ideal choice for sailors of all skill levels. Our guide will walk you through the essential steps, from setting up the mast and sail to ensuring your boat is shipshape. So, whether you’re preparing for a leisurely day on the water or gearing up for some friendly racing, read on to discover the secrets of rigging a Sunfish and unlocking the full potential of this iconic sailboat.

Introduction to the Sunfish Sailboat

Nestled at the intersection of simplicity and pure sailing joy, the Sunfish sailboat has been captivating the hearts of sailors for generations. With a history dating back to the mid-20th century, this beloved boat is renowned for its straightforward design and the exhilarating experiences it offers on the water.

For anyone looking to venture into the world of sailing, mastering the art of rigging a Sunfish is an essential skill. It’s the very foundation upon which your sailing adventures will be built. Whether you’re a novice seeking your maiden voyage or a seasoned sailor revisiting the basics, understanding how to properly rig a Sunfish is paramount for safety and a delightful time out on the water.

In this guide, we’ll embark on a journey to demystify the rigging process, step by step. By the end, you’ll not only have the knowledge but also the confidence to set sail on your Sunfish, ready to embrace the wind, waves, and the endless possibilities of the open water. So, let’s dive in and uncover the secrets of rigging the Sunfish sailboat for an unforgettable sailing experience.

Gather Your Tools and Equipment

Before you embark on the process of rigging your Sunfish, it’s crucial to ensure you have all the necessary tools and equipment at your disposal. Here’s a comprehensive list of items you’ll need:

  • Sunfish Sail: The sail is the heart and soul of your boat. Ensure it’s in good condition, free of tears or significant wear.
  • Mast: The mast is the vertical pole that supports the sail. It should be straight and secure.
  • Boom: The boom is the horizontal spar that extends the foot of the sail. Check for any signs of damage or rust.
  • Lines (Ropes): You’ll need various lines for controlling the sail, including the halyard (raises the sail), mainsheet (controls the angle of the sail), and other lines for rigging adjustments.
  • Daggerboard: This board helps with stability and direction. Ensure it’s securely in place and free of damage.
  • Rudder and Tiller: The rudder controls your boat’s direction, while the tiller is the handle you use to steer. Make sure they’re both functioning correctly.
  • Life Jacket: Safety first! Always wear a properly fitted life jacket when sailing.
  • Paddle: In case the wind dies down or you need to maneuver in tight spaces, a paddle can be a lifesaver.
  • Bailer or Sponge: To keep the cockpit dry and free of water, especially if it splashes in.
  • Tool Kit: A basic toolkit with pliers, a screwdriver, and a wrench can be handy for minor adjustments.
  • Sunscreen and Sunglasses: Protect yourself from the sun’s rays.
  • Hat and Water: Stay hydrated and shielded from the sun.
  • Whistle or Horn: These are essential safety devices for alerting others in case of an emergency.

Before rigging your Sunfish, inspect all equipment for any wear, damage, or missing parts. Safety should always be a top priority, so ensure your life jacket is in excellent condition and fits snugly. Once everything is in order, you’re ready to begin rigging your Sunfish and setting sail for a fantastic day on the water.

Position the Sunfish on Land or in Shallow Water for Rigging

Before you start rigging your Sunfish, you’ll need to prepare the boat properly. Here’s how to do it:

  • Choose the Right Location: Select a location on land or in shallow water that’s free from obstacles and provides ample space to work around the boat.
  • Position the Sunfish: Carefully position the Sunfish with the bow (front) pointing into the wind. This is important for a smooth rigging process.
  • Level the Boat: Ensure the boat is level from side to side. An uneven boat can make rigging and sailing more challenging.
  • Secure the Boat: If you’re on land, make sure the boat is securely supported with appropriate boat stands or supports to prevent it from tipping or moving during rigging.
  • Check the Wind: Assess the wind conditions. While it’s okay to rig in a light breeze, strong winds can make the process more difficult. If it’s too windy, consider postponing your rigging or seek help from someone experienced in handling a Sunfish in windy conditions.
  • Gather Your Gear: Double-check that you have all the necessary tools and equipment nearby, as mentioned earlier.

By positioning the Sunfish correctly, ensuring it’s level, and taking wind conditions into account, you’ll set the stage for a smooth rigging process and a safe and enjoyable sailing experience.

Process of Stepping the Mast, Which Involves Attaching the Mast to the Boat’s Hull

Stepping the mast is a crucial step in rigging your Sunfish. Follow these steps carefully:

  • Attach the Mast Step: The mast step is a metal fitting on the boat’s deck near the bow. Insert the bottom end of the mast into the mast step. Ensure it fits snugly and securely.
  • Align the Mast: With the mast in the mast step, position it vertically. Check for any lateral (side-to-side) or forward-leaning tilt. The mast should be perfectly upright.
  • Attach the Forestay: The forestay is the front rigging line that goes from the top of the mast to the front of the boat. Hook the forestay to the bow eyelet or fitting. Make sure it’s securely attached.
  • Secure the Shrouds: The shrouds are the side rigging lines that keep the mast in position. Attach one end of each shroud to the eyelets on the sides of the boat, near the gunwales. The other end of each shroud should be attached to the chainplates on the sides of the mast.
  • Adjust Tension: Properly tension the forestay and shrouds. The rigging lines should be tight enough to support the mast but not overly tight, as this can distort the hull. The mast should remain vertical and secure.
  • Inspect All Attachments: Double-check that all attachments are secure, and there’s no slack in the rigging lines. Ensure the mast is firmly in the mast step.

Properly stepping the mast and ensuring correct alignment, tension, and secure attachments are essential for safe and efficient sailing. A well-rigged Sunfish will perform better and provide a more enjoyable experience on the water.

Attach the Boom to the Mast and the Sail to the Boom

Attaching the boom and sail correctly is vital for effective sailing. Here’s how to do it:

  • Attach the Boom to the Mast: The boom is the horizontal spar that extends perpendicular to the mast. Slide the gooseneck fitting on the front of the boom onto the mast. The gooseneck should fit snugly on the mast, and the boom should rest horizontally.
  • Secure the Mainsheet: The mainsheet is the line that controls the angle of the sail. Attach one end of the mainsheet to the eyelet on the back of the boom. The other end will be handled by the sailor while sailing.
  • Attach the Sail to the Boom: Slide the sail’s foot (bottom edge) into the boom’s groove, starting from one end and working your way to the other. Make sure the sail is centered on the boom. Secure the sail by tightening the boom vang, a line running from the back of the boom to the mast.
  • Tension the Sail: Pull the halyard line (located on the front side of the mast) to raise the sail. The sail should be taut but not overly tight. Adjust the downhaul line (attached to the tack of the sail) to control the tension in the lower part of the sail.
  • Adjust the Outhaul: The outhaul line (attached to the clew of the sail) controls the tension in the sail’s foot. Adjust it to achieve the desired sail shape.
  • Check Sail Shape: Stand behind the boat and look at the sail’s shape. It should be smooth and evenly tensioned, with no excessive wrinkles or creases. Make adjustments as needed.
  • Secure Loose Ends: Secure any loose lines and ensure nothing is dangling or obstructing the sail’s movement.

Properly attaching the boom and sail, as well as adjusting the halyard, downhaul, and outhaul lines, is essential for sail control and efficient sailing. Ensure that all lines are free from tangles or snags, as this will help maintain control over the sail during your voyage.

Daggerboard and Rudder Installation

Inserting the daggerboard:.

  • Locate the daggerboard slot on the centerline of the Sunfish hull, typically near the cockpit.
  • Hold the daggerboard vertically with the tapered end facing downward.
  • Insert the daggerboard into the slot, starting from the top. Ensure it slides smoothly into place.
  • Continue pushing the daggerboard down until it rests securely in the slot and is fully submerged in the water. The daggerboard provides stability and prevents lateral movement when sailing.

Attaching the Rudder:

  • The rudder consists of the rudder blade and the rudder head. The rudder head fits into a bracket on the back of the boat.
  • Insert the rudder head into the bracket and push it down until it clicks or locks into place. There is often a pin or mechanism that secures the rudder in the bracket.
  • Ensure the rudder blade is perpendicular to the boat’s centerline and extends downward into the water. The rudder controls your boat’s direction and is crucial for steering.

Checking Control Lines:

Examine the control lines associated with the rudder:

  • Tiller: The tiller is the wooden or metal bar connected to the rudder head. Make sure it is securely attached to the rudder head and that it moves freely to steer the boat.
  • Tiller Extension: If your Sunfish has a tiller extension, check that it is attached and functioning correctly. The extension allows you to control the rudder while seated.
  • Rudder Downhaul Line: The rudder downhaul line controls the angle of the rudder blade. Ensure it is properly adjusted to your desired steering responsiveness.

Properly installing the daggerboard and rudder and ensuring the associated control lines are in good working order are essential steps before setting sail. These components play a critical role in maintaining control and stability while on the water.

Rigging the Various Lines for Sail Control, Including the Mainsheet, Outhaul, and Vang

how to rig a sunfish

  • The mainsheet controls the angle of the sail, affecting your boat’s speed and direction.
  • Attach one end of the mainsheet to the aft end of the boom, typically with a bowline knot.
  • Thread the other end through the mainsheet block, which is typically attached to the traveler bar on the boat’s cockpit floor.
  • Bring the mainsheet line up to the sail’s clew (the lower back corner of the sail) and pass it through the aft grommet (a reinforced hole) in the sail.
  • Pull the mainsheet line down, creating tension in the sail. The mainsheet should run freely through the block for easy adjustments while sailing.
  • The outhaul adjusts the tension in the foot (bottom) of the sail.
  • Attach one end of the outhaul line to the clew of the sail, usually through the outhaul grommet.
  • Thread the other end of the outhaul line through the outhaul block or pulley on the boom.
  • Adjust the outhaul to your desired sail shape and tension by pulling or releasing the line.

Vang (Optional):

  • The vang controls the tension in the leech (back edge) of the sail.
  • Attach one end of the vang to the gooseneck fitting on the mast.
  • Thread the other end through the vang block on the boom.
  • Adjust the vang to control the twist in the sail by pulling or releasing the line.

Cleating Lines:

  • Many Sunfish sailboats have cleats to secure lines, allowing for hands-free sailing.
  • To cleat a line, simply wrap it around the appropriate cleat and pull it tight. The cleat will hold the line in place.
  • To release a cleated line quickly, pull it upward and away from the cleat.

Properly rigging and adjusting these control lines is crucial for sail control and optimizing your boat’s performance. The mainsheet, outhaul, and vang give you control over the sail’s shape, angle, and tension, allowing you to harness the wind effectively while sailing your Sunfish.

Performing Safety Checks Before Setting Sail

Before setting sail on your Sunfish, safety should always be a top priority. Here are some essential safety checks and precautions:

  • Buoyancy Check: Ensure that your Sunfish is positively buoyant, meaning it will float even if swamped or capsized. Check for any hull damage or leaks that could affect buoyancy.
  • Secure All Lines: Double-check that all lines, including the mainsheet, outhaul, vang, and control lines, are properly secured and free from tangles or knots.
  • Equipment Condition: Inspect all equipment, such as the daggerboard, rudder, and sail, to ensure they are in good condition and properly attached., Verify that the mast, boom, and rigging are secure and free from damage or wear.
  • Life Jackets: Always wear a Coast Guard-approved life jacket while on the water, and ensure that any passengers also have access to life jackets that fit them properly.
  • Safety Guidelines: Familiarize yourself and your passengers with safety guidelines, such as proper body positioning in the boat and what to do in case of capsizing or other emergencies.
  • Weather Check: Before heading out, check the weather forecast. Avoid sailing in severe weather conditions, strong winds, or thunderstorms.
  • Emergency Gear: Carry essential emergency gear, including a whistle, paddle, bailer, and a means of communication (e.g., a waterproof phone or VHF radio).
  • Float Plan: Let someone ashore know your sailing plans, including your intended route and estimated return time. This helps ensure someone is aware of your whereabouts in case of an emergency.
  • Boating Knowledge: Ensure you have the necessary knowledge and skills for sailing a Sunfish, especially if you are a beginner. Consider taking a sailing course or sailing with an experienced sailor until you gain confidence.
  • Stay Hydrated and Sun-Protected: Bring water to stay hydrated during your sail, especially on hot days., Protect yourself and passengers from the sun with sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses.

By prioritizing safety and performing these pre-sail checks, you can enjoy your Sunfish sailing adventures with peace of mind, knowing that you are well-prepared for a safe and enjoyable experience on the water.

Conclusion and Setting Sail

how to rig a sunfish

In conclusion, rigging a Sunfish sailboat is a fundamental skill that allows you to embark on exciting sailing adventures. We’ve covered the step-by-step process, from gathering your tools and equipment to performing safety checks before setting sail.

As you gain experience and confidence in rigging your Sunfish, you’ll discover the joy and freedom of sailing. It’s a skill that opens the door to countless adventures on the water, whether you’re exploring new places, racing with fellow sailors, or simply enjoying a peaceful day on the lake.

Remember that practice makes perfect. The more you rig your Sunfish and set sail, the more proficient you’ll become. Over time, rigging will become second nature, and you’ll be able to focus on the pure pleasure of sailing.

So, take these instructions to heart, get out on the water, and enjoy the wind in your sails as you create unforgettable memories aboard your Sunfish sailboat. Sailing offers a lifetime of enjoyment, and rigging your boat is just the beginning of your exciting journey on the water. Happy sailing!

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Become the Confident Skipper of Your Own Sailboat

Just what is a sunfish sailboat an overview for beginners.

  • Post author: Anns
  • Post published: October 10, 2022
  • Post category: Uncategorized
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Sunfish sailboats are a great way to get out on the water and enjoy the outdoors. They’re affordable, easy to learn, and fun for all ages. But it’s important to know what you’re getting into before you buy one. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything from how Sunfish boats work to accessories you might want to add when purchasing your new toy!

Sunfish sailboats are fun, affordable, and simple to learn.

Sunfish sailboats are fun, affordable and simple to learn.

A Sunfish sailboat is a great way to get started in sailing. They’re easy to store and transport, so you can take them with you on vacation or keep them at home for weekend sailing. The design is also very forgiving if you make mistakes while learning how to sail–you don’t have to worry about breaking anything when making mistakes! The tough fiberglass hulls and riveted aluminum frames make repairs pretty easy too!

A Sunfish has three components: hull, sail, and daggerboard.

A Sunfish has three components: hull, sail and daggerboard.

The hull is the body of the boat. The sail is what catches the wind to push it along. The daggerboard is a small board that keeps the boat from rolling over when sailing in rough waters or high winds.

The Hull is a one-piece design, made of molded plastic for durability.

The hull, or body of a Sunfish sailboat, is a one-piece design made from molded plastic for durability. The hull is also called the “body” in some circles.

The hull of your Sunfish sailboat will be constructed of fiberglass and resin—a material that makes it strong enough to withstand the wear and tear of many years on the water.

The Sail is made of Dacron with kevlar stitching.

The sail is made of Dacron, a synthetic fiber. The stitching is made of kevlar. The kevlar is a synthetic fiber as well. There are several types of stitches that can be used to hold the sail together, but all will do the job equally well.

The Daggerboard fills with water as it is lowered, keeping the boat from rolling over. To raise it, simply pull it out by using the loop at its top.

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It can be good to have additional accessories on your Sunfish sailboat. These include tiller extensions and replacement mast or hull parts in case of damage.

If you plan to sail in wide open water, a tiller extension is useful as it will give you more control over the boat. The mast and rudder are also adjustable for different conditions. If you are sailing in shallow water, a daggerboard extension is useful as this increases stability so that your boat doesn’t tip over easily (especially if there are other boats nearby).

You can also attach extra sails for when you want more speed or wind resistance.

Owning a Sunfish sailboat can be a rewarding experience!

Owning a Sunfish sailboat can be a rewarding experience! They are easy to learn, affordable and fun. The design is versatile, which makes them last forever.

The Sunfish is an open cockpit boat with a single sail mounted on a mast at the top of the boat and two or three seats inside the hull. It may have an outrigger for stability or it may not. Either way, it’s designed for one person to use and that person does not need any experience with sailing whatsoever in order to get started using their Sunfish on the water.

If you’re thinking about learning how to sail, a Sunfish is the perfect boat for you. It’s affordable, fun and easy to learn. There are so many benefits that come with owning one. For example: it can be great exercise as well as an opportunity to spend time with family or friends out on the water! If these reasons sound good then maybe now is the time for us all

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  • Sailboat Guide

Sunfish is a 13 ′ 10 ″ / 4.2 m monohull sailboat designed by Alexander Bryan/Cortland Heyniger/Carl Meinart and built by AMF Corp., Alcort, Pearson Yachts, and LaserPerformance starting in 1952.

Drawing of Sunfish

  • 1 / 23 Corvallis, OR, US Sunfish $1,500 USD View
  • 2 / 23 Manhattan Beach, CA, US Sunfish $650 USD View
  • 3 / 23 Hudson, WI, US 2006 Sunfish $3,800 USD View
  • 4 / 23 Slatington, PA, US 1985 Sunfish $2,200 USD View
  • 5 / 23 Corvallis, OR, US Sunfish $1,500 USD View
  • 6 / 23 Manhattan Beach, CA, US Sunfish $650 USD View
  • 7 / 23 Slatington, PA, US 1985 Sunfish $2,200 USD View
  • 8 / 23 Corvallis, OR, US Sunfish $1,500 USD View
  • 9 / 23 Hudson, WI, US 2006 Sunfish $3,800 USD View
  • 10 / 23 Slatington, PA, US 1985 Sunfish $2,200 USD View
  • 11 / 23 Corvallis, OR, US Sunfish $1,500 USD View
  • 12 / 23 Hudson, WI, US 2006 Sunfish $3,800 USD View
  • 13 / 23 Hudson, WI, US 2006 Sunfish $3,800 USD View
  • 14 / 23 Slatington, PA, US 1985 Sunfish $2,200 USD View
  • 15 / 23 Corvallis, OR, US Sunfish $1,500 USD View
  • 16 / 23 Hudson, WI, US 2006 Sunfish $3,800 USD View
  • 17 / 23 Slatington, PA, US 1985 Sunfish $2,200 USD View
  • 18 / 23 Corvallis, OR, US Sunfish $1,500 USD View
  • 19 / 23 Hudson, WI, US 2006 Sunfish $3,800 USD View
  • 20 / 23 Slatington, PA, US 1985 Sunfish $2,200 USD View
  • 21 / 23 Corvallis, OR, US Sunfish $1,500 USD View
  • 22 / 23 Hudson, WI, US 2006 Sunfish $3,800 USD View
  • 23 / 23 Corvallis, OR, US Sunfish $1,500 USD View

sunfish sailboat anatomy

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

Although the earliest models were built of wood and offered as kits, the fiberglass version, first introduced in 1960, became the most popular recreational sailboat in history. As a result, there were many imitators.

Sunfish Builder Chronology 1952 - 1969 Alcort, Inc. (founded 1945) 1969 - 1986 AMF 1986 - 1988 Loveless & DeGarmo, dba, Alcort Sailboats Inc. 1988 - 1991 Pearson Yacht Co. 1991 - 1997 Sunfish/Laser, Inc. 1997 - 2007 Vanguard 2007 - Laser Performance Change in class rules permitted a new, slightly deeper daggerboard in the mid-1990’s.

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Alcort Sunfish cover photo

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  • Sailing the Sunfish: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide

The Sunfish sailboat, a name synonymous with accessibility, simplicity, and joy in the sailing world, has been cutting through waters around the globe with its distinctive lateen sail and flat, board-like hull. Born in the mid-20th century, its inception was driven by a desire to democratize sailing – an ambition that turned into a global phenomenon. The Sunfish’s straightforward design, characterized by its lightweight and easy-to-rig setup, revolutionized how sailboats were made and perceived. This evolution made sailing not just an elite sport but a leisure activity accessible to families and individuals alike.

The design and specifications of the Sunfish have always been about maximizing ease of use without compromising on performance. Its hull is designed for stability, while the lateen sail, a simple yet efficient sail setup, allows for easy control and adaptability to various wind conditions. This combination of design features ensures that the Sunfish sailboat is not only affordable but also a highly versatile craft, appealing to a broad spectrum of sailors from novices to seasoned enthusiasts.

Versatility, Community, and the Sailing Experience

The appeal of the Sunfish sailboat extends far beyond its technical specifications. Its versatility shines whether it's used for a leisurely sail on a local lake or competing in one of many Sunfish racing events held worldwide. This adaptability makes it an ideal choice for sailors of all levels, offering a gentle learning curve for beginners while still providing enough challenge for experienced sailors to enjoy.

The sense of community among Sunfish sailors is palpable. Across the globe, clubs and groups convene around their shared passion for Sunfish sailing, hosting regattas, and races that bring people together. This camaraderie fosters a welcoming environment, making it easy for newcomers to learn and for veterans to share their knowledge and stories. The community aspect of Sunfish sailing is a significant draw, reinforcing the idea that sailing is not just about the time spent on the water but also about the connections made along the way.

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Mastering sunfish sailing: techniques, maintenance, and more.

Sailing a Sunfish requires an understanding of wind and water, skills that are developed through practice and experience. For those new to the sport, mastering the Sunfish sailboat comes with a sense of achievement, as sailors learn to rig their boats, adjust their sails to the wind, and navigate through waters with confidence. These skills are not only practical but also enrich the sailing experience, making each outing a unique adventure.

Maintaining a Sunfish sailboat is straightforward, ensuring that it remains in top condition for years. Regular maintenance tasks such as inspecting the hull for damage, checking the rigging, and ensuring the sail is in good condition can significantly extend the lifespan of the boat. Additionally, understanding how to prepare the Sunfish for off-season storage is crucial, as proper care during this period can prevent damage and wear, ensuring that the boat is ready for the next sailing season.

Choosing and Customizing Your Sunfish Sailboat

For those looking to buy a new Sunfish sailboat, the market offers a variety of options. Prices vary based on new or used conditions, but affordability remains a key feature of the Sunfish, making it accessible to a wide range of budgets. Moreover, the Sunfish sailboat is highly customizable, allowing sailors to modify their boats to suit personal preferences and needs. Whether it’s upgrading the sail for better performance or adding comfort features for longer sails, the possibilities for personalization are vast, making each Sunfish uniquely tailored to its owner.

In conclusion, the Sunfish sailboat embodies the spirit of sailing – a blend of freedom, adventure, and community. Its simple design, affordability, and versatility have made it a beloved choice among sailors worldwide. Whether you’re embarking on your first sailing journey or looking to add a new chapter to your sailing adventures, the Sunfish offers a perfect platform to explore the waters. With each sail set and horizon chased, the Sunfish sailboat continues to be a symbol of joy and accessibility in the sailing community.

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Denisa Kliner Nguyenová

Denisa Kliner Nguyenová

OceanWave Sail

Sunfish Sailing Boat: Techniques, Maintenance, Racing, Community

Published by oceanwave on august 5, 2023.

The Sunfish sailing boat , is a compact, lightweight, and adaptable vessel created for sailing for leisure. Its simplicity and usability make it a popular option for both novice and seasoned sailors.

Alex Bryan and Cortlandt Heyniger, who created Alcort, Inc., originally unveiled the Sunfish sailboat in the early 1950s. The popular “Lateen” sail employed by the Moors and other ancient cultures served as inspiration for its design. The Sunfish has had tremendous growth in popularity over time and continues to be a recognised icon of recreational sailing.

Design and Structure

The Sunfish has a straightforward, fibreglass hull with a flat bottom that offers stability and manoeuvrability. Its single-person design makes sailing alone on it comfortable. Tandem sailing is a popular use for several Sunfish variations that have been altered to suit two individuals.

The daggerboard, a retractable centerboard, on the Sunfish enhances overall stability by assisting in preventing lateral movement while sailing upwind. Effective boat steering is made possible by the rudder, which is at the stern.

The comparatively tall and slender Sunfish mast makes for an effective and exciting sailing experience.

The sail is a lateen rig with a characteristic triangle shape, composed of sturdy materials like Dacron. Using a halyard and a sheet line, the sail may be readily raised or dropped.

Simple rigging is used on sunfish sailing vessels. The mainsheet regulates the sail’s pitch, and the tiller steers the boat by moving the rudder. The outhaul and cunningham modify the shape and tension of the sail while the halyard lifts and lowers it to improve performance.

Sunfish Sailing Techniques

Rigging the sunfish.

A Sunfish must have its sail, daggerboard, and rudder tightly fastened before it may sail. For safe and pleasurable sailing, proper rigging is crucial.

Basic Sailing Maneuvers

  • Tacking: This maneuver involves rotating the boat’s bow through the wind, which allows the sail to seamlessly change sides.
  • Jibing: Jibing refers to rotating the stern of the boat through the wind and switching the sail to the opposing side.
  • Points of Sail: For effective sailing and navigating a variety of wind conditions, it is essential to comprehend the various points of sail (upwind, close-hauled, reaching, and downwind).

Advanced Sailing Techniques

  • Racing Strategies: For competitive sailors, learning racing strategies, such as starting procedures, mark edging, and tactical decision-making, can greatly enhance performance.
  • Windward Sailing: To sail upwind (windward) and make headway against the wind, accurate sail trimming and boat positioning are necessary.
  • Downwind Sailing: To sail effectively downwind, you must maximize your sail angle and take advantage of wind shifts to increase your speed and momentum.

Popular Sunfish Sailing Destinations

Coastal regions, lakes, and reservoirs all around the world are frequently enjoyed by sunfish sailors. The Great Lakes, American coastal regions, and picturesque areas in Europe and beyond are among the most well-liked travel destinations.

With winds typically ranging from 5 to 15 knots, the Sunfish is perfectly suited for light to moderate conditions. For beginners, calm waters and protected harbors are ideal, but for experienced sailors, more difficult open-water conditions may be desired.

Sailing any boat, especially the Sunfish, requires utmost caution. In addition to being mindful of the weather, sailors should always wear the proper personal flotation devices (PFDs). It’s important to observe all boating laws and keep within approved sailing areas.

Maintenance and Care

Storage and cleaning.

A Sunfish sailing boat must be properly maintained in order to last for a long time and operate at its best. Use fresh water to thoroughly rinse the boat after each sailing session to get rid of any salt or debris. To clean the hull and deck, use mild soap and a gentle brush instead of abrasive cleaners that could harm the fibreglass. Dry the boat completely after cleaning it before storing it.

For storage, choose a covered space or spend money on a boat cover to shield the Sunfish from the elements. The boat’s health and longevity will be preserved and increased by keeping it out of the rain, sunlight, and extremely hot or cold weather.

Fixing Small Damages

Check the Sunfish frequently for any indications of wear or small damage. To stop future damage, cracks, chips, or scratches on the hull should be fixed right away. Using repair kits that are available from boat dealers or specialty stores, boat owners can frequently handle minor repairs.

Consider contacting a specialised yacht repair agency for assistance with larger damages or structural problems. In addition to keeping the Sunfish in excellent condition, proper maintenance will guarantee the sailor’s safety.

Seasonal Maintenance Checklist

Make sure to give the Sunfish a complete inspection before each sailing season. Look for any wear or fraying in the rigging, including the mast, sail, and lines. To ensure smooth functioning, lubricate moving components like the rudder and daggerboard systems.

Check the hull for any potential leaks and confirm that all hardware and fittings are firmly attached. Replace damaged lines or hardware as necessary. Check the sail’s integrity as well, keeping an eye out for any tears or wear that could impair performance.

Racing and Competitions

A thrilling feature of Sunfish sailing is Sunfish class racing, when sailors compete in regulated competitions and regattas. The International Sunfish Class Association (ISCA) has established particular guidelines and requirements for the Sunfish class. Typically, races have short tracks, and competitors try to complete as quickly as they can.

The chance to compete in many local, national, and worldwide regattas is available to Sunfish sailors. The Sunfish World Championship, North American Championship, and various regional championships held in various nations are a few of the important competitions.

Specialised training and practise are essential for everyone interested in racing. Experienced racers and coaches frequently organise training camps and clinics to aid participants in honing their abilities and strategies. Mastering race-specific manoeuvres, comprehending wind patterns, and refining racing strategy are all part of competitive preparation.

Sunfish Sailing Community

The Sunfish sailing community is a thriving and encouraging global network of sailors. The governing body, in charge of enforcing class regulations and planning significant events, is the International Sunfish Class Association (ISCA). Local Sunfish class organizations offer further assistance and possibilities for sailors to interact in various places.

Sunfish sailing boat aficionados have venues to share experiences, ask questions, and swap advice through online forums and social media groups. Additionally, there are several of websites and blogs that provide helpful resources including regatta dates, maintenance advice, and sailing skills.

The advantages of joining the Sunfish sailing community are numerous. It offers a wonderful chance to connect with like-minded people, pick the brains of seasoned sailors, and share the thrill of sailing. Participating in community activities also promotes a sense of camaraderie and provides both novices and seasoned sailors with invaluable support.

Sunfish sailing boats are an enticing option for sailors of all ages and experience levels because they provide the ideal balance of simplicity, excitement, and versatility. Sunfish sailing continues to be popular because to its simplicity in maintenance, ease of rigging, and accessibility to a variety of sailing locations.

The Sunfish offers a simple and pleasurable entry point for people who are thinking about taking up sailing. Its user-friendly layout and the Sunfish community’s assistance guarantee a pleasurable and unforgettable trip on the water. Therefore, giving Sunfish sailing a try can spark a passion for the sport that lasts a lifetime, whether the goal is a peaceful day on the lake or serious racing.

To discover more about various liveaboard sailboats , yachts, and catamaran, check out this Sailboat Data page. You may discover comprehensive details on different sailboat models and their performance here, making it easy for you to pick the best boat for your requirements with Ocean Wave Sail !

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Boat Profile

A simple sailboat from the 1950s

From Issue   August 2024

I f you’ve been around dinghy-sailing a while, there is a better-than-average chance that you’ve come across the venerable Sunfish (or have mistaken one of its many imitators for a Sunfish). Audrey has been messing about with Sunfish since 1982, and she first capsized one with me onboard in 1984. Through the years we’ve spent many memorable hours sailing this simple boat and have had immeasurable fun restoring old and well-used, even abused basket-case boats.

The Sunfish, a direct descendant of the 1945 Sailfish, was the creation of ALCORT Sailboats, founded by Alex Bryan and Cortlandt Heniger. A hollow-bodied wooden “sit-on” sailboat, the Sailfish was featured in LIFE magazine’s 1949 article “World’s Wettest, Sportiest Boat.” It went through various iterations and in 1952, the designers at ALCORT, with considerable input from Aileen Shields Bryan, introduced a new iteration they called the Sunfish. Aileen was considered one of the best female sailors of the day, having won the 1948 Adams Cup—the Women’s National Sailing Championship—as well as the Atlantic and 210 class championships. She recommended adding a small cockpit as a foot well for more comfort, and widening the hull by 12″ for more stability. Since 1952 the Sunfish has been in continuous production and by 2013, more than 500,000 had been built and sailed in over 50 countries.

sunfish sailboat anatomy

While owing much to its predecessor, the Sunfish is more boat than board. The beam was increased by 12″ to improve stability and a footwell and splashboards were added. The sail is no longer laced to the spars and now attached with clip rings.

Between 1952 and the mid-1960s, the Sunfish was built in plywood and kits were available. We acquired hull number 13 of the pre-production boats and restored it in 2013. Based on the emerging popularity of fiberglass construction in the late 1950s, ALCORT produced the first fiberglass Sunfish in 1960. It was immensely popular for recreational sailors as well as one-design racers, so popular that it was inducted into the American Sailboat Hall of Fame in 1995.

The Sunfish is a medium-sized hard-chined pontoon-hull dinghy with a length of 13′ 9″ and a 4′ 1″ beam. Draft with the daggerboard down is 2′ 11″ and the modern-day hull weighs 120 lbs. (The ALCORT hulls of the 1960s were built a little stouter, with hull weights of 139 lbs.) Crew capacity is 500 lbs and there is just enough room for two adults. The optimal weight for a solo sailor is up to 190 lbs.

sunfish sailboat anatomy

Despite the raised freeboard and the splashboard forward of the footwell, the Sunfish is still a wet boat, making it more popular in areas with warmer water.

The virtually unsinkable pontoon hull of most fiberglass Sunfish contains six closed-cell expanded-polystyrene blocks—three in the bow and three in the stern—which structurally tie the hull to the deck. The 2″-wide blocks are held in place by marine-grade foam, which provides additional flotation. If you consider buying an old Sunfish, it is wise to make sure that the internal foam is not waterlogged (by weighing it) or detached (by pounding lightly on the deck and hull with your hand to tell if it feels and sounds solid). Recent Sunfish have internal plastic air bladders for flotation.

New boats can be ordered with either a mahogany or Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) rudder and daggerboard. Whether choosing the classic look of wood or the stronger FRP material, the 44″-long daggerboard and foil-shaped rudder offer excellent control on all points of sail. The daggerboards have increased in length through the years from 31″ on the early wooden hulls to 39″ for the fiberglass boats, and then 44″ for the latest racing daggerboard. The newest daggerboards are foil-shaped. Rudder design has also evolved: from a round blade to a spoon tip to the angular blade shape that has been in use since 1971, when the rudder system was changed from the patented rudder-releasing mechanism made in bronze by Wilcox & Crittenden to an aluminum gudgeon, pintle, and spring design. The new system allows the sailor to raise or lower the rudder while seated in the cockpit, and the rudder will also easily kick up by itself for beaching or if an underwater obstacle is struck.

sunfish sailboat anatomy

When becalmed, the Sunfish is easily paddled. If alone and using a single-blade paddle, a sailor can hold the helm over with their body and thus maintain directional stability while keeping both hands free. When the paddle is not needed, it can be stowed on the foredeck, held in place with its grip on the splashboard, the shaft between the halyard and the mast, and the blade beneath a line stretched taut across the deck from the bow.

The 75-sq-ft lateen rig sail with its single sheet, and a basic tiller and extension—one string and one stick—are all that is needed for a day of sailing. The spars are made of anodized T 6061 aluminum, with the 13′ 9″ booms being held aloft by a 10’ aluminum deck-stepped mast. The sail was originally lashed to the booms with cord but now has plastic sail clips that look like shower curtain rings. The original sails were cut from cotton by Old Town, but when Dacron debuted, Ratsey & Lapthorn became the sailmaker of choice introducing a little extra draft into the foot of the original flat five-panel sail. Since 1979 Sunfish sails have been made by North Sails. Sail controls for the recreational rig include outhauls for the upper and lower booms. For the racing rig, there are extra lines run to the lower boom that control a cunningham to adjust the luff tension and another line to control the foot tension. With this rig, all skill levels, from beginner to expert, can go out and have a great time on the boat.

Sunfish have been built by several manufacturers with most of the boats from the 1970s through the early 1980s produced by ALCORT, a division of AMF, one of the largest American recreational equipment companies. During the peak of AMF/ALCORT’s production as many as 60 Sunfish a day were leaving the factory in Waterbury, Connecticut. The manufacturer of the boats since 2007 has been Laser Performance, with hulls now built in Portugal after stints in the UK and a short period in China.

sunfish sailboat anatomy

More than 500,000 Sunfish have been built and regattas are popular around the world. The regatta pictured here was hosted in July 2024 by Willow Bank Yacht Club on Cazenovia Lake in New York. A one-day regatta of five races, it welcomed all classes of “legal” Sunfish.

Along with the rudder system change in 1971, a storage cubby was added under the aft end of the cockpit, and around the same time, the DePersia Venturi bailer went from aluminum to plastic construction, a welcome change from the earlier version, which was susceptible to corrosion. The bailer allows the cockpit to self-drain when the boat is making even just a few knots of headway, and closes off with an internal float ball or plug inserted from inside the cockpit. The foredeck has a bow handle; newer hulls with their rolled gunwales are easier to handle on the beach. The original tillers were wooden, usually cut from ash, while modern tillers are aluminum, either straight or wishbone style. The original Sunfish had no sheet fairleads; then a small open fairlead was added to the cockpit lip—the “sheet hook”—and in the 1980s a swivel cam cleat was introduced. Today’s boats usually sport a ratchet block on a stand-up spring set just ahead of the cockpit. Another upgrade was the addition of a hiking strap mounted close to the cockpit floor.

Our current fleet includes the 1953 wooden hull, a 1965 ALCORT, and two AMF boats from 1981 and 1982. They all sail wonderfully, and we appreciate even the older hulls, which weigh a few more pounds but are resistant to oil-canning and can take a beating about as well as the thicker fiberglass construction of the ALCORT Sunfish. The sail hoists easily with one halyard that passes through a deck block or bullseye fairlead to a horn cleat, while the sheet runs from a bridle spanning the aft deck, through two boom blocks and back down to the cockpit.

Launching requires pointing the bow into the wind, pushing the rudder down, and shoving off. After getting settled on the cockpit edge, the daggerboard goes down a bit, and the sailor falls off and sheets in. Skipper Audrey likes to put her boat on the chine and hike out, while other folks prefer to sail flat. The boat tacks smoothly and, with the tiller over just shy of the deck edge, carries enough speed to avoid getting caught in irons. On a run, the daggerboard can be raised, and it will usually stay in place on its own, but the latest trick is to run a bungee from the bow handle back to the daggerboard to cant the board in the trunk and hold it in the selected spot. The bungee or a line should always be used to tether the daggerboard to the hull to keep it from going astray in a capsize—you stand on the daggerboard to right the hull.

sunfish sailboat anatomy

On a calm warm day, the Sunfish is a fun boat for a family outing. In winds over 15 knots however, the boat can be a handful and more suited to a crew of one or two experienced sailors.

Sunfish behave admirably up to around 15 knots of wind; above that people and parts start breaking, and only a few of our most experienced racer friends tempt the more challenging conditions. If the wind dies, put the rudder down and the Sunfish will paddle well with a single-blade paddle or kayak paddle. We’ve even used a Sunfish as a stand-up-paddle platform—very stable but also heavy. The boat is quick to rig, which maximizes time on the water. While a Sunfish and its spars are cartoppable, lately we have been using our utility trailer and dolly.

New Sunfish are produced by Laser Performance and shipped worldwide. Used examples are available in many areas. Look for a relatively clean boat with minimal hull damage and dry, intact foam innards. The spars should be straight. New and used sails, rudders, and daggerboards can be tracked down through dealers or on various social-media platforms. All the parts are interchangeable on the fiberglass fleet with the exception of the old versus new rudder systems. Resale value is high, so you can’t go wrong with a moderately priced, ready-to-sail Sunfish.

sunfish sailboat anatomy

Kent and Audrey Lewis have been messing about with Sunfish for decades and are experts at basket-case restorations. Knowledge gleaned from dozens of restorations is compiled in The Sunfish Owner’s Manual and logged at Small Boat Restoration .

Sunfish Particulars

Length:   13′ 9″ Beam:   4′ 1″ Draft:   2′ 11″ Sail area:   75 sq ft Hull weight:   120 lbs

The Sunfish Recreational , manufactured by Laser Performance , sells for $5,950 and the Sunfish Race with race sail and additional control lines sells for $6,150.

The Sunfish Forum is a good source for further information.

Is there a boat you’d like to know more about? Have you built one that you think other Small Boats readers would enjoy? Please email us your suggestions.

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Comments (8)

I’m intrigued by the lateen rig on the Sunfish. I presume this is largely self-vanging, like a balanced lug. The rig has the advantage that it can be dropped in a squall, something that can’t be done with the sleeved Laser sail.

No vang per design, but folks add one for racing performance by using the excess halyard back through the deck fairlead and up around the gooseneck swivel, then tied off. Or a variation on that theme.

We like to keep the boat simple, one stick, one string.

Researching all this for an exhibit at Mystic a decade or two ago, I found some interesting tidbits. Al and Cort were iceboat builders and canoe sailors; they responded to a request by the Red Cross for a paddle board for lifeguards, and came up with a prone paddle boat not unlike today’s stand-up paddle boards. They were turned down, so figured out something else they could do with their work. So stick in a daggerboard and add the lateen sail that was standard in open-canoe sailing.

A friend of a friend had a connection to Life and got the right photog and writer to do a spread. I think it ran over several pages, maybe in the center. It’s hard to imagine a similar media impact that would have today: viral when it hit the stands. It was the only capsize, right, and sail away boat in existence then.

A contributing factor, possibly one of the major factors in the Sunfish was that Mrs. Bryan was pregnant and found the Sailfish difficult to sail. A cockpit made all the difference.

Aileen Shields came from good sailing stock, her father was Cornelius Shields. The family knew a thing or two or three about sailing.

I once had my in-laws’ Sunfish planing on a beam reach on Canandaigua Lake and held my own against a 25′ Wianno Senior.

Nicely written, Kent. Only comment is a pontoon is usually paired or threes, like a catamaran or trimaran. The Sunfish hull is a monohull. The monohull Butterfly and further scows are tunnel hulls. Keep on saving Sunfish!

I think Kent is talking about the hull shape. When viewed in cross section, the bottom edges dip down.

I’m amazed how bruised up a sailor can get with a Sunfish on a breezy day! Kent’s observation about the change in behavior in 15 knots or above is true to my experience!

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AeroSouth, Sunfish Mainsheet Hanger Clip (Set of 3, White), SNF-MNS-HNG-CLP-W

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How the Most Popular Sailboat Ever Was Invented

The Sunfish taught millions of Americans to seize the breeze

Kate Wheeling

a group of one manned sailboats racing in the ocean

It's the platonic ideal of the sailboat, unmistakable in lakes and coastal waters across the country, with its colorful, equilateral triangle sail pulled taut in the summer breeze. It’s also the most popular sailboat ever made, with more than half a million built since the first launch in 1952.

The design of the Sunfish came from Cortlandt Heyniger and Alex Bryan, friends whose company, Alcort, was building a rescue paddleboard for the Red Cross. On a whim, Bryan added a simple sail to the wooden board to create a basic but elegant sailboat. As legend holds, his wife, Aileen Bryan—née Shields, a sailing scion and racing champion—tried sailing the craft and wanted a little more room to maneuver, as she was then pregnant. So Alcort’s first employee, Carl Meinert, designed a cockpit for the Sunfish, drawing the first mock-up in dust on the floor of Alcort’s woodshop in Waterbury, Connecticut. The first Sunfish was built in the early 1950s.

The first models were wood and measured just under 14 feet long. They sold for less than $200—roughly $2,200 in today’s dollars—and could be launched right from the beach without a dock, making the Sunfish an accessible and affordable fixture at vacation houses across the United States.

The Sunfish also opened up the world of sailboat racing to those who could not afford yachts and club memberships: 1963 saw the first North American championship for Sunfish racers, and the first Sunfish World Championship was held in the U.S. Virgin Islands in 1970. The boat’s simplicity meant winning was truly a testament to one’s skills; as one Sunfish dealer told the New York Times in 1970, “Racing one puts a lot on the man.” Or woman, adds Lee Parks, a two-time winner of the women’s North American national championship: “Unlike some other classes, the Sunfish class is male and female. It’s multigenerational. Anybody can sail them.” In 1977, Fortune magazine named the boat one of America’s 25 best-designed products. The Sunfish designers were inducted into the Sailing Hall of Fame in 2021.

Sunfish enthusiasts, whether casual sailors or serious racers, are known for their sportsmanship. According to Parks, “Every event you go to is like a family reunion.”

Cover image of the Smithsonian Magazine July/August 2023 issue

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Kate Wheeling | READ MORE

Kate Wheeling is a former staff writer at Pacific Standard .

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Sunfish Mainsheet w/ Shackle

Sunfish Mainsheet w/ Shackle

Sunfish Sail Rings

Sunfish Sail Rings

Sunfish Racing Main Halyard

Sunfish Racing Main Halyard

Sunfish Bridle 3 Loop (Wire)

Sunfish Bridle 3 Loop (Wire)

Sunfish Bridle 2 Loop (Dyneema)

Sunfish Bridle 2 Loop (Dyneema)

Sunfish Mast Top Cap

Sunfish Mast Top Cap

Sunfish Boom Cap

Sunfish Boom Cap

Sunfish Bridle 2 Loop (Wire)

Sunfish Bridle 2 Loop (Wire)

Omniflex Tiller Joint Universal w/ Rope Core

Omniflex Tiller Joint Universal w/ Rope Core

Sunfish Upper Boom

Sunfish Upper Boom

Tiller Saddle

Tiller Saddle

Drain Plug (Allen)

Drain Plug (Allen)

Sunfish Line Kit

Sunfish Line Kit *Standard*

Sunfish Boom Block

Sunfish Boom Block

Sunfish Bow Handle

Sunfish Bow Handle

Sunfish Halyard Line

Pre-Cut Line: Sunfish Halyard (25 Ft)

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Since the 1950s, there has been no better way to play on the water than in a Sunfish. Find out why we're the go to source for dinghy sailing parts and enjoy FREE SHIPPING on qualifying orders . Our staff of Sunfish and dinghy sailing experts is on hand to answer questions about rigging a Sunfish and provide tips. Let us help you get ready to own the water in your Sunfish!

Click here for Sunfish Reference Photos

Click here for Sunfish Rigging Guide

Click here for Sunfish Parts Locator

**Product Availability - Please Read**

Due to changes in the supply chain for new Sunfish and related parts, many one design Sunfish components are currently unavailable. Products we have in stock or are able to source will be listed on this page. Other products that are unavailable may be listed elsewhere on our website for reference. Our team is working hard to find new sources for Sunfish parts and will add those to our catalog as they become available. While our selection may be limited compared to previous seasons, we remain committed to serving Sunfish sailors and will continue to offer as many of the parts, rigging, sails, and accessories you need to keep your Sunfish at its best.

Sunfish Sails & Sail Rings Sunfish sails are recognized all over the world for their bright, fun colors. We stock an extensive selection of popular recreational sails in a variety of colorways plus the classic white racing sail for the hardcore Sunfish racing sailor. Don't forget to replace your sail rings when upgrading to a new sail, and add a set of tell tails for maximizing performance. 

Sunfish Hull & Deck Parts West Coast Sailing is your source for hull and deck fittings for your Sunfish sailboat. Check out our selection of bailers, drain plugs, hiking straps, inspection ports, bridles, gudgeons, bow handles, and more.

Sunfish Covers Protect your Sunfish with a proper Sunfish cover, blade bag, or spar bag. Our covers are waterproof and resist both mildew and UV. They fit snuggly on your boat to provide max protection. Use a blade bag to protect your rudder, tiller, and centerboard, or pick up a spar bag to safely store and transport your mast and booms.

Sunfish Sailboat Lines & Line Kits Sunfish sail boat ropes and lines including mainsheets, sunfish halyards, outhaul lines, sunfish bridles and more.

Sunfish Rudder & Tiller Parts Keep your Sunfish heading the right direction with our selection of Sunfish rudder, tiller, and centerboard replacements and spare parts. We stock sunfish rudder parts, sunfish tillers and tiller extensions, centerboards, sunfish rudder pins and spring posts, pivot bolts, and more.

Sunfish Dollies & Trailers Keep things easy on shore with a Sunfish beach dolly or trailer. We stock dollies and trailers from Dynamic Dollies and Racks, Right-On, and Trailex, all designed specifically for your Sunfish! Sunfish dollies ship via our standard free ground shipping and are easy to assemble. Trailers can be shipping anywhere in the US or picked up fully assembled from our warehouse here in Portland, Oregon.

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  1. How To Rig A Sunfish Sailboat Diagram

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  2. Sunfish Sailboat Rigging Diagram

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  4. How To Rig A Sunfish Sailboat Diagram

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  5. sunfish rigging knots

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    sunfish sailboat anatomy


  1. Get ready to Sunfish Sailboat Sail!

  2. Sunfish sailboat sailing

  3. Sunfish sailboat ⛵️ edit

  4. Anatomy of a Sailboat ⛵ Helping You Understand All the Sailing Terms & Lingo So You Can Go Sailing!

  5. Anatomy of a Sailboat: The Best Place on Deck to Make a Splash!

  6. Sunfish Sailboat Parts


  1. Rigging Guide & Owner's Manual

    Sunfish Sailboat Anatomy. 6. AA. Quick Start Rigging Guide. Step 1: Install the Bailer . All bailer parts are in bag 3 of your delivery kit. Fit the bailer cap into the loop . of the bailer plug and insert the plug. Hold the housing under the hull while you . screw in the cap from above the cockpit hole. The flat side of the housing and

  2. Sunfish (sailboat)

    Sunfish is a popular beach-launched sailing dinghy with a flat hull and a lateen sail. Learn about its origins, features, evolution, and worldwide recognition as the most sold fiberglass boat ever.

  3. PDF

    July 2010 -Rev-H Sunfish & Sailing- Guide- (J. Davidson- Cedar Lake) Page 2 of 19 Entire Boat Pivots Around Dagger board In Turns <16 inches> Sunfish- Anatomy Peak (Lateen Sail Rig- Egyptian) Gooseneck Leech Clew Tack Luff Jam Cleat Daggerboard Mast Boom Upper Spar Traveler Rudder Main Sheet Tiller Foot S T A R

  4. PDF A Rigging Guide for A Boat So Easy to Rig, It Barely Needs One

    Fit the bailer cap into the hole of the plug so that the plug stopper faces upward (Figure 8). Fold the rubber plug over the cap to close (Figure 9). 3. Locate the bailer housing and o-ring (Figure 10). Place the o-ring over the neck of the bailer and push it down completely (Figure 11).

  5. How to Rig a Sunfish: Step-by-Step Guide to Sail Away

    Process of Stepping the Mast, Which Involves Attaching the Mast to the Boat's Hull. Stepping the mast is a crucial step in rigging your Sunfish. Follow these steps carefully: Attach the Mast Step: The mast step is a metal fitting on the boat's deck near the bow. Insert the bottom end of the mast into the mast step.

  6. Just What is a Sunfish Sailboat? An Overview for Beginners

    Learn what a Sunfish sailboat is, how it works, and what accessories you might need. A Sunfish is a fun, affordable and simple boat for learning to sail in any condition.

  7. Sunfish

    Sunfish is a classic lateen-rigged monohull sailboat that was first built by AMF Corp. in 1952. Learn about its design, dimensions, rig and sails, auxiliary power, accommodations, and calculations for speed, stability, and comfort.

  8. Sailing the Sunfish

    Learn about the history, design, and versatility of the Sunfish sailboat, a simple and affordable craft that appeals to sailors of all levels. Discover how to master the skills, maintain the boat, and customize it to suit your preferences.

  9. Sunfish Sailing Tips and Tricks

    Sunfish Sailor, Lee Montes, shares many tips and tricks like how to sail better in lighter air, how to rig a sunfish sailboat on the water, how to properly t...

  10. Sunfish Sailboat Resources

    Sunfish Racing Main Halyard. $32.29. Sunfish Bridle 3 Loop (Wire) $31.44. Sunfish Bridle 2 Loop (Dyneema) $33.99. The Sunfish sailboat is a renowned single-handed dinghy known for its simplicity, versatility, and popularity worldwide. West Coast Sailing has all the resources you need to rig, find replacement parts, and enjoy sailing your Sunfish.

  11. Sunfish

    The sunfish sailboat began as a wood hull design and proceeded in a few years to fiberglass construction. Sunfish first appeared around 1952. The Sunfish sailboat is a one person sized sailboat, a beach launched sailing dinghy utilizing a pontoon type hull carrying a lateen sail mounted to a mast without any stays.

  12. Sunfish Sailing Boat: Techniques, Maintenance, Racing, Community

    Learn about the design, techniques, maintenance, racing, and community of the Sunfish sailing boat, a popular and versatile vessel for leisure sailing. Find out how to rig, sail, and compete with the Sunfish in various conditions and destinations.


    SUNFISH is a popular daggerboard sailboat with lateen rig, first built in 1952 by Alcort and later by AMF. Learn about its design, performance, builders, associations and forum topics.

  14. Sunfish

    Learn about the history, design, and features of the Sunfish, a popular and versatile dinghy that has been built in over 50 countries. Find out how to sail, paddle, and restore this classic boat with a lateen rig and a pontoon hull.

  15. PDF Replacing Foam Flotation Blocks 1960

    Sunfish Anatomy 101 The boat hull consists of: Hull Shell, Deck, Cockpit Tub, Daggerboard Trunk, Mast Tube, and five to six Styrofoam® blocks. The Mast Tube and Daggerboard Trunk are fiber-glassed to both the deck and the hull. The Cockpit Tub in most years is glassed to the Deck and in final assembly, cemented with resin to the Hull.

  16. Worldwide supplier of Sunfish boats, parts, & accessories

    Find everything you need for your Sunfish sailboat, from boats and sails to hardware and parts. Sunfish Direct offers customization options, fast shipping and a large selection of products for casual and racing sailors.

  17. How the Most Popular Sailboat Ever Was Invented

    The Sunfish is the most popular sailboat ever made, with more than half a million built since 1952. Learn how Alcort, a company founded by two friends, created the simple and affordable design ...

  18. Sunfish Sailboat Parts & Accessories

    Find Sunfish sailboat parts and accessories for your dinghy sailing needs. Shop sails, lines, covers, rudders, tillers, dollies, trailers, and more with free shipping on qualifying orders.

  19. Sunfish History

    Learn about the origins, evolution and popularity of the Sunfish sailboat, a classic design created by Alcort in 1951. Find out about the different manufacturers, models, rudder changes and class association of this iconic dinghy.

  20. Sunfish Sailboat: Cost, Best Models and More

    Learn about the Sunfish sailboat, a popular and affordable recreational sailing dinghy. Find out the average price range, the design features, and the best models of this iconic boat.

  21. The Sunfish Forum

    A Community of Sunfish Sailors discussing sailing, racing, rigging, and repairs. ILCA/LASER. ILCA & Laser Talk Laser For Sale Ads Laser Wanted Ads. ... Want to sell your Sunfish or similar sailboat? This is the place to do it! Please include as many details as possible to make it easier for the buyers! Threads 26 Messages 50. Threads 26 ...